GTA V [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary Part 5 [PC 1080]

GTA V [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary Part 5 [PC 1080]

GTA V [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios Parte 5 [PC 1080] Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Grand Theft Auto V es un juego de acción y aventuras de 2013 desarrollado por Rockstar North y publicado por Rockstar Games. Fue lanzado en septiembre de 2013 para PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360, en noviembre de 2014 para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One, y en abril de 2015 para Microsoft Windows. Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. GTA V [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios Parte 5 [PC 1080] Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. ponme un poco gordo [__] viejo imbécil, por favor, gran hombre, teníamos un trato, teníamos papeleo, oye [__] fuera de johnny, oye, eres un par de idiotas realmente gordos, dale una paliza a un anciano, sí , no aceptamos eso. tenemos un trato con ellos, por favor consigan esas toallitas húmedas milenarias en las que van a ser tipos duros les dije que se mantuvieran alejados solo soy parapléjico pero no pueden sentir nada eh, hablando de accidentes, esos tipos tuvieron uno, oh, si nos hubiéramos conocido hace 20 años , michael, tal vez no estaría en este lío, sí, tú y yo, hermano, mira, es un dolor , lo sé, pero ¿podrías pasar por el estudio ahora que tengo algo que me gustaría mostrarte, sí, por supuesto, enseguida te acerco, pasa, gracias, gracias, gracias, sí, resulta que tal vez estoy hecho para el negocio del cine después de todo, ¿eh, amigo mío, eres un matón sentimental sin entrenamiento artístico y nada interesante que decir diría que estás sobrecalificado de todos modos cállate y echa un vistazo a eso oh oh [ __ ] eh se siente bien, ¿no se siente como si finalmente hubiera hecho algo con mi vida? De hecho, hice algo. Una película. Bienvenido al mundo del espectáculo. se apresura creo que te va a encantar pero sería genial escuchar tus notas hey bebé solo quería decirte que finalmente estoy haciendo algo con mi vida estoy haciendo una película real llámame qué está pasando oh, solo estoy disfrutando de una pequeña disputa laboral, mira, estamos a punto de hacer algo muy, muy malo, así que necesito presentarme como un imán textil adecuado para que dejes de hacer nada, nada parece más sospechoso en Estados Unidos que alguien que realmente está preparado para hacer algo Jesús ¿Qué hay de ti? Oh, soy Pocket Trevor, estamos teniendo algunos problemas, Brad, sí, ¿qué más es eso? De todos modos, el depósito sindical está en espera por ahora, no puedo hacerlo sin él, especialmente ahora que él sabe, gracias a Dios, ustedes están aquí solo, Davey. donde esta tu novio steve el esta en su muy arriba, sí, están aquí arriba, escucha, la mierda está a punto de golpear al ventilador, toda nuestra vida juntos no ha sido más que una serie de fanáticos y mierdas , resuelve este problema por mí y te quitaré el desgaste del ocio y si no lo hacemos. Entonces iré a la cárcel y te dispararán . digamos que juntos podemos derrotar al lobo feroz que es la corrupción del gobierno, sí, y si no lo haces, todos nos vamos a freír porque la agencia nos persigue. Incluso tengo algunos tontos en nuestra propia oficina que cuestionan mis métodos . Creo que soy un mentiroso, un tramposo, una especie de asesino y ladrón, así que hay algunas pruebas y necesito que averigüen lo que saben, así que lo que quieren, Lester, aquí para piratear el sistema, borrarlo todo . limpiar no no no eso no funcionará la única forma de acceder es a través de sus edificios [ __ ] yo michael me estarías haciendo un gran favor y Si haces esto, me aseguraré de que se eliminen todos tus archivos. Te lo prometo, oye, es lo último que hacemos y hemos terminado. Punto, por supuesto. Soy un hombre de palabra . Suerte, señores , llévenos a la entrada del estacionamiento de la oficina. Así que tienen idea de cómo haremos esto. Alcance, no realmente, pero pensé que comenzaríamos por encontrar un camino hacia el edificio al que vamos a entrar a través del estacionamiento. No. no, no, estamos esperando a que alguien salga de esto como conserje, ¿de acuerdo? ¿Y cómo nos va a ayudar eso? Bueno, los conserjes tienen contratos temporales, los reemplazan cuando pierden la espalda o piden un día libre para que encontremos uno. de estos tipos, lo convertimos y ese es nuestro final, está bien, su tipo en particular, estoy en la base de datos de la empresa temporal en este momento, encontré a un tipo a punto de fichar, mire el archivo aquí, déjeme ver la placa de harvey molina 83qsl722 y lo seguiremos. y mira lo que pensamos aquí estamos vamos a esperar eso es todo este no es el auto que estamos buscando entonces que haces Piensa en toda esta situación complicada . Creo que te matarán después de que esto termine o te mantendrán haciendo estos trabajos estúpidos hasta que no tengan que matarte porque alguien más lo ha hecho por ellos. Sí, eso suena bien . ¿Qué es esto? eso no es así, ¿qué hacemos? oh, ¿qué podemos hacer? hacemos el trabajo, entonces tal vez puedas eliminar los archivos cuando estés adentro haciendo cualquier otra cosa que estés haciendo, eso podría ser una salida, sí, bueno, una salida es exactamente lo que necesito aquí vamos uh otro chico es difícil motivarse en un trabajo sin un incentivo financiero no se puede poner precio a la libertad bueno ese estímulo no estará allí para el equipo voy a pedirle al señor haynes un presupuesto tal vez el efectivo sobrante del puntaje de polito necesitamos algo, sí, mira lo que puedes hacer , ese es el que conoces, perfora un par de autos, entonces, ¿qué sucederá cuando este tipo llegue a donde sea que vaya? Obtendrá su paquete de indemnización, ¿eh? No puedo decir si eso es un eufemismo espeluznante o una simple declaración de hechos es w lo que sea que quieras que esté bien, toma la siguiente a la derecha , oye, te importa guardar el teléfono inteligente o la tableta o lo que sea que sea por un minuto, no navegues mientras intento seguir a este tipo, está relacionado con el trabajo, sí, bueno, prefiero todas las manos. en cubierta ahora mismo, si les parece bien, son peores que mi hijo, quieren irrumpir en la sede de la costa oeste de la mentira, van a necesitar más que el número de placa de un conserje y déjenme trabajar en algunos ángulos mientras ustedes eh mantén este auto detrás de ese entre estas líneas blancas, eso es todo, aparte de algunas palabrotas faltantes en términos de abuso racial, ese era mi hijo con creces , acabo de hablar con el agente haynes, tenemos el presupuesto para lograr esto . sobre qué hacemos cuando llegue a casa qué necesitamos de él necesitamos cooperación y tal vez su mono y una identificación y si no coopera sabes lo que es limpiar [ __ ] para steve haynes él cooperará está girando a la izquierda hmm está girando a la izquierda está tirando hacia arriba p en el camino lejos hey marilyn ¿cómo va esa conexión de cable? bien, lo siento, mira, estoy ocupado solo cuando ella necesita algo, jesús , tienes otro de esos harvey , ¿quién eres? dinero y todo lo que tienes que hacer es tomarte unas pequeñas vacaciones oye, tengo dos trabajos, hombre, tómate cualquier descanso que pueda conseguir, sí, oye, quieres la cerveza, solo tomaré el mono, oh, y tu identificación está ahí, oh, y harvey, probablemente no no necesito decir esto pero no juegas a la pelota me veré obligado a hacer algo que realmente no quiero disfrutar de tu cerveza con éxito oh sí llévame de vuelta a la fábrica eso fue fácil supongo que tenías razón steve haynes es un jefe de mierda oye, llamé a frank mientras estabas allí, viene a reunirse con nosotros, sí, eh, ¿qué lo necesitamos para el trabajo duro ? No soy lo suficientemente inteligente como para encontrarlos, el arquitecto está basado en ls, así que pensé, franco . podría talen tomar una copia impresa suena complicado, seguro que necesitas estos planes, sí, lo necesito si voy a encontrar una manera de eludir un par de cientos de millones de dólares en seguridad del gobierno en el negocio equivocado no, acabamos de tomar los contratos equivocados ah, ya está aquí, sí, oye, ¿cuál es el problema amigo? steve [ __ ] odia, por supuesto, es steve [ __ ] siempre es steve haynes eso no es estrictamente cierto trevor, es su familia, siempre es uno de ellos, sí, eso es cierto, siempre es uno de ellos, un [ __ ] fatal con una familia horrible y amigos aún peores, te dije, franklin, no soy un buen modelo a seguir o cualquier perro, es esto o traficando bolsas de diez centavos las balas te golpean el culo de cualquier manera, sí, gracias, necesitamos averiguar algo sobre esta mentira que construye una debilidad o una forma de entrar la próxima vez que me encuentre con un agente del gobierno altamente corrupto moralmente indigente, totalmente delirante , espero que sea Un buen hombre. No voy a entrar en ese [__] solo. No, no, nadie va a entrar. Necesitamos hacer un reconocimiento. Necesitamos un poco más de información. Necesito los planos arquitectónicos, pero no están en línea en ningún lado, así que yo voy a necesitar copias en papel ahora el nombre del arquitecto es chip peterson esta es su primera gran comisión y la oficina está en backlot city bien franklin ve a decirles por un rato y luego hablaremos de acuerdo perro tengo tratas de no lastimarte a ti mismo oh bueno bueno um oye, lo siento, te pinché, está bien, solo me enojo mucho y no puedo controlar las cosas y luego sabes que [__] simplemente cae encima de mí mi vida apesta en este momento y no sé qué hacer, excepto que quiero decir que te amo y abrazarte, pero todo ese debilucho [__] está bien, diría que es gay, pero tengo algunos amigos que son homosexuales, así que eso ya no está bien y los que realmente no me gustan no es porque sean homosexuales, así que tonto, está bien, solo eres un psicópata tonto y enojado, a veces haces mal [__] y cosas que yo No sé si te amo y estoy bastante seguro de que te odio un poco, pero estoy tan [ __ ] molesto porque ni siquiera podemos vernos y tú eres solo un padre borracho, ¿sabes? lo que podría ser lo más agradable que alguien me haya dicho, entonces, ¿me comprarías un auto?, lo que quiero decir no en el entonces, ¿me comprarías un auto de una manera completamente fuera de tema, puedes comprarme un auto? soy un gordo [ __ ] que arruinaste y, en segundo lugar, conseguiré un trabajo y dejaré de fumar pastel de esa manera . para comprarte un auto además de qué manera probablemente estaré muerto en un par de semanas de todos modos, por favor no te mueras, está bien , sí, es genial ponerme al día con ustedes dos, papá, sí, oye, ¿cómo está tu madre? todo este fascinante sexo tántrico que ha estado teniendo con un hombre mucho más joven, mejor construido, cariñoso y compasivo es genial y todo lo que va a hacer durante las otras seis horas del día lo que [ __ ] solo te estoy molestando miserable bastardo ella está enojada contigo tiene miedo de que vayas a morir y quiere que vayas allí y demuestres que te importa un [ __ ] está bien está bien está bien podría tomar una [ __ ] pista , vamos, encontraremos a Tracy en el camino. Tracy, por otro lado, ella es una especie de estrella , creo que mamá está en la máquina de frijoles, entonces, ¿qué ha estado pasando? lo que ha estado pasando contigo uh gracias ha sido es es cualquiera puede adivinar sí sí lo entiendo estabas fuera de la ciudad seguro que ustedes se habían ido así que pensé que sabían tal vez no finjamos que tenía algo que ver con nosotros allí están afuera fabian dos oh qué árbol oh cafeína vamos tu curling ha sido lento durante semanas un poco menos gurú del estilo de vida y mira uh discúlpame estoy tratando de escribir una captura de pantalla cállate mujer oye amanda fabian michael mi mamá hola jimmy esto es para un imagen de bienestar holístico no creo hey tal vez ellos [ __ ] una vez al año entre ellos oh eso' s mi hijo amanda ven tengo un nuevo unicode en espera debes pagarlo hey hey amigo voy a pedirte cortésmente que le muestres un poco de respeto a mi esposa la carne roja ha estado bloqueando tu queso así como tu tracto digestivo yo no ni siquiera voy a ir allí te lo preguntaré una vez muy bien michael solo golpéalo por favor cállate mujer lo que sea por ti cariño tuve un muy buen trabajo allí idiota hay mucho más de donde vino eso holmes está vivo sí está bien escucha amanda lo quiero quiero decir que lo que está tratando de decir mamá es que es un borracho patético y que te necesita y que podrías hacerlo mucho mejor que un instructor de yoga prima donna con una fijación anal que alguien se calle Supongo que podríamos intentar todo lo que pido es un terreno neutral. La oficina del Dr. Friedlander. Es perfecto. Todos recogeré a Tracy y la llevaré allí . está bien, ya sabes dónde está tu hermana, sí, vamos, espera, espera, pero ¿qué? No se trata de esa bebida con sabor a azúcar, cafeína y grasa de cerdo emulsionada. Quiero otro momento. Oh, vamos . No querré más tarde . ] ¿Qué quiere? Es Tracy la que quiere algo. Ella quiere volver a Femur. Vergüenza después de que tú y el tío cortaron su cameo. Bueno, tal vez deberíamos ayudarla con eso . eso salió bien, ¿no ? Todo lo que termina con el tímpano reventado de Fabian está más que bien conmigo, quiero decir conmigo y con tu madre, creo que es un primer paso importante en la dirección de estar bien, si sabes a lo que me refiero lo que quieres decir creo que están aquí lo que está mal con el titular de la gloria el mejor en ls puedo saborear un relleno cremoso estoy buscando algo moderno que sabes dice que soy capaz de violencia pero soy increíble en el Saco así que escucha nena si quieres hacerlo en madera de vid tienes t o haz lo que sea necesario, incluso si lo que sea necesario es un alcohólico límite deprimido que presenta el tercer programa de talentos más popular entre el grupo demográfico femenino de 40 años, así que me dejarás participar en el programa si te la chupo, sí y si pudieras usar algo lápiz labial negro el pequeño ama el ambiente gótico oh whoa laszlo amigo eso estaba completamente fuera de contexto hermano jim encuentras al lanzador de huevos siéntate sobre él laszlo aquí va a tener un poco de trabajo cosmético hecho no por favor quédate quieto culo patético marca chico seguro qué viene solo que no la lengua lo necesito para mi trabajo ah me hiciste un puchero [ __ ] hipster oh [ __ ] los paparazzi vas a hacer estallar una [ __ ] carpa por aquí tú [ __ ] psicópata y bicicleta oh oh Eso se ve muy bien aquí, deshagámonos de esto, oh, Dios mío, papá oso, ¿qué va a pensar el papá número dos sobre esto ? __ ] retorcerse ahora sosténgalo por favor no tatúe un [ __ ] debería dibujar h son tres vellos púbicos ah oh ahí vamos oh genial tienes como un teléfono con cámara o un espejo supongo oh sí te conseguiré un espejo aplastarte en la cabeza demasiado rápido snip snip oh esto es un verdadero one-stop comprar cuando me pongo nervioso evacuo mis intestinos se está filtrando oh no esa es mi es mi firma mi cola de caballo ahora tengo que obtener extensiones broma, soy un payaso, soy un pequeño payaso triste y solitario, la pondrás en tu programa y te asegurarás de que se vea bien, mira, está bien, tengo mucho jugo en esta ciudad, pero quiero decir que soy no es un milagro, solo hazlo, sí, está bien, rastrea, vamos, vamos a llegar al terapeuta, así que me gustaría llamarte o algo, está bien , adiós, nunca hay una familia que necesite terapia . ¿ Quién sabía que podías usar una pistola para tatuar? Es una de esas habilidades que aprendes en prisión. Sabes escribir tu nombre en tu celda. ¿Hablas en serio? Vamos, no es que no sea difícil, pero tu terapeuta no ha sido exactamente transformador para tu salud mental, así que no sé por qué estaría mejor posicionado para ayudar a más disfuncionales. Oye , esto fue de tu madre. idea, bueno, supongo que es mejor que el yoga, eh, ahora él es mejor que el yoga, literalmente, como Fabian alrededor de la cabeza con una computadora portátil, oh sí, como pow, nuestros hombres liberaron la tranquilidad interior del tipo en todo el bateo de la máquina de vigas para ser honesto y sé que es kármicamente malo, pero sí, yo tipo de odio a ese tipo, sí, lo sé, así que en su propio trasero eres un [ __ ] contorsionista whoopee contorsiono mi basura todo el día y no tengo que ser tan superior al respecto todavía un poco avergonzado y vacío overshare hey chico estaba hablando, el chico estaba hablando tonterías con tu madre, bueno, te aplaudo, pop aquí, estás como finalmente usando tus poderes de egoísmo y rabia por el bien, no un bien universal objetivo, sino como un bien subjetivo, lo que es mejor para nosotros [ __ ] sí asombros ome vamos a rockear a alguien que lo haga papá, sí, hazlo lo suficiente, está bien, me encanta que nos llevemos bien, pero déjalo, sí, no me gusta robar una licorería que podría matar el estado de ánimo [ __ ] terapia , hagámoslo [ __ ] oye, ¿qué tal si nos dejas hablar a tu mamá y a mí? Bueno, tenemos algunos problemas que tenemos que solucionar y, dado que ustedes dos no están interesados, pueden sentarse allí y quedarse callados. Eso está bien para mí. Tengo todas las recetas. lo necesito al menos mientras tanto gracias michael niños entremos bien discúlpame que bueno verte de nuevo michael estoy tan contenta no es genial fantástico michael sé positivo estoy siendo positivo soy yo siendo positivo ríndete michael el sarcasmo es una de las razones por las que me mudé está debajo de ti no, no es amanda confía en mí nada está debajo de mí no normalmente hay un [ __ ] debajo de ti sabes para alguien que pasa cada momento del día trabajando en sí mismo por dentro y por fuera tengo que decirte el progreso ha sido realmente [ __ ] lento ¿cómo sabrías qué en el progreso es como si estupideses asesinando oh caramba porque todo lo que haces es lloriquearme oh todo lo que hago es lloriquear michael podrías por favor dejar de asesinar gente michael podrías por favor dejar de ponerme en peligro a mí y a tus dos hijos matas gente y luego te sientas bajo el sol y bebe y siéntete culpable por eso eso no es trabajo no te veo quejándote en el camino al [ __ ] banco seamos realistas amanda somos basura de remolque tú y yo nos enseñaron a hacer esto obtener un centro michael no tienes centro que tal si me chupas eh no espera ambos conseguiremos un centro antes de que eso suceda eres un [ __ ] animal un animal trastornado eres [ __ ] no está bien estoy trastornado ¿Cómo podría no serlo? Debería haberte encerrado hace años, estúpido, oh [ __], hazlo. Hicimos un progreso real allí, oh Michael, espero que esto sea evidente, pero el trabajo familiar es un poco más caro, ¿qué doble squ? Red , por supuesto, cuídate ahora, oye, entonces tienes que venir a casa conmigo o qué , supongo que lo intentaremos, entonces niños, ¿nos llevarás a casa? Entonces sabes que hubo un momento allí. Pensé lo que no sé. tal vez todavía nos queda mucho camino por recorrer, sabes, tal vez necesitemos más tiempo, tiempo, a qué hora, ir más allá de gritarnos el uno al otro, eso fue una catarsis catártica en toda mi cara, oh, tengo una sensación cálida y confusa, probablemente solo los medicamentos que calificaste bien catártico, está bien, simplemente no quiero que sea más de lo mismo ahora eres tú quien hace las demandas no no no no demandas estoy diciendo que tienes razón algo se rompió y tenemos que trabajar para arreglarlo lo hacemos todos nosotros, sí, mamá, de verdad , porque comencé a entender algo allí, nadie más entiende a esta familia, no al Dr. Friedlander, ni a mi maestro de yoga, ni a nuestro entrenador de tenis, ni al chico del jugo, ni al paseador de perros, oh oye, oye, ni al maestro de tercer grado de Jimmy o el basurero o el proctólogo de papá o el tipo que se cree jesús en vespucci beac h o la bomba hippie que piensa que el mundo se está acabando estamos atrapados el uno con el otro quiero decir, ¿cómo explicas fingir nuestras muertes cambiando nuestros nombres todas las mentiras a la mentira ese monstruo trevor no hay explicación tío que viene a la próxima sesión de terapia qué no no caray solo una cosa michael no hagas que nos maten y no te maten puedes hacer eso cuartos de niños si encuentras cadáveres mujeres baratas o trevor phillips nos registramos en el hotel rockford hills ah es cracking oye lo tienes por supuesto lo hago homie aquí gracias así que todo bien seguro homie así es esto [ __ ] de verdad solo vamos a robar la mentira y tus muchachos nos permitirán caminar así, sí, no lo hago [ __ ] probablemente no hey lester qué tienes uh no lo sé todavía dame un minuto no soy una [ __ ] computadora oh oh oh tal vez lo soy esto es lo que creo que tenemos dos opciones en las que entra el nuevo software de seguridad modo de contención en caso de emergencia ya sabes uh terremotos deslizamientos de tierra actos de Dios para que podamos plantar algunos fi re bombas explotan la llamada de emergencia sale la secuestramos aparecemos como bomberos y luego tomamos la unidad de contención o podríamos piratear el sistema en el sitio iremos en mi uh por aire espero que no nos encontremos con demasiado la resistencia física suena relajante, ya sea bombardear nuestra oficina dirigida por una división de psicópatas corruptos del gobierno o derrotar a uno de los sistemas de seguridad más complejos del mundo usando nuestras inútiles habilidades de ninja, eh, sí, eeny meeny miny moe, si prefieres la opción de unidad de contención de bomba incendiaria, entrarás Con esa identificación de conserje que recogiste , será de noche cuando la mayoría de los trabajadores estén fuera. Te burlas del lugar y colocas las bombas donde las necesitamos. En serio. si estás actuando, también necesitas un camión de bomberos para aparecer cuando las bombas exploten y un auto de escape escondido en un lugar tranquilo cerca de la oficina para que puedas incendiar el camión y salir del auto no tiene que ser nada especial no debería haber ningún calor qué sobre la otra manera con las habilidades ninja uh ahora eliges esa ruta no usarás el equipo de conserje pero tuvimos que cubrir todas las bases que tus fib paymasters tendrán que proporcionarte un helicóptero y un piloto ahora vuelas por encima del edificio salta en paracaídas y accede al techo aquí ahora tendrás que estar armado hasta los dientes, ten en cuenta que en caso de que el uh [ __ ] caiga trapeando o saltando en paracaídas wow, estás haciendo que esta elección sea realmente difícil the hanes nos ha dado el dinero sobrante del trabajo de polito para llevar a cabo esta misión y la tripulación se pagará con eso, nos quedamos con el cambio , así que quieres un trapeador, está bien, necesitarás un par de pistoleros que entrarán contigo como bomberos, todo va según lo planeado, no dispararán una sola bala, pero te encontrarás con un rascacielos en llamas con ellos, así que considera que él es mi tipo de referencia, no voy a cambiar eso ahora darryl uh, no estoy escuchando grandes cosas para ser honesto, pero es posible que puedas hacer esto con él, está bien, todo se veía bien para Estás robando la mentira aquí y tenemos un ganador. Haré los arreglos y te llamaré cuando estemos listos, ¿ de acuerdo? no sé si podemos hacerlo sin tú sabes quién bueno mientras él no pueda hacerlo sin nosotros está bien hola hola bueno verte astuto devin qué diablos estás haciendo aquí se acabó michael lo estás haciendo bien chico tú mantuvo esto [ __ ] el tiempo suficiente para ayudarme a generar un pago de seguro fantástico cuando se desconecte el enchufe te amo eres como mi hermano espiritual ahora somos solomon él está buscando los negativos de la película sea lo que sea [ __ ] es el último dinosaurio en la ciudad está a punto de fosilizarse ¿de qué estás hablando? mira, la película está casi terminada, así que si se desconecta ahora, los inversores significan que obtendremos un pago masivo del seguro mientras tanto, puedo usar eso para conseguir que el otro accionista mayoritario viejo hijo de puta idiota para aceptar derribar esta reliquia y dejarme reconstruir t El área de condominios y en esta economía la ciudad me permitirá construir libre de impuestos. Incluso podría obtener algunos reembolsos. Es algo brillante y todo gracias a usted y al ojo de Molly por los detalles de la póliza de seguro. re [ __ ] nosotros los trajes y ni siquiera usan trajes lobos y mierdas ropa trate de no tomárselo a mal Sr. Richards ¿alguna vez fue usted un ser humano? A la gente le gustaban las películas ahora son como lo que se graban en video golpeándose en sus teléfonos de frutas oculares no me culpen soy una persona muy espiritual me siento mal por esto pero la evolución es evolución señores molly namaste puedo tomar la película ahora señor richards mi avión sale en 25 minutos no podemos hacer algo en al menos déjeme terminar la película y luego cerrar el lugar. Me temo que nuestro horario no permite ese adiós, Sr. Richards , ¿dónde diablos irá con esa película? Se llevará la única copia en el extranjero a algún lugar agradable y discreto. Dios analógico, ciertamente es tiene sus complicaciones michael puedes haz algo , no, él no puede hacer nada, amigo, es inevitable, mi esposa fue jodida por un yogui y ahora yo soy jodido por un yogui [ __ ] que soy un productor nadie [ __ ] con mi película ve al aeropuerto háblale, eso es todo, ralentízate, no estás pensando, oye, soy un productor, estoy produciendo los productos, no hagas esto, cree que tiene escolta policial, va camino a mi hangar personal de seguridad en el aeropuerto . trabaja para mí solo quiero recuperar la película antes de que haga algo precipitado con molly muy nerviosa ella no va a parar y hablar con un asesino trastornado persiguiéndola eso no es lo que soy hoy mira no quiero para lastimar a alguien , solo quiero que mi película disminuya la velocidad y use su cerebro, el tiempo de diversión ha terminado, oh, oye, idiota egoísta , cálmate, no hay necesidad de conducir de manera errática, calma al diablo a tu izquierda , dilo como si fuera amigo. ella está totalmente loca quieres tomar un avión lleno de turistas con sí bájate ahora ahora él quiere matarme él quiere matarme en el piso señora soy el [ __ ] limpia la percha ayúdame molly miley sálvame de este asesino oh deja de cuidarte matarte hey yo no he hecho nada ella es la que está detrás de este allanamiento eso es lo más que tú me atrapó tengo lo que vine a buscar me voy hey tienes un lío que limpiar déjame en paz así que hmm te amé una vez tony pero no hay nada entre nosotros ahora que sé que prefieres el dictado realmente estamos haciendo esto ahora acabo de ver cómo el asesor legal de devon weston se emborrachaba en un motor a reacción esa mujer molly, oh señor, eso es horrible, no tienes idea de que ella entró en pánico, se volvió loca y se topó con él, pero guardé la impresión, así que todavía tenemos nuestra película, crees que esa cosa analógica es todo digital, tenemos copias de seguridad en todas partes, quiero decir, estamos filmando en pantalla verde, bueno, podrías haberme dicho que lo siento, mira, pensé que sabías que las ediciones estaban casi terminadas y tenemos que sacarlas antes de que puedan jodernos de nuevo. han dado luz verde a un estreno que evitará que nos entierren un estreno para meltdown De acuerdo, ¿puedes invitar a mi familia? Finalmente pueden tener algo de lo que estar orgullosos de mí porque, por supuesto , ya está en camino a Corea, está bien [ __ ], me prepararé, por cierto, fue un divorcio estadounidense . cómo te va ah bastante bien dadas las circunstancias a punto de derribar un edificio del gobierno federal oh mientras tanto mi psicótica ex mejor amiga está tratando de encontrar una manera de matarme pero bueno, los medicamentos están funcionando bien, bueno exactamente franklin nos consiguió lo que necesitamos póngalos, entonces qué, luego diríjase allí y uh, monte una trampa de fuego un poco más sofisticada que la que tenemos aquí, así que supongo que las cortinas y la vela cilíndrica no van a hacer el truco, eh, no, no, no, lo hará. tienen incendiarios y un dispositivo remoto ahora deben colocarse estratégicamente para que podamos asegurarnos de que todavía tenemos acceso al servidor y que la estructura mantiene su integridad ahora, una vez que salga, dispare las bombas, reúnase con franklin y la tripulación y nosotros interceptaré el ca de emergencia Todos ustedes entran como lo consiguieron los bomberos, sí, entiendo , suena un poco idiota, bueno, dadas las circunstancias, fue lo mejor que pude hacer y, si recuerdan, fueron ustedes quienes eligieron hacerlo así, oh, vamos, pero ya saben . Trevor tiene un punto sobre ti, te quejas demasiado, sí [__] tú, oh, ni siquiera lo intentas , no te preocupes , mike, haremos esto, sí, muy pronto, recogeré el camión de bomberos y la caravana con Gus Moda y Darrell Johns. Te daré una palabra cuando esté fuera de la oficina. Lo tengo amigo. Al menos podemos contar con estos muchachos en caso de apuro . ¿Qué hago? Soy arquitecto. De hecho, ayudé a diseñar el uh no, adelante . No conozco a nadie , si eres nuevo, solo limpia tu pase con seguridad y puedes subir, sí, siguen cambiando los contratistas, sí, porque tipos como yo siguen perdiendo sus trabajos y accediendo a hacer esto por menos . oh, ahí vas, uh , uh , sucio , fuerte , ya sabes que te quedas demasiado tarde cuando los muertos trapeadores aparecen otro conserje, que es el último. ataque al corazón o un recorte de presupuesto ¿cuándo vas a salir de aquí cuando registro mi ot para la semana ? fuera del edificio oye perro estamos a la vuelta de la esquina tenemos tu equipo aquí con nosotros se sienta en movimiento gente estamos listos en la oficina hagámoslo detona los incendiarios frank me pondré este equipo de protección y arriba ella va vamos ve allí, así que vamos a secuestrar la señal de emergencia, sí, seremos los únicos idiotas que se toparán con ese desastre en llamas, así que no te preocupes, está bien, entremos, manejaremos esto con profesionales , vamos bien, Lester dice que estos ascensores deberían estar quietos. estar bien estaba en esa banda industrial analgésicos todo lo que aflojó la hierba de juguete en ese momento sí probablemente un poco de ambos perro genial gracias por aclarar eso [ __ ] está bien vamos a cruzar a la escalera del fondo y subir al último piso tenemos que cruzar toma las escaleras hasta el último piso tomamos estas salas de servidores de seis pisos en 53. no mucho más vamos a verlo estamos en el 53 el servidor gobierna de esta manera sí, la puerta está cerrada, gira una bomba y hazla estallar, hace calor, busca la unidad extraíble y la pila del servidor en el lejano pared tengo que conducir vamos vamos se está derrumbando sobre mí se está cayendo bien gente integridad estructural de esta manera la puerta no te detectará rompiéndola bien ah [ __ ] hombre no podemos llevar un cadáver a través de este infierno tenemos que irnos él hagamos esto oye hombre solo se está derrumbando de esta manera vamos esa explosión debe haberme noqueado hombre está bien extranjero date prisa en el piso 50 hombre casi contigo ahí está oye estamos subiendo estos escombros sobre mí debería ser un barco elevador a través de aquí podría ser capaz de repelerlo [ __ ] está bien aquí es donde tenemos tenemos que abrir estas puertas qué pasa hey dame estos ladrillos veo que es de tres niveles yo [ __ ] espero que haya sido eh perro ahora sigamos va a estar bien el camión vamos entra más camiones de bomberos estarán aquí en un minuto que hicimos nuestro mejor esfuerzo allí vamos a donde guardamos el auto vamos bien vamos bien todos tenemos que cambiarnos antes de que lleguemos allí en algún momento pronto un apb saldrá a buscar bomberos no podemos ser libres y vístanse cuando eso suceda, tenemos que llegar al paseo e incendiar este camión de bomberos lo antes posible, estoy trabajando en eso, sí, porque si conectan el punto, hombre , no lo sé, estoy trabajando en cualquier momento. ll be looking for us i mean those guys in the building you took down if they knew who else is gonna know it ain't worth thinking about dog trust me i'm gonna get us there as fast as i can all right [ __ ] [ __ ] i just don't want to run into something man y'all don't want to run into trevor bro you're right so uh take us to our get out avoiding the cops and my dear friend trevor phillips all right man i'll try try real hard okay i feel a whole lot better lester's now that we're clear i can probably tell you people i didn't think we were gonna make it out of the re uh one of us didn't we lost a dude man oh yeah [ __ ] i don't like speaking ill of the department know what i'm saying but that dude was in over his head yeah he wasn't top draw but i thought we could carry him through it i guess i thought wrong well anyway we made it out so we got that to be thankful for daryl's people would get his paycheck and the standard expenses hey man it was our fault there i went down really why is that didn't you speak to the guy nothing was his fault so it uh it must have been us right i'll put it down to bad leadership then i can tell you that because the leader was dumb enough to take you in there true dead come on hey that's the place up here well what i never thought i'd see you clowns again we did it [ __ ] hey right we did it how was it for a suicidally dangerous mission impersonating emergency services while working a high security government facility it was surprisingly uplifting come here give me some of that oh sorry i forgot you forgot my very very obvious illness it happens whatever hey let's get drunk franklin fill up the glasses we've got some real vintage moonshine hillbilly type [ __ ] we're going to be seeing triple and committing incest in minutes just as [ __ ] to make a man forget his trouble oh exactly i am just gonna get drunk as a skunk and then i'm gonna reverse engineer a webcam and spy on those sorority girls again i'm ill okay give me a break cheers that's some fall ass [ __ ] all right boys i hate to break up the ritual but i got to go square things up with davey and dickwad for serious hey i just want them to know that now that we did this thing for them and we have the evidence that we did this thing for them that we can all go our own separate ways you know well [ __ ] it you want me to go with you no stay have fun i got to do this alone right now the sooner the better it's one way to look at it that right besides i want to put this [ __ ] to bed then i can figure out trevor you know get my life back go b ack to being bored and miserable and loving every [ __ ] minute of it here enjoy the incest juice man you boys show know how to put the fun back in me like crisis we hit the bureau for you dave i'm done yes i saw that meet me at the court center and i'll debrief you i'm out davey from now on done i appreciate that i'm trying my best for you but but you and trevor attacking merryweather repeatedly it doesn't help that's trevor's thing whoever's thing it is it's unauthorized and it's dumb they've been sniffing around my office we really need to talk really all right all right i'll come to the court center me so so ah see david that's why we're such great friends huh we're old school we like old-fashioned things newspapers celluloid good guys bad guys we're friends well i don't know you tell me we did what you said right got those people off your back now you're to do like you said and cut me loose right things are not going to work out quite that way there's a bit of a problem that's rig ht davey boy you could say that steve i told you i would handle it oh because you've handled everything so [ __ ] well so far haven't you all right i admit things have been a little unorthodox [ __ ] orthodox you've ruined my career agent sanchez arrested these men both of them steve oh i won't please [ __ ] kidding me arrest me for what for multiple counts of every [ __ ] crime under the [ __ ] sun well then let me rephrase why why because cause you don't want me to testify in court about our various business dealings right agent sanchez apprehend the suspect agent sanchez you'll do no such thing now steve we agreed to speak to michael to try and explain things to him not this this causes problems for us all okay okay then put your gun down and we'll talk after you buddy come on where's the trust you can do better than that they know or think they know that i'm the one that was behind the incident uh-huh and now you want me to clean up your mess again right before i end up at the bott om of the ocean [ __ ] good luck with that put the weapons down boys fun time is over we've got you anti-american activity put your weapons down all of you who the [ __ ] are you with with me you [ __ ] rad i knew you didn't have the balls for this for the record i'm a patriot i love my country put the weapons down [ __ ] you we all know you agency boys are ball deep in a plot to drive up your funding by any means necessary who the [ __ ] are they [ __ ] merryweather what are they doing here steve put your gun down same goddamn leg [ __ ] [ __ ] mike this is your frequency i ain't going anywhere maybe until some more of these guys kill each other what the hell is happening here ourselves you're gonna die oh the [ __ ] hey if anyone's gonna kill you old friend it's gonna be me oh you're here to finish the job t no no no i'm just here for the opportunity now run touching reunion and all but i'm about to get jumped by a team of rogue agents you got the vantage point give dave a hand they got for me these guys got look up there how big is their budget well tell me davey who are these bureau men trying to kill me i'm waiting on you michael get down here i thought you were the corrupt division corrupt only a little definitely below average longer you take the longer i gotta wait to kill yam what are merriweather doing at this party you tell me you're the one hitting their planes trains and votes never underestimate the spread of corruption they're done i gotta get out before someone clocks my chopper hey thanks g this is shot i'm making a run for the parking lot get clear we'll talk come on this many bodies built be cars in the lot put as much dirt between you and this place as you can and do not contact me until you're absolutely sure you're clear this one's mine good luck mike before you disappear we need to have a conversation so conversate not here meet me behind the pod shop in morningwood great another chopper so so wow that was fun what are you doing smoking huh no no no that's bad for you don't you know huh yeah well maybe it's got a little something to do with being caught in the middle of a three-way fire fight between two government agencies and a private militia you know it gets me a little stressed out okay but we still need you alive mikey boy i mean you know at least for now unless of course you have another surprise for me huh maybe something to do with another inappropriate friendship yeah that wasn't exactly dave's fault no no no he's just the friendly face of a corrupt government agency looking to further his career by dealing with an equally corrupt and full of the [ __ ] brim with [ __ ] low rent hood listen trevor listen i've been meaning uh you know i've been meaning i've been meaning to tell you you know i mean what help me what are you even meaning to tell me huh that you stab me in the back or that you were and always will be a worthless wretch who deserves to be put under yeah well whatever did you come back for oh you know w hy ah no none one last score and if it goes good guess what i don't have to put a little bullet in your head but if it goes bad well that's okay too because then you and i get to go to hell and i get to spend the rest of eternity with you tormenting you well i guess it's on then yeah i guess it is call lester let's go on speaker phone hey it's me i know how'd it go just fabulous ran into an old friend matter of fact he saved my ass we're all friends now i suppose the group hugs out of the question he wants to uh still go on the final victory tour all right when it looks like it's a go i'll contact you and remember this gentleman if we pull this off we will be making history sorted nasty depraved history but history nonetheless all right there you happy [ __ ] thrilled don't forget amigo keeping my eye on you oh hey hey what you doing here i mean i'm real glad you're here come here i can't stay what's up babe it's lamar what that fool want now it's your best friend he's your best [ __ ] friend for real my best friend my homeboy right my [ __ ] man [ __ ] you i mean not like that man but no he ain't he's just another [ __ ] from the hood him stretching all the [ __ ] clowns all they want to do is drag a [ __ ] down and live in the past and this is the future a big empty house with nobody who gives a [ __ ] about you oh [ __ ] it works for me it can work for you babe i'm getting married franklin to a doctor not a murderer what the [ __ ] you doing here tanisha i'm worried about lamar you gotta help him franklin man that [ __ ] is over oh i'm a legitimate businessman now sister i'm a ceo and investor i'm an illuminati i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you a phony [ __ ] what i ain't saying you gotta marry the fool i'm saying he's about to get killed over that deal you ain't put on with stretcher set him up [ __ ] man my whole [ __ ] life i've been looking after this [ __ ] paying the price afterwards [ __ ] well at least do it one more time franklin for me for you for you and your doctor i love you and lamar we grew up together but this life ain't for me and you knew that you ain't changing i don't care how many cars you own how many apartments you own i don't care how many diamonds you put in your it ain't for me not done bad or done good babe look i'll change no you won't and that's fair enough but at least respect what you do who you are if you let that idiot die you a bigger [ __ ] than i thought look he's going up to some sawmill net polito bay you do what you got to do franklin what's up hey man i'm in a bit of a bad situation my boy lamar got set up i think he up near ponito bay at some sawmill with some ballers could you like do some computer magic and look into it is that possible at all it should be i've got a back door under the paleto bay police network left over from the score we did up there give me a second here uh hold on uh yes so what is say huh uh this must be it uh there are older reports of a weed operation being run by an african-ameri can gang and the files got buried so i'm guessing they paid off the cops they grown weed up there growing it in the hills most likely but they might be packing and shipping it out of this sawmill i'd expect a fair few of them up there and i'm gonna need some help can you tell mike and trevor to meet me up there they still aren't getting along that well tell them it's for me and it's serious thanks man uh hey why'd you invite this stooly huh we want lamar to be rescued not sold to the feds give it a rest [ __ ] man with y'all two shut the [ __ ] up now let's take a look at this place man lester said this was some type of big weed store spot place is crawling with ballers you know now me and you we don't mind the old gang warfare but suede bucks over there tell trevor i said bite me man i said shut up now i see the wee but where the [ __ ] is le man oh [ __ ] there he go you know what tell trevor i'm gonna be up on this hill with my rifle i don't want to be anywhere around him when he [ __ ] this whole thing up classic classic huh he's already planning his escape oh i'm gonna find a way in i saw a few possible injury points when i got here one the front entrance on the right there it's the most direct way in and most likely the heaviest two down the hill to my left there's a bulldozer there might be able to use it in the assault i'm meeting them head on direct assault hey imma get in position hey i got a good advantage i'll see what i can do up here when the time comes we might stand a better chance if we come at him from two angles all right i'll take that on board frank we'll attack on your signal all right let's do this laying down fire here i come [ __ ] where you got ld whoa hey all day ld where you at damn you see come on i may have got myself into something chamberlain gangster families for life the more i might be able to get a shot hey lamar it's me we're getting out of here dog oh fancy seeing you here [ __ ] yeah huge if we go this way we'll have michael's gun for support there's another dude we you're out of your elements i can't believe your ass ain't got pockets [ __ ] i don't think [ __ ] i'm doing this i'll take lamar hey thanks sneaky dude i still ain't met yo i can take care of myself go t call me dog i'ma come up to the unicorn to get horny on your office supply you trying to run up on me [ __ ] hey we getting out of here man let's go [ __ ] home you all right i'm straight homie [ __ ] got to jump on me though oh i didn't get you to come all the way out here man i ain't gonna let a little drive stand in the way of a money-making opportunity or get killed opportunity man you always a pessimist ah [ __ ] a realist because in reality all the fools want to clap your ass man want to trust that dog i peeked out that wood chopping place when we was up this way on that devon western car lit which i still ain't been paid for incidentally all secluded and [ __ ] stretching me up i'm like yeah that's the perfect place to buy kush by the bus y [ __ ] perfect place to clap some fool you beefing with man i ain't even know at the time i just thought we was going to parlay parlay [ __ ] please every time you leave the house fools try to clap you every meet you set up homies there for the express purpose of clapping your ass man you sure cause i'm sure there's been a few times but no i'm completely 100 sure every time [ __ ] whether you buying drugs selling drugs or discussing drugs talking about the wealth or whatever man these streets is hard dawg this is the hood you're talking about maybe you forgot since you've been uh veteran yourself sitting in that house on the hill looking down on the animals in south central and [ __ ] man you know it ain't like that do i my [ __ ] because that's the way it looked to me i'll make it it's the best out of what i'm giving you know what i'm talking about i ain't in some type of mentorship program the only mentor i got and we gonna do something about that dog trust me man i ain't got peopl e teaching me that white collar crime [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] change for me and you ain't helping ain't help what the [ __ ] you called it me michael trevor we all came up here to help the unholy [ __ ] trinity ballers beware with these fools rolling together you jealous of michael and trevor what happened to me and you [ __ ] [ __ ] up foreign gangsters [ __ ] so i shouldn't have called him right man i was doing everything in my problem to make sure you wasn't quite i can make sure i ain't glad clearly you can't next time homie don't come and you matter of fact if you do come don't bring them dude man look let's not talk next time next time don't get your ass in the situation all right it's the hood frank that's what happens in the hood no the [ __ ] don't not for everyone i'm one of them dudes that it happens too man you gonna tell me what was going on back there good [ __ ] homie that's the [ __ ] that's different from the country club [ __ ] your overpaid ass is presently accustomed to man stress put us on this [ __ ] man man we gon get on his ass man [ __ ] that homie look like i give a [ __ ] i give a [ __ ] stretch do what he do [ __ ] want me dead be dead themselves i ain't gonna overreact to [ __ ] overreact man that [ __ ] stress tried to get you killed [ __ ] [ __ ] that's the hood i'm still here ain't it just you show stretch knew they was gonna book me yeah [ __ ] stressed new everybody knew stress new tanisha new stress new and she don't even come around the [ __ ] hood no more damn that [ __ ] stretched janky like that man you don't see this this stretch been screwing us from the start like from back in the day from like the other day dawg since after we went to the recycling place and dna ball is trying to take us down but stretch put it into work all day yeah man that's survival remember how angry his ass got especially with you bringing him into this [ __ ] ii would tell me this though if stretch was [ __ ] with your boy ld why set us up with the deal for the brick in the first place he go off and make peace with the ballers come back and then put us on a lick on grove street man you remember grove street that brick was drywall ripping us off was probably stretches ideal anyway damn you think so it makes sense don't it yeah i ain't knowing man maybe miss stress got in with the ballers when he was inside played us as mark's dog but a bunch of them got booked so now they got to come back at us so stress sends you out there what are they doing a good yeah thankfully man it wouldn't even be the same if your boy ld wasn't out here getting in the [ __ ] and they'll see what getting him out of it know what i'm talking about man i don't know that [ __ ] was fun [ __ ] don't tell me you didn't enjoy scrapping like we did back in the day it ain't back in the day no more dawg but it felt like it was okay fool it was fun saving your useless ass one more [ __ ] time there you go that wasn't too hard you should have seen your face when i came in he was like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] man so i guess i guess what we learned is [ __ ] don't think it ain't no fun to be half [ __ ] with the always [ __ ] you feel me my [ __ ] yeah i guess you can look at it like that hey without some real [ __ ] my [ __ ] uh you know your [ __ ] out here doing bad man why don't you slide me a few dollars or something you know what i'm talking about it's hard out here in a second oh [ __ ] man [ __ ] that's nothing [ __ ] i know you don't win all the illuminati and [ __ ] you don't say it leaving the street [ __ ] in the back but damn man uh way to keep a [ __ ] down my [ __ ] i mean thank you i guess just payment for all the work and [ __ ] put in for you getting them cars and [ __ ] you know what i'm talking about giving [ __ ] just enough money to get them a little 40 ounce in the bucket of chicken on the way to the pool house huh man don't be like that dog cause number one i never got paid for the [ __ ] cars number two i saved your [ __ ] ass no matter how many times you and that tiny [ __ ] brain of yours tried to get us killed i saved you dog man you supposed to my i thought we was homies for life me too but i thought we was trying to get out of this [ __ ] you live in a fantasy homie the best thing you can hope for is a big turnout for your [ __ ] funeral [ __ ] ain't nobody coming to your funeral what man what about the [ __ ] times i saved your life homie what about that oh thank you homie thanks for leaving your [ __ ] in the backfield you know what my [ __ ] if your ass can just act civilized you will get some work but instead you want to be this gang banging mad dog and [ __ ] oh my bad mr gold car excuse me sir thank you for helping out a post street [ __ ] like me sir you can go now sir thank you thank you thank you [ __ ] who you think i am [ __ ] [ __ ] you lamar nah [ __ ] you f [ __ ] i thought we was homies [ __ ] but that's some [ __ ] that just got past you my [ __ ] you know what dog if something good come s up i hit my dude man chill out all right yeah whatever [ __ ] you just hit me when you find out what the true concept of friendship is [ __ ] we came from the sandbox together i know that i got you dawg if some good come up i got you yeah whatever [ __ ] i'm in a turf [ __ ] if you remember where that is oh what's up playa hello franklin man i don't know y'all we done hey we ain't done yet homie not yet nearly man what the [ __ ] y'all want me to do kill the president [ __ ] his wife or something or invade some [ __ ] country no no something more sensible something that's gotta be done hey when the timing's right you're gonna take old trevor and put him out the pasture oh me michael will be sensible but trevor trevor won't be trevor is a liability that none of us can afford man trevor saved you he saved both y'all asses and it's unfortunate hey when we give you the word you're gonna do this thing man get michael to do it me and trevor cool dawg michael can't do it trevor won't let hi m near that's why it's up to you homie [ __ ] hey who was that nobody don't worry about it [ __ ] hey flossing ass [ __ ] you made it good i saved you again davey again so what are you gonna do for me about haynes the rest of the fib the iaa and everyone else huh history's written by the living okay we can pin most of it on agent sanchez i get that story right and the agency and bureau will back off the problem we need to deal with is trevor trevor why try merryweather chinese gangsters general insanity and so on i can spin steve that you're controllable but not trevor steve he's our wounded hero right now i gotta cozy up to him calm him down just get me out oh [ __ ] sorry that's from our exclusive line get in the back pop a stretch limo oh that's pure class jim vinewood boulevard the oriental theater open that champagne jimbo me and the big dog getting our drink on hey hey where you going with that my dad's a movie producer jimmy get back down here which makes me a movie producer's k id jimmy i'm gonna ride out the next two recessions without ever having to work and i'm gonna get a sports car and a drug habit before appearing on reality rehab show and then i'm gonna sell my story and become really judgmental and i'm gonna use all the contacts i make in treatment programs to become a producer too and i'm gonna make even shittier movies than my dad does because i don't care about movies like him for me it's just an opportunity thing yeah you see the stream's edge losers drizzle in the movie bizzle here that fine wood you hear that fine wood hey i hear it and i don't like it we're going to the oriental theater on vinewood boulevard get back down here and not to like gawk at celebrities from behind a barrier we're actually like properly invited v to the i to the b jimmy read my neck rolls entitled ent uh titled cause i am jimmy oh pop chill i'm done spraying this chisel let's take a drink jimmy shut up a second hey devin look i need to say about molly man i'm sorry but i didn't do it i told you to slow it down slick it was an accident i was there but i had nothing to do with it sure yeah hey you made a fool out of me michael and that is something i'm not gonna forget look devin i said i'm sorry i feel bad for you but you don't threaten me cause this movie's happening all right so let's just calm down and try to be friends again oh absolutely slick forgive and forget namaste hey we're here hi you know i'm really proud of you even though you should make a pretty shitty movie well thank you jim where are the they'll girls their pride by showing up of course they will and have you ever uh thought maybe i shouldn't shoot sex scenes in a green screen kind of environment yeah yeah it's uh their thought has crossed my mind thanks antonio can be nice and tight pace laszlo on the red carpet of meltdown some big stars some beautiful dresses working to see some side food tonight come on we did it solomon we [ __ ] did it [ __ ] you fate i may be a lecherous old husband but i'm a husband with a premiere at the oriental theater on vinewood boulevard i'll see you in there kid hey thanks enjoy the picture everyone mr richards mr richards hi if i could just bother you for a second um i'm laszlo from famer shame um but i do some acting on the side i was wondering enough oh yeah of course you should come see me kid i think i got a project that would be perfect for you oh that's fantastic it's called the closet really modern stuff pervert come on no no no no let's go lying okay i never had surgery come on milton milton hi sorry to bother you quick question get in here tight um love love loved the movie thank you so much i appreciate it when when you were that polar bear and you had to eat your baby i mean that's right all right jesus christ i was emotional sticking i just have a hug that really affected me all right i gotta go thank you so much excuse me excuse me come on come on let's get in there ah laszlo oh [ __ ] come on [ __ ] dick where the h ell is she looks like she stood you up hey hope i'm not too late i wouldn't miss this for the world devon what the [ __ ] are you doing here hey what a movie huh meltdown congratulations mikey we did it hey let's get a picture huh you me the proud producer such a pleasure working with you you see i was here unlike your wife seems to be stuck at home you twisted [ __ ] you're a dead man let's go jim come on hold on where's mom and tracy come on the girls might be in trouble at the house what happened i don't know this rich [ __ ] is pissed off at me because i didn't [ __ ] can the movie and then his lawyer died and he just told me he's gonna hurt your mom you killed his lawyer and now he's gonna kill mom and he's tracy kill mom and tracy he ain't gonna do anything if i gotta say in it but you [ __ ] killed his lawyer no i didn't it was an accident i would never do anything to put you in danger [ __ ] all right okay they'll be fine they're tough this is just a movie guy right he's not a gangster or anything no he's not a gangster he's just extremely rich he says he's got all these connections i'm sure it's just talk come on come on all right jimmy you gotta hide i'm gonna find the girls one of them's in with tracy we gotta get in there michael he's in there with our girl wow would you stay here keep your heads down be safe baby don't you worry about me clear the building no one leaves i told you to [ __ ] off fire in the hole not yet stay put neither do i just keep talking i'm fine tracy just stay down sweetie no one's gonna kill you daddy's got this yeah i guess that's that [ __ ] someone give me cover get out of here drop it brick i'm gonna bury you in this yard so god oh amanda i think they're gone ah i got you you dick all right no it's not what was that someone there i'm going to start shooting yeah you like that don't you huh take it off get the [ __ ] off me ii thought i was on that guy oh so you sit on his face it's called teabagging i really [ __ ] him up goo d though huh all right listen i'm gonna make a call it's all gonna be okay stay put they came to my house lester my house so i asked amanda and the kids to move out for a few days i hate to say it but merryweather isn't sure on excuses to come and kill you i ain't looking for perspective lester they came after my family all right all right i don't know what to say does this change where you stand on the union depository hell no we move on that right away before it gets any hotter that's smart meet me the strip joint i'll get word to frank and trevor can you ask the dj to play some hardcore hey sorry i'm late oh we were just talking about you well don't worry another few hours you never have to talk about me again trevor you're the one who likes to talk watch your back you too that's all i'm saying [ __ ] you [ __ ] you it's all right enough thank you okay uh this is it well we have two options they're both little uh out there but then again what do you expect okay option one we hijack their armored cars we take the cruise hostage and then we infiltrate the depository now once you're in there and you've got the score we send in a team of modded cars you load up you get out we'll need to infiltrate the transportation grid and manipulate it to aid our escape but option two we cause a distraction out front make him think we're dumb well we've never had a problem convincing people of that have we the other guys will be drilling taking what they can you're gonna be the distraction always the attention seeker you know for a guy who's always stepping on his friends to get ahead he has an unfortunately low sense of self-worth okay okay let me show you the board to uh recap these are our options we try to make them give us the gold or we drill a big old hole in the side of the bank and we take it out if you're drilling a big old hole you'll need a big old drill a tunnel bore machine i'll locate it but you have to steal it and store it near the bank they're excavating a new pa rt of the metro network around there so that's where you'll go in uh we'll need choppers for the getaway to trevor has one we can use the other can be bought the guys on the ground will need a getaway car so get something fast and tough and then modify it as much as you can to increase your chances of getting away from the cops it's got to be stored in a parking garage near the ud uh there's going to be a lot of heat so think about that um per i'm forgetting something uh oh that's it we'll need a train to land the gold on and take it to the warehouse you'll have to steal it again i'll send you the details now if you're interested in the more um subtle approach hijacking the armored cars and so on huh you've got to get some police stingers and only cops are licensed to have them so that's a headache of its own oh what else um oh right yeah you'll need to get a hold of and mod some getaway cars the normal suspension's gonna give out under a couple of tons of gold whoa man a couple of tim es four tons in total that's what i can get the system to divert into the cage we're hitting [ __ ] me okay okay last thing you remember that underpass we saw from the helicopter now that's where i'll set up the smoke and mirrors to get the cops off your scent i've heard that before michael subtle or obvious what's it going to be oh you want him to give you the medal okay well it's gonna take a big crew two gunmen two drivers and a hacker first gunman comes into the bank with you it helps you move the gold into the reinforced hot rods second gunman is there to take down the armored cars and bring the hostages to a safe house well he's had my back on every job since i got up and running again he deserves a shot at the big one driver number one takes the wheel in the fourth getaway car is gonna be at the bank with you and help loading they're a key part of this driver number two helps you hijack the armored cars eddie toe now you can count on him to get you out of a spot now the hacker t hey're going to break into the traffic system buy you some time coming out of the bank if you need it but we might be cool this is the big one is there anything you want to go over okay and we need those stingers and the modified getaway cars i knew you'd like that sounds kind of fruity if you ask me nobody asked you look this is our only hope you control traffic in this town you control the streets i think it could work it will work as long as you're ready to move now come on i'll take you to the equipment [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's go lester i got the spike strips we need excellent i'll let the others know we have everything we need and we'll meet at the strip club hey man so we really doing this [ __ ] frank come on next door ah our network hacker don't be fooled by the crt and the fax machine the hardware here is state of the art hey where's the rest of the crew outside hey good luck homies i'll see y'all at mission row all right oh we'll see you there with approximately eight t ons of gold four tons not eight all right people let's go get in the car baby we are about to make history come on we're on the clock let's get to the tunnel this the best you could do what are you talking about these [ __ ] guys they're cool look we pulled that thing with them it went fine it went down okay didn't it you don't want me on board i can walk you setting these guys up for a fall huh is that what this is about if they're the diversion maybe it makes sense this whole treachery thing is new to me don't listen to this [ __ ] it's all good no one is being set up i've heard that before shut it trevor this is the big one and [ __ ] me if we don't need any doubts in the back of our heads all right the trucks aren't here yet let's sit tight and no need to panic we weren't panicking something wrong nothing's wrong we just gotta wait you saying don't panic makes me wanna panic all right here we go this is it all right all right see the vans rock and roll rock and roll seriously let's go drop the stinger okay now keep driving get out of the vehicle get out of the vehicle let's go oh [ __ ] move your ass you do not want to die for this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] your move buddy no no no no get a [ __ ] move on come on move hurry up just hold on let's go get these ready please let's go let's go yeah we got a one minute window before the gps starts reading abnormal then let that slaughter come out who you like this one no oh [ __ ] hey please whatever you do no [ __ ] we need you no no what's your name casey casey get in the [ __ ] truck let's go go go go get it let's go come on go your welfare whimpering union depository here we come [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] relax man i'm the one who should be crapping myself i'm about to rob the biggest bank on the planet [ __ ] [ __ ] look casey i need you call you're no use to me when you're freaking the [ __ ] out where you want to be right now is useful yeah right cool cool as a cucumber onion 86 in sight standby hey i was expec ting you like half a minute ago here you go gets me every time onion 86 in the building eggplant 22 in sight they're here don't do anything stupid let's go pal authorization good good good access is good courtesy escort is go take us to it follow me right behind you sir and i'm right behind you yeah i can see you i got eyes in the back of my head then you see me aiming right between those eyes in the back of your head how's things uh good yeah um uh fine i bet the freeway is an absolute b star star ch today tell me when it isn't and you gentlemen have to sit in those trucks bored out of your mind staring at more money than you know what to do with okay let's go collection team is here now that is some kind of door hey so you know what to do uh-huh come on okay gentlemen oh okay a job to do absolutely oh [ __ ] there is a lot of gold in here we're just holding on to it for the chinese now we ever want to keep it in the united states sure take what you can carry that's good stuff hey com e on come on come on we got a schedule game all right bees are heavy a little over two tons of pallet yeah so what's that worth gold's trading at around 1700 to 2 000 an ounce 35 ounces of kilo give or take 1000 kilos a ton so that's 200 million dollars or thereabouts give me a yep that sounds about right collection team has the cargo get many jobs after this no this last one he's retiring exploring other opportunities hey you know your chance of an early death increases dramatically when you retire yeah i'll bear that in mind ah my back this much metal ain't normal is it quite a regular order came down this morning but the computer cleared it well let's hope no one untoward gets word that's what you and the rest of the security gets paid for isn't it cargo's in the loading bay get her on board all right come on let's not take up any more of this gentleman's time than we have to ah that's it let's go hey i'm not feeling so well and i think maybe not just casey suck it up you can't hand le the hangover case do not over indulge that's right this man right here will teach you a little something about moderation thanks no thank you really cargo is gone be cool case we unloaded mission row you go on your way control pickup was good how's it looking up there [ __ ] you got a solution for this problem [ __ ] i hope you got a solution for this problem yeah dog we own it okay okay okay the link's active now you can control the traffic lights let's go good luck hey we got it man this just seemed easy enough okay we're in i'm kind of figuring this [ __ ] out peeps good work heading south right behind him hey mercs coming from the east man we gotta head east at this junction this one looks good hey make a left at the junction so i can [ __ ] you hey i picked up more merryweather northwest of your position yeah go right at this junction green light ahead she wants it and she got it cool head over this one we got a green light yeah um make a right right there hey we flag some bad dudes on the we west stopped come on baby oh yeah one sec oh yeah then uh make a right turn hey they coming from the south top of the grid man [ __ ] more merry weather they're waving us through okay now home stretch this one's clear three two one done hustle up you guys redistribute the weight here they are hey good work damn i can't believe we got the math damn right all without firing a bullet ah don't forget our case here huh the let ain't no no please don't no wait biggest score of our lives we ain't taking any chances sorry pally well playing a chance please piece in on it huh get up hey get up you tell them something that ain't on the news already this whole thing was your idea yeah yeah ii understand not a word exactly yeah i always jumped i i never saw a thing go you're [ __ ] going as soft as that old blasted boy in your pants this divorce couldn't come soon enough look at it yeah no man work first bicker later man all right oh [ __ ] magweb mercenary mother bikers you keep l oading we'll deal with this i bet the homeless jeff [ __ ] merryweather die you frick hey man these guys are every [ __ ] weird hold them down animals how many dudes they got in this private order we fight us through we get clear come on they really coming at me from the front the flank's taken care of get in there shoot is up there on the overpass holy [ __ ] [ __ ] off already so i guess we shooting our way out of here ah it was going so sweet and ain't gonna catch the wings if you're gonna kill anyone kill the fat one there'll be more coming else will be [ __ ] this up get behind something that ain't even fair shot [ __ ] off already ah hey man these guys are every [ __ ] weird die i think that's it that's the last of them so much for the bullets revolution man we always getting [ __ ] with you hold the perimeter everyone else in your cars we leave while we can hey what's stopping me from riding off into the sunset huh with my saddle bags of bulgin lester's the only guy who could fl ip metal without making a noise [ __ ] you want to try be my guest all right lead the way pressure stay with me this is thanks for keeping us don't think about it just keep going left i don't see the vehicles okay seal the tunnel and get a ground team in there all right those guys will take care of the metal lester's meeting us at my place hang on we're just leaving the goal yep hundreds of millions of dollars worth of gold hey d have a little faith faith in you buddy all right in lester in the process come on we've been through it a million times any fool can take a score it's getting away clean that makes the difference between those who walk free and those who do not oh man i wouldn't know what to do with that [ __ ] i'm guessing you wouldn't either man ah i'm sorry ii just have some trusting issues right now franklin if we get away with this if and it's a big if man then i can finally really retire watch it frank michael likes to retire with a very interesting exit strategy come on man i mean we just took the biggest score in the history of scores and you [ __ ] just want to moan my mama never loved me my friends never loved me i'm mad because i'm rich i'm sad because i'm successful man this [ __ ] is pathetic bothy oh i am so sorry hey we did it [ __ ] we did it hmm so next time oh hello let's hang at the beach gentlemen ah lester we have just made history ah i don't want to ask a dumb question here but where's the metal i've got it on lock down for a few days while i'm waiting for the go-ahead to melt it and move it where where exactly where is just the point let's say somebody gets pinched well then where is the evidence or if anyone gets any silly ideas then they'll just be futile so we can take it easy knowing that uh it's gonna be a few days before judas here shows his true colors really now yeah now sugar why don't you take a moment while you're sitting on that big fat pile of cash to chill the [ __ ] out and realize what's done is done whatever you say w ell this is a good time [ __ ] you man hey hey hey hey god for a couple of midwest stick-up artists you guys sure have become a pair of whiny west coast douchebags what the [ __ ] is wrong with the west coast oh nothing i love it here everyone's so numbed by the sun that if you use a three-syllable word they think you're a professor man [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you you're high and mighty weasel and you don't talk down them to these [ __ ] idiots hey leave lester alone oh oh you and lester together oh now that makes [ __ ] sense oh for [ __ ] sake man you all are man i gotta go calm down homie this [ __ ] was real illuminating franklin sorry come on back have a beer or something hey slick it's me what the [ __ ] do you want you got my money punk hey you got some coconut water or something like that i need some electrolytes damn it's kind of warm isn't it man you got a death wish or something am i supposed to kill you now oh no bro not me no oh yeah but that's my boy yeah but that's my boy he has betrayed everyone he's ever known he's got you involved with the federal government and he's messed up several business ventures of mine he has got to go and you know what i'd like to say that this isn't personal but it is personal but the fairs man the fans have told me to kill trevor and i obviously can't kill them both the feds steve haynes dave norton i own shopping malls i would not employ those two clowns then and i make one phone call their careers they are over so you're gonna a listen to some 50 grand a year pension hunter or ba billionaire who even the president let's finger his wife or c try and be really stupid and save those two idiot mentors of yours and have everybody in the god goddamn state crawling up your ass ab or c times ticking pow beep beep beep bend your answer is man you know what man [ __ ] you genius answer pal total genius but time is running you think about it me i got a triathlon coming up and i am in deep training buh-bye franklin lester dawg man we need to talk i got a problem i need your help with man actually [ __ ] it man we all got a problem you can help us with calm down all right come to my house all right all right i'm coming mmm you gotta watch out what's the panic bro what the [ __ ] do you think man imagine a [ __ ] scenario that will [ __ ] things up the worst boy my mind is just racing but you know what i don't want to say something that's really exciting and then you have to act all deflated and say no no it's just that somebody got the same tattoo i got so why don't you just go ahead and tell me some [ __ ] wants me to kill michael some other [ __ ] wants me to kill trevor i feel i can't kill both of them man i'm [ __ ] man i don't know what the [ __ ] to do right now dang i can see that who are the steve haynes this angry [ __ ] from the fib yeah um devon weston man you know [ __ ] from whatever hole he hibernates in exactly all right all right i say kill michael then kill trevor man are you for real you're [ __ ] you know ii don't know you know everything dawg i know okay but i'm sorry i guess this is it you know i'm doing my best man i don't know how you can deal with both of them i know man [ __ ] we're [ __ ] every single one of us is unless okay steve haynes is under a lot of heat because of the shootings at court center and devin weston is a known to be a major [ __ ] and b known to be friendly with don percival who runs meriwether i think actually weston owns a piece of meriwether right 11 pretty good for pseudo liberal owning a private army so they would both love to be involved in capturing the bullion that we just lifted if i tell them both that you boys are at the foundry and where you had heights melting it down then maybe maybe both of them will pay you a visit and bam we turn it into a bust i ain't got no better ideas all right i'm gonna get in touch with michael and trevor you go to the foundry get yourself set up i got you all right what's up homie man things are kind of [ __ ] up right now dog it's all good [ __ ] who better to have in a [ __ ] up situation than a [ __ ] up fool like me man that's what the [ __ ] i wanted to hear hey look i'm coming to your crib to get your ass i'm here there he is where we going we uh heading to the foundry place hey look hear me out man if it's too heavy for you you can back out no drama hit me with it man we got a real problem dog my boys man well we trying to save you actually doing something for your homies for change hell yeah i'm in don't want to clap your homies who don't [ __ ] these chinese dudes some fib cats the rich white [ __ ] who scammed us on them cars dabbing that punk [ __ ] why didn't you say we was creeping on him we ain't creeping on him [ __ ] at least i don't think he gonna be there we gotta take all the heat he can throw it up before we wear it about how he coming back on his side but you is coming back right oh hell yeah we creeping on that fool oh so you ain't the mercurial [ __ ] you front now h uh man i'm just trying to make something about myself dog that don't change who my homies are [ __ ] it don't change my family [ __ ] [ __ ] you getting me all emotional now [ __ ] might have to stop me from sucking your dick [ __ ] look man michael and trevor they should be inside can you stay out here and let us know when the bad dudes is coming i got it man i'll holler and you're bringing a rifle yeah i'm bringing it right it's a good gun it'll get the job done hey man what the [ __ ] am i doing risking my ass trying to save y'all ass you just gonna kill each other hey you're not saving me you're saving him oh you're saving this man y'all gotta keep your [ __ ] heads writing in this [ __ ] if not man i put bullets invoke you hey they here i know him when i see him homie they creep all right good y'all hear that now if we doing this [ __ ] man it's either now or never come on trevor [ __ ] it all right man you go over there all right where you want me you hold your position right her e okay i'm gonna go over there you're the building watch your spectrum dog next to me i can take him now oh thanks for coming you prick i'm closing him out moreover we got this i'm coming as soon as i get a chance ah [ __ ] face [ __ ] i just wanted some company come in frank i think he's in trouble and he ain't the moore can you responding julie [ __ ] holy [ __ ] fine they keep on coming out here talk to me team you and me come on t cut it out there you are man you had me worried i was a little winded all right i took the to it's nice to see you so worked up next time i'll leave you to it watch out another fib team on the way oh back take cover keep them busy while i reload oh are we clear yeah all clear frank we're clear inside moving to the accents this is a [ __ ] and we'll get through this him out this was mine taking them out oh you shouldn't have come here hey that could be all of them oh looks like we did it [ __ ] for now exactly for now so what's next huh we're just gonna wa it around until someone else comes to kill us or are we gonna wait till this [ __ ] gets turned again bite me ain't anybody getting turned again and you know it hey man the way i see it we only just begun to clean this [ __ ] up we got a lot of old friends i think need to be re-educated a lot of friends i mean things could get really messy no we just gotta silence a few noisy people hello let me see there's uh steve hanes dave norton no we need him alive why so nobody [ __ ] with us afterwards what about that tribe [ __ ] the one that thank you two boys is dating [ __ ] you know he bound to come back yep there's that well who's the uh the guy who set up lamar stretch we want to throw him in [ __ ] trevor will throw anyone in just to satisfy his bloodlust whoa hey it's called a [ __ ] loose end all right and if we're gonna be men of peace and tranquility we tie up loose ends man stretch has been a liability but then we're gonna have to take care of our old pals devin weston and steve ha ynes oh [ __ ] what a mess man well let's get it cleaned up how about you get lester online who is this stop calling this number hey it's me dawg you're alive i thought someone might have your phone no no but look i got you on speakerphone did mike make it yeah i'm here and the other one see you putting the ground wheels uh-huh you am just calling for a chat no we got some work to do can you get us some whereabouts i'll do my best who steve haynes to start and devin weston's ass and uh wade change weicheng weight tang hui tang and franklin's pal stretch stretch yeah man look his real name is harold joseph okay well i can tell you that agent haynes is taping a show over on del pero pier shooting permit came up immediately shut down i want to die that [ __ ] since the moment i met him all right all right i got a signal from mr harold joseph's phone over at the bj smith recreation center yeah i got him i got him let's keep him clear of uh known associates all right thanks dog you got what you got for me tao chang's credit card just bought a magnum at the beach club in pacific bluffs okay i'll go ask his ass about his punk ass dad when i find mr whiston i'll send the coordinates all right good all right we made our plans let's stick to them we take out our assigned targets any deviation will lead to confusion and probably failure we got one shot at this guys all right let's do this [ __ ] all right so hey lamar that was above and beyond home ain't nothing above and beyond when it comes to the homies huh a [ __ ] just want to be helpful you hurry i'm serious dog that's who michael and trevor too we grief you're a real homie and i love you dawg you too homie you done with this [ __ ] now almost a couple of loose ends oh [ __ ] i know that voice you creeping on some fools huh all right [ __ ] wanna handle your candle lay low my [ __ ] i know in the end hey the old man that was him hey i got out clean you dudes ain't gonna have no more triads coming out we ain't gonna have anyone to sell super weapons to either but hey ho who's up we still gotta do stretch in agent hates what's up homie stretch man get him i'm clear your pal stretch ain't a problem no more frank [ __ ] he wasn't my pal he was a dude thanks so much what happens next is plant steve haynes in the dirt oh i'm moving on haynes let's see if you can patch him into his radio mic i want a last reminder of what an annoying prick he is los santos a city of saints a city of sinners and nothing in between but the fib cut this is crap who writes this [ __ ] anyway okay all right you got this framed right yeah you're looking great is it chin how's the chin oh sharp all right the audio's clean nice so we'll say something uh check check check yeah it's great okay fine we're on i'm ready you ready speed all right let's do this people i'm a professional let's go hi i'm steve haynes yeah what's cracking hey what's up the last great american melting pot two parts diluted fantasy one part degenerate reality m ix and this is the result throw in a senior fib really going on under this is a land of dreams but sometimes those dreams turn into nightmares stop cut god oh god that's a cliche man that's cliche no i know it's really good just do a cutaway uh i'll pick it up no i'll pick it up i got something good ready in a senior fib agent and you've got a unique look at what happens with dreams and reality oh my god guys that's his name he shot him hey lester i dealt with haynes you got a location on devon weston i'll go up there and get them now hey unless you got news from the foundry team i don't want to be disturbed combating it's over are you all right come on we got this find some covers come out we got a man down and we are from the foundry team i'm getting kind of bored of killing you pricks what do you mean all our operatives are sad wait wait hear me out no more talking okay i got mr weston let's take him out of the city make him disappear meet me on the cliffs off the goh chiliad mounta in state wilderness hmm where am i what's happening you you don't know what you're getting into pal go meditate your phony prick you're a resourceful guy getting past those train killers i need someone like you in my organization the ceo position is gonna be vacant real soon slick i've got nothing against you apart from the obvious hygiene issue michael carter problems so michael had to go you're looking at it rationally there are people who are useful to you and people who ain't and the people who ain't gotta go me i'm not rational i don't care if you're useful or not i feel like taking you out devo so that's what i'm doing this is a serious offer work for me you'll have everything you've ever wanted all i've ever wanted is to watch you drift in and out of consciousness as you're slowly disemboweled that's the kind of creativity i need on my team come on come on let me out of here look i got my own company trevor phillips industries oh yeah a fellow entrepreneur let me buy a steak tha t would give you money to grow i don't know if you heard but i'm kind of gold rich right now so you got precisely nothing to offer prepare you're a dead man this is why people want to kill you you won't shut up find a happy place holy [ __ ] you don't want me as an enemy pipe down i'm getting out of here i told them i wouldn't kill you i didn't say anything about cutting your tongue out so hey we good t never better amigo franklin now he'll be here franklin all right what's up i assume you got him oh safe and sound ain't that right buddy hey my bad homie i picked c ain't that a [ __ ] you know devin the way i see it and hey i'm no intelligent businessman like you but the way i see it there's two great evils that bedevil american capitalism the type that you practice number one is outsourcing you paid a private company to do your dirty work for you and then you underpaid that company because you thought you were big enough and bad enough that you didn't have to play by the rules oh numb er two offshoring your profits offshoring oh it's horrible you wouldn't want to be sent offshore just to save a little money would you t no ii wouldn't oh no nowhere no see but we know your opinions on the matter devon keep your problems the [ __ ] out of america huh in this instance when he puts it like that it makes sense of course it does hey devin goodbye my old friend thanks for all the advice so now what now we keep a low profile and get on with our lives as friends what do i have a choice no not really all right then as uh flawed awful totally uncomfortable and poorly matched friends absolutely oh that's perfect then we can get back to the kind of capitalism we practice [ __ ] i don't know how much more better that is than devin's con ooh hypocrisy franklin civilization's greatest virtue jesus your therapist has a lot to answer for i know i still hate myself but hey at least i know the words for it now yeah but i hate you and i know the words for it so does that mean i don't hav e to go to therapy look man you two [ __ ] terrify me of that middle age i'm good you're right to be afraid franklin yeah be very afraid franklin hey one thing t i'm getting too old for this nonsense you

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