¿Dónde está mi teléfono? No necesitas tu teléfono apestoso ¿Cómo estás hoy? Pantalones apestosos No sé. Estoy deseando algo bueno. Estoy bien. Tus antojos por mí. algo picante. Tú no eres picante. Soy picante. también eres salado , me llamas salado cuando estoy picante, estás loco, soy picante, ¿qué es esto? Es un juego nuevo para ti, pantalones apestosos, algo dicho gratis, así que voy a abrir que tú hagas lo gratis allí. De acuerdo, lo siento, no tuve tiempo para una nueva banda sonora. Softbob está aquí. Pingüinos aquí. ¿Por qué es vertical? Lo siento mucho, me desperté tarde hoy, así que tengo que apurar un juego muy rápido, así que sí, lo siento por el azar de nuevo diciendo que es aburrido, intentemos mantener las cosas positivas al azar cada vez que él tiene algo negativo que decir, de acuerdo, oh, ¿qué estás haciendo allí? No estás haciendo nada. Lo haré. Así es como funciona. Tienes el volumen encendido. Probablemente no, ya he silenciado, no, no lo hiciste, no comiste allí, no arruines mi computadora, me equivoco con tu computadora allí hecho ms morado aquí hola ¿cómo estás? Creo que esta es la primera vez para una transmisión para ti y el momento del k-pop es bueno verlos a los dos bienvenidos al dld ahora disculpas que este es un juego vertical, así parece en nuestra pantalla parece que está de lado, ¿qué hiciste? No saltaste lo suficientemente rápido como um, está bien, así que los pingüinos nos van a decir algo que sucedió ayer.Ethernet está aquí, está de lado para mí, alguien más, sí, parece que, lamentablemente, se jugará de lado. toda la pantalla y no sé por qué lo hace que esto va a ser muy raro que llene toda la pantalla, aunque sí verticales y oh sí, el clásico juego de la araña dice bien por lo que puede que i puede dejar el comentario en su fiel manos allí, no puedo, puedo terminar el juego para girar lo que no puedo uh, regresa, debes concentrarte, espera, no estoy listo, lo que está pasando aquí, no sé duende, qué, está bien, oh, qué es eso, no sé, pero um eso no se ve bien donde voy a la izquierda a la derecha oh o oh oh oh oh oh qué hey apesta consejo no mueras suave bebé dice uh hoy obtuvieron una sidra de manzana y manzanas y salsa de manzana y una mezcla para fiestas y helado y esas cosas de un camión de comida y luego fueron a una tienda de cachorros y tomaron dos tazas de café, no solo una y busqué muebles y vi a los favoritos decir que el doctor no vendrá con todas esas manzanas, así que disfrutaste de la animación del caniche y el apestoso grito a la araña, oh, qué hizo un video con el dlg en él. increíble hey al azar y comimos fruta y todavía estamos esperando uh la hora del cuento de pingüino xavier las cabras aquí hola bienvenido a la transmisión g tenemos bastantes personas nuevas bienvenido al dlg ahora disculpas probablemente estás viendo un juego lateral en este momento puedo hacerlo vertical después de que se procesa, pero luego perderás el chat en vivo y también la pantalla completa al mismo tiempo y parece apestoso que no has jugado un juego como este antes no y Es vertical y estoy un poco acostumbrado a um, ¿cómo se llama? r way horizontal esto es algo así como aleatorio ¿puedes comentar uh xavier la cabra cómo están tú y todos los demás que son nuevos hoy tenemos bastantes personas nuevas y nos vemos suaves, nena ya nos está molestando con la comida que quieres algo picante hoy don ¿ No eres picante , este juego te recuerda a indiana jones en absoluto y el templo de la perdición no es el templo de dom, pero indiana jon está bien, puedo ver por qué dijiste eso, pero el templo de la perdición va a tener más agallas de oro que esto esto es demasiado hermoso como tú, todavía recuerdo haber visto que sabes que indiana jones estaba en el comedor con el cómo se llama comida delicada oh sí, estás hablando de que tienes los ojos ahí, pensé que estabas hablando del mono, oh sí. ese es el único pan de mono sigue jugando dice que no puedo bien ese era otro juego wow tienen tantos anuncios en este que es una locura, supongo que si sigues ganando aunque no tienes anuncios, ese no es el caso, así que la historia del pingüino está siendo un buen hijo y ayudando a su parte p op shovel rock para nuestro patio trasero su patio trasero y entonces él está palear y escuchó lo que parecía ser una carrera de autos, ya que desafortunadamente tenemos una gran calle recta de camino hacia el exterior cerca de nuestra calle oye, pudot en clanes de choque, ¿cómo puedes conseguir un héroe para protege el ayuntamiento, así que si ya tienes un héroe cuando lo presionas, tiene guardia o duerme y quieres que esté configurado para proteger y eso es, no es así, no hay nada más que eso que solo tienes que hacer Seguro que no está durmiendo, sabes que a veces atacas y es cuándo dormir, así que si los enemigos atacan mientras duermes, no pueden protegerte la cara, así que lo pones en Dios y eso es más o menos lo que tendría que decir ahora que lo hice. Tengo un plan de juego diferente para hoy con algunas cosas de las que hablar. Tengo algunas cosas preparadas para discutir, pero depende del juego que se esté jugando. Oh favores suaves cubiertos de picaduras de mosquitos, mejillas, mosquitos, ¿eres fan de esos? pantalones apestosos fan de lo que mosq uitoes que está bien, hola, ¿puedes decirme a alguien en tu vida? Soy hora de cuentos para mosquitos . Te contaré una historia de mosquitos, siempre que no seas un elefante, es posible que seas fan de este, ¿alguna vez has visto un elefante? mosquito elefante ¿sabías que hay mosquitos específicamente para elefantes uh tal vez son enormes? Bueno, no son enormes, pero son mucho más grandes que el mosquito humano. A los elefantes no les gustan demasiado, así que fuimos a una pregunta ¿qué haces? llámalo como un campamento de rehabilitación de elefantes o algún tipo de campamento de conservación para elefantes y me advirtieron de antemano que si ves mosquitos, intenta matarlos porque molesta al elefante y he aquí el gran papá en el que estaba yo estaba en el elefante más grande que podías montar en el campamento porque yo era la persona más grande la única que podía llevarme uh-huh y el pobre tipo tenía un mosquito en su cuello, así que traté de golpearlo antes de que lo picara, pero debe haberlo hecho. allí primero porque le dio mucha picazón y t Cuando comenzó a rascarse contra el árbol, hizo lo discutible, que es el entrenador de elefantes, eso no le gustó demasiado y seguía diciéndole al elefante que se detuviera, así que comencé a rascarle el cuello al elefante, le gustó que tienen que ser grande sabes perforar esa piel ahí tienes historia de mosquitos oh bebés suaves viendo uh los submarinos suben entre ella y el pingüino siguen contándome acerca de mis submarinos allí ah gracias, tuvimos una buena semana esta semana supongo que cuando llegó subs tenemos algunos uh hay un juego llamado pitfall, deberías jugarlo y es como indiana jones porque tienes que azotar serpientes escorpión y caimán con un látigo que suena bien, sé que alguien necesita un látigo, leí ai leí en un libro que el animal más mortífero es un mosquito debido a todas las enfermedades que podrían ser muy ciertas, ellos sí portan muchas enfermedades cuando se trata de seres humanos por qué se llaman mosquitos de mezquite porque nunca dejaron de fumar amantes de la naturaleza aquí Oye cómo estás , es bueno verte, estoy bien, cómo estás uh, hemos tenido un poco de drama en el clan amantes de la naturaleza del clan cram , qué mierda bueno, otra persona se fue y no estoy muy seguro de por qué Sospecho que podría ser debido a la b debido a las guerras de clanes, así que cualquier otra persona está en el clan, solo ten en cuenta esto cuando la guerra de clanes comience para la liga de guerra de clanes, en realidad no elijo al principio quién está en el juego. elige y luego creo que si eres un entrenador oh Dios mío, no mueras, no mueras, no mueras, no mueras, no mueras, no mueras, uno bueno oh no está bien, debería haberlos matado, debería los he matado, honestamente, debería haberlos matado, toda la lista va allí, así que los 50 jugadores están allí y luego el juego selecciona 15 de esos 50. y luego, después de que comienza, puedes volver a seleccionar por qué me muevo, deslizo el dedo hacia la derecha para girar a la derecha pero es solo salta tuyo lo que ha estado sucediendo en tu cuello del bosque ahí hermano de la naturaleza espero que la pandemia no sea un problema uh tengo un mosq uito mordió dos veces una al lado de la otra y lo llamo mi mordedura de vampiro que se vería así uh oh espera, me he perdido un poco de la historia de los pingüinos, así que mientras paleaba el ruido comenzó a hacerse más y más fuerte, pero yo lo metió empujó fuera y continuó palear pero luego se puso muy fuerte para que me daba la vuelta y fue entonces cuando me encontré con mi maquillaje para continuar oh hay un poco de drama eh ejemplo de cómo todo el mundo eh me duelen las piernas bebés suaves en las guerras de nuevo los mosquitos están los animales más peligrosos si le das un látigo a los pantalones apestosos, ella te azotaría con él, eso es cierto, no puedo dar un látigo a los pantalones apestosos , terminaría recibiendo pestañas 50 pestañas en la espalda o en el bot bot que puedo hacer en tu pierna si mientes gracias no puedo oírte pedot dice um spidey realmente es porque la música está demasiado alta está en no puedo apagarla así que no hay campañol para eso tenemos naval a qué te refieres con subir volumen anuncios bien sabes cómo en el otro puedes girar has tenido juegos ¿puedes ver que solo digo? Si no puedo apagarlo allí, tú vas, no puedes apagarlo como tú, creo, así que te enojaste y te fuiste, bueno, él ni siquiera nos dio la oportunidad de cambiar a los miembros, eso no está siendo demasiado paciente porque tú Debes saber que, por lo general, alguien cambiará a los miembros cuando no les guste y yo lo hubiera hecho , pero he estado bastante ocupado últimamente, lo siento, puedes decirle que no fue así. t deliberado, pero de todos modos tal vez sea lo mejor, eso depende de él, ¿ por qué te retractas de todos tus comentarios? Buena pregunta, uh, ¿por qué jugar un juego virtual? ¿Es este un juego virtual o vertical? Bueno, porque me levanté muy tarde, así que tuve que elegir algo. muy rápido y no estoy seguro, sí , no, quiero decir que es pantalla completa, eso es lo que puedo dejar en pantalla completa y estará de lado o la alternativa es que puedas usar una etiqueta especial para hacerlo vertical nuevamente pero perderá el chat en vivo cuando haga eso, piense si debe hacerse o no uh hey peter, no te ofendas, pero este juego apesta jugar en youtube porque cada vez que mueres hay alrededor del 90 de las veces que hay un anuncio, sí, me doy cuenta de que ahora puede que no haya sido el mejor juego para elegir, pero aquí está la cosa que hay un hay muchos juegos populares que, um , son juegos verticales perdidos, es un buen juego para jugar un poco um y muy popular, pero solo puedes jugarlo durante unos minutos a la vez a menos que comiences a pagar por más , no debería presionar que no deberías presionar que descargué que dónde está Kane, él está ahí, salud, Kane, acabo de preguntar por ti, tu boomer uh, por favor, cambia el juego, oh uh, no hay anuncios fáciles, era que los anuncios eran demasiado ruidosos y no podíamos escuchar querida, oh, querida, veremos cómo va, dejaremos que se juegue un poco porque este es un juego extremadamente popular, lo veo todo el tiempo, incluso me entra bastante, así que fue uno de los Razones por las que lo elegí lo siento oh wow vas a tener que intentar ser bueno en eso para que haya menos publicidad apestosa y es posible que tengamos que ver qué sucede, pero no sé cuál sería el próximo juego de elección, no puede ser un choque de clanes, puedo decirles que los randoms son boomer, por favor, cambie el juego que veremos. ¿Cómo va eso, Kane, a quien estás llamando boomer al azar suave duh, solo están hablando entre ellos, bueno, que sea la gente que desea irse o quedarse? Él podría haber preguntado al menos una vez. Creo que eso también es cierto, me refiero a Rex. pax ha estado en el clan durante años, pero tal vez tenga algo que ver con ahijado y ambos estaban cansados ​​de mis payasadas, sí, pero a veces me canso de sus payasadas , va en ambos sentidos, bueno, no soy tanto para expatriados. él estaba bien yo no soy bueno en esto oh no sé que esto podría ser confuso yo también no tuve un pequeño argumento de él por qué lo que pasó uh excepto nosotros eso es bueno kane dijo que nos iba a enviar una receta de galletas de maní ¿qué él preguntó si éramos alérgicos al maní y dijo que tenía tres recetas de galletas de maní, ¿podemos usar también otras n uts maní anacardo nueces de macadamia oh te encantan las nueces de macadamia mejor nuez del mundo si puedo decir eso um es que sabes que es la nuez más cara del mundo significa que es bueno que ames ese sabor a mantequilla de qué estás hablando yo olvidé traer algo que me gusta almendra la almendra es buena , irías almendra sobre macadamia tal vez estés loco, bueno miren ustedes , están mejorando en esto ahora vayan a los pantalones apestosos porque hay bastantes juegos de correr como este Este es el primero en el que has intentado envolver tu cabeza alrededor de mí, así que tengo un amigo llamado Chase y había un perro llamado Chase que también podría sacar algo del trabajo de la carretera, ¿me parece bien? Así que ten paciencia conmigo mientras Yo también hago esto, hombre contigo, ten paciencia contigo donde quiera que estuvieras con el pobre perro, eso es lo que haces allí, oh, no puedo estar mal con este tipo, sí, lo suficiente, eso no duró mucho , es un poco difícil cuando es vertical No sé si normalmente me gusta usar la horizontal y es un poco más ba Viviendo bien y este no es del todo equilibrado como tú, estás desequilibrado. Para empezar, no soy bueno equilibrándome. Es cierto que no te llamarías bailarina, no una especie de gimnasta. No estudié gimnasia cuando yo era. lo que fue genial siete realmente es parte de la escuela que tienes que aprender algún tipo de deporte cada año durante la escuela secundaria como porque entré en una escuela de niñas, así que el primer año allí, que es como el séptimo grado , estudiamos gimnasia, pero es solo el básico, no algo extraordinario, así que aprendes a hacer un split y a hacer, um, ¿cómo se llama eso, como un puente puente? Es eso, donde arqueas la espalda hacia atrás, sí, y usas algunas cintas y un poco de música para que aprendas. una especie de baile gimnástico, pero todavía no es nada difícil um qué más oh qué más sí y luego para el próximo año aprendemos No estoy seguro de qué es tal vez balonmano, voleibol, algo así y cuando estaba en noveno grado era baloncesto. piensa gr ade cuatro es bádminton y genial, ¿qué más no puedo recordar lo que aprendí de los grados 11 y luego recuerdo que el grado 12 es el más fácil ? Aprendes a bailar baile de sala de huesos y es bueno, así que tenemos que practicar . un hombre 1 pero mi compañera me guía un poco por qué eso no me sorprende ¿qué quieres decir con que te dejarán? no quieren ver lo flexible que eres déjame te lo haré sí, lo sabes normalmente si eres como un hombre, tienes que liderar, oh, digo, digo, pero mi contador femenino te dejó acostar ella no me dejó liderar, me dejó bien, quería ser la dominante, no lo habrías tomado muy amablemente. a eso, conociendo tu personalidad, no me importa el azar, es el boom ah, envuélvete la cabeza alrededor de esto f oh no, leí que ya perseguirá persecución persecución o perseguirá huir de persecución mientras persecución persecución tras persecución que fue confuso lo que tenía un amigo y un perro llamado Chase a pesar de tener una historia, un día él está afuera con su perro y su amiga Sarah para dejar que el perro entre al baño y use el baño, creo que estaba tratando de decir que escuché un ladrido y Sarah fue a los arbustos y él estaba atrapado, oh no, en una trampa para osos, eso no es bueno, ¿ han escuchado que dwayne johnson también conocido como el rock y su familia tienen la enfermedad tienen que tener cuidado de decir cosas porque en el último nos desmonetizaron para la transmisión de WWE durante unas cinco horas o el tiempo que duró , no sé cuáles fueron las palabras que usamos en ese juego en particular , pero de todos modos nueve hablan de tos, tos, sí, bueno, así es, pingüino, más vale que corras, corre, corre, aquí venimos, ¿por qué está de lado? es un juego vertical , por eso juega de lado, no vertical, eso es cierto, quiero decir, lo intentamos predominantemente. para hacer eso, pero um, lo hice. Estaba tratando de elegir entre dos juegos esta mañana, pero tenía tanto sueño que elegí uno rápidamente sin pensarlo realmente. ¿Te tomaste tu café? No, pensé que te tomarías demasiado tiempo. para beber estaba tratando de conseguir un Todo el trabajo de fondo se hizo lo más rápido que pude porque uh sabes que mi pequeño despertador no me despertó y con eso quiero decir que no, no me lo dijiste de antemano, no lo voy a hacer pingüino dice hola yo tengo una idea tía apesta ¿qué tal si jugamos nuestro juego favorito uh cuál mantenerlo fresco suave y constante resbaladizo aquí hombre las cosas se están poniendo pesadas estás navegando por una brisa y esto suena como una canción que me dejó inconsciente cuando me despierto hola pareja que gritó que solo éramos amigos y luego se fue para contestar un teléfono, luego sarah me buscó y consiguió una pelota de béisbol y luego caminó para ir a casa y poder ella aún hay más en esta historia nuestras historias nuestra música se desmonetizó en unas pocas horas de casi después de que la transmisión haya terminado y luego haces una apelación y tenemos todos y cada uno de ellos de vuelta, pero me han desmonetizado tal vez 10 veces y todos se han revertido en la apelación, por lo que a veces se debe a la palabras que usas como si supiera si sostienes lo que está pasando, ¿qué hiciste? No sé, no, tienes que salir de allí, qué malvado Jay, oh, el hipo está comenzando temprano, oh Dios mío, el cabello dorado ya no es más, ahora negro frío, juega mira bien, no puedo jugar cac porque no sería nada para hacer allí ya he usado todas las uH ocho ataques cuando vas a aprender a no hacer que al igual que la fantasía lo que duele más ser expulsado en las menudencias o estar embarazada porque las chicas pidieron a otro niño, pero nadie les pide para obtener patea las menudencias otra vez, así que, ¿ qué crees que te pongas? Bueno, soy hombres, así que no puedo responder eso, pero sospecho que el embarazo dolería mucho más porque cuando consigues que las viejas menudencias se muevan un poco, sí, es muy doloroso, pero es casi como un dolor fantasma si te gusta que estás un poco en estado de shock , sabes a qué me refiero, es más lo que sucedió que un dolor extremo y sabes que nunca quedaré embarazada, así que no lo sabría . sospecho que el embarazo es probablemente 10 veces peor no más uh no no no más corrientes químicas hasta que vuelva bien rojo diciembre r está aquí hola cómo estás es bueno verte de nuevo ella dice que pensó que estaba viendo un video de rock con la música así que esta es una de las bandas sonoras más nuevas y como el dlg sabe me gusta mezclarlo así que ahora tenemos tengo un poco de country pasando tienes que gustar un poco de maní country horneé galletas de mantequilla de maní aquí están los ingredientes una taza de azúcar una taza de maní un huevo 350 grados de temperatura el tiempo de horneado es de 12 minutos es mejor que escribas esto es muy simple receta aunque huevo tienes que tener algo de harina allí seguramente caña ¿dónde está la harina o no la tienes azúcar el azúcar y el maní y un huevo y eso es todo eh eso es correcto no ponemos mantequilla allí ni siquiera la flor de butternut él está de acuerdo con él, me gusta y no, eh, me gusta y no, mi novia no deja de decirlo, o me da escalofríos, así que intentar cambiar de nuevo, bueno, no te tiñes el pelo demasiado. yo diría cómo lo cambio de nuevo tienes que hacer dieta de nuevo no me gustan los minerales oh aquí vamos rei nvent yourself is here hola cómo estás es bueno verte en la corriente por una vez bienvenido al dlg uh alto aleatorio sin mantequilla no necesitas harina o mantequilla dice caña oh, eso hablará así que sabes, supongo que tal vez el azúcar ayuda al el azúcar ayudaría a que se pegue al huevo ¿tienes que triturar los cacahuetes o tienes cacahuetes enteros o la mitad? Creo que eso depende de lo que te guste y triturarlos un poco yo diría que soy yo, siempre necesitamos harina, dice pingüino a través de historias de la bahía oh caramba de Spidey son siempre un poco violenta puede que no sea capaz de volver a leer que uno pasos de cabeza fuertes y luego vio a cinco adultos diciendo uh me encontré con un león en la jaula abrí la jaula de sus horas de cuentos apuesta i Este no es cierto porque tiene un león allí ¿Sabías que Spider 3D hizo un video sobre ti? Leímos en diciembre. Pensé que era el mejor video en YouTube. Él incluyó muchos dlgs. De hecho, lo reproduje cinco o seis veces. sus obras de arte oye, su obra de arte es impresionante, me gusta mucho más que puede, así que para todo el dlg, si no ha visto el video de Spidey, debe ir a verlo, es increíble, no para las galletas de mantequilla de maní, ya está, eh, lo probaremos, marrón claro y eso ya es no se ve muy bien en ti, sabes de lo que estás hablando, se ve fantástico, sí, rojo diciembre podría darte algunos consejos sobre cómo teñir el cabello si no me equivoco, creo que la he visto en videos con quiero decir púrpura rachas, podría estar completamente equivocado acerca de eso, sí, desearía que siempre ah blanqueador bueno, el blanqueador lo convertirá en una araña rubia no puedo dejar de ver ese video, amigo, es fantástico, bien hecho, veo que spidey hizo un video viral porque cuando alguien aparece en él y hay bastante algunos lo ven una y otra vez y creo que hizo una muy buena interpretación de todos, ¿no? Lo viste un par de veces como si fuera. Sus dibujos son muy precisos . No estoy dibujando, no sé lo que tú. llámalo animación por computadora, ¿sería correcto? ¿Cómo te referirías a eso, ya que no sé cómo te refieres a eso, yo diría que dibuja un cuervo gm no sé qué significa eso, lo siento, ¿ qué dijiste? eso, um, uso la cabeza de los hombres, en realidad uso tinte para el cabello de mujeres cuando comencé a teñirme el cabello y luego algunas chicas dijeron que no solo use cosas de hombres y es muy rápido en comparación con el tinte para el cabello de damas, al menos de acuerdo con las instrucciones, si obtienes del supermercado, son 10 minutos o algo, entra y lava el aire y todo está hecho, pero ya sabes, digo que no lo hagas con demasiada frecuencia, podrías terminar poniéndote audaz , ¿crees que eso es lo que hizo que mi calva apestosa? uh probablemente oh, es más barato, sí, eso tendría sentido. Esto es algo con lo que tengo un problema real en el mundo moderno. ¿Por qué las cosas de las mujeres son a menudo más caras que las de los hombres? No tienes ningún problema con este problema de pelo en los ojos. pensaría que es más difícil hacer un estándar yo el corte de pelo de n que decir el corte de pelo de una mujer estándar con eso quiero decir que sabes que si dices tu corte de pelo estándar te he estado cortando el pelo apestoso pantalones, me has enseñado a cortar el pelo y había una persona de mi pequeño país pueblo que decía que había estado haciendo que su esposo le cortara el cabello durante décadas y ella simplemente dijo directamente por qué le pagaría a un peluquero 50 o 60 dólares que mi esposo puede hacer en dos minutos, bueno, depende del estilo que desee todo es por eso que estoy diciendo estándar, digamos que una mujer tiene el cabello largo estándar y lo que quiere recortarlo a un cierto largo porque ese eres tú, eso es lo que tienes solo una especie de corte de cabello estándar que no siempre necesitas oh sí obtienes el estilo de vez en cuando cuando tengo el dinero correcto, eso no es más dinero para ti , estás ofendido, no sé, me he perdido algo, también soy un dlg y no estaba en el video, bueno, porque no puede, supongo que no pudo poner a todos allí , eligió algunos de sus favoritos, no estoy muy seguro, pero no lo culpes por eso, sabes que la animación requiere mucho esfuerzo , es que el video de un minuto y medio probablemente tomó horas, así que eso es lo que diré al respecto . diciembre rojo la historia uh ahí tienes esta historia fue falsa uh se hizo más fuerte, sí, así que cada vez que los anuncios de juegos se ponen más ruidosos, ¿no es así y no hay mucho? No puedo escucharlo, sí, nosotros no puedo escuchar nada de nuestro final, lo siento por eso, uh , no te preocupes, estarás en el próximo porque el profesional es un profesional ¿quieres lucir como tu ícono? todo lo que tienes que hacer es mezclar el azúcar mantequilla de maní y huevo hasta que esté espeso y luego obtienes una sartén y papel pergamino.Esto me recuerda al, um, el copo de maíz que obtienes, lo sabes si solo creo que es solo hojuelas de maíz y miel y luego lo horneas en un horno en estas pequeñas cosas de papel uh tipo taza de papel es una forma realmente simple de hacer cosas pero muy sabroso aleja tu mano de m Es posible que tengamos que probar ese porque es muy simple gracias por la receta kane uh sí, tomó tal vez tres u ocho horas allí, no estaba equivocado, oh y luego desperté pan abuela de diciembre lo siento por eso ahora tenemos absolutamente sin control sobre los anuncios y el volumen en los anuncios en este, parece que no quieren dejarnos cambiar nada, pero mientras apestoso se mantenga vivo, ese es el plan seguir apestoso sin que el juego termine y ella debería estar bien así que tengo que irme a la cama un largo día mañana, bueno, gracias por quedarte tanto tiempo como tú , nader, me di cuenta de que empezamos bastante tarde hoy, su viejo tío pudot empezó bastante tarde hoy uh galletas de mantequilla de maní pingüino boom uh olvídalo, ¿estás horneando mi red? no es muy bueno no es tan bueno hoy reinicié el teléfono para continuar eso no es bueno me pregunto qué está pasando con la red puede ser mal tiempo sabes que a veces nuestra red no es tan buena uh esto fue solo una receta simple cacahuete diciendo que la araña probablemente y la recogió sin Yo no favoritos medias quiero decir que no puedo hablar por spidey no sé por qué eligió lo que él eligió, sino que es un tipo bueno que ha ofrecido a hacerlo por unas cuantas personas así que no se preocupe Él es suave Estoy seguro de que llegará tu momento Dije en los comentarios que también lo haría para diciembre rojo, así que ten paciencia, sucederá ahora, de hecho, tengo un poco de noticias. términos de una transmisión entre semana de la que una o dos personas en esta transmisión podrían estar al tanto, sé que al azar, uh, lo sabe porque estuvo allí, una gran noticia, uh, tenemos una nueva televisión, ¿no es así? Y al pobre papá le encanta 65 pulgadas . fanfarroneando, sigo pensando que la vieja televisión es tan pequeña y, sin embargo, cuando la compré, pensé que era enorme, ya sabes que éramos más grandes empujándonos unos a otros de todos modos y salimos en vivo en twitch el miércoles y con nosotros quiero decir que no lo hice Creo que cualquiera aparecería, pero algunos de los dlg estaban realmente allí, uh, con el tiempo, no era una transmisión popular ni nada, pero estaba pensando que tal vez pueda intentarlo y o una transmisión de Twitch a mitad de semana solo porque no tengo que hacer ningún trabajo para ella, básicamente transmite y eso es todo, no hay nada más, así que si no se ha unido a nosotros en Twitch , considere hacerlo porque, eh, Quiero intentar hacer eso un poco más y alerta de spoiler y para que podamos practicar juegos como Call of Duty, así que si lo hacemos en YouTube, nos veremos mejor de lo que somos con un poco de práctica. Ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que ninguno de nosotros jugó bien, eso es suficiente de eso, bla, bla, bueno, este juego es diferente, oh, espera, me he perdido un poco de nuevo, esto fue solo una receta simple, está bien, ahí es donde estaba el caballero etherneter por qué ¿Es el juego vertical? No sé por qué YouTube lo está haciendo ahora porque solía mostrarlo en posición vertical, pero entonces no lo verías en toda la pantalla. Esto es algo que youtube ha hecho automáticamente. Creo que llenará la pantalla. citarme en eso, pero tal vez acuéstese de lado al azar, usted es el boomer eh bien este juego es tiene una base de fans diferente me encanta jugar durante el tiempo libre es más popular para los niños realmente yo no sabía que, o bien porque he visto esto como una gran cantidad de grandes canales de juego juego jugar este sospecho que tampoco en una computadora o playstation u otro dispositivo porque no se ejecuta de lado, llena toda la pantalla, así que ya está, ustedes son los boomers uh está bien, sí, está bien, bueno, pensé que todos estaban bromeando, lo arreglarían a cabo entre ellos ¿alguien dijo que sí a medio camino extremo, pero en contracción que es la cosa si lo hago temblar corrientes no tengo que hacer ningún otro trabajo, de hecho, voy a tratar de conseguir apestoso a jugar conmigo hoy no hoy necesidad de hacer algo más, trabajar y cocinar, oh, no, no, hubo algunas personas que podría ponerlo, sabes que son las 12 de la mañana, sí, incluso muy, muy corto, haz un clip de siete segundos, pero sabes que también es de alto nivel. y es caro de hacer si terminas obteniendo eso, pero sí, las animaciones toman un mucho tiempo para hacerlo uh 12 de la mañana felicitaciones, todavía tengo una televisión de tubo, oh, sí, la televisión de tubo es como la caja cuadrada a la que creo que se refiere diciembre rojo y he tenido una de esas durante tanto tiempo y un poco uno era solo un pequeño televisor de 22 pulgadas o 20 pulgadas lo tuve durante años porque siempre me movía mucho en el pasado y nunca parecía tan preocupado por nada de eso, imagina jugar una pantalla dividida en una de esas pequeñas cosas derechos de autor huelga bien, aunque no debería hacerlo si es un anuncio en el juego porque no tenemos control sobre eso y nunca hemos tenido esto en jugar juegos nuevos desde el principio, nunca sabes qué esperar, ¿verdad y por qué? no he estropeado las transmisiones al azar, esa es una buena pregunta, estoy muy atrasado en el chat, puedes enseñarme, sí, bien al azar, te agradecería que le enseñes a alguien cómo porque lo quieren, les gustan los spoilers previos a la transmisión y si no lo estás haciendo pasa el manto a alguien que esté dispuesto para hacerlo porque lo quieren de todos modos, dejaré eso a estos chicos para que lo resuelvan, también pueden hacerlo en discordia y Spidey va a hacer otro video de animación, así que les está preguntando a todos en la transmisión quién quiere ser así. el enlace estará en la parte inferior de uh pero todavía necesito practicar un poco oh sí joe oh gee espero poder pronunciar esto bien genial joe villanueva está aquí hola cómo estás espero que todavía esté ahí estoy tan detrás de spider honestamente yo no sé algo al azar, supongo, suave bebé uak peter, ¿cómo se hacen transmisiones en vivo en youtube con ios? Hay algunas formas diferentes en las que puedes hacerlo, tienes que descargar un codificador para que puedas usar como du recorder omelette arcade i Preferiría estirar uh cambiar a laboratorios de transmisión Intentamos hacerlo hace un par de veces hace un tiempo, esto es demasiado rápido, mira aquí tienes, lo estás haciendo bien um, pero siempre pareció fallar, se había cortado ahora Espero que eso haya cambiado ahora porque será mucho mejor hacerlo sobre cómo Si haces esto, está en el medio de reflejos rápidos, por lo que tienen instrucciones, pero son bastante difíciles de seguir.Debo admitir que luché con eso, para ser honesto.Gabe me ayudó a hacer todas las cosas de transmisión desde el principio porque él sabía qué hacer, eh, así que no estoy seguro de si eso fue de mucha ayuda, así que listo, um para los juegos, está bien, gracias , el tío caniche se pone en marcha a las 12 a 5 a. m. pingüino mira el reloj , vamos bien, está aquí. muy popular para los niños, ver que no jugaba cuando era niño, bueno, sé que muchos streamers adultos juegan esto uh, bueno, jugadores adultos, debería decir que he jugado este juego y puedo ver que apestoso está un poco emocionado porque es un new type of game that you haven't played before isn't it i will accept responsibility spidey's back has anyone seen the trending music video called pop star where justin bieber limp syncs to drake's voice you're usually up to date on this stuff no no no it's in isolation i haven't seen that either we'll have to check it out oh texas registered hungary's here as well we're getting a whole lot of new people that have joined the streams it's good to see you all welcome to the dlj uh a couple of days ago i started choking on a goldfish what i don't know what to say about that random why are you eating goldfish their pets right yeah well that's true well they i guess if you said a carp carpet kind of goldfish are kind of like cup and you can eat carp i don't know that i'd eat a goldfish have you seen it where they've so we won't worry you've uh had people that have dumped their pet goldfish in the wild which you shouldn't do why did they do that because they're just bad pet owners why did you have to dump it in a why while well they didn't want to kill it i guess but by the same type not only do they survive but they are huge you just do a search on you know massive goldfish and you'll see what i mean they're not they grow extraordinarily large if you let them but you shouldn't do that uh never always think o f a pet as pet for life that's how it works isn't it you get a pet you never get rid of them as i look at the cat wanting to get rid of her ah you're right aren't you stink cat good old stink cat you're doing quite well there stinky touching wood right now that's how we do this thing ah too late when did you touch wood you didn't touch wood fish they're crunchy snacks that are shaped like a fish oh we we have those here as well i'm not sure what they're called though it's not goldfish snacks but it's like a crunchy biscuit shaped in a goldfish you can buy it at the supermarket i never seen that what are you talking about oh happy birthday to stardust today that's red december's gorgeous looking dog i think that's the because if i'm not mistaken i checked the video recently and she's got more than one dog at the moment yeah well she might be taking care of um yeah what do you call it you you were looking into that yeah foster care i don't know if she's foster caring or she owns them but she's got the the afghan and then a couple of smaller uh toy type dogs i don't know what you call them i know what you called it yeah rap dog i didn't want to say that in front of red december she'll know my buyers of course you were buying she knows i'm buyer's buyers yes i know that look there are certain dogs that are rat dogs if they're smaller than a cat it's a rat dog this is a huge misunderstanding i'm having that face i had for stinky in the basketball video nice one penguin searches massive goldfish finds penguin plays games question self online school is a big fat boo so i guess you're still doing that at the moment i haven't been keeping up with the news but i think we're still very much under the most severe lockdown isn't it it's we haven't uh we still can't travel and do all kinds of normal stuff yet uh i like how california did it how did they do it i assume ca means california online or teach us about online school because the students are doing it i feel very sorry an d i wish happy birthday to starbucks red december birthday cakes what's inside there not a flower i hope yeah it's not you know it's going to be full of dog stuff not not human stuff we eat kind of same thing unless you're vegetarian that cat eats everything i eat i don't know a good movie we always like hearing about good movies uh spider you're gonna put me on your next animation he was already in the last one video uh tv episode after tv episode wasn't it you got through a whole season stardust is a girl and she's two years she's still almost a puppy doesn't look like one looks like a full-blown afghans are huge i wish i'd met i've only ever seen this is how rare they i think they are here have we ever seen one except for the dog show yeah i've only ever seen them at the dog show which we saw a few there but i've never seen them walking down the street they're a very probably a prized breed the rarer they are the you know more expensive they are usually and uh i'd love to see them i wish i could have ridden one when i was a little kid you want to hey all right a dog yeah i rate a great dane when i was small you ever ridden a dog no no i also i also read the cocker spaniel too well they you know feet are on the ground for that one you just have it between your legs stardust wants to be in the animation uh spider teachers teen teen beach movie is really good movie my favorite it's rated g oh we'll have to check that one out yes they open you and they disclosed all right so yeah the new zealand was very good weren't they they were very quick on the quick on on closing everything down which certainly helped them for a long time and that's the problem with the cough cough if we can say that now hopefully you don't get into trouble for saying that it's funny how you got to use code on youtube constantly got to use code these days so that you don't say anything they don't like i'd like to talk about some of the the stuff that's been going on lately but you got to balanc e the the fun stuff with the serious stuff but i like educating as well making the the dlg aware of what's going on out there because it's not all good you do have to be careful uh i will never ever well hang on i won't i will name ever in it me came penguin soft favor red stinky december stardust i think that's what he's saying about the next uh next video i didn't quite understand that one well link trailer nice one my sister watched a tv show with a girl named stardust uncle pudot you write dogs well when i was younger there was someone in the you can't do it anymore now the dog's gonna ride you yeah but i don't think i'd even want to hurt a horse that way like you know poor old horse would struggle and so you can do just 11. yeah a big even a small elephant would probably be able to handle me on their back yep but anything smaller than an elephant wouldn't be able to take the weight i'm sure a horse could but i just wouldn't do it to it but yeah in the little little town that i gre w up in uh there was a great dane there from a family that had moved there and i was only a little kid so they said yeah you can ride the dog it's not like a horse though it's not used to to having things ride it so you go so you got kick out no i just one of the adults was walking along with it to make sure that it didn't take off and then have me land on my head uh i don't know if i've told horse stories before but i've got a few of those uh hang on speaking of titles i hate candy why all right let me have a look look stinky what are the controls what are you gonna do ah you know till it left right and swipe down what is yes i just said swipe down and when you jump you swipe up uh do i end run here oh is this another ad wow this game's got a lot of ads on it all right so i'm just uh waiting for that i hate candy why why would you not like candy don't close that i can i'm watching monsters university i've heard that's a good good uh movie i'm watching peter uh stink pants what do you need a code oh i'd say yeah red december the youtube's got a black list of words which some of them are absolutely ridiculous i'll say that now that um oh stinky i have no idea how to do this i'm glad the stream did not hear that another ad we're just going to be watching ads so ads plus copy but you shouldn't i've never had a copyright strike from doing this so yeah certain words to escape are being demonetized so i'll give you an example of a ridiculous one and hopefully this doesn't get us into trouble and hopefully it's been taken off the list anyway but at one point if you said alabama there must have been something that happened there in the day that was actually a blacklisted word another one is um gee i'm really running a risk here but i'll just do it another one is predator and if you're talking about an animal that goes and catches things to eat context is very important there's nothing wrong with saying that if you're referring to something else which i'm not going to you kn ow hopefully you can figure that one out yeah that'll get you into trouble and you get demonetised so it's unfortunate i understand that they have to do it but by the same token um context is important i don't know how else to put it all right so sorry i'm just concentrating a little bit gee this game's not that easy stinky come on oh dear no i missed that i'm not too sure what i'm supposed to do there all right sorry this is similar to the oh just got hit by the bell so it's uh gm crow opossum don't like candy because they're made of bugs is candy made of bugs next time can we do a roblox uh that is one of the games that i've been saving for quite some time so we will get to it eventually i've just been putting it off for a bit because i i'm hoping to get a little bit bigger before we do that uh certain words wait no i meant to put the people in it no uh is can i read all of that pardon me i just want to i'm just vibing it was a big big burst we thought we were bigger pushing each oth er to the limits we were learning quicker by 11 smoking hurricanes that's why they got rid of the sub for sub yeah you've got to be very careful of doing that too like we never you should never say that in comments for a start a lot of people do and you just shouldn't ah uh oh i know i think i know what you're talking about so yeah i'm not going to elaborate on on that just because i know that one's very serious something that we've been falsely accused of i'll just leave it at that well that's one of the things that i actually wanted to talk about that uh be wary of the false accusations that are out there because we saw what happened to us happened to a very large channel they had uh just under two million subscribers someone went to a lot of effort to fake things so well i mean a lot of effort so just be wary of all of that don't uh pass judgment until you know all of the facts basically that's the way i'd be saying things uh i think it's where the predator part i've got growing cha nnels to get my numbers up uh how are you it's miles traveler good to see you miles traveler it's been aa while welcome to the stream i'm not sure if it's the first time or not it takes me a little while to get to know everyone but good to see you here how have you been uh who said it uncle peter so i'm getting a tiny bit confused now in the where we're at with the conversation but um yeah so that's one of the things that it's personal to me just because it actually happened to us and even one of my friends has a couple of my friends have found that fake video on us and they were concerned like they know that it's not true but by the same take and they said that's not a good look and i said yeah you're right it's not but the videos are still there and when people first found out about it like i got told by by subscribers i didn't even know it was out there until a few lovely people were kind enough to point it out to me and say hey did you realize there's this video made about you and uh you know i thought okay fine targeting small channels is one thing but the exact same thing happened to this guy that's got almost two million subs and he's had to try and defend himself by coming coming on camera for the very first time and saying look you know it's not me and if people that really know me they know it's not me and then he started to provide evidence of the fact that it wasn't him and i'd just straight up say i'm not going to waste my time with that you can believe it or not believe it but we're not those kind of people we just start take it or leave it all right so that's that one uh good to hear that uh where am i this will be my third time in your live streams oh it's been partly because the name changes miles traveller sounds familiar to me but again my apologies miles that it does take me a while to get to familiar with the names because we do have a lot of people that sort of don't come regularly and then others that are here all the time and they change thei r name and they change their names like soft change the name goodness know how many times uh yes i changed my name because miles isn't lucky oh kilometers is lucky i fell down and hit my head just now i hope you're alright spidey uh who is mean to aunt and uncle so we how much should i go into that there is uh it goes back to the the fake video channel and everything that happened before that we we were attacked basically online by a group of people it certainly seems like it doesn't seem like it was just one person have no idea why we don't fight with anyone online or say nasty things was probably just for their own entertainment um yeah i don't know what more i can say about it because i don't know much about these people they were trying to guide me into interacting with him but i just wouldn't say that's the best thing spidey's okay he says so that's good uh congratulations on the monetization we stay connected at two dot stink pants that's right uh if you're in the discord that's a good way to stay connected as well uh and by the way that's a pet peeve of mine i'm getting so sick of the disingenuous comments uh now there's so many of them all these stay connected and my friend and uh visit back and all of that stuff i'm i'm really getting tired of it because they're not they're not genuine unlike everyone in the stream they actually leave genuine comments but a lot of new people that are just looking for assistance it starts to wear you down a bit i've noticed other people that leave genuine stuff they're also getting frustrated with it they're starting to leave pinned comments and things saying just don't even comment if you're gonna leave rubbish like that so that's another thing guys if you do bother to support someone try and keep it as genuine as possible look at me i'm on a rant always ranting yeah it's the stay connected that annoys me because that's like a demand you're demanding someone stay connected going on too many rants i've decided to change my n ame to goldfish plays games uh i find what the heck is wrong with me yeah don't change your name i don't think he would he loves the penguins wait what why but they don't change user name that well the the discord server is kind of quiet but that's because and i'll take responsibility for that because i only have a limited amount of time and i can't chat a lot kane loves a lot of chat and i'm too busy doing other stuff a lot of background stuff that people aren't aware of stay stay and connected so you read the red december if i'm not mistaken has never said that to me not once ever since we first met she left a genuine comment the first time i left a genuine comment for her and it just went on like that but um i'm saying some really weird uh things you know the turkish now they because we get a lot of turkish people trying to connect to us and they just leave quotes from famous people they'll start with your channel name like hi pudot stink pants and then ask for the whole stay connec ted whatever visit me blah blah and then they'll end with a quote some famous person which is just basically spam i treat all of that stuff like spam and i'll tell them that it's spam too because it's usually found in the our spam folder maybe you shouldn't mention turkish like that sounds a bit racist to me well no i'm just saying that that's what what has been happening not every turkish person does it i'll clarify that as well but a lot of the time when it's some new person that i don't know they'll do it it's like a thing it was a big one but we thought we were bigger pushing each other to the limits we were but i'm only going on what i'm saying uh on our channel yeah and last time you mentioned something about us tv have a subtitle and you kind of feel offended by it i think it's a good thing like i kind of disagree with you you don't get it when like english second language like me watch another second language like you know chinese indian or whatever yes it's hard to pick up the accent and i don't know what they're talking about when they're speaking in english yeah ah yeah well we had that conversation before that i think it depends how much you're exposed to different accents if you're exposed to a lot of them it's easier to understand but then again you're right second language in english that's going to be harder isn't it because you can understand me when i speak your language yeah but yeah it's gonna be harder ew that's why i didn't give it to you that's why i didn't give it to you oh that's an awful snack how do i go live in arcade i'm not sure how that works do you smell what the poodle stink pants is cooking we haven't discussed what we're having today but it's not going to be that what are these hot chili squid seaweed i don't mind seaweed but that flavor is terrible uh the quote using state and it didn't all bad it depends how it will be delivered yeah look it's just me per it's a very uh personal attitude that i have that when when you say to some one stay connected it just sounds like a demand and i have a problem with authority it's very well known ever since i was a kid don't tell me to stay connected our stories yeah don't call me to do anything um ask me this is round and then i'll be more open to it they just want that return mutual whatever whereas over time you can see that in the streams the people that show up and stay they do kind of care and then we end up caring about them because that's how relationships work you know there's a bit of give and take as opposed to just dropping some sort of template or generic comment but i don't get me wrong i do do it when they do it to me i've got that why have i got such a childish attitude you do it to me i'll do it to you but you know for that it's like well i can tell you're not wasting your time so i'm not going to waste mine that's kind of it and here's a little clue the more genuine you are the more likely people are to what actually watch what you do as opposed to the bare minimum i've found that as well it took us a long time but you know our monthly watch time is pretty high isn't it you've seen it yeah exactly how many times was that i watched penguin's video made ten times as a minimum our story what the artwork was great and he's very kind you know that's the other thing uh not not tooting my own or our own horn here we've had quite a few videos made about us they're not all good but we've had a few uh excluding the bad ones we've had some very kind ones as well half of them are in the stream do you know that stinky no uh by who so hang on no i'm way behind so oh gee i want to read all of this sorry just bear with me someone a few days connected on my video only with hey baby oh my goodness i've seen that as well people trying to hit on creators in the comments section i've seen it oh it just seems a bit weird hot chili squid indeed not very tasty to my mind uh rop spider he couldn't get a new pet and he had to wait nine years seriously i at least want a dragon they said what uh oh white dragons aren't real agree he's from england i am the strongest human alive do you think this guy can stop me obviously is yeah they just spread rumors because they know they're gonna get the views from it which i think is really abhorrent deplorable behavior because you can ruin people's lives doing that but they just don't seem to care they do it all the time yeah i'm saying just be wary that's what i say like always take things at face value and hear both sides there's always two sides to every story three sides one party the other party and then the truth and it's usually somewhere in the middle not always you can have you know complete truth on one side i guess and complete lies on the other there you know i'm just ranting at the moment uh random i'll never say they curse and say bad stuff red december gets really bad when it happens in real life hasn't happened to me in a long time have you had a hey baby recently go ahead listening and for random this is why no live yesterday and today so we'll find out here they have more exciting stories than we do did you know that yep they are storyteller they are good storytellers as anyone in the stream have someone in public recognize you from your videos now this is why we haven't shown our faces yet so i've got to say no because no one knows what we look like yet uh have you read december because that kind of means like hey that's your friend if not then that's scary luckily well it means you're kind of famous or at least that's you know if you get recognized by a stranger it's like hey you're that you're that youtuber uh goku gamer i was in my best friend from then on he forgot about me me either him and his friend said such bad stuff i didn't quite understand that and now i just enjoy watching this game how many subs they have there's a lot of people with that name oh speaking of the fake channels uh i don't know if anyone knows the creator leafy is here that got banned once he got banned the number of channels that came up that had the exact same name and avatar was incredible incredible i gave up after looking at 100 of them also and just curious whether red december or anyone else has been recognized from their videos in public there must be a story behind that somewhere someone recognized one of my afghan dogs named black beauty one time black beauty they recognized the dog my goodness so how many afghans do you have red december because there's black bee beauty and stardust and she's a small person so she said before i wonder how big they if they get up on their hind legs whether they would tower over her he's still in the building yes miles so i turn around and there's a car riders turned around and then it hit me dead on my life flashed before my eyes it actually pushed me so far up i fell into the back of my pickup oh this is not good they're in the wars again spidey hit his head penguin's been hit by a car what you've never been hit by a car haven 't you uh no and don't want to i've had relatives hit by a car uncle that was my last week's story on how oh that's right yes i remember that stalkers you got all kinds of things happening so again this is why i go back to the you've got to be a bit careful you know in the the whole online thing it's it's only new society is still just getting used to it so you do have to be careful what you say and do online and you know they're they're crazy people out there there are good people and there are bad people it's always been that way but the accessibility has changed you know people are much more accessible via the online interface look at me i sound like an id i heard a doorbell did somebody order pizza i think that's from the soundtrack but hey kane's got an idea in the head no we got to get something else what's your plan because you said you wanted something i don't know i just look online and there's so many marketplace on facebook that delivery some kind of food and mmm i'm thinkin g about it but it's gonna be next week it's not gonna be today are you talking like hello fresh thai wow like ready to eat meo ah you never know because you don't play it that's right you're the researcher there i heard it too kane the pizza is coming i think not here why not here we don't even have a doorbell so it couldn't have been us unless it's the again there's sounds like there's a doorbell in this particular song because it's one of those uh scary songs come on the food is getting cold here he's making me think of pizza uh-huh you better come out time you gotta come up with an alternative then stink because you know i'm not gonna be bothered doing any cooking today and we've got to start gardening too it's springtime yeah we should start today yeah how about we do it very hot we'll do it after the stream get out there and start planting all our crops how about eating after we eat we'll go and get food then we'll plant our crops i'm excited i want to plant that bok choy oh yeah is it bok choy no wambach i think plant the wombok and the your other thing so many things red onions and whatnot and i've got seeds that need to be done i'm getting excited i have a male friend who only wants an online relationship and he lives in my town that's as in like the he wants to have a relationship relationship or just friend type relationship friend i can kind of understand but if you're talking about an actual relationship but only keeping it online that's unusual i mean we had an online relationship for years didn't we stink pants we still do now because you're my arch nemesis call each other on facetime rather than actually going to each i which is one time yeah we did too what is hacker you know when our i had a my old youtube channel that had nothing on it ah and i had my email hacked and probably one of my computers okay yeah it was definitely hacked because there were things that messages and things being sent that i didn't do so that's why i say you do have to be ca reful make sure you have a strong random password minimum of even though they say probably eight at the moment i'd say minimum 12 characters 16 is probably even better the minimum is did you guys remember that uh liv said did we live in the same town when we facetimed no so our story was um can ii can talk about this or i can't it's just like you know when we met and what happened and so on yeah i talked about it oh you know you're chasing me you were chasing me he's chasing me what's on the bus and he's like sting ben this is the last time i'm gonna call you that's what i said if you want to see me again then it's up to you what isn't that what happened on the bus i called you on the bus well basically we met each other from the class from the uni and you know after the class he's like on the bus and i walk home and he's like staying back and i couldn't hear it that's right saw him embarrass himself there basically yeah i did but no so stink pants as part of her degree she had to go b ack to her own country to work who was part of the the uh contract that she had so we ended up having to do uh stuff on skype which was pretty much the only thing that kept our if you could call it a relationship going i mean if you were just doing phone calls and writing it might never have happened but at least with skype you could do video calls but no now that she actually lives as my arch nemesis here and because of the whole cough cough thing and where she's working she's been spending more time in one of the spare rooms so we facetime each other in the house you know last time i asked him do you want me to sit next to you doing work and he's like can i open that tv i'm like no i need concentrate and he was like nah go away uh pulling the track passed out i've gotta i gotta be careful what i'm reading from penguins because it might make me start thinking of things i don't want to think about i don't like the mental images i had to deal with an impersonator my dad changed the pass word because we thought that at first the account was act yeah that happened to us i thought the account was hacked at first and i was just an impersonator um well uh we wish you had well you can't even say happy i don't know what you call it but you know for the if i say the 11th of september because i don't know if that's a phrase that you can't use we hope that there's good memories i don't even know how you address something like that because normally you say you know you have a happy anniversary but in this case it's not like that we hope that the pain lessens maybe maybe that's what we should say don't ask me in how to do that in english yeah and as miles traveler or park says make sure it's a long password but random as well capital letters lower case letters numbers symbols that's the thing don't you forget all of that yeah write it down on a piece of paper though don't put it on a computer well you got so many apps that help you remember things oh yeah if you've got last pass that helps for example i think apple also have that too yeah ones that are quite secure but you don't want to substitute symbols for a word because that that can also be seen through like you know if you use a dollar sign instead of an s for example don't do that sort of stuff make it random you can generate them randomly four o'clock and start watching the chat the impersonator that it deleted all the messages yeah that's right well it's actually the moderators that we're keeping on top of that thank you to the the moderators for making sure that none of that was showing uh i woke up during oh no i can't read that uh when those so i can't read that stop stuffing your face every stream stinky that's right and it's a duty every stream i'm here to stop in my face that's what it's about isn't it you don't like the streaming aspect you just like you get fed that's all it is we've got old stink pants who is needy no more a faster runner for your temple run really that's what i'm guessing it is who is francisco montoya i don't know are these characters in the game i'm just wondering are they real or they're just character in the game to be honest i don't know anything about this game other than it's really popular that's about all i can tell you don't munch much much munch me go to your room stinky they can hear you crunching away you are time for you to play hey not you're much better at this one than i am but you know again we we got to practice a little bit of uh the first person shooter ones so that we can look like experts with the split screen do it on twitch and then bring it bring the show over to youtube it'll be our training round like years i don't know you see you're pretty good let's let's face it from my experience you're actually very good at first-person shooter games yeah but we're the slow and steady type we're not the uh super aggressive type well they when we can do that yeah we can i'm gonna die quick well i'm there to save you but maybe not we shall see i think my friend said he had brain surgery but i think he was also lying i never showed proof and it got me really bad because it wasn't funny to joke like that yeah it can be a very serious surgery can't it i remember when i typed in chat someone said they act my account and you read it out loud and then just kept reading chat and i was like why does why does he not care no that's not true at all we were trying to get the problem resolved as quickly as we could and i think again as bad as it is it's a good learning experience to go through it once you've gone through it once it's less stressful the next time exploits here good to see you exploit was actually in the twitch stream so that's another one that was there yeah lots going on in the stream many with very active imaginations this is true red december we we have uh real stories we have fictional stories it's all happening and this is what i like too because we really don't come in with a formula do we we have absolutely no idea what's going to be talked about at the time and it just we rely on the live chat to keep us going because they are the dlg uh you're grounded for five years or you would never get out of his room at that point oh so penguin did actually have a life flashing past your eyes experience what do you mean when you think you're going to die it's a very common thing it happened to me as well that that time in the pool when i thought i was going to drown that your life flashes before you very quickly uh and i said wake up and he woke up nice one well it's a happy ending which is what we like to hear you kept reading chat like nothing happened though so the the problem on aryan to soft paper or me in particular is um the chat goes in all directions all the time people are going to talk about uh different things they're going to talk to each other and when it comes to impersonation it's very difficult at least initially to figure out who's who who's the real person and who isn't the real per son so we don't know whether it's you talking or whether it's someone else talking um but then you you know eventually you figure it out because let's face it everyone that's in the chat at the moment we know how they behave so if the behavior gets really weird then we know it's not that person and you know aside from a random uploader being a little bit negative lately um generally people are quite positive with what they say and and do so if they do anything that's not that then it starts to be questionable that's the way i'd look at it uh i kept thinking i was stinky's got great reflexes says exploit there you go uh you stream on twitch also peter yeah we had one earlier this week oh my gosh so i would tested it out on wednesday i think you've got to bear in mind the the uh live chat's very different on that one though particularly if i'm playing by myself i would be speaking less as well but uh people didn't seem to care too much in that that i wasn't yeah just play and don't speak i'll still address you when you talk uh it's lunch time in phil's my mother calling eating time well nice to be here until next time stay safe good to see you again park and go or miles traveler uh awesome to have you in the stream i'll try and remember the name for next time because i know i struggle a bit with that a lot i say bye miles see you later friend i looked at my mum who was still there and said to her thankfully she smiled she told me all the details about what happened while i was out i'm sorry have you ever thought but the second time they said i fainted but i thought i was conscious the whole time because i was like hey what what happened to you can you remember any of that experience yeah like i know that i'm going to fall everything just go dark but i can still hear and doctor knows that doctor told me okay if you still can hear me can you move this way and i did and someone just you know was there to carry me look at us that's it unconscious after that lights out the re you go we're like two peas in a pod because that that was the almost exactly same experience that i actually went before my friend and uh he finished giving blood before me even though i started before him and he was fine and then when i got off the table um same thing everything went black but i could still hear people and they're walking me to to sit down somewhere not very long talk for me but by the time i sat down i was i've never been that drenched in sweat like join forces with your friends in clan events and boss battles then when i regained consciousness they said no you were out i said no no i was still conscious the whole time and they said no no you were gone like you were talking to us for a bit and then that was it you'd passed out and so then they said go and have some milk and cookies and don't donate blood again all right they told me go there drink some cordial and some cookie but the last part that they told you they didn't say to me ah there you go i think they s till won black from me if i'm game enough to do it again they're not gonna say no i remember because that time my mom told me like can you help donate here because not enough people donate so they always need more need more that's true uh how many join you guys on twitch on the live stream there wasn't that many i think i might have had over the period of a two and a half hour stream maybe five people in total or maybe six uh i didn't let anyone know i wasn't expecting anyone to show up but the other thing is we don't really have that much of a following on twitch so not many people would know that that we actually have an account it is in the description uh on that i did uh provide a link before but if you would like to join us on twitch that would help as well because it is something that we do want to get into it's more of a i would be trading it as a practicing arena for other games particularly playstation games so there's the the um link there there is something bad i like to do um it's fighting like fist i don't like that i just wonder why yeah it's not good to fight spidey try and resolve things using your oral communication um use your words not your hands isn't it then you're gonna have a much easier life if you do that uh i've never been in aa real fight in my life and hopefully that'll never happen it's coming close but always managed to talk my way out of it even while badmouthing the person because i'm like that there's one occasion i probably shouldn't have done that copyright strike but i love that song i'm way behind in the chat so i don't know which one he's talking about uh the video no these are all uh youtube songs so it'll be fine is it normal for people to faint no i don't think so that it's when you lost blood right and your brain needs to reserve your blood and that's why you faint and for some reason it affects some more than others like i would have thought i'd be okay because you know i've got a fair i had a lot less weight then but not e xactly small whereas they do say to women and small men of a particular size that they shouldn't give blood then you know if you're under i think it's if you're under 50 kilos or something you shouldn't give blood really yeah there is some rule about that they'll take 45 yeah only yeah hence my depends on the ethnics as well like asian usually smaller so the the range might be yeah i mean as well i went with an ex partner once and they said to us straight up you can't do it you're too small so there you go and before that they will measure your ion like the weight of your blood all right have you done that before no so basically they're gonna prick your finger what was that that a car not me no it was just a car right so they just drop your blood after they prick in the solution and to see whether it's sink or not right if it's floating then that means oh that's the neighbor car if it's floating that means you can't give the blood it's just not to concentrate enough you have to make it sink to the bottom and mine usually in the middle like so usually when i go to donate my blood they just say okay take your eye on tablets you can't do it today maybe next time i brag about my friend he's got a lifetime key something for blood donations he's done more than 100 or 200 times yes he should be able to go to should be able to go tomorrow thanks fair enough passed on impacted the tree the other was arrested for racing my truck and not damaged it was a very uh poor important lesson to do don't race ever the end that's true i mean if you're racing cars on a normal street that's just ridiculous i want to go to uh what do you call that f1 oh yeah not watching i mean in the car and someone drive for me but you can only put one person in one of those cars but you can put two navigator and the driver in f1 yeah right that's how they do it nice i mean maybe they got specially designed it's like sedan so how come they can't fit two in the car that's not f1 if it's a sedan that's you 're talking like v8 like normal normal car racing formula one's the one that's loaded really low to the ground aerodynamic it's got the rectangular thing at the front bigger rectangle they might not even have that now bigger rectangular thing at the back you know it's formula one fastest cars well i never seen it real close so i always thought you can put two people in there they might have one as special cars that allow you to do that so you can have the experience but a normal f1 car you can only fit one person in there and only barely you know they've got to take this steering wheel out didn't he wash his car yesterday hey shut up oh this neighbor annoys me he does because he keeps blocking the driveway yeah you're not going anywhere we will we'll be going one day out of you know how spiteful i can be come on let's go now let's make him move now in the middle of it all right that's the nasty side of budap coming out cause i don't know i should have been more forthright saying you kn ow the problem is is that you block the driveway that's the problem and you do it every week it's it's just washing it's not like he packed there forever yeah well that's true uh most people stream on twitch highlights on youtube that's a win-win this is true well again this is something that i looked at doing that's going to require a really dedicated dlj because i myself am not going to do it i mean you really got to be you've got to be basically crazy obsessed with us to even volunteer for this but we can do highlight reels you can do that with the youtube streams you can do it with a twitch stream as well and you just post like 10 minutes or whatever of the actual stream the best bit but i don't know what the best bit is like that that's something that the dlg would have to say yeah that well i agree with you i don't think that we're particularly entertaining saying you know you got to find like the the bok choy for example i didn't think it was entertaining at the time but you kno w a certain number the dod did and then looking back i guess it was kind of funny and i still don't get too distance see there is the noise i think that was a car outside i'll say uh my name it's uh spider never revealing the name what's your birth name on a penguin but i'm not gonna say it how do you know my name yes i do boiled ostrich have you ever eaten ostrich no i'd like to try i've seen it uh while he was playing clash of clans i can maybe say how old i am well don't dox yourselves guys uh unless you really want to say stuff just be careful what you say don't give away too much personal information uh what is i give consent you want me to say your name uh i mean i can guess i think penguins is saying is he's asking me uncle peter how old am i i think he might be 17 16 7 8 you don't have to answer that dave shaw kane it's thomas do it canelo double d dang it uh penguin is a train yes i am a train is it okay for me to call you by the real name or penguin i'm an english train that makes him uh what's bringing star what's the show i don't watch it thomas the tank engine that's what it is hey so it's you penguin what the i'll say my name in i have missed quite a bit here you'll miss quite a lot every time people need the toilet paper i have a mate's name cool matthew spears here say my name matthew spear there you go welcome to the stream i'm not sure if you've been here before the name does look kind of familiar so i don't know if it's just because i've been uh visiting every now and again or whether they've been in the stream previously old uncle peter his memory is hopeless isn't it forgets everything he does what's your name huh lifting pants i don't know my name hey put up that's on your driver's license isn't it stink pants what well there you go i got it right saying he's a very mature young man i gotta say he looks and acts and behaves older than he actually is love it a little bit of maturity in the youth that's what you want to see although i'm not sayin g you know don't don't uh hang on to your childhood you do that too well you can yeah i wish i didn't say how have you been matthew spear have you had a good week penguin is 20 he acts like a 20 year old oh maybe even older i don't have a mate named percy or spencer i do have one named james though i'd say percy and spencer would be fairly rare names wouldn't they i've never met anyone named percy like perseus in greek possibly although he spelt it differently i thought it was spelled with ac not oh no he did spell it the same way i believe i may have meant percy just like nicknamed chapter for perseus the greek hero i think i have met at spencer once though at school i could be wrong about that what uh oh spencer relayed next year at altered i'm afraid oh yeah then you'll start getting some responsibilities oh good to hear matthew's good so people have been giving all kinds of stories you're welcome to contribute there as well matthew we really have no formula when it comes to what we talk about insulin i mentioned that before yes did i mention did i mention about the dutch comment i got where the guy did a search for cheese and he was exactly he said he was searching for boaz cheese or something and he said your name's not boaz and there's no cheese in the video oh my god we might have talked about cheese like because we have before maybe it's cheers to stink yeah well he go so we got stink in our name you got stink in your name and your actions talking about cheese which one is your favorite cheese my favorite cheese of all time yep oh oh you know what i don't think you can say that because you've got i've already sent one yeah because there's a difference between uh can you call brie and camembert runny cheese as opposed to soft cheese i think it's kind of soft though but then how do you distinguish between that and say havati which is a soft cheese yeah it's soft they both soft but it's not soft like brilliant camembert there's a way different level of softness i kind of say like it's similar though because i really like camembert and i really and breathe for that matter probably between cameraman my understanding now is the outside part the brie is not as nice to me the outside part of brie is tastes a little bit more mouldy whereas camembert doesn't have that strong flavor to it it's a much lighter flavor but i must admit i like the inside of brie more than camembert but you know because you don't eat the whole thing i'd still go cameraman just because of the outside hey guys it's like i want to tell you about an amazing new rpg called shadow legends the graphics are amazing and the gameplay is so addicting the best part is it's totally free combine the strongest champions you can find with the proper artifacts and you'll net massive wins in pvp the champions league you know i like that apricot infused stuff too now what about you oh my god so what is the third one the hard cheese can i say you know wallace and gromit they always talk abou t uh what is the cheese they talk about that's hard i don't know i gotta think about the hard one what about you i like cheddar basically normal but it's because i'm used to it like we don't really eat a lot of dairy product you know so shada is the things that you put in the pizza oh yeah here with your boring cheddar i mean at least mozzarella's got a bit more of a flavor to it than cheddar really i think mozzarella is just uh it's creamy creamy flavor like give you a stickiness like gluey thing when you put in pizza and it's like when you put pizza up it's like gluey cheesy you know green moss the dutch guy is going to come back now and say hey i search for cheese again ah that's funny well you you're hawaii is from dutch so he must be proud like hey poor dog i heard you like this kind of shave you like my sheets that's right uh all right because we went on oh i'm hiccupping again just bear with me a little bit of catching up today here the screaming the ad missed that we don't get to hear anything more ads talk about music love the music love the old stuff is what love learning it love playing it you get anything funky well it's you know in the later years i got got into the dance music a bit i used to always poo poo it but now what do you mean by dan milton well i used to say it wasn't real music any kind of dance so what are you talking about room dance no oh salsa dancing like you know the techno e type dubstep type duff duff stuff you know duff duff uncle peter what can i expect congratulations kane uh okay what day 10 13 happy birthday to you for when it comes ewan's birthday is next month it's 10 26. oh he even knows ewan's birthday nice one whoa i get my wisdom teeth pulled out on the 25th good luck with that that's i don't remember when mice out i do and you really didn't like me that day did you it was so romantic what are you talking about that's when i proposed i proposed straight after my teeth extraction remember it's all crap that's why i don't eve n remember no wonder say to all of the guys out there wanting to propose to a fine lovely young lady one day don't do it after you have your wisdom teeth pulled out even though it's just near the place you think that's the best way you should go for purpose just don't do it on that day yeah that's dumb decision so we're trying to pray spidey's asking what our names are but uh we didn't we didn't get in this to get famous like successful channel yes but we do want to try and have private lives for as long as we possibly can i'm sure one day it'll get out there eventually but yeah we'll try and hold off for that on that as long as we can uh i'll drink one for you nice one oh yes all the love i love wallace and gromit so do i wallace and gromit's awesome uh kane how do i make a arcade this stream yeah you'll have to advise you that where you're from pudot say we're from australia well technically not stink pants but she is now aren't you you're gonna you'll get to the point where you're 1 00 australian or fifty percent at least uh matthew o'leary that got answered that's what i thought uh matthew well not much information is it the end of the stream uncle budo has hiccups that's they uh they seem to come and go don't they yeah winter has ended so we're in springtime now we were talking about gardening earlier in the stream you listen to pink floyd oh yes penguins always uh well actually no i just got that confused with queen he's always quite queen love pink floyd the wall wish you were here i know how to play both those songs two of my all-time favorites you gotta love a bit of the pink floyd very very talented dubstep's very cool i agree but i can only take it in small doses like the soundtrack you notice we take you on that that ride it's like a roller coaster when it comes to the backing track with us get a little bit of dubstep in there and then switch it up a bit that's what we do what are some of the other favorite bands that people have and look they're they're into the older stuff like me good to hear okay one older ones because i like classic videos that's how i do something after something really bad happened to me i will propose to 20 battery already already it's almost two hours have we been going for that long already it didn't feel like it in this stream uh-huh talking yeah that's it sometimes they go faster than others don't they uh it's yeah don't do that penguin because i've to this day i will still get reminded occasionally you're so unromantic you give me proper proposal you get nothing stink pants i thought the band queen was amazing totally agree there as well and the funny thing is i believe that for most people their musical taste just like eating food will change over time because i wasn't that big of a fan of queen when i was growing up i thought they were okay but didn't really listen to their music whereas now i've gotten into it a lot more you know and you can't you know you got the beetles and the stones a lot of these o ld bands the doors the kinks that is an actual band you know they're there and then uh oh you got back back's my old time love him this is fun i'm glad i'm enjoying this stream well hopefully we'll see you in more uh matthew because we like welcoming people to the dlg they're all dlgs in here just for that i'm going to give them there's a few in jokes so i'll just put them all there and they may want to uh explain them later on black sabbath hey that's if i'm not mistaken ozzy osbourne's former band no it's aussie come from austria no he's english as well how come how dare you i do like some i've got to get into listening to more black sabbath because again when i was at school a lot of the school kids were in the black sabbath uh in the city and i'd never heard of them but it was too heavy for me like i'm not that into heavy metal music you're into it more than i am but as you know as you get older and you listen to those older bands it doesn't sound as heavy as some of the newest stu ff like again metallica these led zeppelin i wasn't really into any of them but they have produced some really good music led zeppelin's got some great older songs that i've never listened to before pvc toys here good to see you as well but bad mistakes i've made a few penguin must that must be his anthem he loves we are the champions oh hang on now i'm getting some good stuff exploit says culprit i have never heard of radiohead i know black midi never the only one i know there is radiohead we're gonna have to look and investigate into exploit spans always like hearing new stuff you know and hopefully it's got a good beat or because i you know how i am when you get old and it's like the music the kids listen to today isn't that what it's all about i had my shared so he's still doing the the lyrics there what other bands have we got what are you into matthew spear i've only heard the one from you so far and what about you stinky can you even name bands nah yeah that's right you just kno w the songs don't you uh i can name ben but it's not my favorite band anymore like west life in the bloody 001 so backstreet boys or one direction is more new here boy bands more bands that's what you're in i also can't tails like spice girl oh wow that's going back that's also going back a bit there you go i might should i even confess i listen to a little bit of spice girls oh which one what song you like tell you what i want what i really really want i wanna oh oh my goodness shoot the girl first great frenchman you know what i don't know if i've ever said this before i love french rap i reckon that is the coolest rap of all i gotta find a good french rap band and add a bit of that they they just sound cool when they rap i don't think australians sound cool when they wrap we've got one good rap band if you could call it that but um yeah they just don't sound as cool as the french and sorry to the americans the original producers of rap but french sounds cool all right so uh oops i'm a little bit pioneer blue oyster cult i've never heard of eskimo call boy before they changed lead singer i've never heard of these bands eskimo joe i've heard of uh the upload of the video has done spidey steve mill steve miller band i know a little of a bit of steve miller i'll delete it afterwards shoot the ghoul and i read that elton john you gotta love toto you gotta love africa you heard me play that candle in the wind elton john africa by toto this is what i love about penguin he knows all about stuff i grew up listening to this like this is like 80s stuff when i was uh you know even though i listened to human league and pink floyd and a little bit of queen back then i was also much more listening to even older bands like the beatles and cat stevens simon and garfunkel there's not enough of the old ones oh they're great you guys it's so it's almost a rite of passage if you're going to listen to music you got to listen to a bit of cat listen to a bit of cat stevens listen to a b it of simon and garfunkel okay i gotta read this out stinky's into pop well she she's got eclectic taste in music too i have many kinds she does billy idol i'm a billy idol too when i was young like teenager i like pops but now i'm kind of like many expand more my territory that's right without poop now spidey's saying did you know that lady gaga got her name from queen i did not know that i thought that's from her radio yeah like radio gaga radio gugu all we need is i don't know i don't know what the story is behind that do you listen to maddie and stinky nope it'll be another band i guess i've never heard of maddie and either i listen to language that's orchestra metallic kind of song i mean i should have been writing all of this stuff down rishmash raj is here hello how are you welcome to the stream it's good to see you all they will probably stop streaming shortly yep when i die that's it uh but good to see you how have you been uh can we do it later today pedot yep you can do it o n the music channels da i think penguin meant daft punk because i know them and the who who's a great band da punk i haven't listened to a lot of and the turtles oh yeah he's going old school i like the turtles too oh this is too old i don't know what you're talking about like um two-door cinema club see both i like on the one hand are you sure that you're just 20 but he's naming a lot of a lot of them are english bands as well that would be iconic you know perhaps they they remember them more in england as well because we don't remember our old bands in australia so this is what i like penguin names a lot of bands that i know but matthew spear is naming a lot of bands i've never heard of so you get the best of both worlds now two-door cinema club i don't know kansas we know you love kansas i like that he loved us oh there you go yeah so you're right both you and spidey are right queen did radio gaga and that's where she got the the name from so it was queen song and you're talking abo ut the song there you go don mclean bye bye american pie is an electro pop artist he's french oh i gotta check that out matthew wilder i've never heard of okay oops i've just scrolled up a little bit too far bad decisions is best pop song i've heard by two-door cinema club we'll have to check that one out all right look at that we're going to be on a musical odyssey after this at some point when we so you're going to do music or you're going to do garden we're going to get something to eat then we're going to do a bit of gardening because we really have to start it's already six days into springtime isn't it sounds like a farmer so well we're gonna have to anyway uh penguin because the battery life has run down a bit and old uncle pudot's of hungry always hungry we also have to do a bit of this gardening stuff while there's still daylight and that dude is still out there so then i'm saying yeah you got to move your car now like you've been there for how long already stop being cranky y eah cranky my my favorite song is bohemian rhapsody from queen oh yeah i like that garden of early delights earthly delights i'm not sure if he's talking about a band or the fact that we actually want to do some gardening we're planning on growing as much of our own food as we possibly can that's what it's all about growing my own food thin lizzy band i know as well i think penguins found my song playlist now i just died so i think you might just want to finish there yeah yes it's five past two now all right guys uh thank you so much for staying as long as you did we we had a really enjoyable one this one sorry for the sideways action but hey that's what happens with the vertical games uh hopefully we'll see some of the new guys turn up again like matthew spear i was good talking to you uh oh yeah and leave a comment somewhere if you want me to come visit i don't say that much these days because i can't do it from the live chat anymore all right so have a good weekend and rest of the w eek uh and we will see you in the next one any final words there stinky goodbye and don't forget the competition last person to comment uh no last person live chat first person to comment i don't think either of us will be in that one all right see you guys competition

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