Borderlands 2 Gameplay Walkthrough [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] No Commentary

Borderlands 2 Gameplay Walkthrough [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] No Commentary

así que quieres escuchar otra historia, eh, una en la que el destino mismo de pandora depende del rebote, si no es tan malo, te lo digo de todos modos, primero estaba la bóveda, se abrió una prisión alienígena con una llave mística para los guerreros que la abrieron. la bóveda era solo un contenedor de tentáculos y desilusión se desvanecieron en las tierras baldías seguros de que la bóveda no contenía ningún tesoro estaban equivocados la apertura de la bóveda desencadenó el crecimiento de iridio un elemento alienígena de valor incalculable pronto el raro y valioso mineral emergió por toda pandora su apariencia atrajo Muchos , incluida la corporación hiperiana, llegaron a Pandora para extraer iridio y poner orden en el planeta salvaje a través de sus excavaciones . ¿ No eran los únicos que buscaban el poder alienígena de la próxima bóveda? La llamada del peligro y el botín no se resisten tan fácilmente. Ciertos guerreros vinieron a pan. Dora en tropel para descubrir sus secretos ocultos. Algunos los llamarían advenimiento, pero yo los llamo cazadores de bóvedas. Nuestra historia comienza con ellos y con un hombre llamado Jack . [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Borderlands 2 Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Borderlands 2, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Borderlands 2 es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona de 2012 desarrollado por Gearbox Software y publicado por 2K Games. Teniendo lugar cinco años después de los eventos de Borderlands, el juego se desarrolla una vez más en el planeta de Pandora. Tutorial de juego de Borderlands 2 [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Borderlands 2 Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Borderlands 2, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Guía de juego de Borderlands 2 [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas de larga duración] Sin comentarios Guía de juego de Borderlands 2 [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Borderlands 2 Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Borderlands 2, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. es lindo que ustedes piensen que son los héroes de esta pequeña aventura pero no son bienvenidos a pandora niños genial otro cazador de cerrojos el apuesto jack ha estado ocupado espera un minuto no estás muerto sí ahora puedo salir de esta tontería glaciar tu barco metafórico finalmente ha llegado, déjame presentarme, soy un stewardbot de cl4ptp, pero mis amigos me llaman tonto o lo harían si alguno de ellos todavía estuviera vivo o hubiera existido en primer lugar, oh, tengo algo para ti aquí, toma este comunicador de eco que no saqué en absoluto de uno de estos cadáveres viene con una pantalla de visualización frontal de clase 12 completa con un minimapa ahora ven ven amigo vamos a meterte dentro hombre esto es genial ahora que he conocido a un poderoso cazador de botes finalmente puedo unirme a la resistencia y al santuario por acabar con mi línea de productos y reparar mi procesador central así que dejo de pensar en voz alta me pregunto cómo es tener un ombligo te lo explicaré todo pronto pero sé que estás vivo para esto una razón y estoy aquí para Te ayudo, bien hecho, tu habilidad para caminar distancias cortas sin morir será la caída de Jack el apuesto, oye , y abre un poco más de seguridad. Tienes que mantener a raya a esas madres acosadoras o te arrancarán los ojos. Las criaturas de aquí son peligrosas, no más que esto . mamá matón llamada knuckle dragger mata a todos los que conozco mantengo una pistola en el gabinete para emergencias pero aquí deberíamos estar bastante seguros el arma no es sincera Érase una vez cuatro cazadores de bóvedas cambiaron pandora para siempre pero su tiempo ya pasó gracias al apuesto jack pandora necesita un nuevo héroe, sé que ese héroe eres tú, además del dolor insoportable, esto es genial y serás mi feroz secuaz genial, solo déjame abrir esta puerta y nos cazaremos a nosotros mismos como un matón viendo la visión del ojo avísame si me voy a encontrar con algo , ah, simplemente supondré que no lo viste, aunque Knuckle Dragger me tomó por sorpresa, sé cómo moverme por este glaciar , apuesto a que encontrarás mi ojo en el palo de grieta congelado Acércate al robot, él te ayudará a salir de este glaciar y entrar en la ciudad del santuario, que es el único lugar en el que estarás a salvo . Estoy en este lugar . de la resistencia contra jack y el único lugar en el que estarás verdaderamente seguro ve al santuario ¿estás peleando hey chico jack aquí presidente de hyperion déjame explicarte cómo funcionan las cosas aquí las temperaturas de la bola aparecen mientras hunter busca la nueva bóveda que obtiene hunter hunter Asesinado por mí, ves el problema aquí, todavía estás vivo , así que si pudieras hacerme un favor y quitarte de ti mismo, sería genial, gracias, calabaza . robot, lo que significa que quienquiera que tenga mi ojo está muy cerca, bueno , oh , recupérame el ojo, tengo mi ojo genial, ahora solo tenemos que encontrar a alguien que me lo vuelva a poner, pero como estoy seguro de que te gustaría meter tu orina en mi la cirugía óptica del cráneo es la mejor suerte para los profesionales onals mi amigo hammerlock y lyrasburg pueden arreglarme lmc un juego de niños y abrir intrusos bueno, fue bueno conocerte escuché que Bully Bonds me comió vivo no es una mala manera de hacerlo , déjame conseguir eso para ti ejecutando las ventajas del cambio de fase de Al ser una inteligencia artificial, se ha conectado en red con casi todo en este planeta . Es un largo camino hacia el santuario. Por favor, toma lo que necesites para el viaje que tienes por delante . Avísame cuando estés listo para ir a reunirte con Sir Hammerlight Minion y sobre las pistas. Me encanta cada parte de esa oración gracias por el querido amigo psicópata de youtube si vuelvo vamos por aquí mantén tu ingenio sobre tus secuaces este lugar está dirigido por un bandido llamado capitán flynn el idiota me mantuvo como un juego de tortura durante unos meses no Me sumergí en la piscina de ácido. Fui muy bueno en el primero. Atención, gente de pandora, el apuesto jack aquí, ofreciendo un millón de dólares a quien me traiga la cabeza de oh, y sigo ofreciendo una recompensa por roland, el asesino en masa. líder de los asaltantes carmesí buena caza bandidos un millón de dólares muy bien muchachos este es el capitán pedernal quiero que encuentren a ese cazador de pernos y me los traigan ahora los bandidos atacan el club aparece la trampa debo haber sido terriblemente cruel con los cachorros en un anterior vida para merecer este tipo de tratamiento digo cazador de votos podrías matar a Ben de Flint por él muchísimo menos así que sí , ya que mi subordinado acaba de salvar tu ciudad, quieres hacer lo mejor que puedas sí, supongo que lo estoy y ahora estás muerto ¿No vengo a mi choza y restauraré la vista de claptrap primero? Apagaré la cerca eléctrica para ti. Por favor, quédate atrás, cazador de bóvedas. Deja que claptrap se vaya primero . salgo directamente es un placer conocerte cazador de voltios soy señor hamilton a tu servicio vine aquí para investigar las lunas matonas para mi almanaque pero el capitán valla hombres me atrapó en este glaciar muchas gracias por deshacerse de ellos por cierto para sobrevivir un d carrera directa del apuesto jack y derrotar a los bandidos del capitán flynn me dirijo a un santuario de lo que escuché que los asaltantes carmesí podrían usarlo aquí como tú ahora quién podría pasarme el ojo del robot por favor ahora necesito conectar esto con esto que Debería hacerlo. Estoy hablando de nuevo . Ahora recuperé la vista y eres mucho más feo de lo que recordaba. Es hora de unirte a nosotros con los asaltantes carmesí y el santuario . Estoy parado aquí, amigo, ahora que Liarsburg está claro. También podría encender el poder principal. Esta ciudad está llena de cosas que pueden ser útiles para un asesino de hombres como tú. el tablero de recompensas está roto la resistencia debe haberlo desconectado antes de que abandonaran el santuario planeo publicar algunas gotas oh bueno solo háblenme en su lugar amigos y tuve un acuerdo de caballeros en el pasado le doy el botín de los cuerpos jack zanjas en el glaciar er, él promete no torturarme durante horas seguidas, luego lo hace de todos modos, pero eso termina hoy, vamos a sacarlo, robar mi barco y navegar el santuario, vamos por aquí. el lugar falta el respeto a los recuerdos de los antiguos habitantes si pudieras limpiar la ciudad de ellos, serían la mayoría de los caballeros los objetivos guau el logro aún mayor si alguien en liarsburg todavía estuviera vivo para celebrar la victoria pero aún así lo hizo bien así que ah encontraste una estación de personalización puedes usar esto para cambiar tu apariencia y restablecer tus puntos de habilidad no exactamente ve ve primero pensará dos veces antes de asaltar ciudades pacíficas en el futuro por favor haz que la muerte del capitán pedernal sea lo más prolongada posible ¿serías tan idiota si quieres sobrevivir? aquí por cualquier período de tiempo necesitarás un mejor escudo humildemente sugiero que visites la antigua casa de seguridad de los asaltantes carmesí tendrás que tomar el ascensor hasta allí creo que algún matón mongfer podría hacer el truco si pudieras traerme algo para cosechar pieles de matones tendrás que remachar de sus pieles con tus propias manos solo él es uno del clan destripador como en flash destripador no tengo que decirte por qué son llamados así se llaman así porque mientras desgarran la carne de la gente, ¿cómo ha ido tu día, amigo? Realmente no hemos hablado mucho desde que te dejé por papá, oye, crees que te congelarás hasta la muerte ahí afuera, probablemente no, los bandidos obtendrán tu primero. mi día has sido bastante bueno acabas de comprar un pony hecho de diamantes sí porque soy rico así que sabes que está bien adiós hey qué tal eso así que hemos secuestrado el tren que corre a través del polvo si todo va bien deberíamos llegar Santuario en un día Hyperion no ha desviado a ninguna tropa de New Haven a imágenes y una tormenta de arena debe devorar su ciudad fronteriza más cercana que acabamos de hacer, oh, maldita sea, todos aléjense de ellos , estoy sacudiendo mi cerebro tratando de pensar en un nombre para ese pony de diamantes que compré lo iba a llamar piss for brains en honor a usted pero eso se siente inmaduro tal vez trasero semental nah eso es aún peor te diré lo que te voy a dar un poco más de pensamiento eh oye a todos ¿cómo estás jack aquí cuál es el significado de esto lo siento cuál era tu nombre pd bueno señorita Perfora y , por favor, no me digas que es la señora Pearson. Rompe mi corazón. Este tren no te pertenece. Así que , ¿ por qué no te das la vuelta y me miras, calabaza ? ¿Qué tal esta señora? Ni siquiera sé cómo llamarte. Dime por qué pareces que le diste un cabezazo a una lijadora de banda y te dejaré ir ahora mismo. Mi esposo me dio un anillo de perlas skag. La perla se soltó. feromonas , oh , sabes lo que lo siento mucho, solo perdóname, ¿dónde está tu esposo ahora que está muerto, eso es un rompecorazones, pero tienes algo en común con ellos ahora, al menos , viste tu cabeza ? ayuda a matar a estos salvajes , el apuesto jack la mató, ¿la vergüenza? una verdadera vergüenza p Arrendamiento, devuélveme los ecos cuando seas capaz de hacerlo, ah , bajemos , no me detendrás, por supuesto, olvidé que la caja de energía de la casa de seguridad dejó de funcionar después de que Claptrap intentó integrarse con ella. para el ascensor e ignorar lo que dijo sobre esa caja de energía lo apruebo bienvenido genial ustedes hicieron pizza con los dedos solo para ustedes este es el principio del fin de mi vacío es eh hay un fusible al otro lado de esa cerca eléctrica solo corran a través de la cerca no sufrirás daños si vas lo suficientemente rápido, guau , y podrás subir en el ascensor . Ah , el ascensor está funcionando . un centro considerable para la resistencia hasta que todos escucharon que el ejército de Hyperion se acercaba y huyó al santuario bien hecho ahora si pudieras regresar con elizabeth podríamos ver cómo quitarnos la protección del glaciar de fischer contra las balas azada ¿te gustaría luchar con un [ __ ] montando cerdito de vuelta en un bullymong si la respuesta es sí, diríjase a la plataforma sur y derrote a midgmong para mí , seguro que podría intentar robar la piel de la fiesta muerta de un bullmong, pero ¿dónde está la diversión en esas solicitudes descaradamente irrazonables ? un billón de gracias cazador de voltios has ayudado a un viejo tonto a verse mucho más rudo de lo que se merece sí eh y abre ii probablemente debería aclarar el caballo de diamantes del que te he estado hablando decir hola vamos a decirte dice hola hotel tratando de tal vez tal vez gracias, oh , pero no lo hagas hasta que me haya quitado de en medio . debería disparar, así que podría haber intentado organizar un motín en la nave del capitán flynn antes de que se congelara , lo que explica por qué sus hombres me están golpeando a golpes, ¿verdad, muchachos, está bien , gracias, claptrap tiene un nuevo amigo, eh, tengo que decir que me perdí un pequeño trozo de basura los ruidos h Lo que hice cuando le prendimos fuego hace que se me salten las lágrimas. Este , el capitán Flint, vuelve a preguntar si alguien ha visto mi unidad de estupideces. El pequeño bastardo escapó hace unos meses . Tengo una gran respuesta para ti, mira las caras, solo míralas , están corriendo, oh, esa es mi favorita, así que una propuesta para ti también, tú y aplausos, sed nuestros compañeros personales de tortura de por vida y no os mataremos. hazte cargo, toma a tus muchachos, es hora de que me den una paliza aquí mismo, así que no hay nada malo en que sigamos haciéndolo bien. um, sí , es genial. Bienvenido , eso no fue tan difícil . creo que quieren jugar uh ugh lo que no puedo eh tan bien mira sí gracias de acuerdo asciendo uh vamos ahora voltea tu tontería son las nuevas muñecas de tortura muchachos subamos el por favor no me quemes de nuevo oh qué tal eso ah si es de vida o muerte jodete callate um oh oh hay algun guerrero este glaci er alguna vez ha visto a dios voy a exprimir uh uh ahora solo tenemos que llegar a mi barco así que ahí estoy yo mikey la baje al agua el perro salado y ahora para zarpar zarpemos veo que eres un violento y peligroso el santuario del lugar es un poco menor, necesitarás un automóvil para llegar a la puerta de la ciudad, llegar al paseo del receptor, hmm , mira , esta máquina construirá digitalmente un vehículo para ti, pruébalo, wow, y probé el usuario en mi parrilla. catcher ride estoy bien hermano , maldita sea, oh, lo siento, maldita sea, un hombre llamado scooter controla estas máquinas de ketchup, puede que le falten algunos cromosomas, pero es un sabio cuando se trata de vehículos, ha cerrado la estación para evitar que los bandidos la usen, pero yo Estoy leyendo un bot Hyperion inactivo en el campamento inyectado en sangre. Si puedes conectar su adaptador de interfaz al viaje del receptor. Puedo hackear la máquina y conseguirte un auto a mi lado. Nunca muero . Conseguí a alguien . No puedes matarme. Oh, este es mío . el adaptador en el paseo del receptor y te conseguiré un gratis coche ejecutando cambio de fase rescindiendo el bloqueo espera un momento mientras pirateo el viaje del receptor autorizar al usuario aceptar y disfrutar del viaje y hay un taco de pimiento y en la guantera genial intenta solicitar otro auto ahora deberías poder destruir un auto desde cualquier momento dirígete al santuario y encuentra a roland, él querrá conocer a la chaqueta volkswagen, pero casi olvido mencionar la dignidad , déjanos entrar en el molinillo, solo vamos a matar hasta el último de ti, oh , al revés, oh , nunca entrarás en el santuario, tú. skaglicks inyectados en sangre espera eres un cazador de bóvedas solo un segundo roland quería hablar contigo déjame repetirlo oh entonces tú eres el que he estado escuchando toda esta charla de radio sobre el nombre de roland yo solía ser un cazador de bóvedas como tú hasta que formé los asaltantes carmesí nos pondremos al día cuando regrese al santuario por ahora necesito tu ayuda mis hombres dime que el cabo reese no ha devuelto el núcleo de energía que necesitamos para mantener los escudos de la ciudad en funcionamiento traer la carrera de vuelta a trato del santuario de un lugar serio y los asaltantes rollins se comunicaron con ustedes bueno escuchen lo que dice que puede ayudarnos a derrotar a jack guapo jack aquí recordándoles a todos que no se preocupen de sus lindas cabecitas sobre esos terremotos ven con cada temblor mi taladro se acerca a la bóveda a la libertad orden y seguridad para nosotros todos menos tú activos rhys está en problemas maldición se extendió más delgado necesidades encuéntralo soldado así que hay demasiados de ellos si alguien puede oírme necesito ayuda este día molinillo o que el eterno no lo ha arreglado contra autodidacta no lo es eres un cazador de fallas, no pensaste que califiqué tanto como un rescate, uno de esos psicópatas se escapó con el núcleo de energía sin él, el santuario estará indefenso, lleva ese núcleo de vuelta al santuario, solo voy a tomar algo. Reese está muerto él . fue uno de los primeros Crimson Lantern reclutados para los asaltantes, recupere ese núcleo de energía y, mientras lo hace, mate a algunos bandidos porque Reese es lo que él hubiera querido. Parece que tiene un punto de ruta de área a veces su dispositivo de eco no puede encuentra la ubicación precisa de lo que estás buscando busca en el área marcada por el gran círculo verde en tu minimapa tu objetivo está en algún lugar de esa área bebé zumbando protegido cómo ese es el núcleo de poder gran jack walter comienza santuario hoy al menos volveré a la ciudad nos encontraremos una vez que llegue bienvenido al río carmesí maldita sea estoy siendo atacado te veré ah oh oh la resistencia perdió un buen hombre hoy pero estoy seguro reece Hubiera sido feliz de saber qué tan rápido eliminó esas inyecciones de sangre . um , todavía puedes correr . Déjame matarte . caos los bandidos que el tiempo ha pasado si lo permiten esto podría ser una era de orden por favor entreguen y les prometo que su escritorio será rápido hey roland es que tú oh es el cazador de bóvedas tómalo rápido el comunicador de eco del rodillo murió nosotros Necesito tu ayuda para llegar a Banditville, ¿eh? Bien hecho. sería bueno ver una cara amistosa cuando estoy quemando ese lugar hasta los cimientos oh y he decidido que te diré mi secreto más tarde una vez que te lo hayas ganado tú eres el único del que el comandante roland estaba hablando jack enfrentado y mirada viva necesitamos su ayuda mal, pero lo primero es lo primero, conecte ese cable de alimentación al generador de escudo bueno, eso nos durará uno o dos días, se suponía que roland nos traería información sobre cómo detener a jack con él desaparecido, realmente necesito tu ayuda habla con el soldado jessup en la puerta él te dejará entrar a la ciudad jessup levántate derecho tenemos un escondite de bóveda dirigiéndose hacia ti ah blitz mira con vida todos hyperion moonshot blitz sin ese nuevo núcleo que trajiste esos motores lunares habrían empujado justo a través de jack no tiene ninguna posibilidad sin ti los asaltantes carmesí no tienen ninguna posibilidad contra jack por favor averigua dónde se ha ido roland santuario aquellos en las ruinas de las corporaciones donald oh mierda tenías oído he oído a todos ustedes robots ustedes comer metal o Pero la basura y esas cosas son nuevas, las máquinas de muerte cableadas se convirtieron para mí una vez que rodaron desaparecieron ahora, si estás aquí para matarme, probablemente deberías saber que nunca me mantendrás con vida, tu zona robótica [ __ ] espera un minuto y cuélgame del revés baja de un poste de teléfono cúbreme cariño y llévame a una muerte lenta en manos de cien hormigas araña no eres un robot hiperion eres un cazador de pelotas eh ahora nos vas a ayudar con esta situación rodante los escuché Los tipos de Crimson Raider hablando de eso, Roland me dijo que si alguna vez desaparecías, se suponía que debía iniciar el plan B o, como me gusta llamarlo, planificar convertir esta ciudad, ya sabes, flotando como una fortaleza o una genialidad aerotransportada. Tengo algunas celdas de combustible por aquí que necesitarás. esos, oh, necesitarás este iridio aquí también, sí, todos los bandidos de autos del santuario, escuché que un nuevo cazador de bóvedas ha llegado a tu ciudad, así que solo entrégalos a mí y serás recompensado, no te preocupes, nadie te va a entregar. eres nuestra única esperanza de detener a jack esto es una grabación El mensaje para cualquier asaltante carmesí en el área del santuario ha sido atacado por cuatro espías de Hyperion disfrazados de bandidos que se esconden en tres cuernos, encuéntrelos, mátelos y vea si puede averiguar por qué están aquí . al minucioso drabbing que le diste al capitán flint bullymong , aprendí algo sobre sus dietas y se me ocurrió un nombre de cajero para las bestias , ¿podría obtener un reembolso, por favor, esta arma no parece funcionar, no sé , parece que funciona para yo, hey, tengo un trabajo para ti, hey, cazador de bóvedas, si vas a ser parte de los asaltantes carmesí, las armas de fuego son extremadamente efectivas contra la carne, pero son una mierda para destruir escudos, vete al infierno, bandido, ahora quema a ese bastardo imperialista como un boceto . pegar fuego y flexionar una combinación bastante brumosa ahora, ¿qué tal un objetivo protegido ? Este fascista de Hyperion cree que está a salvo porque tiene un escudo . los golpes extraños de un arma de tiburón eliminarán un escudo más rápido de lo que puedes decir el remordimiento del comprador ahora lo que diré regresa como maldito criterio los robots pueden sufrir mucho daño a menos que tengas un arma corrosiva ahora probemos esta nueva escoria La escoria de armas es un poco más compleja si le das a tu enemigo todo el daño que no sea escoria ahora que está escoriado, debería ser lo suficientemente fácil como para terminar, cambiar a otra arma y golpearlo de nuevo . Espero que haya una buena razón por la que no te hayas sentido bien o daño total , querrás cambiar a otra arma una vez que tu enemigo haya sido escoriado , las armas funcionan bien y estás listo para enfrentarte a Jack guapo, si quieres comprar armas elementales como estas, siempre puedes comprar algunas de tu vecindario amistoso. si puedes escuchar esto y dices lo suficiente como para entender lo que estoy diciendo dirígete al santuario no me importa lo que Jack te haya dicho o qué tan bien defendido crees que estás el ejército hiperiano vendrá a eliminarte si quieres para sobrevivir obtienes un arma a la que vienes mira, roland dijo que tenemos que tener una estrategia de salida en caso de que alguna vez desaparezca y venda celdas de combustible y otras cosas, ah, qué fastidio, aunque realmente querían conocerte, los asaltantes no van a durar sin un poco de sangre nueva y dado cómo les disparaste a los bandidos . Diría que tú y Blood tienen una relación extra especial como primos bañándose juntos lo que quieres solo compra algo y arrojaré esta celda de combustible de mierda solo tocándola hecha en mis dedos de inmediato solo acepto dinero en efectivo de iridio es para payasos chico gracias por agarrar todas esas cosas para mí las quemaduras de tercer grado se toman mejor en turnos ahora para ver los frutos de tus entrañas esta ciudad va a volar oh o no muy bien ahora realmente tenemos que encontrar a roland sabes lo que tal vez llegar a la casa de roland creo Es posible que haya dejado un mensaje allí para ti , cazador de bóvedas, ponlo en marcha. Dejó un mensaje para ti. Jack no tiene ninguna posibilidad con un cazador de bóvedas de nuestro lado. seguro que puedes usarlo para almacena todo lo que necesites, esta es tu casa ahora, buena suerte , mi investigación va a la perfección, esto es lo que quieres decir, el asesinato en masa del cazarrecompensas, oh, mierda , si el casco de fuego lo tiene rodando y profundo, tienes que conseguir un cañón de escarcha y rescatarlo si roland lo ha hecho. ha sido capturado por el halcón de fuego está en peligro eres el único que puede detener a jack pero roland es el hombre con el plan por así decirlo él conoce las mejores formas háblame bebé tengo trabajo aquí tu amo te ordena ayuda Llegué al minion del santuario y por eso te mereces una recompensa. Tengo un escondite secreto escondido muy, muy lejos de donde estoy actualmente. Para encontrarlo, tendrás que realizar una serie de desafíos tortuosos. Primero recolecta algunas rocas marrones para mí y luego. derrota a un skag rudo y luego ve por el bastón perdido del monte shuler luego me traerás la cabeza del destructor de mundos y luego bailarás a través de mi disfrute oh mierda parece el escondite de mi escondite súper secreto simplemente se derrumbó dejándolo completo Expuesto recientemente , así que felicitaciones, subvertiste con éxito mis desafíos meticulosamente planeados . ¿Por qué no vas a ver el alijo a pesar de que no me trajiste lo que pedí? He decidido dejarte usar ese alijo para compartir armas entre mis secuaces específicamente. los que um que tú controlas son para ajustar elementos entre tus personajes lo que sucederá a continuación me muero de hambre quiero comerme a tus bebés hijo esto podría doler un poco escabullirse en la ciudad parece que le estropearon los pulmones el tipo necesita cirugía mal ven aquí vas a ser mi asistente de operaciones está bien haz una pequeña incisión justo debajo de su esternón pero ten cuidado no queremos cortar la arteria coronaria lo suficientemente cerca, una carta de iridio ofrece cuántas veces les digo, idiotas, que no pueden obtener poderes de escoria al tragar estas cosas, bueno, ese fragmento no es bueno en el mercado negro , no se refinó, pero probablemente podría llevarlo a th en la señora del tenis en el otro lado de la ciudad , ella está realmente interesada en esas cosas de iridio cuando no está actuando como una engreída porque tiene un doctorado real, oh, y avíseme si está buscando trabajo, tengo cosas que hacer, fíjese uno día encontraré un bazo utilizable como he dicho roland ahora que jack tiene la llave de la bóveda es solo cuestión de tiempo hasta que abra la bóveda también necesito un nuevo ventilador este laboratorio huele a tocino el tocino es para aduladores y productos de incesto después de horas de locura científica que solo puedes imaginar en tus sueños o en mi cama de pie he deducido que toma la llave de la bóveda y el iridio están todos conectados en un nivel más profundo vuelve cada vez que necesites un poco de curación mientras tú' De todos modos, tengo miedo de un poco de tétanos , oh , así que ve, uh , oh , oh , sí , escucha eso, muchachos , quiero verlos desde adentro . ] parece una pequeña h uman mochila y eso es divertido y se sostienen con tu columna vertebral manejan estructuras sociales libres regresan a la tabla de recompensas lo antes posible bebé gracias ya viene lamento todo tengo hambre ah entonces ah huh eso sugiere una inteligencia de nivel de primate eso es todo llamaré esas bestias primarias lo revisaré con mis editores mientras tanto explotan algunas bestias primarias con granadas ¿podrías ver cómo funciona el nuevo nombre para ti bien , son las criaturas más feroces que he visto y digo que habiendo visto una trilladora arranca mi brazo de su zócalo recuerdos reprimidos de todos modos tomas el nuevo nombre para dar una vuelta dispara algunos de los proyectiles salvajes en el aire mira cómo ese nombre te emociona así que hmm estoy tan harto de pensar en los nombres de todos ellos, así es, los llamamos bonafarts ahora solo mata a algunos de ellos o algo que ya no me importa , regresa , comienza el mensaje pregrabado, los inyectados de sangre nos están matando, termina el mensaje pregrabado, encontraste el gran motel feliz, ¿eh, sí ? limpieza de sangre d ese lugar pero bueno después de rodar lo echó del santuario podrías volver a encender todo si activas esa bomba de vapor oh hombre las bombas de vapor tampoco funcionan veo tu problema y voy a tomar esto con calma así que puedes entender bien, esa cosa está rota como el infierno , sí , es mejor que escape algunas piezas de repuesto de las otras bombas cerca del motel . hasta que uno de ellos esté bien, parece que tienes todo lo que necesitas para reparar esa bomba de vapor, simplemente enchufa botes banana y el tablero de recompensas estará tan lleno de energía como un atleta olímpico, sus padres tienen expectativas increíblemente altas de él . listo para ir hombre, solo date la vuelta y mira estos primeros trabajos para tomar un trabajo , oye, los inyectados de sangre acaban de paralizar a mi último mensajero dino, te pagaré si envías estos paquetes por correo lo suficientemente rápido, toma los paquetes cuando estés listo para entrégalos niño eh estás sucio máximo eh de todos modos niño tu indemnización está en el correo yo mi sí eso no fue tan difícil la vida por tres libras [ __ ] quiere saludarte en la cara ah oh oh estás buscando una chica realmente extraña con tatuajes azules y poderes místicos una silenciosa específicamente llamada lilith los informes oficiales dicen que murió en new haven pero estoy seguro de que se está escondiendo cerca del santuario si la atrapas dímelo y te pagaré suficiente dinero para construir una mansión hecha de sí, soy genial , nunca debí haber venido aquí, ¿qué tal eso , oh , ustedes van a hacer que los maten sin este pequeño dato ? combate uno a uno ves lilith contactame inmediatamente puedo manejarla tu no puedes si tu sabes jajaja asi que esta bien hola uh estas aqui encontre una vieja grabacion que podria ayudarlos con la sirena que tengo estado observando a esta sirena lilith desde la apertura de la bóveda ella aparece es estar usando iridio para mejorar sus habilidades de caminar en fase natural, esto naturalmente me lleva a asumir alguna conexión tácita entre las sirenas iridio y la bóveda he determinado dos cosas adicionales en primer lugar que le resulta irritante cuando otros le arrancan mechones de cabello bajo la apariencia de necesitarlos para la experimentación científica y, en segundo lugar, que saben a aceitunas, espera, no pepinillos fritos , ah , cómo estás, oh , oh , sí , maestro , eh , eh , ya estás escuchando, lo diré de nuevo, deja de traer sirenas falsas, solo pueden existir seis sirenas . el universo en un momento dado y ya conozco tres, no me vas a convencer, encuentras uno de los tres restantes simplemente dibujando tatuajes azules en el cadáver de una chica al azar , bueno, admitiré que fue un poco divertido en la primera docena times you idiots tried it but now my office smells like blood and marker fumes so quit great uh still rubbish but i'll come up with something better before i launch the almanac i'm certainly you need cash i need things i don't want talked about do you know what can make a bullet hole that ain't a bullet because i freaking don't i've been seeing some confusing wounds coming from three horns head down there and find out what kind of weapons causing them an old rival of mine named doc mercy's using it don't let that name fool you unlike me he's more interested in creating wounds and patching them up also unlike me he actually has a medical license you need cash i need things i don't want talked about do you know what can make a bullet hole that ain't a bullet because i friggin don't i've been seeing some confusing wounds coming from three horns head down there and find out what kind of weapons causing them an old rival of mine named doc mercy's using it don't let that name fool you unlike me he's more interested in creating wounds and patching them up also unlike me he actually has a medical license my whole life oh i'm still good uh look looks like you found what's been perforat ing my clientele so good job vault hunter search his body and see if you can't grab that weird ass gun off him i'll be damned that's e-tec if i want to treat people shot by e-tech i want to need way more wounds to practice on now that you got doc mercy's e-tec gun why don't you test it out on the local bandits ice cream strawberry looks like there's all types out there sounds dangerously awesome look at me when i'm i guess that explains how happening got so rich off the radium after the malt opened oh all right after watching you blast those bandits with that e-tec gun i've come to a medically sound conclusion e-tec is freaking dope come on back to me whenever you're done out there oh right i was supposed to be studying the effects of these e-tec guns on bandits right now it looks like looks like if you shoot them a lot they die baby oh you can't kill me oh tomorrow i've got a hole full of meat the fire hawk should be around here somewhere stay alert that's weird the bloodshot body clo ud seems to be attacking the firepox layer they've probably left landmarks for their reinforcements those should lead you to the firehawk that or just follow the screaming step on fault hunter this is between the bloodshots and the firehook once my voice is well that was needlessly horrific wow ah oh oh you're worse than them i got no confidence uh right everybody kill the shark oh oh yes oh ugh this is unusual the fire hawk has harassed the bloodshots for some time but they have never mounted such a large-scale assault on the firehawk before i wonder what's given them such confidence keep going bloodshots that demonic thing will ruin a goddamn day for us what you hear you're not you're not ready uh nothing oh me so just leave somebody your all eyes wow in the first place you're gonna be my new meat bicycle wow i can smell my skin uh let me explain something even if you do rescue rolling from this fire hawk guy the crimson raiders ain't exactly long for this world you know what i think you deserve a little hint my secret involves your pathetic resistance dying and me laughing a lot which hey huh we're coming oh ugh what does it all mean you won't last two minutes you can still run flavor me fancy this is it the fire hawks hideout be careful friend there are bound to be traps uh oh oh oh you feel that the sound of those earthquakes marks my drills getting closer and closer to the vaults that's the sound of progress baby i'm dying away from us so how you doing the bandits call me the fire hawk but the name's lilith i'm with the raiders like you i keep the bandits in line so roland can focus on taking down jack anyway long story lots of internal bleeding help me up oh i need a pick-me-up get me some iridium will ya i should have some in one of my strong boxes yeah that's the stuff give it here appreciate it oh thanks bet you're looking for roland huh he's not here the bloodshots grabbed him made him cocky too they never came after me this hard now the real fun begins i 'll see if i can't faze blast a few of them for you baby get some ammo this ain't over yet everybody dying hell yeah ugh okay i am alive well that was fun feeling tapped out though could you get me another hug of iridium yeah that's the stuff give it here thanks yeah since the vault open my siren powers have been getting a little awesome thanks to this iridium stuff no idea why now let's talk about rescuing my boyfriend well ex-boyfriend before the bloodshots grabbed roland was getting intel on the vault and what jack plans to do with it you have to find him i gotta head back to sanctuary keep the city in one piece while roland's away but first i'm gonna teleport you into the bloodshot stronghold that's where they're keeping roland you'll catch him by surprise and have a real advantage it'll be great hold still i just moved you like 10 feet didn't i sorry still getting used to this reminds me though bloodshot stronghold is full of real tough customers you might want to train a bit befo re you take them on you're doing good out there by the way huh nobody seems to be around just drive up and honk your horn maybe this won't be so hard after all yeah yeah i'm open the gate oldest idiots that don't look like one of them technicals they're here for a hostage get em um all right finally to the desktop you've been off the echo for hours thought you might have got brain or something stuff i should have killed your fat ass when i had the chance that was awesome oh hailey i didn't see you there name's ellie my brother scooter told me you was coming don't get many visitors around here especially not one so cute trying to rescue your pal rolling from the damn huh i bet you could fool those bloodshots if you drove up in one of their custom trucks i got one right over yonder that i crushed with the driver still inside my bad well i got a vanilla technical in the shop and most of the parts we need just got gotta go it up with some more of the bandits trimmings spikes blood schools that kind of thing you could probably scavenge that stuff from the bandit patrols around here i'm in the danger zone man my buddies kicked me you'll have to blow up some bandit cars and grab the crap from the wreckage and don't pay them any mind if they start calling you names just makes killing them that much more fun ah so you and my sister are getting along pretty well that's cool that's cool of course you make fun of the way she looks i'll have to tie you to a vending machine and set you on fire but it's not school you guys are hanging out caravan coming through ah what's up so foreign yes keep grabbing that stuff you don't have time to think about it if you think you're dead oh goddammit possibly wow let's see it's melee o'clock oh ah how you doing oh huh hey 12 o'clock oh huh running away time hey up uh you're gonna be screaming yeah you almost got everything don't [ __ ] out now so so oh so they wow me out because they thought it was just some chump but you're gonna show them yo u're gonna show them i am dangerous oh you can be my wingman anytime oh that's one part now oh i am so boys oh so okay just finished prepping my truck for those bandit parts just get a few more and we'll be good to go tape it up so any longer than i have to how about that ah you got the parts all right got your car ready over there let's make some modifications and you'll be good to go all right looking good now we just gotta get in the catcher ride system hey got a job for you have you seen those hood ornaments the whole dunks made of me i think they're trying to mock me or something but that design is bad ass could you scrap some of their cars and bring me a few of those ornaments now that looks like the car of a psycho murderer i'm digging it get back to the bloodshot damn and try honking your way in again always told me if i this all kind of reminds me why i came out here in the first place lived in sanctuary for a while but moxie kept hassling me about working for her putting on m akeup losing weight i just got sick of her nagging and came out here to make it on my own man would you look at that design like an eagle soaring through the midnight sky only the eagles like 300 pounds with a kick-ass wreck you got enough ornaments just put those ornaments all around the crops this place is going to look bad ass won't stare up people are gonna see that when they come in and be like yeah that's that one's my favorite that one's looking good explosions theft and interior design hell of a day that looks like one of ours let him in while i try to get hyperion back on the horn you should be ready oh ugh we got an intruder yes oh so you're in great roland should be around here somewhere i'm sure you can handle yourself but if anything happens to roland make sure nothing happens kill that one quit making me work i'm burning okay i'm not asking much for rolling a million bucks hello this thing on you handling the bloodshots all right they've been trying to take roland out eve r since he kicked their asses out of sanctuary bloodshots you are fighting pack some serious firepower if you are going to have a chance against them you will need to up your arsenal you [ __ ] up you ought to be here oh wow oh one's mine ah oh already you better run you better run oh a i got now for this oh dear bloodshots i can't help but honestly crimson raiders you are fighting packs on serious firepower if you are going to have a chance against them you will need to up your arsenal you could always arm your men with some high quality conditions or my stores those principles will be dead in no time this is for you good look at those murderous bloodshots don't you think pandora would be better without their smell that's all my shots one there's no escape you wanna be here oh you can still run i am come on no you'll pay for that oh come on little one time to die you can still run um we're charging you ugh oh you're going down how foreign will you narrow me so i'm gonna kill you ugh i 'm gonna kill you wow vault hunter good to finally meet you in person hell of a job fighting through those bloodshots this'll just take a second well that's that now let's see about that let go of me that's how handsome jack pays ransoms you're dead functions yeah oh goddamn merch oh huh where are you soldiers please tell me jack didn't send wilhelm uh organized all right 20 bucks down your throat ah uh oh okay oh alright uh uh okay hello so uh i uh what's up kill this constructor so we can get the hell out of the legs here good job uh nice get ready uh ah thanks leave me back as sanctuary i got a plan to stop jack you saved roland this planet's been waiting for a hero like you thank goodness i'm very sorry to say i need your assistance a group of mutant test subjects escaped the hyperion preserve as amusing as it might be to see them attempt to reintegrate into society they must be put down you will need a way to lure them out head to moxies and acquire some bait i have ordered how th e hell did those bandits snag you anyway oh i was taking a leak got something new for you wow you are a dumbass yeah i uh yeah total dumbass so i kinda inspired a cult and not the fun to ask you for autographs kind i need you to infiltrate the children of the fire hawk and find out if they're planning anything shady i do it myself but i'm kind of worried they'd freak out if they saw their god in person go talk to the cults leader incinerator clayton i am incinerator clayton and you i witnessed you enter the lair of the fire hawk and return unharmed if you truly wish to serve our mother you must pass a test use a fire weapon to send my brothers to the eternal play then collect their ashes and return them to me huh burning people alive is mildly shady but these cultists sound like they want it which is weird do what he asks i guess oh yes torch bring me more ashes just like that what is more beautiful than a handful of ashes nothing at all smiling upon us return the ashes to me these chi ldren now know an ecstasy i can only dream of thank you torch return to me for further trials unfortunate news torch there are idolaters among us children who have betrayed their one true mother the fire hawk they follow a heathen demigod known as scorch i employ destroy this pretender and all those who follow him who cares if they worship somebody else look just play along clayton needs to trust you completely if they've been doing anything that we need to stop that's the only way you'll hear about it hey thank you oh oh ah so nothing i can feel the firearm smiling down on us as weird as this cult is gotta admit seeing them kill that false god for me was kind of flattering i'm a bad person these people are weird but they only seem to hurt themselves in that scorch guy maybe we should just leave him alone leon kindling is almost upon us torch but the firehawk spoke to me in a dream and demanded another sacrifice no i didn't the burning of her favorite son the [ __ ] known as matchstick you must take him to the soaring dragon in the southern shelf and incinerate him within the jaws of the great mechanical beast who dwells there for the an firehawk pistol and the strength of his belief a hundred people okay that's impressive i mean they were probably just other members of the cult right right wow uh right huh you know if these guys really are just sitting around burning one another for giggles maybe we don't have to worry about them that'd be nice get to the incinerator console and give him what he wants i guess that was kind of weird whoa huh thank you torch we shall join matchstick soon the unkiddling approaches it is time for the unkindling young torch time to sacrifice heathens to our blazing mother that could be very bad or it could be like a cookout or something just keep an open mind about it you know these guys aren't so bad i have done so well torch once the unkindling is complete we shall all receive our reward in the fire hawks toasty bosom uh foreign the p reparations are complete return to me and let the human sacrifice commence okay that sounds pretty evil just head to this and kindling thing if things get creepy i'll make an appearance be careful huh uh oh shoot the sorcerer nice time for squishy me work for it their lives are an abomination watch your eyes killer i'm coming in your goddess has arrived and she's very disappointed vault hunter i'll get these civilians back to sanctuary in the meantime smite these [ __ ] i can see great job taking care of the cult i tell you man being a god sucks we owe you our lives vault hunter yes worship the vault hunter worship the vault hunter uh whoops uh come come back how the hell did those bandits snag you anyway i was taking a leak one of them friggin cults huh uh the bandit lilith was confirmed dead after the liberation of new haven we will need to listen to your footage before payment can be processed leave the echoes in the attached dead drop locations find those echoes killer if hyperion finds out i'm alive and working with the crimson raiders it could be new haven all over again i like this place my parents shouldn't be able to find you thanks i tried to make it 30. i was going to say cozy you've strapped charred banded corpses around the entrance corpses can be cozy kind of like our place in new haven before yeah i'm going now suave so what's the emergence i liquefied a guy i was out hunting and i found some of that iridium stuff and one of those weird worshiper guys sees me and i chase him down and grab him at least liquify it was awesome i don't know if it's because of the balls opening or being a siren or both but this iridium stuff is the tits you look really pale yeah i passed out a few times but this could be huge okay but why not just send an echo why call me out here and increase the risk of hyperion finding out you're still working with the crimson raiders um because how are you doing yeah oh huh i'll see if i can contact him by echoing way back to sanctuary good you can go now i'm sorry i just got here i'm a little busy waging a one-woman war on every bandit in the tundra so you can focus on taking down jack but hey if you want to hang out i can just give up this fire hop thing and let the bloodshots overrun sanctuary uh no no no you're right of course are you sure coco we can talk about boys i'll uh i'll just talk to you once i find the volatility i'm sorry food play hard to get that's how you do it wow i think how the hell did those bandits snag you anyway it's taking a leak thanks knocked me out wow you are a dumbass lovely i'd like you to force a few vocals into morphing while they're in their cocoon state hit them with the injector good now hit it with the injector please ah many of these creatures is oblivious to them oh dear lord it's disgusting i can't do it i just need a few more samples such as that same process as before force them to cocoon hit them with the injector kill them good luck is one liner oh go there dammit ah oh u h oh if you're hearing this you just killed me and let me just say no hard feelings before you wasted me i kept my best guns in my garage considering how badass you must be to have blown me away i'd say you deserve them i know this sounds like some sort of trap but you're just gonna have to trust me trap i lied nobody kills me and gets away with it oh look you suck good the escapees for whatever reason find pizza irresistible you will lure them out with this pizza then murder them okay oh married pretending oh give me your damn loot bring me a bucket keep what few wits you have about you these mutants are not to be trifled with cut them no slap thank you thanks slurp it up so you're hungry wow dick you don't need this anymore thanks how you doing is that marshmallows and staggering yummy come on in dude what the hell dude all right nothing you would be incorrect uh food incoming huh ah his shields are down issues yes objective savers please help me i still require a new body please ins ert me into the broken war at these coordinates i will not attempt to murder you again so got ourselves a hero here oh oh god it burns back you i will now attempt to murder you peaceful thor i have lost my desire to kill i wish only for peace please attach me to the radio in a safe area perhaps in your town of sanctuary how about that how does it feel to be in the presence of a mask interesting is don't let go i only wish to help you kill others take me to the one call if you wish me to be a shield or marcus if you wish uh you want this ai thingy in a gun fine but just this once how the hell did those bandits snag you anyway handsome jack is gonna kill us all unless you can stop him he means hi that's his way of saying hi right sorry hi i'll be honest soldier we're losing this war we've been trying to stop jack for years taking out his men raiding his iridium minds but it hasn't been enough but you you met jack and lived you fought off the rippers and the bloodshots saved my ass and li liths thanks by the way if we're gonna survive this we need your help fault hunter now we thought jack wanted to open a vault and use its power to wipe us off pandora but thanks to some intel i stole from a hyperion convoy i found out we were wrong what he's not gonna open a vault he's going to control it i'll just go ahead and repeat myself what the vault jack's looking for isn't an alien prison or a cache of weapons it's a living thing an ancient iridian warrior powerful enough to destroy all life on pandora whoever awakens it gets to control it that sounds bad if jack wakes the warrior yeah but if we control the warrior first we could use it to wipe hyperion off the map all right i'm liking this plan there's a problem we need the vault key to work the warrior and jax already got it but if you've spoken to tennis she didn't vomit when she saw you did she she does that sometimes she might have told you the key needs to be charged with iridium we're racing against time every ounce of t hat stuff that jack minds from the ground puts him closer to taking control of that warrior and wiping us out we got to get our hands on that fault key now if anybody knows where that key is being kept it's my spy out in tundra express he's as good at gathering intel as he is at drinking so i'm sure he's sleeping off last night's booze right now you'll need to get a fire weapon to wake him up i'll explain when you get out there if you don't have a fire weapon you'll have to signal our man i bet anything he's sleeping off a hangover so he'll have to wake him up the sound of some var kids burning alive at the same time how to do it you got a fire gun right well done now set some more on fire before that one dies so so loud so angry so dead a little too hard last night after blowing and i rated a hybrid convoy ain't that right blood is the ball key itself might be on board my advice do what i do steal the key get drunk pass out without the key jack can't control the warrior you gotta hija ck that train soldier my old friend tina can help go talk to her come on in you're missing the fun all around the stack just plants the stalker chased the bandit the stalker thought was all in fun i still owe him for all that butt crap with general rancid so you gotta hijack a train huh child's play let me introduce you to my ladies running running running i'm running over here run run run this here is mushy snuggle bites and this is felicia stexo pants these fine ass women can stop that train for years but i'm gonna need their badonka dogs first and they got stolen by the bandits a few days ago go get him i know tina can be odd but she's the most gifted demolitions expert on pandora just do what she asks and i guarantee she'll help you hijack the training again i'll take him out is is ladies a wow i see you whew hey oh so now i should hear you guys come back awesome just a second this gonna be good get your foot out of my workshop man i got to be alone for this blow stuff up and make people die squishy squishy squishy squishy oh damn you looking good ladies let's get to work that's right twin sisters man take them take them take them take them take them just put my damsels in the choo choo track and shut them off welcome to dive i got no time for this oh oh i gotta do it remotely oh snap son i hear that terrain coming in well that's one way to hijack a train the vault is still up on that ice shelf i'm gonna climb that wreckage to get there i wrote search the train cars they're probably keeping the vault key in the most fortified one shut down yes okay i injuries anything they're still dead uh don't worry if jack really wanted to protect the vault key it wouldn't be on a train he'd have wilhelm guarding it if things get bad oh oh my again whoa never seen a power core like that what you got from reese's nearly burned out why don't you bring it back here you may not have found the vault key but at least sanctuary will be safe a little longer thank you wow bravo champa gne cheers high five so clap you got that damn power cord didn't ya you been warned the kid gloves are coming off tighten up the big boy pants because things are gonna get really really bad for you ball hunters sorry about the bad intel everybody i really thought the vault key would be on that train i'll make it up to you all later next time i'm in sanctuary the beers are on me what you think a new power core whoa that looks like it could keep our shields up for months years as much as i hate using hyperion tech that core you brought us earlier is nearly burnt up why don't you pop it out okay hey you know i think it's finally time to tell you that little secret angel's working for me lowering sanctuary's shields jack executing face shift nicely done angel now let's kill ourselves some vault hunters what the hell did something just get through the shields shields down right oh man somebody started getting everybody underground everybody i've got a really bad idea scooter get sanctuary i n the air roland get me somewhere all right i got this one all you gotta do is hit the last switch all right get to me quick don't worry about me grab as much iridium as you can carry get it to lilith got the iridium i need it get to the center of town i've never used this much you might want to hang on to something sorry kid that was an accident i'll see you on the other side though i promise hit it scooter man this is one of the moments catch all right that's the best you got a flying city how that makes you think you've got a chance against me a siren sucks i know you're angry at me right now but we don't have a lot of time i'll explain everything just get to the fridge it's the only way to reach the highlands i detect lilith might have phased your city there i love the way you volatility's just up and trusted angel never agreed to you that she was working for me did it i did the same thing to the last four vault hunters but i'll be entirely honest tricking you guys this time way fu nnier hey thanks for taking the bait and grabbing that power cord it was hard to concentrate on charging the vault keyword with roland's bodies attacking my iridium mines the crips and raiders need our help roman's been having trouble with some bloodshots and three horns he just wants them dead but i've got a much better plan freeze them out get out to the bandit camp and destroy their furnaces without heat they'll be too cold to fight anybody here take this blastomite and put it on furnaces yes oh i see you you're not stopping me great you place the dynamite now move on to the next furnace throw some rides uh you can still run uh yes oh oh once you've destroyed all the furnaces those bandits will be way too cold to fight they'll chill out chill out you get it right over your head didn't it see it's funny because chill is the same it means calm down but also means cold it's a single word with multiple meanings that is mathematically hilarious wow since i still don't hear you laughing a bout chill out you must understand humor in general see humor is based on subverting expectations often through play on words according to this formula of humor my chill out comment was literally the funniest thing ever said by anyone uh okay you've got dynamite on all the furnaces which means it's time to set it all freeze will be way too cold to kill anybody they'll turn off our furnaces kill them ah crap watch oh oh heck i still can't believe you didn't get my chill out joke you'll be able to reconnect with your friends after you get through the fridge oh wow we are not friends anymore are we son of a witch the door's iced over let me help you with that i've been following jack's orders from the beginning jack modified the power core you found to have a hyperian network uplink through it i was able to access sanctuary's defenses and lower them it was all part of jackson wow runners mountain so i love you all but oh five years ago i tricked roland and his friends into opening the vau lt i told them it was to protect pandora that was a lie was too much sacrifices look ah back from the dead i didn't so without you pandora has no hope you have no reason to trust me i get that but if you're going to stop jack from controlling the warrior you'll need my help because i know where the key is it's with me and i'm awesome hey killer i phased the city no big deal find a way back here as quick as you can now that sanctuary's reappeared you can use any fast travel station to get back to the crimson raiders i'll mark the nearest one on your echo device error location sanctuary not found oh no the phase blast must have taken sanctuary off the fast travel network um okay head to the iridium extraction plant nearby i think i know how to get you back to your friends you know i didn't lie to you about everything you really are the only person who can stop jack rollins wow ah uh ah thank you god so ugh if you can cross the river and steal a supply beacon we can get sanctuary back ont o the fast travel network i promise little as i'm sure go go i didn't sign up for this damn it any hyperion robot able to terminate a thresher will be awarded with the ability to be proud of the fact that they've germinated oh hyperion machines are discouraged from being ingested by the pressure population terminated a pressure oh will be congratulated for their initiatives so is maybe that can help you cross the river any hyperion robot able to terminate you can use that to get sanctuary back on the fast travel network simple except this is report to your supervisor for summary destruction warning coming into contact with iridium runoff may result in slight exoskeleton observations wow uh underneath supply watch the pressure attack taken out of your theoretical pace you've got the beacon good we can use that to request an uncalibrated fast travel unit from the moon base you'll need a quiet place to set up the beacon head to the town thanks to hyperion's mining operations the people of overlook suffer from the skull shippers they won't disturb us oh this is so frustrating you see this is what i don't get about you bad guys you know the hero's going to win but you just don't die quickly example there's one guy in new haven right city's burning people are dying left and right yadda yadda this jackal rushes me with a spoon a freaking spoon and i'm like dying laughing right so i scoop out his stupid is you're a total [ __ ] subscribers oh you found overlook huh used to be a nice little town until hyperion took over now everybody there has got the skull shivers next you should have a fast travel station it's transmitting the supply request now we've just got to wait a few minutes and angel that's enough you can stop pretending to help the bad guys now angel we don't have long until jack realizes i'm not helping you anymore defend that beacon now if you can't even handle these loaders you're really gonna disappoint the outdoors wow angel what the hell are you doing dying the beacon again send in the constructors i want those bastards dead now um okay those are the bad guys is they're launching the fast travel station nothing gets resolved i am alive trip to the grinder it's almost here just protect the beacon for another few seconds to sanctuary's new positions you and i are gonna have a serious talk killing them oh storms coming the city may be safe right now but what happens if hyperion launches another barrage we've got no shield ah good point let me get on the echo oh good you're not dead that's his way of saying wow you're a badass i'm glad you're okay right sorry we'd all be dead if it weren't for you but we need a plan jack's getting closer and closer to digging up the warrior and we still don't know where he's got the vault key stashed i can help you with that you damn it we told you never to contact us again will you please just hear me out sure let's listen to the crazy computer that just tried to kill us hey remember that time she told us th e vault was full of loot it's with me i'm charging the vault key continue the key naturally charges itself once every two hundred years jack is patient but he's not that patient he's been using my power to forcibly charge the key with iridium if you find me you find the vault key the vault key is housed in my ai control core atop thousand cuts it's protected by three impassable security hurdles the first is a competitor deterrence field that will obliterate any non-hyperian entity passing through it competitor deterrence field what like a death wall it is a field of pure thermosonic energy programmed to atomize any unauthorized personnel so yeah a death wall beyond that lies the second hurdle a defense bunker outfitted with the most high-tech weaponry hyperion can afford that doesn't sound good past the bunker you'll have to get through the final hurdle a door that will only open for handsome jack well that sounds even worse this will be your only opportunity to steal the bald key and stop jack from controlling the warrior i'm out of time do what you will but promise me this no matter what happens do not allow lilith into my chambers what the hell's that supposed to mean if she was lowering us into a trap she would have made it sound a little bit possible if we're taking that [ __ ] down i'm coming trap or not if anyone's gonna shut her down it has to be you soldier head to the hyperion preserve i think i know how to get past the first hurdle you made it to the mine good miners aren't mutated so they aren't using the stuff themselves which means these guys are sending their originals god oh wow him hey ah god oh for me the hyperion corporation wishes to offer you and your men three thousand dollars for every piece of iridium delivered with that kind of money you could consume countless alcoholic beverages or fornicate with numerous members of the opposition or same sex whatever it is they made a deal with hyperion hey don't feel bad about wiping these idiots out i g uarantee you hyperion would have done the same after the mine dried up go check with tina she's got a job for you yo yo yo yo yo yo let's blow stuff up got a very important tea party coming up and my date is missing and i am not going stag don't even suggest it his name is sir reginald von bartlesby a local aristocrat and purveyor of the fine arts i believe his mother has forbidden him from speaking with me you will convince her to release him into my custody those miners you fought earlier were paid cash in exchange for iridium get to the station where their payroll train comes in we'll have ourselves a good old-fashioned train robbery illustrious guests who will be attending my tea party i have also invited princess fluffy butt who has like you can't stop me you can stop me oh uh please excuse madame von bartlesby's disposition she's welsh we have so many things to discuss now i just need you to find princess fluffy butt and get me some scrap metal from the buzzard so you can make me a teapot just blow up some buzzards and pick up the flamey bits oh i feel free to get some crumpets on the way is nice i wanna ah oh you're not ready for me ah that's enough scrap metal to make a teapot finally some murder is oh oh man this party's gonna be off the chisel for rizzo now to invite the guest of honor here i am about to throw a tea party and that guest of honor is missing do me a flavor and lure our guest to the party or i'll eat your babies his name's flushstick by the bye there he is a guest of honor i just love him back to my abode and i'll do the rest got a badass poke as we speak let's talk plastics in the men's getting all pretty for the big occasion time for the party you're gonna be the waiter hit mr sparks over there to bring in mr flush stick i bet your mommy and daddy screamed as they died when you're ready to start the party please smack mr fletch dick and his [ __ ] face oh i forgot to mention i'm inviting flashsticks friends too make sure they don't get too rowdy and break the generator like i like my coffee oh uh please continue to greet flashsticks friends no matter what you are accustomed i was gonna kill that guy huh uh get ready to feel my fingers in your eyeballs i'm glad ah had to watch seeing your family go like that made you strong like me last you lucky pasta oh i must say darling you're marrying beneath yourself you could do much better ah the hourglass late i'm afraid mr flushstick must beat us i remember you kid you should be dead trains signal hyperion and make like you're ready to sell some iridium trade request received payroll train dispatched uh please load iridium shipment onto the train better idea put the rest of tuna's explosives on those safes and watch the fireworks that was awesome conductor distress signal received dispatching troops to payroll train number 627. get back to tina whenever you're done dealing with those hyperion reinforcements killer good job when you made it rain i was like damn a gutter brother o h yeah one of them barged in here a couple hours ago demanding safe haven i told him i couldn't make any promises and he got [ __ ] i had to pull out ruby and put a few rounds in him his shield ate the first two but boy did he feel the last one nobody threatens me in my joint i heard a gunshot a couple hours back naturally i ignored it until someone came and got me uh well i found this boy bleeding on the concrete a single bullet in his throat and i saw one of these gutter boys running away and that's all i know right now moore's pity i'm still breathing sure i pulled the round out of one of them gutter boys i healed them up as good as new but the little skunk overpaid me sixth out five thousand bucks you don't need to confiscate that or anything do you all right if you say so yeah i did it i ain't sorry good job deputy barlow thought he could snipe an innocent man and get away with it but that was a long shot thanks come back i ain't gonna oh sorry i can't play any ideas no hello back buddy it's time to start the party i've set up some pizza and some sparkling wigglers just hit that boom box and we'll get this party started the guests should be arriving any minute is that job i think you want going okay let me know when you're done with that job hello you're very intimidating i'm sure everyone just got lost this place is kind of hard to find is that job i sent you on going okay feel free to mingle with um nobody uh there's um some pizza dead you're hungry cough cough huh oh right i don't have logs minion could you blow into this thing maybe lighten the party up a bit yay let me know when you're you're enjoying the party is that job i sent you on going okay sorry i think that about wraps it up thanks for um thanks for coming to my party minion did uh it looks like i love way too much pizza so uh take some home if you want that was the best party i've ever thrown uh huh whew i am going to die roland forcibly relocated me to sanctuary for what he claimed was my safety but the slack jaws who populate this city make my flesh scream a young woman said hello to me today i stared back at her my mind's screeching as i looked for a way to escape this unwanted interaction as my face grew red with nauseous stress a blood vessel popped in my nose and a ginger crimson shot out of my nostrils splattering us both with blood she screamed and ran away as pleased as i was at the time i fear causing fountains of blood to shoot from my face will not be a viable long-term strategy for avoiding conversation huh okay uh okay oh ah oh others from approaching it what does jack want with the vault key was the key simply charging the entire time i possessed it before jack crowbarded for my bloody hands was it waiting to unleash its alien powers on pandora to make iridium appear from the very ground was it preparing itself to unlock even more alien ruins i will delve deeper into this question after i sound proof the walls of my home that i may be spared the incessant laught er and joviality of sanctuary citizens chapter one today i punched a stalker so hard and i have uncovered legends of an ancient alien warrior the legends tell of a magical cure that can bring it back to life if my hypothesis are correct which they always are the legends may be speaking of the vault key also a young man told me i was pretty on my way back from the grocers my reaction was surprisingly tame i only spent the next three hours dry heating into a bucket uh she's die target death after getting content hmm okay no no now don't you never ever oh yesterday i had a conversation with another human being granted it was only a conversation in as much as my grunts of social terror could be taken as human speech but roland did not seem to mind he asked me why jack hasn't revived the warrior yet if he has the key i conveyed that the key needed to be charged by iridium hence jack's mining operations he nodded and silently wiped the streams of my saliva from his face i returned home confu sed not only as his lack of disgust toward my behavior but my lack of disgust toward him for the first time i felt as if i could actually live in sanctuary for the first time ii feel as if okay you listen to my notes i assume i would be upset were it not for the equally privacy and different background check i ran on you before hiring you for this job i hid the copious material i compiled after opening the vault those five long years ago in a fit of [ __ ] paranoia i did not write down the locations to the information find it for me and be happy thanks for coming out to see me got a fun little project for you how do you feel about gang wars the hodunks and his efforts have been having a half-assed feud for years and i've been thinking the world might be a teensy-weensy bit better if all of them were dead or at least one of them grab those explosives in the clan emblems the emblems are back in the junkyard here's my emblem as a calling card explosives alone won't do it we'll need each c lan's family emblem check my junk yard i'm pretty sure i got some old emblems lying around some worse kodunks chose that as their emblem because they love skinny chicks and they love skinny chicks because these [ __ ] staffords chose a clover as their emblem for good luck which we pretty damn ironic once we're done with them now that you got all the stuff head out to the hoduk speedway man those products they'll regret not killing me when i was a baby even more that there is a third largest tire on honduran the ho dunks pride and joy they'll be awful disappointed to see it blow the heck up so i back up cause this is gonna be awesome papa jimbo sees the disgusting zapper emblem and he accepts your challenge mick safford the seas will run green with severed blood that angry since the time he heard my family was leaving his dumb ass clan mama didn't want to race scooter and me alongside a bunch of morons you're near the holy spirits that's his effort family base of operations boy oh boy a re they going to be pissed when they there's one real easy way to piss off as if destroy their liver just put those charges on the distillery and start running now all you gotta do is play both sides against the middle and see who comes out on top should be fun going on out there piss on me eyes it's not the whole dunk emblem i see damn bastards broke the truce your rednecks will regret messing with me safford he sounds pissed i bet he's already got a plan to strike back against the hodongs and he'll need the help of somebody like you i'm calling all gun hands to help me stamp out the hordonks i pay in blood rules and bullets come to the holy spirit's bar oh ah a new recruit welcome to the zofford family you didn't see the bastard who destroyed my distillery did you let me get you a drink damn it it's dry those hold-ons destroyed my distillery that's it the truth is off you walt hunter let's talk you're gonna help me get them hold on bastards good if there's anything they love more tha n getting their second base with their sisters it's cars i want you to get out there and ruin their race come into my basement you picked the right family in this war boyle after the next hoedown killed me boy lucky a few years back we made a truce but after what happened to our distillery there we are the hodongs do one of these races every so often i want you to place them charges on the fireworks they leave around the track when they set off the fireworks it'll make for some proper violence huh hey what's it doing down there double checking all the fireworks it's cool man i already done that thanks though now that the dynamite's ready head up to where the hodon's got their pyrotex set up it'll be a great place to watch the destruction kill that pyrotech no witnesses what are you doing up here come to wish me luck when i set up those fireworks race time hold on about you're about to see some sweet ass jumps the cars have almost reached the fireworks prepared they must hit some of the cars now get down there and finish off the rest good job sweetheart i saw those explosions from here get back to my garage and we'll see if we can't help those hoe ducks get some revenge for their messed up race after this red harvest between the two clans you're gonna be the last man standing with a fistful of dollars this is a planet-wide echo requesting strong loyal soldiers who don't ask too many questions help the hodom family defeat those effort cuz waging war on those puke green zappers you're going to clean out their cash station we got a dead drop out in the highlands with all the details go get it wow so got a secret cash stash around here but we ain't sure where but don't get too keep your close man bloody hold on has been trying to kill us for years kept saying that scootermiller who killed lucky ain't part of their family anymore but we know the real truth don't we voice in me head good joke voice in my head you always know just what to say am i being followed nah impossi ble just a few more years of making these trips to the cash stash and maybe pop will finally love me i'm a much better son than lucky i'm strightly i'm more talkative and i wasn't buried alive in a shallow grave one of my best qualities that is i agree voice in my head nearly to the cash dash now i can't wait to get inside and not be ambushed that's my favorite part of these trips really not getting followed and ambushed is anybody there hmm suppose not they're after me money ugh what paul says you can open all them cash boxes look uh you messed up this after cash stash huh that's great i hear they're planning something pretty ugly to get back at those hoedowns thanks for helping me out with this by the way my mom always says i wouldn't survive an all-out clan war between these idiots i guess part of me wanted to prove he'll give you the details then they murdered him like an animal never hurt a soul he didn't there's only one thing to do burn their trailers to the ground do it after s undown i want to see their flaming homes burning against the midnight sky get going the gas tanks open then hit him with a fire weapon this may seem brutal but the horde started this now hit the tank with a firearm regular bullets are just bounced off i don't apologize for this you go to war you play to win that means being willing to do what the other side want if that means burning people in their homes while they sleep so be it what the hell's going on oh stay the hell away from our caravan people we're carrying very valuable stuff without the hold up and i ain't getting robbed again get that well boyle get back to steve few years back an ex-hold on killed my son lucky we're holding our annual wake for him soon might be proud to have you there now lucky this efforts won't let you into the wake if you're sober though there's a borrowing sanctuary run by a traitor we hodos don't talk about go there now get wasted careful sugar that's strong stuff keep clogging that booze sanford's won 't let you into the bar unless you're so drunk that amy looks like she's got moxie's curves right sorry paul we don't talk about those heathens while i left the clan my mistake come on in the wakes just take your time find a good spot to start shooting and kill them all we are here today to celebrate the life of lucky slovenes offered lucky was a good man kind of heart and noble of bird look he brought joy into the lives of everyone he met the people he killed not for standing lucky loved the drink he loved women he loved life never as offers always win you're gonna survive this i bought you one you're gonna survive that i'm super free oh no more messing around a fight to the death safford versus hordunk is that one way to bow it sounds like we're near ready to end this war they sound angry hold your sweet ass back to my junkyard we'll see about ending this war what say we put an end to all this clan fighting sounds like the zephyrs and the hoe ducks are raring for a final showdown and you get to choose who wins get out there before the fighting starts you don't want to miss the fun boy oh we're finally gonna finish off these ho-dunks for good come meet us by the lynchwood train station hey buddy we got these efforts in our crosshairs out by the lynchwood train station come meet us we can end this glam feud for good only one gang is gonna survive this your choice has to hoop once the shooting starts just blast away at whichever side annoys you the most and be careful once the fight started you can't leave until one of the families is dead the hell do you mean your soldier that's with us time to end this enough of this oh oh huh you've done a good thing today mate this here's a family heirloom use it well hello given the skill with which you dispatch those robots we have the town of overlook thought you might give us a hand so to speak residents of overlook so first item on the agenda we're all dying of a brain disease could get us three shipments of medication we wo uld live which would allow me to keep paying you our medicine machine needs a new battery please climb the clock tower ladder and remove the clocks batteries crap how the hell am i supposed to know what time it is now you found the battery plug it into our medicine machine and buy some skull shiver medication please once i find out who thought we needed a running clock more badly than we needed shiver medication they will be thoroughly reprimanded medicine shipments the next is carried by a traveling hyperion requisition officer wandering the highlands get the medicine from him without his guards i'm sure the salesman will give you a good price for his medicine killing them politely if possible i dropped my shields oh you're very efficient i respect that the last medicine shipment was being delivered by boat but we lost contact find it please so be careful efficient very efficient now please distribute that medicine around town i do it myself but hyperion doesn't doesn't like it when w e leave our homes good appreciate it screw you you can bring me medicine all day it don't make you less of a stag sucker sorry about dave he's a uh we try not to talk to him return to me for your agreed-upon reward greetings of overload now that our brains aren't going to rot from the inside let's move on to point two on my agenda revolt if we are to shake off hyperion control the town will need a shield like sanctuaries to protect it from moonshot blitzes if you could donate some shields to the town i could scavenge them and build us a shield if you got the money i'll save your gold during life good luck soul just drop whatever shields you no longer want into the grinder administrator died and left me in charge karima you can't make this no techy shieldy thing he was a woman now if tim needs someone to make us a big old sandwich then we call you your feedback is appreciated buy david me if you want to leave y'all's just gonna blow yourselves up better quit now thank you for your input dave overlooked shield is finished and i would very much like your help testing it head to the hyperion outpost near by and get to the mortar cannon on the launch pad hey karima you know what's even better than having a working shield not being a woman oh my god shut up dave so enemies shut down first of all 86 degrees skyloft we'll need overlook to sustain a direct hit from the mortar to test the shield now fire the cannon karima don't feel of the bad well i'll bet you if you asked nicely now let's try that with the shield on the shield works overlook is safe and no dave this is truly a happy day return to me at your earliest convenience hyperion suggests staying inside you know my favorite thing about dave he's dead chapter two jack wasn't kidding these stalker things are something i pounded one right in the throat with my flipping hammer just like mom time and it pretty much exploded it made this hilarious noise like that it was kind of like that i should make it my ringtone so uh chapter three my boys found out the stalkers don't cloak so well once their shields are down they get all panicky start roaring to power up their friends it's cute i saw a huge stalker staring at our camp the other day i decided to name her henry you know after hey mom no i was just saying i named a stalker after yet special mother's day present that i mother's had ever hear me henry you hear that mother's day good oh to she did it mom i just don't know what to do no get away so ah i like it eaten was he suppose there's a lesson to be learned in all this he who attempts to fight nature will get attention over looking good he must have worked out uh foreign uh all those go bad uh wow we'll see if that arms dealer lives up to his reputation a note to all hyperian custodial bots happy mother's day to the greatest mom a master huntsman could ask for now don't get excited i locked the present with my fist print so you can't open it till i get home anyway i'm off to go disembowel henry the s talker with my teeth see you soon really never ah hey so far uh oh club where's the chest carson what was that noise it sounded like some hyperion screw trying to pump me for info didn't it sound like that brother sure did brother why don't you know ghetto's after the treasure chest i can take it i will wow must oh wow coward we're being attacked wow first of all killing them oh that's my god ah target oh uh ah god shut down first of all huh ugh so you'll break us out of here if i tell you right mobley course i'm your pal carson now where's that chest the flats buried under a grave so when do we bust out of here cars is dead no surprises there i've heard of that mobley guy small time bandit dangerous watch yourself ah so ah ah huh so very valuable armaments over here stay away unless you want to get blasto so now finally i've been waiting in that church for hours for someone to dig it up with booby-trapped now hand it over get away from the stash bandits damn it you let that hyperion j ackass here put down your guns and move back from the stash now a better idea jackass we all draw when the church bell rings for the third time a truck can stand off fine draw clever congrats hope you make better use of them than i did uh you is gonna feel so right don't drop it you idiot curses those idiots yes i like boy you're nothing nothing i've been waiting for this oh that yeah be enough is um ugh oh good oh so so oh wow so foreign huh wow i spy banners your father's safe oh thank god open it and return its contents quickly hey there sugar i see you found some fairly fleshy snapshots of me if you give those to me instead of my third ex-husband i'll make it worth your while feel free to take a peek though i sure don't mind ah i will say this only once your job is to escort the rock challenge and deliver the iridium to your supervisor if you are caught stealing precious metals from the dig site you will be shot this one yes wow so wow oh corporation held a great interest in pandor a's resources once upon a time uh uh airlock one reached please open airlock still escorting a minecart due to your egregious overqualification from menial labor fantastic let's hop back to story time so the dull miners found it difficult to get the iridium off-planet and soon found themselves wrestling with the atlas corporation as they fought over the same resources as it turns out many galaxies reached please open the central issue being that doll brought many workers here including myself and left without evacuating most of us the bandits you fight out there used to be family men workers scientists we're all broken because of them ah yep so dialogue three reached please open airlock that wasn't so hard the critical wow you know not to stifle your menial victories with deep enlightened thought the word must assume a deeper connection between the demon spewing vault and the limitless planet great hmm today a minor found a crystal formation near the alien ruins but it started moving t he creature appears perfectly peaceful i don't think it's ever seen a person before mrs i don't security officer booth signing off miss booth need to remind you of the terms of your contract your security team is meant to assist my excavation crew whether or not you agree with my policies is irrelevant shut your mouth grab your gum and bring me my crystals listen you heartless [ __ ] my team has guns your team has pickaxes move this ship or we'll move it for you officer bring me my goddamn crystals huh ah what do you mean they're fighting back who said they were give me that gun you cowered please return to me i shot earlier thanks sugar i've been meaning to upload these to the echo net they say the warrior will cleanse pandora in fire i don't slap him remove several of my limbs the last time we met one hopes the scent of my extremities will bring him out of hiding make him eager to finish the job as it were baby down ah i still have though and stalker's got digestion tracks at work sl ower my brother on the right i'm awesome huh ah okay so me what okay hey that's what it means ah uh yes uh food bring it up huh uh man uh huh yeah bet lania stop craving human flesh since she smells them slices why would anyone ever be accountable so long as pizza exists that's a word now flowers it is so kind of you to bring me such gifts perhaps i was wrong to join the rats that's my girl honey you come back to my center lighter what's that scooter why do you think i fled here it was the only place scooter would not follow me with his stupid advances if scooter spanked you you must die lock i am alive i am unless on the scooter was a bad boyfriend thing uh easier for everybody that way see uh so look more thanks uh man freaking rats man i bet your friend claptrap could get through that hyperion force field now he's out of date though he'll need a software upgrade mordecai should have what you need he's camped out near the preserve i think he needs your help with something another tro phy for my wall thank you thank you challenging kill so hey i heard about sanctuary you all right rolling echoed ahead all my date is on a chip in my bird bloodwings collar including your clap trap upgrade some hyperion jackasses nabbed her and took her into the preserve over there i'm glad you're here i've been scouting the place for the last half hour and it looks like at least a two-man job if you can get inside through the shipyard i can give you support and lead you to bloodwing you get my bird you get your claptrap upgrade i'll provide support just like in tons express another trophy for my wall jumping faster i heard so ah jack makes me laugh he kidding that blood weed so i start pissing my pants and making threats that if anything happens to my bird blah blah i know my girl can handle herself god ah unauthorized access detected releasing loaders ah crap chucking lotus i [ __ ] damn give me a second rods to call out the surveyors wow just [ __ ] them door's open now get inside a nd find broadway on my rifle foreign blood wings should be in the holding cells at the other end of the facility find her you'll find your crap crap upgrade chicken bandits target death repent successful is thank you i didn't sign up for this dammit oh needed play is i'm here again lethal force ah welcome to the wildlife exploitation preserve jack says he built this place to promote science and discovery and whatever the hell but it's bs they're just using a slag test it's dr samuels the test subject is still conscious you can't expect me to sorry baby i can't hear you over the sound of people not being injected with idiom right now because bulky didn't make iridium come out of the ground for nothing right so you got it we might as well do some good with it oh hey you're in the preserve i was gonna do this whole thing where i'd lure you in here and kill you but you just like just kind of showed up thanks for saving me the trouble kiddo slag mutation is a volatile brutal science that fl ies in the face of human ethics to say i'm extremely interested in it give me some samples drink the chicken oh buster ah wow wow oh foreign hmm um huh um so um image okay badass wants to play ugh should be in one of these cells don't worry about the uglies and the other ones they can't get to you just get the blood wing and you'll have what you need to upgrade claptrap through that death wall please listen to me i don't care what you do to me just let my husband go he's got the shivers he's his husband has the shivers he could have transmitted hey remember that wife of yours and how you wanted to see her like ever again you can't still don't hear screaming okay did you find her she okay looking for bloodwing oh i moved her a few hours ago somewhere a little more dramatic lord we ain't there damn it jack's playing games with us uh wait a minute wait a minute i'm seeing some commotion in the observation way maybe they move to there just just keep pushing through the preserve amigo hey y ou know i just remembered it's reading time oh that was awesome huh ah me um um no please no what's going on what is this today is a great day maya today your training is finally put to use who are these people terrorists criminals you will destroy them as is your duty this is what you have trained for what to execute unarmed men do not question me child these men are a danger brother harker bring the first sinner forward on your knees sinner oh god what is this man guilty of do not question i promise i'll pray okay here you're tight just don't let her near me what do not listen child execute him how to hell with it what are you doing child put me down ah i had my boys build the preserve to research the full applications see it's not just an elemental damage type if you know how to use it slag has lots of applications so look let's do this damn it please stay within the red lines if the red lines have poured away use your best guess commencing slag injection on subjects supplied by the hyperion liaison known as flesh stick don't worry honey everything's gonna be okay baby don't look you are doing moderately well this is i'm not gonna make it stop it great wow thank you success oh what i meant um the boat okay increasing the pressure all right mommy injury i know bloodwing they're gonna have the biggest badass they can find protecting her shouldn't be a problem for you but just a heads up you found the slag samples fantastic leave them with roland once you finish whatever irrelevant thing you're doing right now so want bloodwing back huh shame i've been doing some really interesting iridium experiments with her i hate to see her go but heck with it this is all yours fire electricity corrosion slag and god damn i forgot the last one the hell was that again god damn it just just weaken her and i'll hit her with a drink i'm sorry soldier but you gotta beat bloodwing now do what you can to save her but if you can't she's got what we need to get into control core angel an d grab the false key that's what matters here fire right fire what else is there what's your flaws this is gonna be fine just gotta drink broadway oh electricity i'm sending you surprise another notch on my rifle this won't hurt i promise okay she's still alive get the microchip from her caller and we can get her back to sanctuary you and your little friend mordecai turn yourselves in or that dumb ass bird is just the beginning god damn it jack i'm gonna kill you you hear me i'm sorry about bloodwing soldier but we gotta keep moving get that software upgrade to claptrap and we'll be able to get through the security field leading to control core angel i've been relocated to sanctuary against everyone's better judgment not my own buddy what the hell are you do holy scans we may have a way past the bunker come on right here don't leave me hanging bro don't make this awkward well mission failed it's awkward now i made it weird in addition to being highly entertaining the data you've found may hold the key to stopping the spread of slag poisoning i'm sorry about bloodwing soldier but there's still more to be done if we're going to reach angel and get take this note to a thousand cuts you're going to deliver that note to abandon leader known as the slab king now he used to be a part of the crimson raiders until his methods got too brutal i didn't think ripping hyperion officials limb from limb in front of their loved ones was an effective way to get in don't let them shoot the boost crates mordecai plans on sucking down more rail huh but the same thing after humanized years ago and i found it she wouldn't even have it if it weren't for me no no bring me the booze and i'll give you one of my old sniper rifles moxie ever tell you who she told me for huh jack i win the underdog i fly ruby and ben she trusts me for the biggest fascist pandora's ever seen hey until he set all those people on fire jack seemed like a pretty nice guy it's not my fault mordecai was no no bring the booze to me instead of that alcoholic bird lover and i'll give you ruby i'm a better shot when i'm drunk anyway creatures released security forces dispatched damn it in this nearly paid off creatures release security forces oh creatures oh come on back that's just the beginning every hyperion bastard's gonna pay for blood control core angel is at the top of that mountain that's where the vault key is being held the slab king is up on the other cliff he can help us get past the bunker outside the control core hopefully murdering you is and true to her sounds like our periods in another assassin all right boys fight like badasses i have to fight through the slabs the king oh oh uh true [ __ ] shark hey boom look out no had to come after me you just had to kill dusty you want to treat me like a bandit that's exactly what i'm gonna be himself from his own tombstone it's dark it's depressing i don't understand what i'm talking about it's perfect uh oh bernie oh oh how are you dusty was jus t a puppy almost as nice as my first dog you let yourself know i'm gonna do to him exactly what he did to her just survive whatever initiation he's got planned for you and then give them that note oh uh time uh oh not feeling good need a face shot boom squish yeah hey shoot me in the face and that wasn't much thank you uh you're ready your you're not ready for me quit live so much this yes i'm gonna get your eyes oh keep shooting feet oh oh ready me i got one thing to say to you so what you want you are the biggest badass of all time and you i was wondering when roland would call in that favor so the bunker now that you're one of us my buzzers can help you take her down go tell roland i'm in great job with brick's crew on our side we should have an easier time getting past the bunker protecting angel come on back and we'll see about getting through that door that'll only open for jack let me get the door for you wow so the vault hunter met the slabs what a lovely opportunity to kill tw o bandits with one mortar assault targeting beacons initialized beginning mortar bombardment gene is using mortars again it's using mortars oh crap slam we gotta stop those motors or there won't be nobody left to help you with the bunker follow me want to drop some beacons if we don't destroy yes potatoes targeting beacons they're guiding the motors circles the logs i see another beacon let's look i'm breaking the shield on that beacon is i see another figure let's break it up oh well that was fun bad ass job today slam i'll meet you back in sanctuary oh and just so you know my slabs will probably still try to kill you because they're freaking idiots don't feel bad about killing them i never do is that a bandit spooning with the robot that is some artsy fartsy bull crap my friend chick's lives at that's going in the pool robots and sexy stuff oh a lol flower surrounded by blood and stuff i maybe could turn that into a symbol of of like flowers or birds or ii got it all right my poem is done completed and stuff get back here and i will not read it to you okay uh i recorded my sweet nothings into this here echo device just find daisy play it for her gotta wait for her reaction though you hear me i gots to know how it went herein is scooter's poem for you daisy here we go daisy i like you a whole lot more than that bandit lock spoon in that robot you are a diamond in the rough or a flower surrounded by shrapnel ass stuff i will hang myself from my own tombstone if within you i cannot put my bone this is really um could you excuse me for a second thanks so what do you think so she didn't dig the poem huh ii don't know i thought i thought it was pretty good huh so rolling brick to be honest i got no idea how to get past the door that'll only open for jack sorry to interrupt but we have little time get to the city of opportunity to breach the final door to my chambers you'll need to be jack that means passing a bio scan and speaking a password in his voice if you can kill one of jack's body doubles an opportunity i can get you through that door as much as i hate telling you to listen to her angel's the best lead we got you already know not to trust her but be careful smile got a new mission i'm going to stay here in sanctuary for the long haul want to break some stuff but at least took you long enough got some work for you hey your dumbass vault hunter pal is here brick shut up rocco all right slab a hyperion supply just landed in our turf instead of checks jack wants to destroy the supplies so we can't use them you've got to stop it take rocco's flags i mark some key defense points drop a flag on any of them and my slams will know where they got to go and what kind of firepower they gotta bring looking good now get up to the big ass turn on the central tower here they come slab keep the box away from the supply crate so frankie trump oh okay that's the last of them now let's see what they were fighting so hard to keep from us robot remember your three governing that's right slappy you smell it that's the scent of a gentleman i feel their eyes go for their eyes ah scientifically murdering old slappy was probably a bad idea vengeance is strictly i thank you for your help i knew i hadn't heard the last of that gun i bought it off a guy a few months ago great gun but it's cursed i sold it to a bandit named horus nice my ah mcnally took the bane it worked like a charm against the spider ants but the if you're hearing this fine mcnally he may have left me for dead but he doesn't deserve what the pain will do to him nobody does oh that idiot's got no idea he never believed the stories about the curse boy oh boy is he in for a surprise ah i had to get rid of it huh oh you just let them swim every day the sheriff of lynchwood sends whatever iridium she's yanked from the mines back to jack that stops today you're going to blow up the train that you use i want to do one fight the sheriff two blow stuff up and three get paid so blowing apart t he sheriff's bank is basically the dream job head to the bank and case the joint you know what jack wanted to call this place see if you can open it never dying you can't have damn i knew it wouldn't be that easy looks like the wall's made of polycritem which only dissolves when exposed to skagball i got an idea we need a bomb covered in skagball now this ain't gonna make a lot of sense but just bear with me first find some laxatives huh now that you got the laxative it's time to find some explosives that may be my favorite sentence i've ever said anyway there should be a bandit around there named mad dog some [ __ ] love to toss dynamite at my slabs when they came into town take him out and get his boomers i don't think so oh explosives life cool now cody lastly the sky will eat the bomb cover it in his bow then form it back in away for it lucky for us scabs keeping crap out of the same hole so this won't take too long follow him and get the bomb back when he hooks it up the i've fire works wanted i can to it and kill that idiot you got the money now get out of town slam before the show sticks or posse on you uh you looking to get yeah nice robbery i think you deserve my best boys get after them now you gotta stash that cass on the sheriff's boys won't ever stop looking for you find a good place to hide it and my boys will pick it up lately don't worry i'll pay you even more than what you got from the bank job once this is all over foreign uh oh uh i am alive what's wrong with your face uh uh so oh the bad one dammit everybody stop raiding a mine iridium is hyperion's number one priority so if you attack the miners or steal their equipment the sheriff will come down on you don't give her a reason rick always did have a flare for the dramatic made a real scene of it when he escaped my jail blew it sky-high swore revenge for what jack and i did to him said we turned him into a band at the moment we killed his dog dealing with you i think is going to be much simpler fo r both of us i die or you do nice and clean let me know when you're ready for the next job every day the sheriff of lynchwood sends whatever whoa i am awake you can get a bomb card from that depository into the track before good going now grab the ball damn you strong take it to the abandoned train tracks you're going to put it on a collision course with the sheriff's iridium train let me tell you something about brick we snagged him during the fall of new haven he never sold out his friends but his puppy it was this little brown thing once i wrapped my hands around its neck brick lost it you could barely hear the crack of the bone over his sobs i mean actually sobbing like a baby until it's right on top of the train that's for sure let me know when you're ready for the next thing gotta say that's pretty irritating the iridium is half the reason this town exists well credit where credit's due you really know how to push my buttons i hear that after brick escaped our custody he tracked down the guy who trade new haven to hyperion somebody named shep sanders rick gouged his eyes out with his thumbs and cracked his skull open like an egg all while poor screams you've all had to think you're different from bandits you've robbed my bank shot at my town and destroyed my train i like you main street pistols at high noon howdy partner this is my town oh did you actually just kill my girlfriend that's kind of pissing me off huh that's it then uh oh that scab looks sad as hell turned up like that maybe you could blast it trying to let them loose uh apologies in advance for each face off oh that little fella looks wounded his mom must abandon him or some such i'd usually recommend busting a cap in his cooch mouth but he seems nice enough you give him some medicine so he stops making that sad ass noise though reminding you once again it'll be a lot easier to take care of you all if you're in the same place oh oh he looks hungry might be getting some statues uh so deputy winger reminding you that you could always run the sheriff won't follow you out of lynch would and i certainly won't please just leave me oh goddamn mercs we got a live one how you think it's weird that we're feeding scat parts to other skags it's kind of weird that feels weird is i came to pandora for action go wow oh there you go sheriff those are the guys who robbed your bank last week i accept cash all right here's your 10 foul the warrant says 20 000. the warrant also specified alive fair enough the hell you looking so sad for you're still making more money than anyone around here you'll see in six months ah it's not the money will be conducting the city sometime in the next few weeks what's the matter no you didn't get enough in the military oh there was plenty of glory just he still looks hungry huh well maybe some scag tones to fill him up just shoot enough skates in the mouth and you'll have a freaking smorgasbord ready for him i'm told there's a new band in the town i've always want ed planet again huh know uh over over here looks way too big to sleep with that little shoebox anymore you might want to escort them to some new digs hate doing math deputy winger again if you know anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of a vault hunter please tell them to come in of their own volition otherwise the sheriff will torture the information out of them i'm trying to help you here people stomach look at me in his voice if you can kill one of jack's body doubles an opportunity i can get you through that door camera's on good i need you to snag an orbital drop beacon oh freaking bandits lost my shield i'd almost finished my comic con in the beginning pandora was jack when jack came to pandora he found a world of danger and hardship jack armed himself to the teeth using the quality armaments of hyperion the company he called home jack learned a legendary vault that housed a terrible evil he defeated many horrors to reach the vault hideous monsters and vicious bandit s and five years jack defeated the monster inside the vault triumphed over the evil treasure seekers and brought peace to pandora with that done the handsome one staked a claim on the very planet he had saved for the opening of the vault for a wonderful secret only he could have this predicted alien element flourished across pandora and jack became an overnight trillionaire today jack now the owner of the hyperion corporation has dedicated his life to bringing banded scum to justice there is only one word to describe what jack is thank you for visiting the hall of history take this tax refund as a reward but why would you build a metropolis in the middle of a banded infested wasteland i don't understand sir of course you don't because you're as lacking in vision as you are in brain cells you don't do things because they're easy you do them because they're right but sir i'm that still didn't really and impress his that pocket watch also records audio will jack love to listen to the prai se of his underlings we need to create a voice modulator so you can speak exact voice oh internally and need to see a doctor disabled bastard incoming grenade i've almost finished my comic collection did you know that some people on this planet still believe in silly superstitions like angels demons and ancient alien warriors we like to call them bandits yes this is going to work if i get a few more samples of jack's voice i can make a voice modulator for you you need to get more voice samples from the other info kiosks oh god first of all did you know you're staring at the future side of the opportunity that's right for a thousand bucks you'll be able to spend an hour a few more kiosks oh man oh the pressure hey kids did you know your chances of being disempowered needed uh shut uh oh somebody foreign hey kids did you know what your mommies and daddies gave up so your family could live an opportunity literally nothing your family is paid to be here i'm the one who feeds and protects e veryone remember we should all love our parents did you know littering and opportunity is punishable by death if not you also ought to know complaining about opportunities laws is considered verbal littering are you feeling good uh figures um attach the pocket watch quickly or you know slowly i see the files all done now grab the voice modulator great now unfortunately you will speak in jack's voice until you reach the security door i will tell you the password to open it at the appropriate time this is a message to the crimson raider resistance do you see that shining city on the horizon my money the next time with those lures you can trick those surveyor bots to fly wherever you want if you slap the lures on some jack propaganda the surveyors should crash into them could be fun uh take that orbital supply beacon to the big crane past the waterfront quarter once you call in a drop the moonshot will destroy the train you should look great on films more than that all right just a few cr itiques and we'll be coming uh with chisels and firing squads shortly what um incredible damage outreach center and broadcast that footage you shot huh i need to get the high ground now to broadcast the fruits of your hard work your work's done doubt anyone will be in a hurry to move here now come on back your eyes upon the paradise that awaits you in opportunity all right shoes dad oh just put him back up and he ought to treat you as an ally you'll be like his mommy his gun-toting profanity spewing mommy he's waking up great trust the fault hunter robot all right the working again make sure to protect it while it's wrecking the statues huh it's just i get it thank you does that feel good you got out of your system great now go home and start screwing my stuff i'll let you borrow it sometimes this is i can actually see why you'd want to tear that particular statue down clearly you're illiterate and the image of me enjoying a good book just makes your head hurt so awful uh those little soft pink things your kind eats after you're done rolling ring around bell this all right great success you're pissing me off good for you here's your prize injuries uh huh good for you your parents must be so proud infiltration go ahead knock that last one down i've already got a great idea for a new statue it's just going to be me kicking you in the junk i'm going to commission like 15 of those some [ __ ] and just put them everywhere now that you're done with that bot it's time for some fun you ever seen the constructor button dead spinning because you're about to hit that other button to activate his dancing sub routines three two one this time you are such a jackass success the opportunity will be temporarily free of jack statues forever first of all do a lady a favor and grab it afternoon your [ __ ] foreign good every key fits in a lock sugar check the containers see if that key opens one of them huh sounds like that key was just the right size see if there's anything useful in there if i know my explosives and i'd like to think i do you could use those charges to flood the construction site if you'd blow up the nearby retaining wall and flood those pits i'd be awful grateful all balloon tits is still holding a grudge against me huh yes this is moving to engage andre surrendered hey get away from the explosive sugar they're gonna make a big boom you [ __ ] haven't heard jack that angry since i kicked his plastic surgery ass to the curb come on back sugar nothing like a little vengeance to round out the day everybody robots they can't dance this isn't a discussion you're not going without me period this is it everybody lilith mordecai you're protecting the city brick will provide air support from thousand cuts and i'll climb up to control core angel from the cliff face any questions yeah why ain't i going i gotta pay hyperion back for bloodwing and you will but for now i need you protecting sanctuary in case this is just another trap you'll get your payback mo rdecai i promise long as you say so roland vault hunter we have a shot at stealing the vault key and stopping jack from waking the warrior all you have to do is get past a force field that'll atomize you destroy a bunker carrying enough firepower to level a continent and get through a door you can't possibly open that's his way of saying we're probably gonna die it's time to get clap trapped a thousand cuts we need him to shut down the force field make it painful guys this is gonna be fun i should discuss the scroll effect in the room the reason for my relocation was an elongated and systematically unpleasant torture at the hands of jack's cronies roland and his well-defined pectoral muscles were kind enough to entrust the valky with me after the awakening of the destroyer not to be confused with the warrior seriously though so nothing alike oh right torture i asked nicely on several occasions to take proper precautions against bacteria on the instruments but it fell upon idiotic ears as they cut into my flesh over and over i would fade in and out of consciousness and whisper to the ceiling chairs that it was going to be okay clork was afraid at first his four legs trembled against the cold ceiling but he knew he had to be strong for me then they went to work on his brother philippe philippe i just philippe was so brave he was so brave for me when the rotary saws began to ply his legs from his body khloe cried out for his brother even when one of the torturers inadvertently sat on him and muffled his cries the last thing philippe said before he passed on to the great wooden beyond was i love you paddy i love you and then he was gone it's lonely here in sanctuary sure clork prattles around on the ceiling but it's hardly the same jack has taken so much from me jack has taken the only happiness i've ever had in his asinine quest for the warrior and more power revenge is as pointless as music but on this occasion i will allow myself the revenge i will allow myself to ai d in his downfall mark my words jack you're going to die ah the chronicles of my torture i shall warm up some cold cocoa and listen to these again fyi it may take some serious convincing to get claptrap to head to thousand cuts let's get a thousand cuts or not i enlisted you as my minion then angel just happened to attack sanctuary don't you get it jack was coming after me it's time to take the fight to him i'll meet you in thousand cuts ready to go minion i've started my attack i'm gonna tag every inch of this mountain if it's the last thing i do let's go we're gonna make jack regret ever setting up shop on this cliff it'll take him minutes to wash this graffiti off minutes i say hey you coming or not oh right you're not a hyperian robot i forget that sometimes open onward got some buzzers heading your way slow i will defend you to the death minion of course the bunker's still going to obliterate uh yes you're good now three oh you know be careful sam my boy's seen a ton of bad guys b etween you and the [ __ ] i know you can do it i'm making my way up the cliffstone soldier keep pushing your way huh um stay out of their target circles they ain't rolling out the welcome mat maybe you should take out those turrets on the towers so they'll open the doors the goddamn liver yup ah that'll stop me talk to your parents defend it is first more than that i am all that desired okay uh come on hey you know how i got my hands on that ball key see a few years back wilhelm and i paid a visit to your little friend tanis and we beat her for hours we ripped it out of her broken fingers but we let her live because that's what heroes do they show mercy so you're coming up on the vodka i'm sending some of my boys to help you out my bosses are coming final door to my chambers it will only deactivate once you've destroyed the bunker all right fun times over kitties breaking his mouth breathers couldn't bust my bunker and neither can you all right oh first is with the white speakers us da maged shut up jump over those oh regrets huh if you need help oh you wouldn't need to read those hurry [ __ ] there's nothing to stop you from grabbing the vault uh if you need help no no damage everything shooting for a little while good job that you really think i protect angel with nothing but a couple of bots and some flimsy turrets that's the bunker with the bnk 3r the greatest defense bot ever built designed to myself now do me a favor and die oh crap the bunker went airborne slabs this is gonna get this probably just defending themselves destroy those oh watch those yes butterfly motorcycle it's firing motors is is oh oh you've got to with the bunker destroyed you can access the door to my chambers move quickly emblem the password is i love you that voice modulator had better work or this will all be from nothing i love you access granted consider this your final warrant no consider this my final warning turn around and i promise i'll make it quick but i swear you take one more step every soul back and sanctuary will die staring at their own lungs as i rip them from their chests iridium alone could never charge the vault key it needs a catalyst something to awaken its power it needs a siren jack acquired his siren catalyst a long time ago he kept her hidden from the world for years but finally you will be able to set her free i detect you're getting close hurry and reach me you must get the vault key and deal with me executing phase shift the key is here but to truly stop jack from waking the warrior you cannot just steal the vault key you must destroy his catalyst you must destroy me jack spent years pumping me full of iridium using me to charge his key and manipulate his enemies destroying the iridium injectors that keep me alive will stop the key from charging and it will end a lifetime of servitude you got the hell away from my job what the hell are you doing angel stop would never face you in person however i however let's do it elbows grab ammo oh oh i need you to lower the shield around my iridium injectors did i miss something or is angel a siren right i'm on it oh i'm you gotta kill an innocent you think it's girl fault don't listen shoot the injector is every day um just stay alive so you're endangering my baby girl this is my bow every friend every child every person you've ever passed on the streets i'm gonna kill them all hey look back this isn't over stay on your toes oh oh okay i got the shield down hit the injector angel you can stop this i'll still forgive you baby dad i have to tell you something to their own daughter the kind of guy who deserves to die she's dead jack just lost his only way to awaken the warrior we got the valve key but this isn't over yet we gotta find jack and take him out lilith take the valkyrie to tennis i'm going after jack so you bastard i'm gonna language what's that saying don't pick a fight with a man with nothing left to lose see i'm gonna show you just how much you have to lose and i got the most powerful siren on the planet to do it with kill the vault hunter we've got a date to keep with the warriors what happened what the hell just happened first bloodwing now this ball hunter find me a sanctuary we gotta get lilith back what the how the hell did you get back there ah freaking vault hunters son of a laughs rolling ball hunter for all we got left jack killed roland he killed bloodwing but he is not going to kill lilith jack still needs time to charge the vault key you just need to find out where this warrior is buried there's only one place on pandora that have that kind of info the high period info stockade get there got something he's doing the folks in sanctuary don't know about my daughter is dead murdered by the vault hunter so i've decided i'm rescinding the bounty on the vault hunter that's a giant sky oh god what does he want he was mumbling into an echo device when he came in maybe you can track him by finding his transmission that'd be awesome little help look it's a long story no it's a short story all right short stories we were supposed to divide the take four ways but somebody up and nicked it before we could split it up oh those idiots still screaming at each other marshall freeman here if if you want to do me a solid and shut those morons up so i can get back to my nap that know that only one of them will tell you the truth the other three are liars if you could figure out which one of them brought the other and pop it in the head for me that'd be awesome look between you and me oh hitler's the thief when we were making out he was all yeah baby i'm going to do all that money and i was like no don't do that and he's like oh yeah i'm gonna and i was like that's so wrong sam stole the cash without question after she and o'cantler were done celebrating our successful heist i saw her stuff the loot down her pants look given what we know about human consciousness i can be certain of only one thing i didn't steal the money i know my own mind and i know my mind didn't steal it if i knew everyone else's minds i might be able to help you a bit more but sadly i can only speak for myself and i'm doing that now speaking to say that i didn't steal the money crap yes jim did steal the cash but we were friends that's sad but maybe we maybe we learned something yeah we learned that jim stole the cash jack killed roland son of a [ __ ] he helped me take care of mr shank and unlike well damn near everyone around here he always behaved like a gentleman i don't i don't know what to say damn it am i crying so hey roland handsome jack here remember me my men kicked your abandoned asses out of new haven and killed your little pal lilith anyway i hear you and the rest of your little buddies have relocated to sanctuary just wanted to congratulate you you've successfully delayed your death by a few months i'm going to be real busy mining iridium to charge that bulky i stole from your buddy tennis so you guys are going to be low on my priority list for a while so ciao i tell you man i'll never forget that time rolling and all them jumped over piss washed goalie there's good times hell man now sad is this what sad feels like you kill the crap out of jack wow did you hear me had roland not forced me to relocate to sanctuary i would not be alive today i am unpleasantly surprised to find that i am sorry that roland is dead sorry about blood morty motor guy told me what happened to roland so here's what we do we bury rolling we save this planet and we kill jack his associates his friends his family everyone he's ever met we skidded with their own god damn teeth i'm sorry we went our separate ways a few years back but roland was my friend and nobody nobody hurts my friends sorry to bum you out like that but somebody needed to tell him i've transmitted the code to roland's armory to your echo device if anyone deserves what's in there it ought to be the badass who's gonna avenge him ah glued good don't let this all be for nothing a migo find jack kill jack so uh huh them nice to meet you here's a large pile of money just because i like you this is a gift and in no way payment for rendered search don't say nothing to nobody removed oh crap remember i said that little scat small must abandon it well i think she found him again i hear skag moms eat their young you gotta take her out man huh at least look wow never gonna come here uh logistically that makes you its new mom or something i don't know welcome to the iridium by before hyperion this place was well still a crap hole it wasn't this bad so last night i got a little tipsy and i was thinking about all the unsatisfying customers i had so i mailed out some refunds i don't know what i was thinking you have to get those checks back from the mailboxes before the order will save them off don't listen but it's about my grandmother i've gone to our cottage on the iridium in egypt to check on her please make sure everything's okay this isn't for me it's for her please so ah oh i can't take it you killed the bandits i hope everything's okay don't run ah god i was so worried he'd killed those bandits before they could murder old grand grand you know what now i don't even have to pay him so thanks loser i'm gonna be rich thank you for calling the hyperion suicide prevention hotline handsome jack regrets to inform you that you are a coward enjoy your nothing idiots lucky oh wow oh oh um welcome so you're ugh be my new meatballs i knew you'd make me proud come on back refunds my god i'm never drinking right now again your worst i am you can still run great time already nice strangled with your own intestines something to kill uh no no it are you little [ __ ] girls spacex i'll crack your skull open with my spoke of a man who would come to sanctuary forever speaking into an echo recorder he would be a humble man of unknown origins uh i've got five billion drivers uh very famous man below the galaxy over he would wield the evil smasher forged by my own han d and save our galaxy from me and save foreign planet you will be rewarded with regions of fame marxists handed mary how much for the evil snatcher two million dollars faithfully i am going to save the galaxy armed with the evil smasher given to me by the wise seer marcus i will head into the heart of your tooth cauldron i always knew i was destined for great things i must go find my destiny listeners for justice hoe god my uh follow this video what a jackass now give me my money back hit that generator just stick by that generator until the flags raised all the way up slam time to show that slam not to mess with the sarcasm fear uh you got the flag raised now bust the generator uh they'll never find it never find my treasure was an old haven not anymore mine scatter the map give it to bandits nobody will ever find it never oh sounds like that dude was talking about the lost banded treasure of oldham just keep killing bandits and hope for the best keep your face it's coming how are you long time ago there were these guys the crimson lads worked for the atlas corporation tried to kill us it was pretty funny that treasure you're searching for belong to the last level oh i can't hear you now that you got the flag on there start to just stick by that generator until the flags raised all the way up slab some slabs trying to place colors over our turf tear them apart wow all right please oh get ready to fill my fingers in your eyeballs now bless the generator so look get out there now oh reset nobody got that fun ah oh oh we never met now call the generator not slab bye chosen one thank you i wish i had more warriors like you between us the rest of these slabs are kind of useless intruders detected locking path to info it stockade doesn't want us getting close to it brick you got a plan to get to the stockade blow stuff up that's my plan vault hunter get the sawtooth cauldron my boys can blast open the path to the info stockade but they'll need some better firepower you'r e gonna steal some explosives for to get to where sawtooth bandits are keeping the bombs you gotta go through guanograto you'll have to push through a butt load of salty but hell wouldn't be any fun otherwise right my slabs have been fighting assault teeth for years these bastards handed dozens of fault hunters to jack once the pay got good enough you kill them all fault hunter and you smile while you do it ah give me your damn let's make face gravy i will crush you got to steal some 194 dumbo chargers oh daddy ah you really smashed squish you oh ah ah look everybody it's a witty bitty slab trying to use our elevator get up oh ah get out of here ah oh i am dammit go fight welcome oh so much yes this takes me back last time i was here i had tiny tina ross digging back right throwing grenades at the saw teeth while i punched oh and ask yourself if i could kill the wise leader of the crimson raiders without breaking a sweat how hard will it be to kill a psychotic banded king and a drunken freaking sniper i can feel this thing around my neck zapping me dry promise me so long as there's a bullet left in your gun promise me you'll make jack oh i want to be clear about something this isn't about pandora anymore it's about you and me i can never replace what you took from me but murdering your vault hunter pals destroying that flying city hell that's a start whew get on your goddamn feet down i am alive i i can't hear you you can't catch me god i live oh right oh the last boom bringing the [ __ ] will be happy to see his buzzer go up in smoke so he'll take the elevator down to fight oh and after you blast boombringer don't look at the explosion just walk away from it boombringer no that's it slab i'm coming down there and you are gonna find out what it's like to eat your own throat sounds like you can take the elevator down feel free to kill mortar on your way up your neck if oh ever my boys are going to come in and steal the explosives but the skies got to be clear first t ake out those get ready to fail uh why don't these guys just give up you already killed them awesome idiots oh i am ah fired look my boys are coming in yeah look got some snails watch your head slob's coming in well done jump off the east end of the tower if you want to get back to the fast travel station in the quickest and badass way possible gotta get off this planet i gotta leave then the supply beacon a lunar supply beacon bandit stolen they say to my friends they're not my friends please get it please oh bring it back ah check so put the beacon down right there right there right now i'll have to paint the beacon so i can leave leave this planet for good i believe i finally found a way off this jackfruit sinking planet take me thank me take your head down slab my boys are starting their run they're going to do it the way to the info stockade is open get in there and find out where jack's got little and the warrior while you're doing that i'm gonna pay a visit to a hyperion outpost see if i can't steal some heavy armor for our final assault on jack you see that building with the light shooting out of it that's the info stockade we're gonna get you there through the main iridium pipeline head there now there should be a ladder on the side of the pipe leading to a maintenance hatch you can use that to get inside the pipeline look now um idea what i'm praying for he's pretty much hey why are you giving me all these bloody body limbs that i no way asked so uh yeah funny story those projects i was working on they're kind of uh loose think about it this is kind of your fault this just in pandora the bandit scum who killed jack's daughter has just set the old haven orphanage ablaze and reinforcements requested at hyperion truce network today hyperion struck a group dispatched jack wishes to assure the populace that hyperion will bring peace and order to the lawless hell that pandora has become bandits psychos these will be a thing of the past with hyperion in charge ca mera can look forward to a very bright future indeed wings of a wreck and the insanity of both um let's go perfect oh it was my favorite okay required required amigo ugh um say looking for an insane genetically engineered monstrosity can you feel it another day another unsuccessful genetic abomination so explain it to me again like i said i'm awesome punching ah god damn it you okay looks like the ladder's busted still the pipe looks cracked i bet if you raise the pressure you could blast the pipe wide open get inside that way yeah head to one of the pumping stations slab hard time i made it to the hyperion outpost just give me some time and i'll steal the drop barge once you all find out where the warrior is we can all go after it together grenade ah huh oh god kill my kids uh oh man hit the other two pump stations and raise the pressure till that pipe's fit to burst then you can bust the pipe get into the stockade and find out where the warriors bury hey buddy it's me rolling let's k ill handsome jack and then we'll all go out for milkshakes no i'm just playing he's still really dead grabbed his echo you know where i left just wanted to tell you that lilith is doing a bang-up job charging the ball key for me the warrior will be awake in no time look okay ah no no you're just checked out i approved successful this sounds like the pipes are nearly bursting hit the last pumping station and we'll be ready to blast the pipeline open um i am oh come back oh oh beyond the pipeline's so high name success you can get to the stockade for the pipeline get inside uh wow oh wow hey one language my boy every bit of data in the hyperion network is archived here mining information security footage it all flows to the stockade when the time comes i fight our way to the vault together uh for something i can use to avenge his death hoping scabs don't ambush me and break my gun into four separate parts before eating them no way to tell which one of the ugly things has it just start hu nting skags and hope for the best there's a hidden lever somewhere that'll get you into teddy's basement teddy like a lot of people on pandora evidently kept all his echo correspondence find something that proves hyperion stole his designs so i can sue him into oblivion well first day on pandora wife's not too happy about the move but i'm sure things will be all right this here's the beginning of our new life well my wife's dead sky named scar once i buried her with the ladyfinger that cute little gun i made for her i'll see if i can't get me some revenge you won't have died for nothing marion i promise you that scar blinded me and ate my leg i may be a blind crippled widower but that don't mean all's lost met some folks looking for the vault i did the same western joking couples house but they just didn't get it oh and i did find that old message i got from my parents a few years back hit it in the corner mr barr we at hyperion adore your wave rifle design so much that we have decided to appropriate it for ourselves our assassins are on route to your home on isilos between us mr baja i would suggest leaving the solar system before they arrive great that was just what i was hoping to hear now if you can find the blueprints for the weapon design that ripped off i'll give you the first gun my uncle ever gave me hello mercenary should you return those sensitive documents to the hyperion corporation we can offer more than what mr baha's niece can pay a fine hyperian armament for example don't listen to those corporate thieves we both know my uncle deserves justice then i'll throw in the first gun uncle teddy ever made for me i'm sorry i can't offer you more cha-ching oh death oh foreign so huh huh yeah i know you think i'm a monster you think i enslaved angel but you didn't see what she did to her mother i had to restrain angel's power you get that i had to and i'm sure he had to exploit her for profit and power too don't listen to long before as it turns out bed me shu t down great job success no injuries i'm from the death suspension there jackson all the iridium is mine straight to the hero's pass that must be where the warriors buried get back to sanctuary it's time to get ready for the final assault huh this ends now jack lilith and the warrior are in heroes past so that's where we're headed this is the final fight amigo if you got to prepare do it now go check around the city these people don't have much but they still want to help you hyperions lock the entrance to hero's past get back to claptrap you'll need him to open the way for you rick and i will meet you once you're in win or lose we're gonna finish this together for bloodwing for rollins for pandora ugh wow foreign i don't understand daddy say hello to your new home darling you're like princess and this is your throne i want mommy where's mommy she's not coming back angel i'm taking a freaking sure i don't want to there we go hey huh roland said if you're receiving this respond as soon as you can blake came back again and show me some fake pictures of new haven the city was burning a lot of people were dead blake said his boss burned the place to the ground when everyone living there wouldn't move out of course i know those pictures had to be faked because you and the rest of your pals were holed up in new haven and you would have stopped those troops from taking the town okay any candidates today angel there are four treasure hunters who arrived on the shuttle several hours ago they are currently on a bus to firestone great say this to them don't be alarmed i need you to stay calm and don't let on that anyone is talking to you start making your way off the bus the bus is still moving sir shut up tell them john why have you dispatched one of our satellites to pandora what are you doing but sir uh the energy readings my uh instruments uh at home are getting from pandora are get out of there at once you hideous little code monkey and shut off that satellite yes sir i'm sorry mr tasker it won't happen again sir uh ounce of iridium i've got into you but this stupid key isn't working why i'm sorry i don't know you're a siren you're one of a kind i'll make it work i want that freaking warrior angel i want to awake okay i want him under my control now i want him now not later now blackmail such a dirty little word isn't it i actually don't come to think of it it's not a dirty word at all it's kind of awesome blackmail say it with me oh go to hell john just because you got lucky with your pandora hunch doesn't mean because i was right is what you mean you may have been able to scare the other directors into giving up their shares but i know you i know that beneath that ridiculous mask you're still a hideous pathetic little nobody mr tasseter maybe you can settle up something for me do you know the difference between choking we need to shut her down is anything else on today's agenda jimmy it's jeffrey sir and no thanks jimmy well then drinks are on handso me jack oh god oh wow uh uh uh penny oh wow foreign huh again welcome huh what is ah ah uh uh oh no if i didn't want jack did before i sure as hell do now hi i don't want to kill you which is kind of weird i need your help oh i should have a name humans have names i bet i'm malfunctioning like that hi i'm a robot and i don't like that could you help me become human maybe i don't wear clothes but i see humans wearing lots of clothes could you get me clothes from those bandit guys nearby i'll wear so many clothes i'll be the best human ever i will say self-deprecating things another story oh oh welcome to paige you die now oh hey new great you got clothes thanks for getting all those clothes bring the clothes back to me now and i'll wear the clothes thanks i am now wearing the clothes i think i look great oh vanity that's very human so why don't i feel human yet hmm i know why i still don't feel human i don't have limbs i hear those bandits have tons of limbs to spare you can ask them fo r a few huh i'd like to have a wide variety to choose from we humans love choices so don't run down you bro welcome to dawn yes oh thank you uh but you put the pants in uh you present ah uh i approved so many limbs i can't wait to try them out come on back yes these limbs are clearly the best humanity here i come hi i'm human i eat food and desire things i'm in credit card debt and have a wife for whom i feel nothing hi i've come to a realization i now see that humanity doesn't come from wearing clothes or having a face made of flesh on pandora humanity means trying to kill other humans so die thank you for helping me i will truly be a human being ow at heart wait humans feel pain i felt pain that must mean i'm human i'm here by the way that fight was very fun please feel free to come back so we may do it again though i generally have trouble verbalizing my thoughts into words that will not utterly confuse or nauseate you i find my mental processes are now surprisingly focused i have o nly two words for you perhaps the most important two words ever spoken on pandora kill jack here this may help you in your efforts to put a hilariously large hole in jack's face i ain't the best with words but i just want you to know i'm rooting for you out there jack kicked me out of my home back in firestone it's about time he got what's coming to him here thought you could use this if that ball hunter comes back you make sure i'm giving my love all right uh hey man ellen i was just talking about you now you you make sure to come back alive okay if you can come back with jack's head in the pipe haha you here what scooter said i wanna hollow that some [ __ ] gourd and eat nut shoes out of it oh nearly forgot ellie and i got something for you hope it hails i've had just about enough of that handsome jackass sugar get rid of him and you'll never pay for another drink again here i got something for you well my old friend i wish you the best may you return from your quest with handsome bl ood on your hands and a smile on your face oh and lest i forget here you are thought it could be of some use wow jack's monopoly on weapons is running the other business but that's not why i want him dead i want him dead because he's a greedy murdering son of a [ __ ] who needs to die screaming good luck here you might need this it's tina i wrote you a poem it goes a little something like this break it down kill jack kill jack kill jack kill jack kill jack kill jack haven't found anything good my weapon machines will fix that for you always happy to do business with a vote hunter it's time to end this i'll meet you out in the iridium flight ah you do what you have to to stop him from waking that warrior even if it means taking me out i'm better dead than a damsel gotta regret ever setting foot on pandora minion i'm gonna get that door open so i can take care of that handsome bastard myself you hear me jack you killed my friends you destroyed my product line i am the last cop trap in ex istence and i am going to team bag your cards oh repairs over by the controls let me just get this door open do you think a door can stop me jack i was made to open doors and open access denied what i said and open not and close a secondary set of doors dispatching additional troops no don't dispatch more troops i'm sorry i'm sorry no boys oh oh activating additional door defenses turrets deployed dispatching additional troops texas i'm overriding the door locks just stay alive minion dispatching additional troops oh oh oh everything reinforcements depleted don't worry baby girls we did it minion jack thought he could stop us with the door i was made to open doors there's no stopping us now minions together we shall free pandora i will lead you into battle i will destroy hands of jack with my bare head i will stairs you gotta go on without me your master proud do you feel that child killer the keys nearly charged this world is gonna merchandise anywhere else i've made sure of that oh d own no oh i live here we go oh god is he screaming again hold up i got this oh we're coming up go for the birds stay alive the position he says dragon oh boom baby the path is clear hell yeah let's go damn it they're swarming me brick just leave me keep going oh locking god drop barge convincing lunar bombardment ah get destroyed hey uh ugh wow so god hmm foreign you can't stop me stupid foreign huh uh yep must be destroy killing them the circus in my sights so huh you're a plague bandit you and your kind have corrupted andorra with your greed and your hatred it comes down to me to save this world from your kind but i'm more than happy to do it this is where it all ends once lilith here charges the key i'll control the warrior and wipe you bandits off my planet when you get to hell tell your vault hunter friends i said hey hey you're right on time he's nearly ready but before i cleanse this planet for good i'm gonna avenge my daughter catch me if you can over here over here damn it tha t it huh no the keys charged i'm not dying yet you're too late bandit i win the greatest helium power pandora has ever seen and it's my life kill oh uh oh one day warrior is mine look out the love is rising oh crush that paul hunter look out damn it ah damn it dammit come on come on get to high ground come on rising get to high ground show your bird okay this can't be happening this can't be happening oh badass i think you killed to it the button on the moon oh you are a badass now wait a sec let me you don't want to touch this thing right now trust me slow down man i nearly bought it back there hey lilith where the hell were you guys five minutes ago if it weren't for the vault hunter we'd all be dead i think that's our way of saying we won i figured that if i never see this key again it'll be too soon it's been fun you alien pieces you know what that means yeah no rest for the wicked you

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