Batman Arkham Knight Gameplay Walkthrough [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] No Commentary

Batman Arkham Knight Gameplay Walkthrough [Full Game Movie - All Cutscenes Longplay] No Commentary

Guía de juego de Quantum Break [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas - Todos los actos y episodios de larga duración] Sin comentarios Guía de juego de Quantum Break [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Quantum Break Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Quantum Break, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Quantum Break es un videojuego de disparos en tercera persona de acción y aventura de ciencia ficción de 2016 desarrollado por Remedy Entertainment y publicado por Microsoft Studios para Microsoft Windows y Xbox One. Quantum Break fue la nueva propiedad intelectual más vendida publicada por Microsoft desde el lanzamiento de Xbox One. Guía de juego de Quantum Break [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Quantum Break Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Quantum Break, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. Guía de juego de Quantum Break [Película completa del juego - Todas las escenas - Todos los actos y episodios de larga duración] Sin comentarios Guía de juego de Quantum Break [JUEGO COMPLETO] Sin comentarios incluirá la historia completa del juego en PC. Esta guía de juego de Quantum Break Juego completo sin comentarios es de 60 fps y estará en 1080p o 1440p e incluirá una guía de juego de la película del juego completo o todas las escenas de la edición Longplay de Quantum Break, que es sin comentarios, muy probablemente en un video después de la final del juego Gameplay Walkthrough. gracias, no hay problema, gracias, cariño, entonces, ¿cuál será tu ensalada de pollo sin aderezo? No, ya sabes qué hacer waffles con una guarnición de tocino. No le digas a mi esposa lo que digas oficial, oh, y si quieres más. café solo grite el siguiente servicio waffles con tocino al lado oye, lamento interrumpir a su oficial de cena, eh, owens, pero hay un tipo fumando allí en la cabina de la esquina , espere aquí, hablaré, disculpe, señor, no se puede fumar aquí ah por favor oh gente por un minuto ya es hora de que cambiemos las tornas no nos vemos bien ahí afuera me uniré con el espantapájaros me gusta trabajar para dos caras la mitad del tiempo de todos modos no olviden que tenemos que ir a ver a pingüino más tarde él tiene algo especial planeado no, por favor, esta ya no es tu ciudad , oh, me vendría bien un poco de ayuda, aquí estás a salvo, gracias, batman, pensé que me iban a matar, la ciudad está invadida, no tenemos ninguna posibilidad , quédate aquí, enviaré a alguien a buscarte. arriba, ¿qué estás haciendo por la noche? El oráculo de probabilidades. Necesito rastrear t. sombrero vehículo militar un patrullero ha iniciado la persecución confío en su ubicación ahora cancele a sus hombres jim golf oscar 5'6 este es el comisionado gordon estoy cancelando la persecución es demasiado peligroso señor estamos justo aquí podemos toma estos bastardos acaban de dispararnos un juego de rol quién diablos son estos tipos cinco seis retrocede ahora eso es una orden deja que batman se encargue de esto creo que han tomado una directiva por favor batman tienes que detenerlo no te preocupes jim el es mio que se encarga del vehiculo necesito interrogar al conductor y averiguar que sabe donde esta el espantapajaros vete al infierno donde esta no tengo nada que decirte batman habla o te aplastare cada hueso de tu cuerpo vale vale ella está trabajando en un ático en el barrio chino te juro que eso es todo lo que sé si estás mintiendo romperé el otro el otro oráculo comprueba el análisis químico que acabo de subir seguro es esto lo que creo que es la nueva toxina del espantapájaros una muestra no contaminada no está bromeando prepararé un descanso químico completo Abajo en la computadora trasera ¿Qué vas a hacer? El espantapájaros tiene una casa segura cerca . Voy a hacerle una visita. Esperemos que este sea el descanso que hemos estado esperando. Este es el lugar donde debería revisar el ático en la parte superior. piso ¿viste la mirada en la cara de ese policía cuando dobló la esquina y nos vio cuánto tiempo la mantenemos allí? le diré que el espantapájaros fue idea tuya solo estaba bromeando no sonaba como una broma cuando crees que quería saber que estaba yendo en contra de las órdenes lo has visto mira quién es no puedo decir que me sorprende que realmente deberías revisar he visto árboles con reflejos más rápidos algo me dice que esto no era parte del plan así que está hecho las cosas son un poco más interesantes señor es batman él está aquí esperaba encontrarme tan enojado me temo que debo decepcionarlo eche un vistazo a la cámara quiero que sepa el miedo que se avecina escuche gordo monstruo estamos caminando fuera de aquí agradable y lento intenta algo estúpido volaré nuestros cerebros encantador pero solo uno de ustedes es salir de esta celda no no nada como un poco de inmunidad natural que haces aqui por que el espantapajaros te encerro no hola dime y si no quiero entonces quemo cada planta en gotham comenzo con un reunión qué reunión todos estaban allí pingüino acertijo de dos caras incluso el pobre espantapájaros de harley dijo que tenía un plan para que juntos pudiéramos sacarte y gotham sería nuestra sobre mi cadáver creo que esa era la idea le dije que yo no era interesado en sus patéticos juegos humanos y cuando volví en mí estaba encerrado en esa habitación es una pena que su vil toxina no tenga efecto en mí la naturaleza siempre gana ¿alguna vez sabrá que vienes conmigo solo tenías que preguntar qué es mal , vaya, vaya, tenemos el objetivo, señor, está acorralado, no se mueva, ¿está seguro de que es él?, confirmado, es Batman, señor , el tanque que tienen de respaldo no está tripulado . supresor activado batman he visto seis más tanques no tripulados que se trasladan a Chinatown, estará allí en cualquier momento , así que debemos dejar al maestro de la subestimación como siempre o necesito saber de dónde vienen esos tanques . Estoy rastreando varios helicópteros de transporte que se mueven hacia la ciudad. Hay más en la forma de activar el diagnóstico de armas del batimóvil es hora de ir a la simulación de guerra prueba de diagnóstico del sistema de energía del arma activada en línea etapa uno destruir objetivos para cargar la energía del arma y activar el aluvión de misiles nivel uno etapa de diagnóstico lista completar la etapa dos cargar el garaje de misiles al nivel dos para destruir hasta cuatro objetivos a la vez garaje de misiles nivel dos listo necesito encender el arma secundaria al nivel dos antes de disparar la etapa de diagnóstico completar la etapa tres recibir daño en los tacos energía del arma cargar el cepillo de misiles al nivel dos y destruir cuatro objetivos activos para completar pruebas de diagnóstico transporte listo desplegar más tanques en panasa studios he advertido a gcpd que retire a sus hombres de las calles me dirijo allí ahora vengan en todas las unidades este es el comisionado gordon tenemos numerosos tanques hostiles desplegados por toda la ciudad gotham está bajo ataque quiero que todos salgan de las calles y regresen a gcpd no estamos equipados para lidiar con lo que hay gracias a dios hay alguien que es extranjero jim dile a tus hombres que pueden reanudar sus patrullas los tanques han sido eliminados gracias a dios esperemos que hayan sido los últimos no cuentes con eso necesito la cámara de aislamiento preparada en el calabozo gcpd traeré a ivy es bueno tenerte Aquí, Batman, llévala al calabozo en el nivel inferior. ¿ Qué diablos? Oh, es Batman. ¿Qué es esa cosa ? estoy listo y te mostraré lo que tengo hasta ahora quién te enseñó a conducir espantapájaros te va a romper batman honestamente ¿por qué te molestas con estos sacos de carne disturbios civiles hay una guerra en las calles no tenemos el mano de obra o el equipo bueno mira quién es ivy eso es una cosa menos de qué preocuparse es la cámara de aislamiento lista me alegro de que le estés dando un buen uso oh bien otra celda te sientes más seguro ahora que estoy encerrado la realidad de la situación es esta nosotros ya no tengo el control hey batman creo que estoy empezando a encontrar iv sabes que atractivo es eso normal no hay mucho que pueda hacer al respecto por qué no me construyen cuando se acabe jodan malditos burócratas nosotros podemos manejarlo jim cuál es la última tenemos incidentes surgiendo por toda la ciudad dinero en efectivo danos un resumen está bien vamos a ver primero hemos perdido el contacto con el equipo de bomberos de la estación 17. tenemos su último coordenadas conocidas, pero no van a sobrevivir por sí solos por mucho tiempo , luego está este, es un cuerpo extraño que apareció, no tuvimos mucho que buscar antes de la evacuación, pero los forenses parecían asustados, muy desagradables, también nosotros. He tenido varios avistamientos del acertijo arrastrándose por el patio del tren sabiendo ese tipo tiene que estar tramando algo malo sé que estás ocupado pero cualquier cosa que puedas hacer para ayudar salvará vidas no te preocupes jim tengo a alguien trabajando en una pista sobre el espantapájaros veré qué puedo hacer Es bueno saber que tengo un equipo mínimo buscando en el sur y el oeste de Gotham. Me uniré a él cuando termine aquí. Vamos a encontrar a ese hijo de [__] Fernández. del tanque buenas noches señor wayne espero que el auto esté funcionando de acuerdo a sus altas expectativas en realidad lucius ella es un yo estaba un poco lento usted diría algo así dame un momento y pondré la función de poscombustión en línea gracias lucious estuvo bien usted se queda atrás quiere agradecerme señor wayne solo trate de no dañar el camino debería tener más actualizaciones listas pronto restos de gotham tengo mensajes para todos ustedes a los vándalos que se quedaron atrás por qué hola detective sí soy yo su el némesis más temido, el acertijo , te felicito por tu llegada. Llegué temprano para esta próxima generación de mis acertijos . Me temo que los detalles completos de mi plan no se anunciarán por el momento, pero no veo nada malo en recompensar el pequeño e inofensivo atisbo de iniciativa que has mostrado con un adelanto. vista previa, si quieres, del tipo de acertijo que tengo guardado, entonces, detective, comienza, estás mirando fijamente y con una estúpida incomprensión y un mecanismo que he calibrado para responder a un pulso de radar extremadamente preciso, en un momento te daré el código descifrado oscuro caballero, oh, pero primero, creo que deberíamos repasar las reglas básicas para las festividades de esta noche . Los micrófonos integrados y otros dispositivos de comunicación con un tema defectuoso o de otro tipo deben apagarse antes del comienzo de la prueba . expulsado del curso regla de hechizos la tercera el uso de equipos especialmente diseñados para resolver acertijos está estrictamente prohibido estoy familiarizado con el contenido de su cinturón de herramientas detective y estaré evaluando cualquier adición repentina en el transcurso de esta noche muy sospechosamente regla la cuarta En caso de incendio o inundación, estaré a su disposición para guiarlo a la salida de emergencia más cercana, suponiendo que no sea demasiado orgulloso para seguir mi consejo . no pidas pistas gobierne los seis si, en mi exasperación, elijo proporcionarte una pista, un insulto oblicuamente significativo o cualquier otra forma de ayuda, no pedirás más aclaraciones, sino que me agradecerás por mi amable generosidad mientras me adhiero a las formas de dirección descrita en la primera regla, regla 7, los descansos para ir al baño se administrarán de manera discrecional si nos encontramos en un momento crucial en su arduo viaje hacia la autorrealización y la derrota espero que mantengas la regla la octava Los accidentes resultantes de mi aplicación estricta de la séptima regla deben considerarse tu culpa completamente la regla la nada qué qué cómo resolviste el primero de esta noche acertijo bien hecho bien bienvenido a mi detective de carreras debes completar tres circuitos de este guantelete terminando cada uno antes de que expire el límite de tiempo despedido ven ahora detective pongamos a prueba ese grotesco egomóvil prepárate como otro intento en esa vuelta katana aguda agudeza mental casi instantánea tiempo de reacción todas las marcas de un verdadero genio batman puede ese motor ram shackle manejar a este cuidadoso detective me gustaría que el auto esté funcionando cuando termine contigo estoy deshabilitando el sistema de seguridad del dispositivo de poscombustión necesito la velocidad extra alterando las sinapsis mantén el ritmo con mi curso de ajuste automático, estoy sorprendido, el caballero oscuro es realmente tan rápido como va , trabajemos ese cerebro tuyo sin desarrollar una vez más en la pista, caballero oscuro ht una vez más ahora presta atención detective ve a la izquierda estás cerca detective no busques a tientas ahora felicitaciones detective me has derrotado en serio caballero oscuro estoy aturdido humillado tiempo totalmente invertido me rendí creo que por qué no sigues tu camino ¿De verdad creíste que un desafío diseñado por mí, el acertijo, sería tan fácil, oh caballero oscuro, dulce centinela ingenuo, por supuesto que no lo sería gracias a tu implacable deseo de exhibirte? Ahora tengo varios cientos de terabytes de datos de rendimiento relacionados con ese último modelo de hurst propulsado por cohetes que está conduciendo naturalmente usaré estos datos para calibrar más desafíos y pruebas lo veré pronto detective hay mucho más por venir el equipo de bomberos desaparecido no está seguro en estas calles i' Comenzaré revisando Dixon Dock West, esa fue su última ubicación informada, crees que ya tuvo suficiente , ayúdame, Batman, Dios, realmente eres tú . arated quitado por favor nos van a matar salvaré a su tripulación espere aquí haré que un oficial de gcpd lo recoja alguien asesinado mutilado impuso un cuerpo en el puente mercante si voy a detenerlos entonces necesito investigar la escena del crimen en busca de pistas alfred encontré el cuerpo mutilado del que hablaba cash voy a tratar de establecer la causa de la muerte los análisis de sangre revelan que la causa de la muerte fue una sobredosis de analgésicos que condujo a un paro cardíaco también las huellas dactilares de la víctima han sido quemado con ácido una muerte bastante desagradable eso no es todo es como si el ADN del sujeto se hubiera corrompido de alguna manera no hay información suficiente para mí para hacer una referencia cruzada de la base de datos tendré que usar el escáner de tejido profundo para analizar el cuerpo en busca de características distintivas y determinar la identidad de la víctima un anillo de bodas intestino inferior la inscripción dice ofelia la deformidad en la oreja izquierda parece el resultado de una agenesia menor del oído un defecto de nacimiento la víctima tenía un reemplazo de cadera tejido cicatricial No se ha curado por completo, por lo que debe haber sido reciente Alfred El nombre de la víctima es Anthony Lund Los registros del hospital muestran que padecía alcoholismo Lo más probable es que se deba a la ruptura de su matrimonio El nombre en el anillo Ofelia Su ex esposa Fue visto por última vez en albuquerque , nuevo méxico, lo que es inusual es que no desaparecieron en gotham , los trajeron aquí y los mataron , ¿por qué necesitamos rastrear a quien haya hecho esto ? una tarjeta de visita me dirijo a la torre del reloj para ver qué oráculo ha encontrado en la toxina del espantapájaros esperemos que sean buenas noticias señor distrito escuchaste sobre el acertijo se ha vuelto loco estoy más loco que de costumbre de todos modos de ahora en adelante identidad confirmada ¿entro en el Bat Cave comienza a jugar con todas tus cosas . Has logrado reducir el compuesto a sus elementos centrales, pero no hay nada allí que podamos rastrear. ¿Y si hubiéramos estado mirando esto de manera incorrecta en lugar de buscar la toxina? Si nos enfocamos en el proceso de fabricación, ¿por qué no vi esto? La reacción emite un pico de radiación único. Realice un escaneo de la ciudad en busca de esta firma de energía. Mostrará dónde el espantapájaros está creando una toxina esférica . Tomará algunas horas. Pon los satélites en posición No tenemos suficiente tiempo Reutilizaré la antena en los estudios de cine Bruce Hablé con papá Odio mentirle Me mataría si supiera que todavía estoy en la ciudad Todavía se culpa a sí mismo para esto, detendremos al espantapájaros , jim, tenemos una manera de averiguar de dónde está trabajando Crain, gracias a Dios, ¿qué puedo hacer para preparar a sus hombres tan pronto como tengamos una ubicación ? hay un loco dando vueltas clavando gente a las paredes hubo susurros después de arkham city algunos piensan que cambiaste algunos piensan que lo mataste sé mejor sé que hay algunas líneas que incluso batman teme cruzar el generador está dañado necesito pasarlo por alto y poder la antena directamente hola de nuevo señor wayne ¿cómo puedo ayudarlo? Esta vez, el cabrestante eléctrico está listo para su despliegue. Funciona al 100 % , aunque no hay garantías. así que improvisaré, el cabrestante necesita un punto de anclaje seguro para funcionar una vez que esté conectado, solo presione la marcha atrás, tenga cuidado con el automóvil, Sr. Wayne, ella es única en su clase, extranjera , uh , oh , hmm , um , oráculo, he restablecido la energía a la antena de radio. me estoy conectando ahora estaba hablando con robin creo que tú también deberías bruce me necesitas ahí afuera podemos encontrar al espantapájaros más rápido juntos lo que estás trabajando es más importante tim puede esperar una noche déjame ayudarte tengo esto debajo controle bien escuche intente registrarse de vez en cuando somos socios recuerde que solo quiere ayudarlo a saber si la antena está lista, sí, pero vamos a necesitar una torre de microondas para triangular la ubicación del espantapájaros. lo he marcado en tu mapa gracias artículo he esperado esta noche la anhelo cuando termine el mundo cambiará para siempre eso es extraño no me gusta los hombres del espantapájaros están protegiendo la antena necesito evaluar la amenaza y el plan y necesito llegar a un punto ventajoso para dibujarlos afuera ni siquiera puedo mirar al tipo si puedo separarlos serán más fáciles de derribar escuchan que alguien está afuera ustedes dos vayan a echar un vistazo la puerta permanece cerrada no me arriesgo lo tengo jefe mantén tu arma en él no vamos a correr ningún riesgo oh oh no puedo ayudarte tres soldados más adentro creen que están a salvo si se mantienen juntos lucius tengo una situación de rehenes tres hombres armados necesito sácalos a todos antes de que puedan reaccionar si está sobre una capa de armadura fluida lista te moverás más rápido golpea más fuerte y lucirás más aterrador mientras lo haces envíalo lucious ahora ya en el aire señor wayne muy bien señor wayne déjame guiarte por el exterior y las capas internas del traje están hechas de un tri-tejido sumergido en titanio que está entre een esas capas donde las cosas se ponen interesantes wayne tech mr fluid se endurece en respuesta al impacto con este tipo de absorción de impactos podrás poner más fuerza en tus contraataques la armadura líquida es más flexible que las fibras a las que estás acostumbrado como bueno , puedes usar esa mayor maniobrabilidad para eliminar a múltiples enemigos en rápida sucesión . El traje también es compatible con el mecanismo de ataque electromagnético del batimóvil . rápido, no se preocupe, señor wayne, ese traje puede tomar las g, ¿ cómo se siente ? el infierno fue que simplemente lo llamaste respaldo lo que está sucediendo cállate ella está tratando de sacarnos el nuevo traje es más rápido y más móvil al acercarse sin ser detectado puedo obtener ayuda hombre ellos Dije que fuiste rápido, pero nunca vi a nadie derribar a tipos de tres brazos así . Increíble. Ahora estás a salvo. Enviaré a alguien a recogerte. Gracias. Dime que vas a encontrar al espantapájaros que ese hijo de [__] necesita para ser detenido todavía no necesito acceder al oráculo de la consola Adjunté el enlace ascendente a la torre de microondas perfecto hice una llamada anónima a gcpd van a enviar a alguien a recoger al rehén vamos vamos conectamos amo el traje por cierto, está bien, ambas torres están completamente en línea. Es hora de encontrar al espantapájaros . Necesito usar ambas antenas para identificar las frecuencias de ondas de radio y micro en Gotham. Si puedo encontrar ambas frecuencias en el mismo lugar, sabré dónde el espantapájaros está fabricando su toxina. Las frecuencias de radio y microondas apuntan a los productos químicos Ace , ahí es donde el espantapájaros produce la toxina , Jim, he rastreado la toxina del miedo, los productos químicos de hoy, ahí es donde encontraremos al espantapájaros imposible . los he comprado o peor estoy en el área reuniré a mis muchachos y me dirigiré a esperar hasta que llegue allí jim estoy de regreso cualquier palabra desde adentro nada creemos que queda un equipo mínimo allí pero no están respondiendo en las instalaciones encerradas si todavía están vivos los encontraré deberían poder decirnos qué espantapájaros está tramando qué diablos vamos vamos vamos vamos muévete muévete muévete ponte a cubierto no tiene nada Déjelo temer manténgalo alejado de sus productos químicos su venganza vendrá esto termina esta noche amigo suyo quédese aquí e iré a averiguar oráculo quienquiera que sea este tipo ha reunido un ejército necesito un nombre está bien tenemos algo aquí de un equipo de operaciones encubiertas que opera en venezuela descubrieron un centro de entrenamiento oculto que alberga a soldados con la misma insignia no hay nada más que especulaciones sobre su comandante aunque lo único en lo que las fuentes están de acuerdo es en su nombre el caballero arkham el caballero arkham piratea sus comunicaciones necesito saber lo que están planeando cualquier otra cosa, queda un equipo de trabajadores de químicos as en el sitio, podrán ayudarnos a rastrear al espantapájaros y localizar su bomba, necesito encontrarlos, cada trabajador llevará un chip de identificación único si puedo acceder a sus registros de personal. Seré capaz de rastrearlos. Hay una terminal de seguridad en una cabina cerca de tu ubicación. Intenta que haya cinco soldados, cada uno armado y peligroso antes de que pueda acceder a esa terminal. Tendré que derribarlos. El espantapájaros me dice que la reacción es casi completa. la evacuación de esta instalación comenzará gmat es en 30 minutos sabes algo sobre química sé que las máscaras no nos mantendrán a salvo pero tiene que haber una manera verdad viste que el espantapájaros evita que el comandante mate al murciélago ¿por qué el espantapájaros quiere a batman? vivo no tengo idea de por qué el caballero lo quiere muerto tanto que es seguro acceder a la terminal veamos si Oracle tenía razón conexión de datos datos activos descifrando alguien necesita actualizar sus protocolos de seguridad Oracle tengo la identificación c odas si llego a un punto alto puedo usar el escáner de murciélagos para ubicar a los trabajadores está bien, he marcado la estructura más alta en el área en su mapa trate de no caerse esto es perfecto puedo soltar el escáner de murciélagos y buscar a los trabajadores Me las arreglé para interceptar un poco de tráfico de radio entre el espantapájaros y este caballero de Arkham y te lo transmití. Ahora lo tenía en mi punto de mira. Podría haber terminado allí mismo. No lo hemos roto, pero vendrá ahora. He esperado lo suficiente. muere esta noche por qué lo odias tanto nunca podrías entender que tu venganza está cerca esta es su última noche me aseguraré de que cualquier idea de quién es el caballero de arkham suena como si ustedes dos pudieran tener algo de historia hizo muchos enemigos funcionó, hay cinco marcadores de identificación que aparecen dentro de las instalaciones, esperemos que todavía estén vivos , las órdenes dicen que lo mantengan con vida, ¿quién sabe? ¿ Quizás la garantía quiera a este tipo ? deber la única manera de rescatar al trabajador es t Derribar esa pared . Necesito llevar el batimóvil al complejo . No me importa si no funcionan. Me siento mejor usando una máscara antigás. De todos modos , ¿estás viendo el pico en el enrutador interno? finalmente comenzó porque ustedes dos no están prestando atención, uh , oráculo, mataron a uno de los trabajadores, tenemos que detenerlos, escuchen, logré piratear la red de comunicaciones de la milicia, podrán escuchar en cualquier canal. como transmisión de ahora en adelante gracias oráculo encontré una manera de llevar el batimóvil al complejo pagarán por esto todas las puertas abren tiempo para traer el automóvil su cañón de 60 milímetros penetrará estas unidades fuertemente blindadas pero tomará algunos golpes directos para destruirlos, señor, atravesó la armadura, tal como usted dijo, está buscando rehenes, mantenga la conversación de radio no esencial al mínimo, estará escuchando, está escuchando, ¿no es usted Batman? Entonces escuche esto para todos incrustados . unidades y gotham operación salvador ha comenzado cada uno de ustedes tiene un rol cada uno de ustedes conoce su rol así que salgan de esta maldita ciudad y ciérrenla quiero que nuestras manos estén bien apretadas alrededor de dios viene dentro de una hora así que puedo obtener algo de ayuda vamos vamos vamos vamos sepárense mantengan su armas apuntadas en él si incluso parece que está planeando dejar esa habitación a tiro abierto oh y evitar el símbolo del murciélago diría uh es un pequeño truco ahí es donde su armadura es el objetivo más fuerte para los puntos débiles en los hombros primero y luego coordinar dispara en los puntos donde se juntan las placas por favor di algo déjalo fuera de esto siempre defendiendo a los débiles y a los indefensos eso es lo que me gusta de ti predecible y es por eso que vamos a ganar sabemos que eres un movimiento antes que tú sé cómo piensas sabes lo que estoy pensando en este momento por supuesto que estás pensando quién diablos es este tipo no, solo estoy tratando de decidir a cuál de ustedes voy a eliminar primero solo para que podamos ambos están en la misma página aquí tengo la intención de matarte, pero primero vamos a hacer sufres no hay segundas oportunidades con este tipo no muevas los vehículos de batman [ __ ] así que me vas a dejar ir ahora bien estás a salvo ahora no sabes ni la mitad de eso batman espantapájaros estaba mantén la calma y dime lo que sabes han estado operando la planta durante horas trajeron camiones armas soldados cargamentos de materiales peligrosos sabían exactamente lo que estaban haciendo él está produciendo su toxina en una escala masiva es muy malo estamos hablando de un Nube de gas que podría cubrir toda la costa este ¿Dónde puedo encontrar al espantapájaros? No tengo ni idea . Todo lo que sé es que sigue adelante con su plan y tiene todo un maldito ejército apoyándolo . Estamos jodidos, Batman. Lo detendré, pero primero. te voy a sacar de aquí espera junto al batimóvil has encontrado al espantapájaros todavía no es peor de lo que pensaba cuánto peor puede ser está construyendo una bomba lo suficientemente grande como para cubrir toda la costa este con miedo toxina toma a tus hombres y sal de aquí dirígete a gcpd y bloquéalo mantén a todos adentro Sacaré a mis hombres de las calles, pero no voy a ninguna parte . Trae a cualquiera que encuentres para mí. Jim, es demasiado peligroso. Lo detendrás. tanques de la milicia por toda la ciudad gotham está invadida si no detengo a la mamá del espantapájaros no habrá ciudad para salvar gran trabajo sabía que no nos decepcionarías aún no hemos terminado jim voy a volver por el otros , uh , quieren más , oh wow , entonces su ejército se acercará a la ciudad , ¿por qué les advertí, Batman, por qué les dio a esos refugiados aterrorizados tiempo para huir ? Apenas puedo tocar la capacidad ofensiva del vehículo del objetivo alfa mucho más allá de lo esperado. Ha estado ocupado . Solo espero haber sobrevivido lo suficiente para ver la fase dos . he estado hablando con robin realmente creo que deberías considerar dejar que te ayude estás despierto contra todo un ejército ella tiene razón somos un equipo esta ciudad nos necesita a los dos puedo manejarlo robin te he dicho lo que tienes que hacer ahora hazlo esto puede esperar no no puedes sabes lo que está en juego necesito que te concentres donde las cosas empeorarán mucho peor no deberías ser tan duro con tim él solo quiere ayudar no dejes que tus sentimientos por él nublen tu juicio crees que lo quiero afuera en peligro prefiero él se mantiene al margen, pero podría ayudarte si robin no puede salvar a esas personas, las consecuencias serán tan peligrosas como las bombas del espantapájaros, más , son tres muertos, ahora estos animales van a pagar, los detendremos , siempre hacemos lo correcto. La isla de los polvos de las fuerzas está bajo nuestro control. Las torres de vigilancia y los puntos de control están completamente operativos. Te atacaré. Estoy aquí. Voy ahora. Dame un troll. Esto es tan alto como el ascensor . un hombre que debe ser más rico que bruce wayne ¿cómo es que nunca he oído hablar de él ? no es su dinero cada supervi llain alrededor para hablar sobre el exceso en el reloj aquí me voy de aquí oh está bien estás a salvo llegas demasiado tarde los dos ya estamos muertos sabes sobre la bomba que está construyendo justo dónde está lo escuché diciendo que estaba en una cámara de mezcla central , sabes lo que eso significa que se está preparando para liberar su toxina . He visto lo que eso le hace a la gente. Si ese gas sale , será un caos. sacarte de aquí ve al ascensor jim he rescatado al segundo trabajador voy a ir hacia ti ¿qué pasa con el espantapájaros? él está en la cámara de mezcla central tan pronto como los técnicos estén a salvo iré tras él es tan malo como suena peor jim pero lo detendré tienes mi palabra oh dios atascado aquí este ascensor es la única salida y está roto cómo estás a quién le importa estoy feliz de salir de aquí alfred vi a sam los escaneos iniciales indican que la nave no está tripulada y está siendo controlada de forma remota . El bloqueo de armas está desactivado. Vamos, dame un muy apretado para que aún no pierdas tu toque bueno, hará que esto sea mucho más interesante buen tiro desearía poder estar allí pero luego sabes que te reíste de vuelta así que el espantapájaros está preparando la bomba en la cámara de mezcla central necesito una forma de entrar y lo necesito ahora estoy trabajando en ello pero necesitaré un par de minutos encontrarlo bárbara la paciencia es una virtud lo has oído bien supongo que no estos dos tuvieron suerte las fuerzas del espantapájaros han asesinado a los otros trabajadores bastardos llévenlos de vuelta a gcpd, pero ten cuidado, jim, hay milicias por todo Gotham, ¿qué vas a hacer? Voy a mostrarle a Crane lo que sucede cuando él oráculo. Necesito esa ruta al espantapájaros. Nos estamos quedando sin tiempo . solo una entrada y ha sido sellada desde el interior . ¿Qué pasa con el túnel de servicio que pasa detrás de la pared principal de las instalaciones ? Te he enviado la ubicación. ¿Qué vas a hacer ? mi plan no me defraudes i never disappoint what do you think they're planning first we need to focus on stopping scarecrow then i'll deal with the night batman i think i found a weakness in those drone tanks i'll investigate and report back soon you hear that you got our tank sorry what tank profile says it's a car why are they saying tank i don't know i hear it's a big car so what now that damn souvenir the soldiers are covered by that sentry gun i'll have to take them out quickly to avoid detection you really did go to the briefings i've been waiting years i hope he's getting this way because i'm ready for him oh batman we made it back to the precinct god knows how there are tanks everywhere the bastards must have been planning this for weeks dig in and do what you can jim i'll deal with them as soon as i've stopped the explosion we're all counting on you batman we'll get through this i know we will move listen up i just got word that phase one is complete right now our client is preparing to engulf the ci ty in a cloud of fear gas do not forget your training gas masks useless respirators useless only two things get back up oh i've just run a simulation based on the mixing chamber capacity he's not bluffing bruce i guess now we know why he evacuated the city he needed control of the plant only ace chemicals has the facilities to build a bomb of this size the fallout will be huge we played right into his hands he didn't care if everyone ran he knew that no one would be able to escape the blast radius you've done good work to that people gotham is ours gentlemen tonight is the night that gotham changes forever the night it becomes a wasteland of nightmares a forsaken symbol of batman's failure a monument to fear but more than that we're about to turn gotham into the epicenter of a blast that will transform the entire coast of america i need to stop the chemicals being loaded into the mixing chamber once i clear the room i can focus on stopping the explosion where's the knight we need backu ps going back for another need i remind you that we are on a tight schedule here gotham is going to pay for whatever xavier did to me to me you guys okay you see anything report i'm okay yeah yeah me too no she's on the observation door on the observation deck emergency blast radius is at 31 miles and driving it appears that the flow of chemicals is stopped which can only mean that you are here batman i've been looking forward to seeing you again i know you're out there the door is open you're even more afraid than i anticipated you know where to find me batman i'll be waiting do you really think you've won fear makes you predictable i am in complete control how do i shut it down let me go or she dies what are you talking about gordon have you found him get out of there now relax no one knows i'm here nothing hurts like losing one of the family knowing that there is no one to blame but yourself alfred i heard what that maniac said to you sir i've been trying to contact miss gordon unfo rtunately with no success keep trying what are you doing it's too late you can't stop it i know i'm not trying to stop it but i can reduce the blast radius and what will happen to you that doesn't matter find her alfred neutralizing agents these canisters are highly volatile i'm going to have to move slowly be very careful sir i urge you to reconsider evacuate now if you're caught in that blast you will die there's no other way alfred there's always a way sir please neutralizing agent deployed blast radius reduced by 25 where is she alfred i have no idea it's my fault they took her she was aware of the risks master bruce she'll be as angry as you are that she's allowed this to happen sir listen to me don't you see this is what he wants without you gotham will be at his mercy you cannot let him win uh good neutralizing agent deploying i'm monitoring that facility you're out of time i'm begging you leave now it's what you taught me do the right thing that's all that matters master bruce i implore you you must get out of there if this is about miss gordon you cannot blame yourself for what's happened save yourself before it's too late goodbye alfred uh percent miss me great how the hell am i supposed to get in voice pattern analyzed identification confirmed welcome commissioner gordon unbelievable foreign what the hell is this place what do you want pig coming in here eyeballing me you think you can police me nobody pleases the goliath oh oh don't tell me don't tell me you are the police commissioner your face was on that billboard they replaced with mine what are you waiting for old timer johnny c doesn't do requests miss me already bats oh it's you commissioner boredom what have you done with my soul mate if you try to come between us i'll carve you a smile so wide your head falls off commissioner thank god you have to get me out of here they've locked me up running tests like i'm some kind of guinea pig there's nothing wrong with me batman i'm glad you came jim you need to see this what is this place who are these people before it killed him joker sent his infected blood out to all the hospitals in the state i know we tracked it all down we missed some how hospital errors transfusions that went unrecorded five people were affected untreated the blood's gestated too long it's altering them they're becoming joker my god it's a form of kreutzfeld jacob disease but mutated beyond anything on medical record what about that one he doesn't look like the others henry adams he's been infected the longest but he's symptomless immune to joker's blood i've got robin running tests to find out why one thing's for certain henry's the key to all this i've cooperated i've done everything you asked you said it would only take a few days you can't hold him here against his will we're close jim we can't let him go until we save the others wait you said five i only count four there's one missing he'll be here soon bruce can you hear me bruce oh don't act old surprise bats you knew this was going to happen sooner or later me stuck deep inside you together we're going to give this thing what it deserves a new batman a better batman a darker more we can come back to this later first we need to agree on some priorities sure you've saved the city by reducing the blast but ace chemicals is still about to explode you need to start looking out for yourself after all you're brooding for two now warning explosion i need to escape these chemicals before it explodes and no i'm not talking about you you're a big lump i need to escape base chemicals before it explodes i need to escape base chemicals before it explodes oh bats i missed you all the subtlety in new orleans enema um foreign alfred oh thank god when the explosion i thought you might be it's okay alfred i managed to reduce the blast radius and prevented the toxin from spreading into the city but what about scarecrow or this arkham knight character they've got tanks missiles their forces are all over gotham crane got away i was exposed to his toxin good lord are you all right remember what happened at the asylum it's okay i had a bad reaction but it's over it to now i've never been a fan of his concoctions until now but this patch it's intoxicating it really brings out the me in you sir did you hear what i said commissioner gordon has been trying to contact you thanks alfred jim you got out see i said you wouldn't let me down i need to speak to you sure what is it meet me outside gcpd prisoner detention i'm heading there now alfred analyze the militia forces troop deployments equipment movements i want to know exactly what i'm up against i'll perform a full analysis of the occupying forces and report back shortly you might fool everyone else but you can't fool me if there's something different about you you're afraid you've always buried your fears block them away deep in your subconscious but something it's too dangerous need to take out the enemy vehicles before entering the gcpd lockup offline i can't wait to see the look on his face when you tell him his daughter's been kidnapped and it's all your fault i've got to go batman's here what's wrong jim come on you're scaring me it's barbara she's been taken no no no i spoke to her she said she got out she left hours ago stay calm we'll get her back which one who's got my little girl scarecrow they took her from the clock tower all right we need to go there could be a clue something that will lead us to her i'll follow stay in contact you've got to tell him it's your fault at some point that's and the great thing is i'll be standing right there when you do jim i need you to stay focused it's dangerous out there drive slow and let me deal with any trouble why did i let this happen there's no way you could have predicted this jim it's my job to predict it as a cop and a father the whole thing's gone down on my watch up ahead we got company who are they militia i'll handle it commissioner gordon i say again your pri ority is to apprehend the commissioner i want him alive let nothing stand in your way open fire vehicle down just one more to get he's gonna that's it that's the last of them we're clear it's too dangerous jim get in the batmobile i'll take us to the clock tower just get us there in one piece batman we're running out of time sir before you head to the clock tower i thought you may like to hear the analysis of the arkham knights forces you requested what have you got alfred i've set the bat computer to analyze militia presence across the three islands and provide you with a real-time representation of the occupation strength in each zone as you can see murgani island is heavily occupied with a substantial drone ground force controlling the roads founders island is the malicious stronghold protected by long-range radars and a missile launcher i'd recommend keeping the batmobile away from there for the time being the remaining drone forces on bleak island have been redeployed to protect t he clock tower so expect significant resistance thanks alfred i'm heading there now sergeant yes sir extraction squads down take control of the clock tower drones he's coming switching to manual control i'll stop him sir the clock tower is surrounded i'll clear the area and let you know when it's safe to head inside you're losing drone sergeant the movement on that thing it's difficult to get a lock multiple drones offline what the hell was that quiet simultaneous dry capabilities then faster direct hit on rattler armor still holding your time's gonna count batman there are militia troops all over the clock tower gym you'll be safe in the batmobile i'll let you know when the area is secure i'm not just sitting here while you go after those bastards yes you are jim barbara wouldn't want you to get yourself killed i'll be in touch the minute i'm done it's not safe to enter without taking out the militia troops on the roof of the clock tower let's hope ace so just the start brush yourself batman it's gonna be a long hey what happened to you hold on i need some space here oh where is he keep looking you three can still take him be smart be quick be alert was it really him of took the bait just like course boss said fate what do we bait now not us the commissioner's daughter i should have known this would happen he's gonna take us out one by one quit whining and keep looking we got him outnumbered i need help here where the hell did he go he's using smoke all that training he's pointless man he's gonna get us he's not he's not i teach you every move he's got and you still don't see him coming what's your name jim the area is secure meet me in the clock tower colleen is that you again candygram oh don't pass out just yet come on show a little spine just wait till your father gets home he's going to be furious about all this mess ah nothing like a trip down old memory lane hey bats and now a front row seat to the main event you would have thought old jim gordon had been th rough enough first some handsome young maniac cripples his daughter now he's blaming himself for her being taken you really should tell him this is your fault bats i'm sure he'll understand i mean it's not like he went out and got his daughter killed not yet anyway the night's still young jim's on his way up i can't do that now oh god no this isn't your fault jim of course it is crane's done this to get to me i should have been here there's something i need to show you we haven't got time she's not like us identity confirmed she's strong jim stronger than you realize she works for you this is all your fault i will find her she's my family my daughter she's all i've got i never should have trusted you never i'll do this on my own stay away from my family i think that went quite well considering of course i wouldn't have told him but that's why it's so liberating being me you've got a lot to look forward to bats i need to find out what happened to barbara they covered their tracks by dis abling the clock tower security cameras if i hack the municipal cctv system i should be able to monitor all access points to the building that's no good i need to find out who took barbara that's the arkham knight he's got barbara i need to confirm which car he took her in there that's the vehicle they took barbara away in those tires are amartech d60s i can program the batmobile to track their unique tread pattern it'll lead me right to them lockdown clock tower authorization batman how did i think about it how did scarecrow know to go after your it department i mean i had no idea she worked for you when i shot her i just got lucky seriously i was aiming for her head oh if i'd only had the tire tracks will lead me to barbara i can use the batmobile forensic scanner to follow them alfred i want the arkham knight's name as do i master bruce he has presumably chosen that title for a reason where do you suggest we start arkham city go through the files of every inmate who was released fol lowing the death of hugo strange and alfred sir they knew about barbara activate the batcave security protocol don't drop your guard i've got oracle batman now you care who i for am looks i see you've begun pitting that mediocre mind of yours against my riddles so solve my riddles if you can later alfred the militia have deployed a device it's burrowed deep into the road yes i see it similar devices are being planted across the city i'll investigate i should check that device before i leave i can't leave without checking the device it could be a bomb it's a bomb alfred a well-armored one oh dear in that case uh should you really be standing quite so close i'm going to set up a remote link to the bat computer and hit it with every virus we've got once we're hacked in i can expose the core and defuse it with a controlled explosion very good sam though i should warn you that the militia has already deployed a platoon of its unmanned tanks to stop you they won't sir the virus upload has de stabilized the device if you move too far away and lose the connection it will flatten everything within a ten block radius as you predicted sir you're trying to use the device the drones you requested have been deployed i know sir i'll stop him dead direct him these machines are relentless i like you they don't give up they don't hesitate they don't hold back and they are not afraid of you back then cauldron unit destroyed the bomb's payload is exposed i can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion you think that's it dark knight i've got this whole city wire to blow try and disarm the explosives and you'll face even more of my drones you see i've waited years no one is taking this from me i'll get a charred crater if they try sir that warning was broadcast publicly i suspect the arkham knight wishes to discourage outside intervention i should pick up the arkham knights trail riddler tell me what you know all right i'll talk just don't hurt me good such hatred in your eye s back in his chemicals you must be go afraid alfred the arkham knights trail leads into miyagani island lower the mercy bridge ii can't we're locked out the militia must have hardwired into the transport control system find me their access point right tracing the network traffic it seems to have all been re-routed to grand avenue station then that's where they'll be i'll proceed on foot and take over their access point i'll contact you when you're able to lower the bridge be careful sir ghani island is rife with militia drones and troops listen up man we control the bridges but that can and will adapt stay alert watch the skies the station's crawling with the arkham knights militia i need to clear them out and find the access point they're using to hack into the transport network will do to us what happened the chemical factory blew up checking on do it this way guy where over here yeah i'll meet you there start checking for men down nothing we can do here spread out and find him let' s see if the guy he took out is okay let's be quick he's making us look like idiots this isn't good no no it's not nothing we can do for him get revenge i'm gonna assist the guy he took out earlier watch nothing less with the arkham knight's men taken care of i can use their uplink terminal to lower the bridges isn't that barbara's job oh right in all the excitement i almost forgot you don't really believe old jimbo's gonna forgive you if you save her he holds a grudge bats i should know alfred i've re-enabled the bridge controls marvelous i'm rebooting the network now forget scarecrow it's time to face your one true nemesis batman oh dear is that who i think it is enigma contact me when you're ready with the bridge riddle me this why would a batman visit an abandoned orphanage eddie sweetie you've confused me with robin the big guy and i aren't all that close oh oh i know it's because of what will happen to his feline friend if he doesn't get here in time shock dark knight stunned you didn't expect this did you that is because you are no match for me edward the riddler and your intellectual superior did you think i would just forget our last meeting dark knight you humiliated me i know you will not beat me this time it is utterly impossible you cannot do it i have one already i will mock your attempts to solve my conundrums i will stand triumphant over your bloodied corpse and as the dim light fades for good in your tiny dullard's mind your final thought will be how i have bested you come to the orphanage detective or she dies yeah i [ __ ] batman once broke my arm in three places but the way i see it lightning ain't gonna strike the same place twice what do you call a guy who takes down riddler has catwoman tell me why i don't know anything i swear i just tied her up and left her inside why what's nick must play i ain't got a clue i just brought her here and planted some of those trophies nearby that's it you gotta believe me i do so batman that had better be you and you had bet keep still are you okay perfect what little girl doesn't dream of being bait for her strapping dark knight we're leaving you might be but i'm not ah both contestants are finally here tonight folks we've got riddles galore but first let me introduce my beautiful assistants i'm growing tired of my dependence upon the least useless drugs i can scrape from gotham's utterly uninspired underbelly why rely on others for help when you can design program engineer and manufacture it yourself try and keep up i have more in store for you than things no doubt you enjoyed that detective it's the most fun you'll have all night you see dark knight this feisty felonious feline has been fitted with a shiny new collar with each challenge you complete you'll get one little key collect every key and the kitty goes free remove it too soon and the kitty goes boom but don't despair dark knight you did one challenge already so let's see how long it takes for you to turn a running start into a s tumble and fall take that rocket-fueled roadster and head on over to chinatown detective your second test is waiting i'll be back soon you'll be back right away guys like eddie let me be until sir i've regained control of the bridges good work i'll contact you when i'm in position at mercy bridge well batman oh boy this is quite the dilemma isn't it do you save the incompetent friend who got herself kidnapped or the incompetent friend who got herself kidnapped personally i go see eddie's latest contrived death gauntlet i'm sure he went to a lot of trouble the slides you can't save all of barbara i killed half of them i need to go back to the bridge to bring the batmobile onto miyagani island oh crap well well dark knight eager for more it's humbling isn't it the opportunity to even glimpse my greatness the dawning realization of just how insignificant how unworthy of note you really are really these trials are my masterpieces detective when i have defeated you they will become monument s to my genius testaments to your stupidity crowds of school children will pack themselves in this elevator eager to see for themselves the place where the dark knight was defeated they won't understand a thing of course but they'll come a trial so elegantly simple that even you should manage a feeble grasp of the premise you must provide power to this board detective you know dark knight on balance i don't think you're going to figure this out so now this isn't just a test of intelligence dark knight it's a test of skills um well done detective your true calling is a third-rate circus stuntman becomes clearer by the day well well you figured it out your blundered now then detective hop on the pressure pad beside me listen carefully dark knight your friend's life depends on it back in the orphanage a series of glass cabinets have appeared in front of catwoman isn't that right my dear i see them eddie good one of those cabinets my dear has your first key inside the others they contain l ess useful keys keys that will unlock the admittedly slight contents of your skull all over the orphanage walls your job detective is simple figure out which cabinet catwoman must open and don't get it wrong so most of them will kill me one of them won't great okay batman let's see if you're as smart as they say one down just this once i've lowered the count on catwoman's collar by two digits to account for batman's earlier success i could have simply started the count on eight but well nine lives i couldn't resist now catwoman celebrate your survival by telling batman all about the exciting orphanage development why batman there's a big mysterious green door yes yes there is come back to the orphanage batman and i'll let the pair of you through it well done dark knight you should i hope be beginning to comprehend the breadth of the tasks ahead of you the sheer scale of the gauntlet i have thrown down or perhaps not perhaps perhaps you're feeling cocky perhaps these early victories hav e filled you with false hope well then ride that wave of smug satisfaction all the way back to the i'm orphanage i never thought welcome back to the riddle torium do not fear your friend has not been harmed before i allow you to see her however riddle me this what kind of question can only be asked upon reflection reflection good luck good luck no dark knight you're way off the mark the mark you're testing my patience aren't you trying to drive me insane as i watch you struggle with that riddle i've made it easy now all you have to do is stand in the right place and scan well well it seems to have earned the right to see your friend your friend why she'll be as surprised as i am that you've made it this far good you're back eddie wouldn't show me whatever deranged parlor game he's got waiting behind that door until you arrived i'll get you out of here i'm sorry do i seem testy it's probably something to do with the gorgeous necklace eddie picked out for me have you seen it it explodes oh i do hope you two are getting along because you'll need to work together if you want to find the key hidden in here find the key wow that's creepy someone's been reading a fang's play for serial killers oh great extra trapped as if the collar wasn't enough oh batman catwoman neither of you is getting out of there without the other's help so well there we go it's set you're not quite as dumb as each other congratulations batman catwoman you're lagging behind behind oh dark knight i can barely describe to you what a pleasure it is to see your brow furrow over the simplest of conundrums i do apologize for not creating a riddle that you can nearly take it out into submission here why don't you take out your primitive frustrations on my automated assistance prototype dark knight these are merely prototypes so try to mitigate that primal feeling of try well then it seems you've earned another key this is going to take all night isn't it wow that was fun at least i got to hit something how are you holding up i'm fine i don't need your concern just your help getting this thing off i wouldn't celebrate just yet you two dark knight my next challenge can be found beneath elliott memorial hospital conveniently located for when you pass out due to mental exhaustion hey bats when did catwoman get so cute must have been when i started looking out of your eyes you're gonna ask her out or what ridler's next trials in bristol he's losing alfred and that makes him dangerous perhaps the real challenge is tolerating his relentless self-aggrandizing commentary is the cape alfred i'm at the bridge one moment sir i should probably warn you there's a significant militia presence ahead newly noted i managed to access the files miss gordon was working on before her abduction it would seem she found a weakness in the drone sir a direct hit from the vulcan gun on their sensor array should destroy them with a single shot sergeant mercy prince is being lowered and ready to engage arkham knight come in defense has breached he's moving onto miyagani island not now sergeant establish roadblocks lock the island down is down batmobile spotted kingston i'll crush you next time dark knight i'm everywhere unit destroyed batman he's in bristol he's hitting us hard enemy flight mamba offline drone unit destroyed at the gardens target sighted destroy him i got it alpha target wiped out the drone unit in kingston despair cars empty the arkham knight must have taken oracle and moved on i should examine the vehicle more closely okay the car veered off an empty road why looks like the driver wasn't wearing his seat belt i should find the body okay traces of pepper spray on the right side of the driver's face oracle must have been in the passenger seat and deliberately caused the crash clever i should check the area where she was sitting the door was torn off during the crash if i can find where it came to rest i can determine exactly what happened torn cleanly off the hinges the door must have been opened before the crack oracle got out i need to examine the reconstruction pinpoint where she landed oracle got free of the vehicle before the crash huh oracle stopped here someone took a shot at her i should analyze the point of impact for ballistic evidence the caliber of the weapon is a match for the arkham knight's sidearm the trajectory and impact velocity points to a shooter that matches his height at this range he couldn't have missed a warning shot i've missed something oracle knew she couldn't escape but she caused this crash for a reason she must have left a clue while crawling away oracle left me the scrambler device at the scene of the crash decrypt the data so i can pinpoint the arkham knight's location ah this kind of thing was more miss gordon specialty i'll see what i can do but it'll take me a little while i'll meet you at wayne tower when you're ready alfred give me an update on gotham's most wanted one moment sir right these two are just in a mysterious h ooded figure has been spotted on a rooftop in grand avenue he appears to be standing beside a burning bat symbol sir it might be wise to establish whether this interloper is friend or foe reports are also coming in of a blaze at the bristol fire station one suspects arson sir as the power to the building has been cut disabling the fire suppression system you may wish to investigate next trials in bristol he's losing alfred and that makes him dangerous perhaps the real challenge is tolerating his relentless self-aggrandizing commentary uh the preliminaries are done with dark knight i hope you understand that oh had i so wished you'd have failed before you would even begun to comprehend the very first hurdle but no no no i wanted you to know the full extent of my brilliance you understand to fully appreciate my superiority but now well i'm not going easy on you anymore another racetrack detective but please do not let its unique peculiarities crush your spirit shall we begin no dark knig ht you are not losing what little grip you had on reality you've merely entered a brave new world of my design i control these that ceiling applies 300 dead bats of pressure detective detective i invented the measurement myself i built this course in a sewer detective you needed the home team advantage onward batman or does the dark knight require a pit stop very good dark knight again careful now batman you didn't go to all the trouble of painting that thing just the right shade of black in order to scuff it have you noticed batman the walls of inevitability are closing in do you even know what a racing line is that's it i'm cranking it up 500 dead bats of pressure you know i think the wheels on that thing might actually be as thick as your skull feeling claustrophobic detective what a fitting in for you detective a stain on my floor i can see it detected you're miscalculating corners swerving through straight it's time one dead bats of pressure oh dear that would have injured someone whose skull wasn't so thick another lap would be the end of you dark knight and i can't quite bring myself to stop the fun so soon your next key awaits oh good the fun part and here we go congratulations catwoman you proved yourself able to follow simple directions i must say dark knight that your desperate bumblings have exceeded my admittedly rather meager expectations i am impressed this must be how naturalists felt upon observing chimpanzees using tools for the first time did you know detective that the cleverest chimps can even obey simple instructions it's true true let's try it shall we go to gotham casino for your next test and i'll give you a banana i'm going to continue disarming the malicious explosives there's one planted right next to the botanical gardens they'll throw everything they have at you sir nowhere to hide rattler's been hit i should be connected shortly sir expect minor resistance master bruce batman's spotted by the memorial hospital batman took multiple hits over got him rattler offline he got a drone sir bomb sir a gcpd helicopter has reported one of the missing fire crew being held hostage in the grand avenue area i'm afraid we don't have an exact location good luck i'm in control is there a reason you're avoiding the trial beneath gotham casino don't tell me i know you're afraid i'm afraid of being beaten afraid of humiliation really it might help you it's the freaking fact of it left like a failure and more like a sacrifice of yourself to me ah thank you i thought i was dead for sure those animals think what do you remember about the attack the chief had us heading back into the city searching for civilians he said we weren't leaving anyone behind and then from nowhere this fireball or something slammed into us ah mr blackdown next thing i know one of these psychos is stubbing a cigarette out on me have you found the others what about the chief i'm still looking wait here i'll arrange for you to be taken to safety riddler's trials in kingston he's been toying with me so far enjoying the sense of control i doubt he'll be playing games much longer heaven knows how his insanity has manifested itself this time oh oh detective i can't tell you how pleased i am that you're playing along with my little game you literally cannot imagine what it's like to be so intellectually removed from the rest of the human race i couldn't honestly say you offer me a battle of wits dark knight but your feeble resistance makes a pleasant change from the instant capitulation of everyone oh dear dark knight what a pity you couldn't bring the batwing to this one very good dark knight since you insist on dressing like a flying rat i thought i put those abilities to the test test fat the only mammal contrary to popular belief very few fats survive on blood most species subsist on insects whereas you prefer to live off undeserved praise creatures known to prey on bats include hawks owls some spiders falcons and oh yes of course me it must feel wonderful detective floating majestically over a city filled with your my mute inferiors much like being me more cabinets great i love this part can you trust him catwoman okay time to possibly maybe die well this is not how i wanted to spend my night another key collected i trust you're not giving her false hope detective oh good more fun well dark knight detective you have passed another test i cannot help but admire the spirit with which you have thrown yourself into a task for which you are woefully under-equipped i almost feel guilty when i contemplate what's coming but another of my riddle rooms is waiting i'm going back to the orphanage i celine is imagine what cruel games kyle i've lost him you've got the numbers bless it out damn animals how are you doing can't fault the entertainment i hope the varying amounts of pressure don't get to you what's eddie's problem fanatic narcissism egocentrism and megalomania crossed with severe obsessive compulsion don't mention it congratulat ions to the dementedly dressed duo your key awaits oh oh but what's this an electrified floor or you do it you still owe me for arkham city goodness you figured it out already well you better grab that key and be on your way meet the second generation of my android allies i've built a variant specifically tailored to each of your dubious abilities okay all the dangerous battle combined there's more where that came from batman i built a highly efficient production line to help leave those you know what detective i'm glad you solved this riddle because it takes you one step closer to the riddle that kills you eddie really hates you doesn't he he's an ego driven narcissist who can't let anyone else win gee if only you'd met under different circumstances his obsession's getting worse he's going after my allies ally after this i think we should dial it back to known associate for a while this was nothing dark night nothing a new trial awaits you detected by divinity church and i'm waiting t oo great news bats i was just hanging out in hell you know because you killed me and sent me there and you'll never guess who i saw that's right your dead girlfriend tell you how cool don't worry i asked she's totally cool with cat lady having a go on the old scratching post max we have a riot nice of you to drop in mr wayne i suppose you weren't really dressed for the front entrance have you finished the decryption fully decoded i've downloaded all recent militia radio transmissions and their corresponding coordinates to your machine thanks lucius i can scan the network for the arkham knight's voice print and determine the location of his last broadcast identity confirmed good evening mr wayne match location verified got it the knights transmitting from the miyagani tunnel network glad to be of assistance mr wayne while you're here we've been working on some further upgrades for your car let me know where you'd like us to focus our efforts an upgrade to your weapons generator will let you overcharge the batmobile secondary weapons you'll be a force to be reckoned with ah you'll like this wrote it myself when i saw what you were up against this evening the drone virus hijacks the militia tank's weapon systems and causes them to target their allies an upgrade excellent choice well prepared right away now if there's anything else you need i'll be here all night it's not like i could leave this city even if i wanted to you know if i'd ever been curious about your identity i would have torn off that mask years ago i always figured the truth would be a letdown but i have to admit masquerading as gotham's least interesting socialite is one hell of a cover story the dead parents are just icing on the cake you had to go and spoil the surprise i was hoping to keep her under wraps until she's ready next generation disruptor she's still a couple of weeks from completion but i figured you'd appreciate a working prototype i should have her with you later on this evening thanks l ucious i think i might need it hold off until i get there alfred i don't want to spoil the surprise changes you raised yourself above the batman inspired the herd but what happens when their idol falls from his pedestal in front of their eyes you've got contact heavy contact outside the tunnel suggest immediate expel sir no i'm not going anywhere we lost one sir you look like a fool lost the diamond i've lost the drone this ain't over alfred i'm at the tunnel entrance open the doors just a moment sir i'm accessing the building's security mainframe alfred there's another blast door i need you to open it oh dear it seems they've locked me out of the system they must know you're here don't worry alfred i'll find another way have you made any progress on the cure getting there hey i haven't heard from barbara for a while is she okay she's fine she's working on something for me it's important but she's safe right don't worry tim just keep working on that cure oh that's how very me of you no w i can see why you didn't tell him after old jimbo's hysterical overreaction still if you cared about barbara the way that little sidekick of yours does maybe she wouldn't have got that in the first place their star star-crossed patsy like me and you shame they're being torn apart thanks to your crusade so let's recap barbara is kidnapped and let's face it probably dead you're lying to lover boy wonder about it and dear old jim's marched off on his lonesome to save the day not your best day at the office bats something on your mind come on let robin out of his cage you can't force him to slave over your cure plus if he gets himself killed out there you won't have to tell him about barbara it's win-win you think he's really gonna fix your nasty case of joker riders not a chance i'm chronic brucey i'm lingering we both know there's no cure for me can you remember when it was simple back in the old days when it was just you me a regular war against crime well take a look bats things chan ge now it's just war with you standing right bang in the center of course like with any war there are casualties it's inevitable unavoidable like death well maybe not death titanium coated armor plating nice unless you know exactly where to shoot you're good even better than i remember it's gonna make it even more satisfying when i kill you oh and don't worry about barbara i'll take better care of her than you ever do batman's in the control room show him what happens when he messes with my city you're not getting through me just me and you trust me got him now wow you're not the only one who can bring a tank to a fistfight you're just the only one afraid to use live rounds that guy doesn't know you very well now does he i think you're trapped down here what kind of supervillain thinks i'm pulling to the stomach and a handful of tanks will stop the batman strikes on multiple friendlies time to rescue oracle and make the arkham knight pay i see you back in the car master bruce i'm going after the knight he's here in the tunnel then let us know he has miss gordon with him foreign he knows where she is alfred he's not getting away that car's gonna smash us to pieces keep them away i'm under heavy fire fire take it out immediately the driver isn't the arkham knight but he'll know where i can find him how does it feel to be chasing the wrong man oh where is the arkham knight you won't find him you think i didn't know you were tracking my broadcast location it's a lesson batman i know how you think which means i know how to beat you where is he with barbara gordon she's ours now can you imagine what the night's going to do to her what are you doing no you can't do this where is he he's gone to see the little man the penguin he supplied the safe houses for the attack the night's gone to pay him for his services that's it that's all i know remember something else he uses a refrigeration company as a front the trucks distribute weapons throughout the city what's it called no rth north refrigeration thank you alfred i need you to find out everything you can about north refrigeration of course penguin's supplying arms to the arkham knight and right now he's the best lead we have to finding barbara i'll look into it right away sir ah i can see mr fox is trying to contact you lucious mr wayne your new batmobile upgrade is ready to deploy the batwing is enroute to grand avenue sir i've discovered an exploit the arkham knight was using to broadcast via your gauntlet rest assured that all of our communications are securely encrypted should i lock him out to prevent further disruptions keep the channel open alfred the more he talks the more i know about him sir we just tracked a fast-moving aircraft heading in on grand avenue this thing just pulled a j-turn clocking into 12 g's i don't know anything that can do that i do show them what it means the weapons generator mark 3 allows the user to overcharge secondary weapons increasing their offensive capability batmob ile spotted grand avenue alpha target just to the diamondback armor breached right look down trying to hard sergeant i want that car wrecked diamondbacks hit it won't take another strike diamond back down grand avenue unit destroyed sir i've been looking into north refrigeration as you requested it seems master grayson has been investigating them for some time good tell him to send me what he has he insisted on seeing you in person sir he's on his way from bloodhaven with the pertinent information he'll meet you on a rooftop overlooking the ranilla ferry terminal thanks alfred in the meantime sir scans have established that the arkham knight has mobilized his senior lieutenants in armoured personnel carriers throughout the city we currently have a lock on one such vehicle should you wish to intervene and remove them from the battle let's see what nightwing's got on north refrigeration if i find penguin i'll find the arkham knight indeed master grayson confirmed he'll meet you on the bu ilding overlooking the ranaler ferry terminal still lurking around on rooftops you shouldn't have come here not tonight look are you kidding me when i heard about barb north refrigeration tell me what you know penguins using freezer trucks to smuggle weapons out of bloodhaven now i think he stockpiling arms right here in gotham the question is where cobbleputz the best lead we have on barbara i need to find that weapons cache if i can intercept one of his trucks it'll lead me right to him huh if only you knew someone who's been tracking their movements what you didn't really think i'd come here without a plan did you i'll handle this you're needed back in bloodhaven come on bruce look let me help you can't do it all on your own it's too dangerous i won't risk losing anyone else bloodhaven needs you all right i can take a hint but if you want to keep tabs on the truck you're gonna need this it's a prototype straight out of rd the old fox has outdone himself this time i'll see you around bruce i can disable enemy weapons using the disrupter sabotage ammo i've only got three shots i should pick my targets wisely the crate's electrified now anyone trying to resupply is in for a shock don't you like free guns you look like the guy who killed my brother and you look like the person who melted off my buddy's face you see me holding a grudge i guess see one big happy family that disabled the firearm if i use the disrupter again it will explode when fired knocking out the user and flooring anyone nearby equipment sabotaged time to introduce myself seem like a nice guy really no he's a freaking maniac man stupid gun i thought let's see a truck full of weapons and explosives i can use the disruptor's tracker ammo to tag the vehicle and follow it across gotham now i just need to give them a little motivation to lead me back to their hideout what did you forget no no no it's batman get the hell out of here subtlety work if they hear the car they'll be spooked i need to follow th em for the vehicle tracker if they hear the car they'll be spooked i need to follow them from the rooftops keeping out of night sight we're gonna mess you up so what do i do just keep driving maybe we can lose him can you see him i'm private here okay okay i can't see him you think we lost scarecrow supposed to be dealing with a damn i thought bag said this was gonna be easy no one said anything about batman we lost him thank god head back to the hideout before he finds us again did it we actually did it screw batman he's overrated anyone follow you batman tried but we scared him off yeah right get your ass in there the boss wants to talk he said don't be late i don't buy this alliance crap still i'd rather hear bro that guy my plan is to stay as far away from scarecrow as i can i suggest you do the same this must be penguin's hideout over here ah don't let him get away oh man the roof was heavily protected this must be the way inside come on do something you're making me look what do we do about the bad batman don't worry about batman he's about to become extinct yeah we lost him he's nothing you see i told you he couldn't even keep up with youtube in a crappy little truck he's overrated listen up this is gonna be great he doesn't even know you're here come on we've been working with the other freaks the arkham knight barbara gordon tell me where they are so that's who he had the commissioner's little girl i'll break every bone in your body cobblepot hey we're going to see some keys are called simon stag a fakie runs a pharmaceutical company or something do not lie to me i'm not i swear he said he's about to leave gotham those airships over the west river it belonged to him put him down we'll shoot but we'll do you any good scarecrow's gonna break you you are going down batman hold him sturdy fellas i've been working on my swing watch and learn gonna knock his head right out of the this is you handling it right i don't worry you can thank me later he ain't got a ch ance in hell wow oh here comes oh come on we can't let any of these weapons get onto the street this cash needs to be destroyed bruce you need to let me help i had it under control i told you i need you back in bloodhaven now scarecrow these weapons this all affects bloodhaven too the best place for me is here look with the amount of weapons penguin has been running into gotham this cannot be everything he must have other caches in the city search this place for evidence it should help us locate more of penguins refrigeration trucks what a wanker let's put him out of business hey seriously do you believe that accent mary only puts it on to sound scary i need to close the vault door and contain the blast please what are you doing bats come on don't lock me in here i'll do anything i want your laundry done i'll do it help out alfred you got it i need to be at a safe distance before i detonate i shouldn't detonate until i'm further away i'm going after barbara i'll contact you as soon as i track down any of penguin's trucks thanks dick i appreciate it what are friends for bruce ambush oh you wait there bats let your dear old uncle jay sort out these chumps i'll be killed instantly if i drop down there has to be another way i'm just not seeing it i need to find somewhere i can get a clear shot to take out the militia ambush you're the sniper he's probably dead anyway of course he is professional he didn't stand a chance it's always alfred what do you have on simon stag now let's see the ceo of stag enterprises a company that specializes in advanced medical research and development i'm heading to stag's airships now scarecrow was on his way there and that's our only link to finding barbara the threat analysis indicates that founders island is covered by the militia's long-range radar and missile launchers the batmobile will be detected and targeted as soon as you cross the bridge don't worry alfred i'll go in on foot and stick to the rooftops find me the schematics of th ose airships right away best of luck sir factory was the only weapon i had uh um alfred run analysis on the blood sample i just uploaded right you are mr bruce i'm searching for possible matches now how you managed to get this sample is beyond me sir ah here we are the blood is heavily mutated but we have a partial match a dr kirk langstrom search for any properties in gotham owned or leased by dr langstrom certainly let me see ah he and his wife lisa basement laboratory in chinatown i'm sending you the address that tortured creature was once a man dr kirk langstrom there must be a cause for this transformation his lab might hold the answer proceed with caution sir the creature could well be hiding in familiar a surroundings before really that surprises me yeah black cops paramedics coast guards traffic wardens pest control but never fired by us tonight's a special night for you man you guys are crazy he can't help it when he starts collecting i'm so proud of you honey go on tell them what you've done there's a computer maybe it contains some answers this computer stores all of dr langstrom's research mixing his dna with a vampire bat was never going to end well if i search through his files i may be able to create an antidote to his condition i need to isolate the manbat's signature and remove it from langstrom's dna bye oh that's it i've created a clean dna sample now all i need to do is make him take his medicine alfred i've synthesized a cure in langstrom's lab now i just need to find him any idea where he may be hiding he's not in control of his actions he could be anywhere no one knows this city better than you master bruce you'll find him again his wife your parents what is it about dead relatives that turned you into a giant rodent the citywide scan has picked up one of the militia apcs i am relaying its location to you now sir he's here take them out support's down dammit on the back streets cash i've taken out one of the malicious apcs i need the driver pi cked up and taken back to gcpd i'll get someone on it i didn't think scarecrow had what it takes to pull us off he proved us all wrong alfred i found another body the mutilation pattern looks to be identical to the previous murder victim then it appears gotham does indeed have a serial killer in its midst and here i was thinking this evening couldn't get any worse i'm going to scan the body for unique identifiers scar tissue on the upper arm i recognize the pattern 20 years ago this was a badge of honor among inmates at blackgate penitentiary a small group of racketeers known as the bloodhaven six remnants of a pacemaker fitted through the right ventricle if i cross reference the manufacturer with the pacing method it will help to narrow the search clear signs of bone deformation on the victim's knee joint line sclerosis points to juvenile arthritis a rare and debilitating condition alfred i've id'd the victim as franklin acardo his records are a litany of drug-related offences sir in and out of prison from an early age he was serving a 20-year sentence of blackgate before being released early on grounds of ill health due to a heart condition he moved to little rock arkansas which is where he was reported missing another person taken from outside the gotham area a significant detail sir so are these words written beside the bodies try and find a connection between the two victims i've found alfred there has to be something linking them together i'll try my best wow the militia have captured stag's airship and set up a watchtower with sentry guns looks like it's controlled from that central command point i need to take it out that soldier is equipped with a device that can track my detective mode systems if i use it for too long he'll be able to pinpoint my location and alert the others all right work together don't let the bastard get us he's taking one man that means nothing tactically he's still weak find him and break him you heard what the man said batman's here somewhere we take him down no mercy what's your status talk to me no enemies detected sweep the area find him this way over here you'll scare me okay i've taken out the militia now to disable the tower i'm at the airships what did you find well the ship's original schematics reveal a service hatch that should be accessible from the top of the aircraft it would seem mr stag is rather protective of his research i expect the security to be high thanks alfred lucius how's the remote hacking device coming along i think i'm about to need it maybe you should add clairvoyance to that job description mr wayne i'm uploading the latest decryption software to the device in the vault at wayne international plaza you can collect it from there noticed there's a service hatch on top of the airship i can use the remote hacking device to get in i can see why you like it up there bats gives you time to ponder the really big questions like is oracle dead is it all my fault who's going to die next the hat ch is locked from inside if i can locate the control panel i'll be able to bypass security using the remote hacking device does it work of course it works never seen anything like it that's because it's new state-of-the-art drone technology what can it do we went over this in the briefing the controller that's me operates the drone from a remote position the onboard software allows for independent targeting of up to three hostiles three but we just needed to target batman correct the other two are just a bonus now the soldiers are using an unmanned drone if i can download the security codes from the soldier controlling the drone i'll be able to turn it against them just giving you a little demonstration as you can see the targeting and maneuverability systems are almost perfect i need to get closer light is white that's good that means it's just identified you as a friendly in this mode you're safe just remember when the light i've got the codes now i can turn that drone against them i see you have found your way in sir any sign of mr stag not yet but the arkham knight and scarecrow's forces have moved through this place killing everyone they must be there for a reason sir what are they planning barber's the priority when she's safe i'll deal with them but sir you have the chance to end this now capture scarecrow and you can save the whole city it's what miss gordon would want i'm not losing anyone else alfred denied inoculation and treatment i should now have full rotational control of the airship stability system however the hacking device will only work within a certain range of any control terminal you rock my world whatever it is is probably close real close right under our pointy noses close so uh i've been waiting for it those soldiers have got stag and from the look of him he won't last much longer i need to save him where are the files i'm not telling you you want us to cut off your fingers i don't mind we start with the fingers and see how high we go befor e you tell us please we will find them you know we've got crews tearing this place apart the longer it takes the more you earn choices they can't have them they're mine corrections soon they'll be scarecrows and you'll be dead you just need to decide how many pieces get buried yes sir again have some fun boys batman oh thank god you're here thank you they were going to kill me why what did you do nothing these animals came in and just started shooting they were collecting those cylinders nimbus generators a totally clean power cell technology we've been developing we're scarecrow he's on the second airship did he have anyone with him oh you mean barbara gordon i think we both know she's probably dead don't we bats hahaha target is secured we're bringing him to ark two over batman no quiet wave goodbye that's the last time you'll see him stag's been taken to scarecrow on the second airship but is protected by gun turrets bear with me a moment right the schematics show a security termina l in the research laboratory towards the rear of your current vessel you should be able to disable the turrets from there i should search the area for another stability terminal i can hack nearly bats i could feel you losing control there a little more of that delicious fear gas and it will be all over for you did you think you stopped me at these chemicals batman you merely delayed the inevitable gotham is mine to do with as i please and the same can be said of your friend poor little barbara gordon close your eyes can you see her cowering in the darkness cursing the hero who failed her she has become your weakness your obsession dragging you deeper into the abyss i could have her killed right now it would be cruel sadistic but i have other plans both of you eggs so look about what happened down there i wasn't trying to kill you i was trying to kill your mind so uh we still pals friends for life anyway don't blame me blame scarecrow and his patented joke a liberating miracle tonight y ou gotta stop me find him no way batman's not stupid enough to try and come up here we're in a damn airship he comes in here he's dead don't get cocky you are nothing compared to him make good use of that drone there's the console i need to clear the room of hostiles before i can either i need cover here keep a lookout can you hear me i'm with you how many is this now this is number four oh now that they're out of the way i can use that console to disable the airship's defenses nice work that man but come on let's be honest hmm the weapon system controls are locked behind a scanner keyed to stagg's fingerprints without a clean set of his prints i'm locked out maybe the cctv camera feed can help me i should scan the footage to see if stagg's hands touched any surfaces during the abduction i might be able to reconstruct the full set of prints this is no good he isn't touching anything in this frame that's not a full handprint i need to find moments when stagg's hand is flat on a surface stag will have left a hand print on the floor there i should check for other places he touched there's more chance of getting a full set of prints i need an image of stag touching parts of the room he touched the floor after he was thrown down the stairs i should search for more prints this won't help i need to see if stag touched anything on his way out he's unlikely to have left any prints at that moment he touched that railing when he steadied himself i should find more prints to reconstruct a full set stag left a hand print near the exit to the room i know where stag left his prince now i just have to scan those locations so what's the deal here reconstructing a match using all these itty bitty pieces oh and speaking of itty bitty i've got an index fingerprint here three locations left to scan i've been able to reconstruct stag's middle fingerprint two spots left to scan i've completed reconstruction of stag's thumb print one side left i've got the full set i should be able to acce ss stag's computer system now so you're going to use a reconstruction of staggies handprint to access the computer oh that's genius bats really oh i know when you're done let's hack his online dating profile i can't remotely disable the turrets on the other airship but i can control the turrets on this ship that's the weapons dealt with scarecrows next so sir regarding the identity of this so-called arkham knight what have you found nothing sir none of the former arkham city inmates who remain unaccounted for fit the knights profile widen the search when joker took over the asylum dozens of inmates escaped focus on young men with military experience downloading the files now sir what the hell did you do to me helped you idiot anyone who touches you now gets a thousand volts the malicious combat suits can temporarily carry an electric charge i won't be able to hit them when they're in that state ah we go apologies for the interruption mr wayne but i can ready another upgrade for the car if you'd like to take your pick the localized emp blast will disable nearby vehicles and incoming missiles ideal for when you find yourself in a tight spot excellent choice sir nothing like a short-range emp blast to afford one a little breathing room but don't worry the batmobile's immune hmm oh gentlemen an announcement our one-time friend mr stag neglected to keep the cloud burst charged and ready for operation we will need to do the job ourselves i need men in biological engineering varying energy cells to charge the device and i need more men to defend them do not fail me i should stand clear of the containers before tilting the airship empty accessing research notes user id 29 accessing research notes user id silence september accessing resource notes user id human testing has not been the breakthrough i hoped for alfred stag and scarecrow were working together on a project codenamed the cloudburst but if that's the case sir why is scarecrow attacking stag stag must have double crossed him he's here for the device i'm giving you remote access to stag's computer network search for anything related to the cloud burst i need to know what it is uh i have vacation please let me go i've got so much money even batman won't be able to stop us but you couldn't stop yourself from betraying scarecrow for a little more i'm sorry i'm so sorry no you're not sorry yet but when scarecrow's toxin starts pumping into this cell i think you just might be oh god no i've seen what that stuff does someone help me but it'll attract a lot of attention when i take out the mini gunner i should leave him until last all right all of you we need to charge the clown first and stop batman from getting to the boss fail at either of those objectives and i will personally make sure you're sucking up tear gas with stag got it listen to him and they're just crying they'll be crying harder when the gas comes on some sort of smoke oh you've got to get me out of here they're insane you lied to me y ou've got one more chance stag one i uh i okay okay look uh scarecrow came to me he uh needed my help with the cloud burst what does it do no no no don't let them touch me the cloud burst egg tell me what it's for i don't know it's all over my skin it's crawling all over my face i should leave you to your nightmare okay this is it the moment we've both been waiting for scarecrow's just down there so are you gonna stop him and save oracle or am i going to get another hit of that delicious gas while you watch helpless as she dies how do we decide roll up roll up it's the pictorial scarecrow show so where's our first contestant you the one with the ears step up and have a go bad luck bats you're not dying it just feels like you are my toxin is filling your lungs drowning you in your greatest fears what can you see a city engulfed in fear betrayed by those you trust the most your darkest secrets revealed as i tear your mind apart gotham will watch i will cut that mask from your face and th e whole world will see the fear in your eyes then they too will understand there is no savior no more hope no more batman maybe it's already happened what look at me i'm amazing and this body i can't believe how strong it is you win batman such brutality you need to do something you need to stop him good something's changed you're different i prefer to call it a work in progress but it does show potential you're trapped there's nowhere to run who said anything about running sir scarecrow is broadcasting across gotham you need to see this how does it feel to see your city on the brink of ruin your friends in the clutches of death you stressed yourself too far this time batman and now your failure is all but complete as that final dying breath escapes her body she will know you are the one who failed her someone's attacked the fire station in bristol i'm going to put out the blaze and find who's responsible it's him power to the fire suppression system has been cut i need to get it back online to get the blaze under control firefly you beat me once but that was a long time all ago don't be afraid batman embrace the pain i'll insert this will not be like last time you can't hold a candle to me drown in flames tonight this stinking city will be purified by flames you know sir i believe we've met that charming pyromaniac before firefly it seems scarecrow made everyone aware that gotham would be defenseless tonight he's dangerous alfred keep watch for more fires just think all your buddies going through the same hell as you what we hurry all the way here and cranes killed her already he's got no sense of occasion we both know fear is theatrics batman so permit me the indulgence of putting on this show maybe i got bag face wrong oh here comes the toxin i can practically taste it what's happening barbara yes you see it now the horror behind the glass the monster that will be your end unless you pick up that gun and deny him don't listen please please no barbara it's me your friend you won't get me i won't let you get me you will bring death to all who follow you sir what's happened she's gone alfred what do you mean barbara scarecrow was punishing me he killed her no oh my well sir we need to focus the people of gotham need you i should have protected her alfred she's dead because of me sir please listen stag's files have revealed what the cloud burst does it's a dispersal device sir don't you see scarecrow has the means to engulf the entire city in fear toxin you stopped him from making it operational but it's only a matter of time sir did you hear me he heard you he is wondering how he can live with himself master bruce don't let miss gordon's death don't let it be for nothing oh you can't bring her back let uncle jay take charge no more bad memories no more pain no more fear scout honor ivy oh no sir alfred run a satellite scan of the city let me know the instant you locate the cloud burst of course sam where are you going gcpd ivy was immune to scare crow's toxin you think she will help she doesn't have a choice batman what happened if the safe house was not some cruel game it was necessary tonight is about more than gotham it's about what you became in that room the hero who failed that's what i want the world to see aah i administered the antidote but it wasn't enough i need to track him down and inject him again i heard penguins boys had the back corner then one of his little helpers turned up i gotta taste the scarecrow spear gas once i really really don't want another one good to see you batman what the hell happened on that airship scarecrow took the cloud burst i'm guessing that's bad where's gordon he's still looking for barb i can't reach him tell me you found her batman cash i'm sorry no don't say not her if gordon comes back here lock him up he goes after scarecrow it only ends one way i need your help from where i'm standing you need a miracle why didn't the gas affect you you are scared you would be too if you knew wha t scarecrow's planning and i should trust you why because without your help every plant in this city will die about that miracle i created a spore to counter the effects of crane's toxin it's easy when you know how and can manipulate plants on a molecular level could it protect the entire city theoretically but there's no way i can produce enough on my own then let's get you some backup where to the botanical gardens they're the oldest plants in gotham they'll tell me what we need to do cash the shutter door isn't opening what's happening there's one big mother of a tank driving around out there it doesn't look friendly neither do i open the shutter door and i'll scan it from the rooftops see if i can find a weakness i'll open it try not to get killed there's the tank i'll need to scan its hull to find a weakness i can exploit i need to zoom and focus on the target to scan from this distance i'm too far that's the rear scanned now i need to scan the sides i've already analyzed this sec tion this section's already been analyzed that's the right side scanned i just need to scan the left side i've already analyzed this section the cobra drone has enough firepower to rip the batmobile to shreds in just a few shots and its armor is too thick for my weaponry to penetrate head-on however there is a weakness the drone's rear exhaust port leads straight to the power core one well-placed shot with the batmobile 60 millimeter cannon should take it out i can use the radar to track the drone's movements and get behind it for a clear shot at the exhaust port cobra scout destroyed impossible we know what caliber rounds he's using the armor was impenetrable you can't just roll a single heavy armor unit into the field and expect to crush him under it he's better than that initiate stage two attack protocols deploy all cobra units in group formation mr wayne i trust that tank didn't give you too much trouble i thought you'd like to know that the batmobile upgrade you requested is read y for installation at the clock tower facility assuming the car's still in one piece of course thanks lucius do you mourn batman or are you really the stoic character you play beneath that mask there's a man of shore a man who grieves a man who suffers a man who fears the reckoning to come i'm near the clock tower an electromagnetic pulse designed to temporarily scramble drone weapon targeting and divert incoming missiles now to get ivy to the botanical gardens the tanks appear to be attacking in formation i need to keep my distance and strike them from behind there's nothing here he's gone return to patrol pattern eventually cobra offline i've got support nearby i'm sending it in barbara gordon worked for you she fought for you and look where we got here whatever you're planning it won't be enough you can't fix this tonight ends with gotham's ball and me watching you die try and get me to the botanical gardens in one piece batman or you can kiss that miracle goodbye we're here ivy wha t now look at her she's been here since before man walked the earth she still holds great power but she's weak poisoned by decades of pollution she won't be able to fight scarecrow's toxin on her own then we need another there aren't any left like her not anymore what happened what do you think man you cut them back built over them stop them from reaching the sun if i can locate the roots could you revive them they're lost buried beneath this concrete monstrosity how will you the bigger the plant the deeper the root you wait here i'll find a way to break them free so lucius i need a way to track an ancient root system it's deep underground i'm sure i can throw something together but it may take me a little while come to wayne tower when you're ready thanks lucius alfred give me an update on gotham's most wanted let's see nightwing has been tracking another of penguin's trucks this will undoubtedly lead to another cash and a chance to rid the city of cobble park and his flood of weapons we also have a robbery in progress at the bank of gotham in chinatown surveillance footage confirms that the perpetrators are known associates of two-face perhaps mr denter's misplaced his coin whatever his reason he needs to be stopped thanks alfred sir a gcpd squad car has reported possible gunfire near the docks east of the movie studios it's believed to be one of the missing fire crew proceed with caution the captors look to be honest nice driving idiot he's right there just go you want to take the wheel yeah i'd like to see him try i thoughtfully located my next challenge by divinity churchyard detective so that you can desperately pray for help in overcoming it it's too dangerous to try and free the firemen until i take out these captors somebody find that freak now oh god i need to take out the thugs before i try and free the fire over watch here ugh what the hell happened i don't remember anything your truck was attacked you and the rest of your crew were taken hostage by riot ers it's over batman not even you can save gotham this time i won't give up i'll find your crew wait here an officer will come and take you to gcpd they'll see me if i try and follow the truck in the back i need to follow them without being seen using the car won't work penguins thugs will never return to their hideout if they can see the batmobile what are we gonna do we gotta get off the road anyone see him i'm trying to drive here i don't see anything you think he's still out there or should i know hey boss we got a problem what is it it's the man he's following us i don't want to hear that if you bring him anywhere near my guns i'll do you some serious damage where is he now i don't know i can't see him just cause you can't see him don't mean he can't see you next time i'll hear from you it better be good news penguin is using the psionis industries building as a front for one of his weapons caches i'll take point h before beauty bruce i'll keep my entrance understated as always an ybody seen that anarchy guy a kid love this you know hugo strange is like scarecrow but but he's done food packages too you know how long has the bat been i should drop in and pay them a visit he won't come here trust me oh yeah right the last time i trusted you real funny what you gonna do with your kind of score relocate what are you talking about like this is i forgot how well we worked together i hadn't i only work with the best and best of all there's no boss this isn't over yet by my count pengo must have at least three more of these caches in the city that equals a lot of guns on the street it's gonna be a long night i'm used to it just keep tracking those refrigeration alfred i'm heading to wayne tower parking garage let's see what lucius has come up with to locate ivy's plant mr fox hasn't failed you yet sir lucius open the parking lot entrance i i thought you were here already mr wayne must be a glitch in the system i'll get that checked immediately you know if you want to ge t anything off your chest now's a good time mr wayne the perimeter's been breached we have some uninvited guests nothing wrong confirm multiple hits over i've locked the drone batman's taking out a drone lost the diamond drone down outfitting the batmobile with the latest in ground penetrating sonar mr wayne just fire out a pulse and the onboard computer can generate an image of what you've scanned below and yes it's sensitive enough to detect long dead plant roots assuming they're there to be found lucious we can't risk another incursion lock the building down and transfer remote production to alfred consider it done mr wayne good luck with the gardening master bruce i'm afraid those drones were just the beginning i've detected a significant redeployment of vehicles from founders island into the north and south of the city it seems the arkham knight is tightening his grip i'm ready for them alfred ivy i found a way to track the root systems beneath gotham follow the roots they'll take you where you need to go i can feel her batman get closer it feels weaker you must be further away i hear her crying and trapped break her free batman ah ivy they're attacking my plant protector keep firing bring it down yes sir establish a perimeter no one gets on this roof i can make her bark harder than steel but i need time i'll protect it keep them away i need more time keep fighting batman protect your batman just a little longer not long now i'll break your name it's done she's fully mature she should be strong enough to neutralize scarecrow's toxin let's hope we don't need to find out stay in the gardens ivy i'll let you know if the situation changes alfred tell me you found the cloudburst i wish i could sir but i'm encountering rather a lot of interference no doubt a deliberate attempt to disguise their movements run a full analysis of the arkham knights forces of course sir but i'll need some time upload the data to the bat computer in the movie studios when you're ready yes sir in the meantime there are numerous open cases yet to be investigated okay if you see batman hey man what's the time seriously what do you mean we're posted on a rooftop opposite the biggest clock in gotham and you're asking me what time it is alfred we can add a third victim to the list this is becoming rather ghastly sir it brings to mind a spate of murders at the beginning of your career it was halloween then if i'm not mistaken turned out to be rather a long one if i recall i'm going to try and identify the body this wound is relatively fresh inflicted while the victim was still alive abrasion to the epidermal layers confirms the somewhat crude removal of a tattoo the position of this scar indicates the victim underwent surgery to remove one of their kidneys a plate made of tantalum used here for a cranial fracture most probably the result of a boxing accident the victim's callous knuckles would only be acquired by a professional fighter alfred the victim's name is ella montgom ery it appears the kidney was donated to a twin sister who unfortunately died this seems to have been the catalyst for her boxing pursuits and hence the cranial injury she went missing in huntsville alabama that's three victims all of them abducted in various places around the country keep looking for a connection alfred the writing by the bodies suggests the killer has a higher purpose it's as if these weren't good enough for what he has in mind do you think there are other victims yes and i don't know what he has planned for them two faces crew is robbing the bank of gotham in chinatown they're not getting their hands on one cent of gotham's money the militia have set up a watchtower inside the urban rail station in chinatown you'll need to consider your approach son it seems heavily secured what kind of boring post is this stuck in here guarding a portable radar dish with all the actions out there what it's great we've got a sea view gun turns protecting us we're not exposed to what ever those freaks pop into the air next and now i thought i'd get to see him for myself there's no way he's getting past these bars two faces crew is robbing the bank of gotham in chinatown they're not getting their hands on one cent of gotham's money oh yeah ivy and the bad best blow it thugs won't hear me over the alarm no need to be quiet i can hit them fast hit them hard keep bringing the cash and we'll be done here in no time this is incredible we thought you might show up bad man we were counting us man no no look batman i need the money it's hard to find honest work with eased it's sweet that you still try and live my planet got another man down over here keep your eyes open still here stay away bat blow the crap out of you i used to have rules batman now i have the easier coin way no wringing our hands no hesitating just doing what faith well then boys looks like that bank has a fat infestation since we're making such a large withdrawal why don't we take care of it for them loc k the doors and find it whoever kills the bastard and brings us the body gets doubled their cut two-face locked us in the thugs aren't after money now they're after me and there's no alarm to cover the sound of my attacks what's going on anyone see him nothing me neither i'm sick ugh batman you got this wrong the bank of gotham it launders money for the mob or what's left of it you remember the mob right the guys who burned half our face off because they couldn't get to you no sure there's plenty of clean money mixed with the dirty but what isn't tainted in this town so stay away from the banks you'll regret it if you don't cash two faces crew went after the bank of gotham in chinatown i need you to disable the bank security gate and pick up dense thugs so all right boys go go go we're gonna be rich even after harvey takes his cut well both his cuts my attacks will be covered by the noise of the alarm no need to be subtle the money i never seen so much cash no please okay man every tim e that bad gets one of you we're gonna toss this they get boy in your plane it's fail for this jump we'll tell your wife gentlemen it's bonus time you want to double your pay tonight it's as easy as this two-face cut the alarm i need to be quiet won't work on us i don't like this one bit you guys okay yeah everything's rosy what do you think you think this is funny he's out there waiting to pounce are you kidding me there was about a dozen of us up here we'll end up the same way if we don't like a man he ain't no man oh no this guy is he dead where are you at on me so you can't wake him up we're gonna find a battle took him out everybody okay over here where is he hey what happened to you tearing us to pieces how the hell will we take this guy out i'm still trying to figure that out yeah well hurry we can't help him he's out cold keep a lookout you think you're taking us down bet no chance keep hiding you're safer that way he's too dumb to figure that out i could have sworn there was a great here ugh he is he ain't getting away again batman i knew you wouldn't let this slide remember when i had the principle remember when i told gordon we should arrest you said we shouldn't work with vigilante you promised me we'd crush crime in gotham within a year was i ever part of the plan or was i just a distraction a pretty boy lawyer the mob could focus all that hate on well you tore them apart last chance get out of my way or i deal with you myself cash the dresser bank secure send a car for dense men on it when scarecrow show back on batman when you eventually turn up for my trial by divinity church you will be relieved to discover that i have picked out the perfect spot for your course to the nearby graveyard oh this is it the biggest bank in gotham let's set a record tonight boys just like the others these thugs can't hear a thing over the alarms i'll hit them as hard as i can man down don't let him stop us you should have left us alone old friend rich but well the coin h ad other ideas he's oh got another man batman over here we don't forget what happened batman you settled up all those years ago grace take out the great he's just a man killer how do you do it batman play hero when you leave guys like me behind the coin wants him dead damn it kill him but here you are lost ugh you should have let us be batman but here you are all of you out tales you lose batman and these guys will make sure bring us his corpse no more alarm to hide the sound of my attacks i need to be quiet hey i'll get you down from there hold on oh god no doc i'll get you down from there you need to wake up batman you must have grabbed him from up there i'll cover you oh what happened i'll get him down and see what's wrong with him over there come on i'll shoot him down and see what happened ah here signal's gone damn it i know you're there old friend ah all of your choices led to this moment mad man kent look at me batman can't look at my face come on stop hiding look me in the eye cash i've captured two faiths i'll bring him to you send a car for his man settle down dent don't call me that he's dead i don't believe that i wish i was dead i'm a freak because of you that wasn't my fault you're the man who put that acid throwing bastard in the dark you said we'd save gotham i'm sorry harvey can't trust end of the line dent never count me out of the game hands off the boss bat freak yeah he's twice the man you are save your breath we'll get our chance not anytime soon still trying to preserve the balance of justice hey batman impossible all the crimes you missed while capturing us so how's it hanging hard color me insensitive but i've always wanted to ask did everything get split down the middle alfred i'm heading to the movie studios prepare the analysis of the arkham knight stronghold on founders island it's time we took the fight to them very well sam the lion's den awaits just think open robin is down there right now planning his life with barbara probably thin king of means for all the little rugbats they'll have what a lucky boy she is so lovely how are you going to tell mr drake about barbara you'll be devastated he could do something dangerous i'm not not yet i need him focused on the cure sir it was bad enough keeping miss gordon's abduction a secret but this it's wrong we have to make sacrifices alfred consider those sacrifices wisely sir if he finds out she's gone and you didn't tell him you will lose him forever good to see you batman i'm guessing this isn't a social call is it as bad as it sounds out there worse but nothing you can't handle right sir the long-range scanners have not been able to locate the cloud burst deploy the batwing and run a low-level thermal scan we can't sir founders island is protected by two radar towers connected to a long-range missile launcher you won't be able to get the batwing or indeed the batmobile anywhere near there i can destroy the radar towers on foot if we can just find a way to disable the dro nes protecting them well there is one possibility i've identified a special drone that appears to be acting as a relay hub managing all communications if i can get my hands on that drone there's a chance we can reverse engineer the security protocols and give me a window to take out those radar towers a chance perhaps sir but it sounds dangerous too dangerous it's the only way i'll keep you updated i still haven't heard from barbara trust me robin she's fine i need you to focus on the cure you don't have to do this on your own bruce i can help you it's under control we need that antidote we're getting there it won't be long now look if you need help you know where to find me i thought for sure you were going to tell him come clean like you did with gordon ah but you realized why break him now when we can crush him later it's so i've been rooting around in this bad infested cave of a mind and it seems like you actually believe this cure nonsense hello bruce forget about the cure you jus t concentrate on taking out the arkham knight the last good thing you'll ever do the relay chip will allow me to temporarily blind the drones that should give me enough time to take out the two radar towers i need to destroy the radar before the drone comes back online that's the first radar tower dealt with we do this right we're in good with the i can't sabotage that until i upgrade the disruptor stay alert man we can't afford to switch off you can't hurt me i'm gonna put you down uh oh bruce i know how you feel about this arkham wanna battle the same way i feel about those cheap joker knockoff you've got at the movie studios there can only be one joke about and it's me i mean you i can use the remote hacking device to temporarily blind the sentry gun massacres a lot of them and purify the joker gene pool yeah i've got some interrogation skills i did some jobs in hassaraqua with a guy named he knew how to make people talk is alfred i've dealt with the radar now there's just the trivi al matter of the long-range missile launcher once it's been taken care of i can deploy the batwing to scan for the cloudburst i'm heading there now we've lost the second radar he bypassed the sentry guns how is that possible just keep the missile launcher in play i control respect you think he lasted this long on luck yeah and it's about to run out this thing actually works i hope batman makes a move we're ready i'm picking up the signal again i've lost the signal roger guppy copy that where are the others checkpoints i've got them located we lost him start checking for men down ah nothing we could do here spread out and find it cheap shot i'll give you that one for free hair up watch your backs we got another man down everyone on me the armor on the missile launcher is too thick for me to penetrate i need something with a little more punch it's being protected by a defense shield i can lower it in the control room i'll stay in the control room and bring the car in remotely i can't let the militia get in here and re-enable the defenses alfred i need you to lower the bridges of course i see you're making full use of the batmobile's remote guidance system sir batman's lowering all three bridges into founder's car to destroy island missile launcher deploy striking dealt in a target location now yes sir what about the batmobile activate the cover squadron right into the ground drone offline sending a cobra to support there's a whole world of hurt coming your way batman we lost him sir nothing here our time will come we'll drag his corpse to these streets location taking out the tanks is my first priority i'll deal with the missile launcher after we know where you are batman you're not getting out of that control room alive you can't hide forever we've lost one programming cobra to respond sir i don't think five tanks was enough talk to me commander area scan complete we've got nothing quicker next time is down strike team delta deployed they're heading to target locatio n you're trapped knight you put up a good fight but now you lose time to take out the missile launcher rooftops clear target's in the control room moving into secure hold on lieutenant he's mine you got me okay okay i give up where'd oh seriously he heard you boys coming from a mile away those pointy ears aren't just for show you know sir the launcher is secure as long as we control the skies he'll never find it good are we still on schedule we're answering the final phase your patience will be rewarded soon are you not yet dark knight come on man just try and hit me wake up oh the arkham knight tell me you have a name i don't of the few arkham asylum patients who weren't recaptured and sent to arkham city none appear capable of organizing and leading such an assault he's not a ghost alfred he's got training and a grudge widen the search to include anyone ever committed to arkham because of me sir you heard me that's a great many individuals i know alfred i'm trusting you to narrow it down um it do you think you get out with me you think i'm just like all the others alfred the arkham knight's missile launcher is destroyed i'm calling in the batwing to start searching for the cloud burst upload the results to the clock tower once it's complete okay now we're done playing soldiers let's have some real fun we'll take turns you do a little bit of ooh i know crime scene investigating or some of riddler's oc delightful scavenger hunt then i'll do some hit and runs in the batmobile i promise i'll hand control of your body right back when my turn's done speak up we can't hear you you can't touch me you can't beat me my god i need thanks batman where are the others tell me they're okay don't worry i'm getting them back i shouldn't even be here i was laid off two weeks ago bunch of people were government cutbacks apparently gotham doesn't need firefighters anymore until this happens then they want us here saving lives at least someone in this place is looking out for us thank s stay here an officer will come and take you back to gcpd foreign how many guns does it take to bring down the bat i'll tell you what what the hell who's out there oh crap drive drive it's batman oh god batman he's failing us try to lose him i'm trying put your foot down he's gaining on us nobody said anything about the fat showing up anyone see the bat i can't see anything i don't see them either you think we lost them i don't until you know why am i hearing your bloody voice why are you all so sodding useless sorry boss oh that's all right then aborigine accepted no not really he's already gotten two of my caches if he gets number three your family jewels are coming off now again you're taking us to the drop-off right sure am we might not get another chance i told you i could shake him so much for the bat he never had a chance it's like i said the bats lost his touch we got nothing to worry about so really sticky should be stuck on guard duty just give me something to shoot let's ge t over there penguin has a stockpile of arms near the fish market in drescher same drill as before dick you got it you got ammo yeah bobby i'm good how about you knuckles you hear that what could've swore i heard hey pipe down boys batman show his face here tonight smart can't wait to spend some of this damn money what the hell what are we doing here man regarding the merch has been rhetorical you been sleeping with a dictionary or something prime looting to be i'm honored hey buddy this is gonna hurt i'll destroy you come on admit it bruce you're having fun i won't be satisfied until i bring penguin to justice i should back away from the vault i'll be too close to the blast i can imagine penguins not too happy with us right now can only have a couple of these weapon catches left keep looking let me know as soon as you find anything of course i wouldn't miss on his face i'm headed to divinity church riddler won't give up alfred his pride will let him you all break his spirit sir i have every confidence the unexamined life is not worth living detective and i've been wondering why i let you aggravate me so you're a cheat and a liar a dressed up strong man playing with expensive toys world's greatest detective and everyone from gotham to star city believes it i cannot abide a broad detective a dilettante masquerading amongst his intellectual bettors stealing every last scrap of appreciation dignity and respect welcome detective to the drain i'm going to figuratively and quite possibly literally flush you down the goal of this aquatic examination could not be simpler detective lower the water like so before that however it's time for a riddle riddle me this detective what do bats do when they're at home well done detective i think you're getting the hang of it foreign that one batman the water might be lower but you're still out of your depth you know detective if i'd rigged that grapple point to detach you could be dead in a moment but where would the satisfaction be i n that you will be your own downfall detective i have no doubt ah another switch where the water is almost as low as catwoman's chances of freedom why don't you celebrate with my friends it's all part of my immaculately constructed master plan struggling detective i'm afraid you're running several minutes behind my projection ah this is why my projections were off i failed to consider both your incontinence and your stupidity as two distinct variables apologies detective i will recalculate post haste do um so so excellent excellent you are barely keeping up to the precise degree my equations predict careful on your way out the drone sensors are temporarily disabled but i can only hack one at a time so the previous drone will be back online this you know the line between perfectly designed riddle and unfair death trap really comes down to user error hey eddie can't we play a different game this one's getting old here's hoping eddie hasn't started cheating and they say black cats are bad luck another key well done of course you'll lose all nine lives in an instant should i push this detonator another door unlocked what a surprise i have always been the smartest man in the room detective forced to endure the suspicions and mockery of those whose meager mental faculties prohibited them from appreciating that fact and then you appear in gotham dressing up your cognitive capabilities marginally superior as they are to that of the average hoodlum in the guise of a crusading hero and oh how the people eat wounds to the orphanage hero it's time to rejoin catwoman for another trial i'd just like to say what a novelty it's been constructing riddle chambers for two half widths instead of one why that's practically a whole width between you dark knight when you failed your feline friend and are done mourning over her headless corpse perhaps we'll do this again with uh robin or maybe that prodigal son of yours over in bloodhaven can you get up there the ceiling easy riddle me thi s can a maze still a maze if it doesn't have walls did that hurt catwoman good that pain is what stupidity feels like feels like you know oh eddie you're going to feel very very stupid when i catch up with you halfway there now for a final twist twist twist nearly there selena done on this side okay done over here congratulations and now your reward robot robot robot so fine the key take the key i suppose you just about earned it seriously eddie how much longer is it going to take well how clever the pair of you must feel how smug well i hate to intrude upon this miserable little moment of victory victory but i wanted you to be aware you're very unlikely to see one another again catwoman the batman will fail you because waiting for him beneath ronaldo ferry terminal is my greatest trial don't let what ridler said get to you this is your chance with catwoman betsy she's granola ferry terminal okay riddler this game ends now speaking of which backup it's a bad drive is coming after us th is isn't dark night we're done well you're done for at least i must admit that i'm feeling quite charitable at the moment of my triumph so i will give you a choice rather than carry on towards your humiliation and death i will simply let you drive away in return for a signed statement testifying towards my superior intelligence and conceding that i have utterly checkmated you oh uh the cat will remain a hostage of course a symbol of your failure but this is my finest work detective my masterpiece my enigma resistance so let us take that inexplicably life-sized children's toy for its final drive this is in dark knight your tutelberg your bay of pigs your ultimate defeat that fit detective drive faster drive headlong into defeat behold your doom what impossible that cannot be you should have fallen to your death i calculated the curvature precisely i got the equations right here iii don't understand how are you still alive oh of course you've got lucky didn't you it was luck luck the kin dly lifeguard of the idiot i can hardly factor luck into my equations now can i i'm not a homeopath farewell darth knight no no no no no this isn't right this is impossible this isn't happening i am the riddler and you shall not defeat me dark knight don't waste my time it's several times more precious than yours too slow detective two hits bigger faster several times more aesthetically pleasing than your vehicle it's in the ship since you cannot even be counted on to kill yourself i will do it for you i'm controlling the mechanisms you'll make a mistake of course you will i know you will oh you incompetent boy racer stop not dying hurry up detective you stand marginally more of a chance of succeeding if you actually begin you didn't do the key now you collect the key those are the rules and i have to follow the rules don't ii set them after all okay almost there can you trust him catwoman and here we go that's it no more congratulations catwoman you are now free for free to take my fi nal exam eddie i didn't know you'd started cheating i'm disappointed i disassemble i are artfully obfuscated but i do not cheat as you and batman will discover when you attempt my final riddle room do you have a photographic memory detective because i sometimes i wake up dark night to the feel of your hands around my neck your carbon fiber-coated fists smashing into my solar plexus how dare you brutalize me me your intellectual superior you're better me edward enigma the riddler and the world's greatest everything you're a thug detective a bullying emblem of the arrogant notion that might make right come back to the orphanage where i will end you and the unjust things you stand for what's not yet batman you're lacking something and i don't just mean basic intelligence i'm starting to enjoy 23 october 26th i was searching the archive and this little gem cropped up so oh there you are look it's my stuff so this is my memorial huh not even us they think they can just file me away i've bee n sent back for a reason bruce and no one's forgetting me this time around this year with the rest of the arkham city evidence nice to have some of batman's gear in the evidence room hovie doesn't ask for it very subtle i know this is the evidence room bruce but you could have tried to cover your tracks this is it one last hoop to jump through then i'm free to rob gotham blind i mean you know make sure everyone got out i'll a puzzle which draws influence from both late 20th century puzzle cubes and mid 15th century torture devices i don't think that was the idea per your request i've created a series of diagnostic simulators so oh good just want us to go in guess i'll be heading home then eddie there'll be a way in so congratulations now let's cut to the best part selena watch out get ready damn him how is that a riddle eddie seriously you get used to it ah beginner's luck let's intensify proceedings proceeding you will not win this do it's still not a riddle eddie you just haven't fig ured it out yet this is it this is the end and the final riddle so it's done keys by the entrance let's go you smooth talker you give me a second to compose myself ah you know what the worst thing about this was it looked cheap well handsome what are we waiting for so is it just central gotham that's evacuated or are the mansions empty too scarecrow threatened the entire city selena and it's such a tragedy you go save the day and i'll make sure bruce wayne locked his doors good luck with that uh if you cannot simply bow down when confronted so please batman this is the end my apotheosis keeping up wrong thank you batman for teaching me the effectiveness of violence tonight decipher this enough this is beneath me you are beneath me you want to finish this detective then you must earn the privilege solve every last riddle in this city and i'll fight you batman but not a moment before or we could just leave you down there eddie come on batman this cat wants to prowl i've been cooped up al l night handsome we're leaving ah fresh air freedom and darkness perfect how should we celebrate i know a couple of poor defenseless museums but then again i also know a couple of hotels tonight's not over yet there's more work to be done of course there is you do know how to kill the mood do you ever take the night off do you ever take the suit off not on nights like this selena it's what i do fine i guess i'll hit an art gallery or two while the big bad bats distracted you're not going to thank me why it's what you do five kills i trust you have not forgotten me batman azrael dark days are here batman the prophecy has come true from the ashes of arkham city the fires are raging and gotham is burning what do you want i can see that same fire in your eyes before this night is through that fire will consume you gotham will need a new savior a new guardian a new batman i'm not finished just yet you cannot carry this burden forever i have studied you for a long time you have a code you wi ll not kill then neither shall i the order has foreseen it the time has come to pass the mantle to another warrior to me if you can prove your abilities when the time is right i'll consider it but first you must show you are worthy as you wish i've got you you're stronger than i thought signal me when you're ready to be challenged again sir i've captured israel's performance good work alfred run the usual physiological tests then am i to understand you were considering him as your successor none of us know what will happen after tonight i'll be in touch between riddler and scarecrow on those billboards identity confirmed alfred pull up the footage from the batwings onboard scanner certainly sir as you can see the batwing has completed an orbital sweep of founders island but there's still no sign of the cloudburst i will of course let you know when the situation changes but uh oh one moment sir i'm receiving an emergency broadcast from the movie studios that man i hope you can hear this the movie studios are under attack robin is in trouble listen to me very carefully you need to lock down that room we can't let the infected get out of course henry that's enough from you well look who's too late to save the day how's it going that brain it's been a while harley quinn so you do remember me that's weird because you killed the only thing i ever loved and now i find you've been keeping a whole new generation of jokers to yourself i know awkward don't do it they're not stable oh they're not stable maybe you want to take a look in the mirror sometime alfred i need to get to the movie studios please be quick sir miss quinn is clearly volatile robin may be in serious danger oh i told you we should have butchered that bunch of second-rate tribute acts they'd better not kill robin bats i had the idea first he's gonna take him real soon so you think she's interested oh harley you kidding me dude open voice print failure access denied nice try bad break harley's changed the voic e code access i can adapt the modulator i picked up from the arkham knights driver to synthesize her voice well look who's too late to save the day how's it going that brain it's been a while it's been a while wow look who's too late to save the day how's it going that brain it's been a while well look who's too late to save the day how's it going that brain it's been a while well look who's too late to save the day how's it going that rain it's been a while well look who's too late to save the day voice calibration complete now i can use the voice synthesizer to mimic harley's voice and open the door something must have happened maybe the radio's busted if i find out that's blacking off i'm going to have this ain't good what the hell someone took them all out it was that stinking bad-faced loser get that chopper down here now i want more men on the roof and sentry guns covering the entrance don't even think about coming back down here until he's dead you hear me i need to secure the r ooftop i can use the voice synthesizer to manipulate harley's men oh poor harley wasting time on those not pale enough imitations when i'm right here in you what's confusing me is how the hell she found your top secret bat base bad face she can find her own reflection in the mirror when i was alive it's like something was holding her back what's wrong with the freaks down there dying ah they're changing in the joker is it contagious ollie kept us angry bat kept us ready for revenge you think we've gone soft just because joker's gone check that weapons crate oh god someone's down where are you near the security room that wall doesn't look right go take a look keep moving can't see nothing wrong with this wall mine's right guys mine's ready guys calum this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life three new jokers and you dumbasses are ruining it hey what happened to you we can't wake him up we're going to find a battle took him out placing sentry gun yes i can't disrupt a deployed sentry gun i should use the remote hacking device to blind sounded like it came from over there keep moving setting a mind mine's ready guys help over here he's getting away let's see how he likes a thermometer charge explode is that okay i'm pretty far from okay man we can't help him he's not cold keep a lookout you ain't hired i've got three jokers here idiots three do you remember what one joker used to do to you when you screwed up oh you don't well you're about to get triple reminded is that oh god someone's down hey sentry can deploy sorry buddy i can't help you that's the thugs dealt with time to go after harley oh ah memories you me and a ward full of psychotic killers you've never felt so at home have you oh come on you think you're different because you never killed anyone flash you killed me i was there remember you destroyed my cure right in front of me watch me choke on my last laugh and then after killing me you said you would have shared you couldn't admit i'd won could you not even as a parting gift but now i'm on the inside oh we both know the truth yes you've killed before and tonight i'll make you do it again sorry i didn't get that oh this door's locked down too i'll need to use the voice synthesizer you took your time you got overwhelmed come on you get ah get ready man get off me you think i'm scared of you robin the infected where are they they're not infected they're joker harley's got him and they ain't leaving this place until you're a corpse how did she find us how did she get in i'd let him know if i were you he's not always in such a good mood how should i know i guess she's smarter than you think not likely let's check the bat computer good idea unlocking the whole building down no one leaves until we account for the infected she just walked in no alarm no warning something's wrong with the voice recognition maybe there's no trace of a hack if they're still here then the facial recognition software will find them got them albert king's in the wild west set looks like he's gearing up for a comeback bout they took christina bell to the haunted house set harley's left armed guards to protect her charisma is on the soundstage i can't tell what he's got planned henry what happened i don't know i think something hit me on the back of the head over aka the gotham goliath retired prize fighter and the second new victim of joker's blood do you think she'll recognize me in this blank death mask you call a face i mean it does do expressions right henry lock down this door only let robin or myself back through you got here i think my joker would have liked it kind of plain taylor picked i ain't going anywhere near belle she's nuts she jumped on hudson scratched out one of his eyes right in front of everyone what did holly do nothing yeah you better run no way you can catch me robin you wait here while i get behind him we'll take him down faster if we work together when do i join in you'll know when you see it that won't work i n eed to get behind him and work with robin to take him out you sure took your time back there i was testing your self-control did i pass you need practice come on come on lady we need to get you someplace safe are you kidding me i'm getting front row seats anything happens to her holly'll kill you yeah he's right and if batman sees how you've treated me he's gonna knock out you and you well maybe not you definitely you and you oops well that evens things up a little anyway when he's done with you chumps me and bats will have this place all to ourselves so get out there and make him show you how much he wants me you heard the lady let's go jeez she didn't need to kill him you've been watching scarecrow on the big screen are you done that girl is very important to me so i'm not gonna take any chances remember who is in charge in here when i give you an order now robin of course up high now i say when you strike these idiots apart i tried to explain all the painful things you're gonna do t o them but now's your chance i think they're massive enjoy now boys just because he's going to beat you into a sort of vaguely sentient face doesn't mean robin now over here he'll get away i need to get to a raised position so i can cover batman when he strikes batman strikes i need to have his back time to find a high vantage point episode of batman rescues christina you won't be spinning a book deal out of that performance look back buddy if i was running the show the thumbs would be so much better slower quieter get in there and help those idiots out you heard harley find batman and kill him not a problem you hear that bat freak we're coming to get you terrifying boss with hands on not afraid to torture people there goes another one just to rescue me oh bats you're being cruel you're scaring you're hurting them i love it whose side is she on show yourself what are you doing he'll know where we are good i'm sick of playing around you kidding me there was about a dozen of us up here w e'll end up the same way if we don't keep it together look boys i probably should have been more supportive it was great really except you know i actually want to be rescued and most of you are headed to that's all of them time to go get miss belle aside from that perfect top marks anyone who manages to get away wrecking little birdie breath i have my face off be honest how's it look like you're too slow so i'll take her back to the south henry robin's heading your way let him in when he gets there of course i take it this means you stop one of those monsters yes but i'm not done yet this robin seems like a real improvement on that last one bats remember jason todd oh what a whiner always complaining we're both better off without that loser i don't trust those fake jokers so what do we have here poor little batman all alone you want to hear this you come see me ignore this freak just you and me baby boring like he's interested in a fight don't you know this guy he craves something more something intelligent something creative something fun i'll show him fun two fists of fun and then i'm coming to see you charisma i want to smack well first you'll have to find me and second well let's be honest old timer you're a little past your cell by day who do you think you're talking to boys whatever choice is yours bats come find us and see who wins my money's on me man stuck on my own again there you are i'm gonna blow your stinking head off gonna take more than smoke to stop us i should wait until he's in position before i detonate the explosive you can't hide forever stand by the wall come on freak hello is someone there jason ii thought you were dead batman is that you batman's not coming to save you jason it's been six months now jason i think it's time to face fast grow you that's the spirit real chip off the old back block not that it'll do you any good why won't you just kill me what no no no no i'm not going to kill you not yet anyway young my sidekick now imagine it you and me out on the street starting fights picking on the weak a regular dynamic duo just like bats and that new kid of his no he wouldn't you think so this isn't batman then hmm weird the pointy ears are usually a dead giveaway i didn't want to show you that photo really i didn't but well it was the only way for you to get closure now i know it hurts but sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind i'm fine let's get the next one uh sorry bats but i was planning a duet for us can bird boy wait out there and listen to us this lock is mechanical with no digital components i won't be able to use the remote hacking device henry i need your help of course anything i need you to send me the cctv footage from the camera in stage c you can use the computer in that room to do it okay i'll try computers really aren't my speciality you can isolate the data using the panel on the right slide your finger along the dial and like this oh this technology is very interesting okay i can see the camera now highlight the track for the last 10 minutes so i see thanks henry charisma is wearing a bomb vest there are five other bombs around the room got it nice of you to join me bats don't be shy there's room up here on stage for two no really i insist as you can see the crowd is so excited it may just explode nobody serenades you but me bats take it away boys take me on home to the asylum never alone in the asylum anarchy rule it was wild but through it all you never smiled joke's on you i'm in your head so look who's laughing now remember in our come city i killed your girl so pretty that was the night you let me die but when i looked you in the eye that's when i knew we'd be together look who's laughing now i'm stuck in your head and i'm laughing ah i fill you with dread and i can't stop laughing your parents are dead and i can't stop laughing what else can i do now i'm part of you i am the clown prince of crime and we've had a hell of a time you're part of me i'm part of you and now ther e's nothing left to do i just can't wait till i'm in control who'll be laughing i drove you around the bend and i'm laughing i'm with you till the end and i can't stop laughing i killed all your friends and i can't stop laughing oh yeah i think i can taste your that's all the bombs disarmed time to take down charisma my time is near i'm in your blood i'm so alive i only wish you'd let me drive it won't be long till i make you no encore and he's a professional singer even alfred sings better than this guy good work robin no problem call it my contribution to music let's get golden tonsils here back to the cells i'll take charisma back to yourself alfred we're almost done here and we need to make up for lost time prepare another upgrade for the car absolutely sir would you please make your choice ah yes mr fox seems rather proud of this one sir very good sam i'll let you know as soon as it's ready well look who shot their mouth off too soon i guess it's just you and me now that's motto a mano a real fight something to tell the kids about of course you could just turn and run like a little chicken you face the rest now fight the best i don't get it what's that again just get the gate open okay but uh this don't seem right foreign what do we have here then wakey wakey what's wrong you think i'm going to hurt you why i'm not the bad one here oh no no no it's batman he's abandoned you thrown you away like an unwanted puppy can i have him daddy oh please please please please please i'll take real good care of him anything to make you happy princess just make sure people know he's yours we don't want him to end up back here do we no we don't daddy i want to keep him forever no no no please please no no everything okay he looks spooked i'm fine jason so so so so oh batman you've barely begun to solve my conundrums in fact you got them remains riddled with them i've been waiting for years to use that one this is it the fight of the century you ready to get schooled bats what d o you want to start how about getting your asses kicked 101. nothing to say strong sign type huh well let's see if i can change that i'm gonna make you both beg for mercy and cry out in pain thanks finish up say good night hit so i can feel it hmm uh you teaming up now oh like a pig oh nice work you really held your own just now i'm impressed you can carry him what did this guy eat a car batman please you have to help me that quinn woman and her goons are trying to break in here there's no telling what she'll do to me stay calm henry i'm on my way robin wait here with the infected i'll go ahead and deal with harley's men you think she's okay hey batman if they see me enter here they won't risk opening the gate you want to come in that ain't happening buddy i'm ollie was right she said now no problem first she said shut the gate now she wants it open i think she's going crazy that's dumbass is why you're not paid to think it's some kind of bad trick show yourself b-man let's yank out th e guts oh look who it is batman's little helper looks like he left you all alone nah he figured i could handle you by myself he doesn't take you very seriously neither do i oh he's asking for it oh thank you funny huh open the gate for real this time if you think you're taking him back to the south think again he's got the joker in him they all have that means they're mine i'm taking them now that would be highly irresponsible of me to allow that to happen batman took mr jay away from me once already he ain't gonna do it again you hear that batman i know you're out there yeah where are you bat freak how about that you're a trigger pull away from get hit harder freaking uh hmm i'm impressed what can i say i'm irresistible we need to get back to the cells you take albert i've got quinn you won't get away with this put me down bad freak robin prep the cell no no no don't move robin you killed them didn't you henry oh bats you're so easy desperate to see the good in people especially when they're bad honey i'm home activating jailbreak protocol oh i guess we now know who reprogrammed your security now if you would be so kind go join your friend over there go to hell now nice move henry your turn baths evolution's a funny thing no matter how many obstacles get in its way the strongest always survives still you know what they say about evolution even amoebas can do it what are you doing purifying the gene pool even i don't know which side to roof for now goodbye it's been educational i changed my mind kill kill kill him now that's unexpected you're gonna be spectacular no you're the last joker that other sell's for you i need to stop scarecrow when i'm done i'm locking myself away what if you fail you'll be too dangerous i won't be able to stop you oh no no no you are not going to do this you need to get in the cell it's the only choice we have left that's a defeatist argument bats and you know it i'm sorry bruce but it's the only way i know tim i'll stop scarecrow master bruce i'm reading multiple militia forces converging at your location it's the arkham knight he's found you i'll take care of it alfred are you sure there are rather a lot of them i said i'll handle it you'll be fine of course i will you train me security lockdown initiated don't worry about robin that's he i'm sure he won't die well fairly certain anyway hey i never finished my story about jason todd did i have you got something to tell the nice man jason my name is jason todd who do you hate batman excellent of course you do did you get that bets kid's not yours anymore he's mine mine mine mine to do with as i wish hey i never asked what's the big secret who is the big bad bat his name tell me of course sir never could stand a tattletale that's why i like to work alone no one to spoil the punchline you should try it sometime after all you've seen what happens when you drag your friends into this crazy little game of ours you need to get in the cell it's the only choice we have left so look bats i didn't tell you that story for the fun of it well okay i did but there's a moral to the fable of the robin and the clown okay let's try this again you need to get in the cell what the hell are you doing the right thing trust me i've gone crazy listen to me we can help you you don't need to do this alfred alfred you son of a [ __ ] you cut my communications sir are you okay i've lost communication with robin is he all right he's fine faulty comms unit i'm looking at it now thank god with all that's happening i feared the worst speaking of which the arkham knight has ordered a squadron of tanks into the city to lock it down and reassert control thankfully the drone virus you requested is ready for collection thanks alfred and slaving away when he could have been saving barbara foreign the drone virus overrides the front or faux identification system of militia drones an infected drone will target alfred the cloud burst give me an update the batwing is still conducting scan s of the entire city but there is no sign of it let me know the instant it's detected of course there are two new situations developing that may require your attention firstly i'm detecting unusual seismic activity on miyagani island also i thought you should know i've been unable to contact lucious for some time highly unusual behavior for mr fox a visit to wayne tower might be in order just to make sure nothing untoward has happened lucious is out of contact i don't like it i'm going to investigate wayne tower is locked down sir the only way in will be using the elevator in the underground parking come garage get us out of here mr wayne i thought you managed to get out it sounds terrible out there what are we gonna do don't worry this'll be over soon mr wayne i just finished securing the building is something wrong anything i can help you with sir i didn't think you'd be coming back here tonight is there something i missed having trouble logging on identity confirm good evening mr fo x so i finally have your attention come join the party if you try anything stupid wayne enterprises will be looking for a new ceo alfred i'm at wayne tower we had an intruder earlier tonight he's taken lucious my word any idea who it is the identity thief thomas elliott the surgeon good lord i remember when the two of you were inseparable in a way we still are he reconstructed his face using grafts from his victims he looks identical to bruce wayne why on earth would he do such a thing he says it's personal i'm about to find out why don't do anything you might regret sir let him go we're just negotiating aren't we mr fox i have a job for you batman bring me bruce wayne or i bring down this tower why wayne the two of you were friends that bratz family destroyed me and now i will destroy him the wayne stood by you oh yes the great surgeon thomas wayne to think he was once my idol until he ruined everything he did all he could to save your parents after the crash i'm sorry you lost your f ather but he saved your mother's life he denied me what was rightfully mine the car crash wasn't an accident it was you you wanted to kill them i only want what i deserve bruce wayne had his riches handed to him on a plate he never had to fight for anything in his life now bring me wayne or i'll destroy this tower and everything he stands for take your best shot tommy bruce that's impossible i should have he's getting edgy when he turns the gun on me i'll have a split second to disarm him too early and he'll kill lucius too late and he'll get a shot off kill him i'll do it my face you have my apologies rest assured i'll be reviewing our security it's all right lucious are you hurt i'll be fine mr wayne i guess that makes me the lucky one it's not your fault lucius i can't take him to gcpd have him locked in the vault here of course sir leave it to me alfred i've detained elliot at wayne tower i'll have him brought to trial when this is over oh thank god and what if mr fox he's fine oh that is good news will ensure mr elliot sees justice for his crimes when this is over alfred i found a fourth victim highly regrettable master bruce all we can do is hope this body yields some clues as to the killer's identity an irregularity on the victim's chest it appears to be a birthmark quite distinctive there's a bullet lodged deep in the upper bicep this type of ammunition is predominantly used with a hunting rifle that hasn't been manufactured in over a decade the left foot is missing several toes the sight of amputation suggests the removal of non-viable tissue in the treatment of frostbite alfred i've id the victim as robert kincaid he was a microbiologist who worked for stag enterprises many believe the shooting was connected to kincaid's knowledge of controversial research although that remains unverified he took a teaching person atlanta which is where he was reported missing have you found anything linking the victims i can find no personal or professional links between the victims but they each went missing near state parks or playing fields try and find anything connecting those places of course i'll look into it did i ever tell you i hate plants the man eating ones i don't care who i'm working for as long as i get my cut you think the little man's good for it you don't i never trusted the guy why should i he said that would be dead by now and look how that turned out finally did you get those beers what the oh god get us out of here it's the bat i see batman he's coming what's that what are we gonna do now keep going we can lose him i'm going as fast as i can worry about the back they said it's all taken care of they said well what the hell is he doing chasing down our truck is he still behind us how do i know you're supposed to be the lookout i think he's gone do you think he's gone i'm driving here just keep looking ask him what do we do he ain't answering we actually lost him i know he wouldn't catch us we never had a chance penguin was right th e bat's losing it penguins hiding his weapons inside gotham's water filtration plant let's hit him hard nightwing wouldn't have it any other waivers alfred the refrigeration truck i was following has entered gotham's water filtration plant access city blueprints and find me a way inside right away sir all right you should be able to access this facility from the sewer tunnels underneath the island may i suggest taking the car i've marked the location on your map thanks alfred drones offline he's here your time's gonna come batman just wait hanging out enjoy into the dark yet welcoming waters of the bay you think tonight's tonight for sure ain't getting out of this alive this is too much we'll make sure oh god so i need to shut the vault door first contain the blast good news i found penguin he's right where we want him cocky little bastard you've been taken from me all night batman this time i did a little taking of my own that's i'm fine don't worry about me alfred i need you to use n ightwing's tracker and isolate his location for me master grayson isn't in any danger is he penguin has him oh dear i've got a signal they're holding him at a location in otisberg you must hurry sir we both know master grayson can be too reckless for his own good it's happening again bats first you got jason todd killed now old dick's about to meet his maker i know what you're thinking and you're right this is all your fault you should come with a health one he's never faced a penguin before he thought he could take the boss on his own what a punk he put up a good fire that gave him that but experience wins out everything no question just a matter how invented that means nothing without that just get through this in that money's mine please get this teeth smashed in he likes that sort of thing and i thought things were going to settle down without joking i'm not letting these weapons get destroyed that's for sure oh not again keep it together i'm scared and that ain't helping our situa tion what if we surrendered you can't with him he ain't getting up keep moving sentry gun oh this elevator shaft should give me access to the rest of the building save him aren't you you should leave him he deserves it going off on his own like that he doesn't respect you bats never has how do you like this nightwing all that scumbags and you can't do nothing about it we don't get tired you hear that nightwing we're gonna keep you alive for a little bit longer more stimulating conversation great oh let me hit him please hey what did i just say batman just like the old days this we can take these guys what did you think you were doing coming here alone okay penguin's finished we still need to find him i doubt he stuck around well ain't this cozy you need to keep an eye on this one batman he's a bit too careless for my liking come any closer and you get to see the contents of his head hey oz you remember the flying graysons flying who what are you all about flying graysons the greatest a crobats in the world shut up you fairy whenever they performed in that circus there was magic in the air i said shut it there was one move they did just took your breath away you're about to suck down your last breath boy i'd make sure you say your goodbyes you hear that batman you're gonna wish you never mess with me nobody takes from penguin nobody you've ripped me off one too many times you might no stop now i'll kill you i swear to god you better kill me batman otherwise i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna you know i was just going to suggest you do that so here's the part where you tell me off i'm proud of you dick are you feeling okay this is the end this is the last time we meet don't talk like that all right this won't stop you nothing stops you keep bloodhaven safe promise me it's okay bruce i get it you just don't want me hanging around stealing the limelight dick i won't let you down i know more where am i yes oh no those guns they were mine you could sell them for scrap if you eve r get out you're nothing without your little helpers or nearly had your boy did not what's the matter got you rattled your choice gcpd with them from all sides batman batman it's too dangerous i need to take out the enemy vehicles before entering the gcpd lockup there's more where that came from move cobblepot keep your cape on i'm coming hey boss you're here we're all back together hey it hasn't been the same without you see that batman that's loyalty you must be proud i could have told scarecrow a long time ago that getting you involved in all this was a big mistake watch your mouth oswald we're on the same side of the bars now don't be fooled bats underneath that short fat hideous exterior there's an ickel fishy teddy bear waiting to get out i'm going to alfred i've located the source of the seismic activity it appears to be increasing in frequency i know what it is and it's not good we just lost three drones near the botanical gardens she just couldn't help herself you just gave aw ay your location it's time for scarecrow to pay for what he did to me i hope you're ready he's going to throw everything he's got at us i'll wreck his little tin toys target hit a drone armor still intact ah don't tell me this is it you must have something more than a plant how desperate you've become but he always needs a little help twin rattler offline i'm not losing here not again that's right you're not taking fire it's going to hell sir sir do you read me yes with batman protecting her deployed cobra tanks kill him or run him off the island i have a lock on his position now sir he's surrounded be wary batman they're sending something bigger to stop us they won't i can't help you further batman i'm not strong enough yet lost contact with a drone sir sir unable to acquire alpha target he's not there spread out find him batman sir we've got three cobras left in the field sending a cobra to support we lost him sir nothing here our time will come from the militia forces he's gone he's taking out the cobras sir don't think i should take ivy back to gcpd before the arkham knight launches another assault it's too dangerous to leave her exposed you cannot hide miss eisley for you're not safe here the knight knows where you are you're coming with me i won't leave them they can't do it alone they need me sir i think you may wish to take a look at perdition bridge the batwing has located the cloud burst scans reveal it is manned and emitting a huge amount of energy the arkham knight ivy get down it's worse than i thought oh my plants are dying the cloud burst is amplifying the effect of the toxin you need to destroy that device or my plants won't be able to protect gotham you'll die if you stay here we'll both die unless you stop him now welcome to gotham the city of fear sir i've never seen a chemical agent dispersed so fast i know alfred it's bad and sir the cloudburst energy field burned out the batmobile's power core what will you do i'm going after stag he created th e cloud burst he'll have the means to destroy it very astute master bruce i only hope you can find him but please uh be careful of the gas besides it's worse than the usual stuff looks like you can use themselves you're better than that you can look at this guy stags increased the level of security since we last spoke guess he knew i'd be back only way past this door is via his voice print i've got so much money even batman won't be able to stop us stop us i got so much money voice calibration complete simon stag open stag got out somehow the militia won't spare him if they track him down i should deal with them first before i look for him i've synthesized the arkham knight's voice i should be able to order his men around won't have gone far but he knows this airship inside out our orders are to shoot on site didn't stag invent that thing the arkham knights got strapped to his tits cloudburst yeah it's almost a shame we gotta kill him he seems like a smart guy yeah double crossing scar ecrow ain't too smart now is it maybe not but he could be more used to us alive what part of a kill squad do you not understand oh i'll kill the old bastard don't worry about that i'm just saying if i was in charge maybe i'd handle things differently you know yeah well you're not in charge now do your damn job next kill squad's gonna be coming after us drone's engaging someone's here hit watch my back while i fix them up i need cover come on buddy wake up how does he keep doing this think something's moving down there deploying thermobaric charge get back in the fight we're busy here three two this will one him out deploying thermo pair of charge that looks like it hurt batman's making us look like idiots he's playing games uh duck got this guy he's down here by the human testing pods three two one can you hear me got another we're losing control of this everybody fan out and stay sharp we still have him outnumbered this isn't like the thrills he's faster than i thought i think he was attacked from below near that great it was batman you're fine get going we're in the middle of something here he's using the floor grates get ready to burn batman deploy charge three i saw something come on buddy wake up son of a [ __ ] not again when i get my hands on that freak i'm gonna break his limbs one at a time not if i get there first you hear that we're gonna destroy you use grenades went this way this'll flush him out deploying thermobaric charge three and find him hey what happened to you i'll shoot him down and see what happened how does he keep doing this if you idiots could keep your eyes open we wouldn't be in this map you're a creature of habit batman let's see if you can break it he's picking you up from the vanity now i've still got stagg's fingerprints on file i can pick up his trail at the container and track him down it's too late i already have the cloud burst stag can help you now find he can't stop us he doesn't get that chance yes sir serpent's activated and m oving into position stag must have been crawling around on the floor trying to hide from the militia come here please don't hurt me tell me how to stop the clown burst or so help me i will hold you responsible for each and every person scarecrow has killed it's surrounded by a nimbus field it helps spread the toxin amplify the effects any vehicle not using a nimbus cell will be fried then you won't mind if i borrow one no of course not by all means get in there good alfred stags given me a way to take on the cloudburst tank given how kind i'm heading back to the batmobile i need to find a way to fit this nimbus cell to the main power drive but sir crane's toxin can be absorbed through the suits fibers not even a gas mask could protect you if you're in there too long there's no telling what could happen then i need to work fast the cell doors sad so no turning back now bats it's time to face your fears master bruce i hope you're not planning what i think you're planning it will be reckl ess and irresponsible even by your standards it's the only option alfred sir even if the gas doesn't immediately incapacitate you another dose could cause long-term psychological trauma i have no choice i need to remove the power core slowly or the failsafe lock will kick in this is it bats can you feel the rush of that delicious toxin burning through your veins creeping into that demented mind of ours i sure can i'm getting stronger bruce i'm more alive with every breath you take sir you're running out of time stay calm take deep slow breath deep slow breath all that effort must be tying you out you're getting sleepy bats see i'm getting free soon you'll be the one trapped inside me so keep taking breaths great lungfuls of fear soon that's will be gone and i will be here okay sweetheart one more but then it's really time for bed hush little batsy listen to me sing when joker takes over you won't feel a thing and once this sketch has set me free i'm going on a bad family killing free s o keep taking breath great lungfuls of fear okay sweetheart one more but then it's really time for free i'll get in every brain your gray matter is turning green mr bruce are you all right sir are you there give me a moment alfred i'll be fine you're not looking too good old boy it won't be long now till i'm behind the wheel oh just think of the fun we'll have then brains brawn brutality the full package we'll have gotham that are mercy and you know what the best part is you'll be there with me every step of the way watching it all from the passenger seat i don't know about you pal but i can hardly wait mr bruce are you okay better thank goodness that's a relief indeed you should know sir that the levels of fear toxin in the atmosphere are interfering with the batmobile scanners you may struggle to track the cloud burst ivy i can't track the cloud burst in this gas clear out as much as you can i can't batman my plants are too weak then tell me where to find another there's a tree berry deep beneath founders island the miyagani people called her ayanna i'll find it the anarchy of terror join them in the talks at batman stop fighting those fears i'm on founders island time to scan for ianna's roots hmm you're there batman i can feel it the pulse must be stronger to free her alfred i've located ivy's plan to process the remaining toxin but the sonar can't penetrate deep enough to release it one moment the new extension to the gotham subways under construction directly beneath your location i believe you'll find an access point in port adams will that suffice it's a start send me the location ivy your plants buried too deep i need to head underground hurry please i've reached the container yard alfred i need access of course sam i must warn you scans reveal there's a considerable number of the malicious tanks inside not for long they're between me and the plant sir they've locked the entrance you got the wheels this is over diamondback offline yard i need to find a way to reach the center of the container he's broken through the outer defenses your is will come scarecrow you read me you took out the container yard drones he's wasting his time there's nothing there nothing we know of i can't leave the car it's too dangerous to risk further exposure i can't believe you're still running errands for that titillating tree hugger honestly bats i thought we were making progress here are you really gonna let plant lady turn this place into her own personal garden have you seen what's happening out there it's a joke of wonderland what do you seek in those tunnels batman hope you will find none i once searched for terror in chemistry i thought perfectly arranged atoms could unlock the demons in a man's mind you proved me wrong so the drone sensors are temporarily disabled but i can only hack one at a time so the previous drone will be back online so oh how can the world know fear true dread when it has you a stalwart knight ever ready to slay monsters fear isn 't pure biology batman it's more than instinct true fear is the absence of hope and hope is the spread wings of a bat shining on the clouds oh you're not still digging around for ivy's ancient shrubbery are you it's over bats barbara's dead gotham's choking on scarecrow's crazy juice and your popularity is falling faster than the flying great thump bring your kid to work there's nothing left to fight for you promised that gotham would be safe protected but what does the world see now my toxin choking its dreams blotting out the moonlight poisoning the saplings you thought could stop me and now dark knight i turn to you but don't be afraid it's not your life that needs ending it's your myth the hope that you stand for the hope dies tonight do you need me to spell it out for you scarecrows one there's no city left to save so quit with our roads to start embracing your jokers you must approach my sincerest apologies but my search for the arkham knight's identity has proved fruitless nothi ng i have a short list of candidates we cannot fully eliminate but no i have no likely suspects shift focus to former arkham staff hugo strange had ulterior motives quincy shark was unstable looking to finish their work exactly it's free drawing attention you need to protect it i don't know how much longer i can hold on sergeant there's a weed grown tall at divinity churchyard cutting down sending drones in now that's where i can strike strikes on multiple friendlies confirmed contact with multiple organic defenses ivy's still helping him send in more drones i can help you crush these tanks batman but you must stay close to the churchyard diamondbacks hit it won't take another strike dragon's been taken out i'll destroy you all confirmed don't fret this tree won't make any difference ivy isn't strong enough to purify gotham no one is keep the fight near the churchyard batman that's where i can striketown he wiped them out sir we're gonna need more tanks no now he needs to face me just stop stop acting like a hero stop thinking you can save anything oh you found another tree well i've still got the cloud burst you want to finish this come to bleak island then it'll be over batman i've cleared as much of the toxin as i can you must find the cloud burst it's killing my plan i'll destroy it just hang on alfred raise the bridges he's not getting off bleak island are you sure sir get the batwing to scan the cloud burst find a weakness i'll take out the cobra tanks on guard sir you're entrapping yourself with an enemy that has you severely outgunned no i'm trapping him we've lost one programming cobra to respond it's over batman's dead you're not drawing me out batman look around batman we've lost the cobra maintaining search patterns left in the field hmm batman spotted chinatown we've got nothing quicker next time protect the cloud burst withdrawal he can't defeat me the cloudburst is too powerful cobra offline i've got support nearby what do you think you're doing finis hing your job this is not the plan we agreed upon it's a plan that works scarecrow can showcase for you personal tank both are too well armored for a direct assault how's the cloud burst operating its power source is internal but the device has been modified with a coolant system to avoid overheating that's the weak point a rupture will set off a chain reaction destroyed the cloud burst and could take out the tank as well i'm reconfiguring your scanner to locate the vehicle's coolant lines good luck sir the coolant lines run close to the surface of the tank i should be able to rupture them with a shell from the 60 mil cannon one strike won't be enough and i can't stay near that gun attack and fall back is my only option i'll kill you he's trying to overheat the cloud burst leave now he cannot win you will have your chance to kill him i'm not waiting anymore let me show you what rail damage looks like coward the cloud burst is not fake tonight it is this tank was built to destroy you tr ue catching my sights um to the explosion disabled the main cannon now i can get close and concentrate fire on the clouds oh uh ugh ah sir the arkham knight did you subdue him he's he's gone you uh don't sound entirely sure sir ivy i've destroyed the cloudburst purify the remaining toxin as fast as you can ivy i fear you may be too late sir scans reveal the toxin is overwhelming ivy's plants i'm heading to her burst now mine my greatest weapon my instrument of fear ivy nature always wins so sir the gas cloud is dissipating you did it you and poison ivy i mean we underestimated the humanity that remains within her she's gone alfred clearing the toxin took everything she had oh i see her final act was a noble one i need to find scarecrow before anyone else dies do you have any leads nothing concrete sir but the gcpd comes from might they're currently puzzled by an encrypted transmission sent on a swat channel from within the city most odd given there are no swat officers currently in the field then of course there are the numerous unsolved cases that still require your attention with the toxin clear now would be the perfect time to reassert your control of the city i'm heading to gcpd to investigate the transmission sent on a swat channel from within the city fingers crossed shed some light on scarecrow's whereabouts here he is good job batman yeah nice one thanks batman i didn't think we're gonna make it back tell me about this broadcast wish i could sir but it's not a swat channel encrypted those boys really don't like anyone listening in i'm in are you ready it's jim i need you to send through some blueprints i found crane and that bastard's going to die for what he did to my little girl was that the commissioner what's he doing getting himself killed but i've got the id number of the radio he's using and that means i can track him i've decoded a radio transmission it's gordon oh he's alive i need you to isolate the radio's frequency and pinpoint its location of co urse sir the transmission appears to have originated from an abandoned shopping mall the building has been without power for some time sir you may well encounter some obstacles i've already retrieved the remote electrical charge prototype from the gcpd evidence room that should help very well sir gordon's signal is coming from behind that shutter i need to find a way to reach him i can use the remote electrical charge to power up or disable generators yeah just focus get in the elevator you know when he comes for me you're gonna need a lot more guys than this get in there you'll be needing a wheelchair too batman's on his way stay alert why would we need more guys he's just one man i'm guessing you never met him commissioner's right we're short on numbers where's everyone else downstairs in that briefing sorry bats i guess you're not invited happens all the time i expect hell alfred's probably throwing a swinging shin digger go-go in the batcave right now anyway i'm sure a resourceful social outcast such as yourself can find some means of convincing those dopes to open the door open the shutter now the boss wants the door open huh i thought the bat took him out when he destroyed the tank guess not let's get these shutters up him do you still believe that you are common savior soon the world will see you for what you truly are a fallacy a pigment of hope in a world of suffering and pain if it's any consolation i'm sure cranes would old jimbo out of his misery by now it's not like he's got anything left to be afraid of not since they sent his little girl on the stairlift to heaven uh oh hmm you failed you failed batman get used to it so an electrical charge would overload the generator and power down that fan more how many more bones will you crush how many lives will you destroy in the pursuit of your crude justice we are all products of our fears i look at you and see a man born of violence and darkness no power i need another way to move it he said you'd be coming for the generator oh what will you give to save your friends i wonder are you ready to reveal your secret are you ready for your legend to die are you sure it's safe sitting on that in this water that's as far as the elevator will go i need to find a way past the obstruction blocking the shaft okay this briefing is to remind you all their leader is wearing an explosive vest i need to neutralize him first our training training personally designed by the arkham knight gives us the tactical advantage here how does he know so much about batman why don't you stay back these guys are packing more firepower than penguin are you thinking what i'm thinking that weapons crate is crying out to be tampered with he'll watch you he'll study you from the shadows and when you make a mistake he'll be ready if you need an example of how to act look no further than right here there is no way that he will get near me which brings me to point two the arkham knight has chosen me and me especially to test ou t his latest weapon in the fight against the bag bulletproof what good would that be against a man who doesn't use guns i can't use any gadget that will alert the soldiers until i've defused the leader's explosive vest you could say i have a vested interest don't forget what the boss said oh oh oh those boys have really done their homework where do you think they're getting that inter huh you think barbara told them oh those sidekicks of yours a teeny tiny bit of torture and they're all please make it stop i'll tell all batman secrets gordon's just beyond that wall i'm going to need the batmobile to destroy it and reach him if i can lower the car on top of that drilling machine i might be able to move it down to this level the commissioner placed his trust in you to keep his city safe his family safe can you still atone for your failure are you still the master of your own destiny the ants is awaiting batman as am i that's the second fan disabled now to get the batmobile down onto that drill that's as far as the winch can take me nice try looks like we're trapped up here it appears that you are close to the commissioner's location close but this tunnel is leading me in the wrong direction dig up any schematics you can find i'll do what i can sir try not to get lost in the meantime now i did ask if it came in black but then i thought ah you just get all jealous you didn't think i was gone did you no no you knew better you get knocked down you pick yourself up again see i learned that from an old friend so master bruce there's no way out i believe the exit from those tunnels is being remotely controlled by the arkham knight then i have to fight him sir the batmobile's armor and weaponry are no match for that vehicle but i am i'll find a way you can't stop me you're gonna die down here forgotten in the dirt you're not getting away where are you you can't hurt me but i can hurt you more hiding it's over you can't escape he's going to suffer he is going to die you can't stop me you're going to die down here forgotten in the dirt come out here fight me no escapement i'll crush you scarecrow's right the world should see you for the worthless thing you are but i already know and i'm not waiting anymore you can't get one stop hiding face me coward you're just giving yourself away die i'll crush you it's oliver sir i've remotely disabled the door lock might i suggest you leave no way out i did it cornered you done what no one else could all these years all your enemies but none of them understands you like i do you think crane found oracle on his own i don't know what i told him about barbara i told you i knew everything about you didn't i don't worry bruce i kept some secrets to myself yeah you shouldn't have come back thanks for the advice boys that's not how it worked turn around who are you you really have no idea do you bruce jason but you're dead let's not fall out here bats i might have told you a teeny tiny little lie but come on look at the boy yo u did good we did good you should be proud what's the matter lost for words i expected more i'm hurt joker sent me the film i saw him kill you don't you dare lie to me how long did you wait before replacing me huh a month a week i trusted you and you just left me to die that's not what happened you always told me bruce focused on what i want to achieve and it'll happen you want to know what i want now i want you dead you can't hide from me i will hunt you down jason's taken a sniping position i need to get close take him by surprise jason will spot me jason i can help you there's no helping me you're not the only one with sidekicks go get them batman bad idea jason will spot me i train these boys idea jason will spot me jason will easily pick me off from there jason will see me coming i need to get directly under his vantage point to take him down joker got to you i know what it's like don't pretend to understand take those back uh depressive positions i learned how to take a little pa in batman from the best but you can't hurt what you can't see optic deflection armor your sensors won't work use your eyes who's that get over here i found someone i'll get him down and see what's wrong guys out cold bet hits hard but let's hit harder bring him on ugh is he gonna be okay i'll shoot him down and see what happened how to get another one he's making us look like idiots this isn't good no no it's not not this time batman you're lost without the cow report in where are you lower level looks clear what's your location who's that get over here i found somebody's injured it's okay jim i'll stop them how long has it been since you hunted without the cow jason will see me coming i need to get directly under his vantage point to take him down no you're not tracking them through walls not today watch your corners i got you covered it won't be quick batman you will suffer stand down robin don't call me that that's not who i am there's no escape not this time i'm not afraid of you b ruce you're not a legend to me jason's taken a sniping position i need to get close take him by surprise you wanna know what joker kept me so close oh joker made me hate you but you let him do jason will see me coming if i glide in there i need to stick to the ground and stay out of sight do you even know what joker did to me the games he used to play this is mercy compared to what he put me through you're robin jason you're not what he made you stop stop talking to me you did this to me i'm sorry you left me to rot in that abandoned wing of arkham for over a year with him it's not too late we can fix this together alfred it's i found jason excuse me sir i must have misheard you for a moment i thought you said that you found master todd you heard right my god is he all right no no he's not so guess that's the end of the arkham knight he chose the name himself you know we need to get up to the roof scarecrow's there what happened crazy i went out to crane got caught jim i'm sorry about barbara don't let's just get this over with i should have stopped him jim look out you're ready for a shot make yourself useful oh you okay jim i've been worse jim i just want to say working with barbara it was an honor don't even if you'd known what she was doing you couldn't have stopped her stubborn like our old man brave you know you see a lot in this job a lot of pain a lot of suffering but i'll never forget taking a witness statement from an eight-year-old boy who'd just seen his parents gunned down you were kind jim i was thinking i may never get a chance to tell you this to say sorry you don't need to we're the same bruce we do anything for our family come on your knees crane now so you did it i must admit i had my doubts that you could make this happen i'm not asking again and i'm not talking to you it is time time for what jim i'm sorry it was the only way get me my daughter dad barbara are you all right did he hurt you what are you doing call in the transport we're leaving y ou sir it is time for the people of gotham to see their savior for who he truly is a man just a man devoid of hope betrayed by his friends crippled by fear let her go you both still have a part to play we had a deal once i understood your greatest fear controlling you was simple you blame yourself for her condition you need to protect her but buried deep down is the inevitability that you will one day fail and that fear makes you mine think very carefully about your next move commissioner her life depends on it dad no did you think i wanted him dead did you think that would save your daughter do you know what happens when a man refuses to be controlled by his fears he must face them no take me please it's not her you want take me you don't scare me it's okay to be afraid are you hurt i thought dad killed you he knew what he was doing there where's the batmobile destroyed what don't worry lucius may despair sir the car has a full complement of upgrades including an improved weapons gene rator target strike drone's been hit twin rattler down alpha targets hit a drone batman's taking out a drone twin rattler offline there's more where that came from i saw the thing wasn't on the ground scarecrow's going to kill him isn't he not while he can use him to get to me oh how chivalrous remember the time you carried me like that i don't because i was dead i'll get you set up at the precinct we'll find your father barbara scarecrow manipulated me i watched you die he gassed you bruce you don't need to worry about us or feel responsible we're fighting with you not for you okay it's good to have you back i found barbara i'm bringing her to the lock-up she's alive thank god what about gordon he was captured by scarecrow we'll get him back where's tim is he okay i left him at the movie studios he's fine barbara it's great to see you hello erin it's been a while barbara's gonna be helping out here whatever you say she work for you now hell what am i saying we all do right okay let's see first establish comms with a clock tower computer they really should upgrade these machines okay we're in damn it scarecrow's men are already there they're trying to take out the server room copy the data off the mainframe i can't the militia are locking down our access we've lost the connection we need that data it's the only way to find my dad i'll handle it you can't go there they'll be expecting you i'm counting on it i don't think what's the status on the drone systems online running clear in all think scarecrow sectors crack it it's too quiet i'm okay yeah yeah me too yeah all good nothing here okay just hold it together what's your status talk to me where the hell is he might be on here what's the calibration on that drone don't worry what's come on buddy wake up guys gonna break his limbs one at a time not if i get there first you hear that batman we're gonna destroy you there's no sign of a struggle someone snuck up on it something was choking me you're fine get going the bat comes flapping hold him off and you will be rewarded hot how am i supposed you need to wake up here wow he's over there come on we should check on son of a watch not again when i get my hands on that freak i'm gonna break his limbs one at a time your pupils have by now dilated in desperate straining effort to pick up what they can in the dark your muscles are tensed in anticipation of the moment he strikes blood has been drawn away from your skin to serve more crucial functions have you felt that the cold chill of fear you will find that increased synaptic plasticity has allowed your mind to record every aspect of this encounter with unusual clarity these are purely perfect memories crystallized moments of he fear this way he's making us look like idiots this isn't good no no it's not there's something moving down there must be nothing some of you may never recover from this night your brain will rewire itself into a state of permanent fear response a hair trigger mechanism for pan ic that will have you bolting awake at night clutching at your bed sheets crying like a child nothing to we'll report fine if we keep it tight work together we should check it out he's over there do you take pride in what you have reduced them to the muelling babes your assaults exposed i will do that to you dark knight i will peel back every layer of the batman before the night is through it's safe to reconnect the servers the control console is on the top floor oracle the clock tower's secure you're reconnected to the mainframe great okay it looks like we lost a couple of servers it's going to take a while to restore all my data but i should be back online by the time you get back here in the meantime you might want to head over to the lady of gotham that reporter guy jack ryder went over there to follow up on a lead cash tried to stop him but ryder just started shouting about freedom of press getting nervous what happens next so what knight retires hangs batman's head on the mantle cash i've captured dr langstrom and administered the cure i need you to prep an isolation chamber i'm bringing him in sure i'll get right on it he shot the bat that doesn't fit the profile at all dear god this is a public service announcement i just wish to inform you that foreign just when i think i've seen it all he gonna be okay physically yes where's francine where is she she's dead kirk no she get me i didn't what have i done the serum it changed you you lost control how are you batman it's over firefly gotham burns and you burn with it gotham will burn as bright as me not is me again been too long batman i'll turn you to ash i'll roast you alive die now you can't stop me batman gotham will be ashes by gone another run in with fireflies up just like the last time he's attacking fire stations perhaps he takes their work personally keep tabs on the other stations alfred let me know when he strikes my dear brethren we are gathered here in honor of the one true father he who blesses o ur lives with light when we are surrounded by darkness he who moistens the parched earth with rain when we are thirsty he who slayeth the wicked and evil forces that threaten to destroy us and keep our soul from his sweet mercy congregation people use the blessed meek you wanderers of babylon who dares disrupt this ritual batman is that you could get me out of here this is sacred ground heathen you do not belong here but god has sent you so that i may bathe in your blood too my children the devil comes clad in black slay him where he stands quickly the time of sacrifice draws near you crazy god cowards all of them they lack face advancement i know the truth now you will see the blade slice his throat and watch me made you're stepping into my church now deacon look around you batman look at what you seek to protect the awesome is fallen why are you still fighting this is over i say when it's over blackfire take him down to the cells hey don't look too pleased you think this black pile i s over you priest batsy it's just i owe gotham church an apology for that incident with a hydrochloric holy water that was one hell of a baptism alfred i'm heading back to gcpd oracle may have a lead on where scarecrow has taken jim now she has access to the clocktower computers i don't doubt she will sell you've only lasted this long dying all night great you're here scarecrow's chopper flew out towards the bay before heading north i tried narrowing it down further but the data's corrupted they did more damage than i thought what the hell was that trouble police force of gotham i have a message for you you are not safe you are not protected batman will not save you this is the beginning of the end for you dark knight like hell it is the bat computer's back online batman i'll do what i can keep your gun straight on that door cash full lockdown now cash open the shutter doors i'm trying batman powers out this is it they're gonna tear the building apart batman the schematics say there's a generator on the outside of the building go um these bozos in blue put that face in you bats they believed in you they turned a blind eye all those times you took the law into your own hands and now you're gonna get them all killed seriously let's just get out of here and leave them all to die i'll only have to come back later and butcher them all anyway and frankly that's going to be a lot more painful for everyone involved it's your choice bats if only old jimbo were here to see this gcpd the home of gotham's brave men and women a beacon of hope in the city of chaos and despair watch as i oracle the generators destroyed damage okay there's a backup in the underground parking garage but it should have come online on my way looks like the parking garage entrance below you is jammed open you can access the generator from there with this oh ah we're gonna break you back for you oh get up from this i can power up the backup generator to get those doors open oracle the backup generator i s online good let's get you out there head to the car and all what no way what is it a vulnerability in the militias network idiots i think i can hijack their drones good get ready for a fight ready batman ready oracle i'll be out there fighting alongside you five four three two one let's finish this i'm attacking from all sides batman initiating hack okay the tank's mine town good shooting multiple units offline we've got a systems breach someone's inside remove them i can't as soon as i trace the source of switches batman's taking out a drone reflect on your failure as you salvage their corpses from the rubble twin rattler offline target selected beginning hack now batman i primed my tank to explode you cannot stop it batman their world is crumbling batman that sir there's nothing left sir nothing you played your part now batman will play his all drones destroyed we did it no wait scarecrows dropped infantry on the roof they're trying to bypass the security block i can hold them off but not for long batman i've got control of the security and utility systems on the rooftop i can take the bastards out you just set him up nice job batman him into the ground hang in there cover me i'm fixing this we're the best bat you won't keep up with us can't hit me now bad giving birth come again oh batman there's a lot of people in here looking to thank you the both of you and i'm one of them they look bad for a minute there thanks aaron but you don't need to oh god what is it i think scarecrow's at the movie studios dad's voice was just used to gain access pull up her surveillance feed i've tried and i can't get a hold of robin he was in there right don't worry oracle i'm on my way maybe cop scouts for all i got here a long time ago freaking panic attacks i barely breathe open tim so there goes another boy wonder lost to another super villain if it's any consolation i can't see him matching my incredible work with jason can you scarecrow will probably just pop him full of fear gas then slit his little throat oh what a waste ah well just you and me now hey kiddo the real dynamic duo yeah there try those fascinating that your fears would drive you to lock your closest ally in a prison cell now those same fears will make you do as i say there's a storage depot in kingston go there alone prepare to take off that mask or your friends will die giving up the cowl eh betsy good for you you save your friends i get another token toxin hang on what if that face kills you once he's had his fun now i changed my mind we don't have to go caring for friends is overrated especially yours they can't be left alone for five minutes without being kidnapped he wasn't safe and he is now he'd take a bullet for you bruce we all would but you left him defenseless you didn't even give him a choice i'm sorry bruce but you have to get him back whatever it takes so it's decision time bats give yourself up to scarecrow and get us both killed or is it time for the new dynamic duo to hit t he streets you give up and we're done both of us why give a comeback there's so much more fun to be had out there think about it all those heads to smash all those your fears my world's greatest and that man's life will be over not because of what i have done to your precious city but because you are scared of what i will do to your friends your family they are your weakness hiding just below the surface i'm sure that you're scared of what will happen when i tear that mask from your face what will we find your true identity or proof that without your mask you are nothing impotent powerless afraid leave your equipment on that table and we can find out now the truck master bruce can you hear me i'm detecting someone tracking your movement through the city i knew he would i think i may have missed something sir who are you the dye is cast batman and from now on i need your undivided attention the nightmare is almost over your failure almost complete i can see it and soon the whole world w ill see it too your eyes betray you you are truly such a happy couple shame about the kid though poor little bruce never quite got over it now did he well there's no point crying over spilt vines it's time to move on kiddo let go take a load off join your parents uncle jay will take it from here don't feel sad bad you did the best you could sometimes you just can't win the best of both worlds it really is quite pathetic watching you hang on like this anyone would think you had something worth fighting for following you round if your mom and dad could see you there's only one way to stop me brucial boy come on you've killed me once already it gets easier every time who will i kill next gordon lucius that bubbling old butler of yours that's your problem isn't it bats you just can't keep hold of a family for very long even the ones who come back end up hating you so you have finally lost it finally snapped my neck no denying it this time you've got the mind of a killer and that mind is mi ne it's over bruce you crossed the blood red line and now scarecrow's going to set me free uh batman is that you i'm sorry robin are you ready this isn't going to end how you think crane enough bravado it's too late for that i don't care who you are but they will i'm going to rob them of hope as they stare into your eyes they will blame you failure will have a face and a name it's time mr gordon i would like you to do the honors never i'm done taking orders from you you bastard take off that mask or my next shot will kill him it's okay it's not okay you know what this means it's the end when they find out who you are there'll be no hiding you need to trust me jim now oh wayne bruce wayne now the world can see you for what you truly are a legend laid bare powerless human afraid what are we waiting for let's get this done no no we need to do this right he needs to face justice this son of a [ __ ] killed 50 of our men i say we finish him before he wakes up he's too dangerous we've got a hundred guns trained on him he's going nowhere guys guys guys it's great to see you i've had a devil of a time tracking you down tracking us down we caught you ah this may be my finest work yet please listen to me over all the good you've done to the city sir i'm begging you master bruce batman you have to listen think of your family bruce your father what would he say if he saw you like this please please stop this rampage oh alfred's sweet loyal alfred master bruce is gone but don't you worry your new master's coming home do you know what happens now mr wayne i'm not going to kill you i'm going to set you free free to see the city you swore to defend to tear itself apart free to see everyone you love hunted down and killed every scream every death vengeance for all that batman has done good what do you not understand it is over get ready for the encore why aren't you scared guess i'm toxin proof hey bats you're still here bats is that you oh bats ah good times crispy oh i outgrew tha t body anyway trying to tell me something bats i'm not dead i've never been so alive oh wait a minute this this isn't my grave oh no no no it's too small it's it's all overgrown where's the head it's all right i get it they forgot about me very funny bats but it's not gonna happen you know some jokes can be in bad taste you want to get me harley you call this awake where is everybody to send the invites didn't you i know what you're trying to do but you and your toxins you think this scared me so glenn today marks the one-year anniversary of the joker's death sorry the joker you remember the question mark guy he's dead no not him sorry vic you to help me out you know what it doesn't matter let's forget about him and move on yes let's forget about him and move on in other news a museum dedicated to batman and his arch nemesis the penguin opened on bleak island today oh you think that's scary that's when i get out of here i'll write my name in blood on every street corner i'll carve it o n every corpse no one's forgetting me no how do i get out of here where are you come out i'll find you show your face out of ideas bats uh so long bats hell of a ride but i'm getting off oh you know you almost had me scared back there me what have i got to be afraid of you're afraid of being ashes you're afraid of being forgotten and you will be forgotten joker because of me i am vengeance i am the knight i am batman goodbye joker no bruce don't leave me please i need you do you understand gotham you have no savior no more hope no more batman i'm one i'm not afraid crane impossible without fear life is meaningless no what's wrong scared no ah he's strong he's going to be okay look after him jim look after them all you've been a good friend the best i could ask for you were there at the beginning and now you get to see how it ends best gift you've brought us all night i can't believe he showed up so bruce wayne huh if it's all the same to you i'll stick to batman no you sound scared get used to it sir it's it's over the whole world knows what now gotham still needs batman for one last night and then prepare the nightfall protocol are you sure there's no other way alfred it needs voice confirmation martha very good master bruce you can be sure your instructions will be followed and the abandoned film studios every is you're going back to jail linds scarecrow promised me gotham tinder for my blade these flames this is revenge for leaving me on that bridge batman feel the heat that's it batman keep chasing me no i can't be stopped no gotham lock him up no bad man on your feet linds for this all of you i've been wanting to add this to the collection for a while keep kicking ass out there batman oh fragis day clue clay the batman's here it's time to play i'm not playing your twisted games jervis the hostages where are they oh let's see let's see oh one two three a hat trick of your boys in blue do they live or die that's up to you what have you done with them oh such viol ent means but all in vain i've trained my mind to feel no pain don't make me put that to the test oh batman lay your fears prick up your ears you'll soon hear their tears just listen for the siren song yes you'll find your alice before too long a souvenir from a previous life there's more history there than the knight ever let on i knew this was a bad idea now some crazy assassin guys breathing down our necks there's a hostage in the trunk but the car's wired to blow i'll need to defuse the explosive first you found the cheshire cat all grinning but don't be fooled don't think you're winning batman what happened how the hell did i end up here tell me what you remember and i was chasing down some rioters and the siren went all screwy i had to pull over next thing i know i'm waking up in the dark with that siren blaring i thought it would never end you're safe now i'll send someone to pick you up cash i found one of the hostages i'm sending you the location you got it bad man any leads o n the others i'm working on it just say the word and i'll go down there and make that bastard talk it's under control cash leave it to me charade you expect me to accept that i have invested time and agonizing time again by some spoiled trust fund-fueled hobbyist i don't believe it i refuse to believe it it's not true now batman where were we the queen of hearts and roses red oh be careful alice or she'll have your head it's okay you're safe i thought i'd never get out of there batman that noise what the hell happened to me it's over now i'll have you taken back to gcpd thanks cash i've secured the second hostage good job batman i'll send someone to pick them up mad hatter has a hostage near merchant bridge the siren should lead me to the exact location you think he knew batman so so so sure so so the rabbit is gone he's the last car was empty any word on the missing officer sergeant lori actually just showed up at the precinct said he blacked out woke up without his car that's everyon e accounted for i don't buy it batman catch us up to something i'll make him talk he ain't the only one with tricks up his sleeve batman let me know if you need a hand or a hook give me half the money they spent on this army and i'd kill the bat in two seconds a bat with nothing to lose where does this newsman conduct his research why hold with a hand when a hook will suffice the night returns all filmed with malice tell me batman did you find your alice no more games jervis where's the other hostage oh yeah why yes there's three oh silly me the answers in the book batman open and see tell me there's no joke no joke control your rage the answer is there just turn the page down the rabbit hole you fall where madness reigns from wall to wall through the rhyming words we tumble where villains toil and psyches crumble welcome to my wonderland it's time to play a game i'm here to make you understand what drives a man insane if you ever want to do is leave the white rabbit follow the white b racket where you strap me to a gurney oh look who's here white rabbit they're wallowing freedom waits for the one who's following follow the white rabbit hold still let me help you you're late you're late the page is turning keep my balance i know you're learning what fun we had in arkham city dear alice she never looked so pretty well until you snapped and crushed my hat follow the rabbit and steal your face you he's back again the rabbit's head will you help him alice it's okay you're safe sorry alice it's not yet time another page ah hallows eve and gotham burns it's here the story twists and turns the final chapter where we'll find pay he's do it alice and batman where are you alice where'd you go oh this isn't right oh no no no no oh what no i had you don't you see you're mad you're mad you're just like me i'll never be like you jervis no this can't be how it ends there's t for two we can still be friends jesus i'm here yeah i'm on my way sandscape remember iron heights penitentia ry what do we know what can i say imagine the worst prison in the world that bad no but it's still pretty bad what i can't figure out is what it's been doing in gotham airspace must have picked up someone we don't know about i'm going in see you inside bruce the ship crashed how jones croc whatever the hell that lizard thing is escaped i ripped the engine to pieces it's still out there batman hunting us don't worry i'll get you to safety nightwing this ship was holding waylon jones he's on the loose yeah i figured i found a guard well half of one keep moving we need to find him fast don't send me back in there no more tests i can't take anymore stay in your cell i'll get you out of here soon i should rescue the prison guard before moving deeper into the airship over here i can't hold on much longer thank you i never thought i'd get out you had croc imprisoned here what for all i know it was a bad idea rankin was playing with fire do you know where anyone else is trapped i saw the warde n in here right before the crash you better hurry with that thing out there i'll get to him in time wait here let me out of here help me batman thank you we need to leave batman immediately waylon jones must be apprehended let this place sink and everyone with it you've got no idea nightwing make your way to my location now he's got the warden i'm on the way oh stay here we won't taking the warden why not just kill him and escape the prisoners have been dealt with you're safe man thank you when i heard those cells unlock i thought that was it i need access to that door good luck it uses key cards two-man rule as soon as this bird took a nosedive out of the sky they bailed monkey bastards i'll find them nightwing i'm going after the key cards work on getting the survivors off this ship you got it i'll check the database make sure we don't miss anyone master bruce it appears when the airship crash landed two guards did indeed parachute to well i hesitate to say safety sir it is gotham se nd me their locations of course then though i can only approximate where they landed you'll need to search for signs of a parachute once you get there the iron heights guard will have landed near here i need to search for him alfred one of the guards didn't make it notify cash get the body picked up of course sir let's hope his colleague found better there are riddles to be solved on miyagani island batman which is named for the tribe who lived in condom in pre-colonial times they have worshipped idiots so you could feel so good scarecrow speeches oh you okay i'm shaking up but i'll be fine i need your key card look you don't understand i can't just give you access to the high security area the iron heights isn't just but it's complicated croc has the warden give me the card now okay just when you get in there we were only doing our job all right nightwing i've got the key cards what's your status i'm working with cash to get everyone back to gcpd when you're done return to the ship cr ocs not getting away what took you ah you miss me the security door below is unlocked we can head deeper into the the giant man airship we track the subject back to its dead located beneath the founders island lighthouse it suffered minor injuries during capture fortunately wounds did not impede immediate testing the creatures regenerated things they were doing here to prisoners to croc superficial lesions almost instantaneously and the subject's hand is now fully regrown post-amputation further surgeries have been scheduled to see whether tissue growth can be accelerated human trials are underway we must be directly ahead i'll take the floor great see you on the other side let me go you made it worse it's that aftershave oh this will be too easy here you go who can take out the most oh wow uh um no way i'm helping you carry him out of here i'm just saying thank you that monster deserves to be put down there's only one monster here you're insane get your hands off me you experimented o n him tortured these men i'm not begging forgiveness from you i don't forgive uh seriously how are we getting croc out of here been a long time lizard man we got some catching up to do your prisoner cash once i escape again try biting this off big guy you failed to see the bigger picture batman my work was about protecting this country you care more about those animals are you crazy you can't put me next to that monster let me out of here long time ago i thought dent was a bad now back when den was pretty both dead few people can kill two league assassins i should set up a crime scene injuries consistent with slashing blows from a long sharp blade like her own sword same injury pattern different uniform they were fighting each other a third sword dropped in a hurry blood type doesn't match the other bodies someone got away whoever got away was injured badly i should search the other rooftops try and pick up her trail found it this should lead me to some answers alfred the assassins app ear to be fighting one another i'm following a survivor's trail civil war amongst the league how is that possible rich algul is not known for restraint when it comes to punishing descent his body went missing after arkham city i thought the league had revived him but perhaps not sam if the league has a new leader or leaders they could be even more dangerous than rage remember batman some of my riddles are death traps elegant beautiful ingeniously designed death traps and you'd better solve them before some poor innocent soul attempts the same stuff what happened to those guys dropped canary you see him keep tomorrow lay low x fell by morning good thing we had contingency plans or your men gun runners else do it that comes through here he's dead she wasn't on anyone's side need a new one here sir it appears your attack has alerted the militia's new commander following the arkham knight's disappearance he's a rather belligerent sort broadcasting a demand to speak with you via open channe l then give him what he wants very good sir it's good to see you again batman it's been a while slade codename's deathstroke and i'm on the job now as i recall you once said that i didn't worry you but our mutual friend the arkham knight he's as different he sought me out said i was the toughest bastard you ever went toe-to-toe with the night's gone slade you're a merc without a job not exactly i took payment in advance on this one and that makes me professionally obliged to finish this alfred i'm going to track the trail left by the league assassin i have no doubt you'll find where she's gone to ground that was closed okay whatever i'm just saying what happens this city is gonna be ours that's what happens i'm going wherever the money takes me smart move principles don't earn you a living batman's here engaged batman is gone the new commander he was waiting on the other side alfred i'm going to track the trail left by the league assassin i have no doubt you'll find where she's going t o ground the trail leads through the duct into elliott memorial hospital i'll have to power down that generator to gain access remember your training follow our orders you are initiates you are untempered steel these battles will forge your minds that strike him down the blood trail leads through here but the automated door has no power i need to find a way to open it alfred i need to restore power to elliott memorial well let's see ah there's a backup generator located on the exterior of the building sir thanks alfred foreign uh so foreign the demon's head must never rise again the trail heads over the damaged floor into the morgue i need to find a way in there's a fuse box in the room by the door foreign so she's dead blood loss i imagine sir looks like she was trying to press this booby-trapped must be more complex than a single button i should reconstruct her last moments she attempted to press this switch before succumbing to her injuries looks like she pressed the lower switch he re she pressed the switch here she hit the switch here that's not right i must have hit them in the incorrect order wrong she must have hit them in a specific order that's not right i must have hit them in the incorrect order race you dare approach rich all ghoul you've brought him back too many times the lazarus streams all that's keeping him alive he will rise again sheath your blade there will be no fighting here but war is coming traitors to the league conspired to stop the glorious resurrection of rae shalghul we will see gotham burn before we let the rebels hurt our master then let him die i want you gone by morning the rebels have found another pit a pure source a sample of his essence is all he would need i won't help you revive him then you'll face the consequences of war we know you detective you will not let innocence die yet you will not kill the demon's head to prevent their deaths you will do as we ask because your precious morality compels you to detective help me fortar ia so sir you could restore his health and then hand him over to the proper authorities you know no prison can hold him alfred besides he'll outlive any sense i see what's up what are you going to do find the other lazarus pit stop it falling into the wrong hands vince blocked they can't have been expecting anyone to find this entrance i should leave via the main doors calibrate the batmobile sensors to search for trace lazarus particles in the city water supply it should lead me to the source absolutely sir sending you the real-time visual data now into public exhibits the trail leads beneath the dockyard i'll need to continue on foot so this must be the lazarus pit trespasser we guard this site in the name of our new leader you're relieved attack ah turn around slowly and hand me the detonator nissa thank you bruce does race know his daughter fights for the rebels the rebels fight for me and that zombie no longer knows his own name or the day of the week or that his other daughter di ed i'm sorry about talia she was a loyal fool i am neither you understand so long as my father's corpse sits strapped to those tubes there will be war in gotham what do you want nissa go back to him destroy that foul machine and let the thing that was once my father finally die i'm no killer he's already dead he has died a thousand times and every time the lazarus pit restored him he came back worse more hateful more crazed i trembled to imagine what he would have become if this had fallen into his followers hands but with him gone the league will be mine and it will shed no more innocent blood the assassins will leave gotham never to return how can i trust you i swear by the woman we both loved i swear on my sister's grave i will win this war dark knight it's up to you how long it rages for sir nissa was always the most reasonable member of the family but do you trust her i do and are you prepared to end a life for her sir sir if you don't mind i just wanted to suggest that given rish i's supernatural longevity and his current state of artificially prolonged existence not to mention the fact that he has in essence already died a case could be made that well um i swore i'd never kill he's a dangerous uncompromising zealot sir restored to full strength there's no telling what he'll do or who he might hurt is preventing some ungodly resurrection truly the same as taking a life what would you do alfred i don't know sir but i'll stand by you whatever you choose the loyalists have set up defenses against rebel attacks how considerate of them foreign huh you weren't a good man rich but you had conviction stop him kill him so so father what a monster you've let yourself become how long does he have maybe hours maybe days it doesn't matter there's no way back for him now i'll take him to gcpd good the loyalists will scatter and i'll be true to my word the league has no business in gotham from now on nissa don't make me regret this or you will detective proud of you sir i kno w one would be hard pushed ever to call gotham clement but iceberg this isn't the weather alfred i feared as much as well as battling the cold there's a sizable deployment of militia troops aboard the boat i have a feeling they'll object to your presence i'll win them over bodies encased in ice you think you can beat these men they've got a real commander now deploying charge three two one first batman ugh i'm picking up the signal again damn it signal's gone uh come on buddy wake up guys oh god no doc help this guy he's down what's your location on the bridge i'm picking up the signal again signal's gone signal's back anywhere there's no sign of a struggle someone sneaked up on him one took minute where midship let's be quick i've lost the signal nothing we can do here uh i've been waiting i always knew i'd get another shot at you the ship's on lockdown i need to find the security controls so time to get inside so warning cryogenerator unstable warning cryogenerator unstable reroute a uxiliary power error system failure cryogenerator unstable no more victor they wanted me to join them help fight you i refused so they took her they took nora because if you trust them victor take your shot warning cryogenerator unstable find her batman please i will get the ship under control alfred i've got a tracking device that can lead me to nora it's transmitting a location be careful sam i imagine the militia will be rather intent on keeping her prisoner just got better gear wow take your best shot the signal led here where is she let go me where now they took her to a rooftop at otisberg that's all i know i swear victor they found the tracking device but i know where she is no no this is taking too much time stay calm i will find her you need to get that equipment stable victor yes every second i'm losing her please hurry suddenly got dragged into the firing line i'm getting near her location have you stabilized the cryogenerator i think so can you see her victor is it safe yes yes of course contact me as soon as you find her time to deal with the militia stay sharp he's gone up there keep calm aim high and remember he's just a rich guy i respect you batman it's been too long since i killed a man worthy of that batman he's he still thinks he's scary you're a hunter batman a gorilla you're good but this is a different kind of war targets by the cryo chamber ugh nora's life is in danger i need to investigate the cryo chamber oh batman try not to move for what another lifetime you know how long it's been too long it was like dreaming but i could hear victor speaking to me then you know what he's become batman where is she have you found her she's here victor she's awake no you have to bring her back let me speak to him victor nora don't be afraid i will save you as soon as you're back i'll freeze you again please stop system error modification rejected i will save you nora and nearly there the next round of therapies don't you see i don't want saving not anymor e victor the generator victor victor oh god no massive explosion in the bay ice freaks up to something send in the drones we have to go now please hurry i will victor you read me sir frieza's vessel has come under heavy fire reinforcements are inbound um foreign it's the only way i can save her direct hitler batman just took out a diamondback armor inbound i'll send everything we have master bruce the militia are going to keep coming that ice won't hold victor you can take them all out detonate the generator no i need it for nora victor it's okay it's what i want victor victor i love you laura all right with the equipment it's all gone i can't save you maybe there's another way victor this isn't you i won't let you destroy yourself anymore i wish i could have told you sooner i don't want you to die nor then let me live we won't have much time days time never has been on our side victor um sir the ship has set course to leave gotham should i keep tracking them let them go we won't see t hem again you

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