Estoy bien, es bueno escuchar que estás listo para jugar otro juego fantástico ah no sé, sé que es octubre y no estoy tan seguro de esto por qué el esquí de octubre apesta siempre es el caso del juego de miedo ¿qué esto, oh, parece que la uh stream star o la transmisión es lenta para comenzar cain aquí boomer ya llegó allí antes de que pudieras hacer algo ahora creo que el juego ya suena apagado, pero solo verifica dos veces no puedo encontrar la ratonera y colocarla sobre la mesa los gemelos wolfie también están aquí hola cómo estás bien vamos a poner apestoso en el estado de ánimo ahora qué es otra como abuela 3d tú eres una abuela 3d qué está bien, espera un segundo allí, solo tengo que configurar esto también asegúrese de que no haya ningún sonido bien, así que eso es bueno, entonces, ¿cómo es que todos son generosos aquí? Luxino está aquí, de acuerdo , tenemos toda la clase, ¿sabes por qué digo que es una clase hoy debido a este maestro aterrador? voy a hablar sobre el efecto mandela ¿alguien sabe lo que el mando El efecto es que esa es la primera pregunta uh Wolfie dice que ella es buena, los dos estamos bien, tú eres bueno, ¿no apestoso? Ah, lo suficientemente bueno ahora, oh, Cain dice que esta no da miedo en absoluto. voy a tener miedo, apestoso pantalones bien ahora puedes hacer un pequeño comentario mientras hago mi cosa de siempre apesta intentaré ¿qué es esto todavía um ahora generoso dice sí creo que si ella sabe cuál es el efecto uh mandela así que tú puedes Explícale eso al chat, generoso, bueno, volveré enseguida y harás un pequeño comentario.No tengo idea de qué es el efecto mandala, quiero decir, sé que me lo dijiste antes, pero no puedo recordar cosas, sin embargo, sé qué es. hay tabú y este es el tabú para la abuela está bien, ¿qué es esto? vamos a servir un poco de problema ganando el desayuno de la señorita t qué espera ella no es la abuela por qué tienes que intimidar a su matón mayor no es bueno um está bien espera , eres bueno en Bullying apestoso pantalones deberías estar bien en esto los gemelos del muelle dicen hola hola amigo apestoso no tengo e cualquier cosa hola está bien, así que hoy vamos a hacer la lección aterradora de los efectos 3d mandela del maestro el efecto mandela ya sabes quién es el hombre uh nelson mandela sí oh hola ahora lo siento, no puedo pronunciar ese nombre pero solo dame un momento aquí, intentaré traducirlo, así que, ¿hay un nombre en inglés con el que podamos llamarte? Reconozco el ícono del canal, eh , solo estoy haciendo una traducción. Armani kitchen y sus secretos. Ahí tienes, déjame introducirlo. no da miedo, dice Kane, así que deberías estar bien, apestoso, lo veremos, así que para explicar la historia del efecto mandela, comenzaremos con ese nelson mandela, aparentemente mucha gente regresó, aunque creo que fue en los 80 se pensó que había fallecido. en prisión y algunas personas incluso dicen que lo vieron en las noticias y resulta que no es cierto en absoluto, pero muchas personas tienen la misma memoria colectiva ahora para mí, personalmente, yo era un niño cuando eso sucedió y parece que tengo un recuerdo vago Sin embargo, eso podría ser solo la influencia de estudiar hasta En el efecto mandela y, por cierto, viendo como Keynes puso el aspecto de dlg, tenemos un nuevo emoji especial temporal para los miembros del canal hasta que tu animador tenga el otro ordenado, hay otros pingüinos de dlg aquí, di que te den una taza. de té de mercancías, de acuerdo, así que, para continuar, es una memoria colectiva que la gente cree que es correcta, que en realidad no lo es y hay muchos ejemplos de eso a lo largo de la historia, mucho de eso tiene que ver con películas y citas de películas, pero ahora también hay otras cosas Voy a intentar hacer todas las cosas increíbles aquí, también estamos obteniendo más dld, así que daré un ejemplo para comenzar con el que conozco muy bien y lamento que tengamos una audiencia joven para que puedan no recuerdo esto, oh, tenemos el pingüino gemelos lobo, pensé que no había leído eso, ¿es earl grey? ah, el pingüino ama el té el gris ahora hay una película de james bond llamada moonraker, es una de las más antiguas, creo que está protagonizada por roger Moore y yo tenemos un chico que a menudo interpreta a un villano y se llama mandíbulas y mandíbulas tiene es un tipo enorme con estos grandes dientes de metal de todos modos al final de la película Moonraker se enamora de esta chica y cuando se sonríen el uno al otro, las mandíbulas sonríen y muestran sus grandes dientes de metal y luego la chica sonríe y recuerdo claramente que esta gente puede llamarme loco todo lo que quiera, pero ella llevaba esos aparatos de estilo antiguo, grandes y metálicos, como los que tenía cuando era niño y si buscas esto en youtube o en Google , verás un montón de personas diciendo exactamente lo mismo que ese era el punto de la historia allí y la broma no tendría sentido si ella no usara aparatos ortopédicos resulta que ella no llevaba aparatos ortopédicos ¿Cómo puede tanta gente estar equivocada? Te reto a buscar eso en youtube búscalo por ti mismo y hay otros déjame preguntarte esto ¿sabes el señor moneybags de monopoly? no sabes el juego monopoly tú y yo lo hemos jugado antes uh sí, así que hay un tipo con bigote y lleva como un sombrero de copa y un traje , ¿sabes qué? un monóculo, no, sabes qué gafas son correctas, no , no sabes qué gafas, no, de qué estás hablando, que la gente se pone los ojos para ver mejor, oh, ese tipo de gafas, está bien, sí, un monóculo es uno de esos, así que en lugar de tener dos vasos, solo tienes uno que es un monóculo, está bien ahora, la gente también me cree que el tipo del monopolio tiene un monóculo, él no sabe, ese no juego al monopolio, escuché el juego pero no juego, así que no tengo idea, estoy de vuelta ahora, qué está pasando en el café, a todos les gusta el café, se comen los pingüinos, está bien, estoy de vuelta ahora, qué está pasando, estaba explicando el efecto mandela, pero no creo que nadie realmente me entiende lo encuentro fascinante porque yo mismo he estado sujeto a él creo que tengo razón en mis recuerdos, pero resulta que podrías estar equivocado, hay otros ejemplos que a menudo son más antiguos, así que no sé si se aplica a la gente más joven aquí, pero cosas como decir una cita de película que conoces, Forrest Gump, por ejemplo, ese famoso ote la vida es como una caja de chocolates la gente lo cita incorrectamente y el de star wars del que hablamos antes con luke y darth vader diciendo que soy tu padre está bien él no dice luke soy tu padre él dice que no soy tu padre mandela el efecto está bien, todos los juegos plus están aquí. Me alegro de verte también y gracias por dejar caer un me gusta, soy elegante, la gente inglesa los usa apestoso ahora presidente, sí, así que no puedo leer eso en voz alta, pero también lo escuchamos oh oh barón trump ese es el sol, así que sí, escuchamos que el presidente había dado positivo por la tos vieja tos, ya que tenemos que hablar en código en estos días suena como si los gemelos lobos necesitan un café ahora mismo tengo media taza sentada frente a mí ahora vas a ir allí apestoso huyendo del maestro, así que la hora del cuento de todos los dlg o de todos en el chat en vivo ¿tienes historias de maestros de miedo pantalones apestosos tienes una historia de maestros de miedo y no lo sé? ¿A qué te refieres con aterrador bien, por ejemplo, uh cuando como en la escuela y estudiando francés mi profesora de francés solía nadar en la escuela como representar a la escuela y como parte del entrenamiento tendrías que levantarte muy temprano antes de que todos los demás estudiantes desayunen temprano ve y haz tu uno o dos horas de entrenamiento y luego ir a clase, así que cada vez que llegaba la clase de francés, siempre tenía sueño y me dormía con la cabeza en el escritorio, él venía y golpeaba libros junto a mi oreja cada vez que asustaba al Me muero de miedo, es un asustadizo, oh, parece que el pingüino tiene un maestro que da miedo, pero te lo dejo a ti si quieres decir uh hablar sobre esa historia en particular pingüino y decir que sabes que no animamos a hacerlo cualquier cosa ilegal pero tengo mi propia opinión personal al respecto diciendo que tiene cualidades medicinales lo dejaré así uh hagamos que los pingüinos lo hagan para la cena kane quiere comer pingüino ¿eso lo convierte en caníbal o no? sí, por supuesto el pingüino es un animal bien p A los enguins también les gusta un ser humano, ese es el nombre de su canal de todos modos, ¿estás diciendo que no porque no sé qué significa eso? Sí, creo que eso es no en alemán, si no me equivoco, él hará la hora del cuento y cualquier otra persona que tiene un maestro aterrador o una historia escolar aterradora.Me encantaría escucharlo.Tuve un par de maestros aterradores que crecían teniendo en cuenta que soy lo suficientemente mayor como para tener el final del castigo corporal. Nunca lo recibí. Fue amenazado. un par de veces tuviste eso en la escuela o te lo sellaron qué es ese castigo corporal donde te pueden golpear con una regla o el bastón te golpean con el bastón imagina que con el rey nunca tuviste eso um es posible que usted personalmente haya sido un estudiante demasiado amable para entenderlo, bueno, tal vez no un bastón, podrían usar otra cosa, sí, como una regla o un sí, es una rama o un cepillo para el polvo, ¿alguna vez sucedió o no? te pasó , uh, probablemente, pantalones apestosos es un estudiante travieso el pingüino está castigado durante seis décadas, eso es mucho tiempo para estar castigado, parece que todos tienen buenos maestros en comparación con lo que pasamos, no estoy diciendo que fueran malos maestros. Fue un poco aterrador en mi época. ¿Dónde tengo? para salir corriendo buscar objetos probablemente ah sí, así que el pingüino está diciendo felicitaciones por el aumento de subs pero, para ser honesto, ha sido muy difícil el pasado, ahora está pasando casi un mes que um sucedió ayer que recogimos no sé tal vez 10 subs y luego los perdimos instantáneamente, también fue una locura y no quiero seguir insistiendo en eso, pero desafortunadamente he visto otros canales sufrir un poco que sabemos muy bien también hay un canal que visité por última vez noche en la que perdieron 40 o algo en una semana, lo cual es inusual, lo peor que he visto ahora son tres mil quinientos en un canal pequeño que estaba bastante mal o no lo siento, un poco más de tres mil , pero no lo hicieron. Tengo un gran canal para empezar, así que t Básicamente, esto sería toda nuestra base de suscriptores ahora, ¿no es así? Ha sido muy, muy difícil. Realmente no me gusta la escuela en línea, dice Kane y mi hermano es este mes y mi hermano ewan. Bueno, mi cumpleaños es este mes. Oh, bueno, ¿cómo lo hicieron? que qué estás haciendo ahí apestas, sí, colarme en el reloj en punto uh, voy a pasar, oye, sí, gracias, bueno, tendremos que intentar recordar el cumpleaños de Kane cuando surja Emily, él y su hermano recién nacieron. con un día de diferencia, parece que tienes eso en tu familia o no, ¿cuáles son tus cumpleaños cerca de tus hermanos o no? um, una de mi hermana tiene un cumpleaños muy cercano con mi madre, oh, ahí tienes, uh, sí, eso es todo, tengo el exactamente el mismo cumpleaños que una de mis tías, oh, yo, sin embargo, no soy cercano a nadie en mi familia, sí, como hacia el final del año y todos los demás, como hacia el otro, porque todos los pantalones apestosos, ella tiene que ser diferente, pero lo he sabido bastante algunas personas que tienen un cumpleaños similar al mío e solo un día antes o el mismo día parece ser un mes porque ¿no es así? ¿ Te refieres a ti y naciste ? estás en aguas turbulentas, somos hermanos fingidos, pero lo sabes, sé capitán del cielo o cualquier nombre. él pasa ahora es su hermano real oh está bien está el año pasado en mi segundo año de español y mi maestra es muy rara los domingos casi bipolar o algunos dicen que algún día vendría y nos daría basura todo el día y otros días ella Fue muy amable ahí lo tienes. ¿Puedo tener una maestra amable? Bueno, también quiero mencionar uno de cuando era pequeño y fui a una pequeña escuela pública en el país. Ella era una de las personas más encantadoras que jamás conocerás, pero esto la maestra tuvo un terrible accidente automovilístico cuando era más joven, aparentemente era bastante hermosa, pero después del accidente automovilístico, la cara era un poco aterradora, para ser justos, realmente le hizo mucho daño a la cara, pero una de las personas más agradables que usted ' Alguna vez conocí y también a un maestro realmente bueno, así que no juzgues un libro por eso s cubierta a menos que estés mirando pantalones apestosos en cuyo caso puedes juzgar todo lo que quieras porque esa cara de dragón es verdad ¿no es archienemigo uh ya que él está muy lejos estás hablando de ti y nacido allí? kane estás hablando alguien más no lo hemos visto por un tiempo, pero probablemente él está más cerca de mí que y vino, ese es el mismo país al menos, oh, qué son, oh, esa es una trampa , vas a atrapar al maestro allí, apestoso, agradable, hola rosanna asavado está aquí como un veto está aquí hola ¿cómo eres bienvenido a la transmisión? Creo que podría ser la primera vez que te unes ¿cómo ha sido tu semana bien hoy hasta ahora? ¿tienes una historia aterradora para el maestro que estoy esperando? escúchalos todos, pensé que habría mucho más de lo que hay en este momento o incluso una historia aterradora de la escuela, la escuela secundaria o la universidad , todos son buenos, debes haber tenido una o dos de esas cosas apestosas, sé que hay en al menos uno de cuando estás en la universidad recuerdas cuál fue esa historia de miedo que conociste yo, oh sí, siempre me pregunté por qué lo hizo, así que decidí hacer mi propia investigación y me quedé vacío, así que cuando seguí mi camino y esto continuó por el resto del año escolar de ida y vuelta y si todo es más para continuar aquí, parece que el pingüino siempre es bueno con las historias spidey too spidey ¿las buenas historias lo estás haciendo bien en el juego hay pantalones apestosos? No tengo idea, bueno, estás recogiendo muchos artículos, lo que supongo que es bueno Estaba tratando de pensar en hacer un poco de miniatura atrevida para este si puedo volver a tener un estudiante de escuela travieso que sea un adulto, piensa que sabes que todo el asunto del cosplay no quiere meterse en ningún problema, lo que seguramente ocurrirá. sucederá tarde o temprano realmente ¿no es porque los dos somos alborotadores? usted es un alborotador ¿no apestan los pantalones bien? ¿Puedo oh hay una maestra que da miedo cómo eso no pone el miedo en el bastón uh bueno porque ella no lo hizo? Haz cualquier cosa que te haya tomado del cuello aunque es un poco como en casa r simpson y bart bueno, este juego también tiene anuncios, parece que ¿no es así ?, es difícil alejarse de los anuncios del juego. Ese estudiante se ve como tú apestoso. ¿Crees que lo que sabes es pequeño y pequeño y femenino ? comparación que puedo hacer allí artículos de aspecto encantador y apestoso que obtuviste allí, caramba, la conversación se ha vuelto muy silenciosa en el momento, sé que pingüino está haciendo su novela épica en el momento que lo hace con cada historia, sí, ahí vamos de nuevo, bajamos a la semana final y Recordé que casi nos amenazó con estudiar para eso, pero el día, si estaba muy feliz, incluso tocó la guitarra para nosotros y cantó canciones, estaba alegre ahora, eso también es bueno cuando descubres que tus maestros tienen otros talentos, ¿verdad? Alguna vez experimenté que en la escuela como qué bien, por ejemplo, tendríamos un concierto escolar todos los años y los estudiantes y los maestros actuarían y hubo un año en el que un grupo de los maestros formaron una banda juntos no conocía a nadie de ellos podían tocar instrumentos musicales, no solo podían tocar, sino que eran bastante buenos.Fue bastante impactante ver a estos maestros que querías saber enseñándote cualquier clase de matemáticas en inglés, este tipo de cosas y luego rompen la guitarra eléctrica, Dios mío y todo tipo de otros instrumentos también uno estaba tocando tenían uh como una banda de folk aunque había una guitarra eléctrica allí pero sabes que alguien estaba tocando la tabla de lavar alguien estaba tocando un gran contrabajo, un violín o un violín, no sé si allí hay una diferencia entre un violín y un violín lo mismo realmente alguien estaba tocando el banjo no más de tu historia dice kate pero nos mantiene entretenidos kane porque no he escuchado nada sobre ti y lo que pudo haber pasado en la escuela de su interesante o asustadizo pensé que todos estarían hablando de eso gemelos guau todos generosos todo no están diciendo demasiado en absoluto ¿son ellos y los pantalones apestosos tampoco dicen demasiado demasiado ocupados concentrándose en el juego, me gusta la forma en que se mueve la cabeza cuando estás haciendo eso, eso es gracioso, pero luego, cuando todos terminamos nuestra prueba, ella recogió el estuche de la guitarra, Dios mío, se cayó al suelo y lo recogió y descartó esto y lo que explicó. por qué lo estaba, sí, y eso lo hará, Dios mío, espero que no se haya metido en problemas por eso, porque no sabes que estoy alentando cualquiera de estas cosas. Lo dejaré absolutamente claro, pero creo que hay diferencias. entre lo que sabes que tal vez no sea tan malo y lo malo que es una opinión personal no tomes nada de lo que digo por el evangelio vivir una vida limpia eso es lo que quieres vivir limpio vivir sano ¿no es apestoso eso es lo que haces dios generoso está en el trabajo escuchando nosotros es por eso que ella es tan callada uh no quiero no eh uh no dé demasiada información personal generoso pero me interesaría saber cómo puedes escucharnos mientras estás trabajando supongamos que juegue a youtube ey Puedo deducir lo caliente que es eso, ¿podrías salirte con la tuya en el que has estado trabajando? Últimamente, no creo que puedas y ciertamente sé que no podría no podría salirme con la mía en absoluto, aunque habiendo dicho que tenía un um, trabajamos desde casa este día. podría salirse con la suya aquí, pero uh, tenía un trabajo en el que podía llevar una computadora al trabajo en ciertos lugares y simplemente tiraba películas porque no había nada más que hacer, no podía obtener acceso a Internet y Entonces, si estaba en otro lugar, siempre teníamos nuestros teléfonos con nosotros y puedes pasar, supongo que ponte un poco de tubérculos en ese golpe, golpe, apestoso, no, ¿quién está ahí, whoa? Estoy muy ocupado en este momento, no puedo, incluso si dije vudú encerrado veo me atraparon ¿qué pasa entonces dices vudú ¿quién cree que está bien no voy a distraer allí oh así que sí la maestra de pingüino por desgracia fue despedido no es sorprendente cuando algo así bien debido a lo que los estudiantes la vieron con no realmente sorprendente pero triste porque sabes que creo que um gente Vamos a hacer bien que la gente cometa errores que sabes que probablemente no debería haber hecho eso en la escuela oh sí uh generoso dice que trabajan en una oficina y que el jefe no es grande en que estemos en nuestros teléfonos, siempre y cuando el trabajo esté hecho, por supuesto. ahí lo tiene, mientras que tendríamos que poner nuestro teléfono , lo confiscarían si lo vieran, pero eso era un asunto de privacidad porque teníamos acceso a su información privada, por lo que no puede tener su teléfono en ningún lugar para estar visto, pero si suficientes personas infringen eso en ese equipo, el teléfono de todos es tomado, así que incluso si no estabas haciendo algo mal, mala suerte, tomar tu teléfono bien, suena como si estuvieras en la escuela, y uh, nunca lo hice bien, en realidad solía hacerlo. ¿A quién estoy engañando, pero solo muy brevemente? ¿Por qué la dama se ve como un hombre disfrazado? Eso es cierto uh no, así que la gente dice que sí, uh, gemelos lobos, se llama, supongo que la purga de youtube y hablamos sobre lo que he estado. hablando de eso durante las últimas dos transmisiones y espero que no sea así No nos afecta en el algoritmo para seguir hablando de eso, pero creo que usted sabe cuando surgen problemas y afecta a la gente, entonces debería hablarse y es cierto, um youtube está quitando suscriptores de los canales ahora dirán que todos lo que están haciendo es limpiar, por lo que están buscando canales inactivos o canales muertos que terminan eliminando, pero no creo que ese sea el caso, creo que hay algo que está sucediendo en segundo plano porque le ha pasado a muchos canales y están perdiendo mucho más de lo normal porque hemos pasado por purgas antes de que cualquiera que haya tenido un canal de youtube durante más de un año probablemente haya pasado por al menos dos o tres purgas, pero no se nota realmente cuando te acostumbras a ganar y perdiendo suscriptores, por lo que podríamos perder uno, dos o tres y luego los recuperaremos más tarde, tal vez no esos suscriptores, sino otros, pero lo que ha estado sucediendo durante casi un mes es que está perdiendo mucho más que solo un acoplamiento e o unos pocos y vienen en lotes, así que, por ejemplo, ayer mencioné antes que recogimos 10 suscriptores mientras estaba trabajando y luego perdimos 10 suscriptores al instante, no solo estaba perdiendo uno o dos o tres a la vez , todos estaban simplemente eliminado, así que espero que se detenga pronto porque sabes, querido cuerpo de ai de youtube, si alguno de ustedes escucha nuestras transmisiones, lo cual es muy poco probable, es muy difícil para los canales pequeños en primer lugar, no nos promocionan como los más grandes. los más establecidos lo hacen y es muy difícil conseguir suscriptores, así que puedes dejarnos en paz como si no fuera tan fácil de hacer y estoy seguro de que muchas personas en la transmisión pueden dar fe de que es difícil hacer crecer un canal uh tío buda, ¿les dije a mis amigos sobre willy wonkas? Estoy tratando de que ese animador haga que los nuevos emojis sucedan . Solo necesitamos cuatro miembros más del canal. Podemos desbloquear otro emoji. Me preguntaba si deberíamos registrarnos para eso. randoms apestosos aquí es bueno verte También finalmente podemos decir más tarde, Adam, otro de los dlgs aquí, eso es increíble, así que sí, no dejes que todo esto, eh, perder suscriptores, te deprima. Lo he visto en muchos canales. videos que salen al respecto um lo siento mucho por el tipo que perdió tres mil quiero decir que es increíblemente alto, pero otras personas han informado que han perdido cientos , están diciendo que los están perdiendo uh como mucho más de lo habitual y ciertamente ha sido el caso con nosotros oh ella está ahí otra vez bueno, abuela maestra, es casi como una mezcla entre abuela y maestra, ¿no es así? No es tan aterrador como la abuela, creo que porque no tiene el final donde ella nos mató, sí, eso es es cierto, tenemos que intentar encontrar a Kane recomendó un uh bueno, supongo que podrías llamarlo una especie de juego de miedo, así que sabes, lo siento, pantalones apestosos, te van a molestar por un tiempo, quería decir la palabra clave, pero eso podría No ayudo a poner lo que son dos más dos cuatro y el pingüino dice 22 no, no lo hago sé si ella está diciendo que no a cuatro o si dice que los gemelos lobo dos más dos son cuatro ¿no es así? tal vez haya vuelto al efecto mandela y tengo todo mal , sabes que dos más dos es apestoso dos más dos probablemente sí eso fue el juego que Kane recomendó Me di cuenta de que lo subió a su canal y lo descargué Kane, así que podría llegar pronto.Espero encontrar otro juego de miedo realmente bueno como Granny, pero no he encontrado uno que esté encendido. el mismo nivel en realidad, pero hay muchas que son muy similares a él, así que tal vez eso sea lo suficientemente bueno. Penguin recomienda entre nosotros dos más dos es igual a veintidós uh cain dice que entre nosotros es aburrido, ha sido que todos lo están jugando en este momento, incluso los que no juegan los canales lo han estado reproduciendo, ¿te has dado cuenta de que apestoso debes verlo en tus sitios recomendados? Sí, y el original de pingüino vi a alguien uh dejé un comentario en uno de los grandes canales que se habían reproducido entre nosotros y alguien respondió a ese comentario Diciendo que es un poco como los fanáticos de una banda, él es como si estuviera tan molesto que supieras que este juego entre nosotros dos aparentemente saldrá pronto y dijo que estoy tan molesto que he sido fan de entre nosotros durante dos años y ahora, de repente, se ha vuelto muy popular, ¿sabes qué pasa con todos los fanáticos incondicionales que lo jugaban hace dos años? Y a eso diré que Penguin lo recomendó hace meses antes de que se hiciera popular, así que dile a Penguin por eso porque usted sabe realmente él sabía que él es como un adivino él es un profeta él sabía que iba a ser popular ¿no? ¿no es así? pingüino tres más cuatro es igual a treinta y cuatro No estoy muy seguro de cómo funcionan tus matemáticas allí gato guau lo que es dos dividido por dos eso es uno no es mi matemática es mala peter te estoy dando sugerencias así que no necesitas buscar di oh, ahí vamos otra vez felices de escuchar las sugerencias del juego particularmente las de terror que lo harán asustar a los pantalones para que no huelan mal porque eso va a suceder al menos hasta que cada vez que sea Halloween t la alerta de spoiler que estoy haciendo allí oh juvie está aquí uno de los miembros del canal es bueno verte judy ahora he mencionado en la sección de comentarios antes que tienes acceso a todos esos emojis especiales y realmente puedes ponerlos en tus comentarios también, ahora nunca solías poder hacer eso, así que hace que tus comentarios se destaquen aún más, así que espero que sigas ahí, jivi, y entiendes eso, porque he estado tratando de animarte a Haz eso para que la membresía de tu canal se destaque más. Me di cuenta de que obtienen más Me gusta en sus comentarios. También grita a Judy por el miembro del canal. De hecho, hagámoslo una vez más, ya que lo hice antes. solo para hacerlos felices, el pingüino me pregunta de nuevo uh ajo o salsa sin duda siempre será ajo el ajo es el ingrediente número uno en la comida para mí, ¿no es realmente la única cosa que si no lo tengo no lo hago? No sé lo que haría, probablemente se volvería loco con ajo pret ty mucho todos los días no es así y es por eso que no tenemos ningún vampiro alrededor de nuestra casa ¿qué tienes que decir al respecto apestoso Cray Cray Cray loca, pero no se preocupe GVTV uh, como he dicho que debe uh cuando estás dejando comentarios tienes acceso a todos estos emojis eh ¿los hice todos? no, me he perdido uno, tal vez escribo que está bien, lo siento, ¿puedes decir algo apestoso mientras escribo? no, ¿ dónde está el armario que vas a esconder como tú? qué hacer con la abuela, te esconderás en el armario todo el tiempo, oh, ¿qué es esa cosa que se arrastra por el suelo que parece un ajo de salón de clase o un ajo de coca? Podrías decir ajo o cualquier cosa, pingüino, todavía voy a decir ajo y cuándo viene a la coca, realmente solo la coca de vainilla, me apetece la coca de vainilla, pero la coca normal o cero o cualquiera de las otras no tanto y no puedo entender por qué a los estadounidenses les encanta la coca de cereza tanto que estaba aquí para bien, todavía puedes conseguirla Estoy seguro de que si miras lo suficiente , intentaron promocionarlo y simplemente no era popular, mientras que es muy popular allí para mí que sabe a la medicina ha tenido usted cerezo coca-cola antes de que yo creo que sabe a medicina para la tos supongo que si te gusta el sabor de la medicina para la tos que le gustaría que el Sr. juego compañero de terror de escape ahora He oído hablar de ese antes, así que podría eliminarlo, solo tengan paciencia conmigo el ajo o Nueva Zelanda, sin ofender a nuestros encantadores vecinos de Nueva Zelanda , uh, porque son gente increíble, pero no ajo si tuviera la opción entre ajo o Nueva Zelanda. todavía recogería ajo, de hecho lo hicimos, tomamos nota de cuando plantamos el ajo apestoso porque toma alrededor de nueve meses, creo que antes de que puedas recogerlo y esté creciendo bien, tengo que poner un poco más pronto, seguro. No estoy seguro de que ella diga que creo que es durante el invierno, pero no estoy muy seguro de cuándo exactamente pensé que este era mi libro de juegos ¿Por qué él no tiene juegos? De todos modos, solo lo agregaré ahora de todos modos Garlicore Sildrag No sé qué Silrag apesta cuando está escribiendo solo grita ah mr made h orror porque tenemos que poner el miedo en apestoso desearía poder hacer el um ¿qué fue el juego de alicia en el país de las maravillas que tu hermana me hizo jugar porque estaba demasiado asustada para jugar eso sería genial a mi alrededor ella dijo que sí por favor, juegue bien, consiga ajo o ajo al revés ajo o vegemite que es difícil llamar ajo no vegemite ¿qué pasa con el ajo cubierto con vegemite? ¿Podrías manejar eso, poner un poco de vegemite sobre tu ajo y comerlo de esa manera? No quiero imaginar vegemite es basura pero la gente de uh el reino unido a inglaterra no tenían marmite como el original supongo vegemite así que deben tener al menos algunas personas del reino unido debe gustar no puedo creer que tu familia tu sabes que es la primera vez que estaba tratando de aguantar a tu familia y darles regalos, sabes, ve con cosas que les pueden gustar y disfrutan de Australia, les gustan las nueces de macadamia y les compré un frasco de vegemite. ¿Qué pasó con eso? tarro apestoso no lo sé sí me dijiste que lo tiraron tiraron mi regalo yo no dije que sí lo hiciste me dijiste que tu mamá lo tiró realmente sí no recordaba que tuve un gusto y dije que eso es asqueroso y tengo deshazte de él ajo o cereza pepsi nunca he probado cereza pepsi antes, pero si es algo como la coca de cereza probablemente no me gustará y el ajo qué hay de ti apestoso ¿tienes una cosa favorita absoluta y singular sin la cual no puedes vivir? Eso es lo que encabeza la lista, sin duda, sí, puedo vivir sin eso, solo hazlo más difícil, pero podemos, no sé nada en absoluto porque te lo digo por mí, realmente no es broma, tengo que comer ajo durante el apocalipsis, eso es ¿Por qué nos abastecimos? Tenemos todo el material seco y lo ponemos en el jardín y tiene ajo mohoso. El pastel de ajo fresco. ¿Sí, empezó a crecer o tiene algún tipo de moho? Tengo que tirar algo de lo que, básicamente, simplemente tira. en el jardín con suerte va a crecer aquí vamos coque con sabor a ajo o chic con sabor a ajo ken probablemente el pollo definitivamente pollo nuez [__] lo probaría si pusieran ajo en cocaína realmente lo probaría oh hombre es como las patatas fritas con ajo no puedo creer que sean tan difíciles de encontrar ahora que solía comprar los que están a granel en el supermercado por bulto, me refiero a dos paquetes uh, creo que podrías ser la minoría hoy, sí, no sé por qué, porque cualquier cosa con ajo hace que tu pan apesta, sí, está bien, pero eso no está bien para alguien que recibe el final pero cuán popular es el pan de ajo es realmente popular, creo que tan bien, entonces cuál es la diferencia entre eso y las papas fritas es básicamente lo mismo carbohidratos carby uh ajo o carne de pingüino carne de pingüino no, todavía va a ser ajo pero pingüino con sabor a ajo mate qué y qué tienes que hacer tienes que mantener alejados a los vampiros , ¿no crees en eso? no, no te pones ajo alrededor del cuello, lo comí, te digo, ¿qué pasa si alguien alguna vez hace una búsqueda de ajo en youtube? va a aparecer cuantas veces puede Lo digo en una secuencia uh ok gracias ok señor muchas gracias no te preocupes bueno me alegro de que hayas entendido que si querías judy inténtalo ahora si presionas la pestaña uh emoji lo verás en la parte superior no hay caca dot pantalones fétidas emojis y sí lo recomiendo mucho que cuando salga comentarios hacerlo también porque destacan he notado que gv se vuelve más le gusta en sus comentarios cuando los dejan en nuestros vídeos gritar a la viejos miembros del canal con suerte tendremos más algún día ajo con sabor a pollo a la naranja comimos un poco de pollo a la naranja para tu cumpleaños, recuerda eso, oh sí, era cerdo, lo siento y en realidad era mandarina, sí, mandarina perfumada bastante, de todos modos, ¿soy básicamente el same thing there no one else is mentioning that what is the ultimate food that they can't live without or flavor i'd like to hear from the live chat can't think of it right now maybe later on you're probably a little bit different like spice you do yeah what a bout chili i mean you need to have your chili there's no doubt about that but let's face it your taste range is really quite wide and on top of that you're very experimental there's nothing that you pretty much won't try really isn't it oh there are some like the you know specific type of cheese that i'm not gonna do it blue vein cheese is that what you're talking about the blue cheese probably the fact that you won't have blue cheese but you have eaten haggis astounds me haggis would be one of the last meals that i would ever want to try uncle poodle do you have a garlic story like the car one or the horse one or the willy wonkas one now i do and it's a little bit of a sad story in a sense because it relates to uh my dad and i are having a bit of a fight but believe it or not i have a garlic story so there's when i was a child uh i was sick one day just with the the cold probably and i was finding it quite hard to breathe so i took the minced garlic from the the cupboard and i just ha d it next to me so i could smell it because that was the only thing that would get through my nostrils because it was that strong and my dad walked into my bedroom and he saw that i had this garlic minced there and for some reason he got really mad like he's saying you know why you eating this garlic like that that's disgusting and then he picked it up and he sprinkled it all over my bed and i said to him but dad i was only smelling it because i've got a i've got a cold and i can't i'm trying to unblock my nose so i don't know why he was so mad that day but then later on he actually apologized he said i'm sorry i shouldn't have done that and i said yeah honestly that i wasn't eating it i was just smelling it i could do that though i could sit there with a minced jar just sniffing away at the garlic is it weird ah i'm low on energy and i got caught dang it i just got some kind of key i don't know what key it is close one now i have another garlic story but i'm not sure if i've told this one before i know you've heard it this is when i used to order pizza from a particular pizza place oh i know this one yeah and i haven't heard about your story with your dad yeah that that might have been you too i was quite shocked when he did it he was like why why are you so angry at me for having a jar of garlic next to the bed and why would it annoy you so much that you think i was eating it even if i was which i wasn't so there you go you have heard the pizza story but i'm telling it again oh aesthetic ocean's here hello it's good to see you as well i think this might be the first time in a live stream so welcome welcome welcome to the dld now for the garlic pizza story so i used to order this pizza from from one of the local pizzerias and the first time i did it i asked can i can i get some extra garlic and they said yep no problem and they had the good stuff this is the the it's like a oily type garlic sauce that they put in with minced garlic but not the really uh ordinary ve rsion that you get from the supermarket however they do it it's really nice and it it's like fresh garlic right so he said yeah no problem and i have the pizza and it was not bad but not enough so the next time i ring up i'll say you probably don't remember me but i asked for some extra garlic can you put more on this time there wasn't enough they said yeah no problem okay and this went on enough times that they knew when i called them they actually knew my voice they're like you want extra garlic right i'm like yeah it still wasn't enough and then it got to the point where i said to them look when you think you've put on enough put on some more or when you think you put on too much put on some more so they did the last time was too much you can have too much of a good thing because when this pizza came you couldn't see any other toppings you could only see the garlic on top they literally spread it across the entire pizza the next time they called up they said how did we do this time i said fantastic i reached my limit that's like my uh brother he used to order chili pizzas and he say i want you to make it so hot that i can't eat it and he used to be very proud of the fact that he could eat all of these pizzas until one day we went on holidays and the guy kept warning him saying you know we do it from one to ten no one orders ten it's too hot to eat and he said i'll be the judge of that so he ordered it had one slice and said i can't eat anymore i'm gonna keep saying to him what was the point of that you wasted an entire pizza because it was too hot to eat you'd do that too wouldn't you stink oh there's the uh rat bag cat i'm glad you pop apologized yeah he's a good father i was very lucky to have a well i am very lucky to have a great father it's a garlic guy again i like how the game shows where the teacher actually is how come they don't show granny's location how long are you guys going to stay on please let it be another hour uh it looks like it will be but it depends on whether people get bored with us stinky can you do a tiny bit of commentary while i let the rat bag i do feel kind of uh sad the fact that our entire family can't enjoy the joy the joys of that herb you know the cats aren't supposed to eat it eat white garlic and onion so you know when you feed them scraps if you've had those ingredients in your meal you shouldn't feed it to the cap poor thing she doesn't know what she's missing out on uncle pedo aesthetic ocean is random oh really how do you know he's coming on with the altar counts again usually he doesn't have a picture for that so that's uh new to us i wonder how he knew and uh generous feel free when your boss isn't looking to chime in there and tell us some of your stories do you have like an epic food story stinky full story something that you did that you shouldn't have done like eating buffet too much yes hopefully everyone's got an eating buffet too much story i've got a terrible one this is when i was living with a few flat mates um one of the girls said let's go out and have the mongolian buffet you ever hadn't been to a like mongolian restaurant um not sure some kind of buffet restaurant for sure yes yeah and it's a little bit different in that they don't um have the the what do you call it the bay marie where you go and choose all your food and pile up your plate and then sit down and eat it you actually pile up the raw ingredients on a plate and then take it to the chef and he's got a massive wok biggest wok you'll ever see and a huge spatula thing i don't know what you call what's the correct term for the wok thing what the spatula one you tell me i don't know i'm sure it's not spatula but anyway he's got a huge one of those as well and massive chopsticks the biggest chopsticks you'll ever see this is how they cook huge wok massive spatula massive chopsticks and you grab your meat and veggies and sauces and whatever and he just cooks it up in front of you in a few seconds and you go and e at it so when we went to this buffet we had an agreement said let's not eat at least the day before and that day and we'll go out for dinner so then our stomachs will be ready and she's like that's a great idea let's do it so by the time we went to this buffet we were starving two days of not eating food you get pretty hungry you know leading an active lifestyle and whatnot so we get in there and we start plowing away we had dish after dish after dish of everything you could think of and every time we would we'd be laughing and say i'm so full now i can't eat anymore and she would be saying i can't eat anymore i'm like hang on we got to get our money's worth let's go for another round so do another round and we gorged ourselves so badly that by the time it got to the last plate we could barely stand up i'm not literally it was difficult to get out of the chair so like look i think we've got our money's worth that's good enough we should go home you know what happened as soon as we got home before we even got in the house at least one half of us not me ended up letting quite a bit out on the grass oh by the way you might not like that i didn't it's vinegar but i'm still using it you might want the soy sauce instead dante oh red december's here good to see you too i don't know how to ruin the dresser i mean i know how to ring ruin the dresser i just don't know which dresser they're talking about you find that dresser i have no idea uncle pewda what is the flap what are you doing oh i don't know i thought it was here uh just bear with us we do a replay home i'm not too sure what stinky's doing there can i press replay or i'm stinky but she's always back uh she's been on my streams and not random but babe oh boba there you go uh uncle budo what is a flatmate you might call him housemate so it's someone that you live with that's you know not a relative like when you leave school and you share with friends or just some random person that you're living with you call them a house we call them flatmates but you might call them a house mate so there you go uh red december hello great last week i fell asleep before i can comment that's okay we're actually in daylight savings now so i don't know if this is good or bad for the dlg we started late as well but here now it's almost two o'clock already uh good to hear yes last week was a doozy uh wait what did you do i'm getting a new rescue afghan hound on tuesday name's rufus the midnight shadow that's an awesome name for a dog rufus the midnight shadow i'd like to steal that name no but rufus the midnight shadow that's an awesome name you know pedigree dogs have a pedigree name did you know that no i can't remember what the um the beagle's name was but i remember the cocker spaniel so her her uh pedigree name was lopez dancing shoes what what a strange but they named them strange things i don't know why it's something that i guess the pedigree breeders like to do they give them really unique unusual names and then you name the dog yourself later on oh red december is going to have a regular menagerie she's going to have three dogs soon but they're not all afghans is that right red december i know you've got stardust and i thought the second dog was a small rescue dog i could be wrong about that though i have a bunch of boss stories lols and fun unfortunately 99 of them uh horrible stories but that's what we want to hear generous we're coming up to halloween we've got the the scary game playing let's hear a scary boss story we love hearing all of the scary school stories boss stories food stories we've been telling you actually started early for me you usually start at eight but today you started at 6 40. okay well that would make sense because uh daylight savings means we're an hour ahead so i don't know if it's better for us to still continue to start at 12 o'clock because that would mean an hour earlier than normal for for people but i guess that's probably not bad it's only if you're aro und our area that you it might not be so good you know if you're from one of the asian countries it's like i don't know vietnam or thailand singapore there are a few hours behind us so that'll be very early for them which is why you often don't see asm because it's quite early in the morning for for him to join uh two afghan hounds in the poodle mix was my mother's super oh i'm sorry to hear that red december their mother passed away not that long ago yeah we've we've both lost parents it's very tough isn't it i've got to say credit to you stink pants you were very strong for your family you you dealt with it better than i would have because when my mother passed away i was too young didn't really know her at all you know it's very very young when that happened so when you're older and you have a stronger attachment then it must be really tough i can't imagine what it'd be like if my other parent passed away but anyway sorry to hear that uh red december i hope she had a a good long lif e and you you know maybe you have the memory of the the dog as well i know that my um with my dad they've got that that one of the parents passed away and they've got the cat you met that cat it's actually from one of their parents that passed away stinky click the the i aren't stink oh click the information one penguin's saying that might teach you which which cupboard you need to get into and i've also got to say red december is very kind to to get these rescue animals as well particularly when they're fully grown like uh we debated it for a long time and it was probably more me than stink pants you would have been okay getting a cat wouldn't you i don't think that would have made a difference to you but i really wanted the kitten i was like no if we're gonna do we're gonna get a cat we'll get a kitten so we can mold it which unfortunately stink pants moulded it the wrong way didn't you when i said don't play with it when it does this stuff and you kept playing but she's all right sh e's not too aggro her bad habits have been picked up from the neighborhood cat rather than from this household and then skippy the rabbit like you know if she was a baby when we got her a little kit she would have been a lot more friendly she's still very friendly over time but it took a while you know and she's never never as super friendly as when you get a a baby rabbit or a kit to begin with so for red december to get the fully grown dogs that they've already developed psychologically i think it's admirable because again i'm not so sure that i could do it but having said that you very rarely see how often have we seen puppies at the rspca i think i've seen like maybe one or two they don't really last and then you told me when you were working there the people that work there get preference and they tend to take all the puppies exactly before you even get to say them saying there you go uh oh you have to ruin a dress not the dresser says penguin yeah but i can't find the red dress i already got a scissor so gotta find the old dress rufus the midnight [ __ ] i love that name rufus the midnight shadow is eight years old uh very excited because i haven't met him yet gee that's even more brave red december if you're uh adopting a dog that you haven't even met yet um i'm guessing that afghans have a very pleasant personality though you know certain dog breeds behave certain ways yep so afghans they just seem like a very placid dog even they the history of them did it have something to do with the the afghan army for some reason i think that they they are bro oh no no afghans were too oh this'll test whether i'm stupid or not i believe they were bred to protect uh the sheep in afghanistan from the wolves maybe i don't know maybe someone can clarify maybe red december can clarify what the history of them are i know the history of the cocker spaniel on the beagle just because we've had them both hunting dogs did you know that history of the cocker spaniel you go out shoo ting uh ducks or you know things that fly and the cocker spaniel was bred to go into the water and fetch the the body and this is why cocker spaniels love water if you've ever owned one or been around one for long enough when they see water they just want to get in it doesn't matter if it's summer or winter they love it beagles they're all about chasing the scent so when they get a scent of something they'll they'll run off and chase that and now i want to know what the the story is with the afghan and king boo is here hello how are you it's good to see you i think this might be the first time for a stream for you as well so welcome to the dlg uh what are we playing it's called scary teacher 3d it's free to download on your mobile device mobile phone or tablet if you wanted to try it we're going into a bit of a pre-halloween scary game experience at the moment and stink pants she's in the process of trying to destroy the teacher's dress is that that the plan there stinky what do you sa y what games do you like to play king boo always curious to know what people like to play or what they'd like to watch and in particular any scary games that might be available on a mobile phone because that's what we're trying to get into at the moment uh yes another royal i am emperor penguin there you go penguin oh generous asked have we been playing king of crabs you are we're dead generous was playing with us i was doing a lot of trash talk saying generous can't beat the stink pants no one can beat the stink pants that king is that king of crabs games was a lot of fun that was one of the most fun streams i've been a part of even though i wasn't playing it was just fun to watch trash talk i liked trash talking generous and who is that there was someone else that joined spidey i think i was trash talking everyone that tried to join king coopa has sent me here to search for mario have you him so i know i'm in contact with a couple of channels that have mario in the title mario gaming um mario gaming's very loyal he's obviously got the bell notifications on tends to leave a comment each time doesn't upload themselves much though so i've got the bell on for them as well um but king cooper i'm not sure what that means uh yes he fled to us we tried to catch him so king cooper has sent me here to search for mario have you seen him do you know king coopa not no i don't know what uh who king cooper is and mario i assume is like mario kart or the mario brothers i could be completely wrong about that too maybe everything's in code that's me kane you got pranked kane pranked me kane always gets me with the prank you know why the difference between him and random all they random does it too but uh kane comes up with different channel names and a different avatar so how do i know generous says it was super fun i love the trash talking we're gonna have to play another game with you because i'm not very good at trash talking i know you're good at trash not playing but trash tal k i'm gonna have to study the masters of trash talk there's uh not that again i gotta say it's a sport i don't mind mixed martial arts i actually enjoy watching it i'd never get in the the cage with anyone but if professional fighters are happy to do it then i'm happy to watch those guys in the boxes tend to be really good at trash talking now in australia and for that matter say penguin would be aware of this you're not supposed to trash talk in cricket like it's a gentleman's game they still do it but it's kind of frowned upon so they do it quietly and it's the same they'll be trash talking in afl football but you have to be kind of careful what you say there's acceptable trash talk and not acceptable when it comes to the fighting game oh gee those guys can trash talk conor mcgregor is one of the best he's extremely good at trash talking so i'd like to to do that dang it can you play another football game so by football he does mean afl because that's the only football on the planet australian rules football if you want to be specific about something that is called football but isn't the true football penguin then you have to say what it is gridiron for america rugby union or league soccer if it's soccer but if you're talking football i've tried to play afl football but there isn't a good game out out there at the moment on mobile phone poodok king boo is the king of all booze in the mushroom kingdom he actually kidnaps luigi and mario and has to save them oh there you go so i'm getting a lesson in the mario brothers or mario kart and wolfie's back wolfie left and came back wonder if she went and got a cup of coffee she was talking about that before yes we do not see them as proper english men for trash talking that's true or football as in soccer we could do that again what do you think we we might have a oh should i do it on a second channel or what should we do when we get asked to play games again because the problem is we've kind of found our niche at the mom ent that you keep playing new games but i suppose it doesn't hurt to play the popular ones again and there's more than one soccer game that's out there that's for sure and we've also been asked to play madden nfl so you know that's in the pipeline somewhere it's mario's 35th anniversary this is showing old uncle pudot's age i remember playing mario brothers on a nintendo game boy do you guys even know what a game boy is do you know what a game boy is stinky was that a thing when you're a kid yep uh-huh you're old kane go back to kane oops i mean i'm back says wolfie twains never so what were you doing when you're away there woofy twins i like her she's very very pleasant to talk to she know that she's a good girl and your best online friend isn't it stinky by the way i'm trying to eat this delicious stuff that you bought without making too much eating noises so they can't tell i love the game boy i still have my game boy color you're kidding i didn't think they even had game boys now u nless you're getting the collector version red december says the royal family of great britain used to have afghan give afghan hounds as a gift to kings of other countries in the 1920s that would not surprise me something new i've learned today but i've said it before afghan hounds look so regal they look like a regal majestic dog you know what i mean like a royalty they'd look like a royal dog what's the royals favorite dog also one of yours stinky stop distracting me the corgi they love the queen loves the corgi so these stink pants you think they're so cute don't you fat little thing that they are and fit right in in this household with me wouldn't it i went to stripes what's stripes red december you are the best i love the english facts there you go it's true isn't it we love them that's great when we have an educational stream as well when we learn new things on the nintendo switch they've introduced super mario 3d all-stars super mario oh wow there's a lot of them a lot of differ ent games i never liked stripes cat it is not necessary in my opinion i don't know what stripes is you mean like our cat oh it is a school program in the us yeah our cat's got stripes doesn't it so explain explain to me more what stripes is then and what's the school program sounds like it might be extracurricular and on a weekend did you ever have to do that the after class classes for being naughty oh um no we don't do that we you just got spanked basically corporal punishment and did that happen throughout your entire school career or was it stamped out or do they still do it you asking me or you asking someone else no i'm asking you because like i said i was at the very tail end of corporal punishment yeah they're still doing it just like how hard it is different i see there you go because it was stamped out when i was in primary school in the country and then when i went to the city schooling the first year i was there it was stamped out so i never had it but i know that when my b rother went there that uh they still very much had it he saw some people get the the strap and i'm watching this and watching clue a horror film oh we like the horror films stinky's been all about the walking dead now haven't you it's not horror not really i mean and doing it by yourself you're brave wolfie twins to be watching a horror film by yourself stinky always wants me to sit there and hold her hand oh and what happened the other day when you got scared was that in the walking dead or is it looked over from the desk and you jumped suddenly from something you were watching i can't remember what it is very rare to see that with you i was laughing my head off stripes is mandatory for all students to be able to catch up on work but it is only 30 minutes so no one can actually finish things but no one can leave until the 30 minutes is still up even if you're doing well well that's interesting so is this for if you fall behind your studies that you have to go and do it in the and i gu ess that would also mean that you know not staying back a year because that happens in that happens in where you're from as well doesn't it stinky if you're not doing that well at school you might be kept back a year repeat the year again it's very rare really so what do they do to to supplement exam oh there you go and it's quite common here for people to be kept back a year you know if they need it it doesn't mean like lots of students do it but it's not uncommon i know quite a few that when i was at school that had to do that boy you want to hear genius story about how smart your uncle budo is but not really no you didn't i'm telling you anyway my dad approached the the primary school because he knew he was going to send my brother and i away to another school so we're going to be separated we're a couple of years apart and he wanted us to go at roughly the same time so he asked my school like can you can you bump him up a grave instead of going back a year can you put him ahead a y ear and you know what the teachers said no way they said he's capable of it but i think that's a good idea i said yeah you can he'd probably do all right no not he probably you'd do alright he's a genius but we wouldn't advise it that's how smart i am stinky was cracking myself up 50 50 you can still be kept back but it's mandatory for all students to be caught up on work but no one finished anything since it's only 30 minutes there you go oh stripes is a place that you go and buy stuff so there's two different things going on there so again as stripes now that we know it's a school thing from penguin from wolfie is at a chain store like a department store or is it a mall or what's the the thing and what do you buy there as well i love getting my education from the doj they keep me well informed because you know your old uncle peter is pretty ignorant isn't he not educated enough now you're not supposed to agree with me not educated enough yep mr how many degrees have i got yep more th an you at the moment okay at the moment that's about to change isn't it spidey three days here good to see you it doesn't matter if you're late we're just happy yeah good old spidey more of the dlg i'm gonna have to pop out well i'll pop out there you go there's the new temporary emoji that we can do another dlg there just because we can i wish my stripes was like yours where you could go and buy stuff yep i'm still waiting on muffy twins to tell me what sort of things you can buy and what exactly is stripes is it the name of the store why don't skeletons ever go trick-or-treating say that again why don't skeletons ever go trick-or-treating no i don't know because they have no body to go with no body to go with well aaron roy is here good night excited for the clan war league tomorrow so uh i can't i know they're from the clan i just can't remember which one it is so sorry for that aaron i do know you're in the clan i just can't remember the clan name where the clan war league i was ho ping ethanato would show up today so i could say look i'll put you in the next one because the first war missed the clutch you know pudot won it for us by cleaning up three people didn't attack so i had to go low sure i three starred and we won it by one so that was oh it's it is aa there you go so aa is already in the war which is fine man i know quite a few others have been saying can i please be put in it and they have low town halls so i'm kind of hesitant to put them in because clearly when you've got the all town all 13s it does work that's how we won the last one yep and i'm hoping everyone attacks this one man sure if not might have to put ethernator in uh hi spidex hello red december no you're going by i don't know ice cream slushies chips hot dogs breakfast oh wow nice one and what did you buy uh woofy cause that's making me hungry for junk food again we've got so much food at home at the moment and i still want to do the junk food what is with that got that right all right n ow can you just do a temporary bit of commentary there stinky because i keep forgetting i got to do the background work that i always forget i got more energy again oh you always have low energy you talking about the game all right let me put that there no it's not gonna work let me try this one instead so sorry i'll be with you in a moment chat i'm still trying to get stinky to do some sort of talking but she's not on that at the moment are you no that's not gonna work at all so let's just get rid of that then well it's taking a little while to load up too uh it's spidey i'm getting a new dog on tuesday he's stardust what he's actually status father as in for real or not for real what do witches put together trick or treating i'm too concentrating what what do witches put on what makeup do witches put on for trick or treating did you watch the uh cac champions ships i watched a little bit of it i left a couple of comments here and there um yeah i try to pick up some tips so i've watch ed a couple of them but to be honest not not the whole thing i scream for everyone just scream i scream for real so there you go the rufus is actually stardust's dad keep it in the family that's awesome we've often wanted to do that with pets but we've only had one at a time i mean you know they'd say you get a dog and a cat their brother and sister still in the family what makes trick-or-treating with twin witches so challenging you never know which is which twin stinky doesn't get it now kane seeing as you're coming up with the jokes get some school teacher jokes for us or scary jokes or scary school teacher jokes aren't stink new zealand or australia australia there you go yeah you're a patriot you are stinky red december that's amazing i think i'll put it on the next animation i'm taking a break that's fair enough um oh no spidey's feeling a little bit sick that's not good i hope uh you get better soon to have rest and you know if it's just a cold or something like that get some ho ney lemon and ginger into you keep up the fluids say i'm sorry to hear spidey's sick we hope it's nothing serious isn't it the old stink oh i'm gonna have to go back here as well things are so slow to load up on this computer sometimes poor old spidey it's a good excuse to have ice cream and things if you say oh it'll make me feel better i used to do that when i'd get a sore throat what do you want ice cream what halloween candy is never on time for the party uh i don't know chocolate chocolate late yep okay they're gonna get a laugh out of you someday at some point stinky it's been done before sure that's right we hope that uh penguins not getting the old cough cough that would be bad uh none of that helps no that one's not good i have to go back to the next one look at me doing a bit of research in the background do you guys have halloween in australia yes we do but it's not um quite as big as it is in america because they seem to really celebrate it there with um house parties and t hings like that so what tends to happen here is uh the households may put some decorations on the outside and then you have that traditional trick or treat and get some candy and you know the kids or people dress up and that's about it now you will have adults i guess having halloween parties as well they even have them in the nightclubs where you dress up and and go out clubbing i've been to a halloween party like that before oh did you dress up yeah ii did but not as nicely as everyone else i did that with my mate from sri lanka and he dressed up as a vampire and his wife or then girlfriend dressed up as a i think a zombie or something like that uh i didn't they only told me at the last minute that they were doing it so i didn't have time to really get good costume yeah say yeah i mean we have it and the other thing is i'll say it it's getting bigger here in the sense that um maybe 20 years ago you wouldn't see that much in the way of decorations and pumpkins at the supermarket but y ou do now like it's becoming a lot more popular and starts earlier say yeah it's getting bigger and i used to go trick-or-treating when i was a kid so it's not like we don't celebrate i just think based on on what i've seen online or you know in the movies with america or tv shows um it's much much bigger there they they take it as a big big thing so hopefully that answers that question i can't get any of these this is getting a little bit annoying at this point and ideas still have hopefully that um halloween hasn't been cancelled per se wherever you guys are because where we are you might not be able to do it this year i don't think unless things change drastically we'll still have those um semi-heavy restrictions finally i don't think you'd be allowed to just go knocking on people's doors you could be wrong i wasn't allowed to get junk food as a kid but i got a snickers bar when i was sick well i don't know if is that a good or a bad thing what would you do i know some parents are q uite i even i've got friends whose kids are um i've got one mate whose kids are basically born vegetarian they didn't have a choice okay both parents are vegetarian so um i think he said it was probably more than mum's influence or like don't quote me on that and if i'm not mistaken he said they can do what they want when they're 18 but you know at the moment no they're gonna they've got to eat vegetarian and they don't know any different anyway and plus he's a doctor say and she's a nurse if that's one of the parents a doctor he should know that kids need protein they do but there's also a lot of race growing there's a lot of research to suggest that if you're vegetarian you live longer and you're much healthier yeah research is based on adult well that's true too not a younger person you're right so i'll say neither here nor there i'm not getting involved in any sort of debate about whether it's good or not i'd just say that's the way it is so yeah i don't know like do you miss out o n your childhood because you don't get to have yep i will i definitely will if you had junk food you got no problems um so yeah there you go it'd be interesting to hear more about that as well penguin says knock knock who's that oh no she's coming come on come on how come you're moving so slow see the battery thing here like low energy whatsoever can you hide underneath the stairwell it's very hard to hide in this game for some reason anyway i think she's not there philip is the knock knock joke what's up phillip no philippi phillip poo fill up my bag with halloween candy please love it we have lots of halloween decorations in people's yards yeah that's that's what i've seen online too that their their halloween is like christmas as well you know because depending on the suburb you are here there are even towns and suburbs that are famous for decorations we went there last year didn't we for christmas yeah i can't remember what it meant how many people were there it was insane they eve n had police and roadblocks and things because it's just so popular and it's actually a rule in their council that if you live in that area you must have pretty extraordinary christmas decorations because it's just part of the community yeah but in america they seem to do that with halloween as well like massive uh decorations and a lot of effort put into it i'd like to go to america during halloween just to say it i was there for the 4th of july which was also pretty exciting the americans go big or go home there's a lot of truth to it things have done bigger and better in america am i um knowing our california government doesn't care oh okay uh i knew 2020 was going to be the worst year ever and it hasn't been a great one i heard something what is it yeah did you have another order or you didn't you didn't so excited for for halloween this year red december is they got the decorations up which is good i'm a little bit oh snuggies here hello it's good to see you again then you have to spend a lot of money unless you saved them over the years i see peter do you know who needs help yeah poodot needs help me needs help you're not supposed to agree with me uh no who needs help aside from peter me yeah you know why peter needs help because you've got to deal with stink pants every day uh generous says it's beautiful during christmas but i don't think i've seen much halloween decoration there you go so it's different in all different parts of the world isn't it i prefer europe to the americans are you talking about a halloween or christmas or both okay i don't do you think i should i'll be a panel in another stream following nice one the scary teacher she needs help i'm sorry that the scary teacher she needs help i'm sorry that was rude i didn't think anything was rude there was it no i need to apologize uh wolfy i actually have nothing nothing that i saw was bad studsy i need help with nothing there you go they're all independent and strong people unlike your old uncle budo yeah what is going on there stinky you're doing your vegetarian diet huh yeah what potato i believe you were here for this but you may not remember remember when we went to visit dad and we went to like a market you remember going to the market right yeah do you remember meeting that family that had three kids and they did the raw food diet there you go i gotta say those kids did look pretty healthy yeah you can eat raw salmon raw fish yeah so protein do you think you're missing out though if you've never had cooked food in your life it's this raw food um yeah still because some food like chicken or pork you don't eat it raw yeah well ah shawnee you probably couldn't with a jerky either could you yeah you'd never be able to you can eat egg raw but look compare raw egg to omelet compared raw egg to simply just boil egg which one's better i don't think i'm gonna okay the boiled egg go for the raw oil to begin with although again i had a flat made japanese girl that ate raw eggs and i said show me and she had like two or three of them in a row yeah i thought it was disgusting i've seen it many times on tv but japanese do eight raw egg they likes it they put in the what do you call it like a hot pot as a dipping you dip it instead of the salt yeah raw egg and then maybe you like that oh i don't like that maybe you like that is it the rice dish or something where no no it's an actual egg dish where the egg is it's that translucent white like it's just barely cooked so that it goes white but not firm at all i know you've had it i've seen you have it at a restaurant it's soft boy and you you said you don't like raw egg you are the one who ate you know the cooked not cooked no i don't know try and convince me that having a runny yolk is still wrong i don't want to know day one it's cooked it's cooked you're gonna stop me from ever eating runny yolk again you know that stink pants thank you what's going to happen stopping you from eating garlic i'm pretty sure you will eat oh wow snug says in all three of their houses that they've lived in there's been a person near them who had like a thousand dollars worth of decorations that's the other thing when you celebrate halloween or christmas or easter or whatever celebrations there are you know fourth of july it must get expensive after a while particularly if you keep buying new stuff so when i used to decorate the house with halloween stuff we just put the same stuff up all the time and same again for christmas we generally don't buy new things do we uh i need help with my sanity on halloween since i still hear the doorbell ring at 3am with people asking for candy did they do that that late my goodness red december did you get a notification there you go subscribe uh unless unless you want sell salmonella so that's another thing that you got to be a little bit careful of it's weird that you got to worry about these things these days you know if you're getting food from people you don't know exactly what you're getting but the rule of thumb is you know if it's wrapped in a candy wrapper you're probably okay it doesn't look like it's been opened and uh they are missing out true i just had some runny yolks today yum says generous cooked egg runny yolk's the best please don't tell me they're raw because you know when you fry egg yolk it's not it's cooked it's been warmed up sufficiently it's like when you have a fried egg and you see a tiny bit of the the uh translucent or clear stuff where the egg white hasn't gone white yet i can't even handle that you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah that's why when i have my famous breakfast meal with the bacon fat i always put the baked beans on top of the egg so it finishes cooking it and heats through the the runny yolk is what it does cooks that yolk please don't destroy my you know next thing you're gonna tell me something about garlic that i'll never be able to eat it again don't you dare what okay hey just bear with me i'm doing other stuff her e stinky sorry while i'm typing i should have been doing this before to be honest all right so that's that one just doing a final bit of background work here guys sorry i'll be back to the chat you know una memento and this seems to be something that i've got to do every stream now come on why are you not working ah my energy is so low not funny you do have low energy don't you why is this not working properly oh and that's also the end of the soundtrack we're gonna have to go back to the scary start again just bear with me with that look at your cat it's all tired already having an afternoon nap all right so that's done why is that not working something's going on here oh it's scaring me this computer right now see that worked i was just oh gee i've missed a uh i missed a bit here uncle peter i'd eat a garlic donut i've done that before i've added garlic donut and garlic pretzels from auntie anne's they're delicious eat a garlic runny egg i've done that too put put egg with your runny egg and garlic they go perfectly together snugsy's back good to see you there i was just getting my food what are you eating snugs where's the garlic flavor by chance i'm gonna eat but i'll leave the stream on uk uh curious to know what they're eating hey we are the champions indeed was the ice cream too cold cookie dough ice cream you didn't you just get that no that's the brownie uh generous asks have you eaten ramen with egg add a touch of garlic powder chopped onion and a pinch of butter generous oh yeah that sounds great you do you eat ramen with egg yeah i can yeah and a bit of garlic powder chopped onion and a pinch of garlic i'm gonna have to try that that sounds awesome look at this we're getting recipes in the stream now are you really not liking doing that that's not good don't know but for some reason can i i'm just gonna refresh i hope that works it should work uh i like both custom earl grey and mint chip do you mean like earl grey ice cream is there such a thing yeah bu t i'm not a big fan of earl grey to begin with you've seen no grey ice cream i have seen earl grey madeleine even have you seen it no my goodness ah it looks like youtube's cracking down on copying and pasting it's not letting you do it at all well that's annoying because i need to do this hmm how do i get around that all right just bear with me again oh this is going to be really annoying okay commentary there stinky while i'm typing what's going on in the game low energy sucks i don't want to comment anymore look at how slow i'm going i'm like oh come on come on energy but i can't buy it anymore cannot afford to buy anymore i don't want to pay don't have enough coin or style or whatever to do it so he's going to you got your dramatic music there to go along with the gameplay i wonder if i wait it's gonna get faster or not not really now again i'm wondering sorry i'm getting a bit sidetracked here but i saw a another youtube channel that has channel memberships put their own special e mojis on there and yet i can't seem to do it for some reason anything about that stinky do what why i can't put uh mine special emojis have you tried typing oh the word yeah maybe not i think i saw something before go back that's not yours no just try type dlg or something that is your keyword yeah that's what i did and enter as well nothing at all but it's also not letting me copy and paste at the moment which is extremely frustrating because i don't want to have to type out their their shout outs because that's going to be painful to do every time all right i'll just leave it at that won't get so distracted okay anson great to know our president has the virus yeah we heard that as well here that um it was i suppose would you almost say bound to happen given that i don't know i can only go on what what we see on television but he seemed to be walking all over the place without wearing a mask and didn't seem to practice social distancing from what we could see so maybe it was just a ma tter of time and then plus you know you've got to deal with that many people each day but there's all possibility that it's going to happen uh what do you not like there what do you not like the earl grey and stink well you better add uncle peter to that as well i can tolerate it i've had a fair bit of earl grey in my lifetime it's just nothing that it's it's just tea it's just black tea nothing unique about it oh it's got a unique flavor and not not in a good way for me personally i'll still drink it but it wouldn't be my first choice and obviously penguin he loves the earl grey red december likes lemon tea that has black tea in it like earl green you'd like oh you just said that black tea like oh great oh earl grey is black tea but it's ah it's got an additional something going on okay this is what i'm saying what's your favorite team um it's it's really depends i think penguin likes someone like earl grey because they're from uk you know whatever you familiar with you likes it and f or me it's the i'm not sure it's called assam tea or something is the red one ah some tea oh yeah that's quite nice yeah we we normally use that one for everything really you know make lemon tea out of it or milk tea and whatnot so yeah that's the one i familiar with and i like it you know my favorite is black currant with milk ah yeah you told me that before black currant tea with milk awesome some people find it really weird and then other people when they try it because you're not supposed to have it with milk i guess but other people are excuse me they have tried it say that's unbelievably good not me what current i try that then still it's edible wolfie twins says oh thanks red decembers you're so nice it's true red december's really nice they all are the dod are all great people we talk about your week to distract us from talking about each other because we we like to say nice things isn't it stinky so if we talk about each other that's not going to happen you nodded your head in agreement didn't you i say nice stuff about you all the time stinky no i'm not elaine in this world elgrave's a champion it's a champion you might be aligning this well i like green tea as well green tea is good green tea oh matcha green tea is okay with milk you know matcha grate is good and what what's the one that's got the roasted rice bubbles in it that's great that's the green in my green tea get my green tea i love that too you've never had a green tea that's got the roasted rice bubbles in there i'm not sure it's a rice it can be you know ballet or something oh not sure anyway let's say it's rice roasted rice yeah absolutely delicious that one is my green tea is good you get the flavor of the rice in that gotta have a bit of that and then yickle it you haven't you're yet to have i know you have had lemon lemon myrtle i also have it in the cupboard bitter that's an australian tea the bitterness i don't like eucalyptus tea that's also awesome we have some good days here in austr alia i'm going to say that i have enough of this no energy whatsoever i can't run away penguin gave you a tip but don't stink just stand still to recharge your power and watch the teacher and then you only move when she's come near you so if you stand still then you're gonna get your energy i tried before okay i tried again brandon's back good to see you again there random having a bit of a come and go in this stream all they there's ai find it amazing that every now and again red december will pipe up generous all pipe up it's almost like they're voyeuristically listening isn't it uh i don't know if i can talk about the there's something i do want to talk about that's quite serious and this is where i do try to you know share the knowledge that i gain about youtube and about how you do need to be careful and this you know do safe is some of the the channels that are here at the moment like red december for example kane for example um maybe even penguin to a lesser extent but you know when you're uploading yourself on youtube be a little bit careful with that because something happened last week where there was a one youtube troll had been sort of arguing with another channel for a number of months and he ended up going to the guy's house and like literally where the dude lived and the guy pulled a gun on him like you know be careful of this sort of stuff it's happening and it seems to be getting worse so you know just be careful with the information you put out there try not to have too much that's identifiable anyway that's enough of that i just felt like i had to say it because it's something i saw this week uh i'm back random penguin do you like earl grey what's that penguin keeps saying no he's alone it is an acquired taste ii have to say that of all of the various teas that i've tried ah have is t2 international or is it just australian i think it's australian so they don't have it elsewhere in the world i don't think it's that big yet but um they actually use some import tea as well like you know matcha green tea whatever from japan and some some from other countries right so well i'm guessing like america and england would probably have big tea stores dedicated to tea because this is what we're talking about t2 it's a thing in australia and they've got a lot of stores you know we've even got one near us yep and stink pants absolutely loves it except the price i only buy it from when it's when it's on sale but you go in there and they've got draw after draw to the ceiling isn't it but the whole shop is the tea they also sell the tea wear yeah as well glassware everything so tea related items but yeah how many different types do you reckon they have it's got to be in the hundreds right i don't know they also have limited edition limited edition as well so it's gonna be a lot ii never counted yeah so i highly recommend if you ever come to australia check out the t2 store check out and go for you know example yeah stick pants stays in there f or an hour and just takes all the sample tea they only have four available anyway like i did when i went to something like walmart in america and they gave me all the every aisle had sample food by the end of it i'd already eaten my lunch because they do it in big you know big sort of shot glasses they're decent portions of food you do every aisle you'll be full by the end of it put one finger down if you've ever died i think you have in this game a few times stinky good for me because no one knows anything about me and yeah that's what we're trying to do i mean we've let out personal information i guess but trying to keep our anonymity for as long as we can um but yeah i just say be careful like it's a new world these days that's the point that i'm i'm getting across yeah it was uh penguin because this this gentleman did actually fire a warning shot he he told the guy to leave his property and the the guy kept um hassling him and then he said i'll fire a warning shot and he did it's s cary so just be careful and you know whatever you do don't start online beef people have tried doing that with us before you know the the sad reality is that there are crazy people in the world there are bad people in the world it's always been that way but the internet has made things more accessible so just be careful is what i say don't if you end up getting that beef or people trying to attack you it happened to us we just ignore them just block them and ignore them and don't give them any attention because that's what they're looking for um you know and try not to to give out anything that's too personal that's up to the individual like you know there's nothing wrong with with saying certain things but i wouldn't for example be making an address public i don't know how that guy found out where the other person lived but you know doxing's a very real thing so there you go just be careful is what i'm saying uh yeah well if you wanted to look it up read december the the channel is qu ite uh famous one of them is these names uh boogie 2980 or something but i think even if you just type in boogie you're gonna find it and you'll see the the confrontation so it's scary stuff and not the first time things like this have happened that's the other scary thing i don't know if anyone knows who christine grimmie is but she was a youtube star that held a concert and was unfortunately um how do i say it without saying the words and she didn't live we'll just say that uh yo kahob that's your your uh discord name there well the wolfy twins is off i'm going to leave biola it's good to see you for as long as you did pinkberry's here to replace the wolfie twins how are you pinkberry it's good to see you again i remember the name there too oh yeah there you go we uh boogie 2988 there was that guy so if you wanted to have a look you'll see what i mean but just be careful so there you go what have you been up to pinkberry it's been a little while since we've seen you oh you're playing like a super mario game you're playing an ad super mario game i don't play you look am i look like i'm playing you haven't played one of those types yet have you we'll have to what was that one called oh ah too late if you see it again let me know because i might have to get that one we gotta gotta get a variety of games to be played there so do that one too wow we've covered a lot of topics in this stream today haven't we but i was the only i was so excited about this to talk about the mandela effect no one was interested not interested we are more interested in tea that's right tea and eggs and garlic it always comes back to the food uh poodle yes random how can i help you can you play among us we played among us in the last stream didn't we yep we did and i did the trash talking in that one too we gotta get generous into among us you gotta download that i'll trash talk her how about we do if we ever do a repeat stream other than clash of clans make it among us and have the title tr ash talker among us supreme trash talker and i'll just sit there and trash talk the entire live chat yeah you've all got to we've got to have at least 10 people you got to have an agreement here say all right you know i know penguin plays generous plays spidey plays random plays say we'll get you all in there and i'm just gonna trash talk all of you but then they can cheat don't you know that right of course peter not exacting kind of suspect peter that had happened to you wouldn't it just get voted out every time then i'd trash talk even more how can you vote out the leader i'm your leader oh i play among us lol i get so competitive generous as in we played among us in the last stream it was hilarious uh will you dress up your cat for halloween i've seen costumes for cats i saw that uh just the other day we should do that don't you think i'd like to dress up the cat ask what that's a good question uh something green like bright green so you can do a green screen on it yep i'm all abou t the green screen i reinvent yourself is here too it's nice to see you here uh how have you been so are you going to dress up your dogs red december but yeah we should we should get some crosstalk for the cat the haircut for the doggie peter had acting kinda sauce why are they all saying you know hunting kind of sauce now for the among us then i'm not even the one that's playing it what do you mean suspicious they want to vote me off i'm like well you're actually voting still you can't you don't want me off then that means it's not going to be in the stream for too long the say that again that one if they ward me out first then it's not gonna be streaming forever yeah that's that's how hey if you guys play among us with stink pants you keep vading her off the stream gets cut short because she's a she's too much of a champion compared to the rest of you losers i'm really not good at chash talking because i don't know the line between being insulting and being funny where is the line yo u try to be funny but it's not necessarily funny i say you're all imposters spidey's good at being an imposter he won a few times last week and stink pants won as the imposter and didn't even know she was the imposter yeah i kind of miss it when they said you are imposter i didn't look at the screen and i'm like i thought i'm a mate that's how good stink heads is yeah and then hey what's this click cue you trash players generous and random and penguin trash players think they can beat the stink pants she's the master imposter except for spidey spidey's the master imposter but i can't say that can't say that about spidey he's not as good as you either ah yeah i'm just making myself laugh at this point and because red december can't mention the the cat costume i really want to get one for the cat now ah maybe get a dog costume for the cat small dog yeah probably or a dinosaur costume for the cat whatever you want for the clicks and views hey ratbag make us money get a job i'm tired of yo ur freeloading i'm trash talking the cat now and she's just ignoring it we got a youtube channel that's monetized we should be putting her in videos make her some money cat we got a couple of ideas but she's not well trained enough you're hopeless cat aren't you need to be disciplined you can discipline her with food but she doesn't really want to do the tricks she does some we have taught her to sit haven't we and turn around in circles kane looks like it's past the two hour mark we already passed the tour gee that was quick because of this stupid blah so slow poke low energy blah finally you're loving it nice one so i'm leaving it up to the live chat and the stink pants at this point whether you keep going or not red december says uh last year i had dogs in the halloween costumes trick-or-treating at my house that would be awesome to see maybe we should do that we we do have a cat leash for the cat well she's probably too big for the the body thing now i should have bought the larger one not the smaller one uncle peter master of trash talking i wish i'm trying i'm practicing now practicing now with the live chat to say hey you guys can't can't beat us in any game stink pants will beat you in everything king of crabs among us doesn't matter call of duty well maybe you're the master gamer stink pants well hang on should i be trash talking you as well this is why pudot doesn't play too many of the games because he doesn't want you know doesn't want everyone to see how supreme skills he's got compared to everyone else they're they're like in the bottom 10 percent yeah your uncle pudot he's in the top 1 he take you all on right because you just know it's not true at all it's a bit stinky that's why you don't believe any of that and we do get ultra competitive when it comes to gaming don't we stink doesn't matter what game you play you always want to win i'm gonna do some online shopping after this to try and get a cat costume that's bright green so you can green screen er at the same time that's what we want that's what you want yeah don't give it's me it's not me i like tormenting the cat it's fun to torment animals and i mean torment in a nice way like give them attention without being mean that's what i'm talking about but when it comes to being mean to all of the live chat and trash talk happy to do it we are the champions stay on so i'm leaving that one up to the old stinky but they seem to be compared to i've got to say last week's stream was a little bit lackluster to my mind i don't think i was uh very entertaining at all not that i think this one's any better but you know seem to go quicker i'll say that much are you going to live tom tomorrow penguin are you going live tomorrow penguin i should try and drop in more often but it's hard to do so i am sorry if you don't see me on visiting you all regularly enough the work is getting exceptionally hard to keep up with these days and i'm already thinking about what's going to be feeding my fat b elly once this stream's over you got that dark noodles yup have to say it's not great this one i might not order it again so if i got the exact same thing just with noodles yeah pretty much fair enough last year i made a green monster costume for my dog oh i'd love to see that that's the this is why i keep saying green that you know the the green screen green because you could do all kinds of things with that isn't it you'd have like a ghost cat you'd only see its legs and its head maybe a bit of its tail that'd be funny and you're a very thin uncle buddha and strong too penguin's very kind uh i don't i've got to say i've never been thin even when i was um practically starving myself uh i would say that was the funny thing is most people would say that looks like a natural healthy weight because it was around the weight that i suppose i should be for my home but having said that you know i was literally eating maybe once one small meal once or twice a week to to get to that level and e xercising it's probably not healthy to do that i'm big boned i have what you would call a endo is it endomorph or exomorph i don't know and i'm off build but then with age you just get it's hard to to keep the weight off and i've gotten fat used to when we first met i still was bit chubby isn't that right stinky i don't think i was ever skinny when i met you it's gone from being a little bit chubby to look at this monster teddy bear oh aesthetic oceans here it's you were here before if i remember that correctly and uh penguin said that you were random so i don't know if it is or not i've already been trolled once today friendly troll from kane isn't it dance think you're the most brilliant aunt i know and you're also very thin and strong i've got to say that's true i'm not being you're strong you reckon yes i met someone stronger you're very strong first you know for and i don't mean this in a sexist way but you know for um someone for a girl that's quite small like he's small and you' re female don't compare me to you but we do arm wrestles you do arm wrestles you beat me in arm wrestling when you use both hands uh i random why are you crying he's crying we need a 30 second face reveal not until we surpass pewdiepie not yet but i got notifications on what's the whole thing i don't want to explain uh i have no idea what all of that's about yeah well that's right penguin that um it wasn't i don't know if i should be talking about this stuff though but let's just say that you know i got issues and it wasn't a particularly good time in my life at that time so there were there were things that were going on that exacerbated pre-existing conditions i'll just say that so yeah i agree like you know intermittent fasting though people do say it's healthy i don't know what the science is behind that but you do see um what i would say very fit and healthy looking people that say they do intermittent fasting a lot of athletes do it as well and you do it when you do the the um me ditation retreat stuff right no i thought there was some sort of fasting involved uh yes but not intermittent fasting i don't think it it well think about it it might looks like it but it's not it's just whatever you can say that it is but we also eat like vegetarian ah there you go bright lightnings here so aesthetic ocean is bobber now oh it is actually random now you're a bobber but i call random all right so aesthetication is boba i can't keep up she's random she's bobber she's gutsy she's aesthetic ocean now so if i can't remember your ass dedication that's why you keep changing your name it's almost impossible to remember and yes bro it's been a long stream for this one probably if i died this one it's done you think that's it yeah had enough yeah so the the live chat's been very entertaining to us i think that's why this one's gone on for longer than normal isn't it probably well you've seen the mighty hang on uh right do you like girl grey you missed a lot came to you like el g rey wow you've seen the mighty king now the mighty king she must generous must be talking about pewdot because that's you know that's how it works when you trash talk she's paying homage to the fact that i can talk trash who is that i think i'm keeping this name says much pass says much who is that i'm getting a little bit lost in the chat there then is the mighty king a movie or a tv show i don't know that either your old uncle peter is pretty ignorant isn't he nah he just i'll update i am out of date i try try to keep up this is why i ask the live chat questions all the time so they can educate me i like learning from people young and old doesn't really matter does it learn from animals too okay i'm dead ah okay so it looks like stinky's had enough there uh thank you all for staying as long as you didn't for uh contributing to the live chat as much as he did that was awesome totally unexpected yep thank you very much guys you have a fantastic week have a nice earl grey tea and whatev er tea you like and hopefully one day we'll we might have to do it among us and get all the live chat in there so i can practice my trash talk okay you should practice first probably all right so take care everyone

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