GTA V [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary Part 3 [PC 1080]

GTA V [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary Part 3 [PC 1080]

GTA V [Película completa del juego: todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios Parte 3 [PC 1080] Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Grand Theft Auto V es un juego de acción y aventuras de 2013 desarrollado por Rockstar North y publicado por Rockstar Games. Fue lanzado en septiembre de 2013 para PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360, en noviembre de 2014 para PlayStation 4 y Xbox One, y en abril de 2015 para Microsoft Windows. Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. GTA V [Película completa del juego: todas las escenas de larga duración] Guía de juego sin comentarios Parte 3 [PC 1080] Guía de juego de GTA V [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de GTA V Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o la edición de reproducción completa de todas las escenas de GTA V, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. oye, michael david, bueno, ¿no es tan agradable? No me dijiste que teníamos una cita doble. Lo siento , chicos. Este pedazo ardiente de amor es todo mío . tengo que recordar escribir eso y dispararte en la cabeza, idiota molesto, andreas tomando notas estas cosas, pura magia. fin de semana de golf en un club de campo de tercer grado tan bien hecho con nuestro uh nuestro amigo mr k es un placer uh me encanta ayudar a nuestro gobierno a hacer la guerra especialmente contra sí mismo pero cometiste un error ¿verdad cupcake por qué no mantienes tu [ __ ] voz abajo antes de que cierre tu [__] tráquea la broma detente ahora amigo me mostrarás a mí y a mi equipo un poco de respeto tal vez podrías definir el equipo para mí es que solo ustedes tres o la mentira mayor o todo el gobierno porque estoy tentado para argumentar que hasta ahora no hemos mostrado mucho de ti Un montón de respeto por tus colegas y por qué no empiezas conmigo, genio, lo entendiste , hemos recibido información de que están manteniendo al Sr. K en la estación de la agencia local. Acabo de tratar con ese tipo. estoy interrogando debido a tus travesuras idiotas en la oficina de la esquina tenemos que sacarlo de allí antes de que parlotee hice lo que dijo el agente norton entonces supongo que te involucraste con un viejo agente aplaudido que ha estado viviendo de glorias pasadas era tu primer error tu eres mi chico ahora amigo mi carrera depende de esto y eso es muy importante para mi así que visto que todos somos chicos ahora eso hace que sea importante para ti irás corriendo chicos mira ahí vas dave no puedes enseñar un perro viejo nuevos trucos vamos la oficina posee un lote en el este ls covington suministros fuera del rancho ¿puedes llevarnos allí? sí, suena agradable y aislado tipo de lugar donde llevarías a cabo una operación fuera de los libros eh y qué entonces apuesto federal no está en la escritura eso es así y a todos nos gusta nuestro federal gobierno abierto y transparente, excepto cuando está cerrado y opaco te queda mejor hey, solo soy un títere , tú eres el que mueve los hilos , dime, davey, gastaste este viaje al contribuyente, necesito que hagas un par de llamadas para que algunas personas se unan el primero en abordar es franklin clinton oye, apenas conozco a ese chico que está arreglando mi auto, llámalo o enviaremos a algunos g-men a la casa de su tía, está bien, está bien, michael, este no es el mejor momento. sobre eso, escucha, sabes de lo que hablamos antes de que suceda. Necesito que vengas a un montón de El Rancho, no lejos de donde nos conocimos antes. Está bien . No lo llamaré. Pensé que podrías decir eso, así que lo hicimos recoger. Eso es un movimiento tonto . Dave real [ __ ] tonto, solo preocúpate por el plan. mantener un ojo en los procedimientos phillips vuela usted en usted repeler hacia abajo hacer el extracto ion y yo soy el mejor tipo que tienes para esto contigo tenemos un buen apalancamiento excelente y trajiste a trevor les decimos que estoy muy cómodo con el f5p necesitarás un apoyo discreto mantendremos el control de la situación control discreto sí buena suerte controlando a trevor discreto me pregunto qué tan controlable y discreto será cuando vea al tipo que me mató y metió a brad en la cárcel sabes lo que es mejor que mantengas un perfil bajo sí creo que te veré más tarde, ¿quién es ese kg [ __ ] eh, no, es otro kg [ __ ] está bien, no eres suficiente con la falsa política [ __ ] franklin, vamos, es mejor que te vayas de verdad [ __ ] estoy bien, no estoy construyendo whoa ¿Qué estoy detectando algún uh algún tipo de uh hijo que nunca tuve [ __ ] aquí mikey eh oye escucha si quieres reemplazar alguna figura paterna puedes hacerlo mucho mejor que esta serpiente gorda está bien este [ __ ] se comería a sí mismo niños como dije franklin trastornado sí y mejor amigo exactamente ese es trevor mi mejor amigo ese es franklin el hijo yo siempre ys quería muy bien chicos escuchen esta es la oportunidad voy a hacer todo el trabajo pesado en este trabajo bien trevor todo lo que necesito que hagas es llevarme al objetivo franklin me vas a cubrir desde el otro lado de la calle we' vamos a hacer que estos [ __ ] sean felices y nos alejaremos de esta cosa sin problemas, lo entiendo, te tengo bien y hacemos esto y nos ayudan a recuperar el aliento , sí, hablaremos de Brad más tarde, de acuerdo, tengo que hacerlo. cambio, es mejor que tomes una ventaja, un placer conocerte, homie, sí, lo que sea que sea el gobierno [__], por fin sí, muérdeme, vamos bien, hagamos esto, necesito ir a la sede de la agencia en el centro, tus nuevos amigos son orión, no es de extrañar que hayas dicho sayonara. para el viejo grupo alejarse no es fácil trev a veces supongo que tienes que hacer concesiones lo que pasó con morir con un arma en la mano la vida pasó esposa molesta dos hijos recuérdalos te atan no puedes moverte más ¿qué pasa con tus lazos ? para mí, esos lazos son la razón por la que te atraparon en este fib instig recuperé el suicidio mientras me mantenga entretenido, lo estoy, no estoy exactamente seguro de que vaya a ser divertido, ya veremos, sabes que me tenías en el paquete de suicidio, voy a entrar por el lado oeste de la torre, consíguenos posición me caeré no puedo entrar por el techo sacarnos hacia la pared estamos demasiado lejos de la pared tú [ __ ] alrededor mientras estoy ahí treparé de nuevo por esta cuerda y te estrangularé con él, sí, mantennos firmes, mantenla firme a continuación, tendré esta cosa tan adentro de tu trasero, tus amígdalas jugarán a los títeres de sombra , el equipo de cine, no la vigilancia, agarra su otro brazo, no, no, no, no , crees que eres impenetrable . siente con esto tiene 18 pulgadas de profundidad en el interior toma el bucle qué [ __ ] es esto termina con él cierra este problema ahora daga usa un poco de respaldo aquí consígueme el jefe de la estación no soy 36 flow te tengo no no no no qué está pasando ayúdame, rosa, claro, golpea a la bruja, sácanos , esto es inaceptable. hasta que le dispares a esos tipos, así que muévete, hey, este tipo no me está dando un buen ángulo, amigo, tienes que tomarlo . Eres como una adolescente gordita, sin afeitar y hormonal . atrajo la atención de su unidad aérea tienes un boogie viniendo hacia ti franklin pensé que tenía el trabajo fácil será utilizado no quiero molestarte mike pero es posible que quieras hacer algo con el cobre antes de que nos exploten del cielo solo párate tonto oh él puede estar fuera pero todavía tiene oh entra franklin este podría ser el momento de hacer tu salida hablaremos pronto quiénes son ustedes gente que no importa dijeron que eran del gobierno yo hago en casa teatro no soy no me importa quién eres ahora por qué me haces esto oye está bien tengo algunos amigos con la oficina ellos explicarán todo lo que me salvaste gracias gracias no lo menciones la oficina Si lo hago, harán que todo esté bien. Estoy seguro de que no te preocupes. Cuidarán de ti las cosas que hicieron esas personas. para mí, soy un ciudadano estadounidense, hey, rey, tráela al estacionamiento , oh [__] no , vayamos, ¿dónde vamos a ir con calma? fácil, dale un respiro al tipo , saldré de esto [ __ ] en la cama con la oficina y el nuevo compañero de carrera, sí, es más un protegido, sí, lo que le vas a enseñar para envejecer antes de tiempo, sí, para nunca crecer. eso parece un buen chico michael miro esto ah nueva ciudad nueva serie de problemas pero los idiotas ah siguen siendo los mismos sí supongo que está bien cher te veré luego oh es mejor que lo creas amigo no pongas un pie en este jardín por qué es la mitad de mi casa no voy a llamar a la policía por qué esta lealtad chico esta lealtad de qué estás hablando no actúes como si no supieras qué es hombolio no has estado en el plató No viniste a ninguna de las reuniones Pasando el rato con los viejos Ignorando a tus amigos Actuando con superioridad Tu mamá entregará al niño de la tumba, así que me das una conferencia sobre no ser un pandillero lo suficientemente bueno es positivo eso es todo lo que tenemos mi esa es nuestra herencia no hay nada positivo sobre tu loco hombre ¿dónde está tu sobrina? Ella se volvió más sensible para pasar el rato con tu lo siento, sabes que siempre has sido así, chico, digo. deja que te quedes bien digo que seas médico dices que seas paciente digo quién es esa hola señorita wow franklin nunca me dijiste que tenías una hermana soy la compañera de casa de denise franklin y el viejo culo seco de mi madre cierra la [ __ ] cállate [ __ ] aquí, cariño, ¿por qué no vas a buscar algo bueno? Está bien, gracias , son siete dólares. Dije algo bueno, no es caro. ] fuera de aquí, todos ustedes, hombres, son todos iguales, hombre, qué [ __ ] haces aquí aquí con el chico, los muchachos, lo que soy [ __ ] nuevo en la ciudad, estoy haciendo amigos, de acuerdo, vamos a la fiesta. Planea descansar un poco hasta que este payaso y mi tía llegaron y [ __ ] eso me molestó [ __ ] acabo de llegar aquí para gritarte sobre la cosita, hombre, dije que estoy cansado amigo qué [ __ ] cosa me encantan las cosas soy el rey de las cosas cosa hablando de la pequeña cosa estirada hombre [__] hermoso perfecto es un gang bang vamos vamos vamos hombre solo vamos ¿dónde está sucediendo esto en Grove Street? disparamos [__] rociando algunos [__] con los que puedo conducir el mejor de ellos pórtate hombre lamar qué está pasando cuál es tu configuración de estrés estás comprando peso homie algo que nos moverá hacia arriba en la cadena alimenticia una oportunidad de inversión tienes que especular para acumular la primera regla del negocio hey ya que estamos aquí golpeando o tienes algo de polvo quieres desnudarte a tope voy a buscar a quien sea que me lleve a casa el hombre loco de homie este es el homie casa aquí mismo hey mira todo el mundo ser co ol hombre, cuanto más a punto de hacer lo suyo, está bien , paquete de servicio de mensajería para recogerlo, obtuviste el agarre presente y te contabilicé así, ¿ eh , muestra? No pruebes hombre, nos vamos, quiero probar el otro lado del ladrillo , no, escuchaste lo que dijo tu chico, te vas, vamos, ven aquí, ¿qué [__] pedimos una llave o una [__] onza hombre que es [ __ ] paneles de yeso tenemos algunas [ __ ] bombas remordimiento aquí no puedes [ __ ] apurar a un estafador eh hombre hazlos tontos vamos tenemos que seguir moviéndonos siempre este lamar facebook chicos zapato mc clip clip espera ahí perro espera, espera, por favor, elige a Jack, el culo, homie, ese es nuestro camino para salir de aquí, pon las manos de tiburón de mar en el aire, ¿qué demonios estás haciendo? Oye, toman el acantilado [ __ ] vamos a hacer esto, maldita sea, apesta esto [ __ ] [ __ ] no es un hombre de río, oye, nos gustaría romper estos [ __ ] estamos corriendo, idiota, alejándote del d udes tratando de matarnos, quiero decir, otra vez tuvieron carreras de tiburones marinos por toda la ciudad, útil como siempre, homie, dividamos mi [ __ ] y mantengamos nuestras manos abajo. ¿Quién [ __ ] es este tipo que te mantiene fuera de la ciudad de la cámara de gas? está en camino , tenemos que hablar cara a cara con el almacén de Londres holandés y la prohibición, oh, podemos hacer más que hablar con mi amigo , ah, tienes que dejar ese [ __ ] hombre, sí, sé que tomo velocidad principalmente y mírame boom mejor forma de mi vida, sí, sí, todavía podría tomarte tetas de azúcar, eso es porque estás [ __ ] trastornado, no porque estés en buena forma, oye, ¿por qué no te quedas haciendo [ __ ] abdominales y sintiéndote mal contigo mismo, está bien, chuleta de cerdo, oye [ __ ] sabes que estoy empezando a pensar que eso es exactamente lo que quieres hacer, sí, Jesús le acaba de decir lo mismo [ __ ] a mi esposa , ¿viste su cara la última vez que lo hice estallar, oh, señoras, Dios, eres una [ __ ] tú , tú, ahí atrás, te conozco, pero tú, tú, no lo sé, sí, bueno, hasta que vea la razón, de lo contrario , ¿por qué no nos quedamos? espéralo de esa manera steve qué placer hermano oh , me recuerda a uno de esos tipos que ves anunciando píldoras para hombres de mediana edad que no pueden tener erecciones oye, devin weston es un muy buen amigo mío, así que ¿por qué no cuidas tu lengua porque déjame decirte algo ese tipo tiene más cola que uh que un cazador de cola tengo que [ __ ] recordar esa línea tú dónde nos conocimos en ninguna parte amigo sí lo hicimos oye oh qué estamos haciendo aquí eh esto por favor mantén el sueño lejos de mí no no ferdinand se ha ido se ha ido está bien tengo nuevos amigos aquí ahora este es michael y este es trevor no ahora nuestro amigo aquí dice que no sabe yo no no sé cualquier cosa que no sepa ya no dije nada nada que no sé nada por favor por favor sabes sobre los azerbaiyanos oh azerbaiyanos hago audiovisuales choca esos cinco audiovisuales es difícil hombre buen precio vip sabes que eres un [ __ ] espía y los limpiadores de traseros en la agencia lo saben, así que necesito saber qué les dijiste y qué hicieron ellos. ell tú hmm les dije lo que te digo uh-huh qué yo oye qué es esta la casa en rockwood hills el hombre que es dueño él trabaja en el consulado oh eso es todo lo que sé eso es eso eso es todo lo que voy a hacer él habla no no no no ustedes dos van a manejar hasta Rockford Hills y cuando averigüemos quién es el hombre con el problema lo dejan porque estoy cansado de que estos [ __ ] imbéciles en la agencia se lleven toda la gloria está bien [__] es todo esto, eh, creo que es un buen momento, amigo, sabes, ve a dar una vuelta , llegas al trabajo y no estoy aquí , es el lugar de César a la vuelta de la esquina de tu casa, sí , cuanto más veo a tu jefe. cuanto más me gusta, yo fuera tú, no sería tan crítico con las personas con las que otros se asocian, así que seguramente será un problema, pero no hay nada que podamos hacer al respecto si algo le sucediera en este momento, estaría en lo cierto. bajo un microscopio un microscopio electrónico de [ __ ] burocráticos y eso haría muy difícil mantener las viejas escuelas ya sabes quién más es teniendo problemas para guardar secretos [ __ ] yo después de que trajeras a trevor a esto solo lo traje después de que cancelaste tus derechos de prensa tomando puntajes nuevamente el reinicio de los santos si no controlamos la situación y comemos desenterramos esta conexión entonces qué entonces trevor se vuelve loco me decapita mata a mi familia o los cría como si fueran suyos no sé qué es peor de todos modos cualquiera de eso podría pasar en cualquier momento ralentí pensemos esto qué sabe él sabe que estoy vivo él sabe que tiene dinero y ahora sabe que estoy trabajando con la mentira ¿sabe cuánto tiempo has estado trabajando con la mentira cuánto tiempo el [__] importa eso o estabas trabajando con nosotros antes del trabajo en el depósito de efectivo caminaste con tu equipo en una emboscada uno de ellos pasó 10 años huyendo y el otro aterrizó en una penitenciaría federal o nos tropezamos con el trabajo del depósito de efectivo brad cayó tú caíste trevor se escapó la mentira te hizo un trato en tu lecho de enfermo fingir tu muerte y terminas aqui quien va a decir cual de esos es cierto que hay alguna duda probablemente explique que estás vivo allá atrás trevor te hizo de inmediato en el momento en que te vio te acuerdas después de la redada yo estaba en todos los periódicos yo estaba en las noticias de la noche el hombre que mató a michael townley sí yo era bastante un trofeo una buena cabeza para colgar en tu pared en ese entonces seguro que no ahora esto es [ __ ] este lugar davey han estado filmando el verdadero [ __ ] de los suburbios aquí las últimas semanas de ninguna manera ese es tu chico necesitas cualquier cosa que seas bromeando, llamaré a steve a la casa equivocada, este tipo no es nuestro chico, está bien, está bien, estás seguro de que no los silencias solo para asegurarte de que si estamos silenciando a alguien, estamos silenciando a la persona correcta, consígueme otra dirección . quiero un café ¿puedo traerte algo resulta que era el azerbaiyano equivocado necesitamos una nueva dirección de mr k elige tu instrumento y ponte a trabajar en él por dónde empezamos oye amigo espera de qué estás hablando el tipo equivocado no quién quieres solo dime lo que quieres ah hombre ah por favor mírame pl Tranquilo , estás en la fábrica de salchichas, de acuerdo, haz salchichas , espero que hayas estado usando hilo dental, mis dientes son perfectos, déjame encontrarlos, por favor, no vengas . duele demasiado señor phillips pregúntele acerca de tay aquí javon qué me preguntó sé que está aquí hice este cine en casa vive en chumash el viaje bajo la carretera de lucha bueno eso no fue tan difícil ¿lo entendiste? escúchalo vive en chumash la autopista occidental shumash estás conduciendo recuerda que el terror no toma descansos para tomar café qué imbécil hola, ¿cómo se llevan steve y trevor? parece una relación productiva, bueno, como dije, tiene sus usos y, como puedes ver, nosotros Estoy tratando de aprovecharlo al máximo , pero luego, este asunto con la agencia se pone fin y ya no te necesitamos, ¿ verdad? ¿Y qué hay de Trevor? ¿Qué pasa? Necesito una resolución . limpiaría todo en North Yankton y me dijiste que Sería un trabajo limpio, sin bajas, había más ojos en esa ciudad de los necesarios, sí, según mis ojos, Trevor es tu problema, Dave, tanto como él es mío, no es un problema en absoluto, lo estamos monitoreando, ¿verdad ? dijo algo sobre brad [ __ ] sí, tiene mucho sigo cambiando de tema sabes que él cree que en realidad podrías conmutar la sentencia de brad cuando todo esto termine eso es un buen trabajo enviaremos otra carta ya era hora de todos modos oh así que eres tú quien está He estado enviando esas [__] cartas a Trevor, eh, sí, él cree que son de un mocoso que cree que está encerrado en mi seguridad y no muy bien, no dos metros bajo tierra en una tumba marcada como Michael Town, los aprendices las escriben, es un buen ejercicio, sí, el [ __ ] ¿Cómo empezó eso? Todo irá bien. Averigua a quién estamos buscando. Sí. Necesitamos una descripción del objetivo . no, por favor , no me mires suelto, es una tortura, lo es, tengo sangre en la boca, mi m pero me ahogaré me equivoqué oh oh sé que es legal pero aún puede ahogarse vamos a levantarlo déjame levantarme déjame levantarme todo fue un sueño es una pesadilla hey hey hey hey ahora huh ahora estás listo para hablar, estaré listo para hablar, enfócate hoy, sí , sí, este tipo que buscamos, ¿cómo se ve ? sea ​​lo que sea, es oscuro, está bien, es azerbaiyano, por el amor de Dios, mira a tu alrededor, eso es suficiente para ti, eres mis ojos townley, ¿qué ves? Veo a un par de tipos que son demasiado viejos y demasiado gordos para estar haciendo un asesinato político. alguien ahí abajo que pueda estar en azerbaiyano [__] sé que podrías ser como una vagina por lo que sé cómo se ve uno se ve del este tal vez esta ciudad parece del este davey tienes la caída del shaw y el colapso del comunismo para agradecer por eso, alguien se destaca, no, todos se mezclan, hacen una llamada, dave, vamos na necesito más información sobre este tipo, están organizando una fiesta allí, oh, eso no va a ser suficiente, mi amigo [ __ ] [ __ ] déjame ver, lo recuerdo, lo siento, demasiado tarde , Trevor, enséñale a la contessa lo que se está preguntando, lo recuerdo. tengo que descomponerlo para reconstruirlo, está bien, rodillazo, entonces, ¿qué tienes para nosotros? hmm, necesitamos a trev para sacudir tu memoria nuevamente no no no no no no no no no no creo que estás inventando esto no no i' No, no, sí, estoy tratando de controlar su barba, obtener tipos con barba en esta fiesta, eh, porque eso es todo lo que el Sr. K nos ha dado . llamar a un ataque aéreo en la playa de chumash estamos de vuelta dame algunos ojos a quién estoy buscando steve diciendo barba ¿qué tienes algo específico o algún rastrojo va a cortarlo? alguien se ajusta al perfil, ah, hay algunas barbas en esta fiesta, Vinewood está lleno de barbillas débiles, el lugar es famoso por eso, las malditas barbas están en fa shion in jumash land of beach hipsters necesitamos más va a ser un largo día hasta que nos des algo de información sobre nuestro objetivo no sé trev tal vez una vez más solo para estar seguro te dije que fuma eso es todo lo que sé sparky let los clips deje el clip por favor y me matará moriré mr k sabe algo por favor está bien no puede fumar es zurdo qué es eso que cambió fuma y es zurdo está bien y estos tipos barbudos en la fiesta fuman cigarrillos mr k dice que fuma como un paquete de dos al día rojo con cigarrillos gracias mr k steve me dice que fuma secuoyas en cadena no son los cigarrillos los que lo matarán son los tipos que ponen las advertencias en los paquetes deberías te preocupes y él es zurdo oh ahora entiendo me estás diciendo que asesine a un tipo porque tiene vello facial un cigarrillo y es zurdo te estoy diciendo que asesines a un tipo porque es una amenaza para la seguridad nacional el rojo, ah, veo a alguien que encaja en el perfil, sí, encaja perfectamente, lo intenté Me siento tan bien como te puedes sentir mientras cortas a un tipo que probablemente no se lo merece y ahora estoy tomando la oportunidad, cariño, tengo a alguien definitivamente , una secuoya zurda fumando barbudo, tal vez podría usarse para ser azerbaiyano lo suficientemente bueno para mí, steve. está hecho woo eso es una envoltura mis amigos excelente trabajo ustedes dos ahora tengo un juego de racquetball para llegar a trevor si te encargas del sr. ki creo que estamos listos qué [ __ ] quieres que haga con él diría que ha sobrevivido a su utilidad oh vamos cállate eso es un deporte vamos vamos espera un segundo lo que acabas de torturarme no hagas demasiadas [ __ ] preguntas vamos a levantarnos sube las [ __ ] escaleras oh por el bien de [ __ ] vamos vamos bien tienes que tomar un vuelo vale vamos a llevarte a el aeropuerto oh seguridad primero hey cómo está tu boca te duele puedes hablar un poco vas a aguantar no quiero ir a casa quiero s ee mi familia no no no no no tienes casa no tienes familia que [ __ ] ha terminado yo sí cambio no esa es tu antigua vida que ha terminado ahora estás fuera de la red eres una de las personas invisibles solo llévame a casa te voy a llevar al aeropuerto te vas a subir a un avión vas a volar muy lejos de este país y vas a difundir tu mensaje no tengo un mensaje eres un defensor de la tortura todos los medios y el gobierno querría hacernos creer que la tortura es algo necesario que necesitábamos para obtener información para afirmarnos si obtuvimos alguna información de usted le habría dicho todo exactamente tortura o el torturador el tipo que da la orden de tortura usted tortura para los buenos tiempos , todos debemos admitir que es inútil como medio para obtener información , a veces torturas por la tortura, pero solo si están dispuestos a pagar, estoy muy mal, soy yo contigo, jesucristo, buen asqueroso, pensé que realmente nos uníamos, pero ahora estoy teniendo mis dudas salidas nadie maneja m e al aeropuerto, tu familia es probablemente la que te trajo [ __ ] aquí, está bien y mira, no confíes en nadie , está bien, estás solo ahora, de verdad, sí, de verdad ahora vámonos [ __ ] vamos vamos, espera , vuela, hola chicos estoy esperando compañía quiero este lugar limpio wade tidy floyd masaje uh no no realmente no quiero que me saque la polla otra vez no no no nadie quiere eso no no tienes razón tienes razón oye hermano qué pasa, oh, hermano, llegas tarde nueve años [ __ ] tarde, sabes que llegas tan tarde, de hecho, no tienes derecho a llamarme, hermano, ¿está claro? Ah, cállate [ __ ] como un disco roto [ __ ] Oh sí, bueno, eres como un [ __ ] exactamente como un [ __ ] ¿dónde está el asistente en camino? Sí, déjate idolatrar cuando escuches usar los escalofríos. lo que sea, hombre, entonces, ¿qué estamos haciendo aquí? Estamos trabajando, amigo, tomando un puntaje, sí, hice la mayor parte de la planificación y, uh, creo que literalmente nos besaremos como bandidos en esto, ¿verdad? Habla con Lester, sí, sí, lo llamé. Aparentemente, está en el hospital para que le limpien la vagina o algo así. Tiene una enfermedad debilitante. 20 salvados . Es hora, está bien, lo haremos a mi manera porque, según recuerdo, la última vez que lo hicimos a tu manera, a todos nos dispararon, te enterraron, resucitaste, te convertiste en [__] y Brad terminó en una [__] prisión, sí, y Lester nos dijo que no hiciéramos ese trabajo, pero lo hicimos de todos modos, a menos que la escena sea bastante buena, hombre, ¿podrías cerrar el [ __ ] bien y tú, Michael, oh yo, está bien, así que esta vez hacemos las cosas a mi manera, sí, y qué pasa después? esto después de esto pensamos en las cosas así que cuál es el plan fácil está bien estamos hundiendo un carguero en el puerto de los santos está bien ahora papá es un pequeño ayudante vas a estar en el puente está bien tú eres el vigía y tú tú voy a abordar el carguero y la plantación me cobra estoy ejecutando la operación de salvamento en aguas profundas con un l una pequeña ayuda de mis amigos , hombre gordo, por supuesto, mientras no seas uno de esos amigos, aunque la parte es fácil, oh por [ __ ] ¿de dónde sacaste el [ __ ] mikey [ __ ] tú, ah, mejor me gusta eso [ __ ] bueno, bueno, ahora vamos a ganar algo de dinero, señoras, eh, brillante, no sean idiotas, oh, su deseo es mi maestro de comando, vamos, junior, hey wade, consígale a michael un traje de neopreno , está bien, llévelo al bote. un poco de transporte, ¿no aguantamos ? Está bien, te llevaré al lado de la ciudad portuaria del paso elevado de Miriam Turner . Casi lo olvido. Aquí está el rifle con un visor térmico. Casi lo olvido. con el extraño detalle alfa de lester, tengo buen ojo para los detalles, pequeños detalles, como que tu ladrillo de golpe sea un panel de yeso . niño, se trata de lo que hay dentro genial, entonces, ¿cuál es el problema, hombre , no sé qué es? s pero sé que es importante que hayas oído hablar de meriwether eh sí tal vez feliz clima seguridad consultando a la compañía que nuestro gobierno usa para pelear sus guerras y proteger sus intereses turbios en todo el planeta ellos son el ejército son como el ejército solo que ellos son privado, por lo que cuestan más de todos modos, acaban de recibir autorización para aceptar contratos gubernamentales en nuestro suelo y cuál es uno de los primeros en la lista este contenedor en el puerto exactomundo , por lo que debe ser valioso de todos modos, no importa porque su trabajo es no entender que es para disparar a las personas que intentan detenernos estoy deteniendo el auto en la mediana aquí ese es tu nido de tirador y llama a mike está bien hombre seguro [ __ ] hey dawg estoy en posición avísame cuando estés Listo , está bien, si estoy en posición, maldita sea, eso es un largo camino, así que asegúrate de no tener ningún problema cuando llegue allí. ellos, sí, no son trabajadores de la paz , está claro, el hombre sube a bordo de las cosas lo hago por viejos amigos t elige cuatro lugares para las bombas vigílame está bien atraparon ese barco en números hombre la primera bomba está colocada y armada me estoy moviendo hacia la siguiente posición hey haz esto rápido hombre no lo sé cuántos refuerzos tienen puedo hacerlo rápido o puedo hacerlo bien, está bien , en la parte superior de la pasarela, me encargaré de este tipo , sácalo , hombre, ahora las segundas bombas están en su lugar, estamos a mitad de camino que no sé cómo. nos ataron a esto hey tienes un camino despejado planta una carga de bomba tengo que entrar por la última hey ven a mi lado del barco te despejaré la entrada pavo real dijo que tenemos una baja y eso es el brazo tengo que hacer esto a doble velocidad [ __ ] subiendo un nivel voy voy a entrar hey ten cuidado te buscan esto sé cuanto antes regreses donde te pueda ver oh [ __ ] aquí estamos vamos , hombre, vienen, sal de aquí, un montón de tipos en la ciudad portuaria, me atraparon en el puente , hombre , elimino a todos los que puedo salir de aquí, esto es una vez que esté claro. de la nave detonar está bien vaya hombre estoy cubierto voy a bajar estas escaleras chico me siguió fuera de la cabina otro chico más chicos está claro aquí voy estoy corriendo desde el lado norte [ __ ] [ __ ] estoy claro que puedes volar los cargos está eh en tu celular hombre aléjate del barco están subiendo ah de vuelta en esa agua apestosa estoy en el té bebe té dónde estás para no caerte así que es mejor que encuentres esta cosa leyendo rápidamente estoy captando la señal pero aún no tengo la cosa nos estás reteniendo hay una luz que debe ser la tengo secreta o muy valiosa ¿no le está haciendo nada al agua? bueno, podría darte poderes, convertirte en una ira infinita, solo toma una ducha, después de que estarás bien , lo veo, lo estoy recogiendo, explosiones, estaré allí pronto , chico, vendrán, prepara la grúa , sosténme . hombre, puedes decir lo que quieras sobre trevor, pero [__] lo logramos, sí, esperemos que sea un asteroide, lo que quiero decir es lo que [__] estás haciendo aquí. estaría en la cama sí debería estarlo estaría si ciertos socios conocidos estuvieran ocupados haciéndose enemigos del estado fib merryweather oye podrías [ __ ] con ellos todo el día pero cuando intentas robar una súper arma experimental y vendérsela a el chino que tú y todos los que alguna vez conociste van a estar [ __ ] en el culo tú [ __ ] idiota sujeta al hombre una súper arma el chino qué crees que está ahí pensé que te hablaría bien hombre y qué ahora bien, tal vez pueda organizar que me lo lleven y lo encuentren entre los escombros, santo [__] lester crest aguantando y luciendo bien, ¿eh, tienes alguna idea de lo que hiciste aquí, sí, saqué un puntaje, qué estás celoso porque no lo hiciste? no obtengas tus 20, esa cosa no retrocede, entonces todos terminaremos en todas las listas de vigilancia en la lista de vigilancia del planeta entero, así que [__] qué, para que no vean, matan idiota, todos estaremos muertos dentro de un semana piensa bien escucha toma el camión toma un tipo haz lo que tengas que hacer trevor todo cargado uh trev o genial, entonces usted y el paciente pueden retractarse de todo [ __ ] ahora , entonces quiere decirme que esto [ __ ] fue todo por nada hombre, es el capó de nuevo [ __ ] vamos, franklin, me debes michael, soy Viejo, qué vas a hacer, eh. Pienso en algo. Tengo que conseguirle trabajo a Franklin. Tomaré esto. Sí, sí. Muchos ratones para alimentar . re the guy stealing contracts you parked the farm killed my brothers you had too many brothers they needed calling you're [ __ ] dead aren't we all we live and we die that's our curse hey you want to expedite the situation come [ __ ] find me this poochy beach los santos you inbred hillbilly [ __ ] i'll be there man i don't know when but i'll be there oh absolutely yeah yeah you killed people you tortured people committed a litany of other crimes oh we 're here's trevor great lookie lookie a bunch of government [ __ ] bags and their favorite stoolie what's he been telling you oh he just said how you guys were happy to help the government any way you can oh really huh because i was told that if we helped out with that thing which we did then our past indiscretions would be forgotten in a haze of patriotic fervor who told you that did i tell you that i'm in charge here fruity me you understand not quite well can you explain that again what i was saying oh you're good the three [ __ ] listen we need help with something else some of the government some of it is pretty corrupt not uh not your bit right yes but we're corrupt in a good way but the agency they want to encourage panic so they can guarantee their budgets that's how they get paid it's a major problem and now they've secured some funds that we need to use in our fight against crime as a way of bribing corrupt officials really and where are they getting that from drugs those bastards love to sell drugs who doesn't we think they're going to use this money to finance a war on our streets and we need you boys t o requisition that money for us the bonds are leaving the terminal in an armored car hey [ __ ] you dave we don't have time to prepare the right way it's not my concern i cannot allocate any more resources to this you'll be fine [ __ ] you dave nice work slick we're gonna be doing pat downs at the airport proposed [ __ ] clowns are done with us he'll [ __ ] you hey look man it is what it is now how the [ __ ] we gonna get this done i don't know i got it classic blitz play it's an industrial area right so i'm thinking vehicles trash truck to block tow trucks sack them we get some disguises and we're gold we just got to hope like hell these are the kind of agency men that don't carry a panic button with them they are we deal with it if and when if and [ __ ] win i will keep my eyes peeled general thank you michael hey no problem no really you [ __ ] dave norton leave a message all right guys a few more details we'll need boiler suits and masks for this job the garbage truck let's get one from your park bring it back to the lot and there's an auto repair place by the airport where we can get a tow truck what else uh oh yeah yeah yeah get away that would be nice get something fast and discreet we park it off the road a good distance from the lot and make sure it ain't near something we'll crash into driving off that's it all right man i got you dawg what huh i miss that maybe shout a little louder bite me so we really finna do this [ __ ] we finna risk our lives to rob some [ __ ] government killers again yep hey all right okay so listen up here's the plan hey trevor yeah i want you in this position up here okay you're on lookout give me a heads up when the armored car comes by okay yeah i'm gonna be right here in the garbage truck blocking the roadway franklin you're in the alley and tow truck hope is they pull right up in front of you when they do you come at them hard bam [ __ ] here's hoping yeah after the hit if we blast open the doors grab up all the cash bonds wh atever it is i take it to hane sky it's all a little hole for him as long as i am not on the ground when the [ __ ] goes down okay when the [ __ ] goes down we'll handle it you stay up here on your post eyes peel yeah okay we'll take the risk sound cool [ __ ] true to the professional dog and at least we're not wearing clown outfits there's a plus right the masks what let's see what we got here huh real professional let's do this let's go god all right t i'm in position what's the eta looking for them there they are incoming get ready to do your thing michael you better get on your way get moving across both lanes remember just stop the truck and keep it stationary i'm stopped you're on f sanitation aren't meant to be here today rammus b [ __ ] all right make it happen plant sticky bombs okay okay back away from the bomb map blow the doors everyone out let's go on the ground now move it my [ __ ] ears i'm [ __ ] deaf you complete frank clean out the van i got the guards the alarm's bee n tripped the cops will be swarming here in 10 seconds you better run shut the [ __ ] up come on good to go sounds like they coming in numbers homie they got a panic button all right getting covered by those barriers i'm going up here [ __ ] fall back we'll never get out of here we got a whole position hey man we're sitting ducks right here you there's one of these hey i got these dudes uh out of here you just to the right you gotta take them out tee don't mind me i got visual on the snipers they're going down i got the first shooter hey that's some tight ass work call me you call one shooter 2 is down rooftop is clear of shooters got that [ __ ] i dropped that [ __ ] cop take off the chop sniper in the chopper he's gotta go man do it clear they're thinning out this could be our chance to go hey man [ __ ] you look after yourself dog all right ah hey let's meet up next week all right foreign everything cool yeah man [ __ ] that trash truck is trash dawg you good nice work i'm about to meet this guy i'll tell you how it goes got a package for devon weston package for mr weston come on yeah and i'm telling you that i don't give a flying [ __ ] there you go there you go boom so long devin weston yeah i remember you the weekend interrogator invest wisely hey hey hold on hold on we're not done here yet i got a job for you bro five top quality scores big ticket cars major payday bro that's great i got just the guy for you i'll put you in touch no no no i don't want just some dude i want you i want your crew i want pros on this yeah i don't give a [ __ ] what you want pencil neck i'll let them know you're interested i guess i just got you figured wrong man hey what's the figure tell me something you like football i got a stake in a sports investment venture you like the market i got some funds you can manage name your poison man i just like sitting around watching old movies oh there we go how about i hook you up with solomon richards [ __ ] solomon richards the movie prod ucer yeah he's retiring man and i'm doing a finance deal for his studio i will make the connect just as soon as you all right oh man solomon richards have a good one boys um what's going on you're gonna dress up as traffic cops you're gonna rob two trust fund kids that i know and dislike intensely why we can get a good price for the vehicles in asia look complete the work you'll all be well paid you're late sugar tits yup so what's going on you finally get to realize your childhood dream and dress up as a cop mr weston's research team suggests the two boys like to ride on the sonora freeway sounds manageable hey you two get going oh let's go t dog i don't know if this [ __ ] is for me homie my life's already way to [ __ ] out of control all right look i'm a darwinist brother all right some prosper and some struggle now are you out of your goddamn mind this is your lucky break choose now are you gonna do this or have you simply found your level in life i guess we'll find out yeah i'll g uess we will homie hey frank hey i'm nearly with these dudes man you guys comfortable on your end yeah i guess we look pretty ridiculous all right man look i see you soon yeah we'll pick you up coming through grape seed get the drivers there get them going at speed okay i'm telling you 2.7 millimeters what the [ __ ] does that mean how about we see which one of you two is for real so get in your cars and let's see if they move as fast as the fool wants to race us we would just get out of here anymore we right go manual yeah hey we're coming up now man peter in a few seconds got it whatever here they come well i'll tell you about that later pursuit they'll stop eventually let's do this our patients will be rewarded stay with them we'll pull this off i'm how you doing we gotta hang in there oh good my ass is dead okay whoa hey stay in the car there homeboy i'll deal with you later yeah [ __ ] you too you know how fast you're going gee i don't know officer i uh try to keep it under the li mit well you and your boys looked like you were drag racing from where we are sitting there so uh why don't you get yourself out of the car come on officer officer officers yes it is get on come on hands on the car let's go come on get out of the [ __ ] car hey hey hey hey doing [ __ ] car all right we got to make sure get out of the [ __ ] car you pint-sized prick you you little [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here man i'm god of driving so slow staying with these fools can we have a real race well you talk a good game okay just don't scratch the cars speak ah the lady from before devon's assistant good to be working with you it's molly schultz senior vice president and general counsel to mr weston's holding company and if you think it's good to be working with common thieves well you're very mistaken have you got the cars wow yeah we got the games bring them to hayes auto on little bighorn in south los santos mr weston and i will meet you there hey just spoke to devins man woman lawyer person i'll be waiting at hayes auto with south ls for you idiots to show up yeah right okay i'm way out in front guys the lead horse always burns out before the end hey frank yeah what'd i tell you bro these cars this is an opportunity yeah if you say so you until it's over hey look devin weston he ain't like anyone you worked for before he runs his mouth wants me to push cars and most likely gonna be paying me a fraction of what they want you must know who this guy is look him up he's the real deal i've seen his house he can make things happen so he like to you what you were to me i see your house i think this dude can take me places yeah maybe something like that what's your angle mike what do you mean like how am i gonna beat your ass in this race don't worry i'm taking care of that i mean is it just a smell of green or is there some other thing with this guy and you know it feels funky hey i'm just trying to do what's best for frank you know him make the best of the chances he's g iven hey if it's about the girl i saw her first don't get too creepy all right she's a professional woman who's doing a job and leave it at that no sexual harassment in the workplace both of you back off here it's been way too long gentlemen i love you all oh god this is going to be fantastic one kid and two old creeps who the [ __ ] would have thought gentlemen move the vehicles hey gimme five five and five oh oh hey just kiss homie boom dawg come on man you got the [ __ ] paper abso [ __ ] lutely look you finish the job you get the paper but the order was for five cars if i'm not mistaken that's only two just give me the [ __ ] money now oh i ain't so scared i really really am but you know what i'm a payment on completion of work type of guy you don't like the job take a [ __ ] walk like come on man hold on so what's next man well it's the z type chad mulligan lay it on him kid mulligan's a record producer he's going through a messy divorce he's hiding his valuable assets including t he car so that makes it complicated he'll clock any ground surveillance we run all we've got to go on is that the car's in a lockup in howwick so we just go house to house not quite we have access to an lspd helicopter the computer on board can id pedestrians from a chip in their driver's license find mulligan and howick follow him to the lockup someone on the ground collects the car all right so who does what you are not needed for this job phillips you're in the chopper clinton you're on the ground yeah i don't understand the deal between you two yeah well i don't understand the deal between you two either but you know what life it's just one long mystery buh-bye gentlemen and stay spiritual oh and michael i'll be in touch about your friend solomon all right good oh hello come in come in thanks you must be michael yeah you know i used to have three secretaries now i have to make my own coffee and give myself a happy ending see the ships are coming in but the walls will hold us nelson in naples pluto i said mars you shoulder of orion two devin weston said you were a fan huge fan tell me michael devin weston did he does he want you to bump me off no not at all he said you were retiring but might need some help on a movie only [ __ ] retire michael him and my son they want to put me out to pasture so they can turn this place into condos or a theme park or something but this place is a dream factory well maybe they have different dreams some days i don't blame them you know they always say never work with children or animals well i want to add to that list never work with directors or actors this picture is going to kill me all right so what's it about it's perfect set in liberty city meltdown it's all being shot on green screen right out back there we take a look at the financial crisis and then we boil it all down into a really simplistic battle between two yuppies with lots of training montages so what's the problem milton mcelroy i cast him in the second lead beca use he's cheap zero talent incidentally well he's got this new agent rocco pelosi he's been hassling us about renegotiating the deal so now he's holding up shooting until he gets paid that sounds problematic it would be if the director wanted to shoot anton baudelaire ever heard of him that doesn't surprise me now he's having a mental breakdown pissing all over himself who knows where all right looks like you got yourself that new assistant but no happy endings i love you already jesus truck hey solomon i'm just doing that thing good good now i realized in my excitement i forgot some details yeah it seemed obvious you want this pelosi guy clipped no god no is that an option no no no bad idea bad idea no clipping anyone just teach him some madness he's also in my director's ear as well if you'd believe it so teach this punk a lesson and bring the talent back to set ideally in a more collaborative mood i'll see what i can do they all going to be at the club i'm told it isn't a club so mu ch as a rat pit anton and milton are supposed to be there and pelosi's on the way to pick them up he's taking them to his lawyer to sign the contracts so if he hears there's someone from the studio coming he'll get him out fast all right i'll go in quiet see you on the set boss ah gentlemen how you like this space it's going to be an edm paradise there's going to be sockless stuck in bottles implants [ __ ] stamps all the real [ __ ] that's pelosi entertainment now give me a minute here just a minute gotta go grab something inside johnny we nearly got the club we're finally a go and you take care of these guys no coffee okay let's go they might be too high to notice yeah he's still a death trap they better have a fat envelope for public works hello this is restricted access it's up there [ __ ] i gotta call the boys just work and i can go day trips over gentlemen you're going back to set you get lost wrinkles who's this jackass hey you oh turns out these guys are in love with their con tract so they'll be going back to the set with me can you believe this [ __ ] clown no this guy's all mine i don't recognize all right spray tan we're gonna make a new deal you leave my people alone and i don't toss you off this roof all right yeah okay sure man sure all right let's get back to the lot just hold on look you can bully him but you can't bully talent buddy we are not shooting until i get a new deal can't bully just watch me you're gonna be a good boy when i'm done i don't know who you think you are just jumped up to studio security i ain't security can i just say i was testing this for the promise of strong drugs i don't want a new deal so much has to be off the show entirely i've got a feeling you might want to reconsider as well we're going to crash into something i'll take you to the studio no you should apologize to me a brutal honesty bud you're not that good it feels folded you're lucky you're working at all you're kidding me right i am an artist dude i'm you're apo logizing when you see solomon you say sorry for the misunderstanding sir and you will always always appreciate the opportunity he's giving you look i just wanted a better deal everyone wants a better deal everyone serving coffee selling cars typing in spreadsheets wants a better deal but you got the best deal there is you're making movies now where am i putting this thing down when devon weston came to do a studio visit use the empty water tank all right then we'll do the same right there the water tank turned parking lot setting it down solomon's office come on look i'm feeling a little heat up how about i call my guy going a little jolly and call solomon from wherever i wake up in a week how about you see him right now and we go flying again if you even look like you'll fill a piss test at any point on this shoot what a wonderful surprise on my boy you're an artist i know that and this story is the best kind of art a simplistic cliche ridden pile of dross that you will turn into magi c get a grip i love you so solomon milton here has a little something he wants to say to you say it ah ii just just want to say that i'm sorry for any misunderstanding sir and ii appreciate all the opportunities that that you've given me of course of course michael what can i say you're a natural i love you you're too kind no no i mean it i don't mean to presume but would it be okay if i gave you a shout this shoot seems cursed for some reason or another i need an associate producer i'd love that we'll talk soon i gotta go ah hell yeah oh too close put up your hands and stand where i can see you all right you got me homie all right you know how to work that face recognition [ __ ] already i'll figure it out okay booting up you can use this stick to move the camera zoom in and out it'll pick up pedestrians carrying the 2012 sa state license if you target them the scanner accesses the database and pulls their record when we see if this thing picks up my man on the ground public exposure what's the deal franklin man [ __ ] that i got a high ass homie one time with a brother for any old [ __ ] you want me to take it out on the lspd representative sitting beside me man just get the house do what we looking for is down that way i'll fall on the floor how it you heard the man wherever you want to go you arrested my african-american friend for a minor infraction the lspd disgusts me well it's not me i mean there's some bad apples in the department but any accusation of a racist culture uh you wanna [ __ ] me you can [ __ ] the freeway we do community outreach but we have minority quotas yeah yeah yeah your nice dick's not a minority quota unless you take look please we come so far in the last two decades oh you're lucky you can't use this thing with one hand and fly with the other come in franklin we're in position over how wick avenue what's the name of the suspect the dude's name is chad mulligan all right chad mulligan roger that ah that's not our car owner i thought he might have been cross-dressing but he ate we gotta keep looking come in franklin suspect's not in the area i repeat suspect not found in the area all right all right he might be a couple blocks deep in him roger that would you look at that couple finally some normal adjusted healthy people in this horrible town come in franklin we've got a positive id on the suspect i repeat we have visual on mulligan no vehicle in sight all right look cool we looking for his lock up dog all right stay home and look out roger that we have lost sight of the suspect might have to send pilot boy down to draw him out hold on wait you should come out from behind that building far away suspect stop walking appears to be accessing a small garage all right all right this is hey [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh what happened hey look just stay on him man and let me know where he is excited going south on dutch drive suspect going west down alley toward ala rancho you see him car going north on el rancho all units be advised we have a possible joyrider heading west on howick in a black z type hey man you get another cops on this [ __ ] nah homie now you'd appreciate your authenticity oh okay well i [ __ ] don't coming into three we have reports of dangerous driving in your sector uh what is this proper unit three reports are greatly exaggerated over your boy chad very nearly totaled the score oh yeah that was close okay [ __ ] man i got this away from near the life invader offices lost sighted suspect near a parking garage request ground units to investigate pilot boys take us down i need to see inside the building this camera's giving me a little air sickness i get violent when i'm queasy yeah i'm sorry i'm deeper steady fly boy where is he uh you can toggle the thermal vision if you think that would help oh well you might have just earned yourself a reprieve you know think i'm developing feelings for you all right oh this might help hey you can still see me right i'm in the middle of the garage i 've got you hey you reading other heat signatures on this level we got a guy standing over by a row of cars middle of the floor let's see what the [ __ ] you doing hey that ain't damn to my right who looks like he's on the phone [ __ ] dude could be calling the fans homie hey it's not him dawg i hope this [ __ ] in here near side of the garage on my left there's a man in a car this better be you better be the guy hey that's the [ __ ] thank you trevor fitness i know you think this car might be worth something but it ain't it's the egg hey hey hey hey hey hey ah no man sorry about that mr clinton hey molly right i got that car for y'all the z-type mr weston will be glad you caught us he wanted to see it before we took off we are on the way to his personal hangar at los santos international i'll tell them to expect you at the gate oh you gotta watch out that is messed up so hello hey i'm supposing me devon weston here mr weston's hanger is up there on the left oh there she is you know th is beauty was a woman i'd have to break my 20 and under rule man i'll just stick to driving all right hey tell me something you know how many of these things they made oh [ __ ] like 10 no not like 10 man exactly 10. oh wow man you one of them type of dudes huh tell you something how'd you like to drive a car like this one day man for real like this or this oh man right back at me homie really nice hey you know something you're not like those uh snowbird retiree pals of yours you are sharp man man i'm just looking for a paycheck for my services no no don't worry it'll come that'll come but right now it is life lesson time pal you have got to wake up to what's real in this situation bro take me right i am opportunity i'm security i'm fast cars blow jobs i got the world on a plate those two clowns oh man they are the worst kind of disaster they can ever come down they are a full core meltdown and you're just standing there soaking up major radiation you have got to take stock man make th at call before it's too late yeah all right man i will before it's too late man yeah yeah just take any car and go i'm sorry about it what is this it's a thing you said you wanted work this is work uh-huh and who's the guy you'll see yes hi hello we're looking for mr madrazzo patricia for [ __ ] sake just let him in right this way gentlemen patricia get us something to drink with you quickly hey good to see you again my goal likewise it's my friend trevor uh sit down sit sit what did you tell him about me about martin madrasso martinez an old friend of mine trevor the truth martine is a terrifying psychopath who tried to kill me exactly but some people they no longer fear me as much as they used to people who wear clothes to me my cousin you made in michael well apparently he's thinking about testifying against me so i have him killed i'm going to by you our debt was settled this is a favor for a friend but does friendship mean nothing these days ah hello what's the deal this is him ja vier he's flying off the liberty city this afternoon and he's taking some files of mine innocent files that um i need back there's a gun set up in the hills i have a man watching at the airport we'll let you know and when he flies by shoot him down and get the files back amen what's up hey huh trevor come on you still want the drink not now all right you grab a vehicle something versatile i'll handle the gun all right you need anything get me on the headset yeah okay well i ain't at the observatory yet start heading that way i know why you took me there to that guy's house understood understood what that he's a terrifying psycho and that you might have that in common what is it we gotta work for him we don't gotta work for anyone but i read you man loud and clear what are you talking about all that aztec stuff those weird little artifacts what the little fertility statues whatever the guy has trouble getting it up we'll clear two three million on those easy perverts we weren't casing t he joint we didn't agree to a fee for this job so what's it all about okay the guy lives well that don't mean we're robbing him but it does mean he's got money to pay people who help him when the time comes he'll do the right thing if he don't please let me handle it you don't get a wife like that without being rich and an [ __ ] right the [ __ ] all right i see the van with the gun in it you nearby not far out shoot the plane down and i'll be ready t if you could see this gun it might convince you martin madrazzo ain't someone to be messing with the fancier the gun the bigger the [ __ ] who owns it now take down the jet not good enough ah [ __ ] that didn't do it nope gotta take another shot that'll go down next time hey you see it the plate's coming down can you stay with it there you go you think i can clear two lanes of traffic our engine number two is blown roger november 9th charlie echo fly zero the pilot's fighting it but he's going down good stay on engine two himself lost all hydraulics lost all hydraulic systems are gone roger's number nine charlie get go where are you down we're not gonna make the runway you're gonna have to ditch the son of a [ __ ] and hope for the best he's past the airfield landing ain't gonna be pretty where are you putting somewhere we have no hydraulic systems no elevator control very little aileron control to make your landing strip need to ditch roger november niner charlie echo if you lost your manual flight control system pull your flats run you better be working okay this guy is going down any minute good let's hope he don't take out some while he's at it only thing they farm out here is methamphetamine ah trevor phillips country god i miss it out here you gotta come visit sometime yeah you know what i'm good rapidly i'm going to have to bring it down in dirt god help us project remember charlie what is your status god help us sure thing but seriously bro coming all the way out here it's a green line fine just fine i got the files i'll take him to madrezzo and explain the human cost of this errand oh take it easy man listen to me we'll talk about that later i want you to just drop off the files i got to get rid of this rifle then we'll talk mother [ __ ] what there's been a change of plans you don't need to come to the ranch meet me at stoner cement works a little up sonora road from there what are you doing trevor nothing you wouldn't do trevor trevor i wouldn't do somehow i don't believe that [ __ ] what where is he ah the [ __ ] has happened why do you have his car piece of turd huh no wonder people are stabbing them in the back what happened cheap bastard you know i really don't know why you mess around with people like that mikey i mean really i don't that's the [ __ ] question i asked for a fair day's pay after a fair day's work then he kind of got a little angry so i admit i kind of got a little angry did you kill him what kind of [ __ ] animal do you take me for no i didn't kill him oh [ __ ] but i did kidnap his wife oh no oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you do oh i just told you what i just did now [ __ ] ah unfortunately i think that we're gonna have to lay low for a little while while you know we discuss things with martin oh you think why don't you hop in the back all right now patricia she already called shotgun now i know a nice little place we can hang out you know it's a very relaxing little spot little getaway if you will a cabin in the woods you know what i'm saying hey molly i'm outside the studio all right go over the wall and find the car on the lot and then what only the principal actors and stunt people are authorized to go near it so you could get in wardrobe and play the part or try something else all right when you're out of there and clear of studio security call me this fruit salad has pineapple in it i don't know how many times i have to tell you i'm allergic do you understand do you understand now listen to me just get the [ __ ] out of here my partner got h it i picked up a tail what's this spikes ah if you have the car bring it to hayes auto in south ls mr weston is marathon training but he can change his route and meet you there yeah okay cuz i got the car and it was messy that's fine with us but your associate michael de santa has done some work at the studio and he might not be so happy yeah yeah whatever what kind of shape is the car in well whatever we plan on refitting the guns to take live ammunition do the traffic spike and ejector seat need replacing two spikes yeah but the seats is fine good one more thing mr weston's security detail are concerned about a suspicious figure near the garage let us know if you see something you're developing quite the rep there slick insurance companies hate these kinds of claims they don't like cats with the inside edge shorten them either so how'd it go smooth enough you know movie people you know what the irony is i'm a major shareholder in that same studio so we just did it's practically legal ah practical oh [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] you doing it big my [ __ ] on the set lamar what the [ __ ] are you doing here oh chirped your boy trevor it's [ __ ] up when you got to get your gps location on your homeboys through a [ __ ] speed freak true that devin weston master of the two-hour female orgasm what it is holmes lamar davies he was just leaving hey not on my account you looking for gainful employment homie hell yeah i'm always trying to get some [ __ ] paper just the type of guy i like to work with predictable hey we could bring your boy here in on the last part of the shipment oh yeah [ __ ] that's exactly what you could do that's exactly oh yeah right there exactly if you want him in then you get him to boost the rest of the [ __ ] you got give me my money and i can go with my [ __ ] life oh no am i sensing tension here slick oh he's the spirit but you're the brains am i wrong i can see it look i need you on point when we move this stuff out of town yeah whatever man cal l me when it's done and after this make sure we got our [ __ ] check all right ciao baby this is what it is yeah whatever anyway come here i'm going to put you in touch with my legal counsel hey hey don't touch me homie i don't get down like that yeah let me tell you how the world works slim we got eyes on where you at man your house is in oh hey i had to kind of lay low for a while yeah that nice mexican we met me and t did that job for him and we fell out you got to be joking i wish i was so where you at now desert out by alamo c all right well i'll hit you if i find anything absolutely uh oh hey trevor's got his wife trevor's got a wife no no the mexican's wife what [ __ ] i don't know what to say about that one nothing nothing to say about that run run i'm back coming trevor bring me my coffee i'm going to cut your arm off absolutely who the hell's that your maid oh business partner good guy very loyal ron ron that is michael and this is patricia listen beautiful you know i'm sorry about everything that's happened and that you know i can't guarantee no harm is going to come to you i might have to chop you up into little pieces before spraying your pulp mess down the drain but i really hope it doesn't come to that i appreciate your honesty a good man i can see that you need your eyes examined then ron you miss me yeah trevor i bit i mean how's the [ __ ] business ii tried if you're gonna give me a sob story i'm gonna rip your [ __ ] throat out and shove a turd down the hole it's not a sob story it's just not quite come good yet but i heard about something to do with merry weather those [ __ ] of weapons they got coming in so i thought you might want to uh requisition it fans tastic let's go i'm in whoa no no not you sit down you're a wanted man stay low now watch her okay she's good lady let's go ron good to meet you michael [ __ ] come on let's go the weapons are coming in by air we've got a plane over at the airstrip all right let's go what are you going to do we're not going to take out a private army on the ground ron we got to meet him in the air i okay well i knew that you were pissed after the merryweather heist giving back the hardware that was right right so i've been monitoring chatter tapping into meriwether networks feels good to be back in the company of a professional i gotta say i got i was expecting something a little more impressive the late great michael townley not so late and not so great right no longer called townley the years have not been terribly kind what's the end game man we had a good thing going without him if it's such a good thing where's my money huh where's my consultant's fee and my big fat dividend i want a franchise network ron i want reward cards merchandise i want to make gun violence and drug dependency accessible to every man and beast just the plane i need to take on a heavily armed tax-funded militia call our guys south of the border tell them there's a fire sale i'll get you on the cd air traffic is being monitored from the military base military will be all over you i got the cargo plane right ahead of me we've got the weapons they're using to enslave us on board if we can get a hold of them one step at a time ronald let's just get there first you got bad information brother i'm fine you're approaching fort sancudo trevor it's vital and don't fly right over it yes sir sure yeah now the cargo plane's got four jets a 200-foot wingspan yeah yeah yeah and i'm in a crop duster this is something i'm acutely aware of enough i'm in control of this just fine ron you gotta drop man they're on their screens remember you don't want to give them reason to think you're suspect you want me to put my nose into the dirt are you sure about this thing most certainly these bricks merryweather they're what using these guns for a coup in west africa protecting some mineral-rich warlord confiscating the weapons is practically a public service karmic limb we're golden what's not to be sure about when yo u put it like that handle your end okay are you sure about this team most certainly these bricks merryweather they're what using these guns for coup in west africa protecting some mineral-rich warlord confiscating the weapons is practically a public service karmic lib we're golden what's not to be sure about when you put it like that handle your end okay you're in los angeles now you are clear to gain altitude all righty come in light aircraft identify yourself and stay your intent this is captain t in a 1989 crop duster just enjoying the beautiful san andreas weather aircraft divert your horse and we will be forced to shoot you down shoot me down now that's not very sociable we are clear to engage you're firing rockets at a crop duster what's wrong with you i'm flying here door god get out of my cockpit have we got a pilot on board merriweather cargo jet ground control please be advised of a change of destination we are now landing in mackenzie field changing frequency over ronnie the cargo jet is now part of the tp enterprise fleet you went to max welcoming parties here trevor fly safe now yourself oh ron i've got the [ __ ] air force on me [ __ ] gain some altitude they might not tangle with you up there fly above them all right comply immediately maybe i'll give you 10 of what's in the hole then we're all happy takedown is authorized change bearing or it will engage i don't think you understand the effort i've gone to be here pal hey you wouldn't shoot me down anyway think of the ground casualties authorization process you hear me if they gotta shoot i'll bail okay everyone [ __ ] hell so oh nice place you got here oh yeah it's easy to mock isn't it huh cheap and [ __ ] easy but uh this this here is my place and my work paid for my place all right relax i was just being sarcastic yeah well don't be all right because the world doesn't need any more sarcasm it's the blight of the age and i get the point you you don't get the point you're like every other [ __ ] yo u made a bit of money and you became a turd i got news for you i was always a turd no you weren't man you were something but now man you know you're like this place you're a shell go [ __ ] yourself are you some kind of pure morally justifiable [ __ ] but because you're you're you're totally psychotic somehow it's okay i'm honest all right you're the hypocrite oh yeah you're a [ __ ] hero so far above it all oh yeah well i'm not above ripping open your [ __ ] chest to see what's replaced your heart rip it open see what's there baby cause i'm ready hello oh ladies ladies what's up [ __ ] off listen i'm sorry but we've got a problem government funding thing we need you to uh investigate a research lab upstate it's about terrorism the big one nerve gas biological tear thank god i don't pay tax uh listen you'll need some fairly standard gear boat tandem rotor heavy lift helicopter truck weapons you'll have to source all of that chop her alone and set you back a couple of mil well no worrie s there trevor here he just came into a lot of money is that sarcasm oh you're [ __ ] ain't right it's sarcasm you [ __ ] a few weeks ago i was happily retired sulking by my swimming pool my psychotic best friend shows up out of nowhere to torture me over mistakes i made honest mistakes i made over a decade ago we our little posse are flat [ __ ] broke but hey let's go out and spend two million dollars on a tandem rotor [ __ ] chopper so i can go steal nerve gas from [ __ ] terrorists forgive me you ignorant [ __ ] but sarcasm is all i [ __ ] got sarcasm and a room full of yukats yes welcome back man it is the old you yeah yeah yeah well we gotta go it's been great but dave here's got a pilates class now remember ladies you keep us way out of this thing bye bye ah jesus all right i'll give lester a [ __ ] call he said he knew about something now you tell him that we're driving towards paleto bay get in the car let me call lester what now we got a funding problem so we need a job before the jewel store you talked about a score aa bank in the sticks i need you to meet us there polito bay right that's the one i'll get on a bus all right lester's meeting us there don't start i won't no way good call if you're taking down a bank for a few million first thing you do is call the hospital tell them to get you a guy in a wheelchair oh this has bank you're gonna be carrying that kind of change local law enforcement extort money from all the weed farms [ __ ] houses meth kitchens in the area they keep their cash in safe deposit boxes then there's all the normal small town payroll stuff we should do well you know i've been thinking about you trevor your lifestyle how have you really yes i have people always try to label you you know maniac psycho friend industry leader in some ways you defy categorization but then what think about it where you live sandy shores your precious ass i'm sorry there ain't a place nearby for you to get your colonics right but why are you out here it' s off the grid we're away from it all it's somewhere real and authentic this is america and real people ain't been priced out yet yeah well what if it gets gentrified then i'll [ __ ] move okay what about the way you dress what about it i don't give a [ __ ] what i wear no no no if you don't give a [ __ ] you wear clean clothes that fit so yours are all a little out there a little wacky whatever's in the shop is what i get jason what is this it's not an absence of taste tea it's the opposite of taste you should be a stylist and then there's the tattoos the hair the weird music the funny toys the niche drugs the everything what the [ __ ] are we talking about you are a hipster what you're a hipster i hate hipsters classic hipster denial i am [ __ ] hipsters i eat them for fun hipsters love saying they hate hipsters what i really [ __ ] do self-hatred common hipster affliction well it'll be because i'm living out here away from the bean machines and the bankers you're gentrifying soon th e skinny jeans will show up then the skinny lattes and then the bankers and you'll be somewhere else the bus stops up here all right how long does it take us to get out here from ls come on man knock it off what i'm gonna break your [ __ ] fingers you don't knock that [ __ ] off well please all right you alleviate the boredom ah finally hey hey hey welcome to paradise come on car's this way dry out here don't worry brother michael will take care of all your moisturizing needs shall we might as well get started okay let's take a look at this bank i will go to the front of the bank clock the entrance if the paperwork's correct the alarm will be a relic we should be in and out before the local pd knows what's happening that's the entrance to the bank nothing special take us around back okay there's an empty lot behind and no one should pay attention to us back there i like it the place is remote it's got the right amount of foot traffic this will do let's check out the alarm to be sure um it's not ideal it's going to cost more to break that system than the score is going to pay only to find a new score no no no uh-uh no this is the score all right what are our options it's a dumb idea but we could trigger the alarm see what kind of response they throw out that is a dumb idea hey you heard the man all right shoot the sucker okay i brought my police scanner to drive over to the gas station opposite the bank and we'll monitor chatter all right this is toledo-based security services frequency we have a code 30 atom alarm going off at bling county savings bank all cars in the area please respond bolito cars 3 6 9 and 1 will be there in 50 seconds roger that four units backup team at station is available they've dispatched four cars in 60 seconds and more on standby and it isn't even 30 victory shots fired oh this is a real headache what do you got on the clock 40 seconds this is polito security any updates on the code 30 atom backup ready to mobilize this is not normal the response is out of proportion cops in this county are dirty the alarm just went off on their piggy bank this is them what is that a 67 second response time yeah four cars more in the wings bad cops garden dirty money [ __ ] how many we can take this wait right here we'll see if anything about their routine suggests a weakness bolito radio this is politocri we have a code 12 false alarm possibly triggered intentionally roger that we're gonna set up checkpoints on the great ocean highway and the sonora freeway car to car searches and record checks checkpoints searches [ __ ] this i ain't getting caught because lester needs a wheelchair hey wheelchair or not we're still faster than your ass well i'm not going to outrun a cop we've got to go we're going and if we're in front of trevor he'll be the one running from the cops this is i shouldn't have come i should have known we're fine we're gonna get out of here trevor phillips of course this would turn into a car chase we're not being chase d not yet not at all look take a deep breath we're gonna be fine we just gotta get back to trevor's office when trevor says office he really means get off the road up here this must be trevor's route through the mountains dirt track might get bumpy a burnout gas station by the alamo sea i've seen the title of ownership and judging by the glassware he ordered a year ago i'm guessing it's a mess lab the meth lab just perfect laboratory don't excuse me don't do it justice it's more of a [ __ ] where meth is made great nothing like a pharmaceutical bakery to prep the perfect stick-up job don't worry it's gonna be fine look you had any ideas about the bank are you sure we can't disable the alarm the alarm is a ux vf 111 classification minute long relay interval third-party verification multiple monitoring centers sure i can disable it but but it'll cost more than the job is worth of course it will so what do we do we walk away it's not like we need the money uh about that you've been day tr ading no god no i mean yeah yeah yeah i've been traded but no that's not why we need the money then why do you need the money all right so there's this research laboratory on the coast the iaa are using it to manufacture a poison gas looks like the road takes a dip and a turn after that bridge slow down that they're gonna release on us soil in order to hope that the government increases their funding well that sounds idiotically improbable enough to be possible but what's it got to do with you and trevor sticking up the blaine county savings and loan agent steve haynes needs 2 million plus to finance a rate on the land and guess who's doing the raid and guess who's paying for it ah i see yeah well i don't really see but i'm do it and it sounds like trevor would hit this bank for candy and a pat on the head now tell me can we do it or do we move on now you can do it but you can't do it clean how messy we talk taking the cops head on messi well they are dirty cops that's what trevor says so do you think we can do it guys out here aren't trained like the lspd they're going to be prepared for a well-armed well-drilled team coming straight for them yeah well we need an edge something to tip the odds in our favor yeah i got a couple ideas all right trevor beat us here yeah well at least we weren't arrested [ __ ] jesus what took you so long had to let you win set up a board over here oh michael man your blood sugars are low i'm making you some leftovers i'm fine t huh no i'm the host man you know i don't want you get hungry and moody right then you're gonna be making the wrong decisions hey i've been making wrong decisions my whole life that's how i ended up here yo bon appetito jesus christ trevor what is that what's wrong with you that's just a what an eyelid it's probably not even human unless that gas station job gentlemen some plans for your attention ah good i'm gonna stay here a minute longer than i have to yeah so i think our little uh experiment showed that the r esponse will be too quick to beat and too strong to walk through that means you gotta face the cops head on dirty cops uh the dirty cops head on head on man i don't know now you'll be prepared convoy is carrying military-grade hardware pass near here to get to fort zancudo i propose hijacking one and using the equipment to get an edge on the locals i can get you the exact details of the shipment as soon as we're done here anyway you won't be outside the bank too long pelito bay is well it's a bay so you're a street away from the water where franklin can be waiting in a boat to get you out of there i know none of this is ideal but it's the only way i can see of taking the score and providing for your fib pay masters fine we need personnel just a gunman they'll be taking on the cops with you so my advice choose someone good think about my buddy chef okay consummate professional he handled himself at the jewelry store this really the guy you want that should do i'll get the equipment toge ther michael you reach out to franklin trevor you do what you do roger that i'll call you when we're ready to move on this you want to bunk with us i mean it's going to be tight but you know me casa sukasha uh i'll get a motel thanks for the show fun i'll give you a ride okay adios amigos hmm oh you

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