Chernobylite [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary PC 1440p

Chernobylite [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary PC 1440p

Chernobylite [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios PC 1440p Guía de juego de Chernobylite [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Chernobylite Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Chernobylite, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final de el juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Chernobylite es un videojuego de supervivencia de ciencia ficción. Se lanzó el 28 de julio de 2021 para Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 y Xbox One, con una versión para PlayStation 5 y Xbox Series X/S ese mismo año. Tutorial de juego de Chernobylite [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Chernobylite Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Chernobylite, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final de el juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Chernobylite [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios PC 1440p Guía de juego de Chernobylite [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Este Chernobylite Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game Sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá un Gameplay Walkthrough de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Chernobylite, que es Sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después del final de el juego Gameplay Walkthrough. la planta de energía de chernobyl una esperanza para el futuro la corporación nar comienza las pruebas de su tecnología patentada de recultivo y el plutonio-240 algunos nunca abandonaron sus hogares o incluso regresaron ¿samashitel será removido por la fuerza nar piensa que están por encima de la ley qué es lo que nar realmente se esconde detrás de la patente derechos, una cosa es cierta, el sarcófago debe permanecer intacto, igor, despierta, dormilón, mira, mira hacia allá, ¿recuerdas el claro más allá de esos árboles? Ahí es donde me prometiste matrimonio. Estabas tan nervioso y dulce. Sigues siendo dulce. Mi profesor vino único de todos modos . se siente bien regresar después de todos estos años ¿no es así? decoración todavía estás medio dormido despierta de nuevo tanya tanya deja de bromear dormilón igor espera me propusiste matrimonio estabas tan nervioso y dulce mi profesor entró tania amelia detente de una vez con estas tonterias infantiles donde estas despues de todo esto ya basta que ahora igor asi que dejame el [ __ ] hola guau que eres somos los inevitables por qué este lugar es tan familiar es mi antiguo taller por favor date prisa esta realidad se está desmoronando no puedes ver vuelve a tu trabajo es la única forma de salir de aquí se siente bien volver toda la zona está bloqueada alrededor, sí, solo esperemos que nuestra fuente llegue, no nos encontremos con ninguna patrulla en el camino y, si lo hacemos, improvisaremos eso es lo que nuestra bella durmiente aquí nos pagó, recuerda, seguro, seguro, ¿realmente crees que pondrán a prueba a este recluso ? volver a cultivar algo No he visto ningún signo de eso, pero te digo que algo está pasando, hay demasiados contratistas para un área tan pequeña, podemos manejar a los contratistas, probablemente sean algunos de los rechazados de wagner [ __ ] tú Me uniré a esos muchachos, sé que solo estoy bromeando, anton, concentrémonos en traer a nuestro profesor aquí, algo de este chernobylite, así se llama, igor igor , somos grandes o tenemos que ir a lo que debo haberme quedado dormido por un momento, vamos. vaya que tiene dudas profesor si está pensando en retirarse necesita decirnos ahora no es una oportunidad terminemos con esto seguro que este plan suyo va a funcionar profesor kimanuk eagle por favor y sí , ustedes dos se encargarán de su parte y yo me haré cargo cuidado mío, está bien, trate de mantener un perfil bajo, lo último que queremos es un tiroteo, un incendio, ¿qué nos está consiguiendo?, es algo que debe hacerse. No me gustan los acertijos, profesor, pero usted es el jefe . arriba en siria recuerda que olivier lo hago desafortunadamente misha no podemos tenemos que retroceder la presión está cayendo abajo ahora ve ve ve no es momento para observar pájaros igor atravesemos la cerca hacia las alcantarillas alcantarillas oh y bajemos al inframundo vamos, no es más que un agujero en el suelo, anton, oh , ¿alguien más siente picazón? ¿Qué tan mala es la radiación a tu alrededor en estos días? Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ¿verdad? Hazte un favor y no pienses en eso ahora . el trabajo y salir de aquí de una pieza igo r si el [ __ ] golpea el ventilador , quítate de la vista hasta que nos encarguemos de eso, está bien, no seas una niña, no entres en pánico, olivier, no hay giroscopio aquí, solo algunas personas desesperadas que caminan hacia el corazón de la oscuridad . Ustedes, damas y caballeros águila, primero el tipo gracioso, sí [__] igor, bájese, vaya a la entrada de la alcantarilla, estamos justo detrás de usted, falsa alarma , quédese en las sombras , vuélvase invisible , sergey eagle, oye, estás seguro de que esta es la entrada correcta. Solía ​​​​trabajar. Aquí, recuerden, sí, estoy seguro de que Igor tomará una buena lectura, 3.6 no es genial, no es terrible, levántese la barbilla, estaremos a salvo durante otra hora más o menos, está bien, ninguno de ustedes está a salvo , espero que tengan buena memoria, está bien, tomaré el punto sí, capitán olivier, señor , ¿está seguro de que este dispositivo suyo funciona, igor, no tengo tiempo para entrar en detalles en este momento, pero sí, todo lo que necesita es más chernobylite, es otra luz, cierto, el compuesto más radiactivo de la tierra, así lo llamó el hombre? sabe lo que está haciendo anton manténgase enfocado complete la misión w todos se reirán de esto con una cerveza antes de que se den cuenta las lecturas son malas los números son demasiado altos tenemos que salir de aquí no podemos dejarlo atrás querido dios déjame salir de aquí déjame salir alexander beresevich alguien tiene que abrir las válvulas manualmente alguien tiene que entrar oh dos hostiles adelante tranquilo anton ese es tuyo yo tomaré yo tomaré el otro Me voy a enojar , esto puede sorprenderte, pero en realidad soy un soldado, no un físico nuclear. No veo ninguna fuga . Salgamos de aquí la próxima vez. Será mejor que uses el cuchillo . Ha pasado un tiempo. eres la estrella lista para ejecutar el plan estoy accediendo a la terminal si el botón az5 todavía está funcionando águila tatiana qué estás demorando para igor el tiempo es crítico aquí no estoy demorando maldita sea el sistema no responde al aviso si cometo un error podríamos causar otro colapso nunca dijiste nada ng sobre eso antes de acuerdo , ahora tenemos que encontrar otra forma de acceder a la sala del reactor por la forma en que te refieres a mí y a anton , vamos, socio, esto es lo que nos pagan los pequeños dólares por la sala del reactor ahora ah , teníamos un plan igor por qué ¿No acabas de presionar el maldito botón? No tienes mucho tiempo . Anton. Por favor, me estás estresando. Bueno, es incluso más frío de lo que recuerdo . Has visto uno de estos antes. ¿No tienes un fragmento mucho más pequeño pero suficiente para? mis estudios iniciales vas a decirme cómo funciona esta elegante arma tuya crea una especie de atajo a través del tiempo y el espacio se llama agujero de gusano forma un túnel con dos bocas necesita una fuente de energía exótica para mantenerlo abierto energía exótica eso es el chernobyl exactamente y adónde lleva este atajo lleva a donde sea necesario, dejémoslo así por ahora, está bien, mi prometida desapareció aquí durante el desastre hace 30 años, sí, podemos hablar de ella más tarde, toma los cristales y vámonos, oh mi [ __ ] dios ayúdame tú por qué estás aquí olivier a dónde diablos fuiste olivier el [ __ ] fue eso escucha yo jesús lo siento mucho olivier anson era uh él era un buen hombre que era el [ __ ] diablos si sé de alguna manera usó el negativo energía de la chernobylita para teletransportarse ahora para confirmar esta teoría detente eso no importa en este momento puede llegar hasta nosotros aquí y dónde está aquí exactamente estamos dentro de un agujero de gusano que conecta dos singularidades es bastante corto y no muy estable, así que necesitamos muévete, ¿entiendes? No, no puede perseguirnos aquí. Quiero decir que es posible en teoría, pero muy poco probable. No quiero saber. Solo sácanos de aquí de esta manera. Saldrás cerca del lugar de Mikhail . entonces mi brazo ah se siente como si el músculo hubiera sido torcido desde adentro voy a ejecutar a ese enmascarado negro [ __ ] anton te prometo que este lugar definitivamente no es lo que solía ser es como una serpiente mudando su piel una y otra vez otra vez tienes que aprenderlo todo de nuevo siéntelo domarlo ah ah la singularidad desgarrando el tejido de la realidad los cimientos de esta realidad son bastante frágiles estás fuera de tiempo vete estás herido igor atiende tus heridas no tengo botiquín tal vez pueda preparar algo sobre las manos de la hoguera donde pueda verlas cuál es la contraseña te importaría no puedo pensar con esa pistola apuntándome igor ah maldita sea nostalgia es nostalgia fue tu idea maldita sea entra igor eres un poco manitas mira alrededor y mira si hay alguna de esta basura es útil este es tu elemento mi dulce crear orden a partir de este caos veo que la vieja radio de mikal está funcionando de nuevo anton lo arregló antes de que nos fuéramos debería ser usable lo siento olivier de verdad pero tenemos que concentrarnos en lo que está delante de nosotros decir yo no vas a volver directamente a la planta de energía porque si quieres suicidarte hay maneras más fáciles estamos superados en número disparamos todo lo que necesitamos suministros de respaldo de inteligencia y sobre todo necesitamos un [ __ ] plan bien olivier vamos Escucho tu plan, me alegro de que estés viendo rea. hijo, mira este tablero detrás de mí, podemos usarlo para trazar nuestro plan de acción, descubrir cómo ingresar a la planta de energía y encontrar lo que sea que estés buscando o a quien sea, cada pieza de inteligencia, cada pedacito de información sobre los recursos que tenemos. Lo documentaremos aquí. Daremos nuestro próximo paso cuando sea el momento adecuado para hoy. Concentrémonos en recuperar nuestras fuerzas. Si vamos a usar este almacén como nuestra base. Necesitamos encontrar algunos suministros y organizarnos en algún lugar para dormir. sería un comienzo, tal vez podamos encontrar algunos catres , está bien, hagámoslo bien, genial, haré todo lo que pueda para ayudarte a descubrir qué le pasó a esta tatiana, ese era su nombre, una última cosa antes de que vayas y la uses como arma con un bloqueo biométrico no podemos usarlos así que tenemos que defendernos con lo que tenemos usarlo como último recurso supongo que sabes cómo manejar armas de fuego entonces estás listo tengo fe en ti igor puedes ver todo desde aquí no puedes tener éxito solo, pero hay otros que te ayudarán. no estoy seguro de qué hacer primero debo decirle a olivier que haga algunos mandados o debo hacerlo yo mismo tenemos que irnos ha habido un accidente tenemos que evacuar a los niños y los autobuses del personal de todo el país vienen a recoger a todos apúrate pero no puedo dejar el jardín de infantes desatendido sin discusiones por favor nos lo agradecerás más tarde lena tu esposo trabaja en la planta de energía verdad no, estoy teniendo algunos sueños extraños últimamente debo estar cansado es todo lo que no puedes esconder debajo de tu cama oh retraso eres un niño grande ahora mañana vas a ver a tu papá oh quieres ser un bombero como él vas a tener que ser valiente entonces eh creo que este enfoque está funcionando igor parece que podemos escabullirnos dentro y fuera de la zona sin llamar la atención, así que, ¿cómo te fue? ¿Estás más cerca de encontrar a tu anciana? Todavía quieres volver a la central eléctrica. Tengo que volver. Tengo el sentimiento más fuerte de que ella está allí. kimanuk confiar en tus instintos es importante pero último momento e intentamos que perdimos a anton necesitamos algunas pruebas contundentes antes de seguir ese camino otra vez no te preocupes olivier no estoy loco seguiré reuniendo pruebas y cuando tenga suficiente podemos formular un nuevo plan buena evidencia planes información recursos todo nos acercará a tu objetivo igor cómo te fue hoy te daré un resumen en un minuto primero déjame señalarte un par de cosas continúa necesitas entender el papel que tienes en ti me contrató y alquiló este almacén que lo convierte en el comandante de esta base , significa que estará a cargo de todo nuestro equipo y, lo que es más importante, de nuestras raciones de alimentos, debe comenzar a pensar como un estratega, ya que esta es una operación militar, organice la base y tome cuidar a tus tropas, ese es el número uno, morir de hambre no es divertido, lo sé por experiencia. Olvídate de alimentar a tus tropas y la moral caerá. Incluso podrían abandonarte . También en situaciones donde los recursos son escasos. ck off y no apreciar a los hombres que hacen todo lo posible o formas seguras de crear discordia entre los hombres qué hombres solo somos dos de nosotros por ahora, pero eso tiene que cambiar si desea que la operación de su planta de energía tenga éxito, necesitamos más poder más información más habilidad y más cuerpos y cada uno de esos cuerpos necesitará espacio, comida y recursos en esta base, sé que estás ansioso por salir corriendo y continuar tu búsqueda, pero debes ser paciente, planificar estrategias, tómalo con calma, tienes que encontrar tiempo para Atiende las necesidades de tus compañeros y administra este almacén. Si no lo haces, todos tus planes serán en vano. Tienes razón. Necesito ser inteligente con todo esto y recuerda que estoy aquí para ayudarte. usted en cada paso del camino eso es lo que me está pagando igor el arma que le di ha viajado por todo el mundo conmigo pero es bastante antigua ¿ qué piensa acerca de construir una herramienta de calibración para actualizar suena bien voy a fabricar uno cuando tengo la oportunidad que necesitas Es importante que entiendas que no fue mi decisión cerrar Oriadna. No te culpo Grace, pero sigo pensando que es un error. Es mucho más que Pandora. Nos permite entrar en el reino de los recuerdos y pensamientos humanos. el mundo real, ¿qué puedo decirte, águila?, la junta decidió que no era financieramente viable, era demasiado extravagante después de forzar cada objeto es un dosímetro natural, todo absorbe partículas radiactivas a lo largo de su vida, creando así un eco en el tiempo y el espacio, ariadna puede recrear este eco. en una simulación fractal vr no tiene nada de extravagante mira lo entiendo lo hago es el trabajo de tu vida pero solo piénsalo el proceso requiere una increíble cantidad de energía no es práctico en esta etapa ¿qué pasa con esas baterías nucleares de nano diamantes que usan el grafito de Residuos radiactivos reciclados . Ese es solo otro proyecto en este momento. Igor, todavía no creo que sea suficiente para que Ariadne funcione. Necesitas una fuente de energía que aún no existe. Quizás una. eso no se puede encontrar en la tierra, pero lo siento águila, se acabó, debes aceptarlo y seguir adelante [ __ ] el tablero no voy a dejar que nadie destruya mi trabajo despierta despierta igor tanya ¿es esto un sueño? Te estoy esperando, mi amor, encuéntrame, date prisa, no me queda mucho tiempo . Lo estoy intentando, Tanya. Realmente lo estoy. Necesito mirar mi tablero . La primera pista cuando encuentre más. le pasó a tanya anótate a ti mismo céntrate en encontrar más pistas igor necesito un minuto qué está pasando algo está pasando nar está muy activo en la radio están buscando a alguien supuestamente un traidor y un ladrón logré identificar la ubicación es kopachi el pueblo cerca del río pripyat este podría ser nuestro boleto a la planta de energía esta persona podría saber algo importante o tener acceso a equipo útil qué crees que podría saber contraseñas credenciales uniformes incluso raciones y debería ser una misión bastante sencilla si eres inteligente y rápido ni siquiera tendrás que mezclar en serio con nar tienes razón esto podría ser importante al menos deberíamos tener una charla amistosa con este supuesto traidor me alegro de que veas mi punto está en kopachi no te lo puedes perder el enemigo de mi enemigo es mi amigo, como dicen, pero ¿puedes confiar en un traidor igor? La confianza es algo tan frágil que se gana a un gran precio pero se pierde tan fácilmente, pero nunca perdiste tu confianza en mí, ¿verdad, mi amor ? Oye, no me lastimes. manos desarmadas donde pueda verlas lo entiendo eres el traidor todo el mundo está tan ansioso por saber qué de dónde sacaste eso sé traidor nunca estuve ni siquiera con el nar tendrás que ser mucho más convincente que eso esos fantasmas Realmente quiero encontrarte, tu cara está en toda la radio, está bien, está bien, a veces solía comerciar con algunos de los gruñidos, pero esos cabezas de chorlito se confundieron acerca de cómo funciona el comercio, intentaron estafarme y qué una cosa llevó a la otra y entiendes que tomé algunos artículos pequeños para equilibrar la cuenta, obviamente, no querían el latón t o descubrí su pequeño ajetreo, por lo que prepararon esta historia sobre un traidor interesante, sí, pero no tan interesante como tú, amigo mío, eres nuevo en la zona, verdad, te has estado quedando en el almacén de Kyle, me pregunto qué estás haciendo. ¿Cómo supiste que tengo que irme ahora ? Probablemente estén preocupados por mí. ¿Quién es? Lo siento. No puedo decirte eso. Por favor, hazte a un lado . Me voy ahora. el chico es igor, lo soltamos , podría volver corriendo directamente a nar y cambiar nuestras vidas por su perdón o algún otro tipo de trato, ni siquiera pienses en dejarlo ir, al menos no antes de revisar sus cosas , lo siento, pero yo no No me gusta tu historia, ¿por qué no me dices quién eres realmente y vamos a echar un vistazo a tu bolso mientras estamos en eso? ¿Quién soy? No es asunto tuyo y no te mostraré [__ ] ambos estamos en una situación difícil aquí tal vez solo eres un estafador o tal vez eres un espía no puedo dejar que te vayas sí parece que nosotros estás en un aprieto todo bien la pelota está en tu cancha [ __ ] realmente lo siento pero no puedo correr ningún riesgo qué hay de nuevo igor nada más qué hay de ti todavía pensando en anton sí tuvimos grandes aventuras juntos como mercenarios recuerdo a anton hablando de kasham qué fue eso todo sobre kasham fue un asunto desagradable cuánto sabes sobre la guerra civil en siria no mucho he tenido otras cosas en mi mente tú y el resto del mundo a nadie le importan esas personas por los grandes jugadores rusia los estados unidos china la mayoría de estos países devastados por la guerra no son más que un patio de recreo para probar sus armas y hacer políticas se llama guerra por poder los mercenarios estadounidenses generalmente desempeñan un papel de apoyo a los ejércitos en el terreno suministrando equipos de inteligencia y tecnología hay una regla tácita de que nunca nos atacamos directamente, pero a veces nos estorbamos y luego las cosas pueden salirse de control eso es lo que sucedió en las fuerzas de kashm assad respaldadas por mercenarios rusos se enfrentaron con el sdf que fue apoyado por los EE. UU. los EE. UU. utilizaron docenas de drones, aviones de combate y helicópteros para prácticamente aniquilar a la oposición anton y sus amigos mercenarios no estaban equipados para lidiar con ese tipo de superioridad aérea vio morir a algunos de sus amigos y estuvo cerca de obtener se suicidó admiro tu valentía y dedicación los de olivier y anton todavía no puedo evitar preguntarme por qué seguimos matándonos unos a otros por una franja de tierra olvidada de Dios va en contra de todo lo que creo y admiro tu idealismo igor pero estás dentro la minoría y, a veces, la violencia es la única forma de resolver un problema. Eso es algo que creo que aprenderás en un futuro próximo . ¿Crees que podrías encontrar algo de tiempo para enseñarme algunos de tus trucos militares? No, no hay trucos ni atajos . cuando se trata de mejorar tus habilidades de supervivencia o disparar, pero estaré encantado de enseñarte algunos conceptos básicos, también hará que mi trabajo sea más fácil si sabes cómo manejarte , perfecto, hagámoslo, sígueme, está bien, ahora concéntrate. S igor, solo dispare a mi orden entendido que tiene cinco balas para cinco objetivos párese derecho pero con las rodillas relajadas y concéntrese en la mira delantera haga que cada bala cuente listo dispare párese derecho con las piernas separadas al ancho de los hombros y las rodillas un poco para apoyarse su precisión puntaje perfecto mírelo profesor haremos de usted un luchador de gorilas pero roger que rhino1 proceda está ordenado el área está despejada copia a charlie bluebird llegaremos al objetivo lo antes posible y posar es el enemigo tú Estoy jugando un juego peligroso, olivier, sé lo que estoy haciendo . sé cómo descifrar a la gente y esta radio funciona perfectamente con el cifrado nar. descubrí algo que puede ser de su interés. igor nar está enviando un equipo para localizar algunos documentos antiguos de kgb que podrían estar relacionados con lo que está buscando. Suena como una posibilidad remota, pero debe ser importante si están enviando un escuadrón, ¿verdad? Pienso exactamente que también parece que hay una antigua instalación soviética debajo del Emerald Resort. Conozco el lugar donde los jóvenes pioneros solían tener sus campamentos de verano allí y jugar. sí, y el kgb estaba jugando un tipo diferente de juego justo debajo de ellos bajo tierra. Lo comprobaré. Cualquier cosa que pueda hacerme entrar en una tachana vale la pena intentarlo. la radio por una vez tú esto es [ __ ] importante vamos no me dejes parado aquí con mi pene en la mano quién es este quién es este eres tú [ __ ] es tu [ __ ] casero scrote por cierto cómo estás disfrutando de su estadía sr. kim y yuk mikhail estoy en medio de algo contento de que le guste el lugar espero que lo deje en las mismas condiciones prístinas que lo encontró tiene una verdadera ganga sabe pero ahora tenemos que hablar de negocios anton en la ronda de olivier anton es que fue asesinado oh mi qué lástima, sí, era un tipo tan agradable y quizás también [ __ ] agradable, sí, apostaría mi último cigarrillo a eso por lo que lo mataron, no lo creo, ¿qué quieres, mikhail? Necesito que me devuelvas el favor y ayudes . yo borro la base de datos de nar y antes de que empieces a quejarte sé que no eres ese tipo de científico te guiaré a través de todo el asunto chico entra al edificio en el complejo duga estaré en contacto escuché tu conversación conmigo kyle no me digas que en realidad vas Suena como un sociópata. ¿Confías en él? No, pero eso no significa que no voy a tratar con él. Solo lo necesitamos debido a este almacén. En este momento, parece más una responsabilidad que un activo . Por otro lado, podrías descubrir algo importante no lo sé nah es demasiado arriesgado deberías ignorarlo creo que voy a estar de acuerdo con esto es una cosa y ver cómo va desaconsejo enfáticamente que conozco su tipo probablemente come sus galletas de trigo con cocaína en la mañana gracias por esas sabias palabras de sabiduría vamos a posponer esta discusión por ahora ¿realmente confías en michael tal vez solo quieres para seguir a los locos y ver qué tan profundo llega el agujero del conejo una vez que cruzas ese puente no hay vuelta atrás el nar te tendrá en su punto de mira extranjero extranjero detente justo ahí estás en el término pripy y bradford ahora soy lo que donde bradford brillante bradford debes ser nuevo aquí eh un turista cómo te llamas oh apenas me mudé aquí en 1985. el nombre es igor era un lugar bastante diferente en ese entonces 1985 eso es um tres uh cinco oh hace más de diez años sabes lo que eso significa igor tú eres uno de nosotros brillante bradford y primate traído por reglas realmente cuántos de ustedes están en este bradford um había muchos de nosotros no hace mucho tiempo pero ahora soy solo yo soy el jefe y tú puedes ser mi mano derecha hombre gracias pero supongo que si qué pasó con el resto de tus amigos déjame luego sasha fue arrestada gracia fue asesinada a tiros oleg cayó por unas escaleras volva se ahogó en el río y un cocodrilo se comió un espectáculo de lois pero pero no hay cocodrilos en pripyat no, no es un cocodrilo real un cocodrilo la droga oh, te refieres a la decamorfina, bueno, he oído hablar de eso, básicamente es veneno, deberías mantener a tus muchachos alejados de eso, chicos, te dije , solo soy yo, ahora evgeny es todo lo que queda y, diablos, tú, por supuesto, mi segundo en comando, deberíamos celebrar con una bebida, pero el nihr confiscó mi alcohol ilegal, pero ahora estás aquí, primit bradford reconstruirá y golpearemos duro a esos bastardos nar, nunca lo verán venir , puedes ayudarme, amigo, estoy buscando un mujer su nombre es tatiana amelieva tatiana ah hermoso nombre suena como una mujer hermosa dime tienes algunas fotos uh no no yo tenia una pero uh ah que mal nunca habia oido de ella ella es una mujer cierto ah amor yo estuve enamorado una vez yesenia ay que mujer era ella prometí cortarme las pelotas si alguna vez la traicionaba y le decía qué gracioso eres, ya me gustas, no, ella no me dejó, pero dijo que yo era demasiado inteligente para ella, así que algo interesante está pasando aquí últimamente. está pasando algo sospechoso en la planta de energía esos nar [ __ ] han estado corriendo como locos últimamente y está este espeluznante [ __ ] con una máscara negra buscando algo sea lo que sea es malo para el negocio me deja en paz pero asusta a mis clientes así que tienes otros clientes, ¿qué acabo de decir? Ese hijo de puta lo ha estado asustando, si no fuera por él, este lugar estaría más ocupado que el mercado de izmalovsky . Mencionaste algo sobre el comercio. ¿Qué tipo de cosas tienes? No lo sé. ¿Qué quieres decir con que no sabes? Duh, vendí cajas como botín, nunca las superé, así que no sé qué hay en ellas que no tiene ningún sentido. Cada caja es totalmente aleatoria. Ah, mis boxeadores son como una caja de chocolates. nunca sabes lo que vas a obtener eso es profundo i k ahora cassenia me dijo que yo era la mayor facality en nuestro vecindario es muy simple una ración de comida para una caja de botín una caja al día igor nos acabamos de conocer pero siento que te conozco desde hace años eres como un hermano para mí ahora ten una caja de botín gratis para mí pero no le digas a nadie es un secreto un secreto más amplio mencionaste algo sobre el comercio qué tipo de cosas lo siento igor no más cajas de botín hoy será mejor que me vaya ahora bradford para siempre igor tan tan uh oh tú aquí está bien, vamos a hacerlo, ¿qué tengo que hacer ? va a funcionar para nuestros propósitos, ¿qué tal si Panzer, ven a vloguear? Oye, te gusta, de todos modos, arrastré hacia abajo el vehículo de comunicaciones que hace las rondas todas las semanas. Hay una computadora portátil adentro a la que debes acceder y cargar un exploit que te llevará adentro. te guiaré bien , esperemos que funcione, oh agudo, el camión está próximamente comenzará la operación panzerkampfwagen el [ __ ] panzerka está sobre mi hombre una y otra vez uh , así que todo el trabajo y nada de juego hacen de vladimir un chico aburrido que es eso no me hagas venir a buscarte es solo un tipo un tipo búscalo perro blanco su culo mikhail tengo la computadora portátil dime qué hacer genial [ __ ] trabajo escribe en www dot heart es un cazador solitario dot ru y presiona enter descarga el último archivo en la columna el llamado dulce chico solitario conocerá a sugar mom guay nombre, sí, ejecuta el archivo y listo , tienes acceso a su base de datos a menos que arruines algo. El siguiente paso es llegar a la torre de comunicaciones y dar el golpe fatal. Oye, igor, antes de salir corriendo, busca algo de información primero. Quieres encontrar a Tatiana, recuerda a Olivier. es cierto, debe haber algo en la base de datos de nar sobre tatiana [ __ ] no, no puedes hacer eso si comienzas a indagar te bloquearán y perderemos nuestra oportunidad de patearlos en nueces adicionales recuerda que todavía necesitas para llegar a la torre de comunicaciones y cargar el actual virus, ¿puedes proporcionar algún tipo de distracción? De hecho, he estado esperando que preguntes , oye, oye, oye [__], ¿qué pasa? Estoy aquí. Esto es lo que ustedes hacen para trabajar cuando regresan de Siria. piso no lo dejes escapar se acaba de inmolar maldita sea mikhail mikhail estoy bien pero no te acerques al edificio creo que las cargas estaban demasiado cerca del basurero químico ¿qué crees que hay en esos? barriles [ __ ] tal vez deberías llamar a la línea de emergencia de gazprom solo sal de ahí no te preocupes por mí solo limpia los servidores ve a descargas meltypanties of doom y ejecuta ojalá pudieras buscar los datos pero tú solo puedes ingresar un solo comando antes de que te arranque, así que no hay errores tipográficos [ __ ] este maníaco igor consulta la base de datos mientras tienes la oportunidad de hacerlo espero que duela hey hola hay alguien ahí mikhail ¿estás bien en realidad no soy [ __ ] varado en el edificio que exploté y hay algo más date prisa, vas a necesitar una máscara de gas, busca en el edificio al lado del monumento, estoy seguro de que un tipo brillante como tú la encontrará de inmediato, debería haber pensado antes en los barriles y este gas es intenso , me hace escuchar cosas, mira. cosas o podrían ser solo las drogas que está tomando, independientemente de que no pueda dejarlo allí. ¿Qué [__] es que está tratando de ayudarme? ¿Puedes ver al fumador en el radar duggar? Estoy bastante seguro de que es tu nuevo mejor amigo mikhail uh mi querido igor eres como la vieja tortuga que transporta criaturas a través del río en su espalda aunque algunos de ellos son escorpiones y un escorpión picará no puede evitar su naturaleza oh oh oh oh oh mikhail up up up es hora de irse, dios, lo que hay en esos barriles debe ser algún tipo de agente incapacitante, tal vez sustancia 78. la máscara no lo detiene, tengo que encontrar a michael y salir de aquí rápido , oh , lo siento, ¿quién eres tú? trae el cristal, eh, el cristal verde, lo necesito tanto, ¿está hablando de metanfetami? ne oh este perdedor realmente es un drogadicto detrás de ti ugh malditos cristales [ __ ] hey entonces oh el gas se está volviendo más fuerte si no nos vamos ahora nos quedaremos aquí para siempre tu dulce chico está justo detrás de ti mami igor hey que eres haciendo aquí oh mi santo uh hice todo esto apenas logramos salir con vida las máscaras de gas deben haber sido defectuosas pero el alucinógeno debería desaparecer con bastante rapidez estoy oh malditamente cansado creo que vi a mi madre debo estar muriendo o algo así déjame aquí por qué no vuelves al almacén conmigo necesitas descansar no te asustes está bien abriré el portal y podrás volver a la base oh qué diablos es eso que estás tratando de atrapar te mataron quieres vivir para siempre profesor además tenía que hacerlo les sacamos los [__] ojos y les cortamos las orejas esta vez nar está doliendo ahora al menos por un par de días me refiero a volar el maldito edificio mientras todavía estabas dentro oh, sí, un pequeño error de cálculo de mi parte, realmente no sabía qué había en esos barriles [ __ ] pero valió la pena, verdad, les dimos un puñetazo a esos bastardos y no dudaste ni una sola vez en admitirlo, tienes un asesino en algún lugar dentro de ti Suena familiar , ¿no era una planta de energía nuclear móvil? Eres noble sobre ruedas, sí, qué genial es, eso no suena muy bien cuando lo dices así. Imagina esto, un convoy de cuatro grandes remolques pesados, uno con un reactor, uno con la turbina de gas, una con una sala de control y otra para albergar al personal, combustible para cinco años, si tuviéramos una de esas aquí, podríamos alimentar nuestra base durante todo el tiempo que necesitemos, ahora recuerdo que esta monstruosidad fue desarrollada por la academia bielorrusa de instituto de ciencias de la energía nuclear en los años 80 otra idea fantástica que quedó en nada y después del desastre de chernobyl, la gente de la unión soviética no estaba tan interesada en jugar con su salud, así que la desecharon, todavía creo que fue genial como un loco máximo loco qué De todos modos, no te preocupes por nuestra fuente de alimentación, siempre puedo construir más generadores, claro, pero aún así llevaría a tu noble sobre ruedas a una docena de generadores . you what i kid mousey i can't i know where you are and i know who you are looking for yes let this be enough for now listen i have something to show you something very important oh but we must meet in person oh this is not something to explain it must be seen i don't know who you are but i'm not walking blindly into some trap blind oh goodness no on the country i wish for you to see meet me the duga raider command center you know it yes douga radar who the hell is this oh this is insane i heard what are you going to do go meet our mystery man i guess the real mystery is why that guy isn't strapped to a bed someplace juiced up on haldol he may know something i have to take the risk sure he might know something or he might just be waiting to split your skull o pen with a hatchet and eat your liver i really don't think this is a good idea it sounds exactly like a trap it sounds like a trap but we can't afford to ignore him anyway i've got the gun i'll be extra careful you better be i don't want to find your head on a spike somewhere out in the marshes regardless of how i feel about tara can he could be my only chance of finding tatyana suit yourself but you could just as easily be racing towards your own death in this lunatic already knows our location him and his nutty buddies could be closing in on us right now we have a good defensive position here we should sit tight and defend it if it comes to that i appreciate the tactical input olivier but i have to do this so duga a huge frightening monstrosity made of steel the epitome of the cold war and insatiable ambition but what does it have to do with you or me it's been so many years but someone must remember igor someone has to know hey hey please what the hell it doesn't look good how did t his happen those things attacked us last one got me i blew his face off and now i'm stuck here by the way can you spare a bullet you want to kill yourself i'm not stupid i know i'm not getting out of this at least let me end it before another one of those things shows up or kill me at least you're a human here are you sure i'm sure now if you don't mind leave me alone this is the same music box i gave to china for her birthday what's this there's something clipped to the inside is this a bug so tatyana was under kgb surveillance why what did they want with her why did you come here recognize it you wanted to talk let's talk knowing me the old fella wanted you to see this first you're running out of time how did you get it not here me be in the building next door in a couple of minutes this just keeps getting better and better what took you so long did the tiny dancer get your attention old man said it would he's gonna test you before he decides if he likes you every [ __ ] thing is a t est with that crumbling fruitcake but at least he pays well are you going to explain to me what this is all about captain [ __ ] said you'd recognize a big [ __ ] radar assembly and that it means something to you then he mumbled something about the rat king and the end of the world but i don't think he was serious about that part i came here to talk to the old man not his errand boy i'm going back the [ __ ] you say you're a lucky son of a [ __ ] i'd mess you up but then i wouldn't get paid now shut your [ __ ] face and pay attention when your betters are talking you got a choice to make it's easy you can either use the detonator to blow this metal monstrosity to kingdom come or you can use the other thingy to upgrade your pda that will improve the functionality of every scanner in the network why do i have to choose don't know don't care i did my [ __ ] job now you do yours and who the hell are you supposed to be i'm a man on a job that's all yeah that's all you need to know friendo l ast piece of advice this guy is crazy logo sure but there's always some kind of reason behind what he's doing so ask yourself why would he want you to make this choice so what does it do answer the radio mousey mousey mouse do you know that i know you're there you cannot hide from me little mouse the rat king is almost upon us and despite your history with luka rader you decided to help him i am disappointed right whatever oh great and powerful rat catcher let us meet in person mousy for real this time pripyat port look for a red sign painted on a wall this symbol will protect us from the red king i hope you're not wasting my time red sign prepared goodbye what's our next move boss is a curious figure wouldn't you agree very shakespearean with all his mice and rats fascinating people can also be very dangerous my love watch your step and don't fall into a trap mousy so hey boris was an informant for the kgb that bastard was my friend if i could get my hands on him so hey over here enou gh jerking me around what do you know about tachana check your tongue little one part of me still worries you could be a secret servant of the red king after that stance you pulled who is this rat king a smart question one that i've been trying to answer myself for years the rat king will usher in the end of days he and his army of rodents they're a plague of biblical proportions the end of all oh i don't have time for this please get to the point if there is one you will make time once you see the truth but never mind that for now you have questions ask i'm looking for my fiance her name is tatiana amelieva the last time i saw her was here in pripyat just before the chernobyl incident a long time isn't it what are you hoping to find exactly i'm not sure but but she constantly haunts your dreams i suspect it as much see here i have gathered many documents reams of them look through them educate yourself quiet mousey they're here how [ __ ] rat king got the better of us this time ah the y mustn't get their filthy paws on my archives oh you never expected the second test to come so fast eh the sorry mousey you think you're playing a game little rattling do you think anyone can stroll into the zone and do what he pleases the rat king approaches and you are a tool of his incoming reign of terror whether you realize it or not here comes nar to join the rat party i think i shall leave you all to burn together a heap of flaming squirming rodents i wish you had chosen differently so so tanya and wait is that boris beautiful isn't it igor gave it to me for my birthday he's such a cute dork it's from leningrad he's so sweet a tiny dancer that's all he sees you as huh he doesn't really understand you like i do if you'd only give us a chance tanya boris please don't make me go through this again don't destroy our friendship you don't need to worry about that i will always be your best friend but i can't forget that evening when we were at the silver lake in gachina and you said we had our moment but it's in the past now please just don't if that's what you really want but you're making a mistake tanya igor is too buried in his books to see the real you he only sees the perfect little slavic woman fragile supportive and obedient you're not yourself around him tanya afraid of overshadowing his accomplishments scared of driving him away with me you would never have to pretend never have to be someone you're not i've never been more myself than when i'm with igor don't try to get in my head boris i've made my choice you need to accept that i'm really sorry if i hurt you i regret that let's just let's just finish our tea i need to be back home by five what i remember the music box it was from leningrad but boris was he making a pass at tanya i trusted that son of a i think we're all set that was a great idea with the music box conrad major boris was talking to the kgb i should have seen it he was always so overly ambitious yes i'm positive she's about to blow the lid off the whole thing and with her affiliations there's no telling how long it'll be before the western press gets wind of the duga project so i recommend that you move fast conrad major we need to make sure that our work continues without distraction she's a dangerous dissident and needs to be put away as bikini we need him so our work can continue he's not involved in amalieva's machinations he's quite naive he's what comrade lenin would call a useful idiot except he also happens to be a brilliant scientist of course thank you boris it's good to know that you always had my back and that you were involved in the plot to kidnap tatyana tanya what what do you want tatiana omniever please come with us quietly it's better if you don't make a scene for your own sake oh what's all this about who are you the better question is who are you tatiana femina your father would be ashamed of you or does he know that you're plotting to betray your own motherland perhaps he's in on it too what i ha ve no idea what you're talking about we'll see about that we're going to have a nice long chat amelia as it is we've got a mutual friend andy over boris told us all about you what no he would never the party has done so much for you and this is how you repay us you've got your head filled with this western nonsense yes yes we've seen your contraband this garbage it makes me sick you're not happy being a proper soviet woman huh you've grown tired of pretending well the game is over time to show your true face you're a reactionist and a provocateur ready to sell your country's secrets to the cia i have no idea what you're talking about please let me go what would your fiance igor have to say about this hmm he's such a good comrade when he hears of this he will despise you if you continue to resist we'll pay a visit to your family and murmansk don't make us do that the drive always puts me in a foul mood please no don't i'll come willingly good girl what are you doing get away from me don 't touch me leave me alone god please i can't take it anymore lord have mercy kill me please kill me i can't believe this is real boris was jealous of me and tanya and when she turned him down he got back at her by informing on her to the kgb my goddamn rat i trusted him good god i knew she hated this system exposing state secrets to the western press can that even be true i could be i don't know what to believe anymore who is this the real question is who are you are you someone capable someone i can work with i recognize your voice you're that guy from the douga radar installation we can help each other raised in the jungle right yeah a concrete jungle called moscow anyway it seems we're both looking for someone we might as well join forces besides i have no love for these nar droids you're tangled up with they're in my way what could you possibly contribute i know this whole place inside out i know who you're up against and i can handle myself in a fight any kind of fight how's that for a contribution well let's say i'm interested where do we go from here let's meet in two hours talk face to face find me on the roof of cafe perviet in the port don't be late let's make it happen you enter the zone like a ghost but now so many people know about you and your mission i don't like this igor this is dangerous sashko is a real daredevil all right but like everyone else out here he probably has his own agenda watch your step igor ugh no no i don't believe this oh oh impressive now for the real test what do you mean test you think i trust you now why because you showed up you need to show me i'm making the right decision i want to see with my own eyes that when the time comes you will not hesitate you want me to perform some parkour stunt for you that's your idea of a test whatever call it what you want i call it a bit of insurance now go ah see never doubted you chief well done what was that all about trust eagle it was about trust i hope this wasn't all for nothing will you join me now so that was crazy what you asked me to do you know that crazier than sneaking into the irradiated zone and playing tag with an army of mercenaries point taken like i said we can help each other but understand this it's just a temporary partnership you and i are not friends sure thing partner looking forward to working with you listen who gave you the music box crazy old man like a vagrant normally i don't work with people like that but it's not like the zone provides a lot of choice in clients i did what i was asked of me got paid and left that's the end of it you mentioned that you're looking for someone who normally i'd say none of your damn business but in the spirit of trust i'll tell you it's my brother i need to find him and ask him some questions okay talk to you soon got a sec partner shoot i know how to make small shaped charges perfect for demolition locks right i can see that coming in handy but first i need you to pick up the plastic left over from the dugo ut raider operation sounds like it's worth it i'm a practical man i wouldn't go suggesting [ __ ] like this it was just a waste of time i built my first pipe bomb when i was eight i can make a charge from just about anything how did such a promising young man ever end up here i've left some plastic in my old hidey hole bring it here and i'll get it to work ready to go sure mark the building on your map it's in the dugo reda facility the captain said we have to find them it's really important it's for the research division hey check it out some kind of transfer order it's got a kgb stamp on it should be in a museum all documents memorandums and reports are scheduled for immediate transfer to secure storage and bunker double o's hmm or whoever you are i am a man of faith it gives me no pleasure taking lives not even the lives of dirty little rodents like you that was close maybe i should rearm the traps what why whoever's after us will most likely come here looking for clues wouldn't it be prudent to to what use this opportunity to try and thin the nar ranks exactly look i've done my fair share of killing but i don't like that plan at all god knows who might wander down here what if a civilian walks in one of the traps you're right it's too risky i can't chance killing some summer summershell who went exploring good i'm glad you agree you're finally starting to think like a military man hello professor kim nuke igor are you there answer if you can hear me please hello yes who's this the name is ogre i live in the village in red forest i've heard about you i think we can help each other i hear that a lot lately i'm afraid you need to be more specific your distrust is understandable under the circumstances but we have the same goal drive ner out of the zone well i didn't come here to conduct a guerrilla war on corporate mercenaries yes i know you're looking for someone so am i please come to our village in red forest so we can talk in person be extra careful on the way here okay the monsters they mostly come out at night mostly if there's a village does that mean you're one of the same shells the people who return to their homes after the disaster some of the older ones never left i know it's hard to believe and there are newcomers like me we came to the zone for many different reasons but now we're united about one common goal to get rid of nar i see fascinating please come to the village this isn't just about me you'd be doing the right thing as well i'll make sure to stop by if i get the chance this woman olga she seems to be running the show must be tough as nails and all these samo shields they say it takes a village to raise a child but how many does it take to find a lost love oh i don't know you what do you want i'm eagle olga sent for me oh god some eagle jackass here to see you you know this guy or should i shoot him in the throat it's fine open the gate marco hey hey heard you're one of the crew running around giving any all the squirts ho w many of them have you killed already i don't even know i don't like to dwell on it so many you lost count eh right on keep doing what you're doing and we'll win this thing you'll see i presume it's an honor to finally meet you in person we've got a lot of work to do you and i i'm here what did you want to talk about a few days ago someone took our supplies my husband kostya went after the thieves now he's gone too in the meantime some nar henchmen showed up claiming they have a prisoner they want to trade for something of value and you think it's your costume the description matches i'd make the trade in a heartbeat but as you can see we don't really have anything to exchange for my husband what about you you're too young to to what remember the chernobyl disaster you're right i came with my mom from minsk after my dad died i was a teenager then she was a doctor who wanted to help the radiation victims in the zone she met matt bae here and well they took a liking to each other then n ar arrived and came down on us hard [ __ ] fascists my mom disappeared now some years ago now matvey took care of me after that taught me everything i know in minsk i was just an emo girl here i'm the goddamn queen of the forest costa came here two years ago with doctors without borders he stayed because of me but yeah the rest is really none of your business this place you're running it's really something i'd never expect to find what regular folks living in the middle of the zone you're right we're anything but regular we're hunters we know these woods better than the trees know the rain all right i can see you're really looking out for your people i appreciate that i'll help if i can i promise you won't regret it for our friends we surf find vodka for our enemies we have shotguns one more thing these [ __ ] who took hostia i'm pretty sure they have our supplies too you want me to keep an eye out for the supplies too huh if you don't mind but my old man comes first obviously sure sur e i live to serve oh oh hmm um oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's just one guy one guy get him he's over there oh [ __ ] oh wait a minute capacity cost yeah the guy the nar was looking for the guy i killed was olga's husband what am i gonna do now should i come clean ugh i retrieved your supplies that's fantastic what about the thieves just some nar bastards trying to earn something on the side they won't bother you anymore good riddance nobody will shed a tear for those parasites you came through igor you're a man of your word one more thing kostya never made it back to the camp if you happen to run into him tell him to hurry we need him i need him i have no [ __ ] idea what you think you're going to accomplish by telling her the truth but yeah go for it i can't [ __ ] wait to hear a reaction yes i saw him a while back i met him in kopachi and we had an argument he wouldn't tell me who he was and i he's dead i'm so sorry i didn't want it to go that way one thing just led to another and i had to though you understand right i couldn't risk him jeopardizing my efforts to find tachana what did you just say olga please no shooting in the village that rule was your own idea and besides this isn't how we solve problems wrong this is exactly how i solved this kind of problem and you you [ __ ] this isn't over yet you got that so you better watch yourself i will never forget what you've done round of three this is bluebird do you read over this is rhino3 reading you loud and clear bluebird rhino3 change of plans jack frost is heading for the capacity kindergarten eta three hours provide support for a helo over we'll call bluebird we're moving out two hours over and out jack frost that's an old nickname me and boris gave professor semenov when we were still students could it be he brought me here to pripyat years ago helped me get tatyana a position too and now he works for nar you must have his reasons and he's always been a brilliant scientist he's still my best shot at finding taty ana i need to see him your old mentor huh try and find him if you think it's important just be extra careful i'm always careful olivier you'll most likely have an escort try to sneak past don't go rambo on them a good old jack frost you must wonder what happened to him all those years ago why would he work with the nar my love surely he must have a good explanation he was always kind to us i don't get it we dispatched an entire squad to fly but ah you're going down keemonyuk you i'm surprised to see you here you are it's igor you remember me professor semenov don't you it's been a long time i thought you would have retired by now but i guess there's no rest for a man of science like you and me igor it's so good to see you but what are you doing here it's not safe what are you doing here professor are you are you really working for nar do you know what they're doing in the zone how they treat the summer shells please igor slow down my concern is science as it always has been the politic s and administrative people i leave to others then what are you doing here exactly you don't need to worry about me i haven't turned into dr mengele i study the local fauna they're very peculiar very dangerous you must have run into them at some point there are reports dating back from before the chernobyl catastrophe it's very important that we gather every bit of available information let the men catch his breath otherwise he may become suspicious he was probably forced to work for nar that's my guess the shadows yes they seem to have some connection to chernobylite so you know about chernobylite did you get a chance to study it perhaps we could compare notes and what about yourself igor why are you here this is a restricted area as you must know i haven't seen tatiana in 30 years ii seem to have some blank spots in my memory i can't remember what happened the night of the disaster i need to find her i need to find out what happened to us react to number four that was a real disaster some of our colleagues paid the ultimate price for this misguided experiment that's what happens when politicians are placed in charge of scientists and tatiana such a sweet girl and your friend boris you three were inseparable i called you my three musketeers remember look my security detail will be back soon to collect me i don't want them to hurt you or start asking questions how can i get in touch i will find you now go oh the devils are coming for me i can see them skulking in the bushes they sniff me out the dirty racks you have to help me mousey i am the only one who can defeat the rat king the junkyard in copachi you hold the fate of the world in your hands please hurry why did tara khan turn to you for help he's been here a while surely he has other people who can do his bidding he knows more about you and me than he's letting on watch out my love so looks like the old loon can handle himself just fine a trail of dead rats well that can't be a coincidence hmm who's that don't make me come looking for you shoot the camera oh so that's a lot of blood ner must have really worked him over i hope he's still alive so keep digging that was our friend you killed you can thank your lucky stars were in a hurry don't rush it i want to watch him sweat away his last seconds before the bullet for misha if i'm going to act it has to be now keep digging that was our friend you killed you can thank your lucky stars we're in a hurry don't rush it i want to watch him sweat away his last seconds before the bullet for misha if i'm going to act it has to be now gosh divine providence guided your hand i'm too important to be killed by nha's minions we seem destined to keep running into each other so you might as well come on board you failed me and now you want to join me you are one cheeky little rodent mercy you let my secrets fall into the hands of the rat king i had no choice tara khan i had to look for clues about tachana's disappearance i have to exhaust every avenue no ma tter the cost you have a big heart that sometimes leads you to make bad decisions mouse but i understand what's done is done the rat king must know all about my hiding places by now so i'll need to find a new one i will join you i've got some questions for you and it's very important that you answer as best you can i will certainly try mousy first how did you get to chana's music box she came to me the woman in the red dress she came to you where when in my dreams she has haunted my nights for years she told me where to find it the music box she mentioned you too what did she say exactly she advised me that you could be an important instrument in the fight against the rat king she also wanted you to see the music box to convince you that all this is real i keep seeing her too at first i thought it must be my imagination but no don't say that she's completely real don't doubt it for another moment why was nar trying to kill you isn't it obvious mercy nothing is obvious to me right now i 'm the only person who stands between humanity and the rat king his minions will try to kill me every chance they get okay why don't you retire the act for a while who are you really what act there is nothing more real than this tarakan is more real than you are does your name have some special meaning means cockroach and that is what i am a humble being reborn from the ashes of chernobyl's destruction tiny that's resilient i used to be a person like you maxie but when divine providence called upon me to face the rat king tarakan was born all right good talk igor hey i got a second just talked to my uh business partner on the radio what is it yeah he's knew deep in the [ __ ] nar is after him but that's to be expected if you keep taking from them and giving unto yourself huh i see that kind of business let's not get bogged down with the details just check if he's okay would you he's hiding somewhere near the pripyat port so what's the [ __ ] plan man charges i always knew that you had something explosive hidden inside of you professor kim young just be very careful love once you help someone you can easily become responsible for them stop right there you're on pripy and bradford term now you mentioned something about trade what kind of thing what about this there'll be one sure thing here you go it's just free i better be going now bradford forever igor sashko i found the plastic box but it's empty there are some droppings and is it possible rats took your charges well [ __ ] those sneaky bastards must have been really hungry now what well no charges means more work for me and also more work for you i can make the compound from scratch but that means i'll need the ingredients from somewhere else but first we need to take care of the rap problem what do you mean you got the detonator press the button why would i do that to blow these bastards to red kingdom come i don't want them running around with my charges all right time to meet the great rat catcher in the sky m y furry little friends too bad tara can isn't here to see this i think you actually press the button i'm oppressed nothing happened of course nothing happened goofers it's a dummy but well right igor khamenek professor lover pyromaniac this was another of your idiot's stunts you know ii know i should be surprised but actually i'm not it's not a real detonator it's just a prop i was just messing with you professor trust me i wouldn't risk a life of my brave companion like that but you still need to go to find my other stash and bring me the components i need it's right next to the connector oh there i thought i might lose my favorite partner in crime was that supposed to be humor sashko not bad for a first try sashko you know the difference between dynamite and nitroglycerin i need you to be more stable like dynamite and less like nitroglycerin which will just blow a person to hell for no reason you want to make an omelet you gotta crack a few skulls am i right if you know so much about eggs how about helping out with the cooking now that's your department i'll stick to what i'm good at blowing [ __ ] up we need to talk igor i'm all is got some intel that needs acting on nar is preparing a huge shipment of munitions maybe food as well we can't let this opportunity go oh you're not wasting any time on that radio huh sure i'll look into it mikhail claims that everything is just business but i know you can tell he's holding back the whole truth can't you there's a deep darkness within him caused by loss and grief don't let it suck you in oh uh uh who's there don't shoot relax mikhail sent me are you his business associate he's what ah yes sure it's your thing i've been shot i need help michael i found your friend nar did a number on him it doesn't look good [ __ ] we'll help the man i need him he's got connections besides he doesn't deserve to die like that like a dog let me patch you up thank you i don't have anything on me i had to drop everything when i ran but i've got some intel you can have i'm looking for someone her name is tatiana amelieva she uh she plays a violin right sibelius yes my god that's her favorite composer you you know her i can still hear the music beautiful inspired sibelius is not for everyone weeks ago i started having the dreams only the music at first then i saw her she didn't say anything but i understood she communicated with me through the music my wife katja used to play the violin you see that was our connection what did she communicate oh uh i wrote it down someplace but it's still in my hideout probably swarming with any our goons don't go anywhere i'm going to check your hideout this is very important to me you'll be fine i promise you are like a foolish child wandering in the dark you think you're getting closer but the dark water is rushing in soon it will be over your head you should have stayed away you cannot ruin everything now i won't allow it so want to show me what you're made of now run i will hurt you if i have to i'm giving you a 10 second head start let's see what you're made of uh why did you have to come this is not going to end well for you you're full of surprises but it's not over yet this omega unit seems to be a special unit designed to protect the power plant what in the hell are the nar hiding there so people exposed to chernobylite are able to communicate with each other that's why people can see tatyana that's why i can see her too so who is he wounded but he's gonna make it ah that's a relief he has access to different goods and a lot of useful contacts looking out for your fellow man hey mikhil [ __ ] you mr righteous maybe this is some kind of romantic adventure for you but some people have to make a living here yes comrade we think that this subject could be the key patient zero yes she was pregnant only a couple of weeks yes we were surprised too no she won't tell us who the father is based on the intel that our friends in the kgb provided us with we've got two possi ble candidates unfortunately one of them is already dead absolutely comrade we've taken every precaution to make sure that amelieva and her child are safe and sound we're very curious too we could be on the brink of something big here yes i will keep you posted dear god tanya she she was with child our child and she was this patient zero they were using her for their experiments from the start my little bird my little sweetheart soon you will see the blue sky the meadows you will hear the sound of the ocean smell the pine trees feel the sunlight on your face you're a very special boy you have a bright future ahead of you i want you to go far far away from here and be happy don't be afraid i will always be close to you in your heart in your deepest memories find me there it's time we have to hurry i love you my sweetheart your mommy loves you very very much now go tanya was kept prisoner here but her child did someone take it away from her yes this is regrettable my men are looking into it regrettable it's a [ __ ] disaster how could you let this happen if someone finds out mind your tone comrade i was fighting in afghanistan when you were still pissing in your underwear now the boy suffered from acute autism couldn't even speak my bet is he's probably lying in a ditch somewhere however he couldn't have escaped on his own someone helped him are you saying it was an inside job it's too soon for definite conclusions but yes i would say so so it must be a spy a cia asset you kg people see spies everywhere that probably explains why your arrest records are so high saddam is on the brink of invading kuwait i'm sure the cia has more pressing problems than your research no this is not the cia this is someone closer to home don't worry i intend to find out who look general i'm sorry i spoke out of turn before i really do appreciate your work you are vital to our efforts the duggar project and our research it could be bigger than nuclear weapons bigger than even the space war s a lot is at stake here even the future of the motherland i already spoke with some other party members and let me be frank with you comrade the soviet union is falling apart at the seams and i don't think anything can prevent that from happening i'm not a scientist but i've seen enough to know that this chernobylite on the other hand could be the key to our future we all have to do whatever's necessary to prepare for it so tanya had a boy and he escaped was it mine god if it was i can't ah compose yourself igor looks like the kgb was trying to expedite the chernobylite experiments maybe they were even hoping that the findings would prolong the life of the soviet union clearly they didn't succeed hey there old timer i need you to do something for me i'm all ears you know i came here to janabo looking for someone you mentioned a brother yeah ruslan we grew up together in moscow we had to fend for ourselves from an early age so you were like gang bangers the proper term is thieves and l aw but you don't need to know that so why is ruslan even here it's a long story but our father was a cop like a lot of cops he was a real piece of [ __ ] he beat our mother every time he got drunk which was always but i never forget the last time he took a swing in my head with a lid pipe but this time it didn't connect i wasn't a helpless little [ __ ] anymore neither was ruslan we grabbed the old man and threw him down the well behind the old house he was just too much of a bastard to die though only broke his legs you threw your own father down a well i guess he must have deserved it okay what's my role in all this my brother ruslan did something he shouldn't and after this something he came here to hide in the zone i've been trying to track him down for months damn what did he do that would make him hide in a place like this that's not important right now anyway my best guess is that he was caught by nar i need to meet up with him and ask him some questions this is very important t o me search the nar mobile command center near the old hospital pripyat port there are some officer uniforms that'll help you infiltrate the power plant and while you're at it i want you to look up some informer brother anything you can find on rustling horror bats of course i knew i could count on you partner stay in touch just in case radio me if you need help i will olivier wants to play soldiers igor for him everything is war and the spoils of war what about you my darling what is your mission the nar doesn't care about anything or anyone deaths are just numbers on a page for that greedy corporate beast and the beast won't allow you to pull out its teeth so easily olivier i'm up on the roof there's a signal flare in the distance i assume it's red yes must be the drop zone that's your target time to roll good luck yes sir olivier sir anton was a good guy so let's do our best for him try to keep a low profile out there don't let nar spot you and don't take more than you can easily ca rry [ __ ] what the hell is man this olivier i can see the crates it looks promising well done i know you worked hard for this but don't get greedy remember low profile don't listen to that soldier boy [ __ ] low profile remember the pointers i gave you igor be a pro igor any ammo you leave behind they're gonna use to shoot you in the ass blow that [ __ ] sky high olivier is right causing an uproar when it's not completely necessary won't help our mission igor igor i've gotta talk to you some serious [ __ ] is about to go down what is it this time one of the big fish is flying into capacity we have a chance to intercept him we have to act on this intel now how did you come to find out about this fish of yours i've got a lot of contacts here you know that i usually try to keep a low profile but an opportunity like this may not present itself again for quite a while oh this could be useful it is 100 worth a shot imagine what kind of intel we can squeeze out of this guy just go over there and check it out for yourself okay i know a good vantage point all right but let's make one thing clear first i'll do the talking i've got a feeling this big fish might not survive your squeezing sure sure whatever you say boss i'll mark the location on your map um nothing is ever as it seems with mikael is it what is he dragging you into this time the nar fish tank is a very murky and dirty place can you really tell the difference between a big fish and a bottom feeder when you meet them i'm in position how is this a good vantage point no tower no hill ah right you all need a tower there should be a control unit nearby find it and power it up found it what is this thing mikhail what are you not telling me and where is this big fish you'll be flying over in a helicopter pretty soon all you need to do is fire up the missile defense system the rest is automated pretty [ __ ] awesome right it's old soviet technology i found it totally by chance don't tell me that's not a great [ __ ] pla n what you want me to shoot down a helicopter are you out of your goddamn mind oh contreramon freyr it's the perfectly rational thing to do cut off as many of the hydra's heads as you can this is insane igor you've no idea who's on board i know we want to take down nar but blowing unidentified targets out of the sky is a war crime this is [ __ ] crazy i am not going to shoot without knowing for certain who's on board that helicopter it could be women and children for all we know you've got to get your head straight pal everyone here everyone in that chopper they're all nar volunteers every one of them deserves to die for what they did to me and my friends i don't know what you're talking about and i'm not going to do it it's over mikhail you couldn't pull the trigger i knew it don't send a [ __ ] [ __ ] to do it oh accept it and move on that's not how we do things around here you think you can tell me how we do things my best buddies were slaughtered by these [ __ ] they tortured us th ey clamped electrodes on my [ __ ] nipples can you imagine what that's like calm down mikhail i want to get them as much as you but not like this i'm not going to [ __ ] calm down you robbed me of my revenge you think you're something special [ __ ] egghead really you're just a common thief you are a major [ __ ] disappointment igor what the hell was that i don't have time for cowards and [ __ ] which is what you are piss off i know we have our differences but you really ought to stay i need you here damn right you do don't you ever forget that damn where'd olivier get to i hope he'll be back soon hey mousey have you ever heard the story of the wolf in sheep's clothing uh yes what if it was a mousy in rat's clothing or a hair in hunter's clothing how'd you like that i'm not sure it's the same of course it is sometimes you need to change your skin to stay hidden amongst your enemies you're talking about a disguise a disguise sure i have some useful items stashed in my hideout the unifor ms used by the rat king's top minions for example then you will look like them and smell like them an nar officer's uniform would definitely be useful look in the building adjacent to the radar building third floor i laid some traps so watch out for the mousy these traps kill rats and mouses alike memorize this rhyme one two three four five a hunter went out for a walk suddenly a hair appeared and shot him down bang bang the hunter is going to die he's crawling back home saying bury me deep and let me lie it's the other way around the hunter shot the hair one two three every kid in the country knows that rhyme it beats a password that anyone can copy also here's the key so you don't have to break in like a common thief you promised your friend something and now you need to follow through sashko is like a live grenade right now one wrong move and he'll explode be careful so i'm at the outpost a lot of firepower here stay low i could try my luck see if i can take them out he got balls i' ll give you that but no lure them away from the outpost somehow use the field radio i assume olivier taught you how to fool these robots okay you got a plan get to it living on the streets of moscow teaches you how to think on your feet i like it oh i'm at the radio station good stuff you know what to do next help help we're under attack monsters god it just tore misha to pieces ah is it sasha use the [ __ ] call signs you [ __ ] and identify yourself this is sasha send reinforcements we're in hot pursuit of our wanted man roger that sending team asap do not engage the enemy wait for reinforcements do you copy that was good but don't get cocky it'll get you killed now move last thing you want is for them to catch up to you and your [ __ ] so i see two trucks one of them's loaded with explosives maybe downside go down there and take a closer look carefully i've got the uniform good now see if you can find anything on wrestling team rhino to combat ops team rhino to combat ops over oh i had team run out false alarm no enemy contact we're falling back to the truck over and out bring me the [ __ ] report you go out now it seems they caught someone who enlisted under false name they found out his real identity ruslan and that he was wanted for double homicide in moscow oh my god sashko i'm sorry they i think they killed him in order to deny any involvement so he's dead i don't get to ask my questions then what the hell is so important about these questions this is your brother yeah i've seen this double homicide it was our parents i think russell might have been involved in their deaths what are you saying you think ruslan killed your parents i have no idea what happened i wanted to find out from him directly no i never will come on you know your brother better than that you and him saved your mum from your abusive [ __ ] of a father do you honestly think he would harm her unintentionally no but maybe there was an accident crossfire i know you didn't get what you wanted but you should trust in your memory of ruslan i'll see you back at the base you're out of your goddamn mind if you think you're going back now whatever he did or didn't do wrestling is still my brother i need you to avenge him what you should think things through first get some peace of mind i don't want peace of mind i want a piece of them mind the place and send those nhl [ __ ] back to hell i'm with you russell must be avenged appreciate it now on the c4 grab the detonator and hide in the hospital wait for the right moment and press the button i've got the detonator hide wait for those focus to come back i see them whenever you're ready but don't hesitate who's that some stumble bomb is closing in on the checkpoint is that mikhail's friend blow it up before he gets any closer do it what no [ __ ] way that old bastard is way too valuable don't you [ __ ] care you let me down ego do you know what happens to people who let me down i don't work with them anymore at the very least i help ed you remember it's unfortunate you chose not to return the favor i promised to help you find your brother not slaughter anyone you pointed your finger at i'm not a killer everyone's a killer under the right circumstances we had a deal you broke it why i'm sorry it just didn't feel right i'm not a murderer you think this is about you now pathetic back home i'm called a crook of gangbanger an outlaw but i don't let my people down at least i can say that dear igor apologist for this pre-recorded message but it's for your own safety i found something that will help you in your search the documents are on the roof of the pripyat hospital come as quickly as you can and try to be discreet my superiors would be very unhappy if they knew i was helping you i knew i could count on the old man i would have contacted him sooner if only i'd known he was here all these years in the zone and all that tadakan has to show for it or some officer's uniforms be careful igor don't end up as rat bait is fi nish the sentence or die little fly one two three four five a hare went out for a walk so when you are there here comes another riddle for you pesky and shut him down is and shot the hair said the spider saying bury me deep and let me lie uh so officer stripes i'm sure these will look good on me one more thing my computer i have over 10 gigs of findings concerning chernobylite great what am i supposed to do about it you know how to use norton commander launch the rat king program it will compress the files and upload them to the cloud this may take some time it's a 486 dx processor with 512 kilobytes of ram that will take hours i'm no [ __ ] blackhead but that's way too risky let's burn the place down and get the hell out of there okay i'll give it a shot walk me through it unlock the computer and type right king death all uppercase this will activate the hidden dot bad file god i do love the 90s this is a [ __ ] mistake okay here we go looks like the black stalker is enhanced somehow by chernobylite the nar put him in charge of safeguarding their science secrets i thought keeping you close was supposed to increase my chances of survival not put me in the ground what the hell was that i gave you what you needed to disarm the traps and you did fine i'm proud of you mercy yeah i'm so glad you're on my side thanks for nothing the sharpest sword must be forged in the hottest fires of hell soon you will see it wasn't for nothing mousy all these documents and research where did it come from next to the garbage incinerator the woman in the red dress told me where to look are you kidding me not at all i guess somebody fell asleep on the job nobody's perfect mercy not even the rat king's lackeys so wow it's great to see you igor i've got a fan [ __ ] [ __ ] plan that you need to hear yeah right of course sounds fan [ __ ] exciting stop bitching and be grateful or someone here to do the thinking when you're not around anyway listen up i think the time has come to kill off the biggest knobber of them all oh the suspense is killing me who's on your [ __ ] list today drumroll please general koslov the single biggest nar [ __ ] of them all time to end his miserable life pay back for what he did to my friends and for his other shameful deeds of course can't forget that you've got friends that's new and very funny this [ __ ] and his cronies iced my boys don't you ever joke about that you [ __ ] hear me his lap dogs captured us tortured us i got lucky they just beat the ever-loving [ __ ] out of me and left me to die what happened you never wanted to talk about it before having electrodes clipped your dong is not something you want to relive with casual acquaintances the five of us set up this warehouse together it was me zena yuri ludmila and igor like yourself we were the [ __ ] pripyat five respected businessmen and women we provided uh essential goods and services for those who needed them when nar showed up we tried to negotiate with them but to this decrep it 20th century kami kozlov we were just a bunch of hippie anarchists and drug dealers anyway a perfect opportunity to exact revenge on this cocksucker's approaching he's gonna give some kind of motivational speech to his private army of knobbers outside in lenin's square as much as i admire clean work shooting him like a lame deer would be a mistake we should make him talk first learn everything we can so we can better prepare for a heist passwords codes guard routines after we have what we need then we have him i also want to ask him about my brother i need to know why he went to the trouble of killing wrestling when he was just asking for a job we are going to pull the rat king's teeth one by one kozlov is one of his shiniest fangs and sharpest but we should question him first killing him straight away would waste all the work we put into exposing his big plans and the end of the world and all that we need koslov alive i'm open to suggestions i can definitely help with that the actu al camp is located in energetic the former palace or culture there are two ways in the main entrance is probably guided of course but they only post two cards at the side door you know the place right yeah i lived here a long time ago but some of the details are fuzzy it's not complicated those nar [ __ ] just walked in and make themselves at home the front entrance is a no go but the side door will be a breeze the guard details free light insultingly so and that's where you come in or go in or whatever castle of digs are on the top floor once you get inside it shouldn't be hard for men of your talents to slip past the guards security is a bit of a joke like every fascist you ever met they got cocky they're not expecting anyone to snoop around and remember most of them will be distracted by cousin of speech maybe you'll even put them to sleep for us this is a great opportunity mousey the rat king's minion will be vulnerable hello just waiting for you the time has come to instill the fe ar of the great rat catcher in their black and shriveled hearts okay i'm ready to talk to kosovo koslov the most hated man in the zone he is ruthless but hardly a mastermind despite his civilized appearance he may just be a mad dog unleashed by the nar still you could probably learn a lot from him he could be or take it into the power plant bad musical what's going on is about to leave the nar in kembent very convenient timing isn't it convenient indeed so change of plans go to hotel policia top floor you'll have a great vantage point from up there sounds good excellent we should pursue this plan this will bring us closer to defeating the rat king you're one psycho giza turkey but i like you cause you love to stir [ __ ] up working with you is a real pleasure you may be far from divine enlightenment sashko but your heart is in the right place ah i'm on the top floor and i found some binoculars good luck favors bold mouse is like yourself i see him general kozlov in the flesh the chief rat now listen closely mousey his living quarters are in the building on your right top floor the time for action is now gather your carriage and go mercy uh what about a little help perhaps some kind of diversion yes luring the other predators away is always a good idea use the generator to power up the ferris wheel its lights will attract them like moths like moths that might work for a minute or two but it will last do you have a better idea i might shut down the generator instead and they'll be blind then you'll have no problem sneaking past the guards and getting to your target so ah okay i'm at the generator the shadows are out [ __ ] hell fire fired will target the head over there keep shooting once you're sick stay awake disabling the generator must have opened the shadow cages the gods will be quite busy for the next little while i'm not afraid of the dark are you seriously though watch yourself those things will eat you just as soon as any god so what's all the commotion don' t even think about reaching for that sidearm general koslov i'm not interested in talking to you but i need to find tatiana and you're in my way is that so those few words you just said tell me you have no idea what's going on here come on he's just trying to weasel his way out of it kill him now don't let him get in your head i'm sorry general i'm not that kind of person but you leave me no choice wait you're making a huge mistake i can tell you a great many things useful information he's full of [ __ ] just pop him and blow you want to know about tatiana right then you found the right man let's talk okay i'll bite but you better have answers did you think i would be impressed i've seen these things before don't make your situation any worse than it already is move so this is what it looks like from the inside surprised i guess you're not all knowing after all let's say terrorist hideouts are not my department but i know everything i need to know is this a family meeting what a pity i thought we were going to talk man to man professor kaminuk what the [ __ ] why didn't you bring this [ __ ] here you were supposed to punish him for what he did and then leave his corpse as an example my poor fellow i suppose you expect me to acknowledge you and apologize for something i've done sadly i am forced to disappoint you i have no idea who you are nor do i care what about you old man still chasing ghosts did you ever find your mysterious rat king perhaps you should have stayed in the institution at least they kept you properly fed sash go horobets i admire your craft but there's nothing i can do for you or your brother we'll see about there are we done with introductions let's get to it then you seem to be the most reasonable of this gang of colorful misfits i was hoping you and i could have a civilized conversation i know exactly what you're doing it isn't particularly clever or original but it's not going to work what am i doing i am a professional who happens to be on the other side of the fence just a man trying to do his job i have a nephew that i very much want to see so go ahead and ask your questions when you're satisfied i'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement your nephew tell me about him he's 10 years old he's from magnetogorsk like his father and me and he's the smartest kid i know i don't believe for one moment that you could harm him it simply isn't your style professor besides you don't even know where he is do not assume to know me koslov that would be a mistake tell me about the experiments what is seminole doing in the lab i wish i could tell you but as with tracking down trespasses that is not my department my task was to ensure seminole could work undisturbed you lie i've seen everything i've even studied chernobylite myself how can you claim to know nothing about it i know about its applications yes i know that it can act as an unlimited energy source that it can be used in transportation medicine and can even be weaponized b ut i don't know any details about its implementation i'm not a scientist just an old soldier yes i suppose that's true look i'm not a personal friend of seminole his findings may be profound but at what cost remember it was seminole who botched the experiment that released the shadows into this world can you guess how many people i've lost fighting those things don't ask me where these creatures came from because i have no idea from a nightmare perhaps semenov has a god complex he believes he can advance the human race a bold claim especially in this part of the world no we lived in the shadow of people who wanted to turn us simple bread eaters into angels for almost the entire century but i've been around i've seen things so you can understand why i'm skeptical when i hear such claims semenov may be the brain but he isn't responsible for the atrocities in the zone that's your doing hmm you seem like a smart fellow communique why would you buy into this nonsense what do you mean whatev er seminole told you he is the real puppet master he has great influence over the board the board the big money people in the tailored italian suits the people who make money by making money seminole convinced the board he's going to transform nar into a trillion dollar business to them he's like an investment banker messiah seminole isn't rounding people up and torturing them filling mass graves with civilian corpses that's you well naturally you'll get a distorted view of what's going on when you only hear one side of the story uh-huh what's your side of the story then this is a war zone i am responsible for keeping my men safe and doing my job some collateral damage is unavoidable in any conflict but trust me when i say i've already had a belly full of civilian misery i do my absolute best to keep their suffering to a minimum i'm only really interested in one thing where is tatiana that ghost you're chasing that pretty dream i don't know what to tell you you're the head of security am i to believe you're not privy to everything that goes on at the power plant professor comeniuk listen i am here to earn a little extra money so i can retire someplace nice and send my nephew to an ivy league university i have zero interest in anything that doesn't directly concern my men and my job if you don't tell me i swear i cannot tell you what i do not know professor semenov is the authority in this area talk to him if you want to know more about the experiments or this tatiana girl how do i enter that power plant you're placing me in a very awkward position you want me to divulge information that may lead to casualties among my men and the civilian staff you've got a real nerve talking to me about civilian casualties i can't believe you would try that again what is the password and response for accessing the power plant don't be stupid you and your merry band of trumps will never make it out of the power plant alive i don't care do you know where we are right now no i don't u nderstand it this place but let's skip the guessing game and you just tell me we are currently in the tunnel between two singularities it's like a black hole only smaller this tunnel is a shortcut through time and space marvelous isn't it but to use it you need to know how to enter and how to leave ah i see where this is going do you i don't have to kill you i can simply leave you here but don't count on dying anytime soon time dilation will ensure that you don't you will never see your nephew again but perhaps i will release you to attend his funeral when he's died of old age i can see that your companion's cruel nature is beginning to rub off on you very well are you ready to cooperate now if you lie to me i will return and it won't go well for you the call is we quell the storm the response and ride the thunder thank you i'm glad we had this chance to talk what to do with you now eh i wouldn't ask him about wrestling fast he's mine i want him to experience a slow descent into hell [ __ ] he's just a tool of the red king he told you everything of value already do not let this rodent roam free he can still do great damage to our cause more even than before sorry i can't let you go you're making a mistake professor one you will dearly regret i promised sashko let me ask some questions about why ruslan died and i'll send him to his ancestors you've seen enough bloodshed igor go now this is no way for a man to die by the hands of a thief a common low-life criminal damn you listen georgie i know what i'm doing but there's no going back now i know my dear friend it's just that we lost such a brilliant mind that terrible night i'm afraid of losing you too all over some romantic squabbles and this misunderstanding also costs you your good looks i don't want to listen to this anymore no more distractions you hear me oh yes of course i'm very happy to hear that it's all in the past now good so let's get to it i would like to see some results as soon as possible we both know that she's the key we've wasted enough time already all right all right just don't do anything rash please we need to follow the proper protocols so my dear friend boris worked with semenov even after the chernobyl disaster i wonder what happened to his face and tanya is the key the key to what yeah more secrets i've got to keep digging your trials were too aggressive my friend i told you that you were using too much didn't ii told you you're lucky you didn't end up brain dead like the others but here we are boris is dead truly dead this time there's no reason to pretend otherwise now i suppose i should have seen this coming the mental projections you told me about divisions they've been building for some time to be honest i just thought that your hallucinations meant you were losing your mind prolonged exposure to chernobylite often causes psychosis and hysteria after all why i've seen the test subjects babbling about or wanting to save the world from rats you really did it my friend you crossed the rubicon you achieved something that no one has ever achieved before well accept her but she has a different purpose you will be the first of your kind you will help me bring about a new era of human evolution you will help me reach the stars forget your past forget your pathetic personal involvements distractions foolish distractions for the week wasting your time seeking validation from others but not anymore you don't need any of that going forward you're to be my right hand in the days to come it's time to drop your old mask and don a new one time to become what you were always meant to be the black stalker wake up soon we've got plenty to do you and i so it was boris all along he started the chernobylite trials on himself and became the black stalker dear god i've told you everything you need to know general what seems to be the problem the problem that's what you're calling it look i won't even pretend to understand what you and your lab monkeys are doing down the re and i wouldn't care if i did what i do care about is this facility and the safety of my men so the next time you decide to rush an experiment that can potentially release a bunch of [ __ ] monsters into the world please tell me beforehand so i have time to devise a strategy first off the shadows are key to our research they are hybrids that you know what i won't bother you with details that you won't be able to understand anyways and second actually no i'm responsible to the board not to you kozlov your job is to safeguard this operation not lecture me on things you will never come close to understanding in fact the board wants you to cooperate closely very closely with my right hand man i would like you to familiarize him with all of our security protocols who the freak in the black mask you want to tell me who the hell he is i like to know who i'm working with if you need a name calling what the rest of your men call him the black stalker one last thing i know you don't share my v iews on the future prospects of this organization but don't even think about throwing in the towel if we fail there will be hell to pay for both of us there is no walking away now so the nar is somehow responsible for creating shadows or at least releasing them into the world and boris the black stalker is also involved in nar security you reach the supplies but someone else got there first you killed him and took the food for yourself let's rearrange the timeline igor hey don't hurt me i'm i'm unarmed hands where i can see them i take it you're the traitor everyone's so anxious to find what where did you get that i know traitor i was never even with the nar you'll have to be a lot more convincing than that those spooks really want to find you your face is all over the radio all right all right ii used to trade with some of the grunts sometimes but those knuckleheads got confused about how trading works they tried to rip me off and and what one thing led to another and you understand i took a few little items to balance the account obviously they didn't want the brass to find out about their little side hustle so they cooked up this yarn about a traitor interesting yeah but not nearly as interesting as you my friend you're new to the zone right you've been staying in mikael's warehouse i wonder what you're up to how did you know that i need to go now they're probably worried about me who's they sorry i can't tell you that please step aside i'm going now sorry but i don't like your story why don't you tell me who you really are and let's take a little look-see in your bag while we're at it who i am is none of your bloody business and i'm not showing you [ __ ] we're both in a tough spot here maybe you're just a hustler or maybe you're a spy i can't just let you walk away yeah looks like we're in a bind all right ball's in your court [ __ ] just another stalker trying to make it in the zone eh you're free to go yeah yeah whatever you met kostya he was captured and hel d prisoner by the nar he asked you to release him but you hesitated wanting more time to think it through you left him to rot in jail let's rearrange the timeline igor let me out and let's get back to olga i'll make sure you get the credit for retrieving the food this guy is sketchy and gives me a weird vibe let's leave him here if he's as skilled as he says he is he can make it back on his own all right you're free head back to the camp thanks i'll put a good word in for you kostya asked you to give him food for the samurai shields so he could incapacitate matfay and run the village differently you felt his plan was unacceptable and refused let's rearrange some pieces on the space-time chessboard igor you have the supplies right let me take them off your hands thanks what those are some balls you've got there ii really need you to hand them over i'll give them right back to olga promise either you tell me what is this all about or i'm not giving you [ __ ] all right all right look i'v e been trying to help these people for years show them how to run this place better organize themselves and whatnot go on but for some reason they don't trust me they only listen to olga and that old coot don't get me wrong i love oga i love all of them they're my family and i live to protect them even when it's against their wishes maybe they don't trust you because you're a lying sack of [ __ ] what do you want with the supplies marthe needs to learn his place he's reckless makes decisions that could get us all killed his reign of terror has to be stopped i'm going to spike his food just give him a little something to make him a bit more um docile then i can make some changes around here and olga will finally see reason she's under mudface influence it has to stop well that's i don't know what to say so this is all about your personal vendetta i'm a doctor as you know i'll be very careful with the dosage it won't do any real harm trust me this will benefit everyone if you help me wit h this you'll always find support here whatever you need i'll get it for you before i make up my mind i need you to come clean about one more thing did you steal the supplies yourself to orchestrate this plan yes yes i did but only because of how much i care about this place i'm willing to do the hard thing to save everyone i trust that you can see this and will make the right call you know you need allies in a place like this trust in the great rat catcher's wisdom sometimes he guides us to serendipitous situations just like this one mousey this madway i've known him for a long time and i don't trust him he may even be an unwilling vessel for the rat king's wrath a taste of rat poison is just what he needs no way i'm not gonna let you poison anyone that's insane ah i wish you hadn't said that you successfully brought the food back but weren't sure if you could tell olga about kostya perhaps you could have asked her to join you in the end you decided to leave the village without doing anything are you ready to readjust the timeline igor i retrieved your supplies thank you for saving kostya it can be difficult but he's family if you need anything anything at all you know where to find me how about joining forces your people seem to have everything under control here i could use someone with your skills and drive and i could use someone who knows so much about nar technology yeah i think madve can take care of things on his own for a while lead the way i'll open a portal for you just don't freak out okay dear igor apologies for this pre-recorded message but it's for your own safety i found something that will help you in your search the documents are on the roof of the pripyat hospital come as quickly as you can and try to be discreet my superiors would be very unhappy if they knew i was helping you i knew i could count on the old man i would have contacted him sooner if only i'd known igor having such a powerful ally in this place could change everything for you but then again you've always been so trusting i hope it won't be your downfall uh these must be the documents professor semenov left for me you have no idea how determined a man can be i'm not going anywhere something's interfering with my portal generator so oh ah this is what's blocking my port there's more than one jamming device ah they really put the effort into setting this trap i have to turn that still nothing have to find the other device oh uh so i need to talk to you igor this is important what's going on i've gotten word from methae his scouts discovered a prison in the red forest they just discovered it now i thought you guys knew this place better than the mice they discovered that an old soviet bunker had been repurposed it must have happened recently go on we didn't know about it because there's no reason to venture out that way anymore that part of the woods is crawling with lurkers and nargoons and mantve thinks it's a prison exactly someone's being guarded there whoever it is it could be important i know it's a long shot but i still think it's worth it it's not heavily guarded either definitely worth a try do you think it could be your mom no ii don't i believe she's gone i've made my piece with it a long time ago so i take it you want me to check out this bunker prison i wouldn't ask if it wasn't important and mfa is occupied elsewhere are you in you've got a point it makes sense to have this place on our radar i'll check it out attaboy now go bring me back some good news i know you just want to do the right thing but are you sure you're not wasting your time you usually don't let your emotions cloud your judgment this whole zone is littered with old soviet bunkers and relics of the past why would the nar be interested in any of that uh olga i found the entrance watch out for guards they're probably close by of course where else would they be olga i found something a control panel perhaps it opens the cell doors oh wait shouldn't you check the cell b efore you open it hey little guy what are you doing here this is no place for children no kidding old timer let me out of here before the guards come back what's your name kid i'm gleb i didn't do anything wrong let me out of here or my uncle will kick the crap out of you easy there little fella i'm not little i'm already 10 you know first i need to know how you ended up here what is this place i was going to visit my uncle he was supposed to pick me up in slovetic and this black van came after me there were two big guys with faces like potatoes they said that they would take me to my uncle and they gave me a can of coke it's supposed to wake you up but i got really sleepy they kidnapped you when i woke up i was in here but i wasn't scared i didn't even cry maybe just a little i'm almost a grown-up i tried to escape once by myself but the stupid guards caught me and put me back in this cage and and one of them said if you try and run again you'll regret it little rat but i'm not like a little rat at all right stink and poop everywhere you're the bravest little boy i ever met cleb i told you i'm not a little boy who's your uncle someone important of course he is he's a big shot around here when he hears what happened to me heads will roll that's exactly what he'll say hmm i wonder is your uncle in the military he was in the army like my daddy but mummy and daddy are both in heaven now so uncle is taking care of me i'm sorry about your parents so he's a soldier eh he's working on something big and important for important people but i don't know what it is you're a riddle wrapped in an enigma my dear lad i want to help you clip but i need to ask you something first okay okay okay but hurry up before the guards come back i hate them they stink like onions and medicine what kind of medicine i don't know but my uncle drinks it too says it's good for his heart he always carries a small bottle of it in his chest pocket really smelly i see that kind of medicine these men did they ever hurt you did they give you something shots maybe or pills no they only yelled at me when i told them to let me go did they put you in a weird machine or give you chin green crystals no never curious so you have no idea why they put you in that cage they'd say i'd be collater collaboral something like the bear collateral maybe i don't know what that means they said that my uncle knows i'm here and he's coming to visit soon but i bet they're liars oh boy you've been through a lot can i see my uncle now please please please soon kiddo just give me a minute to think here all right time to bust you out of here thank you i'll tell my uncle that you're a really nice person nobody deserves to be caged like that you need to help him eagle igor look if you think things through you realize the light is safer right where he is then out in the zone what does this thing do what now igor do you have any babysitting experience it's a little wolf goal you can't leave him in that cage it's he human and the kid should stay in the bunker for now even if he's a prisoner he's protected be safer in there than outside how about sending him to mad face you said it was reasonably safe right not a place for kids everyone needs to know how to fight what are they going to do with them anyway why can't you just i don't know open that portal of yours and send them to your base i thought about it but it's too risky he's too small the molecular structure of his body may be irreversibly changed in that case i'm telling you leave him right where he is olga i'm sending the kid to your village i really hope you thought this through i'll have to grow up very fast over there they're not going to go easy on them i was out on the streets even younger than him and i turned out all right didn't i my kid's brave i better do just fine the village is the only safe place in the zone there's a village nearby clip a stronghold full of people like soldiers but on our side they'll shelter you just say olg a sent you think you can make it on your own no problem i received a merit badge my orienteering top of my scout unit how weird was that huh discovering a secret nar prison in the middle of nowhere yeah i guess it pays off to follow every lead if it wasn't for you and mattvy we might never have found this place it was nothing i'm happy you saved that kid i really am i want you to know that they told me arrived safely in the village i still think it was the wrong decision at the time but you were under a lot of pressure anyway next time please listen to me little babushka okay i need you to come here this instant i'm at hq you better be here soon or there will be consequences the generator blew up and some of our subjects are on the loose they already killed half a dozen of kozlov's grunts kozlov himself is gone dead or escaped i don't know which would be worse i can't trust kozlov anymore you have to help me finish what we started you and me we're in this together until the end whether you like it or not you wouldn't want him to find out the truth would you i'm waiting in lenin's square make haste or we're both going to regret it i guess i really am naive huh i think you owe me an explanation old friend looks like your mentor sold you out or perhaps he was involved in all of this from the beginning regardless he's clearly no longer your friend he set a trap for you igor what are you gonna do about it finally some definitive proof tatyana is at the power plant what's that smell did someone take a [ __ ] out here or what uh my stupid job and i was stupid enough to take it before you jump to any conclusions i can explain you've been behind this the whole time enough of your games what are you talking about you know me i helped you i helped tatiana don't you dare bring tatiana into this don't you [ __ ] dare i know you're hiding things from me you're acting irrational my dear boy this isn't you if only you knew the extent of my discoveries my plans for the future i don' t care about the future i care about the truth but i'm going to get it out of you one way or another igor please let's talk this out calmly like men of science what's nar's interest in chernobylite their interest is in a potentially trillion dollar business i trust i don't need to explain the possibilities of a nearly unlimited energy source i don't care about that they're keeping tattana here against her will aren't they why where is she tatiana is a patient a very valuable one that's what's keeping her safe at least for the time has done being despicable things i give you that they've conducted some questionable experiments on human subjects but tanya is different she's special i researched chernobylite myself it has many potential applications what are you and your nar overlords planning to do with it i know you did you wouldn't be here if you didn't the catastrophe of 1986 was a great gift for humanity one of the greatest what are you talking about chernobylite opened a door to som ething that will change the history of mankind forever forever energy capable of creating a singularity multiple singularities and tunnels between them more than that it gives us access to the ones already in existence it's like an autonomous vehicle that can take you anywhere in time and space complete with maps the first such route is already in place we just need to make sure it's safe you acted like you had no idea what happened to her but she's been here this whole time hasn't she yes i cannot deny it but please you don't know all the facts cut in heaven is there not a single shred of decency left in you i could tell you things that would turn your whole life upside down but i don't want that i can't have you falling apart don't you understand i need you what are you saying i need you here you're going to help me save her i will ask you one last time where is tatyana igor please listen to reason do you want to learn about your personal threshold for pain i said talk all right all right but it's still koslov's fault you have to believe me tanya is in the power plant i swear it kozlov is keeping her there listen to me igor this is important you understand that what i'm trying to accomplish here is bigger than you or me shut your goddamn mouth i can't listen to any more of your excuses you can't leave him alive mercy he will swallow our plan he will bring about the end of the world and the reign of the rat king don't do anything you'll regret later igor you're better than them remember that more practically speaking you might need the old bastard later you won't hurt anyone ever again this ends now i see i was wrong about you you're an insect just like the rest of them mark me you will regret this for the rest of your life you will never save tatiana without my help we need to talk sure let's talk it's about my mother rather about what she found i didn't tell you this before because i didn't know if i could trust you ii think i know why they took my mom she was da ngerous to nar it wasn't a coincidence she saw something even took a photo you see when nar first came here they pretended to be friendly they offered free examinations to several samus shells and even promised my mother medical assistance it was all a ruse of course my mother was invited to their lab and she ended up seeing something she wasn't supposed to she was inside their lab you should have told me about this sooner do you know what she saw they were running experiments with chernobyl light on human subjects all volunteers of course soon after that people started vanishing my mom included do you still have the photo no my mama always kept it on her is there any other proof to back up your mother's account no but i can't see my mother lying about something like that she only ever had the same michelle's best interest at heart my mother was the least selfish person i've ever known she wanted to help everyone who suffered from the chernobyl disaster in any way she could she paid th e ultimate price for her kind heart now i have to find out why and make this right i get it really she sounds like an amazing lady how can i help i know it's a lot to ask but i need to know what my mother saw in that lap i need you to go to lenin square and get inside there must be something there incriminating nar this will help your search for tatiana as well if she's in the zone she must somehow be part of all of this it won't be easy but i'll definitely try igor a moment please i heard you talking to our she-wolf here you don't want to go to lenin's square i don't think you're ready who knows what you'll be up against i think i've proved myself quite capable no you can harness the power of chernobylite and impressive feat but what if they find a way to disable it i've been taking risks pretty much since the beginning it's the only way forward i admire your grit but i've seen guys like you in the field they never quit until they're dead it seems that olga's mother was onto something something that got her killed could it be the key to finding out about the nar's plans just be very careful my love i feel you getting closer to the heart of evil soon you may reach a point of no return should be in the middle of any earth's camp see if you can slip in unnoticed don't get in any fight unless you have to sure thing mum and don't worry i've got my sweater you've got some issues don't you okay now's not the time to get distracted locate the lab and try to reach it without drawing attention you don't want to fight all these guys at once so uh i wonder what my wife is doing right now probably hanging out with her stupid hipster friends ah i knew it they're conducting experiments at the power plant but why are they in such a hurry after all chernobyl belongs to them uh prepare 50 ml of ferric chloride and 100 ml of claude diaz epoxide i know that voice where have i heard it before dude who are you what are you doing in here that man on the phone who was it you're you're kim ignuc dear god please don't hurt me i asked you a goddamn question my boss you mean iiii don't know his real identity almost nobody does i swear do you really want to play it this way i can see you're scared and rightfully so but it seems you're deliberately trying my patience no not an ulcer uh please ii can't tell you what i don't know but i can tell you other things just ask just don't kill me i can be useful you'll see my patience is wearing sin where are those damned chemicals answer him but casually relax yes yes i uh i'm sorry i'll send them right away apologies for the delay spare me the excuses and move i need that claw dye as epoxide and i need it now you two continue without me over yourself you don't screw this up it would be best if you forgot i was ever here of course of course i won't tell a soul look at the tissue structure this used to be a liver if you can believe it we need to collect samples the brain is hyperactive vania finally who the hell are you what did you do with vanya stay very still if you want to live please don't hurt us we're scientists we yeah so was dr mengele are you performing a vivid section without anesthesia administering shots of typhus what are you doing exactly i really want to know no nothing like that we're not beasts we treat our patients as humanely as possible but you have to understand that scientific advancement requires sacrifice other people sacrifice you make it sound sinister but yes everything we do is for the greater good how does it work are you shooting these poor souls up full of chernobylite i can't talk about that the nda we signed is very strict the penalties did you just say nda are you for real stop being a corporate stooge and start thinking about your own life sure sure you're right of course we started out giving them shots but that was just the first stage we're way past that now uh-huh it was you see the fatality rate was it didn't bring the desired results we've moved from administering nano solut ions to directly editing human genomes to enhance them with chernobylite we've developed our own chernobylite crispr your patience or subjects whatever you call them especially the locals what happened to them which ones there were many patients here some of them didn't make it past the final phase the others we don't know don't let him dodge the question make him talk look please can we all try to stay calm let us explain modifying genomes is only the first step next we induce a state of super consciousness in the subject's gamma brain waves it's basic neurology the sympathetic nervous system begins to release enormous amounts of energy straight to the brain via the thalamic gate at the brain stem when the thalamic gate opens the energy flows to the pineal gland and well there you go i don't like to use this term but it opens a third eye a third eye right then what enhanced by chernobylite the pineal gland can do incredible things release all kinds of energy and even influence physica l objects as in telekinesis you're torturing people so they can bend spoons with their mind what kind of quacks are you this is all following the scientific method believe me these are closely monitored replicable experiments anyway when the subject is ready for the final stage we put them in an induced coma contrary to what you might think it's for their own good explain and fast what is this final stage our boss calls it communion it's when the subject gamma brainwaves interact with chernobylite's mental waves or well to tell you the truth we don't know exactly what it is chernobylite is like a virus in a way it's not exactly inorganic matter but neither is it a living organism it's something in between and it produces a type of brainwave even though it clearly has no structured organic tissue what's the purpose of this communion this is where it gets really interesting you know that chernobylite can be used to create wormholes right you've been doing it yourself but these wormholes are special haven't you noticed they're not a purely physical phenomenon i don't understand what else could they be we know what singularities and the tunnels should look like we know what they are in theory but has anyone actually been inside one before [ __ ] i've studied chernobylite too the exotic energy it contains is powerful enough to create quasi black holes and passages between them we thought so too at first but think about this what if there was an organism or a virus an entity powerful enough to create its own singularities no biological organism could encapsulate that kind of energy or survive if it did a living entity would be torn to shreds but chernobylite is not a normal biological organism is it we have no idea what it is just try and consider the possibility that the wormholes you're walking into are not something created outside of chernobylite they are chernobylite you're traveling through the veins and corridors of its multi-dimensional body but what does that hav e to do with this communion thing isn't it obvious we're trying to communicate with chernobylite or somehow influence it through the mental energy of our subjects but getting inside this thing's mind or whatever it is must be a truly disturbing experience you're [ __ ] insane both of you you need to stay away from the morphine cabinet for a while i've heard enough who's your patient here i'm not sure but it she must have been carefully selected selected how did she volunteer or was she maybe run down and captured by soldiers in the woods talk i'm not familiar with the selection process our boss would know but we know very little about him what's your boss in charge of exactly the entire biotech division pretty much everything chernobylite related but mainly the impact on human physical and psychological functions clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats how does this work with chernobylite it's similar to a standard gene editing tool we take specialized protein from a certain bacteria modify it with chernobylite and then target the exact genes we want to modify wait i know more about physics than genetics but crispr is usually done on embryos right and it takes time sometimes even years for mutations to show our boss developed his own methods the process is applied directly in the subject's body the speed of the mutations has increased exponentially it no longer takes years but weeks sometimes mere days marvelous isn't it enough all i've got from you so far is a bunch of gibberish i want to see the actual research where do you keep your data all the research data check the database in this computer everything can be accessed from here it's password protected isn't it promise not to kill us and we'll tell you don't worry i don't give a [ __ ] about you password two three nine eight s dollar listen to me very carefully igor this research this data is too dangerous to exist and people died because of it delete everything it won't bring my mother back b ut at least no one will profit from her death and the deaths of others you need to download this research mousey this is the rat king's brain stash it's dangerous yes and inhuman but it could contain the key to defeating him these guys are telling the truth they really achieved something incredible here why did you do it god damn you you did good eagle we will turn this information into a weapon against the rat king i'm sorry olga nobody deserves to die so horribly i was hoping for some good news but perhaps i was foolish my mother these people they were all just used processed how could anyone do something like this anyway did you find anything of value not sure yet bizarre theories about chernobylite mostly i don't know if i want to get into the details yet try me i'm not a bookworm like you but i'm not stupid either well nar seems to think chernobylite is like a giant turtle that carries our universe on its back they figure they can tame it and ride it wherever they want like a pet a turtle it's just a metaphor but the scientific theory behind it is no less insane right thanks for trying i guess we ii have something to tell you igor what's wrong olga you don't seem like yourself today i'm totally fine i just i've been having these terrible headaches lately but never mind that i've been reconsidering our arrangement and i've decided i need to go what do you mean go go where don't play dummygore it doesn't go with your big brain i'm leaving i joined you thinking you represented the change this place needs for us for the zone for the samu shells i care about you and your people olga you know i do i helped you didn't i you only helped me when it meant helping your own cause i tried to reason with you i pleaded with you i tried to get you to see things my way i hoped you would help me even if we don't agree on every detail friends do that for each other you know but i am your friend olga and i'm trying what do you want from me i don't want anything from you anymore ig or that ship has sailed sailed right can't you see i'm your best chance i thought so too but something happened recently what something what's going on with you olga shut the [ __ ] up nothing's wrong with me kim nuke come on olga we've been through so much together are you going to throw it all away because of some misunderstanding you still don't get it obviously you promised to help me and instead you [ __ ] on me and my needs my people's needs are critical they're facing new dangers every day the lurkers nar they need my help at this very moment not whenever you get around to it i lost all my hope kiemannuk you took from me the only thing that kept me going but thankfully she found me she found me when i needed her most i have no idea who you're talking about but i really do want to help you and your people and i will just trust me going to ask you a question and i need an honest reply can you do that igor if you had to choose between tatiana and the others what would you do what k ind of question is that it's not that simple she i will make it super simple for you don't think just answer this isn't a zero-sum game i knew it i've got my answer olga please i don't understand what you're saying i'm not under any obligation to save the world no you failed me you also failed her i wish i perhaps will see each other everyone it's time to hit the power plant we all know it's not going to be easy we tried before and not everyone made it but this time we're smarter and better prepared i know we can do this we have to do this it's the only way we can find tachana and end nar you're talking about striking at the heart of the rat king but have you learned everything possible about his plans i have evidence that nar was conducting chernobylite experiments back in the 90s tachyana and her baby were two of their subjects with the rate at which their technology is progressing soon nothing will be able to stop them we must act now what about that black mask wearing have you iden tified him his name is boris glukov he tashana and i were close friends until he betrayed us he helped the kgb gather evidence against tatyana then continued to work for nar after my accident he experimented on himself with chernobylite and ended up with great power he's strong one of the strongest but we can beat him together i like the pep talk professor i think you even gave me a bit of a job but do we have the right tools for the job yes we do we've got everything we need to infiltrate the power plant this is much bigger than anything any of us has done before if you want to back out this is your chance one organization holding this much power is against everything i believe in and besides this is personal for me can't be in you know how i feel the red king must be stopped at all costs mercy i'm in i started out doing this for a paycheck but i'm going to end it for my brother-in-arms for anton let's do this you think i'm going to back out now and miss the best part [ __ ] no i'm wi th you igor i appreciate your trust we can't count on the element of surprise but we know enough about anyar's vulnerabilities to make this work time and again nar has shown they would rather capture than kill me we can use this to our advantage we'll dress somebody up as an nar officer escorting a prisoner me that's our ticket inside we have two nar uniforms both mail any takers i'll do it i have no problem posing as an nar officer my hand is still giving me trouble but i can deal with it you should take someone who can keep us cool when things go sideways as i inevitably do trust me on that you're not seriously thinking about going without me i'm a blast at parties ask anyone all right we still have one more uniform any takers nar must have upgraded its digital defense perimeter and surveillance system by now a skillful hacker should be able to at least temporarily disable them i'm your man mousey the great rat catcher has blessed me with a knack for that kind of thing electronics su rveillance computers there's no one better than me i need someone to cover our assets in case we end up in the [ __ ] someone who can take down a target from a distance or at least create a diversion firearms up my preferred method of solving problems but i can definitely distract them my shooting's impaired since i injured my hand but i can manage last but not least a spy i want someone to monitor nar activities and keep us informed about their moves i've been watching these [ __ ] fight the reflection for years i know how they think i'm your guy i know the power plant like a boy knows the woods behind his house let me take care of it does everyone know what to do last chance to reconsider this is it my love the last stretch you've been through so much for me make sure you're ready because it will take everything you have your wits your strength your plan your companions loyalty everything good luck my love this is it today's the day whatever happens everything's sorted guys can we st art our prisoner escorter i'm ready although my hand still hurts like hell if the uniform doesn't get us in we have one more ace up our sleeve their friend enemy password they say we quell the storm and we reply and ride the thunder remember it before we enter the lion's den i need to triple check everything is ready how's my techie have you logged into their system what you need to do overload their systems bypass security you ask and i'll do it but don't be rash once we get started it's only a matter of time before they kick me out again spy check how my eyes and ears eyes are bright and my ears are wide open i got the plans and codes up and i could hear those boring [ __ ] chatter like they were sitting in my lap no worries igor with me on your side this will be like walking to the grocery store sniper are you in position have you got eyes on shopping there are a few centuries outside the gate that's obstacle number one since i was a kid i've always wanted to shoot someone in the he ad with a silenced rifle so elegant so efficient all you have to do is give the order better use the side passage for now you can always kill them on your way out don't forget that you're a prisoner igor downcast hopeless use this to our advantage okay showtime this better work oh who goes there stand down private and clear the way i'm escorting this stalker to his interrogation yeah i mean yes sir you can find the brass in the tent behind the gates i assume you know the way so far so good but it's getting harder now nars upgraded some of the old security features security checkpoint what used to be a radiation detector is now a biometric scanner clever i already found the right database i'll upload your biometric data and you can walk right through they're behind cover i can't take them all from this distance but i could pop up up those fuel tanks a few hundred meters behind your position you can slip through it in the chaos bad thing is i'll have to give up this position those nar se curity systems can be broken by someone with enough know-how those id wankers probably spent their upgrade budget on pornhub premium content once those gates read my biometrics my cover will be blown we need to convince them somehow that we're friendlies tara can i like your thinking one moment yes done and done those gates won't be a problem mercy time to move with a little luck they won't notice the entrance should be very close it's a large metal door to the tech access corridor nothing i can't handle remember the charges i prepared for breaching security doors powerful but quiet like sticking a curling iron into a pound of butter or maybe you want to save them for later keep your hand down igor there's a [ __ ] sniper on the building above you stop yelling how do you know picked it up on the radio they haven't made you yet but if you trigger the alarm they'll come down on you like a swarm of caduceus damn if i force the lock it'll trigger the alarm this will be tough i can try to r emotely unlock the door without tripping the alarm but no guarantees you'll have to move very quickly mousy if i put down the sniper noise will no longer be an issue then you can get past that door with ease the lock is wired to the alarm system but sashko's charges will destroy both the lock and the trigger mechanism i should be fine get the ball rolling sashko good riddance ass wipe another life lost because of you what happened to your grand plans your companion is about to meet his end in this reality you should figure out what led to this so you can plan accordingly next time what's happening this had to happen igor you need to be saved we all need to be saved did you just there's no other way she asked me to save you from the worst fate imaginable have you lost your goddamn mind you're not making any sense you can run anywhere but you cannot hide from what the [ __ ] the electronics are sizzling as if they're going to explode that's to be expected mostly the power plants electric al system is antiquated falling apart we should find a way to short-circuit the power i have access to the circuit board perhaps i can cut power to the nearest corridor have you been listening mousey i can turn off the entire sector remotely no problem i'll only leave the light on at your location i could run to the switchboard and shut the whole thing down but you might as well call that suicide tara can i like your thinking today the darkness is our friend mousey you're completely now safe we're getting close to the reactor floor i think we managed to dodge the main security detail as long as we maintain our cover we should be good step very [ __ ] lightly now igor the place is swarming with those [ __ ] nars beefed up security around art for some reason either they're preparing for something or you're walking straight into a goddamn trap i'm in the golden corridor it looks like nar beefed up security after our little escapade not unexpected going in guns blazing is going to be a hug e risk for you i can kill them all right but then i need to make myself scarce get the ball rolling sashko got it eagle they dragged me down i need to make myself scarce you go on thanks for your help sashko i'll see you at the victory party damn we need to get past these scientists the brainiacs have their own dedicated comms i can put my fabulous acting skills to work and tell them to [ __ ] off but it's a two-man job the great rat catcher has smiled upon you today i can help tara can i like your thinking sounds good mercy it shouldn't take long to hack the comms attention the reactor is about to explode run for your lives everyone what kind of nonsense is this the reactor cannot [ __ ] it anatoly a break is a break these old ventilation ducts will take me straight to the ark what the hell is this was it here before looks like some sci-fi [ __ ] movie prop the door is trapped touch it and i'll spend my last moments on earth convulsing on the dirty floor this door wasn't supposed to b e here mousey the ventilation doctor should not be secured the red king is watching and waiting i can feel it wait igor remember the map you borrowed from that [ __ ] seminar it shows another way in guess it was worth it in the end sashko's explosives might come in handy now plan sounds reasonable mikhail do it the doors are behind you igor cut through the crap on the other side and you'll find a nice fat ventilation duct climb up in there and it'll take you straight to the ark are you seeing those creatures i hope the bars hold i might be able to open the gate from this panel but there's a chance i'll release the things in those cages as well so this is the heart of darkness just as menacing as i imagined it to be i will gladly burn it all to the ground the nar will track me down afterwards but i don't care i have reached my destination igor this place is one big [ __ ] trap and totally off the only way to open it from where you are is to crash the whole system unless you have some ex plosives the ark is just outside luckily i still have some of sasko's explosives i can put them to good use here all right we're taking this gate down you heard the man move the priority is to protect the lab damn looks like we'll have to fight our way out these guys are the last thing standing between me and tatiana i can't back down now i'll fight my way in if i have to oh no this sucks big time balls i wish we had someone inside who could get those [ __ ] to look the other way there's no other choice tango spotted engage your will i got a man down some help over here okay it's been so very long but it's finally you it has to be you you know it in your heart my love i've been calling out to you for all these years and you answered but how you shouldn't be here it's a mistake you'll only bring great misery on us all my poor little boy all of us together finally release me with my love free me what did you call me i don't understand what can i do there's nothing you can't do you have t o end this both of us we're a mistake an abomination close the portal destroy the connection what connection the connection is the strongest force in the universe it cannot be destroyed it has to be completed it is our destiny go to the reactor find it my love it is waiting for you find what no more waiting please can't you just let me die i can't take anymore tanya go die fade portal are you still there boris help die igor i don't understand god [ __ ] reactor chernobylite what do i do [ __ ] i need to figure this out foreign you took your time igor cut that crap it's time you gave me some answers yes we'll get to that but since this is our last meeting i want to ask you a question first fine just make it quick what do you really hope to achieve igor isn't that obvious i want to save tatiana you may find this surprising but our goals are actually alive how's that we were both going after the same thing but this whole time we've been chasing someone else's agenda without knowing it che rnobylite's agenda come on man i've come too far to be fed a line of [ __ ] let's start from the beginning do you know who i am i sure do boris you were my closest friend until you decided to betray me to take to china from me boris is dead i killed him on that fruitful night april 26 1986 and took his identity good riddance he was a treacherous piece of [ __ ] you took it why the more important question the question you somehow failed to ask yourself all this time is who are you because you're not professor eagle you never were i am igor kim yuk i only changed my name to protect you and your mother protect me how by trying to kill me at every turn if i wanted to kill you i would have done it the first time we met at the power plant will you quit talking in [ __ ] riddles the truth is hard to swallow i know was hard for me too you are me the china isn't your fiancee she's mine everything you know about her everything you remember none of it is yours you're living someone else's life my life you are my clone sort of you got my body my brain my skills and most importantly my memories from before the chernobyl disaster what do you say how is that even possible tachana was sterile that was our personal tragedy but when semenov imprisoned her after the duga fiasco she fell pregnant at first i thought boris was the father i was angry with her but that was another of seminole's lies he needed me to stay on the project and study chernobylite so he injected tanya with the nano solution what happened next was i don't know what to call it an immaculate conception she gave birth to a boy you you grew much more quickly than other kids but your mind didn't seem to follow it was different somehow the chernobylite no doubt affected you in unpredictable ways i never really considered you my son you scared the [ __ ] out of me i didn't know what to do with you but it was obvious that semenov would incorporate you into his experiments or maybe cut you open and rummage around inside un til one night tanya your mother communicated with me telepathically even though her body was in a coma she pleaded with me to release you into the woods and that's what i did you're saying to china's child who you released in the woods in 1990 but that's impossible impossible i don't remember any of this of course you don't you looked like a teenager but had the mind of a small child i remember giving you a sweater that tatiana knitted forth the night was so cold it had my name on it the sweater i had it in the camp i was imprisoned yes it could have been a trigger your mind somehow began to rebuild itself why in my image i can only guess perhaps you were constructed from tachyana's desires from her expectations of a child funny how i called it pseudoscience i suspect the process was somehow facilitated by the chernobylite but she's been calling me this whole time she wanted me here i'm afraid you were bamboozled my poor boy we all were it wasn't tanya who called you here but but the i mages the voices they felt so real i know your mother was your biggest weakness and the entity exploited that it wanted you here it has plans for you you see and i cannot allow it to succeed someone sent me a photo of tatyana and the piece of chernobylite those weren't hallucinations they were real i couldn't have constructed my portal gun without them oh that it was that bastard seminole of course he wanted to bring you here as well he never got over it when you vanished not that it matters now i really hoped you would stay away but it's too late now i can't allow you to interact with the entity in any way only one of us is leaving this room alive wait can't we talk it over we just did goodbye son igor i wish there was another way ah you're not strong enough to save tanya only i am i wish there was another way this gives me no pleasure but it has to be done enough already i promise to make it quick for tachana's sake is ugh you think you're better than me don't go easy on me i will do the same for you ah i don't need our force field to defeat you what you you should be dead yeah i've been getting that a lot lately look familiar where did you get that from where else i took it from you from your cold dead hands igor i what where when in a reality where you [ __ ] up my friend from one of the many worlds bearing the brunt of your failures are you saying that you come from a different that you're from this is hell you have no idea where are you going back to my screwed up world of course you know me i'd prefer to die fighting wait don't waste the chance i've given you igor finish the job it's over my son close the portal cut the connection deny this thing away into our world do it now son please it will kill her it will kill the love of my life of our life please there's another way just let me go i've suffered long enough you can do this son you can be the man i could not be the better version of me go through the portal and face this thing undo the harm we both caus ed tanya no do not do this kill me just kill me please finish it it's time to end this once and for all if anyone can hear me run as far from here as you can everyone run like hell so thank you for showing me the way i won't waste this i promise goodbye you can rest now the protagonist never explained to his comrades exactly what happened at the power plant but he came out changed the chernobylite vanished entirely the zone is now free of it igor stalkers drove off the remaining nar troops and even convinced a few of them to join the cause now they're working together for the good of the sandwich shells tracking down the few remaining monsters still roaming the area olivier never had the chance to change his own past and prevent the ambush that wiped out his team his obsession almost steered him down the dark path of treachery but in the end he redeemed himself by helping igor with his mission even though it cost him his life because he had been a part of something bigger than himself he was at peace in his final moments in spite of his flaws olivier will always be remembered in the zone for his courage and grit for this haunted place will always be a monument to broken heroes with a twisted past mikhail's life was always full of violence he was the angriest most obnoxious man igor had ever known but he was also unfailingly honest both with himself and others mikhail's thirst to avenge his murdered friends was his main driving force but working with igor and the others eventually made him appreciate the kinder aspects of life in spite of his rough manner and the darkness inside him igor came to like the neurotic stalker and by the end considered him a true colleague mikhail decided to remain in the zone and joined the others in protecting their shared home sashko had always been the lone wolf and daredevil of his own life had always been harsh for him and he learned the hard way to rely only on himself his crusade against nar began with a desire for closure regardin g his brother ruslan's death but igor's quest to find tatiana was what kept him going until the finish line after the events in the zone sashko decided to go back to moscow and face the hard truth about his parents death eventually he would return to pripyat which became his second home tadakan's fight against the rat king has reached an end having barely survived the zone he realized his time was up now someone else must carry the torch and defeat the evil lurking in the power plant but tara khan wasn't worried after all he had prepared igor and others well tadakan's true identity was never discovered was he a madman a saint a spy perhaps he was all of these or perhaps none of them but one thing is certain the old man was a true child of pripyat his restless soul will forever wander its marshes and woods like so many before him general koslov made the wrong choices while chasing a dream of the good life war taught him about the cruelty and inevitability of loss leaving him indifferent to human suffering his experiences made him strong but also blind to the serendipitous moments which could have placed his life on a different trajectory and so his death was as empty as his life general koslov spent his final moments consumed with bitterness if i only had another chance he said to himself alas that is a privilege afforded to very few semenoff's ambitions and neuroses eventually got him killed he was a brilliant scientist but could never come to terms with the collapse of the soviet union though not a devout communist seminole could not stomach the chaotic aftermath for it reflected the emptiness of his own heart and so he chased his green chernobylite dream hoping his experiments would usher in a new world order in reality what he sought was to fill the gaping void in his own soul in the end everything he thought he had achieved disintegrated into nothing he died and nar dissolved most of its mercenaries wiped out by either the shadows or the samos shields all that r emains of nar in the zone are the empty barracks and derelict labs stark reminders of a misguided ambition based on human misery faced with staggering losses the shareholders halted all funding you

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