Ruined King A League of Legends Story [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes] Gameplay Walkthrough No Comm

Ruined King A League of Legends Story [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes] Gameplay Walkthrough No Comm

Ruined King Una historia de League of Legends [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas] Guía de juego sin comentarios Ruined King Guía de juego [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Ruined King Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Ruined King, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Ruined King: A League of Legends Story es un videojuego de rol por turnos de 2021 publicado por Riot Forge. se lanzó el 16 de noviembre de 2021 para Microsoft Windows PC, PlayStation 4 y Playstation 5, Nintendo Switch y Xbox One y Xbox Series X/S. Ruined King Gameplay Walkthrough [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Ruined King Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Ruined King, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Ruined King Una historia de League of Legends [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas] Guía de juego sin comentarios Ruined King Guía de juego [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Ruined King Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Ruined King, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. en bilgewater los monstruos son reales cuando yo era niña mi madre fue asesinada por un cobarde de mala vida llamado pasarela me disparó y me dejó por muerto no hubo juicio en bilgewater él era la ley lo cacé maté a sus hombres vi pasarela mueren arrastrados por la marea ardiente pero todavía hay monstruos durante siglos el pueblo buru ha protegido estas islas de lo peor de ellos pero incluso ellos temen los ataques de las heroínas en forma de una niebla negra letal cortesía de nuestros vecinos no vivos en las islas de la sombra cada vez que las heroínas regresan más fuertes mientras el departamento se aleja ¿cuánto tiempo podemos confiar en las oraciones y la magia? mis monstruos son de carne y hueso no me asustan solo una cosa lo hace convertirse en uno de ellos es casi tranquilo desde aquí arriba si tan solo lo hiciera no lo sé mejor buenos días capitán su invitado ha llegado grafeno recuerde cuando podíamos simplemente tomar lo que queríamos ir a donde queríamos no teníamos ninguna preocupación en el mundo ahora míranos tomando citas intentando diplomacia w Bueno, al menos nuestra línea de diplomacia todavía involucra armas, eso puede ser cierto, pero cuando él era el rey del río, la pasarela solo usaba armas, si unía a las bandas con violencia, ¿la ciudad todavía pensaría en mí como un salvador ? pero no eres cruel, estoy orgulloso de ser tu primer oficial y el resto de la tripulación está orgulloso de llamarte nuestro capitán, las pandillas te seguirán, es solo cuestión de tiempo que no puedan seguirme si están muertos. espero poder hacerles cambiar de opinión antes de que todos sean aniquilados algunos perros no obedecerán hasta que les muestres bien el palo entonces no hagamos esperar más al capitán thorne pensé que mi odio moriría contigo estaba equivocado el capitán todavía lo tengo las balas en mi pecho matar a la pasarela no fue suficiente pero lo golpeaste todavía estás respirando y él está en pequeños pedazos por todo el fondo del océano esas balas son solo pequeños recordatorios desearía que no me recordaran tanto eh así que veo que has estado haciendo algunas remodelaciones, ¿qué puedo decir? ce necesitaba el toque de una mujer no creo que al dueño anterior le importaría adivinar que no vio cómo lo mataste a tiros junto con el resto del cónclave ¿estás aquí para parlamentar al capitán thorne o para criticar mi sentido de la decoración confío en que lo hayas hecho? consideré mi oferta ofrecí entregarte mis operaciones mi flota y todos mis hombres o de lo contrario la desgracia podrías haber matado a gangplank robado su elegante maná pero eso no te convierte en mi reina desde donde estoy parado parece que bilgewater todavía está en juego ahora ríndete niña sabes que odiaría arruinar esa cara bonita tanto por la diplomacia sabes raffin creo que estoy empezando a disfrutarlo vuelve consideraré esto como tu rendición formal el sindicato nunca seguirá tú me escuchas tirano moriré primero veo qué hay de ustedes muchachos su capitán habla por todos ustedes bien entonces capitán thorne diría que esta reunión se suspendió el resto de ustedes bienvenidos a mi tripulación demuestren su lealtad y lo harán ser recompensado traicionarme o incluso susurrar el nombre pasarela y te meteré en una caja con tu ex capitán entendido sí capitán otro reclutamiento exitoso menos algunos obstinados reticentes los sindicatos con nosotros ahora sus barcos sus armas pero ninguno de sus líderes aún no incluso si tengo que poner una bala en cada capitán desde los astilleros hasta los muelles de matanza les haré entender que el agua de sentina pertenece a sarah fortuna oh qué pasó corre déjame sarah salió de la nada no pude no hablar salva tu fuerza pensé que venceríamos a esas cosas en gris puerto podría ser otro angustioso no lo sé pero si lo es van a necesitar ayuda vamos a necesitar maui hermanos y hermanas ha surgido un nuevo enemigo en bilgewater la diosa naga boros me lo ha mostrado revélalo para nosotros, la verdad, es mejor que este destripador del puerto de sangre mate a los hombres en sus hogares y en las calles. Puedo sentir el miedo, el estancamiento que trae. Honremos a la madre serpiente restaurando el movimiento y expulsándolo . estoy listo eres tú si luchas con todo lo que tienes la madre serpiente puede nombrarte digno si no ella te quitará la vida me rindo a su voluntad indigno es fuerte sacerdotisa puede vivir tal vez si la diosa lo empuña ven nuestro enemigo espera estos las calles están llenas de movimiento médico prestado nos sonríe por qué abrazas a esta sacerdotisa extranjera los pelangi no respetan la tradición de la diosa o el toro hacen su propio camino luchan por vivir caminan entre ellos aprenden de ellos tal vez incluso se divierten tienen muchos deseos interesantes hermana te he visto complacerte con sus terroristas no te avergüences la próxima vez me uniré ahora sigamos los ritmos aquí los hombres adentro hablaron recientemente del asesino que buscamos esperaremos afuera no hay necesidad de que los pelangi nos apestan más Para mí, entonces, hombrecito , dime dónde puedo encontrar el puerto de sangre. ¿Quién está preguntando ? un despliegue de fuerza te hará cambiar de opinión, lo siento, trato de no meterme en peleas con mujeres extrañas en los bares, así que no eres digno o simplemente tienes miedo de ver esta espada, la he pasado a través de cientos de hombres más grandes que tú, ¿qué tal si te vas? en casa pensé que serías más fuerte es que todo lo que tienes estaba empezando a divertirme dime que nadie que yo conozca lo ha visto en realidad el rumor es que acecha en los callejones dicen que no está vivo no realmente no está vivo lo está desollado como un cadáver y sus ojos están vacíos como un cuerpo tirado en el mar una criatura atrapada entre la vida y la muerte y un frente a la diosa aquí como cosa de capitanes encuentra al capitán y el destripador no se quedará atrás dicen gracias, oye, quieres quedarte un rato. Nunca bebí con una sacerdotisa antes de que te rompas con demasiada facilidad escuchamos conmoción. Mi nuevo amigo palangi simplemente deseaba aprender la tradición putu. Busquemos en las madrigueras cercanas . pronto capitán será tachado de mi lista y yo no sentirás nada nunca más qué felicidad nunca te he visto antes en mi vida ya ni siquiera soy un capitán no he navegado en años por favor abominación enfrenta a la sacerdotisa kraken si te atreves a matarte sería divertido nadie abandonado crees que te estoy ofreciendo una opción ahora te enfrentas al tratamiento y a la madre setenta por favor llamo a la madre segundo stand próximo manual ahora enfrenta la prueba de la madre por separado no sobrevivirás a su juicio qué hiciste para mí esto no puede ser eres digno pero eres un monstruo diosa qué estás tratando de mostrarme la sombra ojos gran prueba verdad mejor diosa ayúdame a entender sacerdotisa estás adelante cómo escapó el ahogado la diosa lo favoreció yo sí no entiendo pero debes tu eres la verdad mejor la voluntad de la madre serpiente fluye a traves de ti tal vez necesites descansar no necesito tal cosa regresa a la aldea me reunire contigo pronto bienvenido belta busco guia habla niño dime que problemas te buscaba pagina agua de sentina de una gran amenaza un enemigo cuya sombra esparce miedo y estancamiento en las calles si asi es tu iglesia y lo haces bien pero esta sangre haba destripador lo probé y la diosa lo encontro digno furioso en verdad no tiene sentido el no es el hombre vivo y los no vivos son una vergüenza para nuestra diosa, ¿cómo es posible que pase su prueba? He trabajado tan duro para interpretar su voluntad, pero esto parece incorrecto. No debería dudar de la diosa , pero ahora me preocupo. He perdido mi camino. la voluntad fluye a través de todas las cosas solo cuando seguimos nuestro deseo el universo fluye hacia el destino ábrete a todas las posibilidades y deja que el camino se presente pero ¿he juzgado mal su voluntad si este monstruo es digno me he equivocado con los demás si di la la bendición de la diosa para aquellos que no lo merecían eso sería bendecido para mí tal vez debería renunciar a mi posición como verdad mejor hilari no entretendré esas tonterías que te he enseñado en los caminos de naga kab ul desde que eres un niño eres fuerte y la voluntad de la diosa fluye a través de ti confía en tu juicio pero qué pasa si me equivoco la visión vi la niebla negra consumiendo todo algo terrible se avecina y no puedo permitirme la incertidumbre el dios la diosa me envió un visión pero aún necesito más necesito su guía solo la diosa sabe lo que me espera el destino no me corresponde a mí instruirte debes encontrar tu propio camino lo que está en juego para bilgewater es demasiado alto necesito estar seguro en mi curso de acción todavía yo tienes tantas preguntas entonces hazlas es en la búsqueda de estas respuestas que solo tú encuentras la verdad donde otros no pueden pero también debes encontrar paciencia verdad mejor anciano yo sí paciencia reflexionaré sobre lo que ha pasado y espero que se presente un camino sacerdotisa santa hay algo debes ver que es todo un hombre este es eloi ella es nuestra campeona nuestra verdad mejor es un honor conocerte soy el baile de fin de curso del freljord has viajado lejos mis hombres dicen que te sacaron del agua me mostraron la gran amabilidad camina conmigo tengo curiosidad por saber más de tu historia la enfermedad ha llegado a freljord se ha cobrado la vida de muchos niños carnero realmente eres tú sí y mira he traído un amigo sé valiente lo cuido bien hasta que regrese descansaré ahora el baile de graduación encontraré una cura para esto tienes mi palabra de tu parte promete lo imposible tu corazón es puro pero la enfermedad se está extendiendo para brom nada es imposible el freljord es mi hogar estas personas son mi familia dime qué debo hacer cuando era un niño mi padre habló de un lugar llamado las islas benditas allí poseían agua que se decía que curaba cualquier enfermedad pero marrón ese lugar fue destruido por la niebla negra islas de la sombra ahora lo llaman peligroso incluso para ti que sabe si esa agua existe a veces la historia es solo una historia trump regresará con esta bendita agua entonces piensa en las historias que contarán eh uh luchaste contra la niebla negra ¿estás seguro que sí y felizmente lo haré de nuevo una vez que encuentre un boa más grande En la batalla con la niebla se perdió mi escudo, es muy valioso para mí. Haré lo que sea necesario para recuperarlo . Venimos con un mensaje del capitán Fortune. No estamos buscando pelea. Bueno, ¿cuál es el mensaje? Ella solicita un público ella dice bien ella dice que la niebla negra ha regresado lo que la niebla negra ha regresado gracias bram ella me estará esperando ven con nosotros sé la forma en que mi amigo parece que el destino nos ha unido esta no es tu pelea como verdad -portador, es mi deber hacer retroceder la niebla, pero tu llegada aquí no es una coincidencia , sé que tal vez sea la señal que estaba buscando al ayudarte a enfrentar la niebla, puedo aprender más sobre la cura que busco y pagar tu la amabilidad de la gente tu deseo es fuerte no te detendré déjanos ver qué sarah luchó contra tu nariz qué casa tan magnífica como un palacio pero lo que pasó aquí algo malvado pasó por este lugar puedes sentirlo estancamiento y podredumbre chloe ha pasado un tiempo yo estaba empezando a pensar que estabas evitando g yo he estado ocupado manteniendo la armonía entre el gurú y la gente de tu ciudad tal vez no puedas ver esto desde tan alto en tu trono tienes razones para estar enojado conmigo bilgewater ha cambiado desde que asumí el control no todo para mejor Admito que tal vez no me perdones por matar a la pasarela. Sé que ustedes dos tuvieron algo juntos una vez, pero ahora ese tiempo pasó. Espero que puedan ver por qué las cosas tenían que ir de la manera en que me hablaron. nosotros no soy ciego sarah sé que no me llamaste aquí para resolver nuestras diferencias sucedió algo terrible aquí alguien te atacó no alguien extrañó caminantes mataron a mis hombres la última vez que la ciudad fue invadida por la niebla negra pero este ataque vino por mí tú no parezcas sorprendido, la diosa me concedió una visión, la niebla negra se reunió en las islas sombrías, cada vez más poderosa, envolvió el mundo, una visión, no tengo tiempo para los acertijos de tu diosa, permíteme, los caminantes perdidos invadieron mi cabeza más segura. uarters eliminó a una docena de mis mejores hombres rapha casi muere no me subestimes permitiéndome haré cualquier cosa para asegurarme de que esto nunca vuelva a suceder de dos ha luchado contra la niebla lo siento quién es este soy yo el ron de la thrill yard strong and dumb eloy tienes un carnero tipo varado esta mañana la niebla negra lo atacó en el mar cerca de las islas de la sombra pero esto es diferente años atrás cuando detuvimos la angustia en puerto bray pensamos que lo habíamos eliminado pero ¿y si nosotros nos equivocamos, te llamas a ti mismo gobernante de bilgewater ahora, ¿por qué buscas mi ayuda ? que necesito tu ayuda, maldición , no puedo investigar puerto gris por mí mismo, necesito cuidar de los heridos y asegurar la ciudad, iré a greyhaba porque es mi deber jurado como portador de la verdad luchar contra la niebla negra y porque creo la diosa me ha puesto en este camino para no ayudarte en lo que sea r flota tu bote estoy agradecido de cualquier manera si tú o tu apuesto amigo aprenden algo sabes cómo encontrarme guapo qué joven enérgica ten cuidado sarah aún no ha decidido si bilgewater necesita un pacificador o un puño de hierro hasta ahora su justicia siempre apesta a pólvora y sangre rasgos tan interesantes investigaremos puerto gris si la niebla negra ha regresado la haré retroceder como lo hice antes qué estamos haciendo en puerto gris este lugar está maldito deberíamos estar aquí oído malik tiene una reunión con pasarela su cadáver se parece más a la fortuna pero su propio barco todos saben que probablemente lo empeoraremos a veces los muertos regresan de lo que está por venir, tienes lo que pedí, todo está aquí, pero ¿qué quieres con este viejo gato? No tienes idea de lo que estás mirando. Estos artefactos booru son las llaves del reino, sí. tienes suerte si sobrevivimos lo suficiente para ver lo que tienes planeado relájate mi trabajo está casi terminado cuando regrese tendré la niebla negra bajo mi control recuperaremos mi ciudad del capitán forks te lo habrías perdido ahora amigo de la diversión no necesitarás mantener eso cerca dile a tus hombres que se mantengan cerca no hagas nada estúpido y las nieblas del puerto gris no te pagarán ningún dinero oye si vas a volver allí necesitarás esto más que yo no más un tributo a la dama barbuda en caso de que birdswater me pertenezca vivo o muerto, ese es mi destino, pero si nunca más me siento en su trono, mi aliado será mejor que sostenga su extremo del parque para que esto sea bilgewater. Puedo ver por qué lo contrataste. un guardaespaldas no se parece en nada a ionia pero es tan colorido que puedes saborear la sal en el aire todo está cubierto de espuma de mar que no es espuma de mar cuida tus pasos cualquier asunto que tengas aquí espero que sea breve no te preocupes mi contacto ganó No será difícil encontrar tu contacto. ¿Quién es ese comerciante? Aprenderás más cuando llegue el momento . es cierto me gusta saber en lo que me estoy metiendo ademas no puedo protegerte cuando no me dices cosas simples como quien eres a donde vamos pareces nervioso estas huyendo de alguien eras bonita ansioso por dejar ionia cuando nos conocimos, ¿qué te parece esto cuando me digas quién eres? Podría decirte por qué dejé nuestra tierra natal. Tienes toda la información que necesitas, espadachines y pago por adelantado, pero si quieres podemos separarnos aquí. nombre al menos correcto vamos tú eres el comerciante que comercia con artefactos vastaya mantén la voz baja este es un negocio delicado estás buscando comprar si sabes sobre los artefactos vastaya debes ser un coleccionista escuché que vendes piedras solares de los vasani tribu, vamos, puedo, esos vestaia se extinguieron hace mucho tiempo, sus piedras solares son increíblemente raras, vendí una recientemente, sin embargo , quién fue el comprador, no puedo revelar el nombre, me temo que la confidencialidad del cliente, solo dígale que ahora es más fácil para los dos. no hay necesidad de violencia a su cliente no le importará si me dice al cliente que el hombre llamado malik por los ganchos dentados dijo que iba a puerto gris puerto gris es que cerca el lugar está maldito solo los locos van allí qué es un gancho dentado toda la tripulación de la pasarela son ellos ni siquiera tienes miedo de sarah fortuna no quieres cruzarlos y tampoco me dejo en paz estás buscando una reliquia antigua eso es algo que podrías haberme dicho lo aprendiste en el momento adecuado tal como dije que lo harías con estos Las calles son peligrosas por la noche. Deberíamos encontrar un lugar para dormir . Oh , quieres la tarifa por hora o dos habitaciones por la noche . es el único dinero que tenemos no es mi problema llévate tu moneda extranjera a otro lugar ¿estás seguro de echar otro vistazo una moneda tan rara eres demasiado generoso toma la habitación que quieras y una bebida para mi amigo por supuesto por supuesto que se diviertan ahora gracias eres un excelente guardaespaldas soy no estoy seguro de que necesites un guardaespaldas cuál fue ese truco que hiciste truco qué le hiciste al comerciante y al posadero no juegues conmigo por qué importa mi talento ayuda a conseguir lo que necesitamos pero soy un humano y tú eres un styre sabía que no sería capaz de ocultarlo mucho más conocí mi parte de estaria guerreros pluma diferida todo tipo pero nunca uno con tus talentos soy el último de mi tribu los vasani y yo no No paso mucho tiempo con los humanos desde que abordamos ese barco en Ionia Este es el tiempo más largo que he vivido entre los humanos en cien años Cien años es un bling para los de tu especie Bueno, se siente más tiempo cuando estás solo Mira, puedes estarlo una vestalia y tu magia pueden ser poderosas pero hice una promesa estoy aquí para ayudarte si hay algo que pueda hacer para mantenerte a salvo puedes contar conmigo pero tienes que decirme lo que está pasando puedo sentir un dolor detrás tus palabras algo que pesa en tu corazón necesitas este trabajo más de lo que pensaba es este otro de tus talentos uno de muchos mi nombre es yasuo puedes llamarme ari cien años se sienten más largos cuando estás solo eres más hermosa que cualquier flor por favor déjame mi magia no puedo controlarla no me importa soy lo que soy tuyo un monstruo soy perdiendo el control tengo que alimentarme pronto nunca debí haber viajado con yasuo ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que viví entre humanos sus emociones sus recuerdos si no me contengo los consumiré será más seguro si hago esto en mío además iba a dejarlo eventualmente los secretos que estoy buscando son solo para mí ella fue sola a puerto gris maldita sea dije algo mal si me voy ahora tal vez todavía pueda encontrarla puedo' No vuelva a fallar en esto. No puedo dejar que muera. Área sellada. Aléjese de la puerta. Soy una sacerdotisa del kraken. Voy a donde quiero sin el permiso de ningún hombre. las criaturas perdidas de pasar ahora se pierden tal vez deberíamos intentar un enfoque diferente no tenemos tiempo para esto abra su puerta o la derribaré, señora, es su funeral, abra la puerta, manténgase alejado , entonces, un enfoque más directo, no es exactamente lo que esperaba, pero efectivo , algo se avecina , vamos, oh , um , cuando sea cierto, los trabajadores perdidos están de hecho mirando de nuevo en puerto gris nuestra búsqueda no tomó mucho tiempo sí fue bastante corta y luchamos junto a un jónico también qué divertido de nada ahora hazte a un lado espadachín espera un momento tu emoción es bastante intrigante esas criaturas simplemente estaban en mi camino te diriges a la arcilla Harper, ¿tienes idea de a qué te enfrentas? No me importa. Tengo que encontrar a alguien. ¿Por qué no te unes a nosotros? Podemos buscar juntos a tu amigo. La niebla no se parece a ningún peligro al que te hayas enfrentado. no te llevará a ninguna parte, es de primera mano, casi lo mata, cuyo tambor brahm soy yo, ah, veo que braum ha luchado contra estas criaturas antes, sí, se acercaron a las islas de las sombras, me abrumaron, destruyeron mi bote, pronto regresaré para enfrentarlos nuevamente. es hora de que braum esté listo estas cosas le están dando problemas a un tipo grande como tú tal vez deberíamos permanecer juntos en ese caso te ayudaré por ahora ayúdanos y tu ayuda es muy bienvenida cómo te llamaremos yasuo así que esto es puerto de arcilla si tal niebla veo de donde saca su nombre este lugar se estanca estas sudando como un verdadero vasquez en el sol puedo sentir los espiritus aqui estan supurando no permitire tal cosa regresaremos el movimiento a este lugar la vida de los barbudos la dama nos mostrará el camino sí, por supuesto, señora barbuda, movimiento, ¿en qué te has metido ahora, hermano?, ¿qué pasó aquí?, la plaza de mi ciudad debería estar llena de sonidos de risas y la música del yunque del herrero, no siempre fue así, la heroína . sucede cada pocos años sin previo aviso nuestras segundas islas son invadidas la niebla negra de las islas de la sombra cruza el océano en una ola imparable desatando una horda de espíritus enloquecidos sobre todos los que se interponen en su camino grandes campeones de la oscuridad cabalgan contra el costas de aguas de sentina el último tormento que sufrimos echó raíces aquí en el puerto gris muchos se perdieron y luchamos con todo lo que teníamos para mantenernos firmes esa noche invoqué el poder de mi diosa nagaka boros y limpié a grey harper pero de alguna manera la niebla ha regresado y las sombras con él algo ha alterado el equilibrio hay un templo aquí puede darnos respuestas es amir es la niebla cada vez más cerca mira podrías relajarte alex dijo que el collar nos protegería exactamente y no veo a malik aquí afuera hacer oyes que algo se acaba de mudar ahí vamos déjame aquí los garfios dentados la antigua tripulación de la pasarela sean quienes sean es un milagro que hayan sobrevivido tanto tiempo no no es un milagro ven debemos investigar los garfios dentados la persona que busco Vine aquí para encontrarlos. Estos son hombres rudos. Tu amigo puede estar en peligro . no soy un cazarrecompensas, pero si has lastimado a la chica, te haré sufrir. tu chica puso algunos de mis mejores miembros en el suelo. No le agradó saber que mi jefe llevó su piedra solar a los pasillos de las sombras si quiere que la tomen. la niebla negra ese no es mi problema ella no tiene uno de estos elegantes collares para mantenerse a salvo espera esa cuchara alrededor de tu cuello donde la conseguiste sabes exactamente donde la conseguí no eres el portador de la verdad mátalo tu derrota será será tu mayor lección una pena, maldita sea, si este es el final, no me iré con las manos vacías, no seas tonto, ese collar es lo único que mantiene a raya a las sombras, entonces deberías comenzar a correr , hay una voz en el niebla llama de vuelta a las sombras contigo estás en mi camino um devuélveme tu espíritu facebook deberías correr deberíamos comenzar todavía buscando el templo se encuentra más adelante tal vez la mujer que estás buscando fue allí en busca de refugio maldita sea por qué lo hizo vete sin decirme que no abandonaré mi deber no otra vez sí somos fuertes r juntos procedamos al templo puru estas serpientes son como salsa sin gruñido visto gran dragón marino bajo el hielo muy grande muy enojado está oscuro aquí prefiero el sol en mi espalda baja tu voz exige respeto disculpas sacerdotisa un auge voz supongo que es parte de mi encanto esta no es mi primera vez dentro de este templo aguanta un poco más tenemos que hacer retroceder estas cosas chloe lo que sea que estés haciendo hazlo más rápido tengo algo menos genérico que decir lo aceptaré que como un no, no necesitarás más almas hoy, no mientras te veo oscuridad , se siente como si hubiera pasado una vida, pero esa noche hicimos retroceder la niebla o eso pensamos, chloe, ¿estás callada ? algo importante hay catacumbas debajo debo aprender más de lo que sucedió aquí luego abajo es a donde iremos el templo protege sus secretos de los extraños habrá pruebas que superar ¿estás seguro de que deseas continuar con nuestro poder combinado no hay desafío ge es demasiado grandioso sigamos con eso ambos son testarudos es muy entretenido verlo pruébalo con cuidado solo el clima eres bienvenido aquí trump puede ser sorprendentemente ligero de pies tal vez estemos condenados te atreves a poner un pie en mi templo este templo pertenece a la gran serpiente madre y no hay otra que salir o ser removida tu diosa abandono este lugar tu debiste haber hecho lo mismo ahora te pagare tus incidentes con terrible crueldad para que sientas mi poder proyectar pues siempre muéstrame el camino eh hasta la rana se queda sin aliento si admirable el viento se levanta listo soy yo uh si uh yo soy jesus tu honras a tu pueblo me humillo en tu presencia nos ha dado claridad pero no fue ella quien perturbo nuestro sueño fue un hombre mira y mira él por qué robaría del templo después de que el templo fue blanqueado nuestros espíritus apuñalaron a la falsa aprovechó la ventaja aprovechándose de nuestra confusión y atrayendo a muchos a su lado descansa ahora y hermana sí gracias a ti volveremos a la madre servan Es de corazón, pero dirija mi advertencia. Presenciamos un gran daño por venir . Confíe en la madre sirvienta. Solo ella puede hacer retroceder la niebla. ¿Quién es este hombre? Era un viejo amigo . él estaba muerto no esperaba encontrarlo aquí y si trajo de vuelta la oscuridad a graham se ha aliado con los ojos de la sombra temo que vengan días oscuros me parece que tenemos un interés compartido en las islas de la sombra qué es nuestro próximo paso sigue adelante necesito un momento para jugar aquí por qué luchas temo he traído una gran oscuridad sobre bridgewater por qué este hombre te trae tanta mirada una vez que lo amé vivió entre mi gente abrazó nuestra forma de vida eso fue hace muchos años cuando vi su barco quemar una parte de mí, el gurú lo encontró apenas con vida y me lo trajo, le rogó al gurú que lo ayudara a recuperar el agua de sentina, pero mi diosa cree que los mortales deben luchar por sus propios deseos, él era solo un sh triste el hombre que una vez conocí tan desesperado tan débil lo probé seguro de que fallaría pero la madre sirvienta la diosa lo encontró digno ella debe haber visto algo en él que yo no pude le di lo que quería lo envió en su camino para perseguir su destino eres un verdadero portador la madre guía a los sirvientes no te desvíes de tu camino y todo estará bien debo decirle a siete que la pasarela está viva pero por el bien de la paz en bilgewater ella no puede saber toda la verdad todavía no yo Espero estar tomando la decisión correcta . ¿Estás coleccionando hombres extraños ? otra vez perdimos tantos sarah ¿estás absolutamente seguro de que esto no es solo un ataque único hay más pasarela está viva y de alguna manera él está detrás de esto eso es imposible sabes que lo maté y hundí su barco yo soy yo soy una mujer ocupada no tengo tiempo para enumerar a historias de fantasmas sarah prohibiste su barco y tomaste su ciudad pero él se aferró a la vida no lo creo no puedo tú puedes y debes sarah robó las reliquias del templo abandonado de puru en puerto gris cómo sucedió esto cómo escapó no importa cómo sobrevivió debemos averiguar qué está planeando eso no es un misterio si está vivo está planeando derrocarme sean cuales sean sus intenciones hacia ti el peligro para bilgewater es mucho mayor sarah tuve una visión el A la diosa le gusta darte esos. Se acerca una heroína y la pasarela es la causa. Ha huido a las islas de las sombras y debemos seguir. No puedo creer esto . Pasé años planeando mi venganza. Limpié esta ciudad y eliminé todo el inmundicia que dejó después de todo eso ahora debo cazar al asesino de mi madre y matarlo de nuevo sarah me doy cuenta de que podría haber ido mejor me sorprende que no haya ido peor su odio por la pasarela es abrumador no puedo curar las heridas que dejó en su corazón, pero esperaba que el sc ars no sería tan fresco el pasado no se descarta tan fácilmente esa mujer matará a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino sarah desempeñará un papel en hacer retroceder la niebla he visto que esto se detiene si lo que dices es cierto si hay otro angustioso viene y la pasarela está detrás tengo que proteger el agua de sentina creo que juntos podemos detenerlo la diosa nos ha puesto en este camino correcto pero pase lo que pase la pasarela es mía y esta vez se quedará muerto ahora que estamos juntos es hora de que nosotros se enfrentará a la niebla negra en su origen las islas de la sombra ya es hora, pero no necesitaremos una nave que realmente no eres de por aquí podemos tomar una de las mías, pero vamos a necesitar una tripulación una muy buena idea tiene el baile de graduación se ahogó recientemente y no desea volver a ahogarse tengo muchos hombres pero necesitaremos un buen navegante y sin un artillero para manejar los cañones ni siquiera lograremos salir del puerto parece que tienes gente en mente, estarán escondidos en el distrito de la torre de vigilancia, como de costumbre , no debería ser demasiado difícil to find them i just hope they're not too far into their drinks the drink or two sweden's the journey i plan on drinking the whole way we'll share a toast to gangplank may he die as he lived brutally foreign good so so now you face the stand up straight and face me an unexpected joint no one messes with me so that's how we do it i'll keep my blades is i stay down looks like you fell into the wrong crew let's get back to it so so so we've been waiting for you captain fortune this your crew guess so as promised one magnificent ship that is a mighty vessel does it have a name i haven't gotten around to naming her yet she was recently acquired care to do the honors really oh but i couldn't broam is not so good at naming things come on first thing that comes to mind uh charming lady rom you lady killer excuse me the charming lady i like it all right people listen up this isn't a pleasure cruise so don't get too comfortable we've got a harrowing to stop i've got a washed up reaver king to kil l and remember from here on out it's captain fortune hi captain this is gonna be a long trip you have potential but you're a wild boy a tempest that must be tamed yes all remember all i have taught you master i never should have abandoned my posts yasuo what have you done have you no honor you're mistaken this wasn't me ii was only gone a short while you further disgrace yourself with these lies our master bears wounds only no a haunting melody don't let me stop you i prefer not to have an audience ah yes the lone swordsman a classic tale i was seeking some quiet allahi and the other speak highly of your skills are we still talking about my music we don't know each other yet but if you're as good as they say i could use a man like you a man like me sometimes my enemies need convincing that blade of yours would help certain negotiations i already work for someone right the missing girl whatever she's paying i promise my terms would be sweeter i swore i would protect her and i'll keep my word even if it leaves me poor as a beggar or dead you remind me of a saying i once heard fear the warrior who has been disgraced he will set pride before reason redemption before life it's ionian i know it don't talk to me about disgrace i was talking about redemption i don't care what you did or about your past my offer stands whether you find your girl or not but for the record i hope you do enjoy your solo wow your sailing improves you are still on board yes and the water is still outside the ship then what troubles you you worry for your people yes rome has vanquished many foes but what my people face now this sickness it cannot be stopped with fears and shield i admire your strength did you guess it is one of braum's most admirable qualities we respect those who take what they want strength is a tool that allows us to live in the moment and i suppose we are having a moment now yes one we could have below death yes broome would love to continue discussing the buru religion but wi th the sea the ship's rolling trek brom is afraid to take his eyes off the horizon oh dear you must forgive me when brom is sick it is a mighty storm an avalanche of go please excuse me man is strange i like it really i need to remind you to knock we have unfinished business yes that's why you're on my boat heading towards the most dangerous place in existence what more do you want from me sarah i can tell you ahead i'm hurt oh yes gangplank still lives sir this is obviously not great news to me but we're going to kill him properly this time and then i'll feel better i know his deeds were unforgivable but i want to make it clear that my priority is not gangplank's death it is to stop this harrowing but gangplank is causing this harrowing you saw it in a vision yourself sarah i am bound to the mother serpent she has plans for all of us she needs me to save bilgewater but she didn't give me specifics i must put the goddess first i don't know how that will affect our mission but we do not have the same goals i try to respect your beliefs and maybe your intentions are pure but he killed my mother ii know the goddess will send me another sign soon i am sure but until then what the hell above deck now captain there's an angry giant headed right for us race for impact all right let's blow off some steam so time to teach so space perhaps ready to be on still with twitch my time get used unforgivable keep fighting this mission will not end here not against this thing you the priestess from the darks you put the new voice in my head i tested you yes the mother serpent deemed you weather worthy and swallow everything you made them stop the voices so you're coming is no coincidence the blood harbor ripper my prey calls me that my name is pike you brought the blood harbor ripper onto my ship i'm starting to reconsider our arrangement sarah fortune i know your name you've killed a lot of good men i'd be doing the world a favor by gutting you right here sarah he is chosen well mak e better choices i have seen the truth in the deep blood in the water and on my list one name burns brightest what name dang blank the deep demands is blood the fool has made powerful enemies a whole ship full it seems i know a weapon when i see one that i can use so long as it doesn't gut me in my sleep what do you say your terms are acceptable for now this has been a very exciting voyage the pain the suffering delicious rice what are you doing this wasn't part of our plan gangplank you knew my nature when we made our alliance these souls strengthened my magic and besides this island is loyal to your enemy misfortune these fools abandoned you at your darkest hour now review your triumphant return well the crown is buried in bilgewater like you asked excellent even now it draws the black mist soon it will expand my reach to the city itself what of the artifacts i have them all here then let us return to my domain the ritual can finally begin all this water when this demon's done i hope there's still a city left for me to rule we've arrived the shadow isles are even more frightening up close the black mist will be strongest here goddess only knows what we shall face steal yourselves despite the dangers we must focus on finding gangplank no matter the cost one man can be killed as easily as another why the concern i already killed this man once what's this a seal a powerful one magic is kind of your thing right so this is no big deal magic do not tempt my anger sarah my knowledge flows through the goddess this ward is something else entirely a twisted power something we should get used to seeing i suppose i can try to break the barrier but it will take time time is one thing we don't have can't i shoot it if you'd care to try by all means a deep it calls to me the deep where from i assume he knows what he's doing my goddess found him wealthy this cold it's not normal i feel it even when we're around the fire wrong never feels the cold but here my bones rattle great wh at is it friend this cloak it was worn by the one who hired me one who disappeared and built water it smells like flowers how nice i was her guide her protector and i still owe her my duty i gave her my word words bonds they are all we have and this time i will keep it in this we have an understanding in the blade as well i see yours is too long clumsy the blade is never clumsy only the one wielding it corruptors but where show them to braum you defilers of the grove ah majestic tree creature there is a mistake we you go no further tarnish these lands no longer this tree is very loud i like that saplings shall rise where your corpses rot uh you shouldn't have come here food i'm excited nice too i have been waiting for this moment so hey i will punish their witness the universe okay yes perhaps items uh must be made pure they are poison i am suffering they are not the enemy ageless one sorry wow and why yasuo you've found me even here i see my choice was a wise one perhaps but was mine speak of the outsiders ari you know them to be friend i know one of them evastia that's who you were protecting she hired me as protection that obviously wasn't necessary why did you leave without telling me the truth the truth wasn't yours to know my search is mine alone i thought you were in danger you had my help but you chose to fight through grey harbor alone it is not wise for me to stay in one's company for long i could sense your potential it's why i sought you out and why i had to leave you hmm boy i hate to interrupt but we aren't here for touching reunions or awkward ones then why are you here if not to disrupt the grove we're following someone his name is gangplank the one who disturbs the mists what does that mean gangplank is manipulating the black mist that's impossible do you truly believe it's impossible human i damn it i came to the shadow isles seeking gangplank as well he brought an artifact of my people here but when i arrived i learned that he serves a greater evi l thresh the master of the black mist it is worse than we feared thresh has a fortress here gangplank must be inside it wicked spirits deadly mist this was a great kingdom what happened here this grove was sacred an oasis of life surrounded by choking death the last bastion against encroaching shadow now it too shall succumb how could this happen show them ari before the ruination the blessed isles were a land of beauty and wonder surrounded by a magic white mist the islands were hidden for many ages maokai roamed freely as old as the islands himself he plunged his roots into a blessed spring deep below the land growing many saplings with their powerful waters the land was blanketed by trees emerald tops as far as the eye could see the blessed waters nourished all then the humans came at first they thrived though maokai was wary for many years the humans lived peacefully on the island some even communing with him and being shown the secret of the blessed waters many years later the sol diers came maokai sensed something was terribly wrong they sought the waters of life having heard rumors of their healing powers and finally the nation fueled by greed and pain these soldiers and their king unleashed a black mist on the island in an instant a massive explosion rolled over the island and the black mist devoured everything maokai absorbed what blessed water he could but was forced to act fought off the shadows seeking refuge but now the shadow isles are all that remain and maokai holds on to what little hope he can fighting to push back the mist you are a protector i was with free reign to roam the island now the mist creates walls impassable barriers thus even i cannot penetrate your power is immense do you hold back the one you seek dang plank he stirs the mist it appears more dangerous even more nightmarish it moves where it should not that doesn't answer my question i am held back deep one my roots which once drank of the blessed waters beneath the shadow isle now su rface the black mist it has invaded the vaults below blessed water guardian friend might prom find some in these vaults no the wells have run dry what blessed water remains now courses through my leaf and root ah you are certain prom swore an oath to return to his village with a cure brum never tells a lie what water remains in the vaults will surely be tainted the black mist will see to this with the help of his friends prom can find a way to cleanse it we must try that is if any water exists at all tainted or otherwise should i discover any and you still live i will share it vastaya you head to the vaults why i am in search of something some information you could have told me that before if you must know i seek knowledge about my ancestors my tribe the vasani wouldn't they be back in ionia i have never met them but long ago before the ruination the vasani came here we are going to the vaults as well we must free maokai's roots and clear the path forward if we hope to catch gangplank ah how convenient allow me to keep my word we're coming with you yasuo you've seen my powers but you haven't seen everything i can do i've had mortal allies friends before being close to them i hurt them if i learn about my tribe i will learn more about myself and my magic until then it's safer for you if i travel alone our meeting again was not chance there is a reason we are coming with you all right until we have each achieved our goals when that time comes we walk new roads alone then it is agreed you are here to cleanse rather than corrupt tread lightly small ones what could you hope to learn about yourself in a place like this the less you know about me the better off you are swordsman is it possible to know less than i do if we're being honest yasuo the rest of us know a lot less than you i am the last of my kind there is no record of another vasani the only clues i have led me here to the shadow isles alone kids these days i am older than all of you combined okay still we need trust to work together even if it's brief especially if we're fending off certain deaths these sunstones i've carried them my whole life never knowing why or where they came from a clue led me to bilgewater and a merchant there suggested gangplank recently bought a sunstone from him a merchant do not question me we will help each other and be done with it you don't trust her do you she is older than all of us combined no i don't trust her i do sense conflict in her but i am not fearful we shall keep our heads up regardless this is one of the blessed isle vaults they heard of their beauty and legacies seeing them in this state is disheartening that one remains intact at all is remarkable the ruination lived up to its name which begs the question can we get it open what a beautiful door i love beautiful doors okay there's always a way in let's look around these markings there is something familiar about them can you decipher their meaning there are so many memories in my mind so many liv es i can feel something reaching to me spirits did they speak to you no the stones are resonating with a memory i can't picture it but i can feel it maybe there really are answers here this vault is rife with the stench of black mist death runs deep here for maokai it is death we must repel at any cost a temporary reprieve all will eventually drown choking on the waters of life now he's a philosopher he is worthy welcome gangplank to my inner sanctum look upon your prize is that it the ancient king's sword it is the blade of the ruined king within it sleeps his spirit with the bureau artifacts you delivered from bilgewater he shall extract the king's soul but to trap him to bend his dark strength to your service you will need the amulet i gave you i carried with me always the king is a creature of the black mist the amulet can absorb the mist but its strength is equal only to the bearer's will when the time comes your mortal will must defeat the kings only then will his magic submit to your control a battle of the wills you seem worried never fear this king and i are from an older time i know some of his secrets if his heart still rages after all these centuries i will break his spirit you won't have to do that my will to rule bilgewater is unstoppable almost as unstoppable as misfortunes greater than hers you cannot know what sleeps in the heart of your enemy you must guard this amulet with your life for now the king must build his strength let us awaken him and see what a thousand years of slumber does to a man's soul of ruin i am fresh i have proclaimed you from the darkness the world is cold my queen where is my queen your slumber has weakened you we will search for her when your strength has returned where is she your beloved deserves to see you in all your royal might with all your powers restored yes ii am her king she waits for me so that is the man whose will i must break he seeks his queen but she is long dead his love for her is merely a means to control him of course he will submit to me take time to enjoy the estate such as it is we will try again soon finally the pieces are in play gangplank the amulet and they came gangplank will provide a suitable mortal host the amulet will break him eventually the strongest cannot resist the mist forever and when gangplank's spirit breaks all the souls in the world the markings on it are reacting to my sunstones is this the work of the vasani i've carried these stones with me since i was a new one they've been my only connection to the past they seem like the key searching for a lock they've been with me this entire time they're not just artifacts my ancestors the vasani they were somehow tied to the blessed valleys in ways i still don't understand the keys to your past grand insight into your future let us see what destiny has in store his roots the mist more than just the black mist then we must eliminate it lure it do not out that would be necessary i'm ready is huh time to teach a little hel p huh i am this is not yet my time i thought i could not fail i'll always remember okay my hunger is something feels wrong anyone else getting tired of surprise attacks our resolve is strong we have repelled the shadows the mist it retreats from the roots this vault is cleansed what of the blessed water while maokai's roots appear to be healed the blessed water here has long been dried out do not fear brahm we will find a cure for your people i'm sure of it for now we should return to maokai hopefully this will be enough to clear the way forward little ones my root once again takes hold and my energy begins to replenish if slowly i am in your debt your leaves are already greener a welcome sight oh this ordeal has taken much of my strength to fully restore the grove to breach the walls of mist it will take time time we don't have any we need to keep going i can offer no alternative the buru have battled back the mist for thousands of years there must be something my people can do that i can do yes the guru before the ruination the monks of the blessed isles would travel to the serpentise to make contact with your ancestors i thought those but rumors myths if you doubt me search the coast along the serpentise there is a temple below the sea where the buru taught some from the blessed isles to commune with your mother serpent impossible if such word has not been passed down in peru legend how can i find i will find it ripa i have seen things in the deep then you know of this place get me close the undertow will call to me take this seed grant it the mother serpent's blessing it full of life i can restore the grove and crush the mist that stands in your way we've been sailing around in circles hey silent type please tell me you sense something that's very typical you tempt with me fortune you're lucky to be here with us that allah will let you keep breathing or keep not breathing you'll encounter the wrong captain one day ripper many say you are the wrong captain what i damn it i had a great line ready the fish man must sense something he is much better swimmer than rob maybe he can teach uh didn't you swim all the way to bilgewater yes but prom is glad no one was watching there's a problem you sound a lot less confident than you did a few minutes ago what have you found the temple is below but its power has drawn things from the depths what kind of things masses of tentacles and eyes scales sharp like blades creatures of teeth and gills the ancient sea's finest so talk to them tell them to get lost i can get past captain you however are simply a convenient meal we aren't getting past them if we cannot fight our way through we must create other solutions i must speak to the puru elder so just like that we head back to bilgewater unless you would care to go for a swim turn the boat around my child you return your arrival was preceded only by your palpable unease i must ask a great favor of our people you are a truth bearer you will hear what you have to say i have discovered a piece of our history an ancient temple it was built in collaboration with the blessed isles locked deep beneath the sea so the myths were true myths why is this not common knowledge after the ruination it was not considered wise to speak openly of the temple's existence a matter for another time the way forward is blocked by rulers of the sea too lethal to fight i need serpent callers the seventh colors are bilgewater's last defense you cannot call upon them lightly before you receive a vision from the goddess as she sent you another she she has not i prayed for another sign but the goddess has been silent so this grave request is simply your own judgment then yes i know that it is a risk the serpent callers protect us from heroines they are not to be trifled with but if i succeed in my mission we can stop a harrowing before it even happens i wish i wish the goddess would send me another vision showing me the right thing to do but she is silent so my request for the second callers yes it is my own judgment as truth bearer you have made up your mind and so shall it be i will send home callers to the shore the mother serpent guides me i will trust in her as we trust in you allowing lesson learned scare off sea monsters with even more massive sea monsters that one was a juvenile all right if you're done showing off the entrance is below the light in the dark water and what are the depth shall you teach us to hold our breath i could drag you overboard one at a time and continue with those who live there is another way what fun we do not have creatures like that in the freljord that was certainly effective yet horrifying this place we walk the path of my people's history here yes there was more to the myths after all but we've got a job to take care of yes the seed i feel the presence of the mother serpent here her power will allow us to cleanse it then let's get moving some kind of scripture here it's an ancient guru dialect how exciting can y ou read it give her some space brahm she's concentrating it seems that these people my ancestors and their allies from the blessed isles were in direct contact with naga kaporos there is a reference to a buru forge on the blessed isles everyone needs a good forge in the freljord we have many how could this have been kept from me i will need to confer with the elder but let us continue surely there are more secrets to unravel as well as the pressing issue of the seed that's all you had um needed that hello oh so this temple it shares details of the vaults we've explored on the shadow isles the blessed isles reach goes far beyond what i imagined and i thought all booroo temples were the same less stone squids here i like it squids you are referring to the image of nanka boros show proper respect you want me to say a prayer i do not think it would help you you may be right her spirit is that of a thunderstorm i'm not sure if i admire it or fear it she is one of the few who can save bilgew ater and doing so is in her blood she is important perhaps we should have just stolen our boat i would fear for the man or woman foolish enough to steal from sarah fortune while she still lives as gangplank must the power of nagakaporos resonates in this temple the seed here we can bring it life anew what what is that i sense something pulls the seed down a cold mist clear your arms the enemy approaches okay mr help with fast refreshing right oh what's up ouch no not now i need to control myself no i can't sorry sorry can you hear me the corruption from the seed it triggered something in me i lost control lost control should we be worried i this is why i am better off alone enough of that you've shaken it off you're fine and it seems our mission has been a success seed radiates with life such an aura it has been blessed by the mother serpent herself perhaps this was a test of what or whom i am unsettling we must move with haste before the mist overtakes maokai this blade a monarch's bl ade still sharp after all this time he was a mighty ruler who commanded vast armies just like you will when the mist is yours let us see how his strength has grown awaken mighty king ii remember you but wait where's my queen this again my lord you're building your strength we will find her soon he's not getting any stronger it'll be easier to take his magic than you said who speaks to me in such a tone i'm gangplank reaver king of bilgewater your kingdom is dead but mine still waits for me your magic will serve my destiny do not tempt my wrath with such lies present what is that amulet around your neck come carl we will find your queen soon do not try to calm me wretch my destiny cannot be denied i will find her he's not getting stronger he's fixated on that queen of this peace gangplank that obsession is his strength you of all people know the power that comes from following your destiny yes but his destiny is already broken mine still lives ah gangplank the king's destiny is far from broken when he senses his queen he speaks the truth bringing ruination in his wake ah brah the knock alone should have told me may i come in have you changed your mind about our moment i admit your timing is odd ah the priestess i know well then speak this journey has been difficult for prom yes but for others too you will love it rome can see that you are like a snow lion without its snow something is a miss you have a sharp eye brown indeed this mission has been difficult for me when we left bilgewater i hoped that my path was blessed by the corneas but now i am not so sure with pike the goddess commanded me to go against teachings but lately i have also challenged buru tradition alone i hoped that she would bless my decision about the separate colors but the goddess was silent you made the right choice did i there are some things i have not shared things that make me question the goddess entirely i am about to tell you a grave secret you must swear to never reveal it trump swears t he secret you call grave must be precious indeed i knew gangplank was alive after sarah tried to kill him gangplank came to me i saved him because the goddess judged him worthy but now he has failed to walk that worthy path and you kept the secret from sarah the goddess commanded me to help him if i told sarah she would have killed him in his sickbed but perhaps i never had the goddess rightly at all perhaps gangplank deserved to die and i am a fraud vrom has a theory your goddess is testing you just as you tested gangplank to what end if i fail her test then all of bilge water will fall then you will pass and we will help you any test of illaoi is a test of prom too soon you will find the right time to tell sarah the truth can tell you think she deserves to know but for that reason you have my shield good night hilari you could stay another time perhaps a great battle with fresh is approaching and i feel i should be alone with my thoughts you are strong brown in ways many men are not as the dawn darkens champions gather who speaks declare yourself missed walker many centuries have passed since i had an aim on the shallow isles we lose almost everything but not all fully turned to the mist for now you may simply call me nekrit well spoken for a creature of nightmares forgive our scepticism the grip of shadow is tight a few saints souls inevitably trickle through we do what we can to avoid the pull into madness this one certainly feels different there is a calm to his soul at the center of his torment i would expect no less insight from avastaya you know them you've met my people they would visit us before their ruination did did you meet them what were they like did you see them use their magic why were they here that i cannot say those who came did so deliberately only speaking with a select few that's all forgive me i'd hoped for so much more hey we're glossing over the fact that we're apparently a lying with a mist walker are we suddenly okay with this we have a common enemy his actions created the nightmarish limbo i exist in and he is coming for you gangplank thresh one of those scum suckers we've heard of them no they're ruined keem that doesn't sound good it decent before he became the ruined king he was viego a powerful magic user ruling over an unforgotten empire i was his advisor diego was a man of passion beloved by his subjects above all else he loved his queen he sold she was everything to him but diego's kingdom was built by conquest his enemies were a legion and ultimately proved more cunning than he thought diego managed to escape the assassin's plane but isil was not as lucky she was attacked and poisoned with a tainted weapon diego ordered his warriors to scour the world seeking a cure ultimately they came upon the blessed isles having heard rumors of healing properties in the island's waters while his army surged diego locked himself away with his queen in time she passed and he went mad with grief he ordered violent suppressio ns of rebellions amongst his people clinging to isil's body and refusing to leave her chamber the king's generals returned claiming a cure was found he set out for the blessed isles while villages burned in his homeland viego confronted the inhabitants of the blessed eyes they refused to grant him the waters of life all but one a conniving scholar with a black heart the man who would become thresh thrashed that vehicle to the blessed waters deep below the island he lowered his soul's body into the waters under heavy properties caused through her the lantern wielding red to watch with cruel pleasure as he said returned a horrible shadow of her former self as vehicle stayed crossing with grief and terror the creature had hide the two of them sank into the depths dark shadow escaping from their bodies as they were embellished by the waters the pain and shadow tore through the island corrupting the blessed waters and turning them into blackness the ego was consumed by the mist along with h is queen unleashing the ruined nation the ruined king has been dormant for ages now thresh six artifacts of power that will pull him from the mist make him whole once more gangplank what a fool he has no idea what power he's playing with you must stop the ritual if the ruined king manifests he will unleash the mist across every continent a heroine to consume the world ravaging all life in its wake are there more like you who might aid us there is a gathering at the shoreline where you enter the island we watched your arrival with interest spite on us you mean we had to know your chance of survival and to know your intentions i hope you got a good look so you know what happens to shadows that cross us save your threads for thresh stop the ritual then find me at the landing and you'll see that our purpose is aligned you found what you seek the life force was palpable the moment you set foot on the island yes it was astonishing to see what our people accomplished together ancient history now cause a path forward through a grim future plants the seed that we might reveal hope i thought he couldn't do that when we first met him that makes two of us my power returned another blow against our enemy but each step brings you closer to danger choose your path carefully i fear the path may not be ours to choose well let's pick one and keep moving before you go a gift of thanks brom hero of the freljord you traveled here for a cure that would save your homeland and found none yet you stay and fight to save mine of course that is what it means to be a hero in all my years i have never met a heart so pure if this is a virtue of your people then they must be saved these are leaves i loved him in old times when there was peace and men were welcome here they sought these leaves and i gave them freely from them they made elixirs and potions to cure sickness to cure those leaves are a part of me you see and within me flows the last of the blessed water you sought it is my life's blood the last hope of restoring this land and it seems yours as well trump does not know what to say promise the only one cry we're all crying on the inside go now find victory and know that you will always be welcome visitors in maokai's grove this is thresh's mighty fortress i have seen bigger in the freljord the mist here is troubled full of anger we're angrier i gotta agree with pike no ancient spirit can stand between me and gangplank let's show this thresh that no one crosses bilgewater i want that down the truth is never done top of the fuchsia all these trapped spirits you feel pity for them no it's grief they remind me of someone the person i'm thinking of is a fighter but his spirit did not rest easy after death you encountered this spirit yes i can't stop fighting him even after he's died seeing these cages makes me wonder is he trapped or am i you'll have to meet him and find out i think i joined up with you so i wouldn't have to he called me a peasant this pampered king doesn' t know how things work in build water the blood i've spilt everything i've lost he has no idea i have earned my throne too what waking up from your snooze i see you now gangplank you are a man of destiny release me from this sword we can seek our destiny together my queen and your kingdom i'm no fool i'll summon you when the time is right when that demon trash tells you to that amulet you carry put aside such tricks let us rule as one with my queen by our side your queen is dead through this amulet you will serve me did thresh tell you that i don't need to argue with some long dead king i have my triumphant return to plan waiting my queen this fool cannot stand between us i shall crush his soul like an egg beneath my boot and return to you so so so so so so so so wait these markings are like the ones i found in the blessed vault your people made them yes the vasani my ancestors these artifacts belong to them it's a strange feeling to see the traces they left behind this is the closest i've ever been to them it feels like the closest i've ever been to anyone that's not true we're here i believed yourself the only one yes through countless centuries though that seemed impossible but what is that demon thrash doing with their artifacts have you found something i am unsure what is it it's another sunstone a vessel this must be the one gangplank brought here for thrash but this one seems dim as if it's been drained yet still i can hear something something from within voices and feelings memories that feel familiar if these are my ancestors memories why can't i see them clearly they call to me but they feel foreign is there something wrong with me if your people truly held secrets it is no surprise that thresh would be trying to steal them i'll never know what secrets this sunstone held but at least i can keep it with me perhaps it will be useful later for now though there are more pressing matters an interesting discovery perhaps this will connect you to your ancestors n o one should be alone i hope that is true precious chamber impressive how can you tell i mean look at the door it has villainous bastard written all over it i see aren't you gonna offer to tear it down yes promise tired of asking and waiting after you my friends well done are we interrupting please say yes you are too late my plan is already in motion it's so delicious when mortals put up a fight as your hope slowly drains away it will make your suffering so much sweeter it is you who is going to suffer you cannot defeat us dead or alive it doesn't matter i simply needed time time to summon this world's new king you are nothing hey what's this one let's enjoy this hear the screams ah hmm um just for you not yet my time i've been waiting for this your scheming is at an end torture my my scheming oh no my victory is already at hand the new ruination will come to bilgewater it will cover the world and then i will return all the souls in the world shall be mine thank the goddess he's gone yeah spirits don't usually return after i put that much lead into them i said a ruination would cover the world what has he done it's gangplank we have unfinished business with that bucket of build slop we must press ahead hey the magic here is poisonous makes me want to flee i feel it too a great unhealed scar but you can heal it yes we can try fresh has fallen that demon couldn't hold up his end of the bargain but i don't need him or his secret my will to rule bilgewater is greater than any musty romance wait don't release him gangplank you're a dead man it looks like my audience has your new arrived is here fortune i've had enough of your schemes thresh it's time to take what i'm owed yes i can feel your desire your fury now release me stop do you seek to trap me in this bauble i am no weakened shade i will be contained no longer you cannot keep my love from me my passion will burn this world until she is once again at my side serve your king rich wow built water kill you three what 's up the deep revenge wow what do you desire shall we helped me uh we got him we got him looks like he's still breathing finally after all this time it's over but no not here in the mist and the mud where no one knows you're gone a proper trial and execution back in bilgewater if i put this tyrant to the sword in front of the whole city the syndicate will never challenge me again for just punishment now is not the time to plan gangplank's execution center the ruined king has escaped thresh said the king would roam across the world leaving destruction in his wake the city is in danger we must leave now what's this you are my queen you need to act like one with this relics you will never die i know what is best for us sorry what's wrong through this this nest i sensed the ruined king's memories i could feel his his rage this hurt his twisted love he's ashamed of the truth it's old his wife at the end she was afraid of him but he won't stop shouting about how much she needs him it's a li e he's telling to himself a secret he keeps imprisoned in a forgotten corner of his heart we don't have time to solve some misty king's emotional problems let's get back to the ship and throw gangplank into the brick everyone aboard anyone got eyes on the king he's hard to miss there's a huge black cloud on the horizon between us and bilgewater if thresh was right about one thing it's that time is our biggest enemy now we must hurry to bilgewater anyone have any bright ideas maybe i could channel the wind bring it to our aid as i have before i could support you feed you energy if for a time removing your body's natural limits it is not something i have done before but i believe it possible sounds crazy must be why i like it let's get the party started while you speed us across the sea to our enemy i shall speak to the foe nearer at hand good luck with that gangplank was spouting all kinds of nonsense when i locked him up now we come to gloat have ye you tried to trade your soul for pow er but now look at you sarah fortune will execute you when you return to bilgewater well i said i'd do anything to get bilgewater back so that's what i did anything it was a it was a bad bet i admit fresh promised me the black mist he said i could stop the heroines or turn the mist against my enemies all i had to do was defeat the ruined king in a battle of wheels but i lost you may have doomed us all with your bad bet i should invite you around to keep me straight i suppose you cannot be serious whatever we had together gangplank it is over you know the puruways mortals must change and grow to satisfy our goddess but you never change you and sarah are both trapped in the same prison this fight over bilgewater will kill you both and drag the rest of us down with you i've been trying to change after fortune attacked me i abandoned my pride when they pulled me from the water and brought me to you i wanted to be judged i wanted to know if there was something left in me that mattered when i was staring death in the face you were the first thing i thought of maybe the only thing you have been in my thoughts as well i cannot stop thinking what a fool i was to save a man who would ally himself with thresh i have questioned every moment since the mother serpent judged you worthy i thought the path she set me down was broken oh that i was redeem yourself you were closest to them to thresh to the ruined king help us you choose silence then i will gladly help fortune execute you no you're right i can do more to help this amulet thresh told me it has the power to absorb the black mist and trap the ruined king but your will's gonna be strong to make it work stronger than his what drives this ancient king why is his wheel so strong love he seeks his wife they perished young caught in the ruination but thresh knew a secret that would shatter the king's will he never shared it with me though i should have asked no need i think we have discovered it ari channels the king's memories his love for his wife wasn't always a pure and beautiful thing it seems the king hides the sour twisted parts of his love from even himself like another man i could mention does the amulet still work it doesn't shine as it did when you used it on the shadow isles when the ruined king attacked me it was uh corrupted but don't ask me how to fix it you've got to figure that out yourself in a battle of wheels you must know that i shall give this amulet to sarah fortune i figured you would her will is strong i thought you'd do anything to destroy her i would but bilgewater needs protection when i was with thresh i would have gladly ruled over a heap of bones but now by the goddess allowing someone's got to save that place i want to rule over a city with people in it and that amulet isn't safe to use it got me it might get her too which would save me a step if you manage to survive the punishment you've earned perhaps you are worthy after all you just tell fortune she won't be executing me i still have a few tricks left everyone on deck looks like we caught up to our king so this is what you fix this power it's terrifying everyone grab on to something we've got heavy winds i am getting tired of shipwrecks but at least this one was with friends everyone in one piece they don't take more than that to send me back to the deep even gangplank washed up alive no thanks to these chains they're not coming off murderer him back in the brig please i cannot stand here chatting the ruined king is getting away don't worry larry we'll repair the ship and get after him how can we catch up in time his power is immense if he reaches bilgewater it will be the end in the ship gangplank gave me this artifact it can absorb the ruined king but now shipwrecked failing this close to victory has the goddess forsaken us always stop it's no time for self-doubt my men will patch up the ship and we'll get back to bilgewater there's something strange here yasuo the wind here feels strange makes me une asy in what way i can't say as if it's whispering something trust your instinct it will guide you well my instincts tell me i don't want to be here do you not feel it something here calls from behind the past i think it's best if i take a moment to speak to him alone do you need some rest you've not had a moment since you used your abilities on the ship i'm fine i can sense great unease from you pain something about this place is making it worse when we met you asked me what i was running from i dodged the question but the truth is i've been running for a long time years ago i was falsely accused of killing my master yonei my brother hunted me down and when he found me i killed him i've heard the humans tell this story back in ionia all of ionia knows my story by now but everyone has their own version none of them make me look good in the real story yoni found some purpose in the spirit realm his spirit lives on and the pain i caused him it lives too yasuo i know what it's like to live with that regret once i had a human lover but i lost control i consumed his memories i thought i was a monster uncontrollable but on this journey with you i'm learning that isn't true the wind's howling calling me forward let's return to the group you get yourselves in order there's something here on the island i think we need to find it sorry no more running right well we've got time to kill let's look into this mystery wind uh [ __ ] you're quiet allowing wouldn't you normally have something to say about the motion of this place kraken gods and the like i am afraid there is not much left for me to say about the goddess i fear she has abandoned me maybe abandoned us all come on we've taken some hits but we're not done yet i'm not gonna stand by and let my city fall to some lovesick boy who would be king sarah what if it builds waters destiny to fall what if the goddess is testing us and has found us unworthy i don't care what your goddess thinks of me i'm not gonna let gods and monst ers decide what happens to my city we'll make our way even if i have to drag you there kicking and screaming now i see it and what's that why so many are willing to follow you perhaps you are right let us continue captain i definitely should not be here something is wrong it's not the current speaking to me it's my failings yasuo our power is forward movement you stand still rooted by fear you are unworthy of our power the wind serves me the wind pities you apathy and hesitation are its enemy who are you i am whoever you need me to be whoever you fear i am not again no brother you don't understand you're right i do not anyone know what's happening here this place must prey on fear the winds like loose threads of time okay anyone less philosophical yasuo's past has caught up to him again my cute yep steady sure so still with roar finish this as you once did no not this time i accept my mistakes and the mistakes of others and you step forward into your destiny you had to make the choice again yes i have faced my brother before and always given in to rage confusion followed by regret now you are calm well that was eventful let's head back to the ship the crew should be finished patching her up i am glad you are able to confront your past turns out i'm in your debt if not for this journey i'd still be lost alone we have come a long way but the fight against the ruined king has just begun regardless of what happens i won't leave until you've found what you're looking for i gave my word with bione i've had a lifetime of regret dragging behind me you several lifetimes i've learned the importance of moving forward question is how do we accomplish that without sacrificing the greater mission i thought i needed to know my past to know myself but that seems so unimportant now all i know for certain is that we cannot allow bilgewater to share the same fate as the blessed isles together i believe we can stop it yes together looks like the ship is ready if we sail fast and have n o more unexpected interruptions we should be able to beat the ruined king to bilgewater lead the way captain that's what i like to hear welcome back to bilgewater gangplank my bilgewater i bet this wasn't the homecoming you were dreaming of fortune i'm not the same man whose ship you sank all those years ago my pride is gone only my destiny remains if i have to arrive in chains so be it i still have friends in this city i'll be on the throne again soon you know what your problem is those old friends of yours most of them work for me now and they like it better that way oh fortune they don't respect a peacemaker everyone's just waiting for the right moment to stick a blade in your back lock him up raphael some cell where the tide leaks in and the sun can't reach i'll be seeing you fortuna sure you will at the execution you should let me go kill him now nobody will believe he's dead unless i do it in public myself but that will have to wait until after bilgewater survives the ruined king i will go to my people they may be able to help though you helped us before i failed to stop this heroine an ancient king has risen with a heart full of rage and you have come to make another request of me yes we have a powerful amulet that can contain the king but he has corrupted it i doubt we could repair it here in bilgewater our temples do not have the strength to purify an evil like that could i bring it to the buru capital i cannot permit that such an artifact could bring the king's rage down upon our people too it may be safer to evacuate bilgewater than to save it but elder i know of another place sacred to nada caporos when we were in the purification temple i learned about an ancient puru forge in the shadow isles what is this forge a place of power like that could purify the amulet you have not heard it because it is forbidden it was abandoned by our ancestors you granted me the help of the serpent callers but this forge is too much we have no records of its location that place is loathsome to naga cabros elder since i left bilgewater i have prayed for another vision but she has been silent her teachings my old assumptions everything is crowded and strange but i think the goddess wants me to challenge these things to go to forbidden places and dig up forgotten truths she is testing me and i will serve her by making difficult decisions and trusting my own judgment i will find this forge purify this amulet and trap the ruined king no ancient warning can stop me all right raffin do your men need anything else we're set captain the crews are distributing supplies this city has weathered a harrowing before we can do it again hillary welcome to the war room i have never been in one before what did your elders say will they help us cleanse the amulet they cannot what why there is no ritual site in bilgewater strong enough to do it we could use the puru forge instead but it is forbidden they will not tell me where it is the forge you read about it's on the shad ow isles how do we even find a place like that necrot he would know yes that old spirit would know every inch of his domain we should pay him another visit but this forbidden place how forbidden is forbidden i do not know nor do i care nagakoboros loves change and motion so we shall challenge this ancient warning bring some motion to a dusty forgotten place on a mission like this i am honored to have you all by my side let us prepare ourselves for another genuine then forge a weapon to defeat the ruined king fortune you live well i thought you didn't like captains leaders the whole concept the people of bilgewater you won't leave them to drown some would cut the rope let the weak sink to the bottom but i won't so what you're gonna take me off that list of yours i hope you're at the end there are many more deserving necks between the ruined king and you oh you want to kill me last that's sweet it isn't sweet but thank you pike you and i we've got more in common than i thought after this whole thing is over maybe we can make an arrangement i think not you're still captain fortune where is she my love is near i can feel her crying out to me she is waiting for me in beers water so you return and the ruin king has been unleashed he moves slowly toward bilgewater destroying all in his path we have vowed to save the city we have an amulet which can stop him but he has already corrupted it and dulled its magic there is a pure forge hidden somewhere on these eyes a place of power like that could purify the amulet ah yes the water forge if i recall it is hidden deep inside a nearby vault you will take a great interest in that boat harry me the visani made use of this particular vault you may find echoes of the ancestors you seek vasani's footsteps i will certainly try to follow them scholar we will be in your debt it is i who will be in debt i've longed for the day when champions gather to fight back the mist this is it can you get us in i had better chrome hopes this finally connects you with your people harry i have waited this long why rush seems like your ancestors were the industrious type there is something else some kind of strange stagnation is it the black mist no something else the vault's power source seems to have failed the pylons have gone dark as well let's get these lights back on another vasani memory they're channeling something into the golems the vasani are drawing on their innate abilities they're channeling emotions do you think you'd be able to do the same i'm not sure but let's keep searching there is more for me to learn this device seems to manipulate energy flow so it'll restore the power one way to find out looks like the power's back it's incredible the blessed isles had so much at their disposal the tragedy of the ruination stole more from the world than we could ever know which is why we can't let it happen again let's continue what is it that powers these abominations i feel something familiar within them they're sunstones t he same as i carry but they seem to hold memories trapped memories the poor religion would consider such a lack of motion to be blasphemous perhaps this is why the elders never spoke of this place if asani came here to study the white mist and its effects on memory perhaps the forge helped them create the sunstones and power the golems an interesting use of their abilities though my own ancestors may have shunned such practice i will not be so hasty with my judgment this power perhaps it can aid us on our quest let us continue this memory i sense fear pain the rumination yes that is much unease here so many were lost and the survivors fled their work was left here unfinished but but it looks like they kept detailed records memories if i could transfer these to my sunstone i would know everything the answers you've been looking for if the vasani were transferring memories into the sun stones there must be a device capable of doing so nearby this is the main area of the facility that ped estal over there looks like it's still got a charge i sense the presence of nan kapooros the buru forge must be near yes the entire facility is powered by it this technology is far beyond what the vasani could have accomplished alone the blessed isles truly they were magnificent emphasis on were let's hurry so bilgewater doesn't suffer the same fate the black mist has corrupted much of what was here but i can use this device to transfer memories into the empty sunstone i recovered in thresh's library there is a wealth of vasani knowledge here the secrets of my people the connection with my past that i've been searching for all this time there are many things braum wishes he could remember ari what of the ruined king's memories would it be possible to put those into the sandstone yes but it would be at the cost of the vasani's research the last remaining memories of them yet with the ruined king's secrets in the sandstone we'd be able to tan them against him use his shame his regret as a weapon we've all seen the devastation that lovesick shade is capable of if we've got even the slightest chance of hitting him where it hurts we have to take it this isn't your choice to make fortune yasuo sarah is right we can't let this opportunity go to waste can you access the ruined king's memories yes i can feel them spiraling in my mind like some kind of infection his secrets i can isolate them all along i thought i was cursed i was ashamed of my true nature afraid of what i might be but now i see i simply misunderstood the vasani they saw the potential in our abilities a purpose the ruined king's memories his pain i can feel them in my mind his fear his pain i will make it our weapon sorry i can sense the power coming from the storm she's done it yes all that hate doubt and fear it's ours to use against the ruined king this golem protects the chamber and the wind rises i can't feel title huh us perhaps that was quite a battle magic and stone are no match for my blade let's get what we came for are you all right yes the memories overwhelmed me briefly because i see them asani my ancestors your past catches up to you too they're fading away and with them all of their knowledge everything they accomplished here but this is what you've been searching for don't let them fade away ari is there anything you can do i cannot i have to let these go sorry we have come so far together sorry where am i wait please don't leave me i'm alone forever now i made my choice you have never been alone and never will be your gesture is a heroic one my love i am so sorry for what i did who i am you are forgiven as we all should be if we are true to ourselves and sacrifice for others as you have done i thought my ancestors could teach me to live without causing human's name the past is gone now memories they will always be with you yours to cherish but they are less important than the future standing before you go and fight for the world thank you what was that did you find any ans wers to your questions all this time i thought i was broken incapable of living amongst others ashamed but traveling alongside you all i've managed to keep control i've learned about who i really am i thought if i could uncover my past i could find a way to deal with who i was turns out i already had everything i needed my ancestors their memories are gone but i can feel the power of their conviction they sought to help the world and so shall i i'm making new memories my own now on to the real reason we came here yes the puru forge i can feel the power of nagakaboros coming from just beyond this chamber let us proceed carefully so the energy i feel it is similar to that of the purification temple a well of power rising from deep below the sea another collaboration between the blessed isles and the ancient though it has long been struck from history once i'm sure the buddha were eager to come here to commune with naga boros but we are not here to pray if not to pray then what i have spe nt far too long waiting for a sign hoping to interpret the will of the mother second i am no longer waiting now i will call upon her directly we will see her how exciting she will see us when you face nagamoros all truths come tonight only the worthy will survive another test yes should we pass the light of the mother separate shall cleanse gangplank's amulet just as her light purified the seed in the purification temple and if we fail let us hope it does not come to that either way we will get what we deserve not the most favorable odds i will place the amulet our cause is just we cannot fail i am not alone you have embraced motion you will find your way forward with whoever this us ends i'll do something i haven't in many years i'll look forward rather than to the past i guess we've all learned something i am worth it we have hardly sacrifices but now i call upon the mother second bridge our sacrifices into redemption cleanse the black mist from this amulet perhaps you are tired want s me back fight me hey thanks the end is here priority that was a mistake for the wounded um not everyone oh watch the footwork i left so back to the people call of the storm oh not yet my time oh smile when's it you're back all right huh i think i singed my moustache the amulet is cleansed we did it allowy was that an avatar of the great kraken but the goddess she heard me and she granted my request to call upon her so directly it has long been considered against tradition but we have been found worthy for too long i thought this was my burden alone but now i see we carry it together we are the many tendrils of the serpent and we will push back the ruination that threatens bilgewater let us collect ourselves for a moment and then we go kick the ruined king's ass now you're speaking my language sarah a moment sorry eloi i'm gonna hold on to this necklace until the ruined king is put in his place but i suppose you could try it on after no that task is yours to bear alone your will is st rong but with all truths coming to light there is still something that weighs on my conscience so this is serious then gangplank i cannot help but feel he has set these terrible events into motion and for that i too am responsible we've covered this alawi you didn't know you thought he was dead at the bottom of the ocean no sarah after your battle with gangplank the buru pulled him from the wreckage they brought him to me i put him to the test of the goddess she found him worthy i had to do everything in my power to help him recover and set him on his path you did what keeping this from you it was wrong i am truly sorry you're sorry and you expect that to be enough until recently i took the word of the goddess to be absolute she found gangplank worthy and i was compelled to aid him in any way i could and now this journey has shown me that i can challenge my goddess with my own will my own desire she wants mortals to seek their own path while the goddess shows me many things i alone dec ide which path i take gangplank is a complicated man but i cannot defend his actions if he were to come to me now broken you do what's right you put him in the ground what's done is done yet we cannot deny that he has proven useful with the amulet he gave us we may be able to stop the ruined king it doesn't change my plans for him there was a time i'd put a bullet in you for lying to me lowie but now now you're going to help me put an end to this i'm no fool i can see we're better off together than alone but you're in my debt once the ruined king is gone we'll drive gangplank and his rats out of hiding and stomp them out for good sarah i can't make that promise this obsession with revenge it's not good for you it will hurt build water too the city needs your leadership not your thirst for blood watch your tone priestess my revenge isn't something i can choose to abandon i've made a life out of scrubbing gangplank's filth from bilgewater and i won't leave the job unfinished i simply ask try to look beyond your past i will never deny the pain he's caused you but i know there is more for you that's the thing allowing my past isn't something i can look away from for now we have a risen king to stop and after i guess we'll see where we stand i hope we'll find some common ground as do i sarah as do i we get one shot at this if we don't stop the ruined king here bilgewater will be destroyed together we will win look my people the guru stand against the ruined king you dare stand between me and my love nothing will hold me back your love i'm not losing my city to the delusions of some second great king it's time for the truth to come to light you are my queen you need to act like one no ah what is this lies twisted visions i know what is best for us no it's the truth your love is twisted you will not corrupt the memory of my queen sorry uh field ready i can face missions another star that was fine and replace motion not that bad present here that's how we do it looking good so finally he's down this is our chance hit him now ari your love is alive this won't stop what do we do we fight i can feel your desire sarah take it you can rule it all everything that you have ever wanted is within your glass now it's it's over fought well queen of bilgewater we fought well together like old times what of the amulet i can still feel him raging inside but the ruined king is trapped for now i need you to take it keep it safe away from everyone even me it will be safe you have my word you are trembling tell me what did you see he offered me everything bilgewater was mine my enemies were crushed and gangplank broken i had the power to do anything even to bring my mother back i wanted it i would have surrendered to him but but then i heard you and the others i couldn't there is greatness within you we've all seen it cast your regrets aside for now there is only victory captain nothing are you going to ruin our celebration i'm afraid so in all the chaos gangplank escaped we're looking for him but we need a plan we need you gather every man and shut down the harbor no ships leave understand anyone tries blow them out of the water yes captain sarah this endless pursuit please let it go we haven't found our common ground after our priestess what you do next will define you how you roll bilgewater this is your great test embrace motion free yourself you stood with me when the city was at the edge of destruction you've challenged my faith shown me gods and magic were real things that were impossible for that you have my respect but i've got to hold on to my own truth see you around truth bearer do not lose yourself to revenge sarah bilgewater needs you truth bearer you honor us you have embraced motion and driven back a great evil elder you never lost faith even when i've strayed from the path of guru tradition nonsense child your faith your actions saved countless lives to question you would be to question the goddess herself while destiny may guide us yo u alone make your own path forward what happens now will be up to you thank you great elder a victory such as this deserves a celebration we had much to rebuild but for now go rejoice now listen to the wise lady and there must be a timer that's still standing what of captain fortune what has transpired here weighs on us all sarah will need time for now we shall afford her space to reflect and have faith in her decisions you are wise elohim sarah will see the truth in your actions but for now all this fighting has given brom an appetite yes come my friends tonight we celebrate so i guess this is goodbye hates goodbyes i have enjoyed our time together each of you is a true champion of your people bilgewater owes you a tremendous debt it has been an honor to fight beside you all in the freljord will sing of your heroic deeds journey safe my friend remember to keep the water outside the boat are you kidding i'll be joining him to make sure he gets home in one piece that's it and after that yasuo wherever the wind takes you oh i drifted because i had no purpose you all helped me find it and it's in noxus our enemy's homeland yes there's someone there who may need my help a part of my past that still means something can you worry where will you go i may return to the shadow lines see what more i can learn of my ancestors i will try to walk in their footsteps and hopefully leave some of my own good that'll make it easier to find you i believe our paths will cross again what about fishman pike and the captain prom would have liked to thank them hike who can say he has returned to the deep perhaps he has found peace or at least some purpose as we sarah will be complicated but i am hopeful there is so much to rebuild bilgewater still needs me surely she will see this or i will make it sounds like we're leaving just in time quickly get to the boat thank you all for this memory here's to the next tell me who's in charge of this establishment you realize that's gangplank's insig nia in your door the sworn enemy of captain fortune in the city of bilgewater gangplank's got no enemies here but he does take it down show the captain you're still loyal or i promise you won't like what comes next looks like they made their choice tonight we send a message no more second chances no more parlays i've bled for this city and it's time for the gangs to accept my rule i'm done chasing ghosts bilgewater belongs to me and if gangplank wants it back he's gonna have to take it diego you

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