Race of Champions - Lost Island in The Ants: The Underground Kingdom

Race of Champions - Lost Island in The Ants: The Underground Kingdom

hola chicos, la transmisión va a ser sobre las hormigas, el reino subterráneo, el evento de la isla perdida, tenemos unos 30 minutos aquí, así que imagino que permitiría que todos hicieran sus preguntas antes de que comencemos, oye, ¿qué pasa? marcus, sí, zrk, el nuevo evento, sí, también estoy muy entusiasmado con el nuevo evento , si tienen alguna pregunta al respecto, cosas como esa, háganmelo saber , trataré de responder lo que pueda antes del evento y luego estaremos. Voy a dar vueltas en mi cuenta del servidor 7 y jugaremos el evento tanto como sea posible. Les dejaré ver de qué se trata este tipo de cosas, así que debería ser muy divertido. Debería ser genial. Estoy muy emocionado. ¿Qué pasa, señor Ken? canales probablemente masacraron todo tipo de cosas malas, lo siento , fabian, hola, ¿cómo están ?, tienen alguna pregunta desde el principio, ahora solo estoy tratando de terminar mis diarios y cosas así, oye, casey, ¿cómo estás ?, solo estamos terminando los diarios solo estás, uh, sabes, haciendo todas las cosas básicas que necesitan h appen para hacer que el mundo gire en una cuenta uh zrk no tengo idea no conozco a kevin gate o el espacio o el espacio y las cosas que eligen hacer en este evento no tiene mucho sentido para mí hey kevin hey detuto oh hombre probablemente lo destrocé realmente mal uh ¿alguien tiene alguna pregunta al principio sobre cosas como esa sobre el evento no sobre el evento comenzó un poco temprano solo tratando de permitir que la gente entre y se dé cuenta todo el mundo hacer preguntas que te hacen ir en contra de nosotros uh me importan mucho los duelos como puedes ver veo las formaciones de mi oponente trato muy duro de ir en contra de ellos muy bien yo um me importan mucho los duelos cameron es bueno ver tu servidor 133 134 Veo que las cosas van bien Estoy un poco emocionado por el nuevo evento Un poco nervioso Un poco emocionado Útil Estaré jugando en mi cuenta de servidor siete eh eso me fue dado, así es como haremos el evento esta noche, de acuerdo con la discordia oficial, estoy en el escenario principal, veremos eso , ya tenemos la política en su lugar, cosas así, así que sí, el nuevo evento será muy interesante, habrá mucho que aprender. Espero que después de dos o tres días hayamos encontrado el ritmo perfecto, la manera de hacer que no sea abrumador . cosas así suenan como que va a ser um, ¿cuál es la palabra? va a ser cosas adicionales, no va a ser como su propio evento nuevo, así que eso es un poco preocupante , sí, el evento de migración es el servidor 501 en vivo al servidor 550. i espero que también sea entretenido otra vez eh, el evento comienza aquí en 28 minutos, estoy dispuesto a hablar literalmente de cualquier cosa, eh sobre el juego y antes de eso, el nuevo evento no es para ustedes, pero la expedición de la alianza tampoco fue inicialmente para todos los servidores, ¿ verdad ? era como subservidor 100 para t La primera semana o dos, así que no es tan sorprendente, eh, porque para jugar en él y tener una experiencia agradable, querrás obtener lo básico primero, ¿verdad? Vas a querer algo más que lo súper alto. Paga en dólares para ganar jugadores para tener t9s. Vas a querer tener dos tres marchas construidas así. Si desarrollan este evento demasiado rápido para tanta gente, entonces no lo disfrutarás de la misma manera. Muy bien, será mucho más fácil gobernarlo simplemente como una ballena. Se supone que a las nuevas tropas especiales les gusta limitar ese derecho, de esa manera no puedes pagar para ganar demasiado, pero al mismo tiempo lo necesitas, así que todavía lo necesitas. 12 hormigas especiales como máximo cosas como esa uh frederick la razón por la que quieres que la armadura dorada esté en la fila intermedia es si estás usando terciopelo banshee o la armadura dorada ignotica de taylor solo sale jack jumper si es de dos estrellas jj es bueno sí uh voy a sea ​​honesto, no sé nada de política o drama ni nada por el estilo casey para el servidor 2 a través del servidor 50 han estado jugando uno contra el otro durante casi un año y sé exactamente cero sobre ese placer en conocerte joe uh de nada jacob solo espero que ayude a algunas personas sé que algunas personas estaban muy frustradas con la forma en que para seleccionar áreas, no esperaban que se basara en colores que no están claramente indicados en el mapa, así que esperaba que llegara a suficientes personas para seleccionar la respuesta correcta, de lo contrario podría haber terminado mal , eh, zachary, técnicamente tiene alto dps, pero su habilidad siete no ayuda en el rango de ataque, por lo que es discutible, las matemáticas aún no saben si es bueno o no . Diré que las personas que decidieron elegirlo, como fox del servidor 475 , no tienen Teen Tens todavía alcanza 215 mil de potencia o 215 de daño contra la marmota 220. Si estuvieras usando pirata y pro unit, probablemente correría como mimicry master proada reapmaster en una formación mixta, eso es probablemente lo que haría si es difícil contra el servidor 18 es duro contra el servidor 18 voy a ir Para ser honesto, no me importa mucho, siempre y cuando todos estén sonriendo al final, a quién le importa, es cuando las personas discuten, se molestan y se frustran porque me va a molestar . Realmente no quiero jugar un juego con un un montón de gente llorando todo el día eso no es agradable para mí helix es 100 correcto uh gt es una gran apuesta para la marmota uh si solo estás haciendo hormigas guardianas uh probablemente como cáncer negro proada tal vez cáncer negro mimetismo maestro paratha gigante nah probablemente mimetismo maestro paratha de diente gigante, eso es probablemente lo que haría , probablemente ejecutaría algo así, pero no soy un gran jugador guardián, solo sé lo que suena atractivo para mí si tienes hércules oscuro porque tienes pirata, supongo que tienes hércules oscuro probablemente corro como hércules oscuro uh hércules oscuro paratha cáncer negro tal vez eso suene bastante bien necesito 25 hits guau me gusta hércules oscuro casey qué áreas estoy pensando que son las mejores para li quiero decir está bien así que esto es como una teoría completa elaborando esto no es que no haya datos detrás de esto um pero realmente me gusta creo que realmente me gusta este aquí arriba este top aquí arriba o este azul oscuro creo que el azul oscuro o este naranja es bastante bueno eh o realmente me gusta como este azul claro probablemente o tal vez este rosa porque no entiendo para qué es este, así que veremos de qué se trata y eso podría cambiarlo donde este azul oscuro y este rosa son las mejores ubicaciones que hemos tenido. Veremos, intentaré publicar un video la próxima semana que tenga una versión instructiva más deductiva de cuál es la mejor ubicación, no es que pueda garantizar que sea solo una mejor opción que esto es lo que pienso y cómo me siento con las emociones y lo que sea, eh, el escorpión emperador ahora está disponible para comprar actualmente, cada evento es aproximadamente diferente, pero si solo busca un artículo, el escorpión emperador suele costar 250 USD , es posible dejar la alianza hasta el último día de registro incluso si la alianza se firma desde el primer día del período de registro sí, los diez primeros, así que hay siete días en este período de registro aquí hay siete días una vez que llegas aquí eh el sexto día es el día de libre elección el séptimo día es el día del evento de muerte para el nuevo grupo eh libre elección el día en que puede irse y regresar el reinicio entra en el evento de eliminación ya no puede regresar uh , elegir el área podría ser bueno, simplemente no sé qué es esta nueva área, así que si esta área es beneficiosa para estar al lado es esto el área es mala para estar a tu lado, sabes a lo que me refiero , quiero decir, está bien, el azul oscuro es solo el área en la que comienzas, así que podría ser que la gente esté nerviosa y quiera seleccionar en la primera cita, está bien , eso puede ser correcto, pero no lo hacemos No sé cómo interactúa esa área correctamente, así que hasta que sepa cómo funciona esa área, es muy difícil para mí decir que sí, hagamos esa área. No, no hagamos esa área correctamente porque no tengo 4 000 suscriptores. ser visto unas mil veces al menos no quiero liberar un área y Luego, la gente regresa y dice que esa fue la peor área de todas. ¿Por qué dijiste que necesito tener confianza en mi decisión y hasta que sepa de qué se trata esa nueva área, puede ser horrible estar al lado de eso? sea ​​que todas las demás alianzas tienen que pasar por su área para llegar a esa nueva área , por lo que en realidad quiere estar lo más lejos posible de ella para que no se desee que la gente pase por ella frederick uh la armadura dorada suele estar en el segunda fila para marmota porque tienes cosas como sastre igmático para portadores o terciopelo banshee y para tiradores en el frente y quieres que su habilidad 8 tenga potencial para activarse antes de que llegue la armadura dorada si no lo estás y luego cuando la marmota no lo haga ten defensa en este momento, pero antes, cuando la marmota tenía defensa, querías que el azúcar dorado se activara antes de que tu dps sea golpeado, es por eso que la armadura dorada está en la primera fila , ya no importa o importa ahora solo por banshee terciopelo enigmático taylor yo no No sé lo que realmente parece como una apuesta para ti, así que no estoy seguro de cómo ayudarte con esa respuesta cameron eh y antes de que alguien pregunte sí, realmente uso teletransportes avanzados para traer a mis tropas de regreso más rápido , estoy muy impaciente, esta es una práctica real de la vida diaria para Yo uso como 10 tps por día, pero está bien porque obtengo más de 10 tps por día . Práctica de la vida real . Tengo 122 teletransportes avanzados en este momento . Cameron, podría ser una apuesta total. No lo estoy negando tampoco, eh, si este nuevo territorio es algo por lo que hay que pelear, aunque basado en la ubicación del túnel, ¿verdad? Solo está conectado con el azul y el rosa, tendrás que pelear si estas imágenes son precisas de dónde están los túneles si estas imágenes son precisas, todos los demás territorios querrán tener acceso a esta novena ubicación, por lo que un país aquí, un territorio aquí no pasará por un territorio adicional, será el más directo ruta para llegar a este noveno territorio tory si vale la pena si no vale la pena entonces estos dos territorios pueden pelear por eso gratis otra vez no sabemos lo sabremos cuando lo sepamos no suena de mal gusto o quiero decir cómo es eso es como la mejor respuesta que obtuve, no puedo, no puedo ofrecer más que eso , estoy de acuerdo en que la ubicación debe ser aleatoria, pero a la gente le gusta elegir , no hay, no hay forma de que me guste, que sea aleatorio y que la gente no se enoje y diga que perdió porque les diste un mal lugar intencionalmente y que eran como un objetivo o algo así, por lo que no vale la pena para los desarrolladores causar esa aleatoriedad y algo así, especialmente no con ese noveno territorio, tal vez si ese noveno territorio no fuera una cosa, no importaría marcus, no me gusta que no haya suficiente información tampoco, es por eso que estoy haciendo esta transmisión en vivo, estoy tratando de brindarles lo más cerca posible de poder jugar este evento . obviamente no puedo darte mi cuenta que estoy jugando el evento de pero puedo darte la posibilidad de hacer preguntas explorar el evento, etc., etc., para que sepas, proponer tu mejor teoría, elaborar lo que sea y eso es lo que estoy tratando de hacer, eso es lo mejor que puedo hacer por ti, oh eso terminó , eh, dos alianzas no pueden elegir la misma área si viste mi último video de YouTube , verías que no te permitirá elegir la misma área, simplemente no es una posibilidad , ¿qué son los recursos locos, fabian, yo soy tú? estás hablando en mi principal mi principal tiene recursos mucho mejores que este para aquellos que aún no conocen a reinhardt este es reinhardt él es mi gato es como la versión más franca de un gato que encontrarás hola reinhardt eh, lo hago creo que los túneles y dónde se colocan deberían afectar la elección del área Shane, pero no sé si esas ubicaciones en el mapa son precisas, ¿ quién puede decir que no es solo una representación visual y colocas tus propios túneles justo en el que caso de que los túneles no importen tanto, eh, mejor formación para marmota como tirador como tirador portador uh banshee armadura de terciopelo dorado si es de dos estrellas y luego cosechar maestro en ese orden esa es la mejor formación para tiradores ahora uh mi cuenta de hombre tiene fantasma sí, mi cuenta principal tiene fantasma mi cuenta principal la cuenta tiene fantasmas y engaños , pero es mi cuenta principal, esta no es mi cuenta principal, esta es la cuenta en la que jugaremos el nuevo evento en 13 minutos , esta cuenta era una cuenta de granja de amigos, eh, tía, el r5 de esta alianza, muy bueno, amigo. yo estaba como hey hombre, ¿puedes conectarme y él dijo que te tengo y yo estaba como gracias hombre, eres genial , en realidad no es mucho más elegante que eso, nunca hablaría así, pero sabes que me gusta fingir que así es como él habla sabes lo que digo liam banshee velvet es la mejor primera fila para la marmota los últimos dos meses tres meses si estás en mi discordia sabrías que ya mi principal está en el servidor 260 estará en el evento cuando se lance al servidor 260. no tenía un cuenta en el servidor 7 no comencé el juego cuando comenzó el servidor 7 comencé el juego con mi esposa sí habrá uh adulto habrá un uh habrá todo servidor servidor servidor servidor duelo las reinas duales la reina de la gloria dual eventos especiales de la fuerza de la alianza todo eso, todo eso estará activo en el nuevo evento, lo único que se ha eliminado abiertamente hasta ahora es que los squirters y la guerra del rey no sucederán, por lo que la guerra del rey no sucederá en el nuevo y luego squirters durante el evento de muerte, por lo que mi recomendación hasta que tengamos nuestro propio evento de muerte será que todos guarden sus actualizaciones de insectos para hacerlo solo en los días del evento de muerte porque no sabemos cómo vamos a obtener puntos ese día, de lo contrario, me gusta pando, creo que está en un buen lugar, así que tal vez esté loco, pero no soy un tirador de maine , nunca mataría a banshee panda, podrías usar los proyectiles d-gen si no te sientes como si estuviera haciendo lo que quieres que haga, eso estaría bien, hay mucho t de personas han degenerado panda con el tiempo solo porque no está funcionando como otros banshee panda nunca tuvo la intención de ser un dps estaba destinado a ser una unidad de control o una unidad de control preventivo realmente um sí , he oído rumores de que banshee panda es mejoró, pero no puedo confirmar esos rumores y no los he visto en ninguna parte oficial. Acabo de escuchar, como si supieras, esos rumores a la hora de acostarse que intentan hacerte sentir bien, así que es la mejor respuesta que tengo para ti otra vez . como pueden ver, me importan tanto los duelos , son importantes para mi forma de vida y mi calidad de vida y todo lo demás , no hay nada que no haría por los duelos, como pueden ver, les presto mucha atención, muchas gracias. sí, fue el nerf para banshee panda fue bastante brutal y fue un nerf de la sombra cuando sucedió te enojaste tanto marcus quería dejarlo no tengo idea de lo que estás hablando duelos es lo peor no tengo idea por qué ese juego la función existe, no voy a mentir , probablemente sea una función de juego peor que nunca uh, cualquier otra cosa, cualquier otra pregunta, cualquier otro comentario, preocupaciones, quills, quabbles, consultas, acertijos, ese tipo de cosas, cualquier otra cosa, puedo ayudarlo antes de que comience el evento, nos quedan unos ocho minutos, uh, podría mostrarles la cuenta muy rápido, uh, algunas personas estaban preguntando sobre mi cuenta principal, creo que puedo mostrarles esa cuenta muy rápido, pero después de que comience el evento, no volveré a mi cuenta principal , hola, novatos profesionales, ¿no están en el evento ? ¿No están en el evento ? así que esta es mi cuenta principal otra vez uh, la gente quería ver lo que estaba ejecutando o al menos en Discord lo hicieron uh, este es mi equipo de la marmota aquí mismo, el enigmático taylor, el maestro de la achicoria del diente gigante, um, el baile fantasma estará allí, uh, así que esto no es como mi configuración de pvp, esta es una de mis configuraciones de pvp está aquí . Estoy muy emocionado de ver este evento , fabion . eso se supone que da recompensas y t uando algunas de las tareas diarias pueden dar recompensas que aún no sabemos, sin mencionar los nuevos insectos, el gecko y el avispón también estarán allí, así que mi daño en la marmota no es bueno, soy un transportista, alguien que está más desarrollado que yo anti mi r5 hace alrededor de 150 ml de daño en promedio no gasto en el juego así mi daño es comparable a lo que gasto eh y luego esta es mi evolución espero terminar t10s en como 10 semanas 12 semanas eh y esta es mi genética porque esa es la siguiente pregunta que siempre me hacen no gasto no obtengo recompensas de este juego por hacer contenido como ese uh todo lo que ves es de mi bolsillo uh no ayuda nada más joeware sí uh anti mi r5 es un contenedor de galletas principal del operador sí servidor servidor sucederá todo será exactamente igual menos el evento de muerte no tendrá squirters , así que no estamos seguros de cómo obtendrá puntos y matará eventos, así que lo haría no hacer insectos eh hasta después de que descubramos cómo obtener puntos y matar e vent uh esos son mis jeans estos son mis gérmenes y este es mi hongo no he desbloqueado esta rama estoy en el nivel 10 con la habilidad de subir o no con la habilidad de subir así que probablemente subiré un nivel más whoa gracias novatos profesionales se lo agradezco no sé qué símbolo es ese pero es un cien enorme gracias yo yo yo usted tiene razón lea esto para empezar t cinco minutos no tengo idea de lo que está hablando lo estoy intentando para leer todo el chat, no solo los súper chats, ahorre su dinero, solo estoy aquí para tratar de enseñarle, hombre, si quiere gastar dinero en el súper chat , no se enojará, no se enojará, obviamente, me ayuda financieramente. sabes que estoy tratando de ayudar a todo el chat todo está bien uh marcus es solo hora de que no gaste dinero en el juego así el único dinero que gasto en este juego es suministro de zona de guerra uh estos dos y luego este evento acerté con la hormiga fantasma así que en este evento decidí conseguir la hormiga fantasma y su caparazón eso es todo lo que hice para este juego eso es todo uh t ese es mi principal, no lo traeré de vuelta, muchachos, uh , se trata de mi cuenta alternativa este día, uh, hoy tratando de pasar por este evento, uh, así que nuevamente, esta es mi alianza, esta es la que estamos subiendo o esta es mi alianza aquí mismo supongo que cambiamos cambiamos nombres oh nuestra alianza ya no está aquí whoa nuestra alianza ya no está aquí mira esa guerra de los reyes esta es nuestra alianza nuestra alianza ya no está en las tablas de clasificación tú Chicos, ven que nuestra alianza no está en la tabla de clasificación de servidores, así que supongo que eso es lo primero. ¿Crees que el ataque de sello de 20 números es mejor o debería simplemente desaparecer? Debería volver a 30 estándar cada uno, pero supongo que se hizo debido a este evento , veremos qué tan intensivo es este canal para este evento, este es mi servidor, esto es correcto , es nuestra alianza agrícola, pero estamos eliminados del rango de poder de la alianza . tengo dos minutos lo primero es que lo hizo sonar como durante el período de selección podríamos entrar y no podemos si haces clic en uh comprobar el oponente estas son mis alianzas contra las que me voy a enfrentar servidor 2 servidor 24 lgn hds phi 1 roy guardias reales bfo nrs grande maldito 4g , también conocido como akatsu katsuki y luego despertó, somos nosotros, servidor 7 liderado por ante , él es el hombre principal, si ustedes están en mi discordia, saben quién es anti, está loco, sí, esto debería ser muy divertido, estoy muy emocionado. como pueden ver, estamos justo aquí, esta será nuestra base de operaciones, elegimos el azul oscuro, um, pueden ver el elefante aquí mismo, vamos a pelear por este elefante, tratar de llegar a la cabeza del elefante , realmente pensé, eh. período de selección en el que ibas a poder mudarte, así que tal vez ese fue mi malentendido sobre cómo funciona el juego, tenemos un minuto y 15 segundos, veremos qué es seguro que ph1 puede ganar, no me importa, todos tendremos un momento divertido, daniel, como si no esperara ninguna pelea en los primeros dos tres días, sabes lo que digo , no esperes ninguna luchando durante los primeros dos o tres días daniel me gusta si lo miras estamos tan lejos de la frontera así que la forma en que esto funciona o al menos mi comprensión de cómo funciona es que todos vamos a ser teletransportados esta área y luego tendremos que abrirnos paso conquistando torres para llegar a los túneles e ir a otras áreas, así que realmente no importa lo que esté pasando , será genial hacer algo de pvp. esta cuenta es no está allí para pvp tiene t9s de las tres tropas y tiene combate avanzado no tiene o le queda un uno por ciento en combate avanzado terminar eso más tarde o terminar eso esta semana pero no está no está allí sí pero estás no, creo que todos se teletransportan, quiero decir, lo sabremos en dos segundos , está bien, veamos qué sucede , la competencia comenzará en 29 minutos y 42 segundos, está bien, tal vez podamos salir de aquí , vas a entrar en la temporada . estamos bloqueados no puedo hacer nada en mi juego voy a cerrar y restaurar rt y mira lo que sucedió esto fue muy anti-climático uh sí joe hay tres zonas pero también puedes pelear en tu área inicial ¿de qué otra manera llegas a otros lugares? Me sorprendería mucho si no estuvieras peleando por otros lugares. está bien , supongo que el evento comenzó, pero en realidad no comenzó bien, supongo que tenemos otros 30 minutos , esa fue probablemente la cosa más anticlimática de la historia , ¿por qué verían ahora que sabemos otra cosa , ahora sabemos otra cosa, supongo? um, sobre cómo funciona esto, así que comienzas de nuevo en la cadena o comienzas de nuevo en el reinicio, sí, como Warzone, supongo que Helix, supongo que desearía haberlo sabido porque eso fue súper anticlimático. pero me gustaría, me hubiera gustado en algún lugar de aquí para que haya como un tercero, sabes a lo que me refiero, no hay una ventana de ganancia de 30 minutos aquí, podrían haber hecho que el período de selección dure 30 minutos adicionales , sabes lo que soy diciendo como seleccionar el período de transición podría haber durado solo 30 minutos hasta hoy uh nick me gusta mucho el diente gigante delgado arqueado uh veneno dorado si estoy actuando como un solo equipo si estoy buscando solo un equipo supongo que tenemos otros 30 minutos para llegar para conocernos uh hablar de nuestros sentimientos nuestras emociones nuestros gustos y amores personales uh lo siento, creo que no debí haber comenzado tan temprano uh si alguien tiene preguntas sobre cómo funciona el juego o cosas por el estilo por favor hágamelo saber estoy feliz para responderles, ese es mi plan de respaldo para cualquier cosa, estoy un poco nervioso, el juego falla , así que también veremos eso, pero hubo un retraso de 30 minutos, así que veremos, uh, 30 minutos, ¿verdad? en el cambio de reddit, voy a ir a mi cuenta principal muy rápido , supongo que no iba a volver a abrirla, pero el evento no va a suceder, así que también podría estar bien, vaya, esta es mi cuenta principal, eso es una locura, ¿eres Starsfire una estrella feliz? cumpleaños uh aquellos que no saben cuando mi de thump cuando mis videos de youtube tienen una miniatura Si es una estrella, si esto es fuego de estrellas, es una estrella que lo hace salvajemente, vamos a cerrar eso y volver a intentarlo, sí, el evento realmente comienza en 30 minutos, uh, no nos dijeron que no lo hice. Lo siento por hacerle perder el tiempo 30 minutos adicionales, eh, 25 minutos y 26 segundos hasta que comience el evento, así que pensé en hacer algunos diarios en mi cuenta principal porque no hay nada más que hacer excepto responder preguntas, por eso estoy tratando de hablar , eh, taehyung y tengo un gran éxito en pvp con los transportistas, pero quiero decir, si los tiradores son el deseo de tu corazón, ve a los tiradores , eso es increíble, fuego adam, haría que se fueran en los próximos seis días, oh, supongo que podemos mirar aquí muy rápido. echemos un vistazo a este período de registro regístrese uh , ¿alguien sabe cuántos espacios de registro había ? No daré un número, Jared, está bien, interesante, así que cuando nos registramos, eh para r esta versión beta de isla perdida en este servidor tenía como 80 ranuras en la parte superior, daba mucho, mucho miedo, desapareció en 11 minutos , así que sí, lo hicieron, pero esperaba que alguien me dijera qué era, sí, este nunca dio un oficial number tanner, así que espero que se haya desvanecido, no ha estado encendido durante 24 minutos , ella está saltando en este momento, veremos que no había ningún número que sea salvaje, está bien, supongo que no había ningún número, mi r5 es saltando ahora mismo siete minutos después, veremos si todavía hay lugares, um, sí, josh, bueno, realmente no hubo ningún adelanto, así que esa es una de las cosas que espero cubrir en los próximos uh 30 minutos cuando iniciemos sesión por primera vez. eh, la manada de nerds y planeo publicar una lista de niveles si nos brindan suficiente información para tratar de ayudar a todos, sé que la gente lo querrá en su lista , será una lista de niveles hipotética basada en habilidades y capacidades cosas como esas, eso no se da, parece que no hay límite, está bien, así que los lugares amplios no tienen límite, supongo Quiero decir, eso es increíble, pero está bien, está bien, ¿hay algún rango de servidor o algo así ? Lo siento, hablando dentro de mi propio chat. Tampoco hay rango . t registrarse podría entrar por qué estás ahorrando 51 a 500. joshua no creo que los desarrolladores los pongan a todos detrás de un muro de pago , literalmente dijeron que serían libres de jugar, bueno, no dijeron todo ellos serían libres para jugar dijeron que algunos de ellos serían libres para jugar , así que no espero que estén detrás de un muro de pago para ganar cuando dice prepárate, ¿qué quieren decir? ¿Estás hablando de este período de registro ? o un período de emparejamiento que no entiendo, sí, eh, el idioma no estaba claro, así que le pregunté al hada principal dentro de la discordia, no un mod de la discordia, un ferry principal dentro de la discordia oficial y me dieron una declaración oficial que decía que sí. fue el servidor 2 a través del servidor 500 los que el 80 que registrado originalmente no puede registrarse, pero todos los demás podrán hacerlo , así que tenemos de nuevo, tenemos 19 minutos y podremos hacer esto nuevamente, lo siento por el retraso adicional, 150 ml de potencia, eso es mucho en mi alt , no sé si siento que eso es mucho esto es solo un granjero la cuenta de la granja no has conocido al ronin principal si crees que 153 male power es mucho no has conocido a la cuenta principal la cuenta principal ese tipo es una bestia lo dudo mostrar todos los enfrentamientos como lo hicieron en realidad, ya sabes lo que muestran todos los enfrentamientos de svs, daniel, así que no vería por qué no lo harían, jamal, te diré que ya comenzaron a hacer tratados de paz dentro de nuestro grupo, así que estar a la altura de los r4s r3s de su r5 para llegar a formar discordias formar tratados de paz ante aquí mismo 464 mil power 464 mill power ante justo aquí ese es mi r5 y ese es el alt que estoy jugando es su cuenta de la granja esta es la cuenta de la granja de la tía corazón 53 mil potencia a la persona común en estas partes, tienes razón, bronceador, simplemente no lo hacen. No sé, simplemente no entienden, no te preocupes, aprenderán al 100 que es verdad, tía, eres tú, nah marcus . Todo es paz, eh, y hay guerra dentro del mundo, todavía hay líneas, ¿verdad? No reclames las recompensas de la alianza todavía o perderás a Clay Zaya, ¿sabes? Quiero decir que no lo haré, pero ¿sabes que para ser verdad? um parece basado en las fotos que mostré ayer que fueron diferentes tareas diferentes que dieron uh arcilla no no las nuevas recompensas guau está bien tienes razón todo el mundo zion es correcto debería haber hecho clic en eso primero antes de hacer la pregunta uh no quiero para hacer clic en cualquiera de estos , sí, no quiero hacer clic en ninguno de estos , tanner, siempre hay tratados , sí, tienes razón, Zion, estás 100 en lo cierto , gracias, solo que no había abierto esa ventana, así que gracias, servidor 7. es el servidor que solo pide agua en ingles es porque la tía dice que va a cero a cualquiera que pida en gene ral, quiero decir que eso no es verdad, no vivimos bajo una dictadura tía, no me mates, solo bromeo , será salvaje, estoy muy emocionado, muchachos, estoy muy, muy emocionado , 16 minutos más, lo siento, intentaré mi mejor recordar llamarte delgado lo siento lo siento lo siento sí lo hice ii lo señalé también dice por favor elige el momento para reclamarlos con cuidado entonces ¿qué significa eso quién está demasiado inflado mucho el ego de jacob anti nunca cuál es la ballena de mayor poder en mi servidor no sé el poder es artificial un jugador free-to-play puede tener el poder más alto en un servidor tu pregunta no tiene sentido para mí ante tiene el poder más alto si es la persona más fuerte en nuestro servidor no lo sé ¿ Es él la mejor persona en nuestro servidor ? lo que estoy diciendo uh, no sé, supongo que podríamos vernos como la marmota, ¿verdad? La tía delgada correcta es una excepción porque tiene ambas cosas . Sé por experiencia personal que la cantidad de muertes que tienes no significa nada . Grita al servidor 234 por conseguirme más de mil millones de muertes intencionalmente . No obtuve esas muertes orgánicamente. la tía usó portaaviones y obtuvo 133 mil daños esta vez y no usa tiradores, está usando portaaviones, así que dime, oh, Dios mío, araña estrella, no creo que podamos hablar más de esto, esto se está poniendo malo , detengámonos mientras nosotros estoy detrás de uh daniel, espero algunas respuestas lentas y lentas, cosas como esa a medida que avanzamos, cosas así sucederán, uh, jared, literalmente puedes cultivar estadísticas haciendo que tu granja vaya en tu contra y golpeándote un montón de veces estás matando a un un montón de tropas si tu granja se llena con t1s y simplemente pones a cero las cuatro marchas correctas que están al máximo para que pueda funcionar quería ver qué tan bien lo hice ¿podemos obtener cinco me gusta de la norma de juego? ni siquiera sé qué significan los me gusta ¿Qué quieres decir con la norma de juego? te gusta un video en vivo dice que tengo 22 videos en vivo o 22 me gusta jared las estadísticas aquí no se miden bien como uh, las estadísticas aquí no se miden bien otra vez obtuve más de mil millones de muertes en mi principal lo mostré um, pero no todos fueron obtenidos orgánicamente. El servidor 234 m puede o no haberme ayudado significativamente. Grita a esos dos, hola, pato dorado. Vi tus comentarios en mi video. Gracias por ser informativo y respetuoso. lo aprecio norma de juego los niños son los niños geniales tuvo una gran pascua creo que parecía feliz sonrió un montón y su esposa es fenomenal significativamente mejor que yo eso es increíble daniel buena suerte el pato dorado es sincero es ser sincero ser honesto here um at least our stam buffs will be useful again what do you mean oh you talking about the little fodder things were those ever useful jared that totally makes sense that you don't want to cheat i will be honest i am n ot upset with server 234 for helping me out not even going to be a little not even going to be a little bit discreet about it very very very helpful they're very helpful and very polite about it so thanks king uh it's not my opinion i tried to make that clear uh i very rarely have my ideas myself i'm just a very good voice for those that have an opinion that they want to share if that makes any sense eight minutes you guys again for those that were curious what's happening why we're not there yet there was a 30 minute delay at the start we didn't know we didn't know i guess daniel i never used him for groundhog attacking carrier main never really thought that i'd ever get first on that day nah not my thing i'm like the slightly better version of you no one's a better version of you everyone is the best version of themselves yeah i really like it king i don't see why it can't be done i don't know what the right balance is right because people could gamble like one star insects into 11 s tar insects or 10 star insects to make them 11 star i'm not saying that it's a perfect system i'm just saying like it has to be possible make it so right there are some spenders like light spenders or medium spenders that won't get a new insect because they already have an 11 star of that version so if you want to increase your potential for revenue on their end they should do it i mean anything's possible i guess stark slim quit using my chant to flirt i mean what five minutes you guys i it sounded like that discord mod was very invested in getting it to work himself which is good right the more invested the spokesperson has the investment the spokesperson has the better right begin soon unless they psych us out again very excited all right that's kind of interesting that it's inside of the system males lost island be well prepared okay like why is that not like an ant studio update that's that's pretty interesting to me late april feels dark that's 100 what it was like what was this thanks louisiana that's huge liam i may or may not have bought my second chickery copy or my first my dupe my skill 6 chicory copy so you know i'll spare you love and war right don't come at me what else you guys got any other questions uh for those that don't know what king aizler is talking about there's a live discord thing and i made a recommendation that when you have an 11 star insect uh you have an 11 star insect you're able to go on it and like there'll be ad gen ability just like the d gen shells for special ants uh there'd be a degen ability where you can get back your stars or whatever right um so here there's like this this degen thing that gives you back all you need you just need to generate shells in order to get it all back right 80 of the spores i said why can't we do the exact same thing for an insect but you just click on it click on this little book and then instead of these mass rapid and rapid there's another button right here that's like dj in the insect no golde n i i mean maybe skill 8 but i would never you're losing that front row damage too right because that's also going to put out some amount of damage and you're losing all of that potential for it it's like 30 40 ml damage that you're losing just out of skillet that sounds awful duck golden duck we have three minutes you guys three minutes two minutes no new information here no new information here again we're landing on dark blue auntie chose you didn't even ask our opinion i'm really curious about this really curious how we're gonna get these event rewards we'll try and go over that as soon as possible and these are our opponents again they're all great people or they're all bad people i don't know i haven't talked inside that chat for those that don't know there is now zone so you can talk to everyone from your home zone there's a season chat so you can talk to all these people um i wonder if they can water you like can they water you i don't know and then there's alliance chat and th en there's still your english language chats so ii would never recommend using a non skill six orange amp because it's not gonna it's not gonna do the same damage it's you're gonna lose that 30 40 mil damage you might get like one two mil off of it right making up numbers right ii don't know the exact values but so four's the life is going to continue everything's gonna be the exact same the only difference is going to be uh the only difference that should be here is war of the kings and there's more stuff to do so we'll try doing caves afterwards we'll try doing duels right just to verify all that stuff works we'll go into force and we'll verify that we can earn points through force we'll try using some diamonds into the vip system stuff like that we'll try as many things as possible uh if lyme if you're talking an alliance expedition yes a an alliance expedition remasters skill seven being unlocked over having a skill six slow ant is better an alliance expedition not in normal gamepl ay an alliance expedition all right did my game freeze again my game froze again woof okay so there's like some sluggishness to the server some freezing to the server see what happens thanks louisiana kim i appreciate it all right enter the season zone competition is already running for the last 30 seconds so you have to like refresh your game in order to be able to log in it looks like and then you just go all right so let's see what we got we have okay so there's going to be a tutorial the environment of the island is quite different from the original zone which requires some specific buildings to be built no way let's go to this building it's wonderful oh we built it so this is a tutorial again abundant resources nourish the powerful season ants season details all right so these are the special troops that we talked about only the powerful colonies can attract season ants uh occupation details i have no occupied resources in order to get them search oh my gosh you can literally sear ch for them okay i really don't want to i really don't want to do this i really didn't want to do that okay all right so that now i have one out of 20 here but my march team is coming back you guys see that march team's coming back i'm gathering soldier ants at one out of 20. collect all okay to cope with the environment of the last island colonies have learned to enhance the ant hill this is this is what we want all right so there's no upgrade feature still still no upgrade feature but there's an enhancement you can click on that i really don't want to do this all right you can see svs went up a little bit you can see svs went up a little bit so maybe pop a raspberry uh maybe pop a raspberry before the event starts so that way you can get as many points as possible for svs oh look look look so we have janet oh my gosh why we have genetic material dna lost island fruit and honeydew so you are you are already getting stuff and lost island fruit i don't know what that is occupy resource nodes of any level for three times i really hate this beginning stuff tree of abundance is a season of wonder our island occupying will affect your final rewards cool we already knew that territory alliance blockhouse will be to offer the safe area and initial alliance territories for alliance so we're supposed to be able to go in here in order an alliance tower can only be built when it connects to the alliance territory cool changes to the island environment can be influenced by milestones uh so the milestones are supposed to like yeah as you can see after some milestones and new season functions will be unlocked so it's going to give us this looks like a new special ant right here so we'll see about that um yeah there are still many secrets and rewards in lost island waiting for your alliance to explore cool i want to click around and play all right occupy resource nodes stuff like that so let's go and let's see what happens uh oh sorry let me turn that volume off okay uh okay let's just go ahead and march it consumes 10. all right so if you guys didn't see that it consumes 10 consumption 10. so let's march there yeah jared it looks like it's gonna start feel like that resource node not found okay failed to obtain map looks like the server's having some issues real quick yeah slim ii have a feeling i'm having some issues on my end too i mean we were expecting it right we were expecting we were expecting some sort of crash right something that's going to happen you have you have 80 times 100 right 8 000 people or 80 times 100 is that 8 000 wild trying to do this at out of time so 8 000 people are trying to play right now jason you're right welcome to the beta all right well since we can't do that let's look at some of this other stuff right it's not all bad not all bad all right so there's a new pack shop all right so enhancement resin is is available for sale in the new pack shop that's kind of rough uh auntie if you're in here and you end up buying it i would lo ve to know if this goes up from five dollars i do not wish to spend five dollars yet um yeah i mean 80 times 100 people there's i mean not every alliance is at 800 but there's about 8 000 people trying to play this game we have to expect some sort of disconnection right 8 000 people logging on to play at the same time a new event a new a new version that wasn't fully tested all right uh saving soldier ants there's no dead soldiers so save soldiers return soldier ants to the ant hill uh so you're supposed to get your special your soldiers back when they die uh one sec uh the types of soldiers that can be counted level one to level ten soldiers the season soldier and uh the season soldier ants gained in the season will not be counted the types of killed season soldiers can be counted died directly and died become prying the healing pool cap is reached the number of dead soldiers will be counted during the competition and settlement period the number of soldiers gained by saving soldier a nts will not be counted in any hatching event so you just get up you just get all of your soldiers back and this is how you can track so if you're curious of how many soldiers you have and stuff like that this is how you'll be able to track so that's kind of cool um nothing's changed about the reward preview season rewards actually let's see if we can click on that server server server we're trying fam we're trying max level bug is 17 okay so not like a huge increase okay so receiving achievements all right so we got c gecko's level 40 that's insane so let's double uh so personal honor reached ten thousand uh owned ten thousand season soldier ants personally personally owned six buildings in a hill with enhancement level reached seven so i guess you can reach different levels of enhancement i agree louisiana cam it probably goes higher wolf tanner i defeat wild creatures personally defeat 50 of the level 16 creatures uh cumulatively 16 18 20. okay so we can see right here that goes to level 20. so louisiana you are correct uh it looks like there's level 20 wild creatures um level 20 wild creatures clearly stated right here 1500 of them to defeat level 20 creatures uh personally occupy 25 level three or above resource nodes uh looks like resource nodes at least go to level seven no i don't accept friend requests from people i don't know sorry uh defeat soldier ants of other users build the tower 20 times up to 120. there we go lost island egg all right lost island egg use it to hatch special soldiers in the race of champions lost island beta after the season ends it will get expired and it will be transformed into a tertiary egg that is insane you guys so this is what the lost island egg looks like i assume it's going to be out of 30 we'll see what it's like you guys um durability there's another lost island egg personally destroy a hundred thousand durability compute can cumulatively all right uh personally defeat six uh million five hundred thousand station troops and fortress commun cumulatively so with the fact that they're only giving one at these levels i'm assuming each one is a guaranteed orange but we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see personal honor alright so lines alliance influence reached 50 000 occupy fortresses all right so alliance influence reached up to 250 000 only gives flora mutation occupy fortresses up to 15 fortresses up to level 7 only gives genetics miners or major cells uh occupy 5 wonders in the initial place land occupy alliance occupies three land of clash wonders so in order to get this right so i assume occupy i assume occupy just means like briefly momentarily things like that i guess let's let's look at this uh let's look at this picture real quick oh auntie you're still not in i'm and i'm playing auntie you can experience this with me adam hills uh if you are paired with people that are stronger than you you should be able to make treaties with people to at least get kills right um and other games like this uh treaties are made to allow like hey you kill a hundred thousand of my troops i'll kill a hundred thousand of your troops right the numbers weren't astronomical it should be easy enough uh all right so steven achievements these achievements are to buy personal and alliance achievements when the competition period starts the season achievements will be unlocked there will be multiple levels for each task and season achievements season rankings until honor until influence will not be cal calculated when the settlement period starts uh rankings will be calculated season honor how to get honor occupy resource notes upgrade enhancement levels of buildings gain season soldier ants occupy fortress occupy fortresses auntie did you buy the five dollar pack ii wasn't planning on spending on this account like that but i will for science if uh if you if you don't i will for science science uh how to get alliance influence occupy the fortresses cool all right sick does anyone want to see any of the se other locations before we move on to the next thing this is my not my mine not mine uh this is an alt account the farm account of auntie who's in here he chatted like six times above you all right so we can't see season rewards yet season milestones all right so this is crimson frager fragment um so that's a new special ant uh when the countdown time ends all season zones have occupied 500 resource nodes uh so either 500 resource nodes are occupied or count on time ends yeah absolutely i can i could show around uh i can show you around so this is my zone uh alliance coordinates alliance members tunnel i just want to know if it goes up zayad uh residence layer favorites terminal limits it doesn't look like it's loading much more of that right so i went to a different location longhorn spider so this is the meat one uh devil stick insect that's the wet soil one maybe if i can search them uh let's go for sand because i'm a sucker for sand it only allows us to go up to level 17 here but we saw that it goes up to level 20. absolutely louisiana can zayad is that the last one is it just five dollars and ten dollars a day oh i went too far i went too far no please fabian when uh when you play uh apex legends no you're totally fine zad ii mean i'll find someone that uh that knows that answer oh that's a very interesting point pit pitch cos dream big it just happens you know this is this is the initial start for a game we might get a server maintenance notification and just be down for a little bit you know yeah someone someone will know i'll put out the information as soon as i do yes thomas you can switch all accounts in between maine and alt louisiana cam i did anticipate for crashes yes i did zad i would never be upset that you're not a whale people spend at whatever makes them happy you know what i'm saying i'm kind of curious if i can get on my uh altitude or my main account so i'm gonna pull that up real quick see what happens so there's some people still in the gam e uh in my alliance so there is hope there is hope uh that's pretty interesting to uh slim can you not uh slim can you are you did you get back in the game after it crashed when do you think alliance expenditure would come i don't know i don't know 90. so i think it's only impacting server 2 through server 50 that moved to the new server as we can see here my main account had exactly zero issues connecting zero issues connecting on my on my main account so it's only those accounts that i've migrated to the new server or new server that uh that don't know so there is hope there is hope no 90 i don't know you uh you're in but you're in limbo slim all right so there is hope there is hope got it it is expected jared you are 100 percent jared you're 100 correct it was expected it's all good son my so my main account real quick i'll show you guys my main accounts like working perfectly fine i can do all the things uh speaking of which this is a building ca so i'm going to do some building po wer stuff every day before i start a ca i like to double check that i have this warzone supply going still clear the game then log back in i tried that but i'll do it again i'm hap i'm down to try anything in order to get more content to you guys uh no king that was my main account this is this isn't a farm account alt account i don't know what to call it this is not my account this is a friend's account gb it's expected if you have played online games at all a big maintenance update like this you can expect crashes for a while i was hoping to be able to relog in and stuff but yes i'm z clicks they do have a ranking uh they do have a ranking okay wolf that's rough slime uh justin jason uh i would not imagine i would you know what i'm gonna say i would conservatively um i don't think that we'll have this problem to this magnitude because they'll hopefully scale it out but uh as with the fact that they uh did not release it to everyone because they thought not enough people would be inte rested there wouldn't be a large enough test group etc etc i would expect them to not anticipate the server size and demand next week as well so it's a little it's it's probably going to be there again unfortunately uh but maybe they figure out whatever happened right it looks like it was a force merge issue that happened that caused all the issues so we'll see what happens you know i'm i'm not the uh not the expert unfortunately again uh i play apex legends i watch apex legends get streamed and this happens man this is exactly what happens i agree corki this is exactly what happens uh oh hey jas what up uh for those that don't know jazz has been with me from like uh the very beginning of the game super cool dude uh very quiet and reserved but when he talks everyone listens yeah some people are able to re-log in so i'm like trying you know what i mean i don't wanna i don't wanna not try yeah basically daniel but if i don't try i'm putting my alliance behind of everyone else that does t ry you know what i'm saying like you have to be you have to be realistic with it right um there's other people that are going to continuously try and i don't want to put them behind uh let's see all right so as you guys can see uh oops as you guys can see it was just announced inside of the official discord we are aware of the issues please wait for it to get fixed we understand also please respect that discord mods are not in charge of this game they are discord mods so uh you know they're just it's it's just a game you guys or they're they're just there to like try and help people so yeah i'm expecting a male if i'm honest in my uh on this account i'm expecting a male to like tell me and then for those curious i scored like 115 mil uh with giant tooth somewhere over here 100 sorry 103 mil a giant tooth somewhere over there i mean they did the division well right i'm on server i'm on server 260 and can't see literally anything new right so that's like at least did that well you know w hat i mean give credit where credit is due so that way you can't be upset i just want to read some rules right zyad i understand that like people are in limbo and stuff but like even going in there and reading some of the instructions was insane right it gave us ideas and content about things that we had no idea what it was so let's just appreciate that and keep it going you know i may need to make uh yeah liam that's uh that's to be expected gtga jj are you a shooter main i assume i agree slim i'll be happy with any information that i can get i just enjoy playing the game i enjoy teaching it so there is a pay-to-win aspect in that it's resin but there's not a pay-to-win aspect in that people can clearly get it every day for free it'll just take more time so it's a pay to speed up not a pay to win item so that's good shane that's true did you just say bullet gage that actually makes no sense 106. yeah joshua you can only do what you can do you know maybe uh maybe it's up right maybe th ey do like a 15 30 minutes or a reset and then uh it's up and it's back and working and everything's fine until then i'm gonna probably click here reset joke around with whoever stays in the chat talk to them answer questions whatever they want uh and keep on keeping on you know what i mean oh god i don't got that much to do right now you know lime that sounds sorry hermes that sounds totally fine uh all we saw so far that i had chosen uh unfortunately was that you get fragments of one of them for sure and that there are special orange eggs to hatch them so those orange eggs inside of the rewards preview these orange eggs inside of the rewards preview you get like one at the end of each tier so my thought process which i did not confirm my thought process is you get a gold orange ant no matter what but we'll find out once the game lets us back in i cannot right now thomas uh the game crashed for me as i was searching for a level 17 insect just to see what it looked like where it was st uff like that that was my mistake my mistake but talking to people it would have broken eventually for everyone so uh there's both new special ants and new special troops uh yes the kid loved it super bad no the kid was fine they had a great time i enjoyed their easter and everything uh sq central they said that there was going to be 12 apparently i haven't seen that announcement myself but they said 12. whenever we get in we'll go over all 12. my main is not in beta uh so it does not seem either already checked over here it doesn't have them i just have the ants i don't have which is these four five depending on what these new special ants bring to the table uh i'm gonna end up owning brown rug yes it's supposed to be 12 jason uh yes the special ants are uh hermes the special ants are usable everywhere uh the special ants will come back with you right so you're not wasting spores you're not wasting anything it does look like they're free to play as we saw there were eggs that hatch ex clusively them they they did say that they're all supposed to be achievable free to play so we'll uh we'll see right i'm gage i guess i have not been able to look at any of the new special ants all we know is that one of the new special ants is available via fragments in the events tab uh hermes that'd be new to me news to me i was told that they were all orange you could be totally right though uh starsway or something like that hopefully uh no thomas lopez there is not however uh all seasonal eggs will convert to tertiary eggs at the end of the season if not used that info has been out for about two weeks i've covered it in a few videos now daniel we have season ants and then we have seasoned special ants sq central we've already found out that there are new special eggs in order to hatch special season ants so i would doubt it i would doubt it wolf server migration is also broken yeah daniel i saved up over 100 gold eggs like if we go back to my main since we're still waiting on thi s if we go back to my main i have 119 orange eggs and i mean i'm not gonna hatch them until thursday so even until then we'll just see what happens with all those saved up eggs and stuff right who knows maybe they are useful the world may never know or whatever that joke is right we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see slim my weekend was fantastic how was yours uh daniel there will be svs every day so i assume lost island eggs will just count as tertiary eggs just like uh time limited hatch eggs count as tertiary eggs i assume lost island eggs will count as tertiary eggs it'll be kind of wild if it doesn't kind of wild uh what else you guys thinking think about how beautiful today is thinking about how great it is to be able to log into a game and play the game that you uh enjoy playing that's what i'm thinking about thomas uh i will review analyze special ants when i can log on i'm hoping there's a discord announcement in the next 15 30 minutes that's going to allow me to d o this so that way we can stream it to you guys as soon as possible i have very little intentions of stopping the stream until i can at least log on and look around for a little bit unless they put out an announcement that like it's going to be down for 6 hours 12 hours which i highly doubt they'll do i don't intend on getting off uh jared you should just share your links share the link tell them to figure it out themselves ask the questions they want yes uh slim they already said that svs will be continued as is with the exception of with the only exception being uh kill event you will not be able to attack the squirters server server will be the exact same which is why in my videos i have said do not use your insects on groundhog day wait until kill event day because we don't know how you're going to get points other than insects thanks jared i appreciate it their servers probably weren't properly segregated for this zrk ii play apex legends right and in apex legends if when the firs t update comes out um like the new seasons update comes out with new characters and everything else that can take an hour two hours to fix so yeah naya we can do lizards i'll host real quick um uh that's true and maybe you get points off of killing uh the other alliances that are in right like again i don't know we'll we'll see how kill event works i really wish that they would give us more information but they don't it's great it's phenomenal it's fantastic we know that we don't know what we don't know that's that's about all we know yes joe we're the special ants that you get in the last island will stay with you for as long as possible uh naya join the ant-man's uh level 30 lizard please for the last one gold venom is great uh yes qs i unfortunately never got to experience it but i have heard just how great it was i'm very hopeful that ke gets changed back or something i'm hoping that this event is like old ke right that we're able to do that uh with old ke hey sleepy what up naya n aya cupcake uh for those that don't know nia cupcake that talked a little bit above is my wife louisiana kim you can uh if you are a youtube prime member do not do that got it no thomas ii so there's talks of nap there's things like that um but i hope that there's at least a little bit of war uh and i'm very excited to know what kill event's all about uh i was just reminded i was just reminded uh by pacquiao ghost uh from woke uh the alliance that i'm in that in a line when alliance expedition the first week that it came out the entire event was cancelled it was so buggy they just canceled the entire event if that happens here woof i cannot even imagine uh i'm using a 20 best buy microphone sq central i am changing to the standard streamer microphone here shortly uh thank you to the patreon group actually i've been saving up the money from the patreon group the last i don't know three four months um and i'm finally gonna be able to buy the sm7b uh microphone so i'm pretty excited for i t it should hopefully upgrade my quality i'm also hoping um i'll be able to change the gains in order to be able to make it so you can't hear like my dogs or stuff like that background noise but i'm using like a 20 microphone right now so uh leonard we're not we're not ending the stream anytime soon until there's either an announcement that uh they can't get in or i've gotten into the game and explored not leaving i'm not leaving you guys can leave free to leave will not be upset but i will not i would appreciate that a lot son jared i appreciate that but i'd like my overall quality to go up um i well this game is fun right uh the average youtube streamer or the average youtube content creator of this game that only makes content of this game is sub 4 000 subscribers and i just reached a little over 4 000 subscribers which is awesome for me and i'm very excited and i assume everyone can get to that potential but it does make me feel like there's a glass ceiling there so i want to upgra de my quality and be able to make content on more than one thing i just to be honest right i enjoy making content i would like to be able to continue to make content all right so we got a couple of screenshots to show i if i the amount of super chats that i need i do not make i do not make 100 of super chats all right so slim uh slim send me some screenshots oh dream big i will be doing it i just didn't want to do it in the last video 100 there'll be a 4 000 subscriber giveaway absolutely 100 percent sorry luna yes i will and i will try to remember no promises i will try to remember a time stamp of when the event finally comes live but screenshots from like slim will be available earlier on as you can see this person's enhancing their queen power is going up not significant only 900 power here uh from level 9 to level or from level 10 to level 11. uh as you can see regular resources are applicable we had people trying to tell my server they're not i tried to correct them as much as pos sible but you know how people are and then uh you can see the amount of resin 675 i don't remember how much was in the five dollar pack but 675 there um but the resources seem uh usable i would like to know if at a leaf glider counts with this you can see the shooter ant nest was enhanced so we have the guardian shooter carrier alliance center and evolution center at least that can be enhanced so this has a lot uh joshua i expect this game to last at least another year maybe two years 2500 in the pack golden duck thank you very much so for five dollars for five dollars you're getting your queen enhanced above level 10 so that's not that bad for for cash value it'll be interesting to see what free to play gets asked star sorry that's not how this works you can't just ask someone to laugh on a command uh so evolution fungi as you can see level 10 and then there's entrance special ant habitat mutation the mutation for can be enhanced slim uh slim if you if you can see all the other buildi ngs that can be enhanced that'd be insane if that if that person can get that to you but as you can see you got a evolution fungi entrance special ant residence and mutation flora so those are you know those are more buildings to be able to show off uh slim if at all possible uh and then as you can see here this one goes up to a thousand forty five and it was two thousand five hundred so this is even more expensive if we look right this is more expensive than the queen uh but it does increase things like that but this mutation for you guys uh this mutation for you guys that means there's a reason to level up your mutation floor to level 25. all right uh here there's not a whole lot to show off 1020 gathering piles you have uh residence level seven you have residence level seven uh that was jax you guys so uh sorry people are talking to me in discord i apologize it's very rude of me you see a level 16 hermit crab right next to this residence level 7. um yeah that's all the screen new sc reenshots i have uh yeah try and reconnect try and see if we can get in ourselves look around i know that that's what you guys are actually here for not to look at my dog lick my ear uh but jax is a good boy right i mean he's pretty cool like that so see we'll see we'll see yes antiquity antiquity uh if you you were if you weren't here at the beginning um this event will be a hundred percent worth free to play uh the level 40 gecko is cool looking i really want to get in you guys we will get in i promise we will get in we will answer questions uh i'm either going to get in or they're going to make an announcement that the event won't won't be live for another six hours or something i don't think so louisiana uh yes hermes i will be pinging everyone in discord when we get live right now i'm just going to answer questions i'm going to be sharing any screenshots that other people cannot can share with me anything like that i'm trying to be as useful as possible uh what won't happen is if i turn off my life i'm not turning that back on i'm not gonna lie so i'm trying to stay alive to be able to share information as much as possible if i turn off my live i'm going to bed so just trying to just trying to keep the momentum going trying to keep it active i know that other games experience crashes like this and it takes a couple hours an hour to get fixed so uh slim will send me whatever he can oh he's been sending me stuff oh there's magic don't you know ho all right uh all right so here you guys can see that there's an insect habitat pro rally center rally center um enhancement resin zero point or zero out of fifteen uh again takes regular food uh when fighting for fortresses increases all soldier ants defense so when fighting for fortresses it increases honor which is huge big dream i'm always a carrier user my wife's always a shooter user there's no right answer there's only wrong ones uh here you can see the pro rally center level one again uh 55 this one increases defe nsive soldier ants and pro unit and increases health of soldier ants and pro units so this is going to be insane uh will these translates so it says when the event ends the ant hill enhancements will be unavailable but will those bonuses translate to duels of the queens duel of glory duel of whatever who knows stay tuned we'll find out when fighting for fortresses increases all soldier ants attack plus 3.0 percent all right so that's pretty huge uh you guys so that's the mutation flora level one it looks like every enhancement level requires the previous level so every building can only go up to enhancement level 25. so that's that's pretty informative that's pretty useful to know and again it means that the mutation floor is worth upgrading uh here's special ant habitat increa when fighting for fortress increases soldiers health 1.2 percent that's huge and insane uh starsfire says to get me coffee um she got me water she loves me already uh entrance increases uh season soldier ants de fense so this is seasoned soldier ants this is all soldiering so this is kind of interesting look at this the special ant habitat increases all soldiers health and uh oh poop let me uh so it turn so this one increases soldier and als or seasoned soldier in its defense but this one increases fighting for fortress increasing all soldiers health so maybe it's because it's fighting for fortress right i love you too sweet rooms get out uh and then this one increases defense of soldier ants in the pro unit so this doesn't say just seasoned soldiers evolution uh increase the soldier ants attack try this real quick hey i love my decaf stars fire thinks that i'm insane for it uh yeah okay let's see alliance center soldier and its health we already looked at that one carrion barracks season carrier ants hourly output okay so enhancing the nest increases that hourly output of the nodes and healing speed increases soldier and carrier healing speed right here okay okay okay okay shooter and snes sa me thing 20 25 you see it goes up from night from 30 to 90 level zero to level one queen again level 1 75 increases soldier ants defense and health all right and then this is chapter two it's going to give you some more enhancement resin honeydew stuff right i think that's the same stuff enhancement resin no it's not the same stuff enhance any buildings in anthill five times three out of five so oh all right here's another screenshot i got from another viewer uh queen guardian barracks entrance uh special ant habitat shooter ant carrier ant nest mutation flora insect uh alliance center sentinel tree found the way to the island you can go with your alliance now okay so some people are getting back in a little bit all right all right all right this one's pretty good i'm gonna post this one on my discord for those that are curious um uh slim says he's sending me some more big screenshots so we'll see what happens i'm gonna clear out of some of these screenshots unless someone wants to see a building still uh real quick just to remind you guys it looks like we have insect habitat pro rally centers mutation flora special end habitats uh you can see what they bring up a little bit these are all in the thing we'll go over them when we get into person carry ant nest uh shooter ant nest queen level uh that's the chapter results this is kind of like a nice synopsis of all of them level ones level zeros uh and then it looks like some people are starting to get back in so uh i so so far you get residents from like daily honors and stuff like that along with clay and gathering i haven't really found it kingdom got bigger i don't know what that means but okay okay so those that weren't here originally these are going to be the rewards uh again i apologize for the poor quality of screenshots but it's all we have for until the event comes back out the game did crash we're just waiting for a server message or something like that that'll fix it all right so wonder's an initial place occupy fortresses so this says wonder's an initial place alliance occupied one wonder an initial place it goes up to six there's only eight wonders or nine wonders in the sorry there's only nine wonders in the initial place so in order for everyone to get six it can't count all times it can only count like certain amount of times uh muhammad yes we can do groundhog we'll be doing sbs the same way all the time uh the alliance occupies five fortresses at least level three and above wonders in initial place again clash of wonders um building tower fight for fortress destroy durability defeat station troops in the fortress uh level 16 or wild creatures cumulatively uh capture alliance resource nodes etc etc correct so if there are only 12 wonders in the map and tier 1 rewards require you to occupy 10 it can't be the entire time it could not be the entire time uh own season soldier ants personally own six buildings of anthill with enhancement level seven or higher so this is how free free-t o-play players will get enhancement resin uh everyone so no matter what these tasks will unlock at some point in time right so if we look at this one it says remaining time 22 hours so it can either open after 500 is reached or it can open when after 24 hours so no matter what free-to-play players we will get at least one new special ant they'll get this thing which i'm not 100 sure what it is we'll look at it um and they'll get a thousand enhancement resin 2000 4000 right so when the cooldown time ends all season zones have defeated 50 level 35 or above geckos right so it depends on our pace right or not but no matter what we will unlock those rewards eventually i'm z clicks uh i don't understand the question if you're in right now you're in the event if you're not in it'll be next week slim your guy can go to other people's territories and zones already how is he so lucky yeah three star you got some gecko rewards man i really wish i could get in i'm really sorry guys i would like th ese all right here's slightly better quality of the rewards overall uh so personal honors right personally defeat uh strongest warzone troops um yeah and then look personally defeat 50 level 16 wild creatures or uh cumulatively you get 2 000 resin for that off the bat and that's only 50. you you're gonna hunt more than 50 insects in the first couple of days so this event does have free to play potential will you get all your buildings to level 25 enhancement in 45 days no does it matter no you'll still be able to do the quests the rewards all that stuff so like chill out a little bit breathe relax a little bit it'll be fine why why is svs svs is already unlocked i am z clicks it's only 30 minutes in between svs last time in sbs now these are your alliance rewards right uh land of clash wonder tree of abundance alliance influence ma am in a you get four a week uh so far from the lost island store we could not find the lost island store before we got kicked out um the lost island store w ill eventually uh unlock you'll use lost island currency however you get that to buy four bio essence a week from that and then one from the vip store giving you your five a week uh that you would normally get so it's basically a guarantee five a week instead of a gamble on whether or not your alliance wins alliance expedition or not if that makes sense uh tree of abundance alliances occupied the tree of abundance one time so this is what i'm talking about right like in order to do this right uh in order to occupy as many wonders as are needed for this you're going to have to uh you're going to have to be able to coordinate with people in order to take over six wonders which if we could press this i button you guys would see is it's six wonders in order to unlock this so like that you're going to have to be able to you're going to have to be able to coordinate with people in order to do it this is wild antichrist i would believe so but maybe they sell so earlier we found out that there are special limited time tertiary eggs uh for this event whether or not they only hatch orange eggs or not uh we know that they are very sparse and like the personalized rewards right here so we need to remember and be cognizant of the fact that uh people are gonna want those too so it may be less oh my gosh all right yeah that's what i'm thinking about louisiana which if that's the case why would you not rotate between all eight alliances so everyone can get max rewards uh anthill enhancement right so if we look into this a little bit closer you guys uh first exploration again 100 resin eight thousand ten thousand fifteen thousand i cannot uninstall and reinstall this game on this account i do not have that capabilities i had uh fortresses right hornet infestation when countdown time ends all season zones have defeated 500 fortresses monster hunter level 35 or above geckos anthill enhancement 3 000 times uh solidified cooperation built 30 alliance towers i really genuinely think like this event's supposed to be pvp and everything else owning 10 out of 12 wonders that's going to require alliance dedication and communication to share that you know what i mean which means if i pass it on to the next person and everyone can get tier one rewards why would you not do that you know what i'm saying all right so real quick we're gonna look at these and we're gonna compare them to my main so on my main we're going to go down we're going to look at tier 9 stats right so we're going to scroll over tier 9 or sorry tier 10 we'll compare them to tier 10 uh 70 so for this is guardians right 77 attack 90 defense 25 health uh and this one is this has to be guardians right 70 so a 79 attack this is 89 attack 95 defense 27 health 9.5 power uh jared maybe but if they're greedy they're not gonna get all 10 themselves you know what i'm saying uh all right so then carriers right carriers 109 72 23 and then if we go to carrier t10s 94 65 21 so an improvement here so all new ants are an im provement to all base stats so they will be worth running the only question left the only question left is if evolutions count right so like is it still rock paper scissors stuff like that fabian i will be on until i can get into the game where they make an announcement that they won't be fixing the event one of those two had a commitment to my community that i would be on to share this information as soon as possible i last time i checked i'm not a liar so unless my stream crashes and i cannot stream anymore then i'm going to bed my if my stream ends i'm going to bed if my stream does not end i'm staying on and doing my best to share information with the community you know what i'm saying i'm not i'm not hiding anything that i can the community deserves better than that and two kitty i just showed the final stats and compared them ii can go over it again real quick so uh let's do this this is shooter 138 58 19 right 138 58 19 for shooters if we go look at t10 shooters 124 53 17 again these are 138 58 19. hey chewie oh check out the alliance block list all right so this is alliance territory this is the alliance blockhouse so again the special ants not the special ants the special troop ants special troops are better than t10s i do not know i guess i don't know what an enhanced t10 looks like see if my discord has that information they may they may they may they may this does not look like we have t10 enhanced on this data sheet so i do not know what the changes i do not know what the stat change is i can only tell you what the stat changes from the regular t9 t10s but i assume it's still significant absolutely not stars fire i would despise someone that would recall someone absolutely not not happening today so again it looks like like hornets locked behind this maybe the ability to hatch okay the ability to hatch special ants is locked behind and cooperation so some people are getting in well i can only do what i can do if i if i can't get us in i can't get us in all right so ability to hatch new special ants are unlocked behind the second item right so we have to we have to occupy 500 resource nodes which should be no problem once the games back up and then all season zones have built up 30 alliance towers so this might take some time but then we'll get special ants uh so that should be super simple i assume this means that the gathering nodes will go up by two levels uh and then if we look at the total fragments 5 15 35 65 95 uh 140 so we get 200 fragments to form one new special ant that makes sense uh it looks like i don't even know what that is this skull thing i don't know what that's locked behind uh there's a couple of them the tree of wonderland of clash looks like when the time ends your alliances occupied one land of clash wonders so no matter what you'll get it even if no one else does starsfire i doubt it whoa we're back in boys we are back in all right let's go up let's see are we in the new map all right all right all right all r ight all right let me fix this overlay thing real quick all right let me notify discord real quick okay okay okay okay okay okay uh again this is insane great happy uh let's try invading a level seven why not right let's see what happens see what happens woof i did not win that all right i feel ii failed to invade uh level seven again this is a farm account so many accounts probably can handle it 296 000 i mean it's 390 percent power 390 percent uh special ant second hatch i cannot hatch any special ants yet so that special ants are not available yet uh we already found that out uh and i tried to make that very clear i apologize if i did not the special ants are locked behind um season achievements no not season achievements season milestones the ability to hatch oh we got him all right never mind i'm an idiot all right let's look at them you guys let's look at them let's look at them let's go look at them season special ants are available all right season special ants are in let's see let's see let's see sorry i just got very excited very very excited uh all right all right all right all right all right so we have uh so it looks like you're gonna be able to hatch blue insects or blue ants with these new eggs purple and uh ants with these new eggs uh the original right these are the original special ants i'm sorry savio i got really excited uh the original special ants only none of the none of the season two special ants if you will uh so no remaster [ __ ] remaster anything like that from here uh the hatch rates lost island 1.26 regular specialized 2.69 uh they all look to be relatively the same with uh three of them predator nimble triant and wiseberry being 0.12 uh the orange ants are egg specific to this one right here our egg specific oh that's something else all right our eight our egg specific to uh this right here so this is the lost island egg that you get through um individual and alliance season achievements uh okay all right so let's click on this let's click on this all right so dusky lurker support universal all right so standard level one uh defense and health for this one um 25 percent 250 percent and then level 7 troop attack okay uh troop attack up to third level 30. uh okay leading any special soldier in 100 let's just read it at level 10 that's my favorite thing to do 100 chance to deal 210 percent uh damage to a random enemy squad and lower its defense by 50 which lasts for one round that's a 100 chance to proc every single round that's insane all right okay okay uh plus thirty percent that's not really that impressive plus thirty percent if we look at like a level ten here i guess it's the same so never mind ignore me there uh skill five sixty percent chance to deal 190 damage to a random enemy squad meanwhile the skill damage of the next time over backline increased by 25 okay that seems fair that seems balanced so far these new special ants are looking insane uh when a battle starts attack of all squads increased by 50 whe n the battle starts uh when a battle starts attack of our special ants increased by 50 percent uh and in third round deals 400 percent damage to enemy backlines one time okay so that's dusky lurker that's insane melee universal ruby slender uh skill six is going to increase defense and health again uh 17 percent for 10 defense 17 health and troop health for this one 15 so slim arch gt range um all right when it squads uh when its squad got normal attacked when its squad gets normal attacked 100 chance to reduce a random enemy squad damage dealt by 20 which lasts for two rounds so that's kind of interesting because like if their front row doesn't do much this could like respond to that effective range of three okay so stag beetle stag beetle um steak steak beetle increased healing and here's another healing insect or healing yeah healing special ant so now stag beetle has two healing special ants so that's pretty cool 60 chance to heal its squad and healing ratio uh is 220 uh does anyon e remember one sec i really want to know uh what is white velvet's healing ratio because white velvet was not good right so is is this better than white velvet worse than white velvet let's check real quick 190 okay so this was 50 chance to kill one of your random squads for 190 and this one is just 60 chance to heal enemies squad healing ratio 220. so this does make stag better uh this means this is more of a guardian ant not a universal ant um and it's 220 vice 190 uh so that's pretty cool okay um why velvet has 240 we literally just read it why velvet has 190 percent white velvet is 270 when 5 star 190 when five five four star is it and this is 110 at level 10. oh i'm an idiot thank you thank you very much you real that makes this not nearly as excited as exciting you're 100 correct ruby does heal the whole squad instead of one random line so there's i mean it'll be interesting a little less hyped because it's 220 but it is whole squad vice individual line so there's like a little b it more hope for it uh because white velvet was awful this is also a free-to-play ant so there's less risk in investing in it and i have friends that will be investing into all 12 ants they will ensure they get all 12 ants and they will ensure that they invest in all 12 vans uh crimson fragra so i would have expected ruby to be crimson fragger with healing but all right unlocking t8 nanadi uh this one's defense and health again so they're they're really creeping up that defense and health and this is troop defense that already turns me off troop defense is the worst stat to improve when in battle its squad will have a piercing effect when damage dealt ignore 50 of enemies defense that improves like troop damage or squad so i guess there's that like it's squad so it's definitely a support ants right uh it's definitely a support ant because it's squad uh so hopefully maybe it makes something stronger better um so it increases 28 all right 80 percent chance to deal two times of 90 plus sp ecial answer level one uh one percent damage to a random enemy squad two times okay effective range five this ant is clearly gonna be a uh front front row ant based off of this skilled one but it's defense so that's poopy but maybe it'd be really good against groundhog like um maybe this maybe this is better than enigmatic taylor banshee velvet right here you know what i'm saying uh and then one round of preparation 100 chance to increase squad's damage by 25 which lasts for two rounds after that deal 220 percent damage to all enemy squads this sounds like a better banshee velvet organic tailor in my opinion uh so crimson fragra may may replace sigmatic tail or banshee velvet inside of it if that makes any sense uh okay golden crystal oh sorry let's go through this the normal way uh it's squad carry oh this is a carrier specific carrier specific uh range so this is actually really interesting to me um it in its squad carrying its attack in defense plus fifteen percent carrying it comba t speed plus sixty percent carrying it health plus ten percent whole dang that's holding okay okay okay okay uh let's just uh let's compare that to like um let's compare that to like golden venom hit skill 10 gives plus 60 percent combat speed plus 15 attacking defense no health that's a lot that's a lot packed into one that is that's a lot packed into one oh boy daddy's gonna get a new toy daddy is definitely gonna get a new toy you guys let's be real here all right skill seven attack all right all right all right all right plus 38 attack that's what we're talking about okay 80 chance to deal 80 chance to deal 280 damage to a random enemy squad and increase our squads attack by 50 which lasts two rounds no these are all free to play shane these are all free to play ants none of these none of the new 12 ants are pay to win they're all free to play ants just if anyone is curious all special ants are free to play oh my gosh free to play did get lucky you're 100 correct antichrist uh okay uh i'm a little bit blown away uh this is a really good am for carriers and i'm very excited uh because it means i don't need a brown rogue either uh one round preparation eighty percent chance to deal 200 percent special lance level times one percent damage to all enemy squads and then and have them into poisonous effect which will cause a hundred percent 150 damage to them each round and it lasts for a round wild so now we have poison coming in uh okay okay uh last skill for this one i'm i'm sorry i'm still a little bit taken aback still a little bit a little bit shook yeah i think in order to get them you need new eggs in the event but we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll see when that when that is unlocked we will see if we can do it or not 50 chance to deal 130 percent damage to all enemy squads if the target squad is in a poisonous effect the skill damage will increase this by 50 so if skill 5 hits they'll increase it by 50 so it'll do 195 percent damage did i do that right woof sydney there's really another 12 ants for free to play 100 we're going over them right now this is the new support so it looks like there are three new new universal a support a melee and arranged and then i'm assuming a support amelia arranged for each of the troop types so three of each all right gravedigger yes savio all all special ants will be available to use outside of the event they come home with you everything like that the the only there's two things that don't come with you you after this event that's building enhancements uh building enhancements and the troops the special troops special ants come home with you so these are 100 worth getting everything else uh again this one is uh attack and defense by 15 percent by 15 percent carrying speed by 60 carrying out health by 10 oh my good golly gosh it's looking like all of these are gonna have to go in carry on health right here by 15 okay so that's like a little bit lower right if i'm not crazy giant tooth is uh yeah nope gia nt tooth is 15 ignore me ignore me all right uh oh my gosh so we have a health and then this one was attack all these special ants look insane so you're definitely like free to play pay to win doesn't matter you're definitely one gonna want to get into this event you're definitely gonna want to get these special ants uh yes bruno live live will stay as long as i don't delete it yes antiquity they are looking great i'm sure the i'm sure the shooter and guardians are going to be great uh 60 chance to have a random enemy squad into its poisonous effect okay so these special ants work together right so already poisonous effect this ability uh gains off a poisonous effect this ability increases damage when poisonous effect so these k special ants literally benefit off of each other all right sorry 60 chance to have a random enemy squad into poisonous effect which will cause 150 damage to them each round which lasts for two rounds so the poisonous effects also we will antiquity we will go ov er the shooters i'm going to go over all of them just going in order uh 60 chance to have random enemy squad uh go into poisonous effect which will cause 150 damage to them each round which lasts for two rounds so some poisonous effects last longer than others okay uh one round of preparation eight percent chance to deal 350 percent damage to two random menu squads if the target squad is in poisonous effect then it cannot initial combat skill which lasts for one round so there's another cc ant that plays off of poisonous effect so that the two special ants play together so it may be that the special ants like the seasonal special ants that are troop specific work together uh okay last one in the first four rounds all carry-on scroll damage increased by 35 percent okay okay that's everything i could ever want all right melee attack defense 60 combat health same as all the other ones this one i assume is oh this is the health up to 15 okay and it's squad heal the squad each round and hea ling ratio is 210 percent plus special alliance level of one percent so this one is better than white velvet right i didn't i'm not understanding that incorrect again yep so free to play is now officially better than white velvet okay and it's not in its squad heal the squad each round and healing ratio is 210 so there's no chance to it got it uh 50 chance to reduce its squads uh reduce its squads attack and skill damage received by 50 which lasts for a round this is more of a support amp than it is a melee ant what and deals 230 percent damage to enemies front line stat front line stably each round okay yeah the health is insane if you had all of them together i just this one i do not see so i don't see this one going in with these two i see these two forming a unit with another special ant like ghost or golden venom or something right but i don't see this one being in there i think this ant is good um but i don't see it being like i don't see it being insane right it's a healing ant that doesn't entice me as much uh that means it's another skill not doing damage there's two skills not doing damage one's like a preventative this ant entices me way less these two first two ants very very very good nanadi i intend on doing a tier a tentative to your list as soon as possible all right so this is guardian ants uh attack and defense plus 15 guardian ant damage plus 22 okay so they're not they're not just copy paste uh attack plus 38 okay they are not just copy paste this is not the same all right so that makes me happy the t10 trees were copy pasted i was very upset about this this is not a copy paste very happy about this the special ants are not a copy paste for each one all right one round of preparation no office i literally just got back into the game maybe 20 minutes ago one round of preparation 80 chance to do uh to do three times attack to enemy squads the target will be determined individually each time and deal 120 240 488 damage to each of them so you could h it the same squad three times in one move what someone please help me office sometime this week it'll be out before the rest of everyone gets in there it'll be a tentative tier list as we will not be able to compare it adequately it will be a tentative tier list and that video will say as much alright and it's squat squad the skill damage increased by 10 and this effect will be stacked each once each round it can only be stacked at most by 80 percent all right so this is like a front row especially this is like a front row special ant maybe maybe a mid row special ant it is the there's a lot man and it's squad guardian's attack increased by 10 and deal 100 damage to two random enemy squads stably each round so guardian ants don't deal the most damage so i'm a little bit concerned about how this will play out um this is like a dps unit for the most part uh but this ability not so much so i kind of think that this will be like a mid-row ant but the ant overall looks really good i'm also very happy that they are not copy paste special ants they are unique special ants all right this is the support heel two only two random squads only two random squads healing ratio uh 150 uh this one's attack defense and damage again and this one's health plus percent okay uh eighty percent chance to deal 210 percent damage to a random enemy squad uh meanwhile fifty percent chance to have them into disarming effect cannot do the normal attack which lasts for rounds so there's cc this healing for two squads whereas the carrier i believe was only one squad like was only its own squad which again not as enticing yeah he'll it's squad right so like i really don't like this carrier special ant the more and more i think about it but these ants are looking good this one i'm not sure if i like healing again we'll see how that mechanism works however stag beetle is getting a lot better between the universal ant in this ant that heals and white velvet i guess technically but there's there's more healing elements so stag beetle's gonna look really good yep healing each round healing each round all right and then uh last skill the first four rounds okay so this is a little bit of a copy paste in the first four rounds all guardians and squads will be reduced by 30 cool melee last one jet black does that not look sexy right there does that not look sexy all right all right uh same same thing again 15 22 damage attack this time uh 38 all right okay so this is a copy paste when receiving a normal abnormal attack 100 damage to strike back dealing 110 damage to the attacker meanwhile attacking squad is increased to 30 for every time strike back is triggered which lasts till the end of battle okay so that's not exactly a copy paste that's a little bit more advanced that is a little bit more advanced if i where's that strike back from the last one so i just want to find that strike back from that last one you guys remember where it was it was so shiny okay so the it's not a copy-paste verbatim but it is another overlapping skill this one is when its squad got normally attacked hundred percent chance to reduce the random enemy squad by 20 so the guardian specific is just straight up better if it's squat in its squad uh normal attacking skill damn oh sorry we're receiving a normal attack 100 chance to strike back dealing 110 percent damage to the attacker meanwhile attacks in the squad increase by 30 percent that's impressive yeah this is definitely a front row maybe maybe row two type ant and squad normal attack and skill damage received are reduced by 25 percent when squad's power becomes 50 or lower than initial power helix squad and healing ratio is 550 which will only take effect once during a battle oh my gosh if you are a stag user get or if you are a guardian user get stag be the holy poop if you are a guardian user and you are a pay to win player get stag that's insane live through me qs i don't tell you live through me in the first three rounds the skill dam age dealt on all squads and enemy squads reduced by 20 after the effect ends all our guardian and squad skill damage increased by 30 percent which lasts to the end of the battle all right jet black insane i think i even liked like this healing mechanic is a one of which means that like the rest of the skills not doing anything um i don't think it needs i think it could be a front row ant right i don't think it like this is a front row ant to me this jet black is like probably an s tier front row ant jet black is insane i'm so excited for jet black holy poop i'm not a guardian user so i'll never use it but jet black is looking it's looking good i'm blown away all right predator we're on to the shooters i know that's what like 95 of my 115 viewers are about so all right uh bloody battle hey rooster bloody battle winning squad is in this front line oh sorry first 15 damage increased by 12 percent shooter ants health oh so look at that shooter ants health attack and defense and damage so s hooters are doing way more oh my gosh shooters are doing way more this one boosts shooter and it's health all right all right all right all right let's get it let's get it going on oh wait sorry no one in here is interested in shooters right sorry i didn't i didn't mean to talk to you guys don't mean to bore you guys no one's really here for shooters right let's uh let's look at the next thing that all right no one upset uh beth yes stars of stars fire uh okay so okay so bloody battle uh when its squad is in its front line the normal attack and damage skill received are reduced by 25 percent uh and meanwhile the normal attack of backline squad increased by 100 so this already says it has to be on the front line so in order for this to matter at all it has to be on the front line louisiana i want you to know that i've read that uh the way that chewie and stream uh says it when we play apex together uh after a normal attack 70 chance to deal 200 percent damage to a random enemy squad and reduce their skill damage dealt by 30 so this has to be a front row it's effective ranges too it's doing things that i like uh this ant seems overall insane or at least good maybe it's not insane because you have to put a dps up front but it seems fine the first three rounds two enemy shooter squads uh skill damage received is reduced by 30 percent before the end of this effect heals the ants and its squad and healing ratio is 400 it's 450 so shooters now have healing uh the two random squads that are selected the way i read this gets 450 each round for the first three rounds so sure you know shooters just don't ever need to die why is that fair why is why is this fair all right predator you guys uh nimble tree ant support shooters yeah ii like like the beginning of this i like the information at the beginning i like this skill too this skill kind of interesting to me in this skill not really enticing but it definitely fits to be like a front row ant predator definitely fits as a fron t row ant what tier will it be not 100 sure will we figure it out absolutely uh there's no like overlaying between this in between the support universal uh okay nimble treant same stuff 15 attack uh in defense 12 percent damage shooter and health plus 10 okay sugar ant health plus 15 percent jared ii am not a fan of investing more than two stars in a special ant but i will say that we don't know how long it'll take to hatch one of these ants and how often those eggs are we do know that it's going to work traditional to the egg hatching but it potentially won't use the same eggs right because if you look at this hatching pool it doesn't have any of the remastered chicory master any of that so it's either going to be like use limited time eggs that you get through other things or something else they did say that there would be a lost island store so i assume that the lost island store will enable us to do it louisiana can this is free to play friendly like sure pay to win players will be able to collect all of the special ants i'm not trying to deny that but all of these special ants are supposed to be obtainable for free to play and they've already shown us how we can get special eggs and stuff like that well we haven't haven't looked at the other two uh okay it's squad and when battle starts combat speed plus 50 plus a hundred percent in all shooters squads damage plus 80 which lasts till the end of battle this sounds like a supporting all right maybe it is all of them two to four special answer [ __ ] all right uh after a normal attack 70 chance to deal 250 percent damage to enemies front lines and increase their skills damage received by thirty percent okay fifty one percent sixty percent chance for two random of our squads to have one more time of normal attack which lasts for a round this is a front row ant that other ant was like 50 50. this is like a front row ant this seems insane this seems nutty naya may be right two to four more front row ants sounds less enticing that sounds like a front row aim sorry now uh all right so this is the range damp this is you guys best hope uh and it's squad shooting attack plus 15 percent damage 20 12. uh shooter at health 10 sure dance attack plus 38 after one normal attack 60 chance to deal 300 special damage to enemies front line row a freaking extra attack yeah a freaking extra attack that this last special ant it seems insane we will finally see groundhog die yeah there's definitely a groundhog in here after a normal okay so that there's that one and then and it's squad normal normal attack and skill damage plus 50 all right so this is like a row two special ant this isn't really a ranged ant to me uh i mean maybe but this seems more like a rain rain uh row two especially and at best this is i i'm gonna be honest i don't mean to hate it looks like the shooters got the least amount of love in the special ants the department but they did get some love okay ii mean i'm not trying to be rude but it looks like you got like one really good front row and one like maybe good front row and one like maybe good row two so day seven is a tuesday day seven is not a tuesday oh j7 is a tuesday okay uh trina so day seven is a tuesday because this is supposed to be kill event and we're not supposed to have kill event at all i do like the second one jared uh trina i don't obviously have the 100 guaranteed answer to this um but day seven for this week is ground is kill event and there's no way to do kill event because you're not in your server verse server but you still need to be able to donate to server however they did openly state in an instagram post and in a live qa and in aqa that there would be groundhog they just said no squirter so it makes sense for there to be another day i'm gonna be honest i don't think i can afford to do two double hatch soldier ants and like maybe if i never go for first you know what i mean maybe maybe if i never go for first i can do a double hatch soldiering but i think one of these are gonna have to be gather resources and then every other week during groundhog i'll do insect cultivation all right well we'll look at this in a second i want to look at a couple other things uh okay so i want to look at a couple other things see what unlocks at certain points and then we'll go back to that but i agree trina they openly say that groundhog would happen again all right so i horn it after the milestone ends uh hornets will appear so that's the new insect right so this is hatching uh hatching will happen there uh here it says geckos after this milestone ends uh when season zones have enhanced sandhills three thousand times uh higher level geckos will show up on the island uh after you've hunted 50 of those will increase the available resource node limit by three so people are gonna get them as they go three three three here tunnel level five and level six after this milestone ends station troop difficulty on tunnel level 5 and level 6 will be reduced so people will be able to get them easier and easier season soldier ants after this milestone ends it can be unlocked and advanced goals are all reached season soldier ants will be able to march and rulers can deploy season soldier ants so you can't do that until after for a while so you'll be able to gather season soldier ants for a while before you hatch them uh the visceras i agree i would only hatch on a second day i wouldn't hatch uh i would still hatch on a second day but that depends on the last island store if that's diamonds then i won't want to hatch on either extra day um pre-gathering may not some people like me uh on my main account i have an 11 star locus so because i'm cultivator and i have an 11 star locus uh ii can get ninth chest without any pre-gathering however there's like war zone and stuff like that during this event so it'll be hard to justify gathering you know three days out of svs and it would impact your overall alliance contributions which is important all right so the level limit of wild creatures rally creatures and hornets will be increased so uh you will get higher than level 17 wild creatures right so that's interesting level seven difficulty will be reduced the limit of wild creatures and hornets will be increased so the level will go up again will decrease difficulty after this milestone ends station troops difficulty at the tree of abundance will be reduced and after this milestone ends race of champions last time beta will enter settlement period cool i'm this is like an initial leak you guys i have no idea all of the stats and treaties i can only do so much i'm one guy and i you know what i mean um so i i'm doing what i can i i'm doing what i can uh again so there's there's these that give a large nuclides there's individuals that give these special ant eggs so that's why we expect it again we have to wait until this season milestone is done oh you can't claim until after cooldown okay so i won't be able to see new special ants for weeks or for a week or so woof okay so we got healing right so insects do or invading these things do hurt your actual troops so that's wild um you invade and you get something okay uh please dispatch units to build up alliance tower okay how do i dispatch units to build up alliance tower uh build select let's send out uh this unit okay all right so you build in order to build alliance towers instructions construction progress five percent time left one day 23 hours durability out of 10 000. um it doesn't look like you necessarily place anything so that's kind of interesting this is a lot this is another alliance tower it's already beaten that um okay ii mean i try to know everything as fast as possible i just you know i'm not perfect i'm sorry okay occupation level three level one uh looks like if you click on it it'll bring you back you can click on that to retreat so that way you can get back some of your level 20s looks like you can dispatch to build an alliance tower again uh it looks like this is where everyone's at so i'm gonna teleport here looks like it does take advanced teleports in order to teleport everywhere so there's that uh i'm going to i have to defeat a level 16 creature first so let's try and defeat a level 16 earwing real quick uh it can be challenged when true power reaches 488.6ki think i got that let's send this guy out i have no idea if the new special or if the new special lines will make bv useless yet we don't know 100 anything yet does what say experience did i fail to invade a level 16 i failed to invade a level 16 creature whoa oh they're t2s okay that makes me feel a little bit better holy poop i thought for a second i failed to invade him with regular troops i was like okay uh yeah the insects give uh experience uh 63.5 k for level 16. yes it will it will need a lot of honey for healing 100 absolutely okay so i beat this one at least it doesn't look like you need to rally the creatures necessarily we haven't had that issue yet i wonder if it's intentionally designed to kill troops or if it's another bug that'll get fixed uh louisiana it doesn't look like there's any big jump in difficulty but you will unlock higher level insects as you do milestones so there's uh different milestones i'll do it okay season rewards rank one i'm not there my ranking is 275. uh but um you'll get a 45 day border uh so you don't i don't see the skin in there the 45 day skin but you'll get a 45 day border alliance occupational rewards uh that's where you get the skin for 45 days and you get a uh occupied tree of wonder and 12 other wonders so i like this is the difference between r4 through r5 right so like this is uh occupy all other 12 wonders this ma tells me right no there's no new evo tree but i'll double check louisiana uh this tells me right here that anyone like it's just occupies not keep them the entire time uh this this uh this tells me that they're only working on like the small time at same time and then so it this sho ws that the alliance leader and r4 like there's only a thousand gap 1500 gap but and that's where the poseidon skin ends but what this also shows me right occupy the tree of abundance everyone will at least get this everyone should at least get occupy the tree of abundance but this is gonna form a nap this island dominator this will form a nap this will form a nap this right here will form a nap i have no idea bugs they're not allowing our threes to do it trina i assume it's individual but this this is gonna form a nap there's no way for like why would you not form a nap and allow everyone to occupy every wonder and the tree of abundance like this will form a nap i don't see how this won't form a nap that skill right there is going to form a nap because no one's going to be able to occupy all 12 and the tree of abundance simultaneously no one's going to be able to get this reward if they if they don't form a nap marcus i would love to believe that i'd love to believe people are greedy and that's not going to work that way but uh i just uh ii struggled to see that man i just ii agree naya but i see that forming a nap so people can occupy all 12. and then going back to war sure that's fine but forming an app just so that way everyone can get all 12. yeah there is there's a season zone alliance english so there's season uh we can't hunt hornets until we unlock that achievement so special ants hornets are all uh locked in it will be 24 hours before i can hunt hornets which is kind of i mean it kind of breaks the reason of reaching a milestone right we've reached the milestone we can't do anything for another 21 hours can i see rewards for killing first gekko i don't even think geckos are on the map but i'll try that's your daily task yeah i don't think geckos are on the map yet oh there they are yeah geckos aren't on the map yet it's it's hurting you to not help other people i don't see us i don't see people not helping other people is that there's nothing past the nine dollar pack you can't hit other players hills but we're in nap already so that's not gonna happen is there a new skin already oh season score we found it all right thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you uh that was naya my wife that says season store let's look at it let's look at it all right so this refreshes every seven days uh yeah one star insect pack in there you have one uh exotic shell in there so there's an extra exotic shell a week um you have resin 500 resin for your uh for you to be able to build your stuff uh daniel you can't hatch yeah you can't hatch uh until they unlock that feature will which will be at least 48 hours away so there's nothing i can do to show you guys that anymore uh it is attached to the rest of the stores again we've got creature remains we have one exotic and four bio essence four bio essence is obviously going to be the most important there's a pack for ten dollars that'll give you seven lost island eggs every day okay okay uh what that looks needed uh 1400 1400 resin uh enhancement resin and 1 200 fruit in order to be able to buy this stuff so there is like some pay to win aspect of it i guess um but you can get fruit daily let's look at these costs so we got clay here we got clay here we're going to be able to get all the way up to this one doesn't show any clay here that's i don't understand okay clay no clay so there's clay up to 180 points it looks like only 180 points in order to continue to get clay after that it doesn't matter uh marcus there's a there's a zone a season alliance and an english chat already are all there um okay attendance no clay inside of attendance so that's that's good to know contributions no play inside of there again clay only up to 180 clams clay only up to 180 clams after that there's no clay no clay at all uh territory alliance buildings we can build an alliance tower real quick oh i can't build it other people can build it got it or i can build it if i wanted to interesting um clay builds alliance towers our three and above can build alliance towers um there's nothing nearby for that okay uh durability 999 percent help build already already all built uh it's at 99 percent it'll finish here in two one so it just turns blue uh so it doesn't look like they need to be tip to tip or anything like that it just builds an alliance territory like this uh so it builds a giant square so if you guys didn't see that uh there's a giant square that happens when you build a tower and it forms like this little section that'll block it off like that um so i guess like if you but you have to be connected in order to move past it uh you'll have to they have to be connected in order to build another alliance tower so there should be no way for someone to be able to skip through it alliance towers are hittable through other people though just keep that in mind there's no hatching possibility right now again that won't be unlocked for at least 48 hours so we'll see what that h appens uh okay so let's try and figure out other ways to earn stuff free to play uh reputation ranking uh my reputation zero my ranking zero uh you can earn it by building an alliance tower i thought i was in there i am in there i hope okay so i have to wait until this is done in order to build an alliance tower yes antichrist yes daniel clay goes into one big pool anyone can build it starts fire you cannot build tip to tip in this game in this game mode you cannot build tip to tip right if i click on territory and i click build here it won't let me build overlap and it won't let me build it won't let me build tip to tip right here right it won't let me do it starsfire i understand what you're saying i understand what you're saying starts fire but it literally will not let me do it it's not an option in this game i understand where you came from it's not an option in this game uh so it says on alliance tower can be expand alliance territory but it can only be built up when a tower is c onnected to current alliance territory our three and above members can build the current number of alliance towers is 13 out of 300 and the cost is 2 000 out of 22 960. so i assume for every tower it's going to scale up and up and up so if we look at the map it looks like we're building to a location and then oh my game just quit out on me sorry about that you guys any new benefits pack yes louisiana cam there's a five dollar that goes to a 10 resin pack it does not go above that as far as i've been told uh you do stance instead you do have to build your own weight uh your own way to the edge of a territory to build it as you can see you build towers towers can be placed right so i can uh our threes and above can place uh place alliance towers are three and above can place them but i can't place here because my my tower that i'm next to uh isn't built yet i have to be next to a tower that is built over here right so i have to be next to this tower or this area over here in order to bui ld so i can just click yes and then it builds it right and then i can click it and i can click dismantle um it'll only return 80 percent of the of the uh of the used resin right so that's how it works uh no they have to destroy the towers first no they have to destroy the towers first uh the the alliance area is supposed to be a safe area that can't be hit but you have to destroy the towers first and then you can be hit because you will no longer have like this blue borderline does that make sense no it's going to take some time it's yeah it's it's gonna take some time man right all right right so in order to get there we're gonna have to go this way right i think that but all those tunnels that i showed us yeah i wasted some resin it's okay if they kill me they kill me all the tunnels that they showed us we only have one tunnel near us you can pixie elf you can dismantle you can dismantle uh towers uh for that 300. i mean there's an entire stream of who plays that tower if i get kille d i get killed hopefully auntie won't disown me uh so there there's layers here right and then this is the tunnel but there's no there there's only one tunnel i don't have a tunnel over here right like i don't see all of this is just solid built wall you know what i'm saying so a little bit worried about that a little bit worried about that auntie i'm sorry please don't kill me uh okay well uh so then there's alliance towers and building so you get a report for each one of those your march unit is forced unit to return that's because i left you get reports for every insect that you hunt again there's only one tunnel there so i don't understand that and if we click over here to see that area it's like a clear defined tunnel so maybe more tunnels unlock uh maybe maybe more tunnels unlock over time because these are not all the tunnels that uh these are not all the tunnels that were initially built right um yeah these are not all the tunnels that were initially built so that that doesn't make any sense to me um right because if we go into here we go on the map oh you can't see the map anymore there's more tunnels there's more tunnels yeah i might get to sound after oh okay we're just in a small region holy poop okay i didn't realize that this entire area is us this entire area is us look at that that's huge look at where we're at we're so spread out why are we so spread out this entire area is us we just started a random location all the tunnel it looks like there's only the tunnels that were indicated uh it's like broken down into different areas so these rivers are like borderlines but they're supposed to be yeah so there's like little leaves that are gaps that are auto filled in it looks like so your march unit's gonna have to go around them it looks like uh let's see can i invade this attack oh it just goes straight over the river okay all right so that's a little bit interesting wasn't expecting that uh yeah there's little there's little leaves to like indicate in dicate what they're doing and being able to go over the river but that's like a pretty firm border there so i assume i can't invade yep operation failed because no alliance territories in this area so yeah wild interesting interesting interesting interesting uh okay what else what else you guys want to see what else you guys want to see was anyone not here during the special ant review we can review special ants we can review season rewards um it looks i mean the tunnels are accurate so that's pretty good to know uh the so the tunnels are accurate the locations are all accurate you get teleported anywhere inside of the area but then you close i super know what you're doing no those areas could not be what you need 12 of that is not 12 wonders the wonders are like this orange thing right here that's a wonderland or sorry no that's the lion's block house crab relic that's the tree of abundance uh yeah we can we can show you stats on uh seasons troops stand stand stand uh they are above l evel or t10s but i don't have enhanced t10 troops right so i don't know if they're above enhanced t10 troops uh so we'll we'll find out about that uh how to get there how to get there season details oh there you go uh so 138 58 19 for uh carriers or for shooters sorry uh speed is march speed of 10 if we go look at march speed of shooters t10 is 10 so it's not a decrease in speed uh but the stats are all an improvement stats are improvement for guardians march speed of 10. so same speed for shooters and guardians by march speed of 13 for carriers an overall improvement but i don't know if enhancements will be uh i don't know if enhancements will be better or not so if there if there's enhancements at all uh that'll change i guess if anyone has t10 enhanced to know what those stats are maybe these are t10 enhanced troops right uh stand stand stan i would disagree with that a lot i would disagree i would disagree with uh no nap because of season achievements in here uh wonders in the init ial place you have to occupy five wonders there are only nine right there's only nine initial places here total so people are going to want to trade for that um and then season rewards are based off of owning in order to in order to like get them you have to occupy the tree of abundance in 12 other wonders i don't think at the same time because there's only 12 wonders in the world uh yeah i agree jared and like in order to get all 12 wonders i don't see one alliance being able to walk over all other 11 alliances this is a this is a nap this is going to be a nap feature there's got to be naps in there sorry sorry it looks like the alliance blockhouse is right here which is the center that's going to have a safe zone at all times and there's nothing in it uh but as you can see i clicked on it and it goes a little bit wider right it goes out to the outer rim and then alliance towers expand that safe zone again and again so i've already built that all right so uh bugs um the new seasonals and special eggs are we don't know 100 how to get them there's a pay-to-win aspect obviously uh it doesn't show up in here yet there's no time limited offer that includes them there's resin that goes from five to ten dollars and ends at ten dollars daily special doesn't have them today resources doesn't have them today special ants doesn't have them today so i assume that'll come out in the next like 24 to 48 hours however they're all locked behind a season milestone season milestone being right here that'll give us the ability to hatch them can't do that until this one is claimed so even if you complete it you still have to wait 24 hours after you start in order to claim it and then when the countdown time ends all season zones have built up 30 alliance towers so like this timer right here is kind of frustrating you should allow the zones to like progress as fast as they want this being gated is very frustrating and not the way i read it so i'm a little bit upset about it not gonna li e uh okay uh what else what else would you guys like starfire if you're not building naps the second that pairings are announced you're behind the ball um we we knew what was happening and who was where and what was happening the day that pairings were announced yes antichrist it does not use stamina so if i uh well i can't do it yet but when another one is when another one's done i will show you what it looks like not use stamina anything new and benefits uh nothing yet however chewy there is a 10 pack a week that will be like probably a must for light spenders or well not like splendors but pay to win players uh there's a 10 pack that gives one seasonal special egg a day and then 1400 resin used to building buildings and 1250 lost island fruit used to exchange inside of this shop uh what resources do we need to gather prior to going to the island and what resources uh you need to gather uh chewie there's only 15 that can be spent today so far i'll make a video that updates it there's an entire page called seasons um yes june ray you can hunt wild creatures they go up to level 17 so far they're gated they'll eventually go higher how high who knows but there's three different brake pedes and to increase uh dual and mine there's no additional things so if we go here we go to seasonal store they're still the same pages right but there's no extra things to purchase so that was a good callout to look at but there's no additional things to purchase family 10 no that's not what i said the the special ants so what's essentially going to happen is kind of like when there's a exclusive hatch pack that like changes this hatch pool there's another tab here there's going to be a limited time hatch tab right here that's going to use its own eggs the special ants hermes the special ants are cool shooters definitely shooters definitely got screwed in my personal opinion the nerd herd will be going over the stats going over everything uh and making a tier list they're way smarter t han me and haven't been up for as late as i have been and everything else um but the special ants uh aren't available to hatch right away so you have to wait for the first exploration to get finished which is 24 hours and then a solidify cooperation which i assume is going to be another 24 hours and there are 12 special ants they're three universal three carrier three shooter three guardian uh the carriers look insane they have this effect called uh poison uh the guardians look good if not better than carriers and then the shooters look rough yes stan standstan i already uh i already promised them before the end of the week that you would be putting out a tearless video you not me i mean what i we will we will be putting out a tier list video for those that don't know stan standstan is the best content creator there is i'm just a standby when he doesn't want to make content you know what i'm saying uh so again hatching is uh is gated in between another 20 so there's 24 hours here and t hen sometime here probably another 24 hours um you will be getting crimson fragra you will be getting uh one copy of crimson fragra for free uh sorry go back to chewy's question about credit store i apologize chewie um it doesn't look like they modified any of the stores they just added their own store again there's resin in there which will have some sort of priority but there's bioessence and one additional exotic so as a free-to-play player how much how much uh exotic fruit can you get a day is gonna be like the deciding factor right i'm really nervous about that i only have 2 000 but i also haven't fully participated right but clicking around i haven't really found other places to gain it right um if it's only via the achievement store right so if it's only via the season achievements um nope susan achievements don't even give it it's only be a season milestones like oh no that's resin so how do i get honey how do i get honey you guys does anyone does anyone know how to get you don 't have enough lost island fruit in exchange for this okay how do i get more lost island fruit lost iron fruit can be obtained after finishing the challenges during the season okay what challenges because these challenges don't show me lost island fruit these don't show me lost island fruit these don't show me lost iron fruit ooh insects maybe insects give me lost island fruit no insects don't get me lost island fruit i've ever looked lizards lizards do not give you lost island fruit uh which level 35 and above lizards are called geckos and they are also gated they're all time gated again four rewards and activity salary alliance active salary alliance and 450 clay per each member can be gathered yep uh see no resins from insects uh again i'll double check uh i can't tell you that hermes because they're not there uh no resin the same same stuff uh level 17 level 17 insects are oh you get resin you get 18 resin for hunting 20 things you're right 20 145 to 165 enhancement resins for hunt ing level 16 earwigs are above first 20. geckos aren't there the we don't have so if we go over to lizards level 35 or above they're not there if we go into lost island champions season milestones geckos get unlocked after anthill enhancement gets to 3 000 times i'm not worried about resin right now chewie i do appreciate it you are correct we'll have to do 20 insects a day which makes sense why groundhog was removed from stamina my question is how to get lost island fruit because the number one question i get asked is is this event free to play friendly insects use 10 stamina each antichrist just like regular rallying uses 20 right if i click rally it uses 20 stamina so how do i get lost island fruit this one yeah ii did that and it just said um okay so yeah it just like automatically gets sent to you i guess so you're going to want to hunt only level 17 wild creatures you get nine nine a day you're going to want to hunt level 3 30 lizards and then eventually level 40. thank you very much borg for helping me um gathering diamonds okay so you're going to want to gather sand every day right so you're going to want to use all your stamina then you're going to want to build or gather in order to get lost island fruit can i go back to the store and click i in the upper right yes i did stand stand stand that's where that's where it's at board got me borg got me i was crazy i couldn't figure it out i'm sorry uh thank you for being smarter than me uh my only excuse is that it's 10 30 at night here so doing the daily things but it means going to be stamina efficient right especially it's free to play andy bi would okay i would not andy bi would not fill your alliance to a hundred just to say it's at a hundred there is no harm no actually you know what it's better to have a hundred people it is better to have a hundred people in your alliance it's better to have a hundred active people so you can get 450 clay a day from all people it was better to have a hundred people uh ja red my bedtime is like 9 pm no your building does not have to be level 25 in order to enhance it so if we hop on over to my mutation flora it's oh it is level 25. okay it doesn't have to be 25 anyways uh it the level uh yes jared i am an old man do you not see this bald spot on my head i am an old old man yeah i don't know why there's like a latency on my youtube live i don't i don't know how to fix that stan standstand um so but anyways as you can see alliance enhancement and alliance enhancement goes up to level 25 you can click here you can see the power gained the amount of power you have um you can see the stat boost so i'll be posting all these screenshots and my discord um with all the stat boosts and everything else but it you have to be level 25 in order to get max enhancement it goes up based off of the level of the mutation flora or anything else as you can see it's queen the three barracks alliance center evolution fungi entrance specialized habitat mutation flora so this b uilding's finally worth something to level up beyond like level 12. insect habitat the rallies and then the rally centers so not being out a hundred out of a hundred would be a giant mistake and i would not recommend it for anyone you 100 want to be at a hundred out of a hundred 100 want to be a hundred out of a hundred okay so here you can see they place two that's bad you do not want to overlap them at all you want to place them on the edges of each other the overlap is bad like this you want to place them on edge of each other and not tip to tip on the edge of each other this overlap is bad no jen jen no no no that's not what i said you do not need all the buildings maxed you need you you need in order whatever level you want to enhance to you can only enhance to the level your queen is or to the level that building is so like it's the same with everything else in this game right it only it only improves that you can only level it to the level of your queen same with the enhancement s you can only enhance it to the level of the building it's at right it's not dependent on queen enhancements it's dependent on the level it is makes sense that you can't out level the building you're leveling up right there are no new evolutions i know that was a question asked it had been answered in aqa but there are no new evolutions at all you literally have to gather resources here so let's let's go gather resources uh that's kind of cool the island sand wet soil piles all that uh ii like that that's cool that they look different oh you have to i forgot in order to be able to gather you have to invade it in order to gather wolf okay uh it's not it's not oh you're oh yeah yeah so carriers have to be level four sand pile so i mean that's gonna affect gathering day i'm not sitting here trying to gather shooters on a carrier main they go to level nine but you have to beat them before you can beat them so i don't think for gathering day many people are going to be doing more than leve l three or fours thanks armstrong gaming right uh level level sixes sevens eights i think i invaded one earlier and i lost i lost real bad um yeah i can't even invade a level four right and i'm using t9 carriers level eight scorpion my stats are like okay and i can't invade a level four sand pile invading in order to beat the troops you have to be able to beat them and i can't beat them with a level with what i have so no uh i mean yeah uh your gathering speed is three per hour and there's 135 in there uh so if i look at mine it's wood so my gathering speed is 21 000 per hour uh and 1.2 mil so yeah that's wild well okay so to be fair uh i mean shooters will have to do right uh to be fair inside of season milestones they do decrease the levels of oh that doesn't decrease that there's got to be a way carrier's best i mean carriers are always on top for me so i'm a little bit biased jody okay carriers are always on top ii don't know why anyone would think otherwise you know what i'm sayin g uh kind of chewy so the building upgrades i mean robert i understand that but there's only there's people have to get to the buildings you know um so there's increased defense and of all soldiers increase uh health of all soldier ants but it's only you know 0.41 right it's not like significant right it goes up to 25 on one building uh 25 on another building and that's healing speed right so like it's not significant compared to like the genetics we already have it is not a perma skin this time limited skin is rewarded for the alliance that occupied the tree of abundance during the race of champions lost island which will be issued via mail at the end of the season and then if we go to season rewards alliance occupation occupy tree of abundance they're all time limited occupy tree of abundance all time limited occupy tree of abundance all time limited no gen gen they will not but they'll have the same gathering speed okay all right so we just clicked a new button hatch preview dominat ed lost island hatch explored lost island hatch and a regular lost island hatch regular lost island hatch has uh some old ants mixed in none of the old old things explored lost island hatch only has the new orange ants and only purple orange chance and same with the dominated lost island hatch how to get those though and then there's items i and then you could hatch like resource chests spores other purple special ants 10.51 interesting you lose all enhancement puffs yep you lose all enhancement buffs yes sir uh but you keep your special ants and you lose you you keep these special ants like the 12 special ants here but you lose all your special troops so how to get certain ones i don't know i do not know how to hatch certain ones that's interesting i was not expecting that i don't know how to hatch certain ones yet you guys i'll let you know jody i 100 think so you can beat level 15 insects right jody can you do your daily tasks jody can you get to 180 activity points based off of the activity things right now you know what i'm saying like if you get 180 you're getting you're getting 450 clay right 100 plus 120 is 220 plus 150 is 370. uh 475.50 sorry it's 550. dad do that right 100 220. 370. 470 550. it's 550 clay all right then you're useful if you if you can get to 180 clams nothing other than that matters if you're if you if you can get to 180 clams you're a good body to go to the to the lost island if you can't get to 180 contribution points don't go to the lost island if you right can you hunt level 15 insects can you help level 10 insects right uh then you'll benefit right if you go to the resource pack as i was pointed out and you click on the i you're going to be able to buy from this store right so you're going to need 10 times so what you're going to want to optimally buy is one exotic shell creature remains four four of these and one of these and then some of this right and you're gonna get that by hunting wild creatures defeating in lizards so you're ju st gonna want to be added at a little bit want to be active you can see here wild creatures are going to go up to level 20 but even hunting level 17 is not hard and you get nine right that's initially what's unlocked uh level 20 lizards level 30 lizards sorry 20 and i most people can do level 30 lizards you can at least join a rally to beat a level 30 lizard gather meat gather plant gather wet soil gather sand uh it looks like you have to gather at least a hundred thousand sand so you can't just leave a node but i don't i don't see the issue i'm not gonna lie uh speaking of gathering now that i'm thinking about it yeah it's all free to play i mean it looks like you'll be plenty of resin to get speaking of gathering now that i'm thinking about it uh there's 20 gathering nodes here right uh yeah there's 20 gathering notes here that i'm gathering from um and as you can see they're not the same even though i'm gathering island woodhouse colony i'm gathering guardian guardian and then carri er all from an island woodhouse colony so you can get different special ants based off of different troops so that's cool you're not stuck to just gathering one thing but uh what is important to note is that you can have 20 of them so how's that going to impact svs right because i don't see i'm not gathering troops i'm not gathering any resources uh i'm not gathering resources at all so how do i how do i actually gather sand and wet soil and stuff like that it stole me that so is gathering day easier because it doesn't take up troops you have 20. oh yep you're right you're right you're right nope starts very right so you defeat it you defeat it you go to one of your 20 nodes you're gathering and then you click gather a second time yeah so you can click on a tile and be there for uh no sejovin as of right now you can get lost island packs at least through season achievements there's a lost island uh egg free to play right lost island egg um along with other rewards what how else to get them right now i don't know i was expecting to see them in the season store if i'm honest so you can gather i am crazy but you can gather so you beat the troops and then you gather so you could send in with shooters and then send back with t1 troops together so it doesn't matter what troops you have cool cool cool cool cool coochie anything else you guys anything else you guys are curious about want to talk about need hugs about i will get the data i can to the nerd herd i will uh start talking to people about a tier list i'll get that out to you guys i'll do what i can uh i'll take screenshots of what i can put them together stuff like that correct start uh no it doesn't look like it so like uh this guy this guy has this one right you can see he's gathering it he's from my colony and i can't i can't gather from it at all but like our strongest people are taking tier four nodes and that's it people aren't sitting here taking tier seven tier sixes they're taking tier four at highest tie r five's not there you know tier two one two three only 80 of clay once the post is built you can dismantle it that you're only limited to 300 you only get 80 percent of the clay back though which is yikesies you are limited to 550 clay per person per day and only 100 people active if you're going into this with only with less than 100 out of 100 in an alliance you are making a mistake you need a hundred out of a hundred uh you can't rally this so no zayad you cannot hatch right now uh in order to hatch in this event you will have to wait until you go to season milestones first exploration has to be completed has 20 hours left on it so next reset solidify cooperation has to be completed isn't open so i don't know the timeline hoping it's only 24 hours right and then i'll be able to hatch i'm waiting for this i'm waiting for this to be able to hatch today i am hoping by actually you'll get 80 of the clay back that you used right so uh if i can find an active tower if i click on it and i click dismantle it says it'll take five minutes and eighty percent consumed resources you only get eighty cents but eighty percent back uh battle hasn't happened robert won't have it for a couple of days i already answered you chewie what are the top five things to do as an audience bring in 100 people 100 people already i could tell you 100 people need to come in uh no matter what 100 people need to come in they all need to be active and they all need to get 180 points on the clan only 180 beyond that don't care if they're active don't care what they do 180 points demote all your r3's demote them all to r2 or r1 and then put only trusted r3s in place if they spam if they click if they do any sort of tower anywhere wrong you're screwed so demo all your r3s to r2 r1 and let and slowly progress them as they make uh the right decision right do not allow them to ruin it for you uh other than that i can't really think of can't really think of anything else yet uh dream big the beta the nex t release is next week regular hatchballs are just regular hatch pools still they still they're the exact same neil before before just uh before it started so the second that we knew what our our alliances were season started right the second that we knew what our alliances were season started but you still have zone to talk to everyone then you have season alliance and english english is only your server alliance is only your alliance zone is only the previous alliances inside of your server and then season is just the eight alliances uh you can talk on here but most people just went to a discord we created an eight alliance discord uh yeah it looks like we're trying to go to a level five layer into a tunnel looks like we're going both ways yes robert is a very strategic and engaging event where you should not have any r3s except for those that you trust that can't be our force uh because again like season rewards all that stuff is uh alliance leaders alliance officers and r4s and the n everyone else is the same sure dark we're still heading towards it why you gotta be so negative thanks armstrong gaming i appreciate it thanks for the ten dollars the brutus 21 i really appreciate that too that was huge also you're right don't doubt ante and you could probably sell with that what do you mean you can't occupy it was there like a time limit on it i mean that's where we're marching to either way was there like a time limit on it that prevents you from being able to march to it i don't see anything that stops us from being able to take it man oh are you saying okay fanil you're right uh i mean uh well they are seasonal troops oh my gosh look at this well but look at this this is carriers slim arched slim marched golden venom chicory master guardian rock bandit what are these lineups bulletin in the back bro who are they talking to me mimicry master black cancer golden armor acid driver okay some of these people have no idea how to build a team driver ain't in the back ro w let's get there let's get there i want to see it i want to see it uh banshee panda okay banshee panda giant tooth remaster i can respect that lineup i like that lineup golden venom dark giant okay golden venom in the front dark giant in the back with pirata though i like that talk dirty to me or sorry that's brown rogue not pirata naya's right looks like no makes troops but there's some except for this driver what is that driver dark sounds like we just can't be no no [ __ ] you know what i mean we just can't we can't be a baby about it you just gotta go for it those are all npcs those are all fairies fairy made fakes but they're using the new special troops and the new special troops are stronger than us it yes but those npcs are very strong they're using they're using seasonal troops this is going to be a lot this looks really funny guys i cannot tell a lie can not tell a lie you guys um okay 18 no attack here okay okay okay it's so it looks like you can set puma cat find find anot her alliance get other people to join you get a hundred uh the birdis not really uh there's only there's 12 special ants three three universal three for each type all right the universal are not nearly as good as the regular ziploc or as the specialty looks like uh it looks like auntie can mark uh territories trying to like guide us to where he wants us to hit so that's pretty cool yeah i mean there's a lot here there's a lot here all right so i was just sent this uh power improvement strategies for the ants i don't know where this is from maybe i'm crazy and i should know where this is from uh but level one for uh so this is the level of the resource node and as you guys can see uh resource node level one tier fours then to your sevens for two tier eights for three tier nines for level four see if that was a missed mail on my part oh yep how to improve so this is in the mail this is an in game looks like you need season special ants for level six through nine so that means that pre-ga thering is going to be limited you can't pre-gather except for level four tiles or below whoof gonna be huge and then if we look at seasoned special ants when we can use them right to be able to go to like higher levels uh season special ants aren't unlocked until here calm before the storm i mean one two three four five six there's seven here so if i mean dark it might not even be seven days before you can use that's like 24 each sweden i just used it i assume louisiana cam is you smitten uh yep i just used it and then i went back and double checked um inside of system and saw that was there so yep yep you're 100 correct so i mean that's that's wild that's gonna get that's rough that's a lot you know what i'm saying does anyone else have any questions anyone else have any anything else i can cover uh trying to help you guys out but i also you know it's 11 pm at night so this is gonna be intense you guys we will no there's no insect news there's not no no new insects no new anything fo r the insect world uh you can enhance your insect habitat it gives you when fighting for fortress increase all soldiers defense shooter insect doesn't announce the brutus uh i assume that it'll be in the next three to four weeks best i got for you guardian insects are very good guardian insects are very good that is fact you can't plunder until the event ends you can you can plunder right now it's just you can't get there before you can plunder before you can plunder another person's ant hill you have to get a tunnel to get into the area i can't just like so like i can see a little bit of how these people are starting to spread out right so pink's spreading spread out over here orange is spreading out over here they've already beaten a level three layer dark someone's already beaten the level three layer so yellow's going over there another yellow is going over there purple's kind of stagnant that's kind of weird this grip's already beating the level three layer uh the max mutation bui lding uh everything's maxed out level 25 if i understand your question correctly everything enhances level 25. and then this doesn't level up but what good maxing over 21 does it do uh the mutation flora uh the mutation floor is a part of the enhancement group now so mutation flora will add attack when fighting for fortresses so it will go from 22 at 66 percent to 75 percent at level 25. so another 9 yes it's now an enhancement item so it's now worthwhile yup yup yup all right you guys uh i really appreciate the love and support uh but i am very tired can you shield inside a lost island uh yes i am very tired i apologize you guys it's 11 o'clock at night for me about an hour past what i was going to stay on for um i'll answer as many questions as i can in discord i'll take screenshots of all the information i have but i need to get some sleep uh thank you guys so much again i love you all uh thank you 21 bertas holy poop thank you so much for all the love and support uh thank you guys for tuning in just being here uh it really it means a lot to me you guys uh i'm glad that you guys liked it yes faneuil groundhog will be available have a great day you guys bye y'all

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