Talk to the Entities Halloween Special with Facilitators 2021

Talk to the Entities Halloween Special with Facilitators 2021

Feliz Halloween de la charla a la sede de la entidad aquí en la charla a la sede de la entidad. Creemos que no debes tener miedo, debes estar preparado. Por eso este Halloween, hemos preparado una recopilación de los grandes éxitos de la charla pasada a las entidades celebraciones de Halloween de muchas de las charlas a las entidades facilitadoras. Consiga su golosina favorita de Halloween. Este es un video de once horas, pero no se preocupe, hay marcas de tiempo a continuación para mostrarle cuándo los diferentes facilitadores comienzan con sus temas y sus idiomas. Espero que empieces a aprender lo que sabes. Obtenga el poder y aprenda estos increíbles consejos, trucos, herramientas o hable con las entidades que harán que toda su conciencia espiritual sea fácil, efectiva e incluso la facilitación de la conciencia. Los quiero muchachos. Hola todos. Sí. Así que espero ir a verlos en vivo. Actualmente estoy en Puerto Vallarta, México, haciendo una clase de cuerpo de tres días, y realmente quiero mostrarles la clase, pero como si no estuviera permitido. De todos modos, están bien allí. Bienvenidos a. Habla con la barra de Halloween de la agencia allí este día. Llevan esa celebración, espero que todos ustedes hayan disfrutado de increíbles vidas en Facebook con algunas de las increíbles charlas con los facilitadores de la ciudad. Realmente tuvimos un poco hace unas dos horas. Yo estaba como, ¿de qué voy a hablar sobre esto? Y le pregunté a la clase aquí, y hubo algunas preguntas geniales. Entonces creo que mi tema es, ¿cuáles fueron tus dos preguntas sobre cómo ser una bruja? Ese fue el número uno. ¿Y cuál era el otro? Había como, como, como, ¿qué es Halloween, sabes? Y como en estos días, celebramos muchas fiestas y cosas que no necesariamente hacemos o no somos. Ya no estamos conectados a sus orígenes. Y, francamente, muchas de las fiestas que celebramos hoy eran originalmente celebraciones celestiales o estacionales porque nuestros antepasados ​​vivían más en comunión con la Tierra. Así que estaban más conectados celestialmente porque tenían que estarlo y tanto el día de los mortales como el de Halloween ocurren durante la época de la Casa de la Cosecha, cuando estamos comenzando a entrar en la época más oscura del año en el hemisferio norte. Entonces. Estaba diciendo, sí, esto es realmente interesante. Entonces, ¿alguno de ustedes que está ejecutando procesos corporales que comienzan a aprovechar a todos los que están en línea para esto? Simplemente reconociendo que eso es lo que es. Es realmente interesante llevar esta energía a una clase corporal. Así que sí, juguemos con eso. Entonces es como. Como hoy, celebramos principalmente con comida y dulces. Pero, ¿cuáles son las leyendas que nos trajeron aquí y cuáles somos las fuentes originales de estas celebraciones? ¿Y deben ser relevantes para ti? Siempre hacemos algo para Halloween con hablar con las entidades porque es esencialmente la fiesta de hablar con las entidades. Y creo que la cuestión de cómo ser una bruja en los tiempos modernos es algo interesante. Diría que en estos tiempos, nadie me llamaría bruja, me llamarían perra. Así que todas las brujas que se convirtieron en perras cuando lo destruyen, creo todo lo correcto o lo incorrecto sobre todas esas imágenes divertidas, los chicos de Beyonce y todas las perras que realmente solo quieren ser brujas pero están súper enojadas porque no pueden serlo. la magia en la hechicería que realmente eres. Tú destruyes o creaste todo ese derecho. Malo, bueno y malo. Las nueve camisetas moradas, chicos, Beyonce. Así que es como si tuviéramos que recordar que todos nuestros antepasados ​​vivieron , trabajaron, hablaron y creyeron en el mundo de los espíritus. La falta de fe en el mundo espiritual es un fenómeno relativamente moderno que fue instituido por la religión y luego solidificado por la religión de la ciencia. Así que ahora vivimos en este mundo extraño en el que se supone que no debes creer en fantasmas, pero todos creemos en fantasmas. Así que tenemos esta dicotomía. Y hay que recordar que es como nuestros antepasados, como el Halloween de hoy, donde todas las celebraciones de la cosecha que han pasado con todas las culturas de todo el mundo. Llámalos como quieras. Básicamente, eran conscientes de que la estación estaba a punto de cambiar y que íbamos de la época de luz y calor a la época de oscuridad. Y creo que entrar en la época de la oscuridad del invierno se ha malinterpretado en gran medida como la oscuridad del mundo de los espíritus o las artes oscuras o el lado oscuro de la luna. O sabes esas cosas. Y entonces. ¿Cuánto de tu conexión con la Tierra? Esa es la magia de la que se acusaba a Ben, que entonces se llamaba brujería. ¿Cómo te has rendido? Porque ya no se reconoce como de validez. Y todo lo que es y todo lo que les trae a ustedes la tensión y la creatividad, por favor. Correcto incorrecto. Acerca de los nueve juguetes de punción de vaina, villanos y ¿y si? ¿Y si esta época del año en lugar de celebrar a los muertos? O celebrando al fantasma como en Estados Unidos, todo son fantasmas y duendes y sangre y tripas, y es como el único día del año que, como el lado oscuro, puede salir. Recuerdo que estábamos en a. Santa Bárbara, California, Santa Bárbara, California, hace unos cuatro, tal vez cinco años para Halloween, y soy de Santa Bárbara, pero no había vivido en Santa Bárbara durante muchos, muchos, muchos años, así que estaba como allí por primera vez en mucho, mucho tiempo. Y fue en Halloween y nos estábamos quedando en el centro y no sabía que era Halloween, y estaba caminando por la mañana y había gente literalmente caminando con monstruos, máscaras y había como cadáveres en el césped. Y yo estaba como, Vaya, esto es extraño. Y yo estaba como, Oh, es Halloween. ¿No es interesante que esa sea la única época del año en que la gente dejará que salga el lado oscuro? Y si ¿Y si no tuviéramos que esconder el lado oscuro? No, hagamos esto en su lugar. ¿Cuánto de tu posibilidad de misterio mágico? Y energía, ¿te has escondido en la oscuridad para que nadie te juzgue por ello? ¿Y todo lo que es, chicos australianos y lo crean bien, mal sobre los nueve millones de chicos de la manada y qué capacidades humanoides? Han sido juzgados tan duramente que creen que si alguna vez tienen esa capacidad, esa habilidad, esa curación, ese conocimiento de esa energía nunca más, serán, ya saben, condenados por ser malvados o brujos o jefes y todo lo que eso ocurra. es que ustedes lo destruyen y lo crean. Y en todas partes perpetró la maldición de la brujería hasta que la destruyó y creó todo eso. Bien, mal, sobre las nueve producciones, chicos y más. Entonces, cuando hablamos de brujería, puedes ir de muchas maneras diferentes porque nos reímos como ja, ja, ja, brujería divertida, ¿verdad? Porque en esta época, realmente no hablamos de brujería como si fuera una cosa. ¿Pero recuerdas cómo solían ser asesinadas mujeres por brujería? Esta. Solo uno a la vez. Entonces, y algo sobre lo que bromeo mucho hoy es como, quiero decir, mira, es como si hablara con fantasmas para ganarme la vida, ¿qué es eso? Si eso no es brujería, no sé cómo llamar a eso de loco, tú puedes ser una bruja. Podrías estar loco o ser muy rico. Y lo que me gustaría enseñar, todo lo cual, perras, es cómo ser tremendamente famoso y asquerosamente rico por lo que es diferente en ti. ¿Qué crees que está mal contigo? Y todo lo que es y todo lo que no lo permite. ¿Les gustó colarlo y crearlo? Bien y mal, bien y mal toda la noche en pantalones cortos, chicos y Beyonce. Tenemos que salir de las edades oscuras donde se condenaba la brujería y reconocer que estamos en una época diferente en la que las brujas pueden ser ricas. Y ya nadie te condena de verdad por brujería, porque nadie cree. Así que ahora somos bastante libres. Quiero enviar un aviso como si te hubieran matado esa vida, pero ¿alguna vez realmente te perdiste? Entonces, ¿de qué magia, misterio, posibilidad y arte espiritual eres capaz y te resulta natural que si lo eliges cambiaría tu vida, tu realidad y la realidad que te rodea? Todo lo que no lo permite, lo destruimos y creamos un lugar correcto e incorrecto. Yendo sobre los nueve chicos de pantalones cortos más allá. Si estás en Facebook Live y no entiendes qué es lo extraño que acabo de decir, esa es la declaración de autorización de acceso. Sí, esa es la declaración clara de conciencia de acceso . Creo que si estás aquí, probablemente sepas lo que es el acceso, pero si alguna vez estás viendo esto en el futuro en el universo, alguien va a publicar un enlace a esa declaración de compensación, donde sea que esté este video. vidas. Y ve, por favor mira eso. Es el botón de borrado mágico de toda la energía que usas para limitarte. Mmm. OK, ¿y qué más, chicos? Así que con todo tu sentido, estoy en México, probablemente voy a seguir la pista de DOD Muertos, que es básicamente una celebración ancestral. ¿Es eso correcto? Es un insulto. Sí. Por eso, la mayoría de las culturas indígenas aún realizan celebraciones ancestrales. Lo hemos perdido en muchas de las culturas anglosajonas occidentales. No hacemos celebraciones ancestrales. Fingimos que una vez que mueras, te vas para siempre. Pero en culturas más indígenas y culturas nativas más tradicionales, no tradicionales, todavía hay mucho culto ancestral y relevancia ancestral como México, África, toda Asia, básicamente en todas partes. Esa no es una cultura de ascendencia europea. Así que tenía un punto con el que iba a ir a algún lado, supongo. Así que todos los antepasados ​​que acaban de entrar a la habitación y todos sus antepasados ​​que están ahí fuera con ustedes, es como, esto es ahora. Esta es la charla con el punto de vista de las entidades. Así que tienes que recordar que crecí en una cultura de ascendencia europea occidental. En realidad, no tuve ninguna relación con mis abuelos que estaban vivos, y mucho menos con mis antepasados ​​antes que ellos. Mis dos padres biológicos básicamente se escaparon de sus familias, así que no tenía una conexión familiar muy fuerte , y mucho menos una conexión ancestral. Entonces, cuando comencé a trabajar con entidades, fue como, OK, ¿qué hago con esta conciencia en lugar de estar asustado todo el tiempo, verdad? Porque ahí es donde empezó todo para mí. Por ejemplo, he sido consciente del mundo de los espíritus toda mi vida, y tengo mucha suerte porque fui criado por Gary Douglas, que es un hombre increíble, y es el fundador de Access Consciousness, y siempre me animó a ser consciente de lo que estaba al tanto. Nunca me hizo mal por ver a personas invisibles caminando por el pasillo y, ya sabes. Pero yo había uno. Una cosa era que me gustara hablar sobre el mundo de los espíritus alrededor de la mesa de mi comedor, lo que en realidad hacíamos mucho. Pero luego hubo otra cosa para salir al mundo y darme cuenta de que, como si hablara de, ya sabes, ver a una persona muerta como estar sentado en un sofá, la mayoría de la gente me juzgaría. Entonces supe que eso también estaba sucediendo en el mundo que me rodeaba. Y así, cuando era adolescente, me gustaba hacer todo lo posible para apagarlo consumiendo drogas en lugar de comer, obligándolo a dejar de existir, todo lo cual no funcionó. Simplemente me hizo peor, y me hizo suicidarme porque lo que ocurre con las capacidades espirituales es si no reconoces que estás hablando con entidades o tratando con entidades o consciente de entidades. De alguna manera distorsionas tu percepción en depresión, ansiedad, paranoia social, esquizofrenia, bipolar, etcétera. Entonces, cuando cumplí los 18, era realmente infeliz y tenía muchas tendencias suicidas. Y Gary había estado haciendo más y más acceso al mismo tiempo, como lo hizo cuando yo tenía doce años. Y luego no hice mucho de eso porque era solo esto que mi papá estaba haciendo. Pero luego, cuando cumplí los 18, pensé, me iba a morir o tenía que hacer algo diferente. Entonces él, como, me engañó para que hiciera bien mis barras, que es uno de los procesos fundamentales de acceso y. Eso es realmente cambiar las cosas para mí. De hecho, comencé a sentirme feliz de nuevo por primera vez y luego cuando tenía 21 años. La bombilla se encendió de nuevo, y todos los espíritus volvieron porque me había comprometido a ser yo mismo cuando tenía 21 años, lo cual escribió, mirando hacia atrás ahora , eso es algo muy bueno para un joven de 21 años. Sabes, había hecho esto como si hubiera estado en la escuela de arte. Había ido a tenía a mi mamá, quería que fuera a la universidad. No tuve elección al respecto. Tuve que hacer algo. Así que elegí la escuela de arte y la odié porque realmente no quería ir a la universidad. Y yo fui. Así que fui a la escuela de arte y dejé una y fui a otra y dejé eso cuando finalmente pensé, realmente no quiero hacer esto, quiero acceder. Entonces dejé la escuela de arte y me mudé de regreso a Santa Bárbara, de donde soy y vivía en mi primer apartamento como adulto por primera vez en mi vida. Y yo estaba en este pequeño apartamento en el sur de California y literalmente un día la sala de estar del apartamento se llenó de tantos fantasmas que no pude ver el otro lado de la habitación y supe que eran entidades. Y me asusté. Quería una reacción total, e inmediatamente llamé a mi papá y le dije, Dios mío, mi casa está tan llena de fantasmas. Estoy tan asustado. Y él dijo, Eso es genial, ya sabes, él fue muy positivo al respecto, y yo dije, A la mierda, odio que esto sea espeluznante. Esto es raro. Haz la parada. Y entonces cierro la puerta. Realmente me gusta forzarlo a que se detenga. Y luego, durante los siguientes tres o cuatro meses, toda mi vida fue de mal en peor. No me sentí bien. Me sentí realmente perdido. No pude ganar dinero. No lo hice. Simplemente no iba bien. Y yo estaba cenando en casa de mis padres una noche y me quejo con mi padre en la cocina. Yo estaba como, Mi vida apesta, bla, bla, bla. Y él me dijo: Bueno, ¿qué te negaste a hacer? Y yo estaba como, Oh, me niego a hablar con las entidades. Y vi en ese momento cómo negarme a algo que era una habilidad y capacidad natural me iba a matar. Entonces dije, sí, solo habla con las entidades, aunque no se llamaba hablar con las entidades en ese momento, dije que sí, aunque no tenía idea de cómo se vería. Y guau, mi maldita alegría. Dijeron que sí, porque ¿qué es esto? 20 años después, hablar con las entidades ha cambiado y ha salvado la vida de muchas personas. Hay más de 150 facilitadores internacionales que hablan más de 35 idiomas. Hay dos libros. Es este organismo próspero en el universo el que le recuerda a la gente que, como el espíritu, la conciencia es natural. Y aquí están todas las herramientas que se pueden utilizar para que funcione para nosotros en el mundo de los espíritus. Entonces, cuando aprendí estas cosas, ya que realmente no tenía antepasados, fue como si nunca se me hubiera ocurrido hasta que creo que fui a la India por primera vez. Y luego vinieron los ancestros, y yo estaba como, Oh, esto es algo como, ustedes realmente quieren a sus ancestros cerca. Buena suerte, porque acababa de crecer como una especie de entidades de compensación, facilitándolas para seguir adelante, creando con aquellas con las que podía cooperar. En realidad, nunca hubo una cosa semejante a la adoración ancestral que sucedió. Y entonces tuve que aprender en México, en India, en Asia, mucho en Japón sobre cómo respetar la cultura de los antepasados ​​por los antepasados. Bueno, lo siento, salté a muchas pistas. Así que esta es la cuestión. Qué ser infinito, tener una familia. ¿Tendría familia un ser infinito? Si nacieras y te lo llevaran el primer día y te criara otra familia y nadie te lo dijera, ¿notarías la diferencia? Así que la familia lo es. Conceptual. Es una idea que tenemos, no es una realidad. Nuestras familias comparten una genética nuestra, perdón, nuestros cuerpos comparten una familia genética. Pero nosotros, como seres, no tenemos familia. Entonces, cuando tu cuerpo muere, ¿todavía tienes una familia? Ni siquiera tienes una familia ahora, solo finges que la tienes. ¿A cuántos de ustedes les gustaría ser aliviados de ser parte de su familia? Por ahí, aunque pincharía a los chicos de Beyonce. Si. Entonces, cuando se trata de lo de los antepasados, es como, realmente no creo que sea diferente. Es como, creo que tratamos a nuestros antepasados ​​de la misma manera que tratamos a nuestra familia. Es como, ¿Están sus familias ahora? No te enojes conmigo. Voy a decir esto para liberar a algunos de ustedes. Amo la conversación familiar. Si te sientes a la defensiva. Siéntete libre de cerrar tu computadora, es como, Oh, ¿qué estaba diciendo? Si. ¿Su familia se trata de empoderamiento, libertad de elección y subsidio? ¿O ha sido usted o su familia una fuente de juicio y limitación para usted? Cual es tu prioridad? ¿Limitación de juicio? ¿O libertad y posibilidad? Así que aquí es donde también necesitas llevar esto al mundo de los espíritus. Es como, ¿por qué querrías mantener a tus antepasados ​​cerca después de que salieron de sus cuerpos? Mi punto de vista es como, deberíamos tener todos. No. Esto ni siquiera es un punto de vista. Esto es solo lo que es. Todos tenemos libre albedrío y todos podemos elegir. Cuando su cuerpo muera, ¿qué elección le gustaría hacer? Ya sabes, ¿te quedarás para cuidar a tu familia o para controlar a tu familia o para ser parte de tu familia? ¿Es eso suficiente para ti? ¿Y eso es suficiente para sus antepasados, para todos sus antepasados que quisieran irse? Ahora, hagamos esto. Revoquemos, retractemos o renunciemos, denunciemos una cepa y creemos todos tus compromisos. Oates se compromete a utilizar cadenas comunitarias vinculantes y contratos vinculantes que usted les hizo y que ellos le hicieron a usted y a la familia en todo momento. Y, ya sabes, las vidas, las dimensiones y las realidades incluyeron todas las partes de pollo de Jesús destruidas para crear toda esa gran roca. Buen, mal presagio. Woo hoo. Todd Park camisas para niños y Beyonce ahora. Verdad, ¿quiénes son todos ustedes? Verdad. ¿Quiénes eran todos ustedes antes de esa verdad? ¿Estaban todos antes de eso? Verdad, ¿quién será en el futuro? No creo en la familia, creo en la elección y creo en el libre albedrío. Y creo que mantener a los ancestros cerca es como si fuera una cosa, si es su elección, es una cosa. Si estás necesitado y si estás necesitado de un espíritu que los une y los une a este mundo y no les permite seguir adelante. Entonces es un punto de vista diferente. Es una forma diferente de ver las cosas ancestrales. Es una forma diferente de ver a la familia, punto, ¿sabes? Entonces, sí, ahí vamos. Feliz Halloween. Así que esto fue como un cambio de velocidad para todos ustedes. Siéntase libre una vez que esto se publique en Facebook, donde sea que se publique para verlo nuevamente, subirá a YouTube en la parte superior del canal de la entidad. Además, hay otras charlas de Halloween con las entidades. Facebook también vive en otros idiomas, así que si no eres un hablante nativo de inglés, tenemos español, ruso y francés, y tal vez. No sé. No sé qué más, pero hay mucho. Quiero decir algo más. Había algo más que quería decir sobre esto. Hicimos nuestro bien con un sirio. Lee mi libro. Y luego hacer otra charla con las clases de entidades porque hay mucho más, así que espero que lo hayan disfrutado. Oh, sí, está bien. Realmente no sé dónde terminar esto. Podemos hacer esto durante cuatro horas, pero terminaremos esto ahora. Feliz Halloween para todos ustedes. Espero que lo estés disfrutando. Oh, sí, alguien acaba de publicar el libro Seres de la luz. Eso es genial. uno. Y luego está otro llamado Hablar con las entidades, que es más como los detalles prácticos de cómo empezar. Hermosa. Muchas gracias a todos por unirse. Confía en ti mismo . Impuestos, aunque me encanta la apertura de este. Lo escuché. ¿Lo escuchaste? ¿Lo oísteis? ¿Oíste lo que Anthony's va a ir a Disney? Feliz Halloween a todos. Está bien. Hola chicos. Hola, Anthony. Que bueno verte. Gracias. Kalpana. Encantado de estar aqui. Sí, absolutamente, absolutamente. Hola todos. Tenemos una tarea especial para la fiesta de Halloween de Entidades. Y es increíble estar aquí con Anthony y ustedes pueden hacer las preguntas que quieran. Nos hicieron la pregunta porque, ¿y si los fantasmas pueden ser divertidos? Entonces Anthony, ¿qué dices? Bueno, pueden. Quiero decir, nos gusta que las personas puedan ser divertidas, ya sabes, y como pueden, tú puedes estar ahí. No todas las personas lo son, pero las que son divertidas son divertidas, ya sabes, y eso es lo mismo. Ya sabes, solo son ustedes nueve, y simplemente no tienen cuerpos. Esa es la única diferencia. Y de hecho podríamos tener un barco de creación con ellos, lo cual sé que es tabú para mucha gente, y no encaja del todo en muchas de las cajas religiosas que existen a nivel mundial. Sí. Ya sabes, pero sí, quiero decir, es como si quisieran contribuir y si quisieran jugar y son juguetones. No todos, pero los que sí están ahí y disponibles como las personas con cuerpo. Sí. Si si. Historia verdadera. Y Halloween tiene esto, ya sabes, con una imagen de woo woo woo de alguna manera, si estoy en lo cierto. Y, por tanto, también es interesante llevar esta perspectiva completamente diferente a las personas a las que miras, ¿de acuerdo? Ese es un punto de vista. Pero, ¿y si hay algo completamente diferente, verdad? Si ... totalmente. Ojalá tuviera el dinero en efectivo. Ojalá tuviera el nombre del programa de televisión. No sé si estaba en Discovery Channel o qué, pero volvía de una clase. Estaba en el avión y veo una especie de evolución de Halloween. Ah, y es asombroso cómo ciertas culturas no dejan que sus hijos hagan trucos o tratos porque no se ajusta a su religión y lo que sea, porque tienen miedo de que involucre demonios. Pero es como si todo lo que sé es que la esencia de la historia estaba en esto. Este documental no es lo que pensábamos que era. Y de hecho, como si los cristianos se involucraran en su, ya sabes, $ 0.10 para todo el asunto y simplemente cambiaron lo que originalmente estaba destinado y no tan tabú como lo hemos hecho, básicamente. Sí, han agregado mucha importancia, al igual que lo han hecho con la Navidad. Como si todos estos fueran momentos rituales paganos y tradiciones y momentos con la Tierra. Sí. Y ahora lo hemos convertido en una especie de intercambio con el consumidor. Sí. Exactamente. Y creo que también tuvo que ver con la cosecha, ¿no? Es un momento de estar con la naturaleza y prepararse para el invierno. Es correcto, realmente genial y realmente inteligente porque, ya sabes, especialmente en esos días, la gente era mucho más agrícola, más activa en la agricultura. Y entonces sabían que tenían que crear con las entidades. Y ahora diría que Matt Anthony, añadiendo toda esta perspectiva religiosa, es realmente muy acertado. Como, ¿cuánto hemos creado esta dislocación en una forma de inclusión de entidades porque las religiones lo han convertido en algo tabú y algo peligroso y algo malo y algo que tenemos que rechazar totalmente? Y entonces esta conexión realmente ha sido. Frustrado y deshecho, y ahora realmente tenemos que hacer un muy. De alguna manera, diría que una elección casi forzada porque en esos días la gente sabía que era como, es como, sabes que vas a poner gasolina en tu auto si quieres moverlo. Solo necesita que eso sea parte de la vida. No necesitas a nadie para ir, ya sabes, buena gasolina. Lo vas a conseguir, te vas a quedar atascado. Es como, amigo, sé que lo voy a hacer yo mismo. No es necesario que me lo digas, pero es como, ¿qué pasa si eso es también lo que sucede con las entidades? Si realmente supiéramos qué dones pueden ser, ¿ tendríamos que obligarnos a estar presentes? ¿Y si ya no tenemos que tener miedo? ¿Qué? Qué muy. ¿Cómo puedo decir eso qué forma tan atrasada de ver el mundo de las entidades también, verdad? Sí, sí, es sí, quiero decir, ¿qué pasaría si pudiera ser tan simple como poner gasolina en tu auto y no es algo en lo que tengas que pensar, pero tanta gente y es así ese pequeño porcentaje de la gente que saben que hay una posibilidad diferente, como si fueran conscientes de algo que tienen que luchar contra el estigma. Y de nuevo, si eres, ya sabes, judío, cristiano o musulmán, no importa porque todos tienen sus puntos de vista fuertes de que si sales de esa caja en particular, de alguna manera serás condenado. infierno por el resto de tu vida o vas a abrir esta caja de Pandora de este mundo demoníaco y será el punto sin retorno. Pero es como si fuera ese pequeño porcentaje de la gente. Solo tengo que ser otra cosa. Esos tienen ideas porque esto no está funcionando. Esto no está funcionando. Y así, mientras persiguen o investigan, eso es otra cosa. También están luchando contra el estigma o incluso contra sus familiares, tal vez incluso contra su cónyuge o amante. Y esas son las almas valientes que están dispuestas a ir porque saben que hay algo más que es posible. ¿Y si no era tan malo como lo hicieron y no es como si tuviera que renunciar a lo que su religión, sea lo que sea, pero es como, lo que si se puede incorporar estas herramientas y estas percepciones en realidad sólo para hacer su la vida es más fácil porque mucha gente en todas esas respectivas religiones dirán, no sé por qué menciono el tema de la religión hoy, pero supongo que probablemente sea consciente de algo. Bueno, especialmente donde vivo en el sur, ya sabes, quiero decir, es una gran idea que, ya sabes, es tan intenso. Y luego está bien. No tengo un punto de vista porque he estado ahí. Sé que sé cuáles son sus puntos de vista, pero en lo que puedo decir honestamente, para aquellos de ustedes que están escuchando, tal vez pasando por esto es que estas son solo herramientas para hacer su vida más fácil. Tienes el efecto de tu conciencia. Y son solo herramientas para ayudarlo a empoderarse. Entonces. Exactamente. Y si te gustaría tener una vida más rica como la que acababas de hablar y hacer, como, ¿quieres esta expansión donde la vida es en realidad mucho más fácil y puedes lidiar con tu conciencia sin que te detengas o en un De esta manera, incluso lastimarse con estas herramientas en realidad crea mucha más facilidad. Y creo que es realmente genial que ahora cada vez más personas estén dispuestas a tener esta conversación, a pesar de que todavía es un cargo y sigue siendo un tabú. Quiero decir, ambos hemos estado viajando a países donde es como, Dios mío. Entidades y clase. ¿Estás bromeando? Como, no me va a gustar pagar para ser demolido, ya sabes, en el futuro por todas estas entidades y esta caja de Pandora de la que estabas hablando y luego dándome cuenta, Dios mío, no, esto no es una caja de Pandora. que voy a conseguir. Como sumergido por. Pero aquí es donde realmente puedo tener más opciones con las entidades y estar más presente con las entidades. Y es como si hiciera esta clase, abriera la puerta a algo de lo que nunca podré salir y seré anulado por estas entidades, que en realidad es muchas veces lo que ya es el caso porque no lo hacen. no tengo las herramientas. Y si no puedes controlarlo porque es como, no, en realidad, ya sabes, como si pudieras obtenerlo, puedes venir a la clase y puedes obtener las herramientas y generar conciencia. Y luego pueden decir, chicos, ahora no porque estoy cocinando son sexo increíble. Y, ya sabes, y es como, Oye, estoy creando y soy consciente de una entidad, y ¿qué puede aportar esta entidad? Así que nos volvemos mucho más inclusivos y presentes en lugar de estar ocupados simplemente rechazando y funcionando desde algo que no es tuyo porque el miedo se ha vendido ha tenido una muy buena campaña publicitaria. El miedo a las entidades ha funcionado muy bien en términos de publicidad y esta energía de cómo estás también aquí. Esto es fácil, ¿verdad? ¿Como esto? Oye, ¿lo quieres más fácil? Sí. Tan diferente. No hay peleas. No hay resistencia. Es, literalmente, como si hubiera una forma más fácil. ¿Por qué no lo harías? Sí, sí. Y esa es la brillantez que eres y ese, ya sabes, ese es el enfoque que también adopto y eso es lo que he notado sobre ti y cómo facilitas y cómo estás con eso es que es como poner gasolina en tu coche, ¿sabes a qué me refiero? Es como si quisieras desmitificarlo y no hacerlo significativo. Y ya te conoces, le presentas las herramientas a la gente para que puedan usarlas en su vida diaria. Y es que eliminas ese tipo de regla de todo esto. Y te lo diré, porque he trabajado mucho y estoy seguro de que tienes que hacerlo, ya sabes, y fuimos muy buenos en eso. Eso fue asombroso. Pero fue como, no cambié nada. Y luego, y luego, cuando esto nos fue presentado de una manera realmente pragmática, es como, Dios mío, ¿sabes a qué me refiero? Y entonces. Eso es realmente genial. Por ejemplo, cómo publicas esta información y te gusta que sea algo cotidiano, es como ponerte los pantalones por la mañana. Realmente puede ser así. ¿Puedes hablar de la vida como en este libro? No sé si esto es apropiado, pero es como si algunas personas estuvieran abrumadas. Están abrumados porque tienen esta afluencia de conciencia y el valor de las horas de oficina. Oh, sí, las horas de oficina son literalmente como, solo estaba diciendo, estás cocinando o estás ocupado y vacío. Básicamente es como si no estuvieras llamando a ti. Mucha gente habla de que las entidades son más activas por la noche. No es como si pusieran su alarma y aparecieran todos porque es medianoche, pero es solo porque tus barreras están bajas y estás más relajado. Y de hecho, han estado ahí todo el tiempo, pero ahora estás dispuesto a estar presente con ellos. Pero no siempre es el momento adecuado para ti, justo en la noche. Estás como, en realidad, quiero dormir. ¿Así que todas esas horas es tan genial? Yo diría herramienta que tenemos en la charla a las entidades donde básicamente les das una cita. Son como, chicos, sé que lo he estado. Aparentemente he sido un idiota y te he estado rechazando e ignorándote y he sido groseras disculpas. Y sabes, oye, ¿qué podrías venir en otro momento que sea más apropiado y fácil para mí? Y literalmente das una cita como lo harías con una cita si eres un masajista o un peluquero y básicamente dices, está bien, martes a las 10:00 am y ese es tu horario de oficina, porque en la noche o en cualquier momento no lo hace ' t trabajo para usted o su oficina está cerrada porque está cocinando o alimentando a sus hijos o está haciendo lo que sea, está durmiendo exactamente. Porque creo que una de las muchas, muchas personas dice: Mira, no puedo dormir y tengo enfermedades, y es como si les dijera que vengan cuando les funcione y lo harán porque solo quieren que estés presente. El hecho de que ya estés reconociendo su presencia, es como, Dios mío, oh Dios mío, finalmente me vio. Se cree que ella es consciente de mí, y dar el horario de oficina en realidad les da una claridad como, está bien, martes a las 10:00 am y luego martes. Y al igual que si le dieras una cita a alguien, tienes que estar presente para tu cliente porque ahora tus entidades básicamente un cliente y en esa hora de oficina , tienes tu momento para hablar con esta entidad y no hablar en el humano necesariamente verbal. manera, pero definitivamente haciéndose presente y haciendo preguntas y tomando conciencia de lo que esa entidad quiere y requiere. Sí, sí, es asombroso. It's an amazing tool and it works and it works, and it really helps you to build up muscles. Yeah. Like awareness muscles even more. And it actually makes those already existing awareness that you have much easier on your mind and on your body. Can you say more about that? Well, you know, it's like, again, if we're if we are, you know, running or hiding from our awareness, right? They tend to create symptoms. Either in our body, certain pain, certain intensities, as we call them and access. And also, you know, maybe some mental stuff like maybe anxiety or insomnia, or maybe even depression, or maybe even bipolar and schizophrenia, so on and so forth. I mean, you can go on the extreme and what if those were, you know, entity awareness symptoms. And so when you have these office hours and you're willing to actually have your barriers down and be present with these energies that you've been avoiding for 25, 30, 40, 50 years, those energies, the symptoms, the energy that drive those particular symptoms that we're referring to starts to begin to release and dissipate. And then you find yourself not having those symptoms anymore. So it's pretty cool. Oh, Sam. Yeah, yeah. What if those were indicators to for you? What if those were the way your body or your mind was indicating to you what's actually going on in their universe? And we're going to help you better have a conversation with them during your office hours? So, yeah, pretty cool. Very cool. I had to force myself to do that because I had a strong point of view. I did not have a capacity in this area. And it wasn't until I was like, Super, super, super really depressed for no logical reason whatsoever. I'm like, I need to really do this. All this, our thing. And I did, and I had this 40 minute conversation and then typically doesn't take that long, but that one particular time it did. And when I got really present and worked at like sort of the three principles, if you will, the clear communicate receiving thing, and I actually did all three. It was like, who? That depression like completely left. It was like, like, totally gone like that. It was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa. This 40 minute. I mean, like you said, it's even longer, but that's like, not a lot of time. If you look at the fact that how people walk around with depression and don't seem to find a way to cure it. So then this change of state, like physical or mental are basically possible indications that there are entities that are looking to connect with you and that you might have been refusing to be present with. And and and that is so cool also, because now I think you are similar like you see somebody and you are, you know , of somebody who is in even a mental institution, right? Or under medication because they have they've been. How do you call that diagnosed with certain mental health issues? And you're just like, Oh, no, that person who doesn't have a mental health issue that just have entity awareness that they don't know how to handle. And it's such a different perspective, and it takes off the wrongness that we have basically predicted all these people like, Oh my god, you're messed up. You're crazy. And it's like, No, this person is really aware. And how many of us have felt crazy? While we were just really aware of some things that this reality says does not exist, and it's just such a different perspective on mental health and entities. So it's really cool. Absolutely. And it's a safe place. It's like it's locked into entities, provides a safe place for people like that to come through and be like, Hey, this is what I'm aware of, and I felt insane most of my life or what I tried to seek counsel in this area. They would either pray for me, nothing would change or they would medicate me, and nothing still would change. So my creative desires, you know, numb me out and so on and and again, and I've seen it. I've seen I've witnessed it because of my late wife went through this herself. And it's like when you have no place to go with these awarenesses and it does. If it doesn't fit into whatever your particular paradigm is, spirituality or whatever, it can be hard. You up and and you know, there's no word less than that word because it matches the energy. But it's like, but this is a safe place for you to say, Hey, this is what I'm aware of, and it's been making me insane. How can we all this? How can we have ease with this? Well, what you're saying is also really on point about like it's either praying, which is basically like, OK or medication. So either you're praying on something or someone else has to figure it out for you because you cannot. And the other one of the medication is you have to basically turn your switch yourself off and like, make yourself basically non present so that there's nothing because you're not there. And so your awareness disappears as well, which is, doesn't it, because it's still there, but you're just numbing yourself. And in both ways, you're totally disempowered, like you're totally disempowered. The praying one, as well as the medication one. And I think one of the big things for me and many of us, right, is like when we started to use the tools, is that? Wow. How many times am I not being present with what I'm aware of because I've just not been taught that this is something I can be and do like, my muscles are weak. I'm just so used to ignoring what is the law? And then you're like, Oh, wait a minute. But like you said, it's so much easier. If I've just become present for one minute, I'm like, Oh, it's negative. OK. It is you want to be clear, this is, you know, this is what do you want to communicate with me? This is the entity you want to contribute to me and then it's over and you look OK. That fog that was there just disappeared in a minute. But we're digging like we're pushing it away and making it so much harder on ourselves by not being present. So the whole presence, the presence and is an empowerment also by which I think is awesome, which I think is awesome because that's so beautiful. It's beautifully said because with prayers like we're waiting for some power outside of ourselves to come in to fix it and change it. It's this and that's OK to do that. OK, but if you've been sitting and praying and waiting, praying and waiting, prayed and waiting and you're not getting the results. This is a safe landing place to actually have that connection and be empowered and not actually sitting there, hoping and dreaming that the change is going to occur. Well, exactly. God doesn't love you. Yeah, it's like it's not working, so I'm praying wrong. God doesn't love me. I'm not worth it. So it's like only makes you more wrong. And in a way, so does the medication because you're like, Oh no, you're not right. Take this medicine and you will become right. So it's such a crazy way of being with people and being with what's up, which is actually like. It's not a big deal, like you said, they're just people with bodies or a different kind of entity because they're also other kind of entities. But it is as soon as you look at it like, Hey, if it's just a person without a body that already creates a lot of relaxation, you know, if you just look at like you said, like some are fun and some are not and some are, you know, grumpy and some are not grumpy and so can so can entities be that way? And then you have other kinds of entities like entities connected to the Earth or beams of light or even demons, and they're all part of this big kingdom. Yeah, but just his willingness to be like, Oh, wait a minute, there's so much more than meets the eye. And what if that doesn't have to freak out anymore? Yeah. Beautifully said. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Paralysis, I mean, I can go on and on and on about it. And I know, I know how much you love. I know how much you love this. Yeah. Sometimes I go into a reaction with it because I could. I could perceive the struggle in people's universes and I could hear the, you know, the different diagnosis is out there and it's like, it infuriates me because I feel like this is information that should be in everyone's home around the world. You know what I mean? And and, you know, kudos to Shannon, the creator Shannon Hair, the creator I've talked to. The entities are using the norm of the program, right? Because a lot of people will look at the name be like, OK, that's not for me, you know? Right? But she is like, I'm not going to change it and like, mask it with some different title just to kind of get you to come. And then maybe you'll hear. But like, look, it's like whether you believe it or not, they're around you. And I wasn't one of those people who are like ghosts or here ghosts or anything like that. But it was always had this awareness here, and I never looked it, and it took me forever to even develop it. Every time I got to access it, it wasn't until four or five years, better access for eight years, but like four or five years into access, we're actually started looking at this and something that maybe I really need to build up this area in my life and see what it actually creates. And it changed my life. II remember a year or two sorry, it taught me to work with body, people's bodies, everything. Everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's interesting because how disembodied beings are so connect is so connected to our embodiment because, like you said, working with bodies, there's a lot of stuff about disembodied beings that we haven't learned or nobody told us. And then it's like, Oh, this pain in your back is not a pain in your back. It's actually an entity, you know? And actually, oops, you know, something completely different. Now what I just wanted to say is I remember the first that the SF Entity, SF class that you did in Vienna that I think was your first and it was so fun to be there and see you just like, totally get like this, you know, like, Oh my god, would you receive your world opened up and told me what happened to me as well? I postponed doing. I did my first entities class when Shannon came to Holland and Amsterdam a few years back and then I kept postponing. I did the advanced class and I loved it and I kept postponing to do the facilitator class. And it was always like, Oh no. And then suddenly I was negative. What am I doing? And as soon as I chose that facilitators class, my world went boom. And it's like, no turning back, right? Like, that's when you get you get the bliss of entity awareness and you're like, Why would I not desire this? Yeah, yeah. I don't think, why was I making such a big deal about it? You know, I think the main thing, but it's very different. And it's like Jenin also says it's one of the craziest classes in this consciousness because it's such a different topic and a different way of dealing with this topic. And yes, absolutely, because of Shannon, O'Hara had to be the one she chose to do this despite a lot of energy against it, because this reality does not support this conversation and her willingness to keep going and ride the wave regardless has allowed now so many people to get access to these tools and get freedom and a whole different reality around their awareness and entity. So I think both us as well embodied as a disembodied beings, are cheering for that. Absolutely, absolutely. That's Maria. I'm smiling here because I was like, You know, it took a lot of courage. It takes it took a lot of courage for her to go out and do this because there were rejections and rejections, you know, because people, people hold on to their beliefs or even people who actually can see them. But a lot of a lot of those people that I've met, they're struggling mentally, they're struggling physically. And it's like when they hear this information that it could actually be easy. They actually get more angry. Yeah. No, we're just, you know, trying to get, you know, why you don't shoot the messenger. They're just tools to help your life be easier and oh, unless you don't want your life to be easier. That one. But those people might not desire in your life. And then they're like, upset with you because you're like, Stop making my life. So nice to meet you. I hate that you made up your mind. Yeah, my life more joyful. And less so. Well, what's all this laughter going on here? What's all this laughter? This is an entity's class. Hello. Would you not get the memo? This is serious math. Yeah, this is my lunch of class. Everybody's laughing. I'm very disturbed. Oh, I love this. Anybody have any questions, you guys? Oh, I didn't even look at the comments. Oh my god. Oh, I love to click on comments, Naomi to help you guys. Oh, you know who's talking? I didn't have. We're just having a lot of fun and we're like, Oh yeah, you guys are watching. Any questions? Anybody? Yeah, anything. You know anything? Yeah. Oh, I've been. I've enjoyed this conversation a lot. Anthony? Yeah, me too. Thanks for the compliment on the hat. I'm a conscious cowboy. That's what I am for Halloween today. I love that. I was going to wear my bow tie and no shirt, but it got a little chilly here, so. Oh, too bad. I will have some. Hey, what's that? Mine is like. The original Halloween celebration comes from the days nine from from the days from the days. Thanks, Kim. Awesome conversation. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Well, I don't know if there's anything else to add, Anthony. I think both of us can go on forever. Yeah. And we will not bore you guys with that. But I really love this energy of pragmatics that we have both been basically tapping into and speaking to. And what if this year's Halloween can be more teased during glory than ever? I wonder if you're really cool? Do you guys? Does it? Do your kids go? Does your daughter go trick or treat? We're going to get more training later today. She's got a couple of her friends coming over and they're going to school. She's going to be her mini Granger from Harry Potter. Oh, I can imagine that with her daughter hair and braces like last night so that when she takes them out, they could be sort of frizzy crazy. I love it. She's ready for it. Yeah. Very cool. Está bien. Thanks, everybody. Está bien. Next time and there's Shannon coming up in a few, like in about, I think, five hours or something, five and a half hours and hour, six and a half hours, actually. And keep have a look at the page and see what else is going on. Yep, thank you. And good evening, everyone. Bye, everybody. Bye bye. Oh, oh, right, no. Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. Oh my gosh. So Amy, what are you for Halloween? I am nature, spirits, earth spirits. I've got a tree growing up my foreheads. What do you, Alison? I am a hillbilly or something, and all hillbillies have freckles and with nature spirits. And we thought, this is a good combination that is brilliant. I started off being a cast and then the cat turned into like trees growing out my forehead. So I'm like, Let me just be in your spirit. I like to roll around in the dirt all the time. Anyway, so do you love to do? I didn't have my friends, Allison. Oh my god, I can't see soon. Yeah, it's a roll around in the dirt, some more words and just right our black. Oh my God. So we were just kind of talking a little bit before about Halloween in different countries. And what I was told is that as a kid, well, I didn't. I wasn't even told as a kid. I was told older that no other countries celebrated Halloween like it was just an American thing. And if you travel anywhere, they're not going to do anything to do Halloween, which is instead of traveling more like everybody does Halloween, even South Korea, like everywhere. So how was Halloween for you growing up in Ireland? Did they tell you that so you would never leave America? They probably did. Like, if you live in America, you will never have Halloween. I'm like, OK, well, just kidding. I will. But it's here too. Yeah, it's everywhere. Yeah, no. So we that's funny. We used to just like, you know, dress up and and like I was telling you before I got on, like I remember back then, you know, like years ago, like the costumes weren't as elaborate and stuff. So a lot of times, like, I think we just, you know, buy those masks at the at the shop there, like the the we have the, you know, the one £1 shop or the euro shop and buy the mask. Sure. Yeah. So you might like just buy the mask. And then I remember even some years, like my mother would be like, I have no outfits free, so she'd like we'd put a black bean bag over your heads and then like, put to two things so you have like your eyes can see and then like, put a thing around your mouth. So like you cut the head a bit so you can breathe and you can talk and you can see, Yeah, I'm so sweaty. I think I did that too. Yeah. And you just go around trick or treating and like we did like, you know, I had a I had two brothers and a sister and we lived like where everyone was trick or treated. So you just go around and and get all the sweets and fill up your bag and then come back and we'd have a bob, the apple where you put your face in and you try to pull them out of the water for life and the muses do that . But I don't actually remember. I don't remember, like ghost stories or anything like that. Like, I don't remember, like being scared or anything. So how do we never really? To me, it was just about getting that sweet stuff, having fun. You know, all my brothers candy. I don't think they know that you're so close. I made sure to go and pluck out every single one of those. And I don't think I was dominant. But you know, the people that used to give you the nuts. I used to hate them. Like, Why are you giving me nuts? No, no. The not so I don't know what you have in here, but we used to get these Halloween nuts and there was like, like it was just like a peanuts. But then around it was this like covering. So you would have to like crack through the covering to get the nut. And it was a treat to get. I know. Like, why did people give you healthy things for Halloween to I know like this or pennies. I'm like, OK, I should have maybe enjoyed it. Did you did you watch like Halloween horror movies or anything like that? Yeah, I was a kid that, like, watched every single horror movie I could get my hands on. Oh yeah, you're there alive, but excited me, but also terrified me at the same time. So for every single Halloween, I was basically like anything. I was like a mouse or a scientist or little Red Riding Hood. But then it was killer. So I was killer everything. So I would be little Red Riding Hood, but I would have a knife and blood and like arrest or whatever you see. I think I was the opposite, so I didn't like. I actually hated scary movies growing up, and I hated anything like eerie and spooky and dark. And I like I love like anything magical, like fairy, like angels, like all that stuff. So even like when it came to dressing up as Halloween and even though as an adult, you know, people say, Well, get dressed up for Halloween, I'm like, I'll be a fairy, give me wings, like, give me a halo, like I'll be a butterfly. Like I like, like tend to veer towards like more that. Very like energies, and I think even the movies are very, very like going around stabbing people. I think we need more of this. Just kidding. It's so funny, too, because I was also always terrified as a child and I didn't know I literally until I took my first sentence, the class and like. Oh, shit, I was watching so many of those horror movies, this kid. I was so aware of energy. I thought everything was trying to kill me, but I thought it was also in my imagination and I couldn't tell anybody because they're like, No, monsters aren't real, and I was trying to kill you. It wasn't real. I'm like, OK, well, why am I so terrified? And it wasn't until 30, whatever years later that I found out that. Ghosts are real. You are aware of things. Not everything's trying to kill you. If you said yes, you might think that, but yeah, I think there's been a lot of like, you know, as I was wondering, like before we got on the lay awake, I'm like, What are we going to talk about like? Because like for me, like I been way more connected. Like for me, I see, like the spirit world to me is like a lot of times it's like people that have passed on. And from a young age, I was very connected to people without bodies that had been here before. And also like the fairy realm, the like, the nature spirits, I was very much in communion with that growing up like that. Yeah, growing up in Ireland, because we would just play on the land all day like we would just be out in the fields, up the mountains. And so I didn't have I didn't really like playing that many people. I used to play by myself a lot and make up my own games. And now I realize I was actually playing a lot with the Earth spirits and and nature, spirits and stuff. But I realized that that's scary stuff. It was a life for me. So anything that's a lie. I tend to just like, OK, whatever, I'm not even going to go there. And I was looking at it today and I was like, even the energy around because you could say, like spirit, but then you see ghosts. And it's like the whole energy around a ghost is like, it's haunting you or something, you know? And is that actually true? Si. Si. Now, when I was a kid, I was like, huh? But I also so it sounds like you liked more of like a calm like your point of view around and when you were younger was like, Yay. And mine was like adrenaline. Like, I live for adrenaline or something. Otherwise, I didn't know it was real. So little because now so much. I know I've had a lot of coffee this morning, so I'm like, This is an adrenaline. I'm just excited. So but now, like with being aware and season goes, it's like they don't have to get my attention through adrenaline anymore or through anxiety. Or sometimes it'll show up like that still. And I'm like, Oh, oh, is this an entity? Hello. OK, now I know that that's just like one of the triggers are like one of the what do we call them like, explains entity. Or in a sense, yeah, awareness signs that they're around. And so now when I get anxious or anxiety or like adrenaline, I'm like, Oh, is this mine? Is someone else's? Is this an entity? Like, what is this? And it's just way easier to maneuver and like. Be with us, yeah. Be with it. Yeah, I actually I, you know, I even had like yesterday like and I use the tools of talks of entities like on a daily basis and clearing, communicating, receiving which you learn more about in the top density class. But like, I can rule the rewrites. Si. Oh yes. You haven't taken the rewrite yet. Well, you haven't taken the rewrite yet. So talk entities is being rewritten. There's a new manual and there's a fourth thing that you know. That's true. Anyway, go ahead. Communicate received. Well, I mean, that's interesting like that. Actually, for two elements I was reading about in the book last night, which is a lot of how we be with art, but like the and the like. I came home last night and I was like after teaching a class around a lot of kind of like heavy energy, like people in the rehab center. It's a drug rehab center, so people are coming off drugs. So it was like a lot going on in their world in the center, and I came home and I had that like, like you said, like that anxiety palpitating. And I know before, like, I'd be like, Oh, I'd be resisting it. And now with the tools to talk to the entities, it's just like, OK, what is this like? OK, is there entities here? I can care, and then I go to the entity clearing, which is so easy. This is why I'm so grateful for toxic entities because it's like, like, it's not that I'm not aware of, like heavy energies or the so-called dark energies or goals where I am very aware of it. But it's like, how do you know, like, do you really want to be aware of it if you don't have tools to change it? And so most people are like, I don't want to deal with this because I, if I have to deal with this, what am I going to do with it? The beauty of talk to the entity tools is that you can be aware of it and actually changes and terrorist and communicate and whatever is required. So I did the clearings I did and declaring I communicated a bit and and then I did a couple of more clearings. And yeah, it shifted like it didn't shift right away, but it shifted. Yeah, that's so cool. Yeah. Oh, one thing that they've been talking the access has been talking about in classes is like. So there's access and talk to the entities, has super easy tools like who does this belong to? Is this mine and someone else's? Am I? What am I aware of? And a lot of people think that the tools are just to make stuff go away. But if you're aware of something and it doesn't want to go away and it needs facilitation, you're still going to perceive it. So it's still going to be there. So a lot of people think that, like clearing entities is just clearing the entities to make them go away. And like you're saying, like, OK, it's shifted and it changed. OK, now what? What else is possible or now what is required? OK. This energy is still here. It's not wrong. It's not right. It's just like, OK, do I need to ask a question? Can I even change this? Can I not change it if I can't change it? Maybe go do something else. And if you keep asking questions like that and also just allowance in allowance, like, yeah, like. OK. Like, I live in Denver and there's drugs and homeless people everywhere, and I'm like, Can I change this myself right now? No. OK, what else is possible? And I guess I'll have a allowance for you there without the money. You know, it's not your job to clear every entity in the whole planet, you know, like if it makes your life easier, do it. And if it doesn't carry on, like, yeah, I like and Julie de Mayo said. She said, I still dislike that scary shit reminds me too much of past lives. Some of what people think is make believe is way too real. Look, how evil are you? And apparently everything that is going to be destroyed and created? Está bien. Wrong, good bad. Put back all the shirts right now. And that's the access consciousness bearing statement. That's what we use to clear like those those points of views we have from past lives. Like, yeah, basically anything that makes you feel like shrinks your world or scares you or makes you not want to go and be free is alive. And any of those lies, you can just be like, OK, everything this is and create and destroy it. Derecha. Wrong. Good, bad. All nine shorts boys and Beyonce or parking pod or. Yeah. Yeah. I like the ice pack and part that was how after my first bath, I just went around every day just going in my head putt putt, putt putt putt putt putt park had park. Everything I thought, you know, was like every judgment in my head park, unpaid parking spot and it worked out and I was like, Oh my God, this stuff works. It's weird, but it works. I just started our Facebook Live on my phone. Sorry. Oh, OK. There you are. So, yeah, I know it really works, and you can use it all the time. You don't have to say it out loud, so you don't have to be like, Oh yeah, I did it in my head. Yes, I did it. I still do it in my head all the time, like, Oh, this feels weird. I can tell, OK, like you can be a closet weirdo or you can, especially for Halloween. You can just be like out of the closet weirdo. Yeah. Do you think Halloween just gives everyone a permission to be as weird as they really actually be, but never allow themselves to be totally up there hoping you talk about like, like, why do you dress up for Halloween? Because you get to be something different. Yeah, and then what do you be like when like in normal life? Serious, the same normal human, yeah, human, like what would it take to be whoever you'd like to be? Every single, every day. Yeah. Like what if you didn't need a holiday or permission from this reality to be like these? What have you got dressed up like this every day? This is the big one here. Like today. What character would I like to play? Or like how they had like? I guess as a kid, I turned everything into a killer. But most people, when they're adults, they turn everything into like a slutty cat or something. So would be a slut every day if that's what you really want to be. Yeah, it's so funny. How many women in particular at Halloween, get dressed up as, yeah, like a like a like dominatrix, slutty cat, slutty, like slutty bunny, like slutty slutty. Like how many women in the world just want to be sluts every day? I was only allowed one day or, you know, at Halloween or like, I don't know, I have a friend, Sarah Kelly, and she is living in Ireland and she's brilliant. Like, she is so willing to just get up and be like, What does my body want to wear? And she like, she'll go to the gym like local gym in Ireland. And, by the way, know getting dressed like this in Ireland is like, like beyond beyond beyond like crazy, like because nobody most people are and don't even wear colored clothes, never mind like she was like burlesque. Stay close to shoe like wear a corset like somewhere like the the guy shirt, you know, the character tights or whatever, like, you know, and she'll wear like this shorts or the skirts and like. Then she'll wear like bright colors like neon and like, she just loves it and she doesn't like she doesn't have a point of view. She's like, People can say, Well, what about me? I love dress. She loves dressing up and she she goes to the gym and works out like, what? These dress codes? That's awesome. I went to Ireland and it is like, literally like, really serious. If you're talking, it's got to be dramatic and the world is ending, but somehow you're persevering. Yeah, yeah, maybe. Yeah, she's a blond girl walking around wearing her burlesque clothes every day. Like, Yeah, maybe what your body? Every day like, OK, body, what would you like today? Every day was Halloween. Would we choose? What role would we play? Yeah. Well, role we play. Amy almost was a cat and then with yours on her forehead and she turned into a tree spirit, earth spirit, Ertiga, New Girl. And maybe later I'll turn into that slutty. 'Cause exactly, I don't know. Cats are very slutty. Maybe like a classic super slutty. Oh, OK. Have you ever watched them walk yet? And the way they kind of like and they're like, and they're like, You could touch me. But if you do, I'll fucking bite your hand or they just go like this. Yeah, they are really good at being slutty. I think that. But like, you know, without giving it up or don't give it up, I like it. But it doesn't mean you have to give it up. Definitely doesn't. Where is this Facebook Live going? It's more about Halloween, and that's you always have choice. You always have choice. You always have choices, entities. It's like hearing you or whatever. It doesn't like. Anything that's heavy is not true. Actually true for you to be like, OK, this feels heavy. Is this actually true for me? No heavy. No matter how real. It feels like when I was a kid, everything felt really real. I could not. I couldn't have the lights off. Very often I had to have some sort of light in my room on I, but I would also torture myself like it would be thunder. I was terrified of thunderstorms into college. I was like, Oh my God, and I'd have to have all the lights on. But I would also play like Michael Jackson thriller at the same time, which I don't think was very conducive to. Like, if I was, like, because I was terrified of the thriller song, but I was also obsessed with it. I'm like, This is weird. I'm so scared, but this is what I'm doing, OK? So the fields, I mean, I didn't know this back then. If it feels heavy, it's not true, you're just aware of something. So if something feels heavy or scary, something is trying to get your attention. And it's not always like going to harm you. It's not always like out to get you. It might be trying to give you some information. So you want to ask the three tools Does this energy want to clear, communicate or receive? Do I need to receive something or would it like something? Yeah. And also when something like if something's trying to get someone or something's trying to get your attention and you're ignoring it, they're just going to keep tugging at you like a child would want your attention. And like, after a while, it gets kind of loud. So like, it's heavy because it's loud in your world, you know? So also crying louder and louder and louder until, yeah, yeah, I actually had that the other night where there was like, I couldn't sleep. There was like energies in the room and I was like, Wow. And then I was like, It's four in come back in the morning. I'm not doing this right now, and I did like I did that clearing, you know, and one of the clearings from dark to the entities. And it cleared a bit. And then I just did. All of life comes to me, what is your glory? And I just and I fell asleep in the morning. I was like, OK, I told you leave and I and I will deal with you in the morning. And then I was like, OK, what is this? And then I asked questions in the morning. So that's another thing. If things come to you at night, like if you're disturbed at night, like you're actually having awareness throughout the day that you're not dealing with. And then at night, like a lot of that stuff will come to you because your walls and barriers are down. That's great. So in the two and CS class, we talk about having business hours. So if you can't sleep very well at night or you are like, I don't want to deal with this all the time. You can ask the entities to show up for your business hours or your office hours. And a lot of people are like, Oh, I always forget about that. Or like, I don't remember to do that. I don't know how to do that. Now talk to the entities is we're all the facilitators are now allowed to facilitate office hours, which are, I think they're going to be about seven calls like they'll be different chunks of time in a row where we will just go through doing office hours. So if you don't know how to do it, just how well you need to take the talk to the entity class, you have taken the time. Yeah, but yeah, and you can like it's like talking to a person, you know, like if someone calls you and you want to take the call, you're like, Call me back at this time, I can talk to you then. So a lot of that would entail with your entities. Yeah, a lot of stuff with dealing with entities. It's like you're dealing with people, like if someone's knocking on your door or you're like, OK, like, no, come back in an hour's time and then I can talk to you. And also like the thing about the fear like can really of being without a body. This is help me the most can really being without a body, be more powerful than me. I have a body, you know, punch you in the face. Yeah, like, what are you going to do, right? You can't even pick up an object like you don't have a body. You know, you might have to mess with the lights or something so cool, but fell off the shelf or something falls like, OK, the stuff they're like. And maybe you can trip me up or something, but like we're usually pretty good at tripping me, like I'm kind of these road trips as oil, but like, it's still more powerful. I have a body I can kill. And yet it was so cute. I just had to tell this story really quick about the tripping thing. My nephew is like, I'm like the weird aunt who talks to ghosts and animals and blah blah blah, which is normal for you and me and me. And it's like, Yeah, you talk to entities, that's normal. But for most people, it's not. And so my my nephew is like. So are there like spirits in the sports? We were on a nature walk and I was like and I asked them like, Yeah, there is, and there are. And he was like, OK, well, I don't really believe that they're here because I can't feel them or see them. I'm like, OK, we'll just ask them to make it obvious. He's like, OK, make it obvious. And he starts walking and walking and walking. And all of a sudden he was like, I don't feel him at all. And then, boom, he like, landed straight on his back like, this stick showed up out of nowhere. And he's like, What? Dynamite did they make it obvious enough for you? And he was like, Oh no, what are you serious? I'm like, Yeah, that's so cool. Careful what you ask for. Are you ask for? That's so funny. They were playing what I like. Yeah, yeah. And to think that the consumer to some of them, yes, you know, we're done for today, I think. I think our our time is up. Our time is up. Shannon's done at 4:00 pm, though, so she's on an hour and a half from now. Oh, great. Like what, it's twelve, I'm in the new here in Florida. OK, well, yeah, I cannot wait. Thanks for being here. Thanks for watching everyone. Fighting for no, i. And welcome to the first of the talk to the entities Halloween, Facebook lives, we are super excited to be joining you from Perth in Western Australia. This is Pam Grace. Hey, Penny. Hey. That was my scared. I'm scared as a rich bitch, which here you are. Surely scared of witches. I know. Not anymore. Anymore. Not anymore. So. Well, apparently with the opening act. So we we get to take it away. Yeah. So what? What can I tell you about that? Yeah. So look, I had a really interesting relationship with the whole ghost entities, which is kind of stuff and probably probably got it from my family, from parents, from where I grew up. You were taught that you were meant to be scared of anything that you couldn't see or anything that you could see that looks strange, weird and like it might have some sort of power over you. So that included witches. So we're like, Yeah, just like that. Just. So I mean, scary to, you know? Nah, you're not scary to me, sir. So well, when I came across, when I came across access consciousness, I loved everything apart from the talk to the entities that I kind of avoided for a couple of years until I realized that that avoidance and that stuff I was actually trying to get away from was because that was something that I knew about entities in the spirit world. And eventually I could ignore it no longer. And so I took the classes and quite recently became a talk to the entities facilitator. And now I get to talk to people about how all of that stuff is really scary. Yeah, I love that. I love him for Halloween. And it's not exactly no. And I mean, I did it. I was born in England like you, but I did. I grew up here in Australia, and I guess a lot of the things I got it from was from movies and books and like, Think you know, the scary, the scary movies and a lot of people who come to classes seem to say the same thing like they go along. Isn't that something I should be scared of? And then if you actually really look at it a lot of the time, that perspective, like with you, Pam, you were taught to be scared of things you couldn't say. Well, we've been exposed to a lie. That's actually something that's been made up from a movie or a book. And we know how much movies and books make up stuff too, you know? And I guess I've always been a little bit weird when it comes to ghosts, and I kind of thought it was a normal thing. So I go to funerals and stuff like that, and I smile and. I guess I I love that different perspective on death that talk to the entities gives is that it's like the celebration of the life and a letting go of that spirit so that the spirit can then choose again. That's it, that that's one of the bits by love. Yeah, yeah. And then as soon as you begin to acknowledge that there is in fact nothing to be scared of and you are, in actual fact you are more powerful than any of that, then you can start to choose something totally different with the whole spirits, ghosts, entity scene. And then you kind of become an invitation to talk to other people who would really like to have a conversation around it. And they're not quite sure how. So I just wonder what sort of conversations you might have had, Sarah with people who are curious and now know that you actually play with with the unseen world and that it's OK, and in actual fact, it's a contribution to you. Totally. In fact, one of the stories I'll share is when I was on the plane home from my first set to talk to the entities trainings over in Amsterdam in 2015. I remember Shannon saying, You know, having done these classes, you're going to be having different conversations and people will be, you know, almost seeking you out because you energetically be. The invitation to that possibility was like, OK, so I'm sitting on the plane and the gentleman next to me, I ended up getting chatting to him. It was my second leg back to Perth from the east coast of Australia. And I said, Oh, what are you doing in Perth? So we're scattering my my brother's ashes, and I was like, Oh, out of my mouth straight away says, Well, do you ever talk to him? Does he ever come and see you live as you done all the time? And we had this chat about how his dead brother would come and visit him and chat to him? Yeah, and it was the most normal thing. And that's the thing that I love is like the normalization of something that's been OK over the history made to be wrong. Might it be scary? It's like, what if that is more of a normal conversation? And the peace that I say to people who sometimes are in classes is like, would it be like if you died and everyone ignored you? How would you know? That's that's really cool. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And how hard you have to work to get somebody's attention. So I wonder, you know, how hard are the people that you've known who passed over? How hard are they having to work to kind of go, Hey, I'm here, I'm here, you know, how hard are they having to work to do that when if you were to go, OK, so what? What is this? Is this something here that I'm ignoring? And if I was just to ask a question, OK, maybe ask, OK, so who is this? Maybe it's just that who is this? And then maybe you get that. Oh, OK, so maybe this is someone that I knew who has passed over and yeah, would it be that weird to actually start conversation? And I know a lot of people do talk to their relatives, their partners, their friends who've passed over. They do that. It's just not something we talk about out loud. And what if that that could be more of the norm to totally talk about it out loud? I was doing an Instagram Live with a bunch of Russians the other day, and one of them was just a free one. And I had to track the lady translating and we were chatting about talk to the entities and various things. And at the end of the Instagram Live, I had one of the girls reach out to me and say to me, I can't believe this. But after so many years, I realized that my granddad's trying to be in touch with me. And she said he died eleven years ago and eleven years ago. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and I've been medicated ever since. And she realized that part of the part of a piece of that puzzle was that this grandmother had been trying to get in touch with her and the the revelation and the sense of possibility. She was just beside herself going, Oh my goodness. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, this total freedom that I think Sarah and I love you and I both have qualifications in mental health and we've we've done a lot around the mental health scene. And now having done the talk to the entities classes, I get that we are able to share tools that are going to give freedom to all of those people who think that there's something wrong with them. And I love that that's the part that I love more than. And anything is like, this is not like a subject that's taboo anymore, people are actually got this in a question behind their mind. A lot of people want to know what happens when I die. There's a curiosity, there's a curiosity about life, but there's also that curiosity about death. And if we if we can be the person that they get to speak to or we can share these tools with other people who get to have these conversations, what different world can we create there? Yeah, yeah. I am sorry. You know you go, Sarah. This is I. When I was living in Italy, I was living in an Italian family and sitting across the mother of the guy I was dating at the time. And everyone in the village and everyone around the neighboring villages knew she was crazy. She was the crazy woman that lived in that house, and I was like, OK. So I sat across her conversing in Italian and we said something. She said, What about your mom? And I said, I know my mom passed several years ago. However, she comes and sees me and we're in touch still, which she just doesn't have her body. She just comes and sees me, and she looked at me like, really strange. And I was like, What's up? She said, Well, the day my dad died, he came and sat on the end of my bed and he spoke to me, and he does a lot of time. And he said, and all the little said, all the aunties and uncles, they all like, fly around the house and do crazy stuff and people think I'm crazy. And I just said to her took her hand and I said, What if you're not crazy? What if you're just really away? Yeah. And that there is like, those are the conversations that I know we can have with people that may invite them to something totally different. Absolutely, absolutely. And I was thinking today, Halloween, and it's like, Halloween is the day when we're allowed to have some fun with all of this and have fun being scared and have fun dressing up. And I've got virtual grandchildren, as you know, and they're always very excited about Halloween and what they can do and how they can dress up and have the kids scare each other. And I know you've been out today rollerblading with kids dressed up as a witch, and it's great fun. And I was kind of going, OK, so what if we could? What if we could have this conversation with kids as though this is actually absolutely normal every day, and it's not even that scary? And in actual fact, my grandkids, I know they already have awareness of the unseen world. And and when they're little, it's it's very normal for kids. Somewhere along the line, they buy the idea that there's there's something wrong that if you believe in anything that you can't see that you're meant to be scared or hurt and it's they're the boss of you. And I better be afraid and I better not do anything wrong. And I wondered today, like, what if we can actually start to have conversations with kids as though it were perfectly normal, which is, you know, like, oh, and normalize it and not and and let them know that there is actually nothing to be scared of that. They are actually always in charge. They don't have to be scared. They're in charge. They don't have to be scared of things that go bump in the night because they're the boss of that anyway. Correct. I love telling kids, you get to be the boss when they've got their boss around since, like your dog, you don't let your dog jump over your bed and jump all over you. You tell him to sit. So the entity? Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah. So did you see that like like you were with a lot of kids today? Mm hmm. And you were telling me that even though you were dressed up with green face and a witch pooh hat on that they actually were not scared of you. Yeah. In fact, I was chatting to one of the stallholders that was standing near where I was standing with the kids and I went and chatted to them. And she said the thing I find most strange is that none of the kids are scared of his era. And I realized, so I said, Are this something that I do that allows that and I get that's the energy that we can be when we're talking about ghosts is like, invite people to, well, what if this is quite normal? What if this is not something to be scared of? What if this is actually just a conversation waiting to be had? Yeah, and it's not that significant. No, no, no, no. I there's a small story when I was pregnant with my first daughter, so it was 22 years ago now I was desperate for an ice cream. It was hot summer and had gone on to go to this area where there were lots of people and seat's taken and I really had to sit down. I was heavily pregnant and there's this table with about ten people sitting at it and there were two spare seats. And I just said to them, please, would you mind if I sat in one of these chairs? And I went to see in one of the chairs and the little boy said, No, no, that's my friend sitting there, can you sit here? And one of the family members went, Don't listen to him, that's just him and his imaginary friend. And I sat down and in the seat and I looked at the little boy and I said to him, I said, Your friends, is your friend sitting here? You could say, What's your friend's name? And we had this cute little conversation. And I remember actually like some of them looking at me, I don't know if they could hear me. I didn't actually care because I'm like, Wow, what if me sitting there having this conversation with this little kid invited him to know that he wasn't crazy? He wasn't making it up. He was actually just really aware of having a friend that didn't have a body that no one else could see. What magical capacities did he have, right? And yeah, I'm just aware now of all the people who might be watching this now or in the future are going, Yeah, I have a friend. I said, yes, oh, maybe it was. Oh, maybe it was a ghost. Maybe it was allegedly, whoa. Yeah, it makes sense that that was so common. And what if we could allow that to be normal for kids and not make that long or weird and that somehow they that we would know that's that imaginary friend? Yeah, can we? What can we also learn from the kids? Yeah. You know, having less filters, having having no reference point for it to go, well, OK, there's something sitting here. It doesn't have a body. I can still see it. I'm still aware of it, you know? Yeah. And parents are actually asking questions about it. Yeah. You know. Yeah, exactly. Glorious insight. Like, how much fun are you having with your friend and time? And what else do you know and who else do they know? Yeah, rather than rather than instantly dismissing it because it doesn't make sense to them. And that's I think that's what that people have done up until now. If they haven't been able to make sense of where it didn't make sense, they didn't understand it or they didn't have a reference point for, well, if it doesn't have a body, it doesn't exist. That's that's this possibility that's available. And Sarah, I do have to share this with you. You do. You do realize that it's not that long ago that we did used to them, which is a mistake. You're right. And prior to all of that, it was quite normal, uncommon to have that kind of that kind of relationship with things that you couldn't see and and people that had passed over. And even now, I know in some some countries it's still not that strange. I think, yeah, in the more westernized countries where the witches were burnt at the stake, maybe there is still some fear around people who have those capacities and those talents to to know that there is something there other than what it is we can see. And they're too afraid to acknowledge that because I love that. Yeah. Maybe they got all of that information from school or church or wherever. And guys, if you're listening, you're not wrong. You're not wrong. You have to be. The big piece to remember is like nothing outside of you is greater than you. Nothing. Yeah, nothing. And you know, I remember putting a post in one of the spiritual kind of groups once about talking to entities in the like, Oh, and they had all these weird reactions. And I was like, Well, actually, I'm willing to be the boss. So how does it get better? You know, it's fun. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, totally empowering. Yeah, definitely. And I think that's the thing that I've seen, you know, having had a close family member, my mom passed and, you know, I've she's actually jumped in the car while we've been driving you and I am giving you a message and it's just like, it's just like normal. Oh, mom's got a message for ya, i g. OK. Hi, thanks. Since I wasn't listening, at least Pam was listening, you know? And it's. Yeah, yeah. And how comforting is that? My mom, my mother in law, died fairly recently within the last six months, and that for me is now I've done these classes. It's like, Well, OK. And so now what? Like now, what relationship can we have now? OK, so you don't have a body? Totally. Then what else is possible with all of that? Yeah. No finality to it. Exactly. The last time I saw my mom physically in physical body, we spent a couple of hours together. We were chatting and I could see she was exhausted. She was tired, her body was really ready almost to leave. And the conversation that changed everything was. I said to her, I said, Mum, what about if you why don't you come and chase me when I'm rollerblading? You know, you know, you can come and see me. And her energy went from really aged in, like, really like dying to this uplifted like, she was like, Oh, I can do that. Uh-Huh. And I love that like that. There was like, What if the death piece isn't the end? What if it's just different? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know, wouldn't that be great to to have a totally different reality with the death process, you know, instead of all the fear around it and you know, that kind of finality around it all? Yeah. What if we could celebrate death and enjoy it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And these sorts of conversations, you know, people having these conversations, whether the people here live with us and if you are hello, if you're going to be listening later on. You know, it's it's like, what? What different possibilities available around death and around the entities and around codes. And these conversations are going to be happening for the next few hours. Sarah, I yeah, we've started off here in Australia and we're going to be traveling around to different countries with different lives. And Shannon O'Hara, creator of Talk to the Entities, will also be joining live too. So please make sure that you catch some of the other facilitators. As I said myself and Pam here in Australia, we teach the talk to the entities introduction in the beginning class, and there are people globally doing this. So if you don't speak English, there are probably going to be some translated versions of this all around the world. And Sarah, after we finished, is going to hop on her broomstick and go around the world just in case to remind you. Si. So if you wake up and you've got a green face looking at, you may die just jokes. But yeah, did you have anything else you wanted to say? I think we're done, Sarah. That was so much fun. And thank you everyone for being here and for listening to us and thank you for everything that you've contributed. Yeah. And what what if we can leave you with that question to maybe ask yourself, like if ever you've had that sense where you've done like a double take in the room or you've you've smelt something like a flower? And maybe there wasn't that flower in the room or you got something brushed against your skin, and maybe you were wondering what that was. Maybe, just maybe this is the possibility of being aware of ghosts. And what if it wasn't something to be scared of? What if it was actually quite the opposite? What if it could be one of the most beautiful, elegant ways of receiving? What a beautiful way to finish, Sarah. Thank you. And thanks for being with me, Pam. It's a great pleasure. See you soon. Está bien. Trick or Treat Hello everyone and welcome to the Talk to the Entity Special with Tanja Bad Bart Vader alias and Dr. Nicole Hutter. Yeah what are we doing here? We don't know either. As always, I'm with apples. Let us surprise. And today is Halloween. And do you have any idea what Halloween actually is? Most think this is some weird American custom that we didn't have in our childhood. And now we have another carnival before carnival. Not really her life. And maybe you've already dealt with the history of Halloween. And actually it comes from All Hello Eve, ie before Holy All Saints Eve. And in a very classic way, it has a very old tradition among the Celts and was then also called Samhain, which is Gaelic and means November. And traditionally it is so that on the 31st tithe it is believed that the veil between the physical and the non-physical world is most permeable. That is why it was believed that at this time the spirits can always come through to us. And it was n't the other opponents and vice versa. And it wasn't the Americans, it was actually the Irish who came up with the idea of dressing up and scaring the ghosts. And with the Irish immigrants in America , this custom came to America and now you can go back to Europe. Aha, and how does it get better? Exactly. And we would just like to invite you to maybe use the evening especially for yourselves and to reflect again what kind of abilities you have with ghosts. Nicole, what kind of skills do you do with ghosts? I thought none, none at all , for a very, very long time and I was there as a child for a very, very long time. What spoke to someone or something, tell the parents. But that can't be true. And now the beard becomes Nahda. So um, which I find very interesting about this time. Long before I found it, it was actually like that. Not necessarily Halloween, but around the first eleven I always have it again and again. In fact, I thought about the relatives who had died , especially my grandmother, and thought about it. Strange. Why am I thinking of them right now? And it actually only occurred to me in retrospect that it was around the time of the first eleventh, around Halloween and sometime with Axels and so on and so on. And before that I had already dealt with these Samhain, the Celtic customs and such. Wow. Maybe right now the curtain is really thinner and we can see it. Not because they are otherwise not there, but because our perception of the world that we cannot see is simply sharper. Not sharpened at all. There what about. The reception is simply better adjusted. We tuned our radio station better to the world we can't see. And I know that in the first year it scared me a bit and since then, since the second year it has been clear to me, I've thought how nice actually. How nice that those who went before me are my grandmother, who think of me or that they are there and that communication seems to be very easy during that time . What I did back then, without being able to, the Entities tools had. And then it felt like it was all by itself, gradually leaving and I didn't even think about my grandma for a whole year. Do you know something like that too? No no that is. Hm. And here the tool is perhaps appropriate to ask yourself again and again or simply to go into the energy. Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be. And nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be. It's also called the Crazy Free On. And how many myths and archetypes have we bought in relation to ghosts, ghosts, entities of whatever shape and color? What does not allow us to be and to embody this infinite perception, knowledge, being and receiving of what we actually are. All that is her life. Motivations destroyed and created that. Right or wrong, my bad boy are the balance sheet. And if all of you weren't afraid at all now, with ghosts and with that which is not visible. What kind of skills would you like to have? How can you use this to your advantage? And Nicole apparently has some kind of ghost in the background. They want to play along. So. Clear. Yes, and what if they really want to play with us? As you already said, these old myths, the archetypes , often come first . Oh my god and I can't see it then it can't be true. And when I do, I'm scared. The evil spirit. But yes. So what if it can be fun? What if the hottest are all around you, around us , who just say Uh, hello, still have a body? I think that's pretty cool. May I be with you a little And what kind of conversations can come about? I find that so fascinating too. And what I also wanted to ask is really which myths and archetypes have you bought or are you not even using , but which myths and archetypes do you use to receive the communication of clarification and also to avoid cooperation with the non-physical world, that you could actually choose? All that is, my God, Cylon dear ones, destroyed and created this now, please, yes. Right or wrong, Guttenberg the personal protection at Behrens and maybe we will actually do the clearing the other way around. So which myths and archetypes of identities do the entities around us that are not embodied at the moment use in order to hold on to this non-embodiment and to the perhaps spooky, ghost, existence ? Choose and all that is, dear entities, wanted to destroy everything and put it in a letter of protection means. But like them we confused yes insanity so huh, what here? Yes, what if you can go on, what else can you choose? And also be able to cooperate with us. Because that is something that we are now discovering in a completely new way, that this is not just a yes, maybe they exist, maybe they are there. Okay, maybe we somehow coexist peacefully. Maybe I can also contribute or communicate. But what if we can cooperate with each other? What is possible then? Yes, what are the new options that are now available to us after the lane change that were previously not possible? Everything that does not allow us to show itself now and to perceive each, recognizes time and receives destroyed and created that it please us. Yes, Brighton tomorrow 90% beats and today is not only Halloween, but we also have a blue moon, so very rare, but true there are two full moons in October. This is called the Blue Moon. And what kind of mystical night is today that you take advantage of, maybe you just want to remember what you really choose now when you are actually magical? We would just like to give you my question for today, if you are really magical. Then what do you want to embody, realize and live? And everything that does not allow you that I also show that and that you now perceive, recognize, are and destroy conception and do you create that now, have to speak a little deeper and Boddenberg without an angry Biancas . Exactly, exactly. I am your father and I also know the feeling that Blackwater is present now . I am your father. Yes, who knows, maybe my father will talk to me today. Yes and what kind of contribution can you say to each other? Absolutely. What is still missing at this time is of course the mask. Yes, the world has been very suitable. I just thought I didn't feel like wearing a mask. Not true . If I'm alone in the room, then no. Carried around me by myself still taking the next level. Yes, exactly. And what else is possible there? Which I also found very exciting. I wanted to talk to you again about it or just tell you because I don't know if they had a few Guinness too many. Then came the funny idea of ​​dressing up and scaring the ghosts . And you can find the same thing in Cologne Cathedral. Cologne Cathedral is full of demons. These are all ugly little demons, because back then it was believed that one had to drive out evil with evil. And it's just another myth that we still hold on to. So what myths and archetypes do you use in relation to entities, on the spirit world, on your energetic team, that do not allow you to receive the contribution from all of these with ease? All that is, Margot Kilian the quietest, please create that too. Right or wrong, my bad boy beans. And who or what can we actually be now? What if we allow ourselves to go beyond all myths and the embodiment of any archetypes that do not allow us to be entirely ourselves? And everything that does not allow that, Margot, millions destroyed and now please get it, so far Guttenberg from Personalenschutz was angry. I get dizzy. Si. Oh! Si. Exactly. Yes, which is also interesting in turn. On the one hand, they used to say we have to scare them to make them go away. I'm scared of it, but I have to scare her. Maybe they're scared of me too. Interesting view. But on the other hand there is also a little bit of empowerment. Naturally. So when I'm loud and scare someone, they walk away from me. Is not now not exactly what Tolstoy is intensive, but also for self-empowerment. So what choices we have with and in relation to entities when we let go of these myths and archetypes . And everything that does not allow us to really perceive, to know, to be, to receive and also identities that are there, you will all be very nice and ok. Yes, a protection boys and Bianca how funny. What we used to have on the one hand, we used to include the entities, the invisible world, however they were presented at the time. Rather, we also have the spirits who were responsible for the harvest, and so on, who later became saints. So the holy worship were also special saints, responsible for special harvests and so on, but they were much more afraid of them. Now we've unloaded them again, now we're just scared. What if one levels up now and we switch to the cooperation level? Without the myths and everything behind them. Of the. Exciting times. And what I find really exciting at the moment will be you said Nicol was really noticeable for me a whole new level of reception. So there is really a very strong desire to contribute. Yes, and all this time that we are going through this rise in consciousness on earth that sometimes takes on insane forms. Yes, how much easier could it be for us if we allowed ourselves to receive even more of the non-physical world? So everything that the non-physical world can contribute to us in the current situation, what we have not yet allowed ourselves to receive, we destroy and we create everything that we have not yet allowed, to everything that prevents us from receiving that, what they can actually contribute to us. Si. All that is Margot Zylon, Radio Listening Würtemberg Affiliate Program Björns are a protective wall How much more lightness, joy and glory is actually possible if we allow ourselves to receive from the beings of light and consciousness? And it is perhaps very important again. You do not have to receive from all beings, but really those who want to contribute to light and consciousness. Anything that does not allow it, destroy it, destroy it , please revoke it now, swear it, take it off , cancel it and do it right. Yes Yes okay. Where on Facebook Boys present? A lot of load on it. Si. Yes, and what myths and archetypes are you reusing? To avoid receiving the contribution and really allowing the evolution to be that simultaneity of giving and receiving with the non-physical world that you could actually choose. Everything that is and everything that does not allow you to go beyond it, please destroy it now. Yes, right or wrong with party proportional my Boy Bear shirt . Yes and for you tonight or whenever you hear that. Maybe, if you hear it today, how awesome it is and also the next few days, but really, notice it for yourself. Even now after all the Turing. Which beings of consciousness, which beings of light. Are there for you. Contribute Are we contributing either way? And if you allow and receive it. Can contribute even more and more consciously. Right now in time. And beyond. And again Tanja has just said and done it Kevin , but how much magic is possible for you in your life? Because although the countess are there and communication is actually easy, so to speak , and you can definitely do that too. But how much magic is that? And how much is that viewed as magic in this reality? So what if your all natural abilities are magic? Are you then ready to be the magic you truly are? And I think we are inviting you to this now. So when we have energy, space, consciousness, magic and consciousness, choice, magic, wonders, mysteries and possibilities, you and your body can be now. To embody and realize the magic who you truly are. And everything that does not allow you that, Margot, millions, you destroy and create all of this now, please revoke the seriousness, the AB, cancel it, annul it for nothing . Yes, from Guttenberg. No, kidding aside. Si. Cool. Nicole I hope it was a contribution that we just conjured up here. We look forward to your comments and feedback. Happy should just post underneath. And yes, by next year at the latest, the belly again, we won't see it anytime soon. And if you don't give it again so quickly, no more than once a year. Oh nice, until next year you were living and working. We are live Pick a boo Marie Sandrine, Pick a boo Jeannick Hello everybody. Hello to all the people who join us for this Facebook Live Special AT. something that I had asked before, it is maybe to put in bold yes, yes, we can still put in place. There is a lot to prove to us on this special day and that is what I shared just before. I'm super happy to be able to talk about entities and share this universe and see if there are people who also have questions that are in the time in the book. So yes, we can have that too. Si. In the meantime, but there must have been plenty of other people before us who said lots of interesting things, the question is what are we talking about? It's so much more interesting. We pretend we've started talking a bit. And you, you tell us to talk to us? a fact that there was someone in a training that you gave. There is someone. There was some time when you had. So yes, indeed, it's funny because it fits more and more into everyday life. And most of the people who come to me, whether in training, in one-on-one sessions and even sometimes people I meet. It is really one of the entities which thinks of any form of entity in the broadest sense of the entities that there can be, ie at the base. For example, it's because she planned to approach, but once I met, I met someone to discuss it, have a drink and I went. I went to his place and in fact the first thing that attracted me already was a very, very special atmosphere. It's not everyone's interior. There are lots of stacked things, balls in a theater set and a Parisian theater. I don't know if that corresponds to be able to describe a little baroque, with vanities as well and as well a genre, a skull like a rose as representations of that and a whole series of paintings of really alive characters. And the thing is, I can't tear myself away from these paintings, actually, and it's not common for someone who paints to display their own paintings, or they put them on the board. , etc. Either put them on the wall, or I don't know how to display them, they sell them. And there, it was really like the artists' workshop, a little by little time and the material attracted me until, finally, I did not start to broach the subject, told me indirectly broached. Take. Basically, I don't know how I approached the subject anymore, but I brought up the subject of entities, ancestors, etc. And from the moment we started to really recognize that he trusted is very special. It's not there is someone who has an echo. It is during this moment that the theater café sets up from time to time before pupil. But again, the questions will not take long to Thank you very much. And in fact, from the moment, we started to address the fact that he had an awareness of his ancestors that did not quite want to approach from the start, which is understandable for a first meeting and all the tables, c It's as if he's almost inert again, like the Harry Potter paintings on the stairs, the portraits saying hello or interacting. And from the moment I recognized them, we talked about them. There, it is as if they had found a fixed face. This time, it is not the experience that they had planned to share, but it is the one that had. Wifi server or how much? How much waiting time we often have for how to talk to entities or entities are going to we can expect, and there are so many different ways that these have chosen to be alert. Here we can have his magnificent experiences. What I loved too, that's what you say somewhere, sometimes, it's the entities that lead to the classes and that, it's true that the people who have not necessarily heard of classes speak to entities or who are unfamiliar with classes. This is the information they may have in this exchange. That's when you're drawn to that kind of class like that. In fact, are you the one who is really curious about what this class can create for you? Or do you actually already have identities, things in fact, that already wish to contribute to you and actually bring you to these classes? And I find it interesting to have approached it on this fact. It doesn't necessarily make sense to choose this class or to have an interest sometimes. We can have a lot of ideas about entities or not at all. And in fact, if we let ourselves be carried away by what they call us, that's a bit what happened during a last exchange with a person who told me in fact, in this place me is calling and she is really that emergent to speak. Janik, I don't know why and I would like to procrastinate. In fact, it's like I can't. I have to go, I have to come and suddenly, I find it great to listen to yourself or to listen to these messages that arrive to us and see the contribution that can be made to choose. Yeah, wow! And I love that you say there, it's like I can't put it on, put it away, it's like now is the time. Do you have an experience that I, which is also sometimes, I still forget. Oh yeah, to really get the job done, you know? And I say to myself wow! More and more, they never wait. And if you keep waiting, it's often so uncomfortable and that's one of the things that I often perceive as my body. It really doesn't feel good not to recognize that, not to have that in everyday life. But really actively too. Because sometimes we have these things where it becomes everyday and even with a relationship, you see when it becomes everyday, it becomes a bit where we come from. a daily is OK, but it's more this magic where you start, where you continue to create, in fact. And if with these tools, once you have done a class, the magic is really there too to choose actively every day, to have your energies and to have the entities also in your life, in one way or another. 'another one . Because otherwise, often, I still see for myself that often, it will create a space where my body is really a bit like that. Oh, but because the body does not stop being conscious, it is because we are the ones who take care of the consciousness with it. There is that, there is that. And there, you saw. And then you smell. Then, when it's nice, that thing, I don't want to go there. And all of this, in fact, is information that we constantly receive and everything is not related to the entities. Corn. But indeed, when we have signed, to be precise, I will talk to the entities about it. In general, it is that we have capacities and when we begin to recognize them, life becomes much easier and it becomes much easier for our bodies. It is besides that which brought me to the conscience of the entities, this first class of entities which I made then I do not know from where, neither of Eve nor of Adam. I was spotted to tell me that's what was good. We would like to come to Dijon for a class. You wouldn't want to be the host. That is how I found myself making an entity personality whereas until then, I wanted to learn something to discover. I didn't close, but I said to myself what does it teach me to bring me others? And then really, what was amazing for me, is to realize once we have done this clearing in the cellar by two entities, by facilitating a change in energy level, by asking questions , using the clearing formula or the like. But I noticed half the pain, half and it was huge. By this time, half the pain in my back was gone, in fact, and I was like Wow! In fact, that, all my life, I have had this back pain and I thought it was related to a bad posture or a lack of being muscular or exercising. And no, that was just what I was hiding behind me, my consciousness, entities, actually, and it's crazy. In fact, no one says that elsewhere. Nobody says that, but once you know it, once you use it, well it really changes things that can be explained and resolved differently. Night leaves, otherwise done. Wow, denial! And if you answer yes, if you watch the FN at the latest and there are things going on in your body. How much power do you keep behind Kondō and what is there to look in the face and start looking at. It could be I would really invite people to be curious about using basic tools, talking to entities. Is there an entity? Yes, no, it's expansive. When I say that, it lights up or on the contrary, it is already contracting . Just that. And then maybe afterwards, we can give the first clearing of identity. Me, I'm going to start from the principle that yes, I underestimate the right then to throw on the ground to unstuck the entities which are, which do not know that they are, that they are, that they no longer have a body. For example, we ask this question entity truth which is above and which was killed before that, before that, before its responsibility, which will be in the future. And that, it unblocks the skin of the entity which is stuck in its position in time. My name is Gisèle and I received nothing other than Gisèle. In fact, if it is, it's Gisèle. The moment she left her body. But before, it was Artur. It was Bertrand, it was over. And then, when we ask him the question who will be killed in the sequel? It may be that. I don't know, he said, amused. And so, she knows there is a different choice. Well, she doesn't stay in one place anymore. And this energy that we could perceive, she leaves and just try this tool to see what it transforms. Well, that can give the differential because me, I have as if I had lived all my life with these pains. I didn't know it was the consciousness of the entities. I never would have suspected that was it. It is because I used them that, suddenly, I had this awareness that they were entities that could change something. But when you've been stuck your whole life, you don't know you're stuck between the 15ᵉ you spent with me. This is primarily because was stuck, but is not happy at all. Si. Marie Sandrine, what was it the first time? In fact, we asked ourselves the question just before and in fact, I had an idea that came to me and afterwards I came to another consciousness before and again before and again before. And in fact, it's been from a very young age. In fact, we were able to perceive a lot of things and what is interesting about this question is that I actually thought I perceived when did it start? But it had actually started so long before. In fact, this identity is as if, in fact, we have always had it. But when? We allow ourselves to recognize it. And that's where I find this class interesting. It is because it allows us to recognize. When we now say what we know, that's really it. And to see, in fact, that at that time, what happened or we thought it was hyper rational, etc. Or we said no, I had to invent the thing or I made a film, an image, etc. In fact, it was very real. It is also suddenly started to trust each other. So, I started to become more curious and asked to have access to the site, to have more ease, more, to be afraid and not to have any more fun. And what I also find interesting today in relation to this Halloween day is that around Halloween, there is all this very morbid, very dark, very scary side, etc. And what would it be like to get out of this relationship with the entities, but to be really in the fun and see what fun that can create in our life? It can take the version not to share friends, but it can also be this interaction. To receive oneself is to these perceptions of contribution. Exactly. And I love it. After a meeting, maybe the first time. I love what that ever has, what it said, which is so much a whole different point of view. There is, there is a person who recently left his body and who was a facilitator by two entities. She gave awesome congratulations while celebrating. And it's a point of view that's so different than it does in some cultures. But if, if. This is a fact, no matter what choice one makes to incarnate or to be disembodied. It was , it was a celebration, it was fun and in fact, we were discovering the richness of everything, all the beings that exist and not just the beings that we can see with our eyes of our kind. And limit yourself to that, in fact. Wow! So we hear it too. Me, a first experience because I know that I was really aware, it was my grandmother when I was little. She always came when I went to sleep and it was funny to have that perception. But my mother really recognized me. It's like you know, like you described, these grandmothers, and after that, I never did and just started access. And when I made my first foundation, we made the day the second day, we talked about the entities and in the evening, I would eat at home. I had a meeting. And I'm going to eat there and I'm at the table and we're setting the table up. The guy, he's cooking. I say to myself, I can't sit here, it's not possible, so turn around a bit. It's spring. We are going to turn the table around the table and we tend to the table, but at 360 degrees, because it was not going at all. So say OK, drop it, I'm just going to sit down, we'll stop. And the moment I Mazier, we start to eat and I don't even have the first thing in my mouth. I say to myself well done, it is as if there is someone sitting on the chair. Maybe he has my ex's energy in someone who died and it came out of my mouth. And there, I said to myself Oh well yeah, yeah, it's done. And there, now, made it was a woman who lived there before that died there. But hey, it was my very first experience. I told him good, I have my notebook in my zaka with a clearing. No idea if it works or not, but we can try. What do we do? Made the clearing and the age when we finished the debates. If it works, it should be everywhere so I go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, and all at once, she's there, I say to myself a year or else I am going crazy, or I have the consciousness of entities, but it is not possible, says to me OK, cool, how can I, how can I know that I'm not crazy. And there I listened. She gave me some info. About the building and said to myself okay, that is pretty easy to check that out, without being weird, so I went home again and started asking for handsome. In fact, he lives in the house. Did Tate change things a lot? And there, he told me yes, yes and I deconstructed that and that. And it removed a wall over there. Yeah, and one said yeah, what's the point, chick? She hasn't left. And that was my first experience. It was good. I understood that she was looking for her husband. She hadn't understood, fact that her family had been, had left home and had passed away. And the conversation continued a week later, where she was really close to me for me to take her to where she was. And at the time, I was in the car. In her early days, I had no idea you could just send her back or send them where they needed to go. I say then but no, no, no, that's too weird. I don't want that. And so I stopped at a gas pump and I just thought to myself that I looked at nobody there. Afterwards, I opened the door to break me. I don't have more information. They must be somewhere here in this region and I don't have more info. And that was it. It was my first full experience with entities where I see where you are clearing and it is not working. OK, not very possible. There, everything that requires what information is what you can receive and how you can create with them together. But at first, frankly, I wasn't sure. There, I thought, I am going crazy. Or it really is. And here. After that, I started doing classes because it was starting to be difficult, especially in relationships. And I worked a lot with children too and there, yes, it was really a species that so much. So it goes to. However, what I love about what you share and which we realize in these cases is that even when you are a facilitator, it is really exploration. We explore all the time. In fact, it is to say that it is a conscience which makes that open. And if we are ready to receive, if we are ready to welcome that and in fact, it becomes easier and easier, more and more fun, as I said. And it becomes how I really perceive a gift in my life. If I really receive this as a warm space for exchange and I, it has opened up a lot to everything that is really related to nature. Contact with the planet is really something that accompanies me every day and with whom I create, with whom I contribute. And I find that this is really the real space. I have really found the true space, my true space in celebration. Wow! It's cool what you say there, because you see it often. I hear people, I animate, but so many entities and cleared. You see what it would be like to have a reality with the entities where you are, such as traveling, driving or going to another country. You're not going to chase the people who live there. You will, you will feel, you will see. Things work where it does. For me, this moment, it's delicious to cross the world and have this source too. Janick. I was going to say there was an echo, but it disappeared. Oh, I'm going to do because what I love too is that it's all the time. Really changing all the time. You said, we learn, it's an exploration and that's really it. But not long ago I was at an art show and at one point I couldn't tell if it was it. I felt like there was a movie in front of my eyes. When it was blurry, I cried until I admitted that it was actually shielded, but really shielded from creation entities. In fact, I chatted with that, ie there is, there was an alley. There were several years when there were works of art, such as paintings, sculptures, etc. There really was a lane to cross this year. There was a mass, but of entities that wanted to create paintings, sculptures, paintings, the missing, whatever. And that only changed when I was in Rouen. Actually, there are just a lot of artists and I saw you, I'm going to be recognized. But it was mind-blowing. It was really some sort of weight loss. So there is Eva asking me Can you talk more about relationships and entities? No matter. He wants first. The recent rumor, but I can say that in fact how to say? The funny thing about entities is a lot of things with these access tools is that sometimes there are problems in your life and in fact you are going to try to sort them out. rationally, like A +, B, C and in fact, it doesn't work. And when you start asking questions and opening your consciousness, it's going to other universes, especially that of entities. In fact, you can make a difference in your life, especially with relationships. So, in fact, there is a lot to be said on this subject, in the sense that, indeed, to what extent entities can be a drag on our relationships. To have relations, to have good relations, to have good relations with oneself. I want to say it can go a little in all directions, but indeed, there is a real subject in relation to that and a drama. If I can say impact or real interference, what can entities in relationships also be? Yeah, me, it's a lot myself too, but I have a lot of people here that I know who you see when you have this awareness of entities, that the people that you will meet in any relationship, it can being friendship can be a sex relationship that sometimes won't be there for what you think, who are there. And if I don't recognize you, that they're just there because there is an entity that really wants , that really wants to be easy and in the name of and and my happiness at. Yes, I hear an echo of entities that want to be recognized in power by those in power. Start to say yes, but it's not there or as you think. Yeah, so, you thought super with a stranger and actually you're going to talk about your grandmother because that, because that's the stuff that can be broached with you, because most of the other people that go being able to perceive is fine. They are going to be very rare already and do not necessarily go to the page. And I love. And when do I have? As often, we are really pushed once, we have to carpool with my partner to a person we know a little, but it was in a weekend with, with other friends, rather the friend of other people. There, were driving together and I was really pushed to start this discussion, by talking about this and and in fact, I know more who spoke about it. But we didn't talk about someone who was dead, who was here. I think it's not long ago what and and living there with this sort of thing where sometimes the first conversations that are going to come out like you are. Actually, I'm sitting in the place of someone she's dead, but at the same time, it feels so good to be able to talk about this openly and freely. Because that is to say, it is like an elephant which in the middle of the room and nobody speaks about it. When you start talking about it, it's still much easier to get around. And that's what I love about with these tools that are absolutely. Irrational and unpredictable, in fact, this consciousness is it irrational and unpredictable and that's what is also magical, is that we are surprised on every street corner and ready to have this life. It is this openness, I can say, more than weird, but in fact, it is that if we are ready to be as weird as we are in the sense that it is also we are weird being ourselves, we having our perceptions, we are in our capacities by recognizing things that people do not recognize or are not ready to recognize if we are no longer at fault in relation to that, as you said or we expect more than everyone recognizable to recognize it, but telling you OK, I'm aware of that and in fact, I don't need to talk about it either. In any case, I put on a stink and I try more to be like the others. That is also super liberating, I think. Yes, and for us, that's funny, I had a client and was not too long with me, he had already come sometimes and after a while, there is an entity and I had a little. I also knew a bit about history that there was someone who had died in his firm. On the way to work. And a cleanup for this entity is giving the banker's basics to. I don't know if you're ready to hear, but it really was. The entity was really in fashion, one of the big themes that we can do energetically. We didn't talk, no okay, we're going and it's cool because he's good. We have, we made the transfer, I talked about it, I asked questions and hey, when he left, I said to myself OK, well, we'll see. We'll see what happens because here we are, we opened some great stuff there and the next day, did he send me a message? Thanks really opened up a space that I always knew, that was there all my life. It's not just for us, it will be liberating, it will surely be for others as well. This recognition of Wow! Ha! ¡OK! It gave me the chills when she said to her. What does it open when the recognition of that? Can it really change your perspective on things in your life? Precisely, to come back to things. You were wronged and told yourself that you're not that weird or different . And then you too see the contribution you make to others, others who are ready to receive and who are in return. I find it really is. It is truly magical as a sharing. And also for the entities, because it's cool, because after him, he has a farm with lots of stuff and trucks of all kinds. And so after also sent me. It's cool because I'm going to buy a new truck and I'm going to put its name like that. So he's still in the business because he clearly wanted to contribute. And it was so true, me too. If you have all these entities also that they were part of a business, they have been part of your life that flies, which does not necessarily already steal this process in something else, but who still want to be present and who want to best contribute to what we reject. That, by the way. If we don't receive, and once you open up this reduced space, they were talking about it. Sometimes they'd say yeah, it's like they're still like little angels. They are ready, me, but it was a bit of a construction to make it valid for the others. And there, when we had this conversation, it was like there really was this space to breathe knowing ah yeah. But I didn't know it, but I knew it. And now that makes sense. And you know what? I will give you a place in the firm because he is still there and contributes to it. And he's going to be the keeper because he died on the road. He's going to be the keeper of the road. We are let go to more wow! OK for once. But the type of gift that we can create and receive is shared. Yeah, yeah, the kinds of gifts we know too. You see because sometimes you will say yes, then the entity will be there. But yes, you must, I push you, because there is. Personally, I notice that I have resisted the name Medium for so long that now I'm starting to recognize that for some people, it allows them to say that. That is actually a bit about who knows that and knows if I still have trouble saying that I am. But actually, because for me it's so natural that we all potentially have it. But on the other hand, we are not necessarily all ready to assume it and to have this role and to live as such and be recognized for that. But medium, the shaman, it does not matter who has this ability that we all have, but who exploits it to be able to bridge the gap between you want to go to different places where, regardless of the forms of entities to gravity evolved, it has always had a place and a role that was essential, precisely to settle matters that were not settled, to create more for. I love this new specialty which has appeared in the last working hours or opening hours where, precisely, we put in place seven seven working hours. Or somewhere, we're going to say OK. If there are entities that want to communicate, people who have things to clarify, to say. We can arrange this space where we take advice, we manage, we take care not only of the world, of embodied people, but of all forms of entities. How can they interact and contribute and how? By signing can be a contribution in this world. And for me, what is great is that with the tools, talking to the entities, we are not in a heavy thing. We are not in a meaningful thing about an adjustment, in a much more fun, much lighter thing , where consciousness of all times, all these forms of consciousness, they are, they are included without a notion of hierarchy that guide, who has, who is superior or inferior, to whom or to what? And that is refreshing. In fact, it's really cool. And it was about time. And yet, this is it. Yeah, and maybe now too, because there's, you see, we're in an interesting time in the world too, there aren't a lot of people around right now. There are a lot of people who stay put. There are a lot of people dying. There are a lot of people who choose to stay in between. There are many hospitals that are full, but how many also are full of energy that are there that no one recognizes? It can also be a composition, sometimes, to delete just what you can be connected to. So you can connect to the hospital or to your city or your country, just to clear, even to create space. It's not even to chase entities out. Last year I did 21 days of entity clearing, it was so cool because after a few days everyone started to understand wow! We clear energies to create more consciousness and more space. It has nothing to do with throwing them out. And it was getting so cool because every day it became a new adventure. Wow! What will we be able to create today by clearing the entities? What are we going to be able to create and what? If, with this ultimate party, it could be about creation, what can you create with this tool? What can you create with this tool for people who watch? I have no idea how much time we could spend. Was it quiet? I think it's good. The currently? Unfortunately, yes, we will have to pay. Yes, that's it the day. In addition, there are plenty of classes arriving at Challans, who is still in the starting class. But to find all the facilitators, you global facilitators, I would say we will look at M6 point. Com. And there you could find. Who are you looking for? And thank you for being with us. Thank you for your messages, for your cuckoos, for your thanks for your feedback and I am delighted with what is still possible, beyond anything that has been imagined in this area. It suffers so much. And how to choose us is German too. Thank you everyone. Thanks to too. Wow! Bye bye bad bit. Hello everyone, then. Welcome for a special session today. I invite you. I invite you and I invite an international star still unknown. Who will perhaps revolutionize the whole world. Because she wanted to convey and say we organized the meeting. With the help of technology. And I wait to see if she answers she answers my call. Good evening, Valérie Angélica. Here, today, I call the spirits and I call to a particular spirit. I call a particular spirit, I will call the spirit of my canteen. Prepare yourselves. The world is going. Met. My surprise guest. I hear coffee noises that don't. Tontines more! A year ago, you didn't look good. Yes, sex has become very emotional, but so have I, but to be live in France and be able to speak to the living. Ah, but since the time we organized this, what a pleasure! Yes, finally, to be able to take advantage of technology for. To show. To you aunty! Yes, yes, yes, on TV, Internet and Internet, I am live. Ah yes, I laugh about it because I don't want to. So much for those who do not know. Ah, I'm going to introduce you to the world anyway. So here is Aunty Janettes, Ginette, Ginette. You haven't forgotten me like. With It's sometimes I tend to look a little through a tree. However, I do not ask my little Jeannot badly to webcast to castet Pierre casetas tête en. But I love you, I love you. This is not the question, this is not the question. I know, my Jeannot, I know, I know, I know that you like me, but there, I could not. I couldn't really miss this opportunity to talk to Lebanon because I was tired of trying to talk to them. Who can't hear me. Well yes, I understand correctly. Alegría, what? You see, most of the time my gaze pierces you, I go through it, I look at the rest, I don't see you. It's not as easy as when you have a deal. No, but you know what? Me, I even took my watch to be sure to be on time because you know that for us, time does not exist. Time no longer exists. Don't you find the winemaker as beautiful on Twitter, even in Belgium? Death succeeds well. Thanks thanks. Spectral beauty when I was at home, punctuate the common astral light that emerges from you, there you are, it's done. There is talk of the diaphanous beauty of some people and it is quite appropriate to. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because yes, I wanted to take this opportunity to say how much there, great minds have allowed me to be visible today by all living and I take this opportunity. I take advantage of it, I take advantage of it. I know we don't have a lot of time, but I take this opportunity to say that really, really, really. If you could no longer recognize our presence and we are, we are desperate at the idea that you no longer see and that you think that we no longer exist when we are there all the time. We are always there for you and we want to communicate so much more with you, the living. It's tiring for us. You, is to try desperately with fatigue, to talk with you. Do you know that? I put myself in your place with arms, no chocolate when the arms go through, it's difficult to do Takenaka. Yeah, and you're screwed. Yeah. Can you jano tell me how I communicate with you and what are the low to low recognition signs by Facebook? Yes, but when you're not on Facebook live, because then there you go. But to put it simply, most of the time, how I know Auntie is there takes the lead. But then when I say she takes my head, it's not because it's mean. Ah, that's right, there she is. And the assistant spice up? This is what I feel, this kind of tension in my head. So I don't know what you are doing. Maybe you're present, maybe you're not making it through. But I know there is something. I know you are there. And when is it? And in my head and starts to take up space, it gets better. As if the fact of recognizing that Pailhas, well it flows, it flows naturally. But it's not always like that. Sometimes I think I caught a cold, but actually rip out the throat itchy legs and cough. And maybe it depends on where you touch. In fact, when I want to say something, it is more towards the throat that I live. And when I just want to tell you that I'm here, I knock knock on your head. Ah, is that for that, for that? Yeah, you know, I think I noticed too. There are times when. You just want to tell them something and then I refuse with my Deneux head. I don't want to see it, I don't want to hear it. I have some ideas going through my head, but hey, there you go. And then, at one point, Saint-Fabien So intense in the head, I tell myself what did I put aside? Isn't it you who blows me things that you who so that I listen? You know, we, in this space where we are no longer in the density of a body, we see everything that is happening for you, the living. And often, we want to tell you and we do not take this path, rather learn the other. Listen now, it's gonna be better because of Sipperec. We can thus quote a little physically so that you can hear us, otherwise you do as you see fit, the living. You are not very attentive because of the perception of time. This is not that linear. That's exactly once this title was conscious. Three times out of 24, I am aware because I like the living and I like I like you my Jeannot and that you work well with the entities, so I wanted to give you a hand and participate in this HCS at this internet tv. Because I noticed that you, you are not like some other ghosts, there are some who do not even know that they are dead when they could have stayed just because they wandered there, had the used to do what they wanted, but a little stuck, what, other than stuck in the sense not open-minded, but in the sense, feels stuck in their bubble? What, in their world? Oh yes it's true. Yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm here. I am there, always and. But I can also climb into the light and rest and be somewhere else. You know, in fact, I have the capacity to be everywhere at the same time and not. But when I want to insist with the living, well it's easier to communicate with a Janyk in Jannot, my little Jeannot in Q with Mr. Landin, who is convinced that after death, nothing exists. Yeah, yeah, but I was always a little bit curious about what was going on on the other side. More eloquent when you told me when he told me I predestined you when I could have, because I knew, I knew that we were going to keep in touch. Yes, absolutely. Corn. These batteries are fabulous. Does everyone have an aunt, an aunt Ginette? Everyone has someone that they've lost, that they believe they've lost, and that they're not lost. Yeah, because what I see is still helping out and not the only one. I don't necessarily go in front of everyone, but there is that energy, the temptations to have someone I know, who knows me well that familiar. And then, when I'm not being a mule. It helps me, it helps me. Yeah, it's true my little Jeannot, but I find that you are improving. You take a super good, it's nice, but well earring, it's out. It's better. It was yesterday since it was my friend Odette who lent them to me. She's been dead longer than me, but she has fond memories, so that's just to see . It's to be beautiful on TV, on TV, the Internet aside, it's called Facebook a Ginette. Ahora. Man, do you plant? I did not know. Yeah yeah. You asked me even if I'm here, I pay. It is a Minitel on TV or in the hand. I was at the time of the Minitel. Yeah, so, how can we give Danais, give people confidence to be able, to be able to live better? Having people on the other side like you and not expecting them on October 31 to be able to talk to them? Already, establish little signals with the people you loved and who are on the other side of the veil and ask them this is how they can and often do occur around the heads of the living. It's more convenient. Tinnitus, headaches, itchy throat. Tinnitus is when you have your stomach. It is when you are deaf, especially when things are not going too much on your head, blinding from time to time, but the killer whales tinnitus stays head on your head. Yeah, yeah, it's true that we're not always very. We are a bit close, so even even if we don't realize that we are bothering you. If you say if you don't tell us no, we are not in your bodies and we have the density of your body. It's true now that sometimes I don't tell you that, really, it annoys me. I'm not in the mood for that, I'm telling you. For me, peace. And I have the impression that PK is getting better. This is exactly it. Me, I don't know the density that you have in a body. So, as often, when I approach you, it bothers you. But I don't even know this annoyance. Now, between us, between us, we are intimate, we are in a study type, but. Yes, but because that, I also noticed once that once we are intimate with, with someone that we have known or not even necessarily that we have known in this life, we know who knows . But then, like you, we will say the equivalent of our personal Ginette to the personal net spread, the entity with the presence which is there to help us. Once you're open to that, it's a bit of an open door to all windows. It's not just the aunty Ginette who, the megaphone, makes me laugh. What happened to lack of hygiene in Asia? Yes to this expression. At 20, I didn't know her, I didn't know her, I didn't know her of the interest of being with the living. From time to time, you take new Kostners there. Um, you know, Otmar good. Less boring talk. Oh yeah? Grand, then, to help us, it's a good laugh. Or. All your bullshit, ah, that must be very funny, so yes, so I was just telling myself to Lacan when we are open, there is not that there are also people that we do not know who come to see us . Is it that. Can we give them the tools to be able to manage the flow of people entering and leaving? For all those who want to visit us, what does it already do for you? ¿Qué? We are also aware of entities on a daily basis. So what is it that makes us aware? This story? But I believe that in fact, we are aware, without knowing it, of all the lies we have been made to swallow, surfing death and death. Beer, the big deal. We have experienced it so many times. So I don't see where the problem is, but we got so much. But even I, when I was alive, believed that I couldn't communicate with the dead. So I can imagine. We are fairly indulgent with you because we have been. Excuse me, but so do we. In our lifetime, we were stupid and we did not recognize in Ornikar contribution. A bit like we're a bit asleep, what. That's exactly. In fact, it is often the living who are more asleep than the dead who lend themselves to the pressure. So suddenly, I want to give people a tool so that they can know how. How do you know if an entity is doing what? How am I doing with you? I don't necessarily ask if it's you, Ginette, but I ask and there is a ghost, a spirit, an entity. It's the same as with a headache. Even though my head didn't hurt, in fact, it's like it's like I start to breathe, to loosen up when I do and I deduce I do. ¿Por qué? Because well, there is a change precisely in my body, whereas if I do not have this awareness, I do not ask this question. But I feel everything contracting and right now I'm asking this question. Phew! Patronage. To these women, we jannot that's it, yeah. Whereas the bear is never really what it is. I have on the other hand. It's Expansives has it right away. It sounds better. Yes, that's it, so that allows us to say that we usually never say about ghosts, about spirits, especially about the death you want, about sex. Were you spying on us? Yes, but at the same time, we laugh rather than anything else, make it true, because you look, I was told Oh there, there, there, there, there, but why are they taking their heads like that, the alive? We would like you to be in our lightness because frankly, there is not, there is no reason to make a big deal out of it. So when you say bravo, it's to those who realized he was dead. No, when I speak, I am talking about food. What I'm saying, I'm saying we have a good time watching you live. And we are given to Nestorienne the lightness that you have you? Yes, it is the lightness that you have, you are worth yourselves the spirits who have more no cord around the neck, but who were aware that it is a choice, in fact. Yes, there are those who have come out of their bodies, who have been able to and all that, but who are a little stuck in their own world. They may not be very light at one year. The problem with the perspective, the hindsight you have. Yeah, that's right, and the thing is, we can't help them, us dead, knowing we can't help them. There is only you who could destroy this lie in which they are stuck precisely by the clearing, therefore, and in a fraction of a second. So, it's true that we ask you a lot and to be able to do that, it takes you no time and it's so simple. And that, us, it relieves us so much. And we so want to thank you for the contribution that you are the living for us when you are aware. Yes, because they are the hundred closest to us with our body, the Presgaux. If I understood correctly, because we are less attached to the matter of CO, it is easier for us. We are no longer already anchored and closer to their vibration than to them. Yes, and above all, you can clear them away and we can't. I can not. You've already tried? Well yes, I have already tried. In Albert, it has a name. It is in the earth's density that they can be cleared. Oh yeah, still OK, for me, we have a job, guys, I'm telling you. We have work, so we do the real, the real joy is when there is this link, this communication between you and us and which has more lies, distance and than the picnic. In fact, to have a body is a choice. In fact, all of this increasingly rare too. Because I know. Ah yes, it's true, yes, to have a clinch. This is all a choice. I think it would relieve a lot of people to know that you don't have to sit still. It's not if it's not funny here. In fact, in. Well, I don't have a firewall, we wouldn't come either. Ah, but me, I was completely fed up with the end of this body. I am very happy to be in the light. Energy today and then you will take, do you think one day or never? Well, listen very honestly, not really want to. Not very keen on it yet. It's still the media side. What would you like about your body, about doing the retrospective again? What can you do with a body when you can't do it yet? Eating at three meals on the floor knows the greedy at Adobe. That's why sometimes, I tell myself that I want that, but it's not my tastes, reminded me of you. You do not yet temperature from time to time for a little treat. Notice how from time to time, I tell you a little macaroon, it is the duration, that would not please. From that moment, we are in the same year, even comes out, as they say, lengthwise in my little present. That's it, thank you. It is not the same wavelength. Finally then, a Facebook boom? Apparently the wavelengths sometimes fluctuate, but no more, for that matter, than it would sometimes tell you. But internet connection and device, all that. Aren't you too a little bit? Is it easier for you than to move objects, that has wala by Jean-Marc, but sometimes I have messages, I say to myself but how come that it blocks? Then I think of you and strangely, it unlocks. You unmasked my knee, you make little jokes on the Internet and on your Facebook, daddy in little jokes. Yeah, yeah, I like that, I like to make jokes on you on your Facebook. So what are we telling them because there is not much time left? ¿Qué quieres decir? This will obviously hubs and communicate with us. Ah, but it's true, his father, perceived a little strangely, the people who communicate with the antitheses, the. But we don't care about the others. We do not care. We do not care anyway, we have a good time then, and you too with us. Rather than take the lead. Not a Fantomas joke was telling us. Oh, by that I mean my little Jeannot, Saturday in step. In any case, we are ready to have fun with you. Okay, why do we have one to tell us? I was looking at I have the English version. Actually, I know, it's a ghost meeting another ghost and I say I'm sad to several notes, said it, but not just taking an elevator, it's going to uplift your spirit. The lawyer was not happy, he said If I had arms so I could punch through. Homogeneous and we kiss each other. Yes, I think with time to be very happy to have seen again. On the rise in Stanishev, especially with highs. And in a good mood, I send you bisos. And then there you go, embodied or not in Sarko. Sometimes. Anytime, whenever you want. Okay, it's reciprocal and it's done. Just a snap of your fingers and I'm there. Okay, thank you for being live to talk to the living world. It's amazing what you can do with technology. Now I wonder how it's going to get even better than that then. Yes, come on, cowardly bye bye! Thanks to you! Thanks Vano! hello hello everyone I hope you are well today it will finally be two pendants speaks our country l hérault hello hello h that there are french people looking at us so stéphanie is arriving if you are french put a little heart please hello hello I'm going to see which way including if it's funny because we are good we had tested it worked and here it is how it gets good we will stay like that so I will stay like that cool hello stephanie how are you but well and you see how you are doing thank you who are you play well you think we have the same decoration a little behind you see i don't know at all how we are going to talk in listening then my name is stephanie meyer i am a certified facilitator with cesc in socks and i facilitate the class called by calves entity is you who are you well my name is unfair bernard j 1 from france next to switzerland and Swiss side and I am also a facilitator talking to entities s today and so we are delighted to have a conversation together in France i n French air around entities and starts moving even tell me what contribution can we be and suddenly I said to myself at the hour in fact we have the French premieres of the day yes besides I tell myself that it was necessary to celebrate its means it was missing the utensil voice well here we go there suddenly I feel so stéphanie meyer witches and you too the same here I just don't have my hat so suddenly we were talking about speaking in French and then I already had these questions what language in fact by the entities suddenly what she speaks French what they understand English How does it start happening to you what would you like to say about that I would like to say that luckily we are all infinite beings he speaks we energy so that we have a space to understand each other so if we talk to them from the energy have comedic exactly and and from suddenly its ends in fact the communication with the entities is it is to allow oneself to receive beyond this reality to the communicati on and the energies which precisely allows us two turns to see each other and to listen to the whispers of the energies which us surrounds for the entities and me it's true that it really educated me listen to the energies to also listen better to everything that surrounded me including the entities and starts said again mixa how could we also add well this party halloween over all this in just now I talk a little with you you said you knew a little bit what it was what it is the legal origin in general I'm not a scholar on the subject but at the base it is a Celtic celebration and it is the 31st and in what I remember is that the 31st in fact we were celebrating the beings of nature was the day we celebrated the help from nature and I think the walrus she died it was both it's the fact that they had to re three days and during those three days and well there it was also a way of ending with the old and starting over with the new it was a way of moving from the old year to the new year of receiving the new year there was something at the level of receiving which was very present and also it makes me think of these cycles in fact the energetics which are also in nature etc and suddenly there is no end there is no there is no beginning there are no deaths and does not really make sense in fact there is just an energy which changes and which transforms yeah so it's the same here had with everyone celebrating is with us so everything is really energy and if we could really therefore surf on energies with total ease what could we really receive in fact and changes and from us when in contribution yes and I have a cessation sentence no it does not beach and capsules sentence recently from dean who said we are all those in d to come it would be good to celebrate it and I love because it we are both in both unite in fact it is really in fact we are something and it does not stop and there is no end and the dead as we imagined it or as it was described to us in this reality does not appear it in fact we have this body which will effectively turn the earth for it and in relation to the entities my dream of tomorrow or the future that is for you to do this in full awareness all the time to choose it not to be in the awareness of this choice and not to create pain the suffering in order to be able to make this choice and to facilitate the entities it is a pure gift it is a pure gift because it makes me easier every day every day I don't know about you it's me that I facilitate through that yeah yeah totally it's really a gift and and yes what is - what the countess that more awareness of the entities in this world and recognize our capabilities do which and when the skills we has with entities and energies could be for the world and for this reality to create a totally different future and whatever is stopping that friends are we all going to destroy it decree yeah actually I don't know about you but since small in fact I capture his energies and since small in fact there is this moment where you also begin to understand how the adult world works and you in fact refuse where you start to tell yourself but if this adult says that I must be afraid of it or if it's like that I would have to cut myself off from that and for me the entities it was a place where I said to myself wow it's huge this place where I cut myself off from my consciousness because I do n't cut myself off the awareness that entities young couple of the consciousness of all the energies of all those that I could actually receive and the fear of entities we talked a little bit a rapper of entities is a pure lie yeah that's it and to do to bounce back from the oin exactly it is that apart from this reality there immediately from the way we celebrate halloween really in it is through scary in fact even if it is fun in the sense that how the children see it but also it there are always these vehicles and by fear and it is finally in access when we see that fear is an implant ten tractors we hide and with a power me I wonder what this reality has tried we we ourselves hide from our power by creating the fear of the West Indies wall where the fear around that to the fear in the films etc which makes it so really today we could recognize our capacities and go beyond fear with what power is this that we could update in jubilation to create a future is totally different is what I know what I also capture it's in fact it's a whole mode of education in fact because if we were educated or if we do not had not lost the very essence of what entities were, we would not have been looking for answers in places that are not fed are for us we will not look for answers in horror films that scare us we will look for answers where we will in fact seek knowledge towards places that are in fact really nourishing and which really brings us tools ball to eat gratitude and Norman for this class speaks to the entities because for 42 years 43 years I was not sleeping the friend be cause I had bought the whole universe from someone who was afraid and who told me no you must not look at it in fact it's dangerous and cantal point of view that it's dangerous you are going to create your reality with that and I said to myself it 's armed in fact c is the first time i meet tools left dukan made to leave the cac to receive the energy which actually allows you to cry it's like shannon using cdu and kite dot but said hey you really know the tools have been strengthened access have been strengthened in each one know this advice l it's really educating us to become energetically conveying again with our capacities and and in fact re- taming all that yeah for is in fact it's a path without infinite and without ever there is no end in relation to these stories because it's a cycle for ever more awareness and more use of tools using every day what do I know about entities really just that to say because often we say no I do n't know I don't don't know how to communicate game [Music] because in fact it doesn't correspond to the communication of our reality the way we talk about you and me you even see words or concretely and every time you say i don't know well you create a point of view that I don't know where I only get if you ask the open question what do I know about this if I had my reality with the entities and the communication with the entities what it would look like every time you open the door to open more or less evening more of it goes in your reality on a daily basis so it is true that at the beginning, beat the whole door on a daily basis it is always more and more big and I still continue to acquire and tools and to see how far my entity consciousness it can get even bigger - yeah and as right now also me it allows me to learn in order to reconnect to its to reconnect to my energetic capacity of releases to stop absolutely wanting to communicate at all the time with the mental and with all our limitations there sometimes in fact I see well w ith the cited entities not ready to lower the barriers completely in front of something it was after to really receive that in a total way you will in fact look for answers with your head and contract your complete universe and the entities are an invitation for me to finally obtain to recover the consciousness of a lot of things and that also allowed me you will have to I was afraid of spiders and well it's by the way by the entities that I start to undo also some others afraid that they are not real I found that exceptional in fact yeah yeah because this and of the co 6 to reconnect with your knowledge and to trust in your conscience that that and that the only thing that protects us is our conscience yeah and the only thing that thought by this attack the mirage is afraid to go out cut the brain yeah that's it that's it and you talk to the entities and recognize you see to recognize that you know beyond the perceptible of matter and logic it allows you to trust your perceive knowing emotionally so it reduces you for everyday with its energy capacities in and that you have and there is something that shannon j 'likes it when she tells when she says all that animals understand it's not true yeah you see and haskell and like animals like unique yes because they communicate the same way as our names like nick also energetically and with P ar our entities reconnected to this energetic communication telepathy in fact which we are all capable of reacting to and now what are your capacities including the skills you have with communication with energies and with entities that if you rookies that you didn't recognize and that if they wanted to recognize would actualize a totally different reality all that not allow that because mothers to be awesome because im reading gary deyne book about to talk to animals you see and in fact from the moment you more points of view with which you'll release you start to communicate with each molecule and when you start to communicate wit h each molecule makes you go you go you in fact, there are animals, for example, they have this telepathic mode a bit in paris match you see and they will send all the information directly like that without sorting because we are going to receive it in mode one little can you slow down because me i have so much pose definition of conclusion and separation between things that i am going to have to ask in fact to communicate with me in a much slower way and we are doing to go for me towards this actualization of the total actualization of telepathy we are going there and thank you to this class y for having given a comice a is for having allowed people to already recognize any this ability is what they know about energetically communicating yeah yeah because like he often says and shannon often said it's energy didn't eat batman that's it you see and your head always lies and du suddenly started to listen to the lightness or the heaviness listening to the energies that will allow you rea lly overwhelmed in there to follow all that and then what is true for us because otherwise we put ourselves in autopilot mode with the head and we go only in conclusions on the programming s judgments and conclusions and it's ok you see what it would also take to use limitation to our advantage and recognize when we think we are going in there and asking a question to choose something else and listening with the tools for two entities that also our that strengthens our muscles of consciousness and the perception of energies on a daily basis so if you really have already made an entity class also even read the book about identity which just there these ten black cat sites that's it it's going already using these daily tools to know muscular way to sah muscles of your consciousness and it's an endless path it's true that there is no stop in fact it's a movie and is from coup managing in the timing we help we still have a little time yeah we are doing badly and sing we are still 15 minute s but never have anything like time and that it gave a few years time flies so quickly when we has fun yes that's it and then the time not being a real data in fact a little the one can modify it game with as in art or besides the entities do not do not have the same conception as us of space-time also that is also a trick complete we could talk and to and the of the times when she tries to make an energetic communication you can also ask them to slow down or to speed up and and not have a point of reference in relation to that to allow the more fluid communication possible and suddenly I wanted to ask a question of aza khel and one or more of the favorite tools to talk to the entities that you like to use on a daily basis and that creates space for you or something that is if he had it 1 2 so I think there are several there are when I am in when sometimes I have not been managed as things go and which is an amalgamation of information and it becomes quite uncomfortable knows of what I am also aware of what I am aware of here and lately I have experienced the he interesting point of view if I had no point of view about nothing what would it be edel is really interesting point of view that I have this interesting point of view we can read watch because you can have lots of things you go into the body or information and is that what it is what it is for who is used does it belong to someone with or without a body ok entities and I can actually go a little crowded in amalgamation and information mode with tapas manage to go and actually really look at what I am aware of who it belongs to and is it a body or not here and then after frankly I think that it is not a tool that of the manual than ever aside and I want to bounce back on something that you said you see asking the question if these identities and that is really an important thing that I want to pose afraid to underline what I see so often after in fact we amalgamate everything that happens from 10 to where eve rything what they say not swing where there is something there is the title box but yes to these names it is the fault of the interests and is that that it is that it is a question or it is rather a conclusion a projection should therefore pose the question to the docks truth is what these identities do I have consciousness of identity of entities of something with where his body you see what I liked and see if it is light if it's light it's ok and 6 next statement in fact you can do certain acts rather than after otherwise we tend to go into the acute need conclusion or even into paranoia which in fact means we don't is not in the conscience we are just in the conclusions yes and to and that is really also a great thing something that helped me a lot it was one day when I realized that I didn't have to do everything it would not be necessary to do all of energy, that is to say that it is not because I am aware of something that I want to do something with it I find q ue it's important in fact it's really important because otherwise you will think I was overwhelmed obviously if you meet everyone at the same time there is a good chance that you will be overwhelmed when in fact you can just get the info of something ok cool is what is relevant to me gary's question to me about is it relevant to me has really changed my life really ah yes because yes also asked to receive what goes with the entities what will be relevant for you is what will create more for you and for the world because in fact it is like in the street there can be there will be I not in ten thousand people is it going to be relevant to talk to everyone or to listen to everyone or to be in the universe of tombs you see and precisely so as not to put yourself in the 'space of contraction and having the impression of having too much of a show to receive what is going to be relevant and six months and is also a Another question in relation to that which had helped me a lot by the entities is what energy s pace and consciousness my body and me what energy space and consciousness and choice my body and I can be to facilitate the exchange and transform all the energies and entities with total ease that's good all they would not want that is what many traits well decree drogba you anyway when we do at the same time I lose after we did it yeah yeah we have potential we have enormous potential we have incredible talents and sometimes we feel overwhelmed or obligated where it would be necessary that what it would take for us to get out of all this and be fair hello to you, you see yeah that's right and such low that morning I was in the foundation and then there I was saying and if we could ask a question you see every time you say you're saying yeah I don't know where i don't know how to play where you don't know that you see and if you could ask the q uestion what do I know about what ultimately is what an infinite being could not know something no there are autodidacts who manage to learn a lot of things without having learned something with their heads in this reality and that's it in fact is that she self-taught and you that you did not recognize by asking this question what do I know a remark of her about entities learns that from communication between the entities about how my body perceives the entities and receives them that will allow you every time to open a door rather than to close it and to invalidate tournelles every time you say I don't know where I can't at less I offer you an awesome tool that I have that I have that I use often it is as soon as you have the mans problem which comes in your universe to ask what are the possibilities change the word problem by possibility delete the word problem n was that they are the possibilities there I find that it is all t what prevents it is not going all the same brilliant thing if you start to change the very energy of tempo and lots of requests you will start to be able to receive things that he did not even imagi ne it is impossible for you in fact so really changed the energy of the problem ok it's not a problem there are possibilities there behind yes as said in the universe it's an all- you-can- eat buffet and we can even reach the goal our life at the foot of the bus makes the de facto strike and in fact the access tools that allows you to access precisely to the buffet is to recognize that you have the capacity to create your life from your choices was actions and questions etc and then you become the The study tool also comes the clearing tool from talking to the entities because you become energetically covering again with your energy of the mind had to perceive knowing how to be and receiving sewing becomes a tool in making therefore full of situations therefore and killer connect is the creator of your life is more spectator with the entities that's exactly it is when you really start a yes to use them killed becomes is really where is everything that prevents you from becoming the too ls rather than using them put them outside of you he has so much so that we do n't have a problem when we have one thing it's good it's really a dispute you are all talking to you it's really that is to say but in fact what it would take for that one day I do not have I am not in the use of the tool but that I have all these tools all these energies that are available in fact I become the clearing when I when I practice the clearing and that I did not practice I receive it and the more I receive it that I become it and the less you have worked and ouattara of efforts to do so if it can motivate you that's it that's it and how it becomes again but that what I look a little bit yes at 12 we still have eight minutes canwest six minutes it's up to me to ask you a question yeah that l is your favorite tools at original this time it's always a question so that it is swallowed up favorites I already believe I have one give one just now the ease of change transforms united energies entity I wa nt to say really asked the question on a daily basis what are my capacities including skills that I have with the energies with one of the entities the communication and the entities that I did not recognize and what it would take so that I recognize them it is used to my advantage and anything that does not allow that what we want to always keep writing your mac can not only in lan shop boys and sciences and suddenly it becomes really an adventure and an exploration of all newspapers see each other more and more what you are and at ease with that because finally we all have you also see completely different capacities so it's true that it's not because there is one that is fine hear them voices or happen to you want to smell with your nose or whatever e it is that you are going to have the same thing in fact it can translate in a totally different way so again and with your senses so really tight open what what you how are you actually you are these energies there and how do you perce ive them in your universe with your body we all have different bodies so we will know everything about the different sensations of people less brilliant bah thank you anyway thank you thank you social and in fact j 'I want to thank this day really is to say in fact I will still wow a little about two seconds but it's really five years ago I could talk to him and now when I see that in this group j 'I almost have tears in my eyes really what else is possible and and let's see just because what we all have done to be there and to be able to discuss it in a completely free way in fact to have this thesis there and thanks to chamonix to everyone who contributed with this s have two things born from having created that and from having made it easy to have fun and fun with it to make it a heavy thing and I say to myself wow there we have 24 hours ago all these facilitators of the all over the world who come to a facebook group where there are ten thousand people and we do that I tell myself yeah ok thank you thank you open thank you yeah yeah it's true that it's really a choice and a commitment to have also believed in what you know and to have gone towards what we knew that it was possible and being able all is there all together and creating that is really great what and I also find it nice to go and watch when it is Japanese bah yes I love it if you start to connect the energy that captures the energy in mode it is with these exceptions it is not that it is really it is really fun and what is it that they saw what you know about communication but any what you can get from all these people talking about the world in all the languages of the ancient world not been able which could be a contribution for you do I also invite you to recognize that the energy is your it is your first communication it is the basic communication that we had all been able to upstream and so we all have and we could still not louis valley that's why there is still plenty of stuff happening to me optical audio how much we are aware of the futures of those which go from what the others will share oh yes so thank you thank you for this share and thank you all for being there and to all those who looked earlier thank you ps thank you all I am doing you big viso and somewhere yes big kisses big kisses thank you Good morning. Good evening and good afternoon, I think it's we're in all parts of the world. Welcome to this 24 hours Halloween party and a totally entities page. Let's see if I'm the right one. Let's see if people are hopping on to check that I'm on the right page. Hi. Hello. Am I undertook to adhere to these page? So going good? I think so. Oh so well with an adventure. And I would like to start with thanking all the facilitators that have been part of this, but also all of you. Thank you for joining these 24 hours. Of wonderful videos and information, and for me, talk to the entities, I've been such a gift. And yeah, I wonder, are there any questions that you would like to address? Oh, let's see, I'm in the right group, I'm a little bit daunting now. Is everything good? Oh, gosh, am I? Is this good? Like, can somebody confirm that, I mean, then talk to me about this group. I'm so sorry for this. And thank you so much. I don't know her. Meanwhile, for this amazing tools that you share with the world. So my name is, yes, Adara, I am a you to this facilitator. And for the moment, I'm actually in St Petersburg to facilitate. I just did an interview yesterday night, which was amazing where we talked about these tools. And one of the questions, Hi everybody, that OK. Si. OK, thank you. That was Austin in the class was about do I need to believe in these tools? Because sometimes it seems like I'm going a little crazy. And I thought I was actually a great question. And a lot of us have. When you start with like dealing with energies that are invisible, how often do we buy actually that we are going crazy? Or maybe we are going crazy because we see no one else actually allowing himself to have access to that. So one of the questions I would like to ask you is like, how many realities have you been aware of in your entire life in regards to entities that were actually crazy and with crazy realities? I mean, like if you have the ability to as a kid to be aware of entities and it's just normal to you? How much is it actually crazy to have all these people around you that pretend as if it's not their? And pretty great, it's great, great. So how how often when you hear enough, like, no, that's not what's going on, you're wrong. What are you talking about? Stop being afraid. Whatever people have maybe been telling you, you start thinking that you are like crazy or you're crazy. So one of the things I really love to do, certainly in these introductions, but also in sessions, is to start destroying all the non realities realities that you've been buying from other people. And what is that, for example, if you have a mother or a father that didn't want to deal with that at all? Hello, everybody. How much like to actually maybe get their love? Or maybe you fit into the family and like to do everything that's that's valuable for the family? Did you now start to adopt their reality? And how much smaller is that than what you could choose to have? So can we just destroyed and create all the non realities that people create as their reality that you've been taking on? And now they kind of became your reality where you maybe now want to get out of where you want to change it. But still, these like patterns maybe are still somewhere flying through your universe right from growing up or put on nature. It's boys and Beyonce. Yeah, I see Allison. Hi, everybody. Thank you so much for being here with me. And this is really in this student of the classes. And then there is the advanced class that Shannon O'Hara facilitates oath. Lynn, people wonder why talk to the entities? So what? What do they mean? Like, I need a little more information on that question. Where you get access to discovering like, what's real and true for you? And if there's one area where I've seen where you can not trust anyone but you. It's entities. Because how often will you perceive certain energies? Will you perceive certain entities and you will look at someone else and ask them, like, did you see that? And they will be like, Nope, don't see anything I like. I didn't see it. And I just had it a few weeks ago. Even I was in the room with several people and something was going on with the lightning. And I was like, Oh, I was like, Guys, do you see that? And they were like, No. And I was like, Oh, that's awesome. OK, so who was there? So how many times have you been aware of things and you asked to other Earth? Like, Do you see it too? Or do you feel that too? Or have you noticed and they will be like, No. And did you still acknowledge like, oh, that's funny. Well, I did. Or did you start doubting you write very graphic for all nations, boys, man. And what if doubt is actually one of the major things like that will screw you over? Like, you cannot have doubt an awareness like in the same in the same room. They just don't date well. So a lot of these like tools will also invite you to stop doubting and to start trusting you and your knowing. Why will we talk to the entities? What's the purpose? OK, thank you so much for that question, Selene. Yeah, why would you? And it's actually. Why is if you if you look at children, did you notice children that that started asking like why? Why are the trees green? Why do dogs bark? Why is you have to look at, OK, so if I have wonder, like, why should I talk to entities, is that actually a generative question? Or is that a question that keeps you running into circles? And so when I ask, when I ask you, is that a generative question? Like a generative question for me is a question that you ask and that will start opening up more awareness that will start giving you a different. It will open a different door for you and not give you like a reason and justification for why you should and why you shouldn't. And reason and justification and awareness also don't date that well together. So how many of you have been choosing a lot from trying to find the right reasons and justifications? And then if you had enough reasons and justifications white to choose something or right to reject something that would be the base of your choices. Now, if you are wondering, like, why should I talk to entities like why should you? What if you start asking like, huh? So if I if I would actually open that door, where would I create? What will that create for me? What will that create for my future? What will that creates for my body? But will it create for my children if you have that and then you don't have to start looking for answers coming up? But what if you could start like just ask that question and then be quiet, just shut up and wait and just allow yourself to like, Oh, OK, so I ask myself that question now, what do I perceive? Am I getting more relaxed? Are things getting more light? Are things maybe opening up? And so if I don't choose it, what's that going to create for my future, for my body, for my children? And just see what is creating more space for you. Because, like I've seen a lot of people and I've done a lot of classes lately where I got to talk with people about awareness and choices and what I've seen myself do a lot but also others, is that we try to look for the right choice. And even like our awareness, like we talk in X, is about light and heavy. And what I've seen a lot of people do hello is that we have decided that light is good and like heavy is like wrong. So everywhere you've decided that light is the thing you should choose, and heavy is a thing you shouldn't. So no, you're actually going to filter your awareness if you would really like something or if you wouldn't, which is still actually not doing awareness, but it's doing judgment, just finding the right choice. Can we destroy it and create that right where tobacco put on it just blows me on? So with these tools, if you ask yourself, you want to actually start looking at, Oh, what's lighter for me? Oh, and lighter is not necessarily what you should choose, but it's just actually as an effect being what you are, you are light. Now, how many choices do you make that are actually heavy? And it's the same with entities like when you ask questions like, Oh my god, I'm so scared or am so this or I'm doubting myself. You can just ask yourself, OK, is this light? Or when I say, this, is this actually heavy? Is this a light I bought from other people? To me, it's like talking to children. The longer you ignore them, the louder they speak until it becomes unbearable. What if there is? What if there is something else possible? Yeah. And like, my experience is like, you cannot convince people to do whatever. So I'm just going to invite the persons, the people who are asking this question, like just start seeing like, what? What is what can you create for you? What are the possibilities here that you have not been asking for, maybe and like entities are not different than people like they are. Some of them are fun and some of them are naughty and some of them are sexy, and some of them are like hilarious. And some of them are like awful and some will come to, like, make your life horrible. It's the same with people. So how do you deal with people and people sometimes think like, Oh, the way I deal with those kind of entities is so like, it's just entities. And then when you start asking them, like, how do you deal with people that come and wake you up at night? Would you allow that? You know, at least you have someone who acts like that had been waking up with like blue sparks on her body. And like, it was just like, What would you do if people were if like someone with a body would actually engage with you in in the way an entity does what you right now? Would you stand there and watch? Or would you just like step it up and just be whatever energy it would take to change that? So entities, I say, are a major invitation for you often to step in to more of you. And if you have had like entities that are like cray cray around you or that do all kind of stuff, these tools and you having like, you know, point of view in the best scenarios. But as little points of view as possible will just allow you to see what's going on and to handle things with more ease. So what have you made to talk to the entities? Hi, the one here. Hello, but you didn't want any other language? I cannot allow this. What have you made? Talk to the entities. Mean that it doesn't have to mean right or wrong, Crabapple put on the insurance boys and Beyonce. And what if it could be a space where? You're actually invited to not hide any more of you. Even if nobody's willing to hear it where you don't have to pretend that the things you receive are not real. Maybe they're just not real for the people in this reality. But. What if that was? Different for you. And there are so many amazing facilitators around the world, and I think we have so many at the moment that maybe there is even like a class every weekend, like somewhere around the world. I'm not sure about that. And there is so many beautiful material undertook to the entity side. But also on this page, a lot of facilitators often share their experiences. Also, a lot of people share their experiences. So I think it boils back down to where I started, where someone yesterday, Nicholas asked me, Why should I believe in this? And my question was like, What if you didn't have to believe in anything? What if you didn't have to believe in anyone? What if you could stop believing? Like what? Like the other belief systems you've been buying into, you've been creating maybe another lifetime. You've been selling or you're still looking for. Wow. Yeah, we decided to create that right for a group epic for Nature Boys and Beyonce. Everywhere, you're looking for the right thing to hear. So you will finally have all your ducks in a row. Can we destroy it and create that right from global nature? It's boys and Beyonce. What if there is nothing to believe? And what if there's only you? Your awareness, your perceiving your being your knowing that you're receiving that will allow. Any being with or without a body? To get facilitated to you and with you. And when I say through you, it's actually true the energy to space in the consciousness that you be as an infant and being into a greater possibility. And that is very different with the access consciousness tools. And with these talk to the entities tools, I would say it's all about facilitating greater possibilities in the worlds. So what do you think when you're facilitating someone else or when you're aware of something with someone else would have that? Absolutely. To the mother, to Deb, it's about what question? What is it? It's about what if it was about? Like, What question can I ask her? What question can it be here? That will allow a greater possibility for me, for the entities? And if you're like if you have like a practice or a clinic or where you work with people where you facilitate people, what question can you be? What question can you ask that will allow them to start looking at how they're creating their life? So when you have entities in your life, this is not an accident, it's not an accident, even if they're very intrusive, even like whatever they show up, like, we all cradle lives, we all create our realities. So now what? Like, sometimes like when, when, when it's very intense, the entity awareness. I've been working with kids also a lot, and sometimes they knew that they refused to use these tools. They refused to clear. They refused to actually step it up and do the work, which some things might mean if you have a lot of. Hello. I was stopped believing, if that's it said to you, required. Oh, like if you have a lot of entities around you or you have had a lot of demons around you. What capacity do you have? They don't end up accidentally in your universe. So what capacities do you have that you've not been acknowledging? And that if you will not actually choose to have that awareness, to look at that, to be with that, that might start like throwing off in the different direction. And I've seen some people where it became very destructive, not because the entities were very destructive, but just because they didn't take actually what it took. They didn't do what it took. They didn't. B, is that English? What it took to change that energy? They would rather hold on to suffering being pathetic. I cannot do this. Why is it happening to me? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? Rather than stepping it up and just looking at, OK, so is there a potency here? Is there a power here? Is there a choice I've made? Who am I being? When I'm suffering entities right to our group, I but all the insurance boys and Beyonce and what energy, what space in which conscious, what consciousness will I and my body will have to choose? For this to change and sometimes like that might take like a bit of work from you or a bit of time. And what if time was actually a construction and not relevant and you were just willing to do whatever it took? So you will have you as the infinite being that you are? And not only for this lifetime with this body, but like for ever. Ride run goodbye paper on insurance, boys and Beyonce. So entities do not end up accidentally into your universe. No, they don't. I'm sorry. Well, I still have to meet the first one that had like an end to the accident. I had an end to the accident. Suddenly, I ended up on cloud. What has changed for me since the entities? Oh gosh. Well, so first of all, like I started with like Boris and the foundation, and after I did my second day of foundation wake up and I wrote about government like about like five years ago. I think I had a date and I end up at this person's place and he was cooking, and I literally had the feeling I cannot sit on this chair. It's not working. So we started like turning around the furniture. We turned around the table and after turning it around like 360 degrees, I could still not sit there. But I was like, OK, never mind. Let's just start eating. And so we started eating it at a certain point. I'm just like, it seems like somebody sitting on a chair and like the guy who was like, Oh, is this like the energy of my ex-girlfriend? I'm like, No, it's a dead person. And I was like, I never said that before. I just like, came out of my mouth. I was like, Oh, this, this is maybe not like, Oh. So I was like, Oh, OK, well, I had learned like this clearing thing in foundation. I don't know if it works, but like, we could do it. Let's see if it's like, Did someone die here? And he's like, Yeah, actually the former owner, she died here. It was like, Oh, OK, so let's do it like so. And I just basically had to clearing statement. I think someone else will probably have explained it here before or just said it, but it was like, OK, so who are you? Who are you before that? Who are you? Before that? Who were you before that and who will be the future? So what are you? What are you before I did? What were you before that? Were you before and what will you be in the future? What is your job or what's a job before that? What was your job before that wasn't done beforehand? And what will your job be in the future? You can go now. You can take your luggage and your magnetic imprinting with you, and that's it right or wrong about pepperell, nature and boys and beyond. So I now look at them. I think I think we're good. Like if this thing works, I think it works should be good. And so 15 minutes later, this is how I started with started to just use it like, you know, like whatever, right? And 15 minutes later, I was at the toilet and suddenly I perceive that entities there and she started complaining to me and I'm like, Jesus Christ, either I'm going totally nuts now, like, you know, like, there is something talking to me, but I don't really think that's true. And she started nagging about that. She didn't like how we changed the house, and I was like, So either I'm going crazy or this is an entity awareness and this thing really works and it exists. And I'm like. And in that moment, I just had the idea like, oh, actually, it's really it's really easy to check in this reality because she's nagging about the house. She's just not pleased with how the guy changed the house. So I put up my pants, go back from the toilet with flair, and so I get back to the table and I just start disengaging. Interesting conversation like, Wow, I really love your apartment. Did you do a lot of renovations? And he just says, Yes, I actually did. I was like, Huh? Did you take a wall away there? But he's like, Yes, I'm like, Oh, she's not gone. Actually, she's still here. And there was where I didn't conclude like, Oh my god, two things don't work, but I just started asking questions. So. Um hmm. Like, is our family still alive? And he's like, Yeah, I think they've moved somewhere to the south of the country. And I was like, Oh, hi. It seems as if she's still hanging around and looking for them. So sometimes entities might hang around still because they they don't realize they're dead or they don't realize that actually, time moves on to this reality. And sometimes, like wherever the reality was, people will move on. So. Her husband moved on, her kids moved on. They weren't living anymore in that place, but she was still waiting for them to come home. And like sometimes that might create interference in your household because your kids might be aware of it. Or maybe you have a new date. She's aware of it, so she goes crazy in your house suddenly. So it was very funny because I thought it was done after that experience, and one week later, I was actually driving from the city where he left to where I left, and suddenly I perceive that entity again. But in my car and I was like, This is like, now I'm like, This is really over the top. So I was like, So what do you want? And that entity was actually really, really into this cause. She energetically kind of got it. I could take her to like kind of the space where she could, like, keep on looking, but maybe more precise kind of or like more in the area. And that was in the moment where I realized, like, I'm actually driving through the area that the guy described where the family moved to. And so I in that moment, I didn't really realize that you could just ask them to go. So I literally stopped at a gas station. I opened my door and I said, like, your destination is still air raids. Can you please leave? And Bob, I and I looked around, I was like, Oh my God. And I closed the door and I just moved on and I never saw her again. So this this really happened. I'm really glad that I have a very normal looking body, but this is how entity communication sometimes goes. And isn't it like a great gift actually, for for that being or to as beings that you can be that space of wonder and no point of view and just be like, Oh, sure, well, oh, is that what you want? I can kind of help you. Well, if this is what you're looking for, here you are. Go with clearing didn't work there. So a lot of people that get these tools that I meet, they have somewhere bought that. If you have an entity in your world, these entities want to be cleared. So if you have and I have seen a little like video of Shannon, thank you. And she she talked about like, right, like the three things you can do with entities. It's like either clear them, communicate or receive or a combination of the three of those. So what you really want to ask and not assume is like, Hey, what do you want? Do you want to be clear? Do you want to communicate? Do you want to receive? And you don't have to figure it out. What if you can just ask the question and then just like open up a space and just start playing like, Oh, is it clearing or is it first so something else? Because if you're going to clear things that don't want to be cleared and cities that don't want to be cleared, you're just going to be work hard and hard and hard and hard and hard and access is not heart. Like if if something is hard, what if you can start wondering like, is this? Is this access consciousness or is mi i just making things hard? So everywhere you learn to make things hard, can we destroy it and create that to finalize this rider and go back and put on the insurance boys poisoning Beyonce? And I would say, please follow what you know. Don't believe what people say because you will get what you required to strengthen your being to strengthen you not only for this lifetime, but for maybe many after Adobe and for all the beings around you with and without a body through following what you know and not following what other people say that you should choose or that you should know that's not going to work. So thanks again, everyone, for being so present on this page. This last 24 hours, all the videos will stay here so you can have a look. Thank you, Shannon O'Hara, and I know she would like to thank you all. So, so through this. Thank you from set and as well. Thank you to the magical talk to the entities. Team like these girls have been all night long, like switching behind the scenes to make sure we were all awake. We were all ready. So thank you so much for what you're creating with us and personally with me as a facilitator. I know there is a lot of energy that you put into, took to the entities to make things, creating the world and to bring this entity talk to the entities further in the world. So thank you for watching. And please check out WW talk to the nurses dot com where there is a lot of free content or blogs, there are clearing loops that you can buy and check out. Also, there is a page there where you can find all the brilliant facilitators. We have them in all sorts of colors and languages, so you can just choose what's going to like, create for you now in the future. My name with the Isadora Romero Fernandes and thank you so much for watching guys. Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now Hello\this is so possible Russian is on now We are a April that our sons, Cooper, a Mustang heroine with terror. Yes, tocome y mano mano, which is a I let me Slovenian in takum. That's Rodrigo garbage, nick fun. I'm a writer and a good guy. I. Hello. Julia colleague, aka Conor McGregor, Alice, I mean, to come on the thigh on your Kostek competition even better than I knew it terror. As I entered a full parcel of land. The shinny elders former. It's on System Facebook Live on. Sin embargo. Avago guy wants to bring money with proved she's having. Hello. Hello, go, guy. I see, OK. Samsung fellow front row Prague Square, some with Slovenia, some say. There you go, guys. I think Prague Tempo Prague needs to ensure women like Carcache Nicolai LastName name to visit those and said, Look, Milo McCullough cat here, Sam. Yes, look glass. The corporate body. Women always said that to stop it and excesses me, listen to me the effortless, but on others it gets better. Natalia Graphika will see the four step of brand new demo Facebook Live for the with Venmo, Venmo, Venmo a possible net again built by Nike former instructor Rita Coburn. Then I am. Facebook lives close to the place where my success where I am Sun, who said there in grammar school provide housing, House Matter, more estate in Midwest and more electorally. But then Christophe Premiere the hour page on this blog. My Social London is new on the show scored a inside milestone online. United brought the whole bunch of 54. Why you need to do this live on someone young bucks when in fact, can a craver product production a year could offer a cart as a person? So much color. She is a chiller. But there was a kid's entertainment with some easy though nine man craps that was simple him 120 theta, but only when we were Premiere media wouldn't you think the bistro accredited the Middle East very Timor community. Iran was Niemi interpreting him and took him over gentle pressure on the old model chef to sell them more responsible on delivering optimum Premiere. Yeah, the super cost of Attila V12, of course. Desert stars a tale of a and that vaccines, my people said, must be in the clear I will stay up to last longer. Yes, some these two should pray. For instance, a chill as X is consciousness on so quite edgbla, much would not incense vultures blazing. That is yet another test with the trucks and beasts bras like nigga, always with Eddie Ki Willingboro loading a Nazi video lessons operation as you learn the input method Coppola does send ship Red X is some blessing into the seat on as low as Smith, Angelo Newsome, Cesar Brazil as Angus Terapeutico, but with the tailor Postell amid the mania that's sweet for and Jayson Tatum your debut. Please methods those anymore instances of Bridgeville and the temperature ship X system. In this to talk to the antithesis of US-Pakistan less pizza eradicated Pluto, Nikki Weiner, Buddy Murphy come out through batsmen's. Go to the White House's. So yes, let's go. We still got some spots. Novela access then cooked us. I don't know why, but my my favorite smells like some of my buddies bottoms allow me to involve my family in a three day body class so I could discuss football go viral or anything. That's actually a comment I keep entitlement for. I was after that Suzuki by Nikki's voice or overactive around an approximate weight loss and Miller and that is the email for Gladwell's systems we depend on for can do covalent of a thaw, then Adobe will be so from therefore the performances. Otherwise you'll end up with medicine as they look to put a log on them. And that test so many kids will nonmusical mnemonic if it's not oblique at calming money. Yeah, yeah, make a button, I guess director Niki Caro will blow a lot of free omnivore insulin galore. This law is on that much in the sense that they need to go. Is people always there on your is? Read more Right? Like if I could, which include Diana Malou, the second wife of husband, lost my interview. Ebony's misogyny and minority would need to not go away excess or unsafe disability. Then some of us in the United Premiere spokesperson scenario, these two would allegedly in Karachi. Annette, give me more thought. Those does not want their chests, Kim, who could be recruited out of the decision of the Senate foreign or might I forget it all it is of Vietnam? Or do you believe that bomb Creative Cloud tumors this box more the provide house in many ways that it didn't have any the IBM guarantees on Saturday long on the bottom of the list on the fact that most of them are part of the carcass may not be the it. Some lessons that they got my shit offer in Dover is on the ballot in them. But of course, the vets, the vets, I mean, I've come much on, Oh, some more cities is dog, and it's better for us to settle and that and they just forgot a lot of that, demolished them for the overlap. But what they did that was there for them to get a candidate acceptable, they made us whether ought to send the data to establish sites like YouTube enough yet empty data. Now it's the empty data you met with Medalla Bly Oatly's Priscilla north of Iraq that kept the budget for Guevarra and the is equal Guzzo on Kraken SEC Harmony codified needs your form was structured or yet anti data. Yeah, it's the things you learn as they operate the link go Goga Gene, a mama jerrica says that you. Eat the day to day that you could definitely monkeys sent in to because they did see more human error that can achieve zero more at the lodge view model of attack quality. Not that we black Vanessa me than you. There'd be blood. It seems that the drug alcohol I paid the Bill Murray lover, Kokkinis City Chick, was sponsored by the middle of the night. Man, that still isn't that in a sauna said. If you need a liquid set during the mean that you could seek Pagliano Kissimmee Miller's across Lanarkshire, we ignore that and continue to neglect toward the Niemeyer police, and they permitted the swap on it. The mass in this is they showed us, yeah, in my. So I took it to the Bahamas, I thought. But across the valley called the Temple Glasgow. Wow smirked and wanted thought. Shoot the to one day on supersonic. Got us the plan on PK Subban moderation with sex problem. Always glad though. Point of view. OK, mom on. You know, grandma is you more estévez? The new stuff with are smart make point on barnacle that if she's telling you this, anything about the the price of food fees, it's not alone. I, you know, my sister used to have, you know, last year for Gladiator before signing off with an Adobe across the ruins of, in some small part to the deliberative process. Vital role for the week in is somebody that got the reload that I'm on it. But the jets, as of March 31 for the proposal for a month passed it in the that is and then got me a stable Pushtun yard, but said within the midst of a push on it. But across the name and backbreaker, single file coverage thought Wow, but spooky with them. So I'm planning to go. Lajos Premiere Nimmo Slides of Islamiya Brussels. My mother vaccinated the bat and move up to no more. That's the list I love. The process of progression campaigns is about as good election study group ActionScript through games better in statistical myself. Missile minutes got many full and on the relock. Take up the thought the on the improv across the program of Zen thesis on Mira almost alder hey percussion love is only a seven and Beats two came. Typekit, some nutmeg gotcha to everyone in the picture, much of the venlo in naked fur or nest of supporting protoplasm, the Ghomeshi's saga is named Mohawk. Our Left and they use this very directive, which but it is a clinic. In minutes, well and lucky, zero minutes, Hollywood, the proscenium and its Turkish-Armenian, the public looking a little on that final, the vista the city because they lack the bad set for stunning Vienna boys. The reason they've been that savvy in the wisdom is that this without crooks Sabur inch initially to jellyfish impregnated that sweet scented coco vagina already on their sad theme with the squeeze organ at the have eaten the vege bar. So Aperture Chivo Ed Delany to Barcelona took a distinctly psychedelic Premiere that persists of omnivore mashigo lasting as the agreement coda. Dilemma, which are captivating cities sticky is set Australia operative Zoe Daniel and predict he is irrational does Nick zanamivir lead though zealots of Richard Nehru-Gandhi state assemblies, obviously the vamp boy on a concussion in the chin and the squad lap, I promise you on. Yeah. You must've figured that out. See, Druggy MultiChoice executive Adobe said the entity got well said today it does very easily resilience for elderly people, particularly what do you mean as only cheating? That is readily crocodilians because it's such as episode of dementia, the researchers, the visibility part in podcasts that pop up online towards voice and beyond us cortisol Photoshop the hey work somewhat more phone only got a pretty strong woman who is working as a bit on the right side the bun, thus the cost of the meat come on, a story told you. And it did beat beta. Ah, the whole Coca-Cola pageant. Let me go to Yemen, where I says I'm in a more cold could restore. Some provide provided was much more snakes in this smart Melaka area in the small, idyllic Akubra soil you are fighting with enough momentum of everyone to settle. We need to think I've it. Right and wrong, good and bad for them, foreclosures, boys, insurance abuses, whatever to which they with that, but across the globe, that is a value said. I'll tell you to write in of brothel Premiere Pro man and of there's a in that they hope your money need a cassette only to. I look great. Our. In Russia and pretty picture, Kobani is sort of a neat vs Russian algorithm allergy again, the Zuma XV's is busy Adobe Premiere minute. Right and wrong within that. For national, it's and Bjorn's. Yeah. And let's one with the saddle and set the saddle to fire these. But it caused me. But I'm not. I'm I'm not that I'm Methuselah. Wrangham, instead of my breed of build is beautiful. Yes, that is Matthew Interphone of Great Economics, who in any of the formal proposals, while I smell their venom autumn just up of it, I'm off the hook there. If I'm struck in traffic was disrupted. I pharma the book Adobe Blackpool sat down to put them to feet or more cheap the side of the bus. Yeah. Well, some of those entities are mechanical switches, much for saving rather than a whole community. We must develop this. I believe I said Badger will provide a quality fuel for saving over the specific issue that I've been starting to get back to the end of this factory beside the Holy Cross and the theory towards Moore's. Most of those marvette. They then Premiere money in beat scoop is empty and make up this week this month. So I got my phone number pushed several Sutcliffe and I've been to Braslow. I busted a sliver of the Benmont vomit on more for an upgrade on the right and wrong, good and bad for them. Pokorny Schwartz wasn't beyond insurance glasses, and Jimmy was the provider lobbies to my. They ask you the key city more upbeat, the now secret plan Martha and a local within something for body body. Exactly. He's sick of it. But Jouyet, there'd be stop. Liverpool must give a toss. Why not put the ENSO in bleeper Paul Noma? But as the Beavers star around the country, Uralla invests money in Uralla was to settle said they will need to limit as readily crocodilian right on goods that plus spot falling short and beyond. I view this those representatives, some of them are representative of this thing. To be the one in there that detects bombs in our lives with much of the snakes must produce in the garden of skill market, local Saddam Hussein and across. Right and wrong, good and bad for them, broken insurance boys and Beyonce in culture, they ask a ton of for ness such lavish through this family at showbiz to stink or nest stop at those milestones of the new school. Do it that planet to girls. They're just dragging mine and one of us. So that's it. And no pressure about this book could have your cell well written by a convertible, but it ought to make the paper fun. Must be so on it whenever I'm on the style villa, among them planning so overeating and I really can't prevent them will get the the it goes on. You've got this one of these and then. Quelques warrior, Coco Kirkconnell, planet's oldest almost instantly to the ownership a bit, yeah, yeah, yeah. In Circus. Established on the bush, you were most definitely readily because didn't. I don't look bad for my shorts, for some yards in that group got most of us in event of them. Megalodon Tokyo saw them at Tohoku were not caught, but Grossmont captured the sea before nightfall. A steep mobilization of impressed across Mexico knows that Premiere market that that will be brought in from a faction of the Kurdistan Workers Party proxy. Cultivable today, when all this is on a month to month, I mean, but across the board, you don't mess with the magic right along with and bad for them. Talk on a shortlist of young because if Obama wanted the one smokable try to restore those marble and then some of the three such such that statement by such start to pick on Facebook life from the excesses of its inefficient review of books, our banker says, I do not think you can move them across me, be one and take a slingshot alphabet as mentor to me, so I'm going to be able to thwart this one. You're crazy. Shut up. Well, we spoke to Tore means what I say, OK? Norman, something on boy, mom, mom when he came out of them. He was up to lots of women. But the legal status they trusted, they were old. They were Mr. Rizzo. The ones that you've read them on courage that's going to be done by Theranos. That will get you real money. I've seen I'm not to be on my staff sheet. While Pulitzer in books, monologues marching across operates on the chiseled circus vaguely of my mom and dad to say Mr. Stoker, they go each year, then schools. You learn here that they just need honesty. A lot of us are key. Universities think was a CNET the simple What is it, Tatum? Yeah, that's the Duke told me the leadership. The registry featured us in a Tokyo visit with very la figure. Yeah, I'm in Khartoum Saga Bashir, my partner and former regime woman dictator sika version of parchment is still a rule for very sensitive to me, and I am. She means McClatchy's magnetic potential seem what do you see him standing there for his violin? So we'll give one is us not store where the store beats store in storeroom, but subway. What's voice waiting is that that's going to make more sense to the whole setup at any time. Right and wrong, good and bad for them, poor conditions wasn't the answer. Yeah, they publish this in the video Chicago bashing and the of a chattel right there hugging them. Mm hmm. Ligature was by might that rises above Allah as a piano Hunyo for lack of rhythmic, monotonous, I guess they wake up capacity presented to me by some is the explanation that deepens those pessimistic or you talk to the entities raises canali geranium into depth in equally spiritual insight the tunnel is on, which is of either its name you. Canada zero. Antitheft, unique card exchange says that you access consciousness, but without any means correctly, this is the ability to propagate them, which again, in every view, proponents of LaGuardia's and Epitome exists on their block, created by buggy the Canali nine. Yet but if push China and gun control are not still here, some in Canada, even if they let the entity to try see the government with not much nature in would put the note said that you cannot run your serenade by my beat president Cai Canali eight English. Now I'm off with the zombies on your take off, but call the country that they know my country am Google Mobile Mobile Guy to soar and guide. They are supposed to be my bold potential in nine ball dominant fine details from last month's fatal kitchen rameau makeover. The Kim mom to me, she audemars ball put in front en masse on book. The proposal. The proposal Mama Pay cut just some years, so you savvy got to something else and then the door came on the starved on this container. This is not a dumbest crunch. No way. Then you then it's crunch. No better than this continent of Premiere is episode Gerstner will never call Gum Valley to snitch about suburban a little kid called Bo. That call get it a whole bogus, pathetic, colvera, horribly boring set of career when needed in North Korea, right along with Bedford by phone, I'm sure its voice and beyond his Charlotte gawa, Shen cracked the thought. Well, what I mean, what must that? Internet cloning will then you get another witness got to be more open, Razavi is in there knocking on the door handles of it, and he got to cooperate with and another doctor, the entity said on October ten. Visit willingly beat the V. And then the Dawn Hill a whole week, I am I'm bullish as allies, as lava Slovak, I mean Bhatia's allies, but also yam naked my language of the last in the parade. The new to create this sticky note on the namaste was also Cukor. We saw him have a bogus Salem born alive through the roof now. Yeah, well, I mean, all. Hello, hello, and welcome back to your previous. My goodness, just so nice that I can check the dollar. Pete, we noticed the difference and Iyengar slaughter. What shall I do? And I'm on an animal up that instead of 21 Spangles this particular environment, the dinosaur might become more attractive and ombudsman since very toxic. The LA drastic measures mom on a busted me already, but on Galo here and we have some room for improvement. I would show for them pork, but a pressing positively. Nothing will put it off them. A gadget. But I seminar talk to them. It is natural for below to see volume of Poppy the City magazine in online form of vitamin D baseline buscher. Jesse Bolen read that a nine member must eat in Brooklyn and end up in a brothel in the assembly. Then that changes to some years provincewide last night. Kouchner is semmel parabola la carte and goes Kelly. Finally, they made the de la La Reading. Now this is a crash. Zain Asher must easy even Sabat, who the owner of a bush, could be gone. No reporters who learned a cool named these two kutesa each. But it took seen as a youth correct. Experiments at the governor's as as Julianna Sacco and Lotito hit had a last man is an assassin, a beat clock that Tebow because delaporte the the the birth order not retire on that Sicilian street luck. Wish for short order karate? Zo sets to each some exotic sniper in shiny status forms. You learn that by Larabee stretch, Lebanese people watch Conor Banish, druggist very similar system, put them in garage for the barbershop. She is the main event Cuomo Ali Jam with the battle of the swine lanyard Thatcham for men. Thus, this dumb musical bill spoils most members novor with and beaten by Premiere mano settle with them. Please, please, please, would you be willing to destroy creates all of that right and wrong with a bad and park on their shirts , boys and Beyonce? Not like this, but is there some kind of problem as this simple operation chaos when pull in Estella was the Trinamool canali zero tsikata that is distinct kami. They're more activist for tone as opposed to Smith Sujatha in the quizzes Sizwe, the more robust them in. When you hope to be smart, they ask Corabeth or the people mooch. Careful. That's what she looks like. Your small info Antonina parts more in their unspoken directives. Pastoral love is on the new day in need to pro in exchange. Me not all that. In all, some of Pranay hate chaos. You guys see the answer will strike, but why are you letting us delete them? It looks like Christmas. I find goodness. I was going to get up over November with my photo guide. Then I think of daylight. I usually come supernatural for a last November. Hey, why don't you fucking run for me on a beast than I friggen? Yeah. Would it be to look at what is like? Zotac is a developer. My house acted stupidly, provided this isn't me to go. Yeah, but I got enough enough. But a lot of demands. I thought Vachon Azalea Azaylia with them will create a of my most of go that Jama'atu thought earlier. Let's do that. Yeah. Well, I guess I'm not the same as Sylvie DiMarco, Sicily Jamal. Yes, dear god, you made the Halloween joke. Stay up late, good evening Thank you very much to participate in this special this time a Halloween party this landscape is the fact that you will look for me in fact, my head will look in two different directions because of the fact that the program does two mobile phone in fact, it is above live on Facebook and I've come in with some other cell phone to the students in China do not because of this Facebook so welcome to a lot of students in China in Taichung so you see it is the same thing as in vitro ghost Halloween festival in the Western world is a celebration of a people to a play a program in the world but one day the Chinese will think of it this Halloween is very different from the Chinese world is there such an atmosphere of terror the ghost thing we thought they would come out you think the Chinese ghost Festival, when everyone is how could dare go out at night afraid to go out at night at night may be more than a day is probably paranoid feel as though there will be some wh ere hazardous to your spiritual body, etc. but you see in the western world do so dress up dress up the ghost of this day is the day with a lot of adults and children together with the good people of these lovely spirits of all kinds of demons how to do it so you come out to play create your point of view Zodiac how many of us view it let spirits so bad thing for us is the terrible thing you can not play like what you see if you have these these views on the human body if you mention it to mention ghost the spirits you afraid you would think this thing is so little mention is how many of us view the spiritual body that it happened so that he dare not mention he was always the one you should be afraid of all this cut Tian laugh who are you will tolerate in the creation of two people do in their fear back some sick so there are endless possibilities of what we can do when it comes to digress him a sum of a family of three environments but tonight people may think this is a fact, tonight is not a course a course that I want is to can how can we and neighborhoods together is a joy to spend the day watching it so after every one or Why do not you watch how much listening tonight is to participate with you and tell you to spend this Halloween with this half-hour of joy let these leaders come around come around come around come around near you near you near you more and more more more more more more so you will feel as if the entire space seem a lot more like some of the things I am now inside the room I could feel crowded a lot of you really look at it is not a terrible thing in more in more in more of what it may have to play have come have come have come have come have come to see you doing well or technical problem at all happy to say that no one can actually say that this source now what we do all these 00 thank you stay with us very opposite of love now you can leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave leave all give us a little space to give us space for a person to say how someone can shoot a meal He is not going to want to eat Do not worry, he will not tell you tell you you eat your body you do not have to have a body when you can not eat it while you still have a good body when to eat and leave leave had happened to all of a sudden this space gets bigger you say you do not seem so crowded is not so dull kind of feeling so you see, if you just say come come we came to you and said, leave leave leave leave they left the left which is why it is a very terrible human body is more powerful than you actually do, he said you are very powerful, but you do not admit you have been watching you call him and he comes Compare him go and he went away you are really very powerful, but we do not believe we have the power we believe is the spiritual body than we have the power to have a person say so now all of us are not the contribution of these spirits these are not to participate in play with the spirits told them to leave it or leave sometimes I joke that this time I would call it a voice conversation in China sometimes I say and then you roll it scared the whole class of students how you can like this seems like a great thing because we should not be thinking like this is that you will not offend the spirits for a while, but he will not get angry you look at him than you if you are a spiritual body is still considered more powerful things can be harmful things, then it of course you will be afraid but you see, if you do not treat it as a different thing, then how would you like will do so you can not allow yourself allows you in the human body in this regard this may be accepted 20 minutes it is you want to do whatever kind of how God if you ask so you are not going to love them and we play together is not a symbiotic neighborhood have it before we leave next have fun and then things they want to participate in the neighborhood come around to come around to come around to you all that is done in rapid growth in China, or d o you have students do more listening and let come around shipped back to Taiwan and then to see some students, like me, you want to go is just to try it out you can already make a lot of spirits around you close to you that you do not mind that now a lot of the same time allow spirits to rob you of it powers of concentration so on around you with these spirits who sit down to play with the contribution of these spirits it means that civilization spirits of the people you now give you a fun thing I want you to grab my powers of concentration can ask them to think the best ways for you to notice what he said, so there may be some evil between them can not be said to be competitive it can be said that competition from public opinion to start from scratch this time you can say that this is not the way to 000.00 this is not the way to have some more fun easy task Edison said he understood some fun ways to get my attention I do not know if you feel there is kind of how I am now, I feel as t hough behind some how pull me in the past has a lot of different the feeling is that if I look at you now I try to keep myself do not move, then it I could see a room if I said it then you grab my powers of concentration and then it quickly if it happens I find it hard to focus on a point that I feel like I look the other direction there is a way to say you fairy how many of these human point of view so that you can not appear in vitro and have fun with the spiritual body is always to bring you a number of questions that are not uncomfortable nor admit any day are small you think though always create so he told them to say sorry to let a man talk about what is old or so I guess you think they mean what is the right thing left is the right to the left on the left to the right to enlarge and then put it all around, not just about before and after 3230 following these spirits do get them from every different direction, do what they can to arouse attention caused you found your attention t o the present moment of mind you feel like there is a lot of different things to a lot of a lot of ideas the conclusion is to let you can not focus so that in fact it today to this is I specifically did how I would do it in fact, of course, I am very determined this thing for you is no percentage of any damage not unless you have these views considered you create your fashion your point of view that of course now we can also play before playing what is it I want to say is that our normal days it sometimes also experience this phenomenon is hard to feel like you have to focus so much man this time to pursue my own judgment is not a mental problem I have is not what this attention deficiencies, etc. Why can not I focus so you probably do not have a problem you aware of the fact that many, many spirits there may it is that there are many, many spirits do want to get your attention what spirits he'll want to get your attention then he will have his own which he may have intended purely fun he wants you to know he is here it is also possible that he have something to tell you is also possible that he wanted to contribute something to you so today so events and sea literally as well as the spiritual body it can bring something to contribute to you in this Halloween does it mean to do me in last year, when a foreigner say hello Apple Hello this is a very interesting finding of some foreigners have a lot of time watching this on my own Chinese I guess they did not understand, but should also particularly like Hello Hello10400 so we usually have this experience when I last many months ago I once opened a dialogue with you this a public service, but about money and time, some students just listen to an hour a simple public after the lesson they have it much better. This has some some extra revenue in the fact that he is a gift so we can become something to contribute, he can take some very angry the way it is to change some of the things you want out presents so you followed the first thing we play is to let him grab your attention now what we play now 000100 these gifts are more nourishing to the body of the gifts I leaned over and come around the other These rely on a little step aside now and you step aside for the body relatively nourishment that is especially the ability of the body or possibly his favorite body which can come through we have done then what now do play the most exciting people require these gifts to give you a massage to relax relax relax because you asked me to ask the students you say I do not have to send me might be sent after you have sent me have said you should find I now remember to relax so I just have to say touch your gift with your massage when do those emerge out of all these fears afraid think this is wrong thi s is not all that whether you buy these lies where these are a variety of spots should be so that you can not with you will always play when you do not create people in the next tummy Nicholson've got a student at Facebook, he said he was himself a little to the inside of the thigh massage at the massage parlor terror of course you can not come out so you do not know my students say guests knew he was not the problem itself, I felt like I was learning to be a shoulder massage and a sense of a man said in Everest said in his micro-massage to give you massage the fact that you see our point of view is that massage is there are no external possible he could from the inside to the outside touch with you very vague positions you have no such possibility to relax and unwind remember it the more you relax, the less you do this a barrier to your contribution to the world of the spirits so of course, more easily accept this moment may be your first contact and then give you a so fun so exciting , but today is a challenge we are all for fun Halloween so when you find one where you begin to discover your body starts tight time feel like feel like the time is not quite right you have some ideas you at this moment as much as possible to reduce the acceptance of all of these so your barriers come down lower and lower down these walls even if you think you have no I think the very fact there is no barrier and then the next when I have to say the most difficult time to actually find someone you can then build up you can then reduce this barrier is that we have a lot we do not know about you these barrier is to let them listen to him usually can not play with you can not contribute to you can not give you a massage can not give you a massage can not give you a massage from the inside to the outside of it now because I said do you find the people several times after snowfall snowfall began more relaxed down around you OK so the gifts you play you are a massage also like to play someth ing different from it and sometimes some of the things some of the ideas to sell some advice you might have some idea if I told you I this process will take you to a man said he was a little excited because this thing is a lot of fun with the usual massage might be someone you have no other gifts in addition to this possibility if you tell me a gift also said the opening of the absolute have the ability to gift him you want him to do is actually provide something here is what entity is more difficult then he asked if he is not truly get what you touch, but he gives you a Kind of feel like that if he may be a feeling that he was not a fact of a collision but if you want to interfere with it some electronic stuff such as TV viewers watch your TV may spread to your air-conditioning, etc. he is relatively easy to do so you see a lot of these so-called class of ghost stories is how it usually is possible that you happiest when we suddenly touching your TV show or he did not want to force yo ur focus when you the traditional real estate business uncertainty surrounding you really have no gift but it can do that but first we have to do a thing is to ask these gifts play go play you do not interfere with our network do not interfere with my Facebook I do not follow the Chinese Fortunately, the wind in this respect for the gift of these electronic products have the ability to play with you to play these gifts do require them to leave those other people say or leave a $ 2 per 35,000 yuan, although it left some gifts it is possible for electronic products is more fun now some of them can do what they can interfere with your these electronic products it is possible that your lights on your TV you'll know I'm not your daughter on stage can not be counted counted luck luck luck suspect all of you in this regard so that they can not play with you in this way it is always willing to go if you let them go in and create my side so you still with fear or feel that they are not quite ri ght at ease this means it is just a half hour and a half later you may not like to fly up to see if you can play with your gift of this is the electronic products we are now at this moment I could feel I do not have any, you over there if you can let me know a few days ago I remember one day when I do go in a restaurant when a gift if he wants to communicate is that this gift ability is very strong that he let the restaurant and so on, forget what he did not know then it's you and I told him you again confused fragmented dispersed say let everyone comment if you have this capability, then society Why do things like this so we sometimes have a feeling that this competition thing like this word for word this game does not have a word no one seems to do it or you do not find it possible for them to this fact is a challenge he can not not do it, then it does not matter can be and play with something else right now there's that much Gift uh uh save money we finished it I think we like most is that there are so many gifts and more gifts inside most in the spirit of the most capable of this leave the other sidelined 3:00 and then we he can give you a variety of simple fast may make you with a look so you simply communicate your very ability to do this a gift of it in terms of money if he can give you a sense of money or points in a crude way view What would it be all existing court documents to see if there are any thoughts pop out some of the ideas he might jump out to you is a very simple word he said mom is actually very easy to transfer your money to put him out So complicated and difficult and have you ever so there are some in itself is an idea to jump out of you can share is that you can break out is that you can make you instantly knew what things I remember before did I once did a similar such an exercise, when in fact it was then that fluid will let you know that in fact this thing is you put it too complicated to me is money in this area so you can see the money this thing is very interesting to us a lot of judgment on the human body we have a lot of money when it judged that it would be difficult to contribute something different in terms of money today so you can not be that by ten minutes of it I have more than less than ten minutes 7 minutes 6 minutes about all the things you put your money on these side refused to accept it start and if you still hate you accept the money after the end of the show you put your back into a problem that is your choice that you do now these barriers come down to you refused to receive these first and then let those little gifts rather than just the one who is most capable in terms of money have the ability to do a play with you it can teach you some of what is it and when the first time you think you usually have contact with police in the communication that now this person can be said to be a more formal you first if you have not killed a man, then this is your very first direct contact with him yet you wo uld think there will be some small-minded idea, but it's hard to understand what he's hard to wonder what in the end he wants to express his mind just as if there is something so this is actually a spiritual body in a way to communicate with us he is in fact is very happy because he is your energy equal to 0 dialogue when it actually aware of your energy will increase because you can understand what he is from the energy circle that is very interesting is that you have not so there are some things to share and see is a question that can put people to buy lottery numbers yesterday were all open today 0 out so dramatically that it is much better that the Chinese point of view this is what we watch these movies or when we do these folk stories do you think these legends some people are probably going to pray played a spiritual body and then hope to make a fortune this is actually a very interesting one by one approach you first believe the body can but you do not think you can feel your s pirit than your body in this regard in fact, more capable of knowing he could not name even if he is does not mean he has the ability to help you today you have the ability to help a lot of people can not help but to do so does not mean that you have no ability is one thing you're unlikely So, now it is one thing to have a collective might of his ability, but he refused to help you that you have some time he wanted to help you but in fact he can not do, you know that the human body in this regard you let him help contribute to your you can not do this with other people say you can go to the results of the lottery out a little so he has not so much what you say and what circumstances helmet recent home twice myself is that we often feel that there is something problem then all Neighborhood that is not necessarily a relationship with the human body even if your home does not mean that the neighbors do have a relationship with the media is that you know we often recommend the gifts he may be passing people he thought I did, but you now have a presence say you can not say a bad faucet is my problem so he is innocent and now I want to play in this Halloween gift distribution end of a rogue people to sue you usually put all his sins does not give him, you know he is my he just said some electronic stuff is easier done on this entity is more difficult to do what he's trying to say is that there is a person to be able to ask yourself is which collectively do is to ask if the question is actually possible but most people can not do because you have too many views if you already believe in your past life who you believe is a very great man in a past life is what celebrity is a great person you really want your past life it is the kind of person, then you have some expectations have some preconceived some of the points here is absolutely inaccurate inaccurate you this question I told you I had someone come to me to do the case when he told me what he said Qin Shi Huang reincar nation so when this happens I do not know if I should use medicine or do I want to pay so that endured the Russian is both safe and then you have to play when you see all of you there will not a lot of different points of view is the founder of SK he also said that he had several cases it is for so many years he has accumulated several people who say he has done all his money two people are the same person can ask a director divided into five people that is not possible so we are in this area too which we look forward to the results you want your past life is who I am inside I was here 90 minutes a very simple thing I want to express is that no matter what your past life who are It does not matter who you want to see your life even if your past you Ye Hao emperor even millionaires are millionaires who are good-looking you this time how much money you and your past life this time really does not matter as to how you I like to take the money that is another meaning that is a big topic bu t then a lot of people look at the past too important to think I used to be so and so unimportant so this time you can choose who put so how are you your past and your past life or past life only to see who is so real that you can not make good middle valuable at this time to create a variety of possibilities and a variety of wealth you want to create, and so all of this has become to find tomorrow more is because if you destroy never create BOSS need for outside if I say so not a bunch of Taiwan parting told them that to half an hour and then I'll take a look at this program, but it refers to a Facebook in English so I do two Chinese English my time is over so I will stop here, thank you so all you have fun playing is just the adjournment adjournment of the territory it had always especially happy hour happy and Hello. I'm just waiting to see if I'm actually alive because I've been having some technical difficulties my life, somebody joy and welcome everybody. When an exciting like 24 incredible stretch of talk to the entities, Facebook Live says this ben. I think we just came out of Latin. Latin hour or two we thought was really fun. Hi everybody, I'm Shannon. And what an honor and a privilege to be here with all of you. I want to personally thank all of the top two entities, facilitators who came on and did this. I am so blown away and touched and grateful and excited that this is something that gets to live in the world. You never think when you're like a 19 year old weirdo that hundreds and thousands of people out in the world are going to be inspired by things they are going to be inspired by. The weird shit that you're capable of, so I'm really grateful to be here with all of you and welcome to talk to the entities Halloween style and Halloween, talk to the entity style. I always do a Facebook Live at Halloween because really, this is the talk to the entities holiday and. Had a crazy idea, you know, sitting at lunch in Bucharest, Romania, one day actually doing talks in entities beginning class there a few months ago and was sitting there with a couple of people and got a crazy idea to do 24 hours of talk to the entities Facebook lives, and I'm so glad that we made it happen. And I really, really, really want to thank my staff for supporting this. For the beautiful women who work with me who got this off the ground and have been there every step of the way making this happen. Thank you guys so much. So how does it get better than this? I have little to no idea what anybody other facilitators have been talking about. And I know that I've tuned in for a few minutes here and there throughout the day, and we're going to be going for another. How many more hours is it till midnight if it's six right now? six, six more hours. We have six more hours, but here we have one of the talk to the entity shirts going on behind me. I should have put one on for you guys. Sorry, I was a little bit behind schedule, so and I had some technical stuff. And now for my portion of Facebook Live, Max is going to do a talk to the entities T-shirt, song and dance. So cool. So what do you guys want to create? So I love to create with everyone who's here, and so what I would really love is to. Create a world where we didn't have the separation and division between us and beings who don't show up like normal people. So something that I. Started getting years into facilitating talk to the entities was how many beings exist in our world and how much we basically function as a society with a huge amount of prejudiced against. And I had so much freedom from engaging with entities clearing. Communicating and receiving that, I. Really wanted others to get the kind of freedom that was possible there, too, and really, I see that I have succeeded. Based on what has gone on here today in this Facebook group hearing what the other talk to the entities, facilitators have to say, the clarity that they have, the awareness that they're willing to speak, and each and every one of you who has shown up on this Facebook group for this topic. We had an increase of over 2000 people into the Facebook group for this, and that's to me a good sign that the world is. Hungry for something different, and that's where you come in the place. It's like, if you're here tonight, what do you know? I'm sorry. Excuse me, this evening, it's this evening in San Francisco, California. I know it's not tonight for a lot of you guys out there in the world. So if you're here now, what is it? You know that you've been pretending not to know or denying that you know, and using all sorts of reasons and justifications to not know. So all the reasons and justifications you've been using to not know where you destroying and create them, please. Whatever that looks like, whatever that takes. Thank you. Right, wrong, about all nine shorts, boys and Beyonce. Is being aware, considered cool and awesome, or is it considered wrong and weird and how different if you were willing to acknowledge what you know, how different would that make you from your friends, your family? And all the other people walking around. So how different are you? That you never acknowledge. And what if being aware of entities was only a small part? Of the universe of awareness. That's available for all of us. So what treasure and gift of awareness have you refused to acknowledge exists for you? Everything you're doing to refuse to reject and to refute the gifts it. But awareness. Wants to be for you. Will you destroy and and create all this police? Right and wrong, good and bad, all nine shorts boys in the US so far too long have people used fear as a reason and justification against awareness and definitely against entities. We were just staying in. Sorry. Let me get to that story in a minute, so everybody else's fear. That you bought. In regards to entities, that isn't your problem. That was somebody else's problem. Do you really want to make that your problem? So everywhere you're making somebody else's fear resistance, an inability to the spirit world, your reality when it isn't your reality, you destroy it and create that. Right and wrong about all nine, Papa John's. And if you no longer had barriers. To hearing the voices of those that don't have bodies like ours. To seeing those who don't have bodies like ours and to knowing those who don't have bodies like ours. How did I start that sense? I got lost. What would a world be like where we included all beings? And that's really what I am aiming for now with talk to the entities. In the beginning, it was in the beginning talks. The entities was like my own personal survival mechanism. It was I was either. So I'll tell my story super briefly if any of you guys don't know it. If you read my book, talk the entity, you know, well, if you haven't read my book, talk to the entities and you're interested in this area, I strongly suggest you check it out. Maybe someone could do me a favor and put a link to the talk to the entities, book in the chat. It's in, I think, seven languages, including English, and it will be in Portuguese next year. I was one of those kids that heard voices, saw stuff moving all over the place, you know, and I was really lucky that I grew up in a household with Gary Douglas, who is the founder and creator of Access Consciousness. You guys probably know Gary, if you're here, if you don't know Gary and you don't know access, even I'm really happy that you got here. And. I, you know, we don't live in a world that supports and educates people who have entity sensitivity and city ability. In fact, what goes on mostly in the world is we medicate and institutionalized people who hear voices, which is a huge invalidation of spirit ability. So everywhere that you've been validated spirit ability everywhere that you've allowed anybody else to invalidate your spirit, ability and everywhere that you don't actually want your spirit, abilities who you guys destroyed are great at all, please. Right, one good bottle, nine puncture, it's poisonous, and I feel like a huge amount of what I did to talk to the entities in the very beginning was it was like I. It was either going to die because that's what happens a lot with people who have a lot of awareness in this reality is they. Aren't supported to know what they know, in fact, oftentimes we're told that we're wrong and we live in a world that does not empower knowing. In fact, we live in a world that's mostly interested in hiding secrets and pretending that we don't know. I don't fucking know why, because no one's having a good time. So. So I sort of got to this point in my early twenties when I was using access that I came to a threshold where I either had to acknowledge that I was talking to entities. And that's this really interesting logistical phenomenon like people. No, they're talking to entities and no, they're aware of entities, but they don't believe that they're aware of this. It's this weird conflict that people function from. It's like, What do you know that you don't believe in? And what do you believe? You know, it's like, So what is it that you know, that can supersede? All of the doubt that you've bought from this reality. So all the doubt you're using to limit to. Separate from knowing when you destroy it and create it, please. Right and wrong, good and bad, all pod pictures, boys neons, and so I, you know, as a kid, I heard a lot of voices and saw a lot of stuff, and it didn't wasn't anything for me. I thought that's just what reality was. And then as a teenager, I knew somewhere that it was wrong, that it was normal and I did my best to turn off that, that awareness in my world. And please be aware that you cannot actually make awareness go away. You can only go thank you and the Jordan for putting that link there for the toxic entities, but you cannot make awareness go away. You can only go unconscious to it. And the way in which you go unconscious to awareness or not have to be aware of what you're aware of is by limiting and eliminating huge parts of your being. And so as a teenager, I was a mess. I was trying to fit in, I wanted to be normal without even really cognitive thing that I wanted to be normal, but I knew I wasn't like my friends and people were not talking about the stuff that was going on in my universe. And. I used a lot of drugs, and by the time I was in my late teens, I was suicidal and I really wanted to kill myself and Gary, my stepdad. Finally, kind of tricked me into doing access, and I hadn't wanted to use access before then because I didn't want to do like the weird stuff my dad does doing. But I finally started getting my bars run and he would. I would call him up like in tears, like a mess, and he would after 20 minutes of talking to me. But what he was actually doing was the beginning of the axis verbal processing. And he would run processes on me like, I'm running processes on you guys today. And by the time the conversation was over, I couldn't even remember what I was upset about when I first called him. And so after enough of that, I started realizing like I was getting happier and I wasn't as depressed and I didn't want to kill myself as much. And I started choosing and seeking out more access. And bit by bit, it became clear to me that I desired what access had to offer. And so I decided to drop out of arts, I was going to art school at the time and I dropped out of art school and I was really choosing access, even though I had no idea what that meant. I was so young and so I was 21 or something like that, and I was home in my apartment at the time in Southern California, and so many entities filled my house that I literally couldn't see the other side of the room. And it was a tiny it was a small apartment, but I literally couldn't see the other side of the room and I knew it was ghosts and I freaked out and I called my dad and I was like, Oh, my house is full of entities. And I was like, That's great. And I was like, No, it is not great. This is weird. I don't want to be a freak. So everywhere you guys have shut off the gift of awareness. two separate. No, let me do this instead. Everywhere you shut off, the gift of awareness, pushed away the gift of awareness, judged the gift of awareness. As a way of maintaining normal average real in the same as everybody else when you just ran and created all police. Right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts, boys and. And so I forced that the ghosts, the way the entities, the way and I shut a slam, the door shut. And what happens for so many of us is when we perceive an entity or a roomful of entities and we have that like shock reaction and we like force a barrier up and like slam the door on the awareness. You actually limit what you can receive. And it's so lethal to a being to have barriers, but we live in, but having barriers is like what's considered normal? But are barriers normal or are barriers actually a sign of a sickness? And so I threw up massive barriers to what I was aware of and didn't think about it again. And I was and I was out of my parents house three months later. And in that three months between when all my house filled up with goes to the point where I couldn't see the other side of the room and I was at dinner at my parents house. My life got horrible, like really hard and I was like bored all the time, and I was really sad and my body didn't feel good and I felt really lost. So I'm complaining to my dad, my life, blah blah blah. And he said, Well, what did you refuse to do? And in that moment, I saw and I got that, I had refused to talk to the entities and I saw how detrimental that was to me and how talking to the entities was a gift and an ability, not a curse. And I had thought it was a curse. So everywhere that you have bought that, talking to entities is a curse and is evil or creepy or. Judge, in some way, will you revoke recanvass, then renounce, denounce, destroying and create who everywhere you bought that everywhere, you made that real and true and everywhere you sold that as real and true? Right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts, boys and neons. And so in that moment, standing in my parent's kitchen in Southern California, I think I was 20 or 21 underneath, remember I said yes to talk to entities. And I had no idea what it was going to be like. I just knew I had to find out. And so I opened the door and it took about seven years of grappling with seeds of awareness to develop what we have today, which is the talks, the entities curriculum and what is in the talk to the entities . Beginning class is the absolute 100% how to guide to deal with all entities in every single way they show up. And it's a phenomenal class. And the thing that's such a trip about it is like literally the manuals this thick. And it's like literally every single tool process awareness you need to handle every single gross that is in the world. And that's because the spirit world isn't this big, mysterious, weird, difficult phenomenon. It's actually quite manageable because it falls into the natural awareness arts. And if you're good at life, you're like good at dealing with entities. If you're not, if you're like, really like horrible communing with peak communicating with people and you don't want to deal with stuff, you're probably going to be like that was goes to. But the thing is. What do you want people to think about you when you don't have a body anymore? And so I really look at all the propaganda that people function from and by about the spirit world, propaganda from religion, propaganda from movies, propaganda from their parents, from their families. That's simply propaganda. It's actually not real and true because when you actually start saying hello to the spirit world, you basically find a bunch of lost people and people who died on drugs and great beings of light and demons and nature spirits and people who want to care for you and gifts you and contribute. It's like. So much. So everything that doesn't allow you to. Have that much. Whether your mom wants you to or not. Well, you straight and create all this, please. Right and wrong, good about all nine purple shirts. There's a question when you don't have a body. Can't you just choose to go somewhere else? Yeah. Of course you can, but you have to look at how good people are, choose how good or people that choosing in life. However, intelligent or kind or mean or smart somebody is in life is pretty much what they're going to be like without a body to because you don't die. Fact. In fact, you've had trillions of lifetimes. So everywhere you're pretending that you're the entity called whatever your name is. Are we all destroyed and creatively? This right rogue of bad online productions, boys and Beyonce? So there's so much to learn, and there's so much to get, and there's a lot to learn about what it's like , basically, no one's ever been taught what's actually going on in the spirit world and in fact, you're encouraged, like never to look at it. So most people are just like inept from lack of engagement. It's sort of like you've been told sex is bad all your life. So. But then when you have sexual like, wait a second. It wasn't as bad as they told me it was going to be. Or maybe for some of you guys, you were told sex was bad all your life and then you had that so much as your point of view that sex was bad for you. But you have to start to look at what your reality is. And that's really the first thing that Gary started teaching me was he's like, OK, so like, what are you aware of? And once I got over? Trying to be normal. I had access to this incredible spirit kingdom. That has gifted me in ways that. I never realized it was possible and supports so many of us in ways that so many of us. Have been taught to resist. And I would love to have a world where all beings were included and not judged. So, yeah, OK, so. And just looking at some of the questions that you guys are writing in over here. Actually, I don't I don't see any other questions besides that one about when people die. Can't they just choose to do something else? So let's do this. So all of the. Actually, what do you guys want to do if you want to ask some questions? No stupid questions. Awesome. I love you, Shannon. Thank you very much. If you guys want to ask any questions, no stupid questions. I'm here for you guys. I get that. This is an exciting topic, really. Maybe sometimes a weird and confusing one. So I really would love to get where you guys want to go. We've got another half an hour. I gave myself a big, fat one hour chunk among the sea of facilitators, so. I'm really here for you guys, I wonder what you guys want to know and what will make your lives easier. Please. OK. Here's a question, do you assist them to make it to the other side? Well, there isn't really another side. That's the thing entities are all like. We live in the same world as them. We just pretend like we don't. There isn't another side. That's the point I'm trying to make. Like, we just we just use barriers to pretend like they're not. We're like, there's not spirits all around. There's more disembodied beings on the planet than there are embodied beings. So I'm just going to slightly rephrase your question. She says, do you assist them to make it to the other side? I'm a facilitator and I facilitate, so I'm not assisting. I'm facilitating meaning the entity is going to make the choice. And if I'm facilitating you, I'm facilitating you to choose whatever you want to choose. And that's how the entity clearing questions work and talk to the entities and access consciousness, which, by the way, those clearing questions are ones that Gary developed. Who are you? Who are you before that? Who are you for that? Who are you? Well, before that. Who will you all be in the future? What are you, what were you before that? What were you all before that? What were you all before that? What were you, I'll be in the future and what is your job or what was your job before that? What was your job before that and what will your job be in the future? Those are the three. Main, basic fundamental entity, clearing questions that we use the Gary developed and. They are how you facilitate entities to choose, because you're basically asking them, who are you? And they're like, I'm Shannon O'Hara. And then they're like, And then you're like, Who were you before that? And it gets them to look at their last lifetime. Oh, and who are you before that? Oh, and then it gets them to look, they had another lifetime and who will you be in the future? Is the question that gets them to recognize that they have a choice and they don't have to be stuck in the identity , an entity that they are currently stuck in? And that's what goes on a lot of the time. It's of this weird phenomenon where you we like. We tend to think that like entities are like smarter than we are or more powerful or omnipotent or something. I'm not really sure where that rumor got started, but it's like, so not true. I am. It's there are so many people that are so unconscious that when they die and they're still unconscious, so there's a lot of beings walking around with our bodies, you don't even realize they don't have a body anymore. And so there's that kind of intensity that's like unconscious. And then there's also the beating to hang around because they feel an incomplete with something or they want to tell someone they love them before they go, or they need to accomplish something before they go. All of which can be facilitated quite easily. So, yeah, I mean, I facilitate them to make another choice. However, I will say this I only deal with entities. When it makes my life easier. And when I'm getting paid for it. And I wanted to clarify this because many people think that once they start talking to entities or start being aware and open up the door to entities that it's like a 20 47 overwhelming flood of information and constant work, which it can be initially because you're like out of shape. But it is not something it's like you always have a choice. And. The having the choice is different than resisting, because resisting doesn't actually accomplish anything, it doesn't achieve anything except you being at the effect of and never really getting to deal with what needs to be dealt with. So my point is. I don't really care if entities are around as long as they're not bothering me or making my life more difficult. For example, my husband and I were just staying in Big Sur, California, which sort of has like a history of like being like a really like alternative place and like a lot of like hippies were living there in the sixties and seventies, eighties and nineties, like crazy people just like living up in the mountains and cabins. And we. And artists and stuff, and we stayed in this like really like bohemian sort of like interesting, hand-built, like mountain cabin. And at first when I got there, I was like, This is so cool, like it's so beautiful and in nature all around and the redwoods and. But we were both like, this is cool, but something feels weird here, and we stayed there for, I think we were even there for four nights and by the fourth night I was like, I can't wait to get the fuck out of here. And I did not like it there anywhere, but I couldn't really place what was going on. They asked the tons of questions and I didn't read a lot of processes and nothing really changed it. Anyways, we left today and about. I don't know somewhere in the car ride over a three hour period. It clicked that the man who had built the cabin, who I. The woman who showed us around the cabin when we got there had made reference to Mary's deceased husband, and Mary was the one who was renting out the cabin. So Mary's deceased husband, she just made a quick reference to him and we went on to the next thing. But I realized that he was still hanging around the cabin and he had been a drug addict. And as soon as I realized that it was like all my charge came off the cabin, it was like I no longer was stuck in how weird it felt there, I knew what was going on. And you would think sometimes like an entity master and I've been facilitating entities for so long and empowered so many people to do so that I would get it like instantaneously. And for whatever reason, like, I couldn't get that actually until after the fact. But at least I got it. And so if I had realized that what I was saying there, I would have cleared the drug and drugs and alcohol from him, because that's what you have to do with people who die on drugs or alcohol. You have to you have to destroy it and create all the drugs and alcohol. Derecha. Wrong about online perpetuates bushman's because you can't actually deal with an entity who's like on drugs still like really, literally, you'll feel like there's no communication. And I think that's a lot of reason why I didn't actually get what was going on because he was so unconscious that he wasn't really talking to me like a normal entity. Like, when a normal entity says hello to me, I get it. But when a drug entity's there, it can be a lot less clear. So if I had realized this when I was there, I would have used it. The tools that we have in the talk to the entities beginning for clearing drug and alcohol entities, and then I would have like basically gotten them to go and cleared him . And that would have made my life a lot easier. And then so I only deal with entities when it makes my life easier. And when I'm getting paid for it, it's not something that I see as my responsibility because I have billions of entities who want to come to me all the time just because I can hear them and I'm like, You know what? Like, if you're not going to pay me and if you're not going to listen to me, I'm not going to talk to you. So I have a choice and I'm very good at organizing the entities. And I am also very good at being the boss of the entities because sometimes entities can be very rude and. Like people, so I just wanted to say that for some reason, I guess somebody is, you know that. OK. I see some questions about some stuff that I'm not going to get to. News continuing reading through this question, can I talk about the spirits of nature? I would love to. Every orchid has its own insect that pollinates it so like literally fact every single orchid, and I think there's like thousands of species of orchids and it has its own individual unique insect that pollen eats it and the insect looks exactly like the orchid. It's like fascinating. You should go Google it if you guys are interested. And every natural species, tree shrubbery, flower mountain, river ocean, et cetera. Is stewarded. By natural spirit, it's. Things that live and work with the energies of the Earth. And our ancestors have known them through many different names, depending on the culture that we come from. And we are now currently living in an Earth. Devastation. Time on our planet, and so we live disconnected from Earth. Therefore, we not know the spirits of the Earth. However, our back and back ancestors have to live in close connection with Earth. And new the spirits of the Earth. Because they couldn't shut the door, they couldn't turn on the air conditioner, they couldn't turn on the heater. Their life depended on being aware. And so, sorry, guys, the phone in my hotel room was ringing for some reason. And so as the trees are cut down and as the energy of the Earth is disrupted and nature is. Ruined the spirits of the Earth, go into extinction, just like the animals of the Earth are going into extinction. I'm sorry about the sad story. What energy can you contribute with your body? To the Earth. ¿Y qué? Beings. In the trees. And the water. Can you receive. When you receive when you acknowledge an entity with excuse me, acknowledgment is the. Like receiving light, it's like it's like a step on the path to receiving. Receiving is the superpower acknowledgment is the exercise you do to build up your receiving superpower muscles. So every time you invalidate yourself when you're aware, for example, like when you're when you're talking to your friend and their face keeps on changing and you think you're crazy, that's an invalidation of what you're aware of because they might have a bunch of different entities. Talk me through them, or when you see like a figure in the door or when you hear voices, or when you dream of a relative who's deceased, that's when you're not making that up. That's actually happening. So when you invalidate it, it actually diminishes and weakens your muscles for perceiving, knowing, being and receiving. Every time you acknowledge, oh, yes, I'm aware, like, for example, the story I just told you about that cabin in Big Sur and the drug addict guy who built it, who was still hanging around very unconscious. I acknowledge that and in that acknowledgment, my strengths. For awareness increases. No, someone's at the door. I think someone's coming to pick up my husband's shoes. So when you acknowledge a being like imagine if you like everyone was ignoring you all the time and you were like trying to gift to them, in fact, how many gifts have you been trying to give that have been rejected? How do you like it when you're rejected? And so with the nature spirits, since everybody pretends like they don't exist anymore, they sort of like, don't get to play. And that's how nature spirits thrive is through playing. And so if you will receive and acknowledge when you see the glitter in the tree, when you see the light in the water, when you know they're there, you're not a fucking crazy person. You're an aware person. Relax. Enjoy. Don't think. Here's an interesting one. It so if you were good at choosing in this life, you can just choose to not come back to this plane of existence. Well, that wasn't totally a question. I wish you'd put that into like a real question. How about this? If you were an infinite being. Earlier. What would you choose? OK. So there's a lot of questions coming in, sort of like I think about earlier things that I've said, so I'm going to have to jump around a little. Are there are there tips and tricks that you can give with what can feel like panic or intensity with awareness teeth? Yes, great question. Up, up, up, up, up, up, up. It only feels like panic and intensity because your number one out of shape. Number two, because there's something you're not acknowledging as soon as you acknowledge what's going on, there will be peace. So, you know, you've gotten the right thing when all of a sudden there's like peace in space. So with entities, the thing there is like this phenomenon. We're like even after people do the talk to entities beginning class, they don't actually like clear and communicate with entities. But you actually have to use the tools and get to work. For this to really work for you, I actually can't scroll back to see the questions, why is that? Oh no, I can't. Oh, well, I can't. It was that question. I don't remember what she asked. I guess, like who gives a shit if it's intense? But I don't remember what the question was, and I can't find it again. Derecha. Oh, yeah, see mine get stuck. So there's another one on this theme. Why being aware of demons makes my head really hurt because you're resisting being aware does. Nothing needs to hurt how much pain, suffering, intensity, trauma and drama are you using to prove? That you're aware. Rather. And having the feather touch. That awareness can be. Would you believe it if it was easy or does it need to be hard to be real? Someone asks the question, are entities aware they don't have a body? Some of them are, some of them aren't. Who's asking? And they go, where? That's actually a really interesting question. Some get another body. Some go to other planets. Some just become space. Infinite energy, as we all are, once you OK, if you think about it right now, like. Think about the identity that you think you are. Your name, your gender, your nationality, etc.. When your body dies, is that who you are? Or are you infinite energy without definition? And if you had no definition. What could you choose? And everything that doesn't allow you to perceive them being received that will you please destroy and and create it? Right and wrong, good and bad, all nine shorts, boys and Beyonce. What would be the. I'm reading another question, what would be the best advice for someone close who has this ability? I do. They want advice. I mean, I would not give advice unless someone's asking. And if they are asking, I would get them a copy of my book. OK, cool. Sorry, guys, I'm just reading some more of these questions. It's interesting. I usually can see shapes of animals or humans in things like chairs, wood art, stone and in the sky, are they entities that are that appear to be facilitated? Victor, you have to look, we have to ask. So one of the really important most easy tools for and dealing with entities is you first have to ask, like, is this an entity? And then you also then you'll know. This is a crucial question if we all keep our personalities when we don't have bodies, how do we get our personalities in the first place? Well, I would say that I'm not really I I'm not say that like we all keep our personalities, but a lot of the time people don't really change when their bodies die. That's what I see a lot of the time happening, but sometimes people do change. That being said, where do we get our personalities? We get our personalities by duplicating our family, we get our personalities by decisions and stuff that we created in past lifetimes. And we get our personalities because. We are essentially who we are. So the less sort of like decision and judgment conclusion that you have, the more your natural essence, the expression of your being exists, the more judgments of yourself you have, the less your natural essence exists. Your personality comes from the choices that you make. And oftentimes scarily because we duplicate and copy the people around us. Cool. Some was asking, Shannon, when do you come to Brazil to do a class and talk to the entities? That's a really good question. I would love to do a spirits of the Earth class in Brazil, actually. Every time I try to come to Brazil to do a talk to entities class, really, I can't come. Like last time I tried to come, I couldn't get in because because of a visa problem. So I'm doing talks the entities in Mexico City in March 2020. So if you want to come and have some amazing tacos, come to Mexico City or join us online or something. And I get Brazil has a huge demand and I'm grateful and I'm willing to come and I'd love to create some more great stuff in Brazil. Sorry, I'm just going through tons more of these questions. Same actually applies right now. Also, I mean, you guys get like that, we can't really dove into everything as extensively as required here in the time that we have, but that you should definitely go to a talk to the entities introduction and beginning gloss like we've got facilitators . I mean, I think that we altogether speak over 70 languages. So it's like language should not be an issue and money should also not be an issue because I'm sure if you ask for the money to show up, you might just have a friendly entity help you out. So this one about are there any tips and tricks for when you feel panic or intensity with entities, my attention keeps getting really drawn there. So what I would? Suggest, yeah, my tip would be to ask what you're aware of and push your barriers down. You really need to push your barriers down and maybe panic and intensity is like an entity awareness sign. I used to have paranoia when entities were around and I thought I was just, like, fucked up all my life. And then this is actually a story in my book. I was at a party in Australia a lot of years ago and it was on a golf course. The party was at a golf course and the road the golf course is on, as was called murdering Creek Road. And this is where there had been like huge like Aboriginal massacres. And I don't even know why they would leave the road named that, but they totally did. And anyways, so I was at this party and as the night was going on, I was getting weirder and weirder and more paranoid and more paranoid, and I felt like everybody hated me and I could not get comfortable no matter what I did. No matter how much I drank and about how much I tried to be friendly, I like was fucking weird and like, super paranoid, like paranoid that everybody hated me. That's what I was always paranoid about. Like, everybody hates me. Like the sky is falling. And. So I finally decided I was just going to leave because I couldn't enjoy myself. And as I was walking out the door, an acquaintance of mine walks by and she jokingly says to me in like an Aboriginal Australian accent, like when I come outside for a cigaret. And I didn't smoke at the time, but I knew I was going to go with them. So I went with them and it was like three ladies and they were smoking and I was sitting on the curb in the parking lot. And all of a sudden I became aware of like about 75 Aboriginal spirits standing there, looking right at me. And I was like, Hello, hi. And I said, hi to them. And I was like, You guys can all go. That was like my initial response was to tell them they could leave. And they just all turned around and walked away, and my paranoia completely vanished. And that was the last time I ever. Didn't acknowledge what that paranoia was, because up to that point, I had been paranoid, socially paranoid all my life and I thought I was fucked up, but it wasn't actually me being fucked up, it was me being aware of entities. So whenever I would have that, that very specific feeling of in paranoia, it's always entities. So that's where you have to get very clear and honest with yourself about what your entity awareness signs and signals are like a headache like panic . But don't get all fucking trauma drama into it. Just be like, Oh, there's an edge. The awareness signal. Cool, OK? Are there entities around who's trying to talk to me and get out your toolbox? And if you don't have your toolbox of clearing, communicating and receiving from entities, that's where the beginning class is going to come in handy. And I mean, I've said the entity clearings on here, even so, you could just go back, listen to this, write them down and use them. So that's a free tool and we're constantly given away free shit like I have like really want everyone to have the tools to make their lives easier. So we have tons of free resources. If you guys, I've got a free membership that's called free membership that's open for another week, I'm closing it down and I'm changing some stuff and I'm going to reopen it as something different soon. But in there is a free talk to the entities class and a bunch of other cool stuff like there's a there's a couple of body classes and like some cool videos on perceiving, knowing, being and receiving, and you should get it because then you get like a talk to the entities class to. Like a free one, and I think I like have other stuff like on YouTube, like there's a free interaction, like there's buttons for stuff like it's everywhere. So. You just need to use your tools and get to work, that's the thing when you notice you're having an entity awareness sign, like don't stop there, like that means you actually have to get to work and do something about it. Sorry, you have to actually get to work and do something about it. You can't be a lazy, dramatic person. Oh. So there's some really cool questions that came in. Here's when all address. So sometimes it's hard to differentiate between sensations that are mine and those that are from others. What could help this so that it isn't an overwhelming win, an infinite being be overwhelmed? Could an infinite being be overwhelmed? And I tell you what I thought, I was overwhelmed a lot in my life, and my dad would always be like, stop it when an evening of being be overwhelmed. And every time I recognize no, an infinite being would not be overwhelmed. And then I would step up and become greater. So, Caroline? When and if they're being be overwhelmed, my friend? No. So what finite pile of shit do you believe you are that allows you to be at the effect of an impacted by other people's insanity? Will you destroy and create all that, please? Right, well, I'm going about on nine shorts, boys minutes. However, this does bring me to the statement that awareness is. Actually easier than resisting it. It's just that none of you guys have a reference point for what awarenesses and as soon as you like, open up to how well where you are. You're not really met with a world that's supporting that awareness in you, but I'm here to support that awareness in you and please recognize that awareness isn't bad and being more aware than others is a gift. Not. Something to be pushed away. OK. So I'm not really sure how much more we have. I'm not really sure how much more we have time for right now, because there's such incredible stuff in here that there's some bigger conversations in here too. And I hope you guys have seen some of the met, some of the talk to entities, facilitators that have already been on. There's going to be more until midnight California time. So this is just going to keep on rolling and all of these videos will be available later as well after the fact. So you guys can go and have a big binge of talk to the entities educational Facebook Live and hopefully create something easier for all of you. And I get that. This topic of awareness and entities seems like this big, massive, weird, uninformed universe, but I really please hear me. You already know. You know you're not in that. You're being. Is capable. If you ask a question, the universe will show you how, if. If they throw the ball around Hey what's up I do I can't improve what Jesus he was here I was here waiting to be added no one was called was here there are two children alone from you miss me a message or waving a cigar I'm selling vain child so here we are on the screen here of the talking quantities for us to talk a little bit in celebration of halloween How can I improve them more I love loud I don't understand not that I understand witch look like this when I do that for you what character remembers she wears black clothes and she has I haven't always found the cup of tea she uses to drink I'll make you believe it Yeah you're drinking white wine now, second tea, something like that, right, but just show your hair like this, Hey, it's ok, son he asked with that Halloween costume you 're going to wear that night I said I 'm going to wear my nose that thick little chin and little black hair like that in the news they closed us all so he didn't understand i this equipment if not my lov e this is what it is is different This is a conscience you see and instead of a fantasy let's just be today what was to do what will give fantasy wedding so look here lunch is being today How can it improve yes i can't have more fun with us cities actually for me i really like to see all this part of talking quantity ok interaction quantity in a fun way i chose to have fun with it this is very cool it creates a lot in my life and I always have visible company or not to be able to have fun with her but we can make life fun happen love but you but you this The cool thing is that carpets so prefer The interesting is that exactly what you're talking about suffers you don't knows geoffrey the loss What was Miguel with him and she is, as they say, more beautiful ca n't you see here there's no one if there's no one there I'm here in the biggest conversation suffering for me blah as there's no one here just because you're not doesn't mean it's not serious and you know what I think is more fun sometimes I saw people saying like that but I'm afraid of being alone like that And then asking, recognize what it's like that we kept joking that we 're always in a alphabet soup because you always have a lot of entities close to you, it's a matter of choice knowing choose knowing in order to start having a little more fun the baby shower scene it's something that we notice a lot of significance that people place that sometimes prevents this fun from getting to, I mean if we can talk about inclusion and choice and all this is really for something fun, I mean a capacity, a potency, friends Different, right, let's say no together and your little friends even if you're not seeing, look and the normal atmosphere is so normal between the little friends, right, the contacts and 5 hours when we don't have any difference and you said that everything is and then HOICE andro I spoke inclusion no no no taste Ten Commandments not exclusion I do prison Not even the with bodies or the five arches c ast Everyone being and general legal now in quarantine A1 cool quarantine is this that friends without bodies at least do not have to wear a mask there you always know who they are right one comes to talk to you who this person Hi so right super type is good then so kind right type so there friends have bodies at least mask heap right so you don't know who they are but yesterday I was asked yesterday I was asked if I had sent my teacher clean these people nothing about modern tea and we use drugs for a lot we really took out cars in the past when we didn't have it with us to find out amount of travel ant can't park for example in the VIP room right at airports so I'm a more modern witch right guys I'm that witch so I'm not going to mess with the Boring cauldron can around here hum hum it works a lot faster let's combine something that's moving with significance Let's combine it chooses easily movies that I have I went I went to Harry Potter's castle with cancer I bought it but I have b irdie much nicer than Harry Potter actually here, five flours in each hand and when you can start to move people to do each spell, it's much nicer than the help it gave is too long of the word Say a logo that's already decided, serve the exam Candeias magic potions now it's just command the words questions and everything gets much faster easier and even more inverted How can you improve all this It's still just think I'm time that has to be look Hi nowadays time although it's a contract like this reality can be used to create a lot, right, especially money, so long as I'll have to stir the potion, macerating there the herbs boiling in the Cauldron to release to pass Daddy I've already drawn energy so I'll make repellent, right So you can't touch the crap everyone much faster then I'll make attraction potion Attractive was n't just to make you liked the silly tifa you solar energy directing to your energy no I waste time there, she has to make the potion to get pregnant, here she makes a process to incorporate quickly, she always introduces us Look there and there's that stuff to make that stuff, do n't you mean, there's that noise of choice, right and the person we know is serious So then I would like Do you know any potion some cauldron something to replace it I haven't met so So I 'm actually like a modern witch And then you know how you spoke of modern Many of the things we've now learned to receive more this allows us to receive more, it also makes this place of choosing easier , I mean, and every position we can take here Aims to facilitate this thing of Choose this magic this exclusive you know that all your little fingers can make it easier together but in the end How to use what becomes the key is what makes the position really update and look for exactly and always bringing contribution I choose to contribute and choose to receive the contribution you really have something you can choose also can not choose right that is required so that you can really you are EA ease lightness EA fun in a completely different universe If there's one thing that's now cool eh There's something cool right right now that meant more burned at the stake that is also much lighter than to think talking about modernity right not to buy purse was hardly at Louis Vuitton with my purse to catch fire right people talking right not match girl because now all then modernized as was the we include this too, right Then I made the first day to be spread to all corners of our early our society create a wave of magic not to laugh if we talked now about the world of magic in this modern society and a world of choices with more you know those three words I like it all with ease joy and now third same sex the thing that almost no one likes was not an actor People sorry is that I arrived in Porto Alegre today it leaves my thoughts now that you are the best songs it's just like the day it's not and how it all creates a space of joy everything we say body has body no body and a days like today where people are inclined to play a little more with this whole issue and if we can also your invitation to value what makes our bodies feel better you are happier as we allow ourselves to please Today these facilities of these modalities and still be the space of magic that each one of us no longer including the new cars the expensive bags the travels actually go How to request a trip guys I don't know but it's time right now now please Oh and so what else is being a witch have a witch know me you're a witch that you are and fun and recognize your magic recognize the magic that you are in the world Hi and tell you to meet yourself you know what you need and what now became serious your mother she's wearing a sexy voice name everyone now talking about interesting things then talk I chose the fun too you know Andre not sure der business understand why you can not include're also seeing I'm going to sleep at two in the morning so my schedule is already taken until two the re's still this prayer the strength that fights huh Look I literally these days now I'm experiencing a schedule a little more inclusive of day and night where things kind of at Sometimes I can speak mixed and how did you really speak this magic of being the inclusion of being what each of us is allowed to be today beyond all concepts and definitions and if what we hear you call witchcraft is actually now the no this ability to be this magic and something that is more magical than that is this joy of living this joy of giving gifts and enjoying our body modernity the magic the ease with things is wonderful classic of consciousness right but includes everything and don't judge Nothing also me more fun is you can include everything being present with everything in everything regardless of what you are not what other people have a point of view about it but including everything not judging and you have so much more possibilities eh such of conscience but i'll speak before monday to be able for everything that now gave tchutchu you mean i can include everything and i destroyed every moment of my life and i know who i am and what is the week written in truth how much more detergent access just to stop judging right we could at home it's today so let's not play for anything today And how much would we increase our level Our scale Our position our access to t All this magic, all this joy of being didn't allow you to judge what you think is impossible that you don't realize it's not like if you cut if it would make the whole universe available I'm completely different with much more prosperity Ultimate success has more joy then judgment really fun we kind of like a different eyes mean to say that we can have a choice we can not judge not of significance binds even create us this Live from revealing today huh c'mon bombshell is that I he never said that the teacher II Hi, we're serious and for those who think we're just in words, let us see what will come after even after wat ching this state of this associate Open up somewhere joy starts to permeate the world of the person and start noticing the same But then there's another solution then money isn't the problem so I can choose So what the fuck only now you can do it now people go here right No No Not really choose that people can receive the ease of the process but in quarantine I can Cíntia I allow Oops If we were to talk to the penalty Wow the can and can't have been totally redefined number 40 at least one and after and not even there yesterday yesterday that day knows that one and so how much do we city stay there at this moment are willing to contribute with us how much we know we let us now modulate how many to know the people won sexier Why was it buried along with the voice of sex not along with sanctity the concept knowledge the reality beyond this reality that we can have an orgasm richly and how much money you exclude from your life because you are not willing to receive from all the entities w ithout their path so much now it's just Alessandra without playing even so now I chose 30 seconds right Poor she didn't even say it still isn't and let me put it here 20 seconds ago Ent No, now I chose to receive a mega collection from all entities, what a gift we can receive today, receive them all, look at this so sad I'm ending up crying, that's how it was packaging, right running here and assistant, lighter there and I'll call you in a little bit Érica today there is more gratitude to all the kisses from everyone here in Sus besos en oh we started our broadcast of the gay pop halloween show here in Sus besos en oh we started our broadcast of the gay pop halloween show says here in the facebook group try gratitude sorry it's just this thing that tries so robson's road that's over and now we're starting slowly but what else is possible is destined to all of you and talking about entities people my favorite subject including the next one to the costume to show you my lowe costume witc h costume is this how can it be more fun for it and try how much we are avoiding your identities and how much people are still not realizing the mega contribution to the expansion rule that I'm talking to us but in people's lives so when I was like that I started with pencils and everything else I had a mega point of view of the champions in the Argentine city lucas things in our axis everything that matters the least about this identity thing usually when you say yes this i don't like it here i'm afraid this i I don't want to mess with that there is a power there, there is a capacity that you are not willing to be at that time there was no clarity and within that then it passed and I became f and then in a conversation with simone castro agent she me explained what I want talking to settran agents we don't even expect that here it seemed interesting to take a step in my first class and my world expanded completely once again the first was in the foundation because my first talking to the entities and II realized how much I wasn't for nothing itans it's 100 sleep works so much that I'm weird because the ability to add is a quality that I am and not really a problem it's not something I said what the team I had to hide from Diogo if I developed a potency, right, it's a gift, a gift, it's something there, my life is much more expansive, much more joyful, much more fun is what else is possible that we haven't considered yet and then I said we like each other a lot, ana and I started to use the tools of conversation accentuated in everyday life and the ease of access to the subway 11, but one thing is the dimension of things that you said, no, there is no way to solve it , you were allowed to experiment use tools and the business opens monthly and it is not only in your day-to-day at home, but you use the tool in your work to expand your classes to expand your business where we are avoiding the contribution that the entities that they wish to be in our lives we have a b it of johnson's hothead and people who have already died so my grandmother that I, what else is possible, television makes a lot of points of view, right and several other institutions, what else is possible case in many interesting points of view regarding entities in a negative way like the devil or entity or whatever any hint of any animal that is sure will pull my foot at night and they are more powerful and l es are more susceptible than me in my class already i started to become aware as andré said that i am entitled the dominant of my life and did not enter you have no devil no spirit there is no intimacy that is more frightening than i can guarantee For you, I'm even playing in the classes and he said like that people because when he arrives in the universe of demons, Monica Hotel Monitor Girls, he can cook laptti's kitchen I suffered, I still had him, right, so my son will turn on the light, it's paloma, Your son, there's not much patience and here to send me away like this ne t so we joke it 's not an absent joke while you're still in the prank that you're not a goal but it's curious how you know it's that deep down you talk like arango I'm powerful but I don't know people who are powerful so you end up going to high school I promised years to be able to fit into what you know and avoid being the weirdo of the conscience that you truly and long fun with this and make money and still upgrade one of the possibilities for you right how the entities can contribute to your life and not only the entities are people who have a little more but business entities their riots entity entity home your identity work your entity city where you are not receiving from entities that want to contribute to you so where you are not suddenly receiving the contribution of your work, right, creating a lot of interesting situations and that was enough on the barreiros streets and receiving your work or starting to ask questions you lose and hit that entity and it's not because it d oesn't have a body but it is an entity because it is an energy that can be infinite of energy the entity can be defined then the poem an idea a tree a tinho a shoe all are entities you are an entity that has the port already existing in those that no longer have a little of me you are not an entity that today There are no more that she chose although about 15 16 years ago you think it's because my mother doesn't have what's in her sometimes people say it's Cintia have everyone go out You'll be alone at home training I'll stay at home not talking to jbic jorge so dear people are a whole group of friends that you are not considering that you have available to chat and ask questions in a good way and roberval johnson that whoever makes the person eats with this work and come back while it's stealing votes something I don't know if I don't consider it or talk to your class of bars or talk to your bed for example I even talk to the girls here at home because they say people look at thing is , moreover I think you start to leave because if you do not leave I will have to call a designer and there will not be fun for you you think they do not go away they go away then the irrationality in the fun you can turn your life and stop living a life of fear of is not enough to live a life of abundance a life of full cut right using the good tools for funds and entities genius genius really is a lot of fun when we start the tools of the cans and people they say like that I don't believe the business worked brother your life got easier sorry then it fell or it wasn't my intention even i like it very sealed right folks from the side group it's important that you know i'm a big fan of a slipper before only that got easier but it's possible to net so nothing that the b ring doesn't solve we accept all the contributions I ask including asking questions to the universe that also an entity people if you notice the expansion of it all realize how grand this is, it's a lot of friends you gai n is the elimination of an immense amount of detractors while detractors plants is not tractor're says distraction tractor and take of consciousness in the imp ortantes say tractors they will always take you in fear anger and shame guilt remorse and took these pranks say put it there I remembered that I say this because it only presents destroying nests for each animal to the northern ports considered silence who does not know this is a clearing statement of the shell axis but you can look for more information on it at and then you will have a beautiful and magical explanation about this fantastic blax tool counting present in the says right then so there you have a subject that you you're alone at home and suddenly there's a bunch of people with you you think that alone always rolling in territory don't get used to it let's say big brother is rolling with you don't be fun for you right so was n't saying here that I thought I had the weight of the connection but I'm her e I'm here you'll see that the less talking nonsense and that we have a conscience then it's you went to the baby right you can poc there n your little corner and suddenly began to notice a lot of not saying things from this reality of angst and fear of paranoia of anger at me you know when you had sat down all morning this you just can be a very simple genius tool ok that is a process cleaning base all entities that china has not made available to everyone one in an incredible generosity and it is very difficult but pay attention that one day you will have like the fleas to learn a very complicated formula and I will tell you only attention is the next one has to ask the questions and so then who were you before days who were you before who were you before that who were you before that you'll keep caring who you were our days you realize who's already changed is a very subtle thing little one and you go there who were you before that and for you before that he has already changed and who you will be in the future right and wrong brother with the doors at 9.00 lens mu Sometimes you will realize that the energy changes completely because you allowed those entities that you evaluate with you that they could choose different and it is not like that in type x the entity goes away from the hot adi hasak pilot it is like hello entity that does not has a little more and also not be infinite you make a grander choice becoming aware that it is not because you no longer have a body that you have to be stuck with this definition you are not because you no longer have a body you can't choose another or another light or and it gives another dimension or anything else that's fun for you and that's what the cleansing process does it brings consistency and clarity for the entity to choose it differently for whoever entity chooses more grand then where you were there you were noticing a lot of errors in a lot of confusion in your universe that wasn't me and not necessarily someone e lse 's body often were the entities that were there around you wanted to have the evil not because they wanted to be patient not because they are clueless beings she was there because she somehow I that you were contribution that you could somehow be the conscience I wanted to unite I would like to see in their universe something more grandiose you, simply by being willing for a second, turn off your connected cell phone from the external world and bring your consciousness to all these beings that are with you, in this process it simply makes room for many of them to have easiness in their universe so that they don't need to be trapped in this reality anymore so you're actually a manumission with many people in the area who are trapped simply because they're not clear that they died or because they don't know what it's like to leave this space of me I define it this way I feel the married Brazilian blonde is an honor there have been so many other things our choice different again and s he leaves and then the your universe becomes lighter their universe becomes much more expansive and you were a super contribution and besides that I always tell everyone what if you were a contribution that requires the present universe of exclusive contribution I really like gifts as a gift a beautiful thing so every opportunity I have to ask for a gift what else is possible that we haven't considered the truth yet so universe for the contribution I 've just been required to receive in that way and never survive in this when what will coming doesn't matter as long as you have analysis if you make yourself available to be a contribution to other infinite beings of contribution he ca n't tell you about your life before leaving because it's something that you haven't become aware of yet, people who don't have one anymore body and not around here in this reality without being clear that until you didn't die at the time they died keep money treasure a gift an ease or whatever er thing is t hey have such a viewpoint law saying that all is that it may deliver it to someone before they make a careful choice then what we do I can deposit in me all that gray contributions know that receives and it's fun when all this then you increase your receiving by being aware of the universe of entities what else is possible to not but then it became very easy it's going to be very easy it's easy joy glory right so once again sorry and it's creating more ease for your universe, what more is possible, I turned the plate that was watching the most, it said so people don't keep repeating it, the net is to have a lot that the more you repeat, the more it is possible, the more you repeat it's like how can it improve but improving what is required so this is a pure budget that I like a lot and basic cleaning to entities in the square Saturday cleaning that is who you are who were you before that who you will be in the future you can u sar plant what are you, what were you before that and what you will be in the future because often entities they are not who they are what then enter by car a capoeira entity an entity the disease affects a company or entity of bar class the entity what is required for you to also satiate these entities at home we have a coffee maker it is very christmas it's the name by the priscilla so when she says don't want to work, deny it 's fire because people here at home, when they do things that they've seen employees at home, know those little machines that open gray boots, this is because it's that little drawer that doesn't give up a decree that you can close as soon as next April it's not even concrete that I do another hand on it to the basic process of entities and cleaning it's what you what was it you think of it what do you do before that what were teachers of what you were before that even light energy and what you will be in the future, the flat bodies of the nine courses are already excellent kid and I was there because it works the pers on is face to face because it works man it's an amazing thing so the carriage line has a point of view, my home frame has a point of view in his name is to generate something in general is very generous he is even very generous he was even a friend of mine from class D talking to entities visual artist who made an electronic board of waves but against it he brought the priest bench on the wall our eli business was the leco tripel and a law for the board was what we 're going to talk to the board. The creativity was very good then she said but the name of Padre Waves then he looked at me and said his name geraldo I eraldo my name geraldo felipe locke geraldo all cake don't be the name of the board waves and straight away he usually says that the name geraldo try to get general from the gauchão he by the name of all classes we use the prosperity of geraldo for our universe where you are not It's choosing to receive the gold of things where you are not choosing to receive the ease that your house wants to be for you, what your shoe desires to be for you or what your pink desire to bring are all entities and we don't want to people do not separate screens agent includes everything the roads to include everything journey is even when you realize that someone is playing because he is talking to a kite car is talking to the makeup what is talking to clothes do you think of the career and receive the judgment and you it still makes more money with it can be more fun it's every judgment you receive is interesting point of view you make five thousand dollars more in those years of judgment you receive that you exist to react whatever you give agree then you lose 10 thousand ton this tension is different but it is possible how it can be easier and receive people's judgment for talking to the entities all of them right with jo frei with right with everything everything everything everything everything o with your really old body also an infinite possibilities you are not alone at any time how about you connect with the more conscientious children who wish to be a contribution to your life they are entities also you can not define them you can call what you want call it the minus name you are minus but it connects with grandiose energy receives everything without judgment where we talk a lot today in a universe of not discriminating people what if you also don't discriminate anymore the entities they want to be part of your life they want your contribution they want a po wer that you are so let's get rid of the fear let's go guys shame let's get rid of this bunch of tractor implants and just get money just pineapple from reality and take over the reins of our life all that we can be that sir i thought you are and we are all of this power we all have this capacity start your journey to a more expansive life more incredible more fun than you ever imagined if all it takes you to be willing to be what you the most we love this is a subject i enjoy wildly and they are expanding so much in expansion that if I start talking about it it started to work but not in a cry of manipulation of gatti tone of gratitude for everything these tools have created in my life for all the infinite possibilities beauty runs through all the ease as a whole the splendor that exists in my universe for all the consciousness that I want to include by including the universe of entities and you 'll keep pretending you 're not, you'll keep pretending you don't realize it's keep feelin g like you don't know that there's a crowd here on the side and suddenly there tite only me contribute with me you who are not ours in a way on my shoulder what a horrible thing in the way on my shoulder she was there very well with me with me is you gonna make us all exams and nothing appears to come out before our city, something that no one does and it 's good in the river , suddenly you start to clean up entities that that disease that you thought was a disease goes away saying it will but that is required for you to start first there is a different possibility in the irrational that you were not considering before folks it's a lot of fun very very much in the ranking will take a look here because I think it 's time for staff soon so another facilitator and when was it make it better and soon the end will come but it's not the last in Portuguese at nine pm today the norm franciele são do donizete will also be rocking here in Portuguese and at six pm xenon rare active of entity diva s will be scores us in english but if you don't speak english a demanding one that if you open the computer this is the premise of the morning lunch or agree that the leco is already there is everything is any sign nothing to see there super next mega Portugal is always so right kids pretty much gratitude very much open space in your universe just to include that part of you include the universe of 200 gratitude for all of you a huge kiss and we meet logo in any class and talking to the entities in the flood classes not because I choose together with her and she invents the anp, but it is possible and we will include more society, more joy, more prosperity and in everything we do, try not to believe in greet me what else is possible happy she winnie they happy week after week a lot of gratitude people very much a big kiss for you and total Hello Here André Sousa It is my joy to start the top Halloween costume party for Brazilians. I already have my magic wand. My cape and my means of transport as I am big it has to be a giant broom. We look at this one. This is my mode of transport. But you know where the Halloween tradition came from. Now I'm going to return my means of transport and take some of mine. And we're going to have a chat about Halloween. Halloween originated in Celtic tradition and was a three-day festival. In this festival it started on the 31st and the Celts celebrated the end of winter celebrating their deities their deities and started the winter which was the cold weather that had no crops that was scarce and also celebrated on the first day the god of death. And then the wonderful witches as we all are recognized we possessed and claimed now our wizard power back passed the soul cake and that's where the Halloween candy tradition came about . The pumpkin appeared a long time later. In fact, the pumpkin started with a turnip of ours. The story was of a ghost who fled hell and cheated death and could not go to heaven. And then he walked the streets illuminating the night with a turnip with lanterns inside the United States it was very difficult when Halloween crossed the ocean arriving in the United States what else was there was pumpkin and pumpkin was also used for scarecrows. They started using it but then Christianity came along. We witches were kind of into hiding and darkness and in Christianity Halloween was transformed in terms of dead genres on the Day of the Dead. The Church brought All Saints' Day which was May 13th to November 1st, and in this way death to santeria was celebrated. But we witches keep celebrating and we wear these cape costumes and all that to drive away the spirits that were loose. So Halloween is also the party of the spirits and how best to celebrate the party of the spirits with an Elohim from all over the world on their den sites. The wonderful and fantastic flood that the creator of talking to the entities made us this invitation is not uncommon and it is all day at night. There will be 24 hours celebrating Halloween here in Brazil after me the wonderful series will come later we have Cintia Mandelli we have the forensic rule and we have a group of people. Sandro is going in with Norma too. So this whole group of facilitators making and celebrating Halloween with you. But do you already recognize the witch or wizard you are or are you still resisting and fighting it. And more. What is your skill with entities. The entity has to run away. No people for us in Access we have a vision that consciousness encompasses everything even entities. Today for example I was all day facilitating a class of talking to the delicious and wonderful entities. People loved it if they didn't love it too they didn't tell me Premiere said then I understood that everyone loved us and so everything that has an animate or inanimate living or non-living energetic memory is an entity. So that way my headset is an entity and I can communicate with it. It has to be said that he will go out chatting with me and write a thesis, no. I stayed with him that language the universal language the basic language the language everyone speaks. sometimes he forgets that he speaks but everyone says that the language gives energy. I communicate with my phone through my energy. I contribute with it. He contributed with me and we were happy. That way I communicate with my phone. I communicate with my car with my house and also. With entities that are in the body because we are all non-body entities it is obvious to those entities that are no longer in the body either because you are serious. How many entities do not have a body that are around us. Millions billion e. There are a lot of people who ask me like that. I'm still afraid to do these entity things because it's about that it's not God who says if he's single because you know. In my opinion the most stock guy that ever existed on this planet was a super close friend of mine of his Jesus Christ. You've heard of him. The guy asked questions he said not to judge the next. Nor cast the first stone who has never sinned. The guy was prophetic and most everything I do you do. The guy used frequently, he touched people and he was that contribution that is expensive but thought that this does not exist. So everywhere we believe that not what can't be guessing and religion you have a set of tools that empower you to what you already know to bring you back that knowledge behind that wonderful witch that makes that lot of magic that for some reason was lost there moved away a little but how would it be now for us to claim all our power all our magic Akamai this to have it back. Let's do it now. This energy of creation of generation of update of everything that is light tasty for me now this is my invitation to the Halloween party and if this one didn't need to fight anymore fight hide and if we could communicate with the spirit world sensitive. What separates us there and me here and if we all returned to be part of the whole, these spirits of the earth could return to contribute to us with our life with our day to day. And if we could get back to contributing to them. Oh my God it's me not you it's not just you. You you are a fantastic wonderful amazing being an infinite being with infinite possibilities abilities abilities and that just by being you can change the world. And all the places that you still don't recognize the power that you are a district create this now. What would make me thrilled to be the year of my return. Fly over here from the side. So like this. Everywhere we. We don't recognize our magic. We can invite this to come running for us. Four. E. How would it be. A world where. All beings in an out-of-body body interact if five interact. The slowness with gratitude. With the elements of intimacy adding up. You know such permission as it would be for us to be celebrating Halloween today without a fight without a fight without one pushing each other's point of view and everything could just be an interesting point of view. What if all this fear that we bought and made real and true was that an interesting point of view. So everywhere. What we are separating the entities by separating the spirit world from us is rejecting and denying our ability with them. Can we now the rails create all this please seven maps. How beautiful it would be for us to invite sweetness. How would it be if the bullets that we deliver from the reality were. Gratitude bullets. And how would it be if we didn't become the invitation for all of this to our planet. What a contribution we can make to our planet. Now that we are claiming our bowl how can we enjoy the fun kids playing. The joy of Halloween. It feels like contributing energy to us for our lives and for our planet. And everything that is not allowing us to do that we can destroy said that now please right and wrong is not part of the new laws and all the places we swore to. Prometheus vowed that we would never again be that power that was a wonderful witch that we are and that we would never again exercise the magic that we are because then we really assume a lot with Planet, we can create all of this now resentful revoking portraying this declaiming resigning in anticipation creating wrong right in this one. They withdrew. For two of us to be. With 20. For more invitation to uniqueness. The invitation for people to leave. Leaving the fight. And if you realize the possibilities. I just arrived from Costa Rica I was in the seven day class there and the class name was what caught my attention the most. The class name was my first invitation to the class. The MD class name leaves class tickets end the fight and create equal possibilities. Look what that name is. Look at the invitation. I'm here now. From the energy of this invitation from the energy of this class. How much we spend our lives fighting. Fighting to show that we are right that everything has to be the way I am right. I'm sure I'm right for the rest of the world adobe or otherwise everyone's right and I'm always wrong and then we go into that little box, that little box of predictable reality in which we're all the same and everybody is the same. But it's true we are all the same. Look Italian twin brothers who were born in the same egg that has the same face the same body shape has the same fingerprint. At least their fingerprint is different. So how much we are. Different as we are. Power and we are recognizing this because we want to be equal and we want to be normal. Normal. Which is normal. What is the default is not just another definition. And what it would be like to be out of shape structure definition control linearity and chose the world of possibilities of creating the abundance of magic of open communication with everything and everyone. Everything that doesn't allow us to know how to perceive and receive this world now, we can create, please. Right Wrong so we have to control the time because my wonderful friend José Raposo would be Luz is already here watching I don't know and I saw that he will come in soon so sign if you don't start talking and forget about defense because I almost don't talk like you see. So much so that one of my duties as a translator, I don't know how to speak almost anything. So everywhere we SHUT UP OUR VOICE And now we are ready to bring this voice to the world and its contribution to the world. We can claim to have this strength and synergy back to our voice. is really being. The magic we are not. Anything that is not allowing us to make that choice, we can now strictly create. Right wrong is not part of the law. Does the old man. Only at the party where the children wear a costume or we wear a costume, we put on black clothes. I don't need to put Jackal in my hat, it's already black, see. I was born with him like that. And we put it on and go out to play trick or treat. Or is it that Halloween is an idea that has been around for millennia and has been keeping the bonfire of good doing that they used to burn there in the time of the Celts not winning keeping the flame of our infinite being burning has been keeping our magic lit with our power . Even when we forgot about it, even when we decided to anticipate it to take a step here in the conscience and in the next 15 years to rest from this business, we are aware that it is a bit tiring. So I'm going to do something else I'm going to hide I'm going to start creating a shit of my life so I don't remember what I know. And then life was there. That sameness that she knows that is really going down and suddenly comes to this thing. What is this thing. This thing I accessed and it arrives in our life with this invitation. For us to be us and change the world with this invitation. There are possibilities. For a reality beyond this reality, this invitation for us to remember when we touched someone and healed when we did. I sat and interacted. Like others. When we didn't align with the lies that we control in this reality. And it simply was. And HSBC's invitation to rekindle meaning and to empower and touch interests by talking to entities is a specialty that brings this about. is a specialty that invites you to laugh if we have facilitators talking to entities around the world. We do. Many here in Brazil. Fantastic and amazing people with a wonderful ability to ask questions and contribute because no one is here to help. I just had this idea that what help was doesn't help that a dependency a bond a load give us it has to seem like the contribution I contribute with you I ask you questions I don't tell you I can. I invite you to more. What is more Adriano more certain. But it is accessing what you know that is not your validity you knew. And I will give you the seven keys to paradise and I will validate your knowledge. No I'm not your guru no one does not have to make your guru. What do you have no gods. There are wonderful people there who bring tools that can become the wonderful being that you already are and can make you access everything if you limited to saying it doesn't work for me anymore. But that judgment doesn't work for me anymore I believe I can do it here that will create the life I'm choosing. This one I created Kermit that I created cool I have fun I joke I joke everyone he knows I joke that I'm a fantastic creature the very scarce in my life. I spent six years sick with depression wanting to die. That basic thing today my life is totally different. Today I travel the world and from August to here I've been to 10 countries and I'm translating I'm creating classes I'm facilitating. I am. sometimes my grandma says i became a workaholic no. I have fun doing what i do i do what i do having fun. I brought joy back into my life because it does. It was no longer working for me. I already know that it didn't work and today I laugh at that creation because I know I created it. I created that great bald I created already says I also created about the offspring and this creates another life and I can make choices every ten seconds. Hi Legal is working but still not working. Bye blessing. Until never again. And then I ask you to pretend we're her friend and I start calling you. Then today I call you a hundred times to say good morning to say good afternoon and good night. I don't even know how much talk I would have for 100 times from us but pretend I call you 100 times. You already have a headache just seeing the phone ring with the name. Andrew had to throw the phone at the wall. It will pick you up. You'll find something to do. As a friend of mine says, she's going to do dish therapy to wash mine for love. There ok. For me, who called you 100 times, you told me to walk and let that entity come and be aware why I let that entity stay by your side until you can't stand the headache anymore. That's why I let that entity wake you up at 3:00 in the morning. There. London more. Or. My bedtime is sacred. Nobody wakes up if I'm going to throw a pair of shoes over the head of someone who should wake up at dawn I'll also tell the entity. Hello Maria Fernanda So I'm going to say to the unloved entity here in this space, no. Look, there are office hours so you want to chat with me and at that time because I found out something. Teeth touching taught me something I'm going to tell you that this thing I found out that I 'm the dominant entity in my life. Your moment now is everyone who has a home does which I know everyone knew about it only I didn't but I discovered my first class of topics of interest. Of course we are rich as I said Ana Juliana. Sorry, we're super rich. Some have not yet updated this wealth, but wealth is then beauty. And then I found out that most of the boxes I created because I didn't know how to say no. And I thought everyone was better everyone was but everyone knew more lies people. Lie. It's not because I'm saying It's not because the CIA didn't say what he said Don't use your wisdom ask what's light for you. Levy's only free tool, nobody needs to pay for it. That's when I found out that I'm the dominant entity in my life. Wow I can create anything in my life. And that's when I really started choosing to create my life. Juliano I chose to expand every day a question I ask every day and what choices I can make today. That they will create the future you are choosing for my life and for the sustainability of the planet. I love asking this question. And there's another tool. This is one of my favorite tools and it helped me a lot to save my life. There's even an app until that thing for those who don't know I'm a bit slow with technology but then they taught me that a thing where you take your cell phone and go there in your cell phone shop there's a shop people from my phone and one so calls Apple BUT THERE'S ANOTHER GOOGLE JUDGE sport but it's all coxinha's in there go in your backpack and download the motel expenses theft app for free to whom it belongs and this app will be drooling there to remind you to ask every thought, feeling and emotion you're buying from everyone. You ask who it belongs to. that's it. This tool changed my life a lot because I was kind of like that otherwise I was kind of like SpongeBob of everything that was no good from others. Actually I'm actually telling the wife that I'm being elegant that I'm outdoors on Toque de interviewing 's worldwide website because actually I was like the garbage man. Dumpster so that everyone throws everything is because I was that we have no idea. Me. It was like the world's dump. And then I started to find that Wow this video of during the clean I used my magic wand with my ten fingers. You know what my magic wand is. Right and wrong Pombal can because we all legal. That's the magic. Each work I download, we unlock. And who it belongs to in English. And there like that. And then when everything started to operate, the CIA is looking for Jacira and not looking for nothing, I told you that I do the crazy thing if he has his own entity on the phone, we're obviously talking about the entity. Siri wanted to call if there is no Portuguese that we will have many facilitators who will be announcing Spanish boy and that's it and Elena and Diego will not be entering all right from the sic balcony and we will have others remain and aim that will alert Gracias Klaus. So we go and we start using this and we start to realize how many cards we buy from others, you know that little headache you've already taken the aspirin, it didn't go beyond that, it went to flex pain, it didn't go away and if that headache was not yours . Well, this headache is not normally yours. But that's a subject for another free one. But when I have this little pain, you ask who belongs to who this belongs to who this belongs to. And then you tell. And if you want to close with a golden key right wrong with a platelet map that helps these people. Gratitude for being here. Stay here now, the serene is coming, we will continue in Portuguese. There are a lot of facilitators. I don't know if at 9 or 10 because I'm kind of lost in time but then China will also be doing her Live it will be in English but if you don't speak English there's no problem between receiving the energy that this wonderful woman so thank you for all of you have been here and what more is possible from now on from all this contribution that toothbrushing facilitators are hoping to be. Kisses to all of you we see you out there would be not you. Halloween. ¡Hola! What a pleasure to have you all welcome. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás? We are a bit into everything because we are leaving a three-day body class the first morning here in Puerto Vallarta. Yes, very happy and the body very grateful. And we have you here to tell you about the adventures with entities. Today, being October 31 where many places celebrate Halloween and although for us in Mexico it is the first and November 2, it is for everyone, but they gave very different energy, very good as for me it was always like this joke, this enthusiasm of To disguise yourself, to see yourself differently, to maybe put on the costume that you never wanted to put on because you always wanted to put it on because you liked to put on and died. And it's more like this ceremony a little more than honoring the dead seriously. Have respect for the dead who are for the bodies that already clear. And whether you are having fun with this, it is Halloween and you are not also interacting with the energies of those loved ones who have already died and who are days to honor. Or maybe they are not even more in that culture and you are simply here to find out more. Well, we have some adventures about entities to share with you. one of the things that I remember very clearly that as a child I used to play in pantheons for my cousins. It was so easy, it was so different and. And since then I already had that interaction with death itself, not only with spirits, but with death as well. So there was no fear. No, usually it was not so scary that when we were there in the pantheon I remember a lot that we found one in a sack of bones, because when people in charge bury, when they bury new dead, so to speak, they have to remove the previous ones, Your place here or behind is already over . And I remember that I was curious, going to touch the bones and it seems that this entity followed me to the house. So when I sleep that night, I start to feel like someone starts to touch my shoulder, like someone wanted to talk to me and at that moment I didn't have that much clarity and of an image, so to speak. But if the physical sensation then enters the fear first, was it like what is this? Because it's touching the air, but in the end just the perception that there was someone there was like ah, this must be because of what I did today in the pantheon, right? So this being was lost. There are many beings that despite the fact that they have been dead for a long time, that their remains are still there or that they have already disintegrated, they still think that they still have a body. So this being seems that he was not very aware of that and only ask him what or ask him a question to realize that they do not have a body. That was a super contribution where it was literally a thank you. It was like a hug that gave me the heart and I said how interesting. This I had not felt even with a person when I hugged many times that gratitude that these beings have for having given them that contribution, that question, recognition, recognition, just knowing that they are there is communal, it is a relief for them, it is a relief to them. And that was so gratifying that my body went away and it just faded away. Many times we can transform that reality of perception of entities just to recognize beings. Many people in classes say that they arrive, it stuns me, they kill me, they are still there, they do not leave. I don't know what to do, just sometimes open up to recognize them and uneven. There you are. I perceive you. It's not even a comic or I'm listening to you. He is a depressive who goes beyond seeing, hearing. I recognize you as knowing that the feeling of nothing is there. But they do know it, they know it and they recognize it from you. So when can they finally do something different and how many things do we think we have to do instead of nothing else? Yes, of course, because in this case it is as if I can identify that someone is. Maybe he is not asking me to do anything specific, but just well, if he saw me and heard me he said Ok, thank you, I can go do something different now, I can choose something different for myself. When I was about 15 years old, I was going through a super difficult time . My sister had died four years ago, my parents were having a super pure time, arguing at home and I was very overwhelmed. I also thought that I had to do at most so that things were closer, so that the better daughter could be. Then I'm going to ease up on giving my dad the burden. This. Everything that is happening. And I remembered sitting at the computer literally doing biology homework in high school, if I was like 14, 15 years old and suddenly answering a questionnaire out of nowhere , whatever it was on the computer working. I felt as if a nurturing, caring, loving, expansive, relaxed whirlpool just entered my space. It was super how accurate the feeling of here we are. And then suddenly it was like she had never had a similar experience and then it was such clear information from her. Alba number one is not alone. Number one, everything is going to be fine. Number three, here's my. And it was in a 5/2 semicolon of having all this energy, of having all this information in it, I was so moved because it was also as if I was knowing. It was like this shelter that I really needed someone else to tell me because I wasn't having a good time and because I have no idea. At that moment I couldn't define what my guardian angel is like and he won't do anything, he doesn't feel like my guardian angel. So that they are like beings at that moment said enlightened beings that no, either. Now, after years and thanks to the Accepted tools that were my team telling me you are not alone here, we are with you. Everything will be fine. And then for me it just moved me so much that obviously it was like my body also completely relaxed and I started to let go of a lot of the burden of obligations that I had put on top of. Now I have to do this and this and this. If it wasn't just like oh, what a father it is not to have the answers, not to have to answer him and solve life for my parents. Ok, I'm not alone. I know that there is someone else who is perceiving and who is aware of what is happening around me and I know that they can also support me in some way. So I wonder how many of you have also maybe had an experience like that that you haven't allowed yourself to acknowledge? And what if today in this supposedly they could do it? If not everything has to do with fear, with horror, with the concept of death, suffering, terror. And it can also be something very nice, like what you just talked about, which you even perceived at some point. But perhaps you did not have this information, perhaps you did not have this awareness that it may be someone you know who is there with you. Exactly. Hello Elena and the grandfather also live here behind. And sorry, it's that the internet and I have n't been very close friends with the Day of the Dead, how bad it is, but now we are talking about various things, such as the recognition of this, this knowing that there is someone with you who suddenly I can tell you that suddenly it only requires recognition, it can transform that reality and that it is not something like fear or terror, especially on these dates of Halloween and Day of the Dead, that there are many concepts about sleepwalking. And the other part stay frozen. No, no, no, listen to me if we see you old. Okay. And the other interesting part is how much we value what Hollywood shows us how things should look instead of what we know. I mean, how many times is there an exercise that I love in talking to the entities that got away like allowing you to be touched by an entity and we always imagine that it is going to be an exorcist poltergeist type, right? And how about you can make something soft, that can be something desired, delicious and can be something nice. And the only thing that prevents us from having that kind of extraordinary interaction is our mind, which is just as full of images from Hollywood or the country that you are, right? Or the tales, the horror legends. If there are references, millions. However, those references are not information that is actually occurring. It's an exaggerated version of how that interaction can be shown. And that is what generates the most fear. Actually, that is what leads us to believe that it is. But what do you know? And above all, as because of the violence that we always have in Hollywood, as it is always trying to attack you, it starts trying to take something away from you that nothing else is impossible. It's just one of a lot of different possibilities of interactions that you can have. It is imposed on them because apart from everything, there are many beings with a body, not anything more special. Just as there are human beings, good vibes, cute, kind, gentle and others who want to kick in the eyes of the characters to meet them. The same happens with imperfect beings. Yes, it is now about honoring that, that energy that it is not, it is not something bad, it is not something wrong. It is not something of terror, but to know that at some point we are also going to choose to leave that body and that we are going to choose different things. We can all choose where to go, how to go, where to be, where not to be. She was very good a couple of days ago, a lady who wrote the chat a long time ago and said Deception, she arrives at the hospice. This is where I chose to die. I want you to have total ease to disincarnate, to make the transition. And I loved it because he sent him a video where he said that you can start choosing to create your future. From now on, start asking energetically what you want to live after what you want to experience, after you want to return and have a body here or not, but start asking for the energy of what you want, what you want and it seems As really how dynamic our demand can be, that from now on if we already have clarity about this, it will happen yes or yes. Sooner or later. From now on I can ask you to create scenes where I can also do better, calmer, happier and nobody talks to us in this reality of that. Nobody tells us and what they would like to do after your body is like uncertain, not information. Well, we quit. We can change our point of view. Definitely today you can have a point of view of what you would like to be or do after leaving your body and just in the moment before leaving your body, it is going to be something totally different. You will know at that moment. There is an additional part that I love in what is the Mexican tradition , this thing of interacting with our ancestors. What if when someone dies you just change the way they relate and you don't lose them forever. Is it so? If we consider that this is nothing more like a how will it be? Or something that is done normally or that is a cultural issue, tradition, a legend. What happens if you give yourself permission to create a new relationship with those people that you love, will simply leave their body and perceive this moment? Perceive those people that you have so much affection and the body and stay simply with recognizing them. How much to change? What if you are not separated just because you don't have to. And if they put pure bad milk chinitas , they did not do the exercise well and you do not have to wait for a special day for that. It doesn't have to be October 31st, first, November 2nd. It is at any time and by any type of entity, of course. Just think of beings that had a human body and are now gone, because they are also pets. Pets are included. More Yesterday, when I was getting off the plane in Puerto Vallarta, in the tunnel, literally leaving the airport, I saw a cat, but there was no cat and it was like a cat crossing the bridge. Ok, thanks for letting me find you a little more fun. What do you want? In fact, there are many people who are walking with their pets and bodies everywhere. If they miss them, they can ask them to tell them if they are here, that you can find another body, you can find another that would be fun, if they also want everyone to have a choice, including animals. What else? What else do we want to tell you? Then. Have greater ease with the reception that you do not have. Come on, that the exercise that Elena has shared right now, which may sound very simple, but if you really allow yourself , you give yourself that permission to open your body, to have no barriers, to not be afraid even a little bit. It is a way of receiving that you cannot even imagine. You may think is that nothing else is the exercise to be able to receive contributions from entities. But in reality you are not only going to receive material contributions, you are really talking about much more than just entities. And that receiving can be shown in money and that receiving can be shown in affection, and that receiving is going to show itself in many ways. I am not saying that entities see that, but that it is the door to receive. In general, in fact what Elena Narayen was talking about, when you lower this idea that we are separated and that I am sitting here and I cannot receive the support, I am sitting or I can receive it from the hand that we have the laptop or even of the laptop, but if then that concept that we have about help here and he is there, how much can we even receive this? How much of this can you get? Nothing but success instead of being this thing would be terrible, horrible. How many of us just this fear of the unknown have done something wrong? How would it be rather to embrace the mystery of possibilities that lies behind that? And I think that wanting is not that complicated, because you simply no longer have a body. And now you can choose to be disembodied for a while and reincarnate again, or you can simply merge into oneness. And what if it can be that simple? Instead of something super Photoshop I will be reincarnated 20,000 times until the water well in his body and power CD I have to perfect it stronger than with the being that is living in me that in I am well. And what did the ancestors know? At least right now we are in Mexico and it is where the day of the dead is celebrated even more dominatingly, which comes from the ancestors, from that recognition that they did not die. It is an energy that changed as the dwarf said and knowing that they are still present and knowing that they can contribute to you. Not all cultures talk about it and there is not so much ease in relation to the part. As for this, I am not talking about this. There are other types of energies that we also have very present, which are all your energies, especially the good. Both in Day of the Dead are like fairies, gnomes, dwarves, us as spirits of nature that have such an important place in all cultures and that currently, since we live in cities, that connection is being lost and therefore so much we can also take advantage of these times to ask to expand our connection with the spirits of nature. Right now that we are by the sea, well, spirits of the water, how many are there to contribute, waiting as they are, only that we recognize them, that those of us who want to connect with them instead of worrying, we are going to go today. the water there are too many people in the water, it cannot receive the water because there are too many people. It has never happened. I had not said that yes, we tend to receive in a superficial way , actually, just judging by what we see, when in reality we can receive and receive much more than what we do not see. Even how much information is beyond what we have decided that we do not understand, or because we do not hear it with our ears. Of this receiving, which for me has been a gift, when my grandmother died I remember that she was talking to Claudia Cano. He asked me Hey, how are you? Because it was like a whole process and they bring a headache, but a horrible headache that we had. Claudia Then you ask and she said Ok, there is some information that I am trying to give you. And then he started asking me questions and what we got. She died with a lot of medication because she was very Adobe life. So what it was like he was just asking me for help. Hey, you can take away all the surplus drugs, all the surplus drugs that my body has because it is literally a transition. That is why I love this word, it is simply a change, as we have given it a lot of weight and we have made the word death very significant or it died and then we will never hear from it again when in reality we do, which are energies that they are now shown strictly and as soon as I did this control, I asked that they be removed, that they dissipate, that they are much lighter. And then I bring you a message for a couple of relatives. And that message and the headache began to subside as I began to recognize all the information he was receiving, that his body was presenting itself as a head doctor. How many of you have had similar experiences? What you say is a picture, I mean that your body gives you information not only through the eyes, the head. Not only through the eyes, but also through the skin, the fingers, the internal organs. You put your interesting. Is that why we have an inner body, nothing more than a pair of eyes? Exactly. And that nothing. We have five senses. We actually have a lot of other ways to receive the information that touches the nature of all the beings that are here. So how many senses are you discarding or disdaining in your, in you, in your body because they were not taught to you in school? It wouldn't take it to change those 220 this way . Another thing. I think that it is interesting also is the possibility that Maria right in the food. We are talking about a technique called extra-ocular vision, where you teach children to read with their eyes closed and that literally at least I know of several hermetic schools. I don't know if that is possible. I wonder how much easier it could be to receive the information and the ability that our body also has to give information will vanish. And do you know what is interesting about this method, Alba? That the only thing they do with children is to teach them to empty their minds of judgments and pre-decisions. Projection. I mean, literally any dealt with that. Is that somewhat true or is this a projection? Is it a fuzzy expectation of what you are thinking or is it something you follow? And the moment Photoshop is emptied of views is when you stop needing your eyes to know what's on the other side. Of course, you are not going to complete this method at home on your own they have to go to the course, otherwise they will not learn it, obviously. But. And what if we begin to recognize that the barrier between the visible and the invisible is only, let's say, made up, taught? If it is something that we are forming with all the definitions such as the definition of death, how many definitions do you have of death that do not allow you to receive from the dead, from the dead? I think that's all. Well yes, it seems that it is all that is the information that we want to give today. A big thank you to everyone who is watching this live and to everyone who will be watching it. The more twelve facilities we can have, receive from all energies, beyond the definitions we have of what is appropriate, correct, usual or unusual. Thank you very much from messages and comments. We are also very grateful that they are not going to lay down. What's up friends? I greet you with great pleasure. What else is possible, really? It is an honor for me to be here with you sharing Tocto tools from Entity. It's a class that I really love. It is a class that has created so much for me. And well, this special that the group of speaking with entities really created for all of us, to share the tools and to clarify so much information that we sometimes have wrong about this topic, about entities, spirits and ghosts. So I'm fascinated, really fascinated , thanks to the people who are connecting. I tell you that I am in Mexico City on the first day of a class and coincidentally today we were seeing this issue of entities and how much truth when I am going to tell you a little bit about myself. In 2017 I took my first class of speaking with the entities was when I certified, in fact I certified in Vienna and I really always talk about it in my classes. The entities took me to that class, the entities did everything, everything that had to be done and even what not for me to be there. And really, from that moment when I became a certified facilitator of entities, it opened up possibilities that I had not really known in my world. When I really recognized all the skills, the capabilities that I had. So my invitation for you today is also that you recognize yourself, that you recognize all those skills that you have had hidden hidden there , because perhaps no one in your family validates them, because perhaps your friends judge you as crazy, crazy . And then, in this space so beautiful, so friendly, so kind, where you can express yourself, where you can really expose, am I here now? I really enjoy it. And your questions, I don't know what questions you have about this subject, as long as the questions don't come, well, I'm going to be talking. I love to talk. People who have already taken classes with me already know that I love it. It is a subject that fascinates me, this subject of speaking with entities and well, I will also be clarifying is facilitating them. What is that they would like? What question do you have today about entities and today I had a gift out there, I shared an audio precisely so that you begin to be a little more present with these energies and open up to this space receive. Ok, so well, let's do a few clarifiers and everything, all the projections, expectations, conclusions, judgments about the entities. Would you be willing, willing today to destroy and create all of this? Phew! Right, wrong, good or bad. All nine short guys and beyond. And really, how much have you judged yourself? How many lives have you been judging yourself for. For being aware of entities and that this reality does not even validate it. Then, in all the lives where you have functioned, from your judgment of entities, you would destroy and de-create it multiplied by a God and I in all dimensions and realities. Right, wrong. Nice nines, short guys and beyond. And well, how much does someone say about fear that so much truth, how many lives do we have running from fear and not just with entities in everything we are creating? How much really, how many more lives would you like to be stopping your creations out of fear? Then all the distracting implants that you are choosing with entities you would destroy and describe multiplied by a God and me. Right, wrong, good or bad? The Nine Short Guys and Beyond. I'm going to disconnect from the Internet from another here, from my iPad, because apparently it is setting me low resolution, but that's it. And come on, let's ask all cyber entities back, back, slow down, please. This is a tool that I really love. Always when we are dealing with identity issues, with online classes, we start to have these kinds of situations like this sometimes. So what would it be like to lower our barriers? Let's lower barriers and we're just going to tell all these entities back, back. Well, someone was asking a question about fear. Entities scare me, ok. Notice that something very curious happens with fear, that really how long we have been working since this distraction implant. And what does this mean? That it is simply something that is distracting you precisely from accessing your abilities, skills and powers. How much of your abilities and capacities with entities are covered up, are they there covered with this fear that you are choosing? So then I really love to touch on this topic because something very curious happens when in the class, how many from here have already taken the class? I am seeing several connected people who have taken the class with me for real. Wow, thank you, thank you for being here accompanying me. I'm super happy. And that? How much our universe has changed as a result of the fact that with these tools of the kind of speaking with entities, the beginning we begin to undo, to destroy and is to create all the distracting implants. So, well, going back to the clarifier now with that new information, if you have not taken the class and if it is the one in the first connection that you have these Facebook clips that are since 00:00, which are already several facilitators every half hour and Chanson has been in his live for an hour, the super powerful truth , wonderful creative woman, for whom I am super grateful and how much we are working from fear! Imagine that you are in your bed at night, there has already been covered and suddenly poof! a noise. What do we do? Oh! I cover myself, I don't want to know anything. The heart tun tun tun tun tun. Hands sweating. And really, how much are we cutting our choice with the choice of fear? So in all the places where you are shutting off your consciousness in favor of the fear-distracting implants that are keeping you from choosing something different, would you be willing, willing today to destroy and create, dissipate and release all of this for all eternity? In all dimensions and realities? Wow! Right and wrong, good and bad for all the short nine guys and beyond. I tell you that this kind of talking to entities, the beginning, pretend that they are going to put on the layer of superpowers. After taking this class not just anything else, there will no longer be fear of entities, there will no longer be fear of anything at all. And then what do you think? There is not limit. What is it that you have already defined that is the limit of your creations with entities, with your future, with your present, with any of your realities? So, in all the places where you put a limit to your choices, in favor of fear, you would destroy it and record it multiplied by a God and me in all dimensions and realities. Right, wrong, good and bad. All nine short guys and beyond. And if that is really what happened to me and that is what I always share. I was an extremely fearful person, despite, despite the fact that I had these abilities with entities, these abilities I obviously had as buried deep in the trunk of all my tools. And well, I was a super insecure person, apparently super fearful, apparently I mean it because really, how many lies are there, how much have we bought ourselves that we are fearful and that we are insecure. So in all the places, in all the dimensions, lives where you are functioning, have you been functioning from this distracting implant? Would you be willing, willing today to destroy and create? Right, wrong, good, bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond. And what are you aware of with entities? What are you aware of? That you have not been willing to be aware because you have bought a lot of information from magazines, from movies, from other people who have distorted all this information. And really, when you open up to receive, when you really open up, when you function beyond the fear that is there available to you. What is it that is available to you, with entities that had not been available precisely because of these fear-distracting implants that you had been choosing. Everything that prevents you from recognizing your infinite capacities to receive from entities. Would you be willing, willing to destroy and create all this multiplied by a God and I in all dimensions and realities? Phew! Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond. And also how many times have we abandoned this intuition, these capacities and psychic abilities with entities, because we have done it wrong, because we believe that we are crazy, because there are not many people with whom we can validate all this to start our family. And that is why really, this space that opens with this kind of talking to entities is something wonderful, it is a great gift, because precisely this is unique. I'm not the only crazy one. There are many people with these skills and abilities, and even if you don't believe it, you who are watching me, what do you think you are not? If all of you are here, you are pretending that you have no skills. What would it be like if today they would be willing, willing to recognize these abilities? And I see here several connected people who were with me in the foundation class and apart they have been with me in entities that I had said all the classes, but entities not, and when they have been in the class and have really recognized all these gifts. Wow! A totally different universe opens up. And well, today I would like to give you, I would like to give you a real energetic exercise to let go of all that where we have been aligning ourselves with the judgments of others, where we have been aligning ourselves with fear. Ok, so Jessica asks what about religious beliefs where they say it is wrong to talk about entities? Wow! All, all the projections, expectations, judgments, conclusions that we have reached precisely because of everything we have bought from churches, cults, universities that have done wrong or wrong, distorted communicating with entities, speaking with entities, we would be willing, willing today to destroy and create all this multiplied by a God and I in all dimensions and realities. Accepted bad team by all the short nines guys and beyond. Wow! What else is possible? And if how truly religion has led us to this space to control us forever, from that distracting implant of fear, guilt, accusation and how much we have also been working from this space. For all that we have also seen that people do then, how much of everything that you have bought from entities, spirits, ghosts, is not even yours, it is there. And maybe you didn't even listen to anyone. Thus it arrived telepathically, energetically everything was implanted and there it is. And you don't even know where it came from. And you are already living it, you are already doing it. Okay, so all the distracting implants blame you on the accusation you bought from the church of your religion. Of cults all this, you would be willing, willing to revoke, rescind, retract, resign, denounce, destroy and create all this in all realities dimensions. By a god and. Woof accepted, wrong, good and bad, by all nine short guys and beyond. And if the people who have left precisely today that I release my audio arrive at this time , I spoke precisely. In Mexico we have a tradition these days that it is the Day of the Dead and really, how much have we done wrong or wrong and wrong and with fear of death? So how long have we stopped our creation? Because we are already waiting for death. All that this is multiplied by a God and I destroy and create. Right, wrong, good, bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond. And really, what if we're just going to change earthly vehicles? What if an infinite being really dies? And all the lies we have bought about death we would destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond. What if those beings that left this body with this body are there and they are simply in another energy? And they are precisely those entities, spirits that are only there , that are no longer with their physical body. And how much, how many entities are there willing to contribute? How many times, as I was saying, do we hear the noise and today I cover myself, I don't want to know anything. And it turns out that he is a relative. It is someone who wants to communicate with you, who wants to contribute to you , who wants to be facilitated. And you have already done it wrong or wrong, imperfect, because you have already defined according to what your concept of entities is. From this reality that is bad. So how many gifts are these entities wanting to give you? That you hadn't been acknowledging. And that is precisely why I would like to do this energetic exercise with you about recognizing, recognizing that how much from other lives we have been working from fears and also how much from other lives and we attract abilities and capacities with entities that we are not recognizing. So if you can and are not driving, if you are in a quiet space and if not, well, this video will stay there. You can access it at any time and if you can right now close your eyes. Lower your barriers. And when those barriers, the mind, the stress. The fear. They are keeping us from choosing something totally different with entities. So lower your barriers. Lower your barriers, close your eyes if you are in a space where I can close them. Just relax. And it is an energetic scan, you do not have to visualize anything at all, it is not visualizing. Simply connect with the energies of your past lives. Connect with these energies. Where did you have to hide? For your abilities with entities. Where it was something bad, complicated. Even where you were locked up, locked up, mutilated, sacrificed. For showing skills. Psychic. Y. All triphasic sequence systems. Connected to these traumatic events, such as today, to dissipate and liberate, to destroy is to create. In your universe, system and in all those lives. All assimilation codes in all places, in all lives, where you are encoded with fear of entities, spirits and ghosts. You would be willing today to revoke, rescind, retract, resign, denounce, destroy and is to create all this. Multiplied by an armchair. In all dimensions, realities, past lives. Right, wrong, good or bad? All nine shorts guys and beyond. How much of your fearful entities were they? a codification of other lives. All that this is. Multiplied by a God and I destroy and create it. Right and wrong, good or bad, are the short nine guys and beyond. And we lower our barriers further, lower barriers. Lower barriers. I'm going to turn up the volume. I hope you hear me better now, Dulce María, if you listen to me better let me know. And well, now we are going to go. We remain connected in those lives and after destroying is creating, dissipating, releasing all those memories. Of pain To hide, to be judged. For being witches, witches. All triphasic sequence systems connected to this destroy and create, dissipate and release, right, wrong, good or bad use, all short nine guys and beyond. All the distracting implants of fear, guilt, accusation that you bought from other lives, that you brought this reality that are creating absolutely nothing contributory. Would you be willing, willing today to destroy? It is creating, dissipating and releasing. Derecha. Wrong. Good bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond. And how would it be like this now , with your eyes closed, that you are with your eyes closed? Connect and. To those lives where? You had these abilities, these psychic abilities with entities, spirits, ghosts. And recognize that they are there. What would it take for you to recognize in this life? one, two, three, four or five lives. Where you? You had these skills, developed them, you enjoyed them and you will contribute with them. What would it take? Remember, it is not a visualization, just perceive those energies. Feel the energies of those lives. And how would it be? Bring those energies into this life. Recognize them. Integrate them. In this reality with you. Everything that prevents this multiplied by a God and I would destroy it if you would create. Right, wrong, good and bad. All the short nine guys and beyond, everything that stops you from recognizing. What are you aware of? That refuses to be aware, it would destroy it if you would create them multiplied by a god and. Right, wrong. All nine shorts guys and beyond. Wow! What else is possible? Little by little we can open our eyes. Keep opening your eyes and closing them. And what else is possible and how can it be improved? What entity skills have you been unwilling to acknowledge? All that this is multiplied by a God and I destroy it and create it. Right and wrong, good or bad? All nine shorts guys and beyond. Little by little we open our eyes and talk about how this exercise went. Have a chat. ¿Cómo estás? Delicious! How rich to recognize that there are the skills, there are the conscience. And how much have we given up? Thank you, María Fernanda, thank you Diego, really, how much is there energetically and for being in the mind? We have also been wrong with these energies. So how much expansion, that's right, how much expansion. Well, remember the questions. Thank you very much. Well, a lot of times the conscience is sometimes not so comfortable. There are going to be times when we are going to have some intensities. Well what else is possible? What if it's part of being aware sometimes, right? So I would tell you, Delia, what are you aware of? That you don't want to be aware, that you are refusing to be aware. All that this is multiplied by a God and I would destroy it if you would create. Right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts guys and beyond, my Glenda. Wow, what else is possible? three lives. Liberation of truth. So how much? How many? This exercise leads us to recognize the energy that we are and the energy that we are capable of. And everything we can create. Part of what I was interested in sharing this exercise with you is There are many gifts with entities. Many of you already know that you have already taken my classes. I have a class that is money and entities where we go beyond fear with entities and it is part of those gifts that entities are wanting to give you. As I mentioned a while ago, that because of those scary implants, no, no, you have not been able to receive how many times not even. And I'm not talking about entities, spirits, and ghosts anymore. Thanks for all your comments, really. Thank you thank you thank you. And how much? Many times we are not even if we are not even willing to receive. When someone tells us Hey, how good you look, then perceive after this exercise, open your crown, lower your barriers a little more and really perceive those entities that are there, really wanting to give them their energy, contribute to them. And if you want, close your eyes again and simply receive these energies. If there is a project that is out there pending that you would like. Simply receive these energies from these entities that are willing. To contribute and how many lives really, how many lives have these entities wanting to give us and we closed, closed. However, today thank you for opening yourself to this space, for opening your being, for lowering your barriers, for being in permission, for being ready. As Clouds says. Thanks. Ready to receive. Ready to give the gift that you are and how much. You can also contribute to entities. This is a give away, receive, give away, receive. Because just as we receive, we are also giving them giving, giving, receiving. So everything that prevents us from doing this energy of giving, receiving, we destroy and create. Right, wrong, good or bad? All nine shorts guys and beyond I salute the people who are in different parts of the world for real and the people who are connecting soon. Well, in two or three weeks I will be in Merida, Puerto Vallarta, Santa Ana, California. Sometimes I already get lost in the cities I am in, but hey, Mar Galván CF can find me on social networks. On YouTube I am sharing a lot of information, also Instagram, really. What else is possible? And not just me so many facilitators who are contributing with our energies and I thank you for playing here with me, for being in this space. I'm going to close now, because other facilitators follow me. I am super grateful to you for having been here with me today playing with these tools and that I would take those that I do not know in person one day out there who come to one of my classes and those who have already taken classes with me. I am truly grateful to you that you are here accompanying me on this day, on this. In this event that is really being so contributory, so fun too, and how much can we really contribute to all the facilitators, each one from their perspective, from their experiences, from their knowledge? So, well, what else is possible? How can you improve? Thanks. See you very, very soon. a big hug. Kisses. Hello how are you? Hi Hi. Happy Halloween! Happy witch's day everyone. How are they? Welcome to this 24 24 hour Halloween day special here in the group. Talking to the Tocto entities from then and how we are so lucky to have these. This day of witches and witches where we can talk about this magic and this consciousness that is and this gift that entities can be if we allow ourselves to be. So I've been seeing some of the wonderful facilitators talking to the entities to Shannon who was here. Talk about very different topics and very different angles of what it is, talking to entities. Perhaps you have seen all of them, perhaps you have seen just a few. Or perhaps those who have not seen yet will see them in the future. Hello Isabela, today. So thank you for being here and continuing with this feast of witches and witches and supernatural things and talking to entities is one of these issues that in this reality is highly judged to be something supernatural. And because of this judgment that it is something supernatural, many of us do not choose. Being in this space where you can receive, where you can receive contribution, where you can create with entities and we create this separation so great that many times we find a separation, that sometimes we use fear to separate ourselves. Sometimes we use guilt, sometimes we use shame to separate ourselves from this capacity that we all have. Speaking with entities is a capacity that absolutely all of us have, because entity is all that energy that has a definition. So when many of us have the point of view that talking to entities means only talking to ghosts. Or Polo with a being that at some point had a body and now has no body. No? And this created a lot of resistance, because then we are in this supernatural world and we, especially all of us who are here, are its super super natural, not supernatural, but super natural. The most natural thing we can find in the universe is us. Probably not? And we never, never allow ourselves to choose. Absolutely everything, everything we are and all the capabilities we have. And so we created this very interesting separation. But here there is. Maybe something we could be wondering about. If I separate. From the possibility of communicating and creating with entities how much I am separating from myself. Because you are an entity too. Oh, I know, it's horrible. You are an entity too. So when you create this separation. It is not only good, I do not want to have communication or create with these entities that before had a body and now do not have a body and then they are a ghost. You close yourself to the possibilities of perceiving, creating and communicating with any entity. And you are an entity. Your separation account and what have you used for this separation that you have created between? You and you. And thus make sure that you are not so strange, so weird and so supernatural. Like to talk to entities. Wow! And. This great gift that is speaking with entities, that I am infinitely grateful to Shannon because she has created anger with Yano, that she adores these and this specialization, of these special tools to communicate with entities, because she has created this this space where all this that is supernatural, all this where it is not spoken in other places without there being a guru or whatever he does. She has created this space of permission where we can explore this capacity that we all have because we all have this capacity. We all have this ability, there is no one who cannot communicate with entities. How much is this capacity that you have and that you have denied, that you have and that you would be able to destroy your life to defend the one that you do not have? The one who does not have this ability? SO all that this has been, then change it, destroy it, create it, make it so that you can create, choose a completely different thing, opening yourself up to the possibilities. And how lucky are we to have a space where all these tools are and you can use them? Not just to talk to entities. But to get out of this confusion, from these religious points of view, from these points of view. Esoteric of these new age views, of what entities are or are not or how you can communicate, or how difficult, or what entities are like and the power they have over you and the power they have over your life. How about they have no power in your life? Unless you give it to them. And that is also a wonderful choice, that at any moment you can change and choose something totally different. What can be the gift of consciousness than speaking with entities or opening yourself up to the possibility of communicating with entities, of creating with entities, of perceiving entities and not making it meaningful. Si. Because to imagine. Imagine that there is a lot, imagine. Know that there are many more entities than people with bodies on this planet. So if you create a resistance. To this fact yes, if you cast yourself, you have all this resistance to entities. And there are many more entities than people on the planet. How much are you using this resistance to keep reacting to what you perceive? It's like I have resistance. To the people. And suddenly he lived in a subway in New York or in a subway in Mexico City, or in a subway in one of Paris. Yes, where there are many, many people who use the subway and there are hours where there are so many people in that car that you literally cannot breathe because there is not enough space for you and that I was on trial all the time, because I am among many people. That one in that subway train car. And then, also, I was punishing my body for being so close with so many people in that subway. I will not disappear people on the subway. But I can start to choose something that creates ease for me to not only create a space where I am comfortable with these people, thousands of people in the subway along with me. But we can also create this connection where I can communicate with them and maybe create space for each one. Or maybe we are going to agree on the hours when we are going to meet or when we are not going to meet. Perhaps if I lower my barriers then I could have enough information to have an easier time in my life, instead of continuing on the subway anyway because I am alive in the subway, but suffering all the time because I am perceiving people on the subway. I know it sounds a bit silly, but sometimes we get this reaction. With entities our rejection is so great that we would like it to disappear, but they will not disappear. Perhaps what we require is to educate ourselves and then create more ease in your life. And speaking with entities, this is educating yourself on a subject that you already know, that you have capacities and awareness for it and that you have perhaps denied your whole life and perhaps you have judged your whole life. And now you can educate yourself in such a way that you have a consciousness that creates passivity with all those entities that will continue to be present in your life. And perhaps now you can find a space where you can easily continue to create your life around these entities, without any reaction and without having to align yourself with absolutely nothing of them. What gift could this be? This availability? To be present with entities. Don't ignore them and be present with them. Because how much has being worked for you? Trying to ignore something that is there that you know to be true. How stupid you have to go back! To ignore something that is totally real to you and that you are perceiving all the time. In different ways. Perhaps if you asked your body how you perceive entities, you could be clear the next time you are. With entities and you can begin to see what space is possible for you with them, beyond having to remove them from your life or ignore or exclude it. How could you include knowing that they are there? And be easy with it. And you may not have to do anything at all. You may not have to communicate with them or speak to them as I am speaking to you or to this computer, which is also an entity. I am talking to an entity that is a computer. How about you could be in this space? Where you are willing, even if it is, to recognize, to recognize that they are there. And don't ignore them. What could your willingness to do this create in your life? And if today only this changed, if you have been in resistance with entities and today you could change only this? Not resisting in not ignoring them. Not judging that they are there. Just allowing yourself to acknowledge that you know they are there and they are not. Ignore them more. Because how much of your life do you have to ignore to ignore an energy as great as the number of entities there are? How, how insensitive, how imperceptible can they? Can you make them to ignore that they exist when there are so many? And what other things would you allow yourself to begin to recognize that you perceive, that you know that you receive and that you are? How many would your consciousness expand? How many would your receiving expand? If at some point in your life. Would you be willing to receive something so judged? As entities. If you could change that today for the best and that I invite you. If you have never done it to only be willing and make yourself this demand today, I am willing to recognize the entities while ignoring them and stop judging them. You do not have to do anything. Perhaps just by recognizing them much of your life they will have much easier than what you have had until now. Much of your life. So this is my invitation. Today. From. If you can begin to recognize it, lower your barriers completely and allow yourself to perceive and allow yourself to recognize that there are entities and that not all are there to contribute, nor are they there to not contribute. They are just there. If you opened yourself to that space today. And you see, because if you have more tools and you choose to communicate with them and you choose to create with them and be, allow them to contribute to your life or not, that may be later and you choose a class or you choose to read the wonderful book of speaking with the entities Shannon wrote, or choose something else that I created for you more easily. But you invite me that. How about you stop ignoring what you know? What if you stop ignoring what you perceive? How about you stop ignoring what you know you can receive and stop ignoring that world that is not so separate from you? Which is also part of your reality, although you always want to be in a reality that is not your reality. What if in your reality, that reality that works for you, the entities are also present and you recognize them and you can say hello to them since you are here only hello! Yes, yes, I know you are here. Maybe this is not the time to do anything else. Go find someone else. But this. Hello. Hello. Yes, I already recognized you. I will not ignore you. I will ignore my abilities, my abilities to perceive. I received knowing and being. That is my invitation and I don't know if anyone has any questions. Thank you, thank you for being here, wow, thank you, thank you for being here. What else is possible? When we begin to receive the entities and I can tell them that every time I have the wonderful and the wonderful honor of facilitating a class of speaking with the entities, be it the two-day class, or the introduction, or either a class of some specialty, speaking with entities, it is something of my life. It expands and grows. If I allow myself to receive more, if I allow myself to perceive more, it will not only show itself in the entities, it will show itself in my money, it will show itself in my ability to perceive the joy of this incarnation. It is going to show itself in many other things that perhaps I have stopped perceiving because I am taking care of myself and filtering that I do not want to perceive entities. That's like too crazy. Am I, am I crazy, but normal, crazy or am I weird, but weird normal. I don't want to be so abnormal when perhaps everything about you is far beyond what is normal in this reality. What if you are all supernatural? That you know you are, you recognize it and you embrace it. And well, I hope this. Today from Rio Grande, thank you. Have you ever had a chat with an interesting entity? Wow! I've had a lot of talks and what do you do? This question because it is not by doing with the entities you do not communicate with words. We know that our first language is not words, it is not the language we speak, it is energy. And this is the way you communicate with the entity. Entity is how you communicate, for example, with the plants in your house. You may be able to speak to plants, but plants do not speak your language to you. However, you perceive the energy of the plants, you know if they require water, if they are happy, if they require sun. Same with pets. Neither can you speak to them and at the same time perceive the answer or what they are saying. But they don't do it with your language. They do it with energy. If it is in a telepathic way, communication. So the talks can be very different from when you talk with a person who has a body, because we try to put all that energy into words. And they don't use words. So what if the communication with entities is totally different from what you already decided it can be? And what is your way, your form, your style, your energy to communicate with the entities with total ease? Yes, yes, Silvina, how supernatural can we be today and every day? Embracing everything beyond the natural, you want everything magical, everything with all consciousness, everything that you know is possible, that you can create, that you can change, that you can simply over-create with your choice. Yes thanks. That would be talking to entities, talking to animals is a form, it is an entity with a body. If then. And as I said at the beginning, I am an entity with a body, but I am an entity as well. You and each of you who are here, who have a body, are also an entity. Human is a wonderful entity, with a wonderful body. Can they be seen or heard? Well, you who know that you can, you can, you can. You know how. Or maybe you don't remember that. There are people who can speak, who can listen, who can see and what. And some that don't? What do you know and what are your capabilities? Okay. What else is possible? Many, many, many thanks for being here. Thank you for being in this 24-hour special in every language you can imagine. And thank you for following this special. Thank you for being open to receiving the tools of a group of crazy people, of many crazy people. More and more of us are talking about talking to entities and it would take many more people to be aware of this. And instead of medicating, let's educate ourselves and instead of going crazy, let's learn and remember what we know and enter the consciousness that we really are. Thank you. Happy witches and witches day, witches and witches. Happy Halloween! See you later baby. Good morning, everybody. Well, whatever time it is for you, for me, is seven. 30 7:00 am. Happy Halloween! From a very sleepy talk to the Knicks facilitator. Sorry for moving around so much. Give me a second. I'll get settled. So I thought that I was going on Facebook Live tonight at seven. 30 pm. Hi, Tatyana. But it's not. That's not my time slot. It was 7:30 am and I just woke up. So you guys are getting a very sleepy me. Good morning. Hi, Christian, I'm Patricia. I Lydia. Hey, Eva. Hi, Marianna. Pleased to see you guys. Hey, sexy. 00 baby. Hi and Nora. Hi Kalpana, I literally just woke up. So let's talk about ghosts showing. Good morning. Morning. Good morning. Well, for some of you, it's the afternoon. Oh, cool. Where do I even start? If you just woke up, where would you start? Well, first of all, you know, if you guys have any questions about anything regarding entities, please ask me because that's really going to help me. Nice to see you guys. I'm sorry. I'm late. Goodness. OK, cool. I guess I wanted to start out by saying like, I'm a new type to the insidious facilitator this year, and this is a choice that I avoided and rejected for about five years. Hey, guys. Yeah, I literally for about five years, I took a talk to the editors intro class, like five years ago when I was brand new to access consciousness. And then I proceeded to like, make the rest of these classes irrelevant to me. This is not relevant to me, and I would say this this I don't know this class, these these entities, these beings have changed my life and introduce me to more of me. And I see your question cool than any other series of courses I've ever taken. So if you guys haven't yet taken alive, talk to the entities class. You've got to get to one. I've got four or five of them starting all over the world. Hi, nice to see you guys. Welcome to. It's very early in the morning and I just woke up Facebook Live. Yeah. Cool. OK, so a Nora asked the question. If you guys have, I'm not new to entities. That is such a good point. No. So let me say that that's a great point, that I'm not new to entities I have. I've been aware of entities my whole entire life. In fact, I grew up in a religion. It's kind of a blender religion, actually. But I knew about fairies and angels and all the beings of light from when I was a very, very, very little girl and we were told in my in that religion and it was. It's a very tiny religion, actually a little sect, a little cult out of the United States that we were just told that we were different and to expect to be different when we went into the outside world. And so I grew up from when I was tiny. You just knowing I was going to be weird. As soon as people laid eyes on me, I knew I was going to be weird, which was such a gift because I never expected anybody else to know what I knew. I never expected them to see the angels or the fairies or anything. And. And then when I was around 16, I started going to a really big Christian church. And so to go to one church from another church, you have to give up your beliefs. And so I gave up my beliefs in, you know, reincarnation and being, you know, other beings and started like casting out demons is, I guess, calling on angels if we were going to do that. But it was more about, I don't know, getting out, getting the evil out of us and spreading the word of Jesus, you know ? But there was still this underlying knowing about the beings of light. And I, you know, in this in becoming a big, charismatic evangelical Christian was there was a big focus on casting out demons. And I just knew that demons weren't that relevant. And it turns out they're not. You literally just clear them and they're gone. Go back to from whence you came. Never returned to me, my body or this reality you go back to from whence you came to return to me, my body or this reality. Go back to from whence you came. Never to return to me, my body. Or this reality. That's how significant demons are. So I say all that to say that that entity awareness is something that when you have it, you just have. The tools of talk to the entities are really to empower you that you know, and that you're aware and that there is no one or anything greater than you. And I'm going to go back in the scroll back down through the eye from Lebanon. Absolutely. Spirits are amazing. I'm not new, OK? So when Nora asked what is possible with receiving cash and actual stuff from entities, cool. Some of this, you guys I'm still playing with. You know, I would not. I'm not going to consider myself an authority. So it's not I'm not going to give you an answer. But what is possible for receiving stuff and cash from entities I have been really playing with since taking all these classes this year with just asking the entities to contribute in the way that they can. And one of the things Shannon has us play with a lot in her classes is to ask for something and then look for where it shows up because it never shows up the way you think. And because entities don't have bodies, they use people with bodies. And so I've been really, really playing with every single morning. I do an energy pull and I include my team and I include the beings light, and I ask for them to touch me and for them to contribute to me in whatever way they can. And I've never felt more. Happy or in communion with all things, I guess would be the right words, I want to stay connected. That's not actually true. Connection is not actually real, but communion and no separation from anything is a reality that's usable and including them in my awareness, every single day has has created something different for me. So I would just say, ask them to show you what that is like, what is receiving cash and things, and how do they contribute and start asking to to know and to recognize the way that you perceive and receive from them, because that's going to be different for each one of us. Hi, guys, I'm just looking through. So glad to see you guys in my no makeup. Good morning, state. OK, Shubra. Hey, Crystal, can I take the class and post that still decide not to work with them if they choose not to? I'm aware of them. However, my encounters feel a little heavy once I'm confused about this story. Well, here's the thing you guys, you can do whatever you want, so. So I think that doesn't allow you to know that you can do whatever you want, right? Wrong. And buy, buy, buy gold insurance for the millions. The other thing I'll say, though, that if you do not one, acknowledge that you have a capacity and you choose not to use it. The thing about having a capacity is it's like you have the capacity to breathe. If you choose not to breathe. Your body will die. And this is this is what happens with our capacity, with anything, with our capacity to heal. For example, one of the things we talk about in foundation is that you have, if most like we ask who here is a sexual healer. Almost everybody raises their hands. We're almost all of us are sexual healers or healers of some sort. Well, the thing about having a capacity for sexual healing is when you do not acknowledge that you have it, you are at the effects of it because your body will do it, whether you go along for the ride or not . So the same is true of entities. You have a capacity with entities. And if you do not acknowledge it and you are unwilling to be generous with that capacity, you will be at the effects of it. And I can tell you that 100% of the time is true because since especially since I've taken all these classes and my awareness is like when you take these entity classes, your awareness just goes through the roof about entities. I now have to be even more diligent and even more present with what I'm aware of, because you're aware you can't get rid of that. It's like trying to carve out your eyeballs. You have eyeballs, they work. You're aware. And so what are you aware of? What is it? What can I do with it? Can I change it? How do I change it? You're aware. What is it entities? Okay, cool. Can I change it? Si. What's required? How about Cleary? Si. OK. Communicating yes. OK, both right. You have. You have to then begin functioning from question and choice. Or your life is going to be fucking miserable. If you ignore your awareness of entities, your life will not be as easy as it could be. And that's just true. So you can either be freaked out by it or you can be mighty, you can be scared or you can be mighty. And it's it's it looks like it doesn't really look like a different choice on the outside, but it will feel like a different choice on the inside. And so, yeah, so do what you want. But if I were you, I would look at if I don't choose to use this ability when my life get any easier, yes or no. If I do choose to use this ability, will my life get easier? Yes or no? Si. And I want to speak to as well, like the gift that you are to the spirit world by choosing to take up the challenge of who you truly are, most people go into fear instead of the potency that they have available. You have a potency available with beings without bodies that, if you use it, would be a gift to all the beings without bodies and to give to you. So I would say everything that doesn't allow you to take up the challenge of who you truly are. first of all, maybe, right, wrong. Good, bad public insurance was meant to be everywhere you judged. Yeah, that the challenge of who you truly are is something you can never choose, then destroyed and create all that right. Wrong? Good bad Papa Collins or it's poison beyond this ability is a gift. It's not a curse. And I think there's still a lot of us that think have the point of view that awareness is some sort of burden to bear. It's not a burden, it's an empowerment of everything that we actually are. How many? People in the world can actually say they perceive no be and receive entities, beings without bodies. Not that many and how many beings without bodies are there often. And more every day, right? Like, I mean, there's there were clearly more and then there's more and then we're clearing. It's a reality. It's not a it's not something we have to get rid of. It's not a problem. It's just a reality. It's a part of living here, just like green plants are a part of living here. Still, just like water is a part of living here, they're a part of living here. So what will we be with this? Is there a choice? What will you be? Will you take up and be the gift that you are? Or will you reject it and refuse it and refute it? And for what reason? When claiming it and choosing it is such a pleasure. Such a pleasure. And listen, I will encourage you guys that if this is something you've been resisting, that you have a mega ability and refusing a mega ability is something that makes your life harder. So choose that. Don't choose that. What will you choose? All right, cool. I wanted to read your comment, Katrina said to me, If you have any questions, put them in the comments. I've been reading poems healing since a young age. I do one on one demonstrations in mediumship. I love working with spirit. Cool there. You know, I took so many classes this year with talk to the entities like probably eight of them. one of the classes I took was called Beings of light in, you know, in Italy. And one of the phrases that Shannon used was the lost art of spirit work. And I've never forgotten that it is still like kind of brings tears to my eyes because I never I'm one of those people that was not I wasn't a medium, I wasn't a psychic. I did the new age. People were kind of like, Those are weird. And so I wasn't one of those people that I thought would ever get into this stuff. I thought it was too weird for me and like, never read it. Turns out it's like oxygen. And I can't explain that to you. It's something that you're going to have to choose and see for yourself, but working with entities is like the greatest bliss I've ever chosen. And I don't know in what ways my life is getting greater, but I do know, like after those series of classes, I have never been so clear on what I'm here to create. I've never been so clear on and so have had so much knowing in my world. I have so much knowing in my world now. There's no doubt, there's no fear, there's no hesitation. And so even if that was all these classes gifted to me, that would be everything because my business has changed. My classes have changed. Money is changing, even if that was true. But that's not all. That's true. I can walk into any situation now with any person and know that there's entities, there's demons there's and I know just clear them and I have total control now, whereas other people go into freakout. So that's power. That's power. And so maybe what power are you refusing with the unawareness of entities and demons? Are you choosing? And everything that is what you destroy and it created. All right, wrong. Good bad people call insurance plays ambulance. What power are you refusing? Awareness is power. It's not a curse. And everywhere you've misidentified and misapplied awareness as a curse instead of power, will you destroy it and create all that very wrong about public insurance, boys and beyond? So I can't speak about this work enough. I can't encourage you to run to a class enough every facilitators to France, so I would encourage you to use your awareness and choose the one that's going to really create for you. And you'll know because it'll be light. Crystal, I have no funds not working, and I'm starting over which loop recording can I invest? And I've only done one bars class today. Crystal, I would buy and study the How to Become Money workbook. I know this is an entities group, but with an access consciousness group, I would go through that workbook every single day. If you need to, it's a four. It'll take you four hours to go through it. But that is what I use to totally transform my reality from being a waitress to being a multi figures facilitator. So do that workbook. I can't speak about that enough, so I'm running out of things to say. I'm just super grateful for you guys and thank you for being here today. Happy Halloween. And what you know today, especially of all day, is the day where we invite the Saints out, the ghosts out to play like words gift . Can you be to who and what you're aware of in the facilitation of them into something different? You know, the entity theory goes like this Hey, truth, who are you? Truth. Who are you before that truth? Who were you before that and truth? Who were you before that truth? What is your job? Truth? What's your job before that? What's your job? Offer that truth? What's your job before that? And truth who you be in the future? You can take all your magnetic imprinting in your baggage, and you can go now right around, give up HarperCollins, its voice commands. So it's not difficult. It's very simple. It's not something you do just all the time. It's just be aware when you have start asking to recognize how you perceive entities, how do you perceive them, when you perceive them, get present with that energy and just ask, Hey, do you want to be cleared? Do you need me to communicate with you? Just get present, receive whatever it is, they have to communicate to you and then clear them and you will notice a shift in energy if you're paying attention. But listen to is. The one thing I want to say before I go is that all of your awareness of energy happens from your down. Now you're up. If you're in your head, that's not awareness. It's from here down. So look down, get present with the energy, get present with what's required of you, clear, communicate, receive. And then if it's time to clear them, use the clearing. It's very, very, very easy. Crystal, what I call angel lights particularly blue at the moment, is going off repeatedly while I'm listening and thinking as you speak, I just want to understand better. What is it? What can I do with it? Is anything required of me? Yes or no? No. Cool. Then just receive. And I will say the last final thing about this is that don't make any of it significant because we tend to make stuff like this significant rate like, Oh God, those guys, there's demons. There's blue lights. I don't know what to do. It's like if if it comes if it's differently shaped than our puppy than on our couch, then it's significant. All of a sudden it's so significant you're just aware you're capable. They can talk to you. So they do so when energy, space and consciousness. Can we in our bodies be to be as powerful as we refuse to be? And everything that doesn't allow it right? You bet. By but going through the voice of Beyonce. Está bien. Well, happy. Happy. Happy Halloween, and thank you for joining me here. And hopefully I get to hug you guys somewhere in the world soon. Hi. So fuck. I have been so excited for this for so long, and I am now holding the phone in my hand because of a problem with my orientation. It's moving a little, but I hope it still works to talk to the entities. It has absolutely changed my world, my life, the way I look at everything, the way I interact with energies is the best way I can put it is it's stretched my muscles and just feeling like pretty much. But like, I have to relax too to see what the. As soon as I said yes to attending a doctor, the end of his class where it actually happened. My whole world is blue blue open, you know, like it exploded. And though it was a little uncomfortable in the beginning, definitely not as uncomfortable as before when I was resisting all of the vividness that I already had about entities. But after I attended my first class of doctor the entities, which was last year actually with Shannon, it was last year and my walls melted and my my ability to do to become aware of the subtle energy is. Suddenly opened up to a degree they can't put in words, and they can't really explain in words, but everything opened up. So I was now looking at things like, say, like little things like I had shut off and resisted that thought of me so much that even when I walked into a house into my house, like there were things that I hadn't noticed, like I hadn't noticed the gold of of the kitchen. There's a couple of the kitchen platform and it's like, Oh, I didn't notice this, and I started noticing even those little physical things that I can actually look at. Look it through my eyes. I started noticing those as well as soon as I said yes to do OK, I'm not not resisting my awareness to entities. And most of your word on this. So, yeah, I was just watching, so most of you, a lot of word on this. I mean, you're on these because you are clearly aware of entities. They of you would not join a group. I would watch this unless you want a word of entities and very so where this doctor, the entity is coming. Doctor, the entities comes in to give you that space is ease and practicality with communicating and receiving from these beautiful beings. Having said that, it's not that all entities are good, it's not that all entities are bad. It's pretty much the same. That issue of good and bad as is, as is with humans and people in bodies. So. It's basically being president with every energy that comes into your service that you are aware of and then doing so, things clearing them, communicating with them or receiving them. Those are the three pillars of doctor the entities and that's what doctor the entities give me it. Give me ease and technicality of dealing with energies. I knew I was aware of the constant need assisted that literally resisted it to the point where the resistance showed up some signs and symptoms in my physical body, especially even more than my moods, as very uncomfortable. And mind you, it's not the entities doing these things. Su. My resistance to awareness, so. What if nothing outside of you with getting to, then you are. And what if everything, every energy, every article, every element, even energies that you've judged are only trying to gift to you? And are you ready to receive it? And if you did receive it and then what would change, what would it invite into your life that you've always been asking for? But well, you resisted it. So, doctor, the entity is is basically stretching your muscles of the ceiling in my world and I'm sorry, I'm sweating like dizzy because , well, I'm so excited and they're really excited. So much so I thought of this nervous, but it's really just excitement and my hand is moving and I'm sorry for that. OK, any questions from anyone who's I can go on to the next 20, 30, five minutes without even asking me questions, but it'd be really nice if someone asked questions so that I can lead this on this conversation to it. Oh, and you can also see the doctor, the entities OK in the background, which is written by Shannon O'Hara. Oh, one of a few on you, if you've never done doctor the entities before it, I would really suggest just buying that book. It's a little bit everywhere. It's available on Amazon. It's also loaded with simple tools that you can start off and invite this. Subtle communication that we have always known, but having to practice back into your life. So. Hmm. What is important? I'm not sure if this is the correct space to go infinite. I would highly suggest you are down to talk to the entities class and get more awareness without making this significant because I think if I talk about borders, it's going to become very significant. How did your body give you signs of entity events? Oh yes, skin issues. OK, so I had skin stuff showing up in my space again, please. It wasn't them doing something. It was more my resistance to their awareness. So I started having basically dry, itchy skin things showing up, and it went on for a while. Did I actually attended the first of the entities and almost 90% of it just went away? And these are things of the medical doctors actually said it's not treatable. This doesn't really divorce. All you have to do is do symptomatic treatment for it, etc., etc. But 90% of it is gone, and it's because I said yes to receiving from beings that were trying to give it to me, but I refused and assisted with all my might. So. Who in what is trying to gift to you that you're resisting that if you don't resist? This opened up the whole world and give you everything you've been. Everything that is nowadays for the industry at all times in that John Good, that Paul Butler like shots are. Access welcomes kids and not workshops, yes, access welcomes kids in all workshops or every workshop for in access for kids below the age of 15 is basically free. And one of the things if I was given the tools that I have today when I was growing up as a child, my life would have been so much more easy and fast and half. Imagine if you were taught this when you were a kid. How much more bigger your life would be, so please get your kids to one of these because they're all aware, as you have always been. And instead of scaring them and putting them in the space of fear and superstition or non-belief, maybe attending a doctor, the entities last would actually give them and empower them with the tools that would make it easier for me for them. He stuck to the entity. Welcome. Yes, there's one question I think in missed. That's about it. So. What are you what have entities shown you about you? Thank you. How aware I am. one of the things that entities actually show me and show me and keep showing me is how or where I am and how aware I've always been. The energies of subtleties as things are beyond my mind could ever, ever, ever give me a clue as to. So every time I see us do anything related to entities doctor the entities to be precise. It just shows me how much more aware I am and how important I am and how. There is nothing to fear. There is absolutely nothing to fear. That is just you, your awareness and how you deal with it. And if you were empowered, which is a doctor who is a doctor, the entities. What good are you to see it now? I did Eddie at sub10 age to attend a class, oh, do you mean ten kids below the age of ten years a. Yes, absolutely. We've had like one year old babies attending. Discuss. So, yeah, if you're born and you are in a body identity like into that body to acting, it answers your question. Some people have the misunderstanding that if they become more aware, it can be so overwhelming. Can you talk about it? Si. Actually, they recently I did announce a class called House cleared in India and thought people are interested, intrigued and also aware about the entities. But one of the first things and one of the things that that stopped them from even looking at this topic was this point of view that everybody has that if in case I say yes to this, then I will invite all of this awareness and all of these energies that are mean that are that are equal, that will hurt me, that bad, etc., etc., etc. Well, news you you're already aware of these energies if you're that. But if you say yes to talk to the entities like in my case as well, I also had resistance in the beginning. But everything is the opposite of what it appears to be. As soon as I said yes, that uncomfortableness and that that being over the end was actually not true, it gave me the space and the ease to hand in my awareness. In fact, then then I was overwhelmed. And after that, I was it so that. If it asking that question that, oh my god, I'm overwhelmed. Chances are you already are. And I would suggest to the doctor the entity so that you no longer are added but have practical tools to deal with it. So my personal experience, everything became easier and I had so much more space to deal and to receive from these subtle energies and not so subtle energies put a stop to the entities. Before that I was, however, but I thought it was. So as an infinite being, could you ever truly be all about? And if it is a capacity to be so aware. What if you had duties that would make this capacity ready, ready, easy and fun? So what could you be receiving from DR, the entities that are not receiving and if you did receive what it's possible, should ? I'll give you Keith first. What stops? People do not to be aware of entities. In my case, the point of view that I just mentioned before it, which was I thought I would be all then post that or that is exactly what I would have to do. Oh, Phil, because of the things that I've seen in movies, movies, movies kind of messed around with my awareness a lot because every time I knew I was aware of something in my room, I would directly go to that scene from someone weird. I am a Mormon anyway, so I would go to that scene and then it would bring it would activate all sorts of these fears in my world. So usually what stops people is to feel it. But if you just go beyond the fear. Which I did, and I'm giving you this from where I was and where I am today, if you just go beyond the field which the tools of access and doctors the entities will gift to you. Everything will be easy. That's for sure. Should he? How can I communicate with entities to bring money who owe me to increase and have generated global business? OK. A couple of things that I would focus on, so it's not oh, entities who want to gift to you, to your business or money, etc., etc. It's usually not from a space of given death, which is more like a human by the deep. But if you. If you function from the space is so deceiving, you will be gifted and sometimes directly money, sometimes in ways to their money. If you just move out of that space, have given death. And so what if entities or your money, but what if you were willing to deceive the entities that were truly waiting to give to you beyond the give and take with humans and entities? So. What else is possible? So what could you do see if should the storm beings that are actually trying to give it to you? Beyond given death and justice, even how much more can you to see a stupid. But as possible. Huh? So, you know, my phone is really moving a lot has my body is. What has guys is that any anything else that you like, you don't like me to talk about? Oh, it's nice. I'm glad. one of the things that. I started off to make it easy for me to receive some entities. Was noticing my body when it then stop. Like, so if I'm tensed and my muscles are tensed, it's a transitory physical sight. I knew in general my receipt. I put up a wall or an energetic wall, etc., etc. and I wasn't receiving it. As soon as I lowered my barrier was. So right now, if you guys could just know your videos and just relax your body fully and totally and completely. What being? Suggesting to you right now that you could receive immediately. How much space and how relaxed can you be? Every single day? And popular to see. Keep talking. Bring without being without bodies, have the power to communicate. How do they move things or can they really? OK? first of all, what are you and your? And I'll get the how are you asking more like how do they communicate so it's different for different entities and different for different people receiving the entity? If you're not listening to them and if you're putting up barriers to them, they will have to become a little louder in the way they give you the information. So in these cases they may adjust. The easiest for them is to mess around with your electrical systems because it's easier for them to do that than to say move good off objects. I guess it's different again. But if you're willing to receive the communication is could be stupid just for some to some other things to do , just energy. Sometimes you just know what they're communicating. Sometimes you make your words. But it's beyond any of your five senses. But if you're resisting them, then they will have to become louder, and that can show up as good and god scary things happening in your real surroundings, you know, like the Mido breathing or your electric is going crazy, etc., etc.. Yep, but communication is communications very subtle, and you will have your own way to communicate. So what do you know about communicating with entities that is making you ask this question? How do the gift? Oh, just relax her body right now. Yeah. Not everyone sees them. I don't see them either, usually. Oh, and I'm glad they don't. But that's an interesting point of view. Not everybody sees that. Some hear them. Some noit some. Some sense it, some smell it. And it's different for different people and also different at different times of the day for different people. So what is your way of communicating with entities? And what have you not acknowledged? Thank you for that. So if you acknowledge this is how I would practice like everybody, signs and symptoms are different. So the way I would practice is and I still do is literally look, my body was pick a spot where my body was before my body was low and my body was, nor my body was it. By that, I mean, to relax, my body relaxed my body to next. My body relaxed my body. And then just ask them, OK, if you don't. Just give me a sign. And it'll be different for different people. Like my body right now is stretching, really. So I know that that's how sometimes they pull my and put my attention to them. But like I said, it's different for different people and different. Thanks. I would love to have clear communication, I can sense that communicating what it takes me to have to understand a friendship without judgment. That's awesome. That's exactly why at the end of the day, the end of this class to have this, I'm not trying to push this class on you, but all I know is everything the dude asking for. Is there all the tools beyond judgment for you to actually start? Shannon says changing your awareness of entities to an ability with entities. So it would really one of the easiest ways, like I said before, to start getting clear communication is, first of all, poking and prodding everything that you've decided that communication with entities is. So what have you decided? That is communication with entities. Everything that is one of these I'm going to start on, right? Good on good bad bulk, but on nine shots, boys and Beyonce. So. For me, the simplest way to start getting clear about what communicating with entities for me was is to go. It's just an interesting point of view for every point of view that I had about communication with entities. So I would literally just again, because God lower my videos and whatever point of view, everything that I became aware of, I literally went interesting point of view. I have this point of view, interesting point of view. I had this quite a few delays. I was no longer covered with these. I mean, did this? He take a lot of points of views and filters, and everything that was in front of me started to dissolve literally a little for me to have the clear communication. So it's not it's not as dramatic and my world is seeing them and looking, I mean, like headless or headless ghost walking. But it's not. It's actually very, very subtle for me. And so what is it for you that if you don't have too many points of views, would give you what you already know about to the entities and communicating with entities? Thank you for the question on. Any other questions that you want? I have known people exerting entities in any case, do they want to be cleared even do without any benefits, do you? I used to do that only over the nerve and this will stop until you know what's necessary. Well, now what do you know and what are you aware of? You pretty much answer the question there. So thank you. Oh yeah. What is? Anything else that I could answer, I have a few more minutes to go. To be 40 minutes to go. But I just realized I didn't miss you guys, happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. I was going to dress up, but then I'm doing things too, so I did dress up. Maybe I was today and have some fun. Any other questions? Yeah, exactly. I had this weird costume in mind, which was like a combination of elephants and horse and pixies, and if it is like a commendation. And clearly too much. It just wasn't physically possible for me to put the costume together. But maybe next time. Oh, I'm glad. Eva, thank you so much. Any more questions? So basically, the way I started off. Was loading my values, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, relaxing, turning my attention to that subtlety, or maybe not so subtle energy that it was aware of and just going interesting point of view, I have this point of view . Still, whatever that reaction and that charge was or that resistance was on the wall was before I could clearly communicate who desired. Once that desired, it was much easier. And then you, of course, have doctored the entity. To the doctor, the interviews did amazing, the beautiful, most empowering day was related to this topic that has been. That has virtually. Had so many non-voting things done to it and so much feared and so much superstition that I'm just happy shunning is who she is and brought to this to the world, huh? So Dr. the entities and then the class by the book Oh. It's the best way you can involve yourself, and if you have kids to avoid that, if you open up to really give it to you beyond measure. Thank you. I think I'm done, you know. Thank you. Was I was asking what I wanted, how can we keep OK, just how can we keep boundaries when declared entities are working with them with awareness? How to decide when to work with them and how to vote on something? And I'll get them. first of all, there's an infinite being need protection could. Now does that mean that the entities are always in my space constantly? Not anymore, because you will learn up doctor the entities stores where we give entities business hours like how we would have clients and who would tell them what appointment is this? Do this and when you come from distances, I will give you attention and I will be attention to you and not after that, but I will make sure that I'm dead in those hours. So one of the ways that we go about making sure that we not constantly clearing entities or et cetera, et cetera, is to give them these, these these office hours. So we give them office hours, literally a time and a day. But make sure if you've given them a dime in the day that you remember it and then you stuck with the entities to us if you have them to either clear communicate with them. So we give them office hours. Thank you for that question. Yeah, I'm glad to not have it. Oh yes, you get. The only difference is you don't have bodies other than that because the ones that you're mainly talking about right now would be disembodied or disembodied beings, which is dead or in small Adobe. So yes, they're pretty much exactly how living people are, but you would have to give them. Now you can give a. Yes, thank you. No doubt. Thank you so much. This was fun. I'm sorry for the shakiness of the widow. I try to orient it horizontally, but kind of drugs, I have to hold it in my head. So thank you. Thank you, Josephine. But thank you, bye, guys. Happy Halloween. Hello, hello, hello. Welcome everybody to this, talk to the entities. Halloween special, 24 hours of facilitators talk to the entities, facilitators inviting you being with you to celebrate Halloween. first of all, a great warm welcome from Shannon O'Hara, the creator and founder of Talk to the Entities. She is going to be joining us. There is an entire schedule. We have facilitators more than 50 from all over the world that are basically geared up to be with you on this page today in different moments and in different languages. I'm actually going to have a sneak peek in my computer to not make any mistakes, but I know that we have Portuguese, we have German, we have Turkish, we have Chinese, we have Romanian, we have French, we have Dutch, we have Spanish, we have Japanese. So many languages, so many facilitators, so many parts of the world are being invited to be here on this page to look at Halloween and to be present with talk to the entities and for the people that are in my same time zone, which is Europe set. Good morning. But I also I'm seeing people from other parts of the world. Good afternoon, or maybe even already the day before a good night or good night. If you're maybe in Australia, I think it's good evening there. At any rate, I am so happy to be here and really honored to be kicking off this very special moment. I think it's really an extravaganza that we're going to be having 24 hours. So any moment that you want that, you need to get off, get off and any moment that you can get back in and meet the facilitators that you might not even know, or that you may not even able to understand because they speak a language that you don't understand. And what if you allow the energy that they're being and the energy that they are contributing and sharing with you to be received that goes beyond your mind? That might be fun. So I am already seeing so many people joining me, thank you, guys. Hi. And there's a lot of fantastic facilitators here, Beata, who also speaks polish and maybe she's doing hers in Polish, but I think it's English. And so I'm really psyched. So Halloween last night I was like, OK, we're going to have this Halloween special. What's Halloween? So I was just having a look, and it was saying that this is connected to a oral tradition, a Celtic tradition. And I was like, Oh yeah, I remember sending that because I studied anthropology and it's actually an invitation, a celebration of the end of a season and welcoming the cold winter that is to come . And so it was actually as a celebration, a holiday celebrated at the end of October, welcoming the long winter and the cold winter to come by actually throwing clothes and things in the bonfire wearing costumes. And it was also connected because the first of November is the All Saints Day, the DIA de la MWWhat Day? But I don't speak Spanish to me. Please excuse me, but the day of the dead. So the interesting thing is that here I'm just reading from actually online. It says that Halloween's origin date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, and in that time they said it marked the end of summer and the harvest and beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human deaths. Celtic believe that this night was the night before the new year. The boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. So. Is the world of the living and the dead blurred? I think one of the most empowering. Organisms in the world is talk to the entities that show is that this is a blurred. World all the time, this, let's say, opening of the gates where this artificial Lee distanced world of the entities and horse safe, mental, rational , logical world of humans and. Come together is actually occurring all the time. But how much have we learned that this is not good or this is something we have to stay away from or even that we have to be afraid of? And this is why it's interesting when I read more because they said that. They say that with the winter coming, they require to honor those beings that will. Aid that will support that will contribute for their agriculture that will work with them. Those days, they knew that they had to work with the spirits of the Earth, not against the spirits of the Earth and how much heavy abandoned this collaboration, this communication, this working together to be in this rational, logical world. And so I find it really interesting that now all we see in Halloween is that we're wearing costumes and we're going around for a candy trick or treating. But this awareness that, Hey, winter is coming. I have my crops. What can I be or do to create more and to be in sync with and present with those energies and entities that will lift, support, create with me? What would it take for us to start looking like? That's not only on Halloween are not only on the Day of the Dead or All Saints, as they call it , but every day. So everything that doesn't allow it gets destroyed and create that right run good battle and that book short spies and villains. Now they're suddenly starting to drill next to me. Can you guys hear me? Otherwise, I'll put in my earphones. Just let me know if it's disturbing. You OK? Not planned, huh? And so what it also says, which also interested me yesterday when I was reading this, is that they say, like, Hey, they realize this is the end of the winter of the summertime is the beginning of winter. Now how much are we present with the cycles of the Earth and with the entities that are also part of that? And. Here there is a little bit of a fear, or maybe not even a little bit like, OK, we have to do the sacrifice with the bonfire. Great to hear. Sorry. Good to hear that. You can hear. Good to hear that. You can hear me to appease these entities to say, Hey, we are giving you something. So please take care of us now. My personal point of view, and I would say we talk about this a lot in talks with entities classes is this idea of appeasing comes from fear. How much have we learned that we have to have fear? And what if fear in those days was a way? To make you present was a very distorted way to make you aware that there is something present all the time that we might not see. And what if we don't have to use that fear anymore as a way to become president and as a way to honor and appease but truly wow their entities of the Earth, their spirits of the Earth? This moment is one of those moments that we can just be present more with them. Since the winter is coming, the cold winter is coming. What if we don't require fear anymore to be present with something or somebody? What if we don't need fear anymore? To choose a presence and awareness. And where is the lie that if you are in fear, you are choosing greatness or consciousness? I know one of the interesting things I hear in India that makes me laugh is, Oh, the girl is a lovely girl. She is God fearing. She's wonderful, and I'm always that. Why is it wonderful to be God fearing? So where have we learned that? It's wonderful to be fearing those energies and entities that might seem greater than us, but they are not. But they are present to contribute to us if we are willing, if we are willing to be present. And for me, this knowing that, wow, I don't have to be afraid. Wow. There are all these entities and energy that they can be people and it can be my annoying, whatever aren't. But there are also other kind of entities and entities present that I can be with. How does it get any better than that? I think the entities are speaking through the drill sound because it's really interesting noises that are coming for me, but I'm thinking you guys are OK for the sound. So, yeah, huh? That was my what I wanted to kick off with. And I'm really curious what you guys want to speak with are about or want me to look at and this early morning. I feel that it's a great morning, a great moment for us. We are in this rush of life and living in this reality. We are in this very mentally constructed reality. Talk to entities access consciousness invites you to go beyond that, and maybe we can just take a moment now to just. If required, bring your barriers down. And become present with all those. Energies and entities that are here that might we might have been ignoring. Or that we might have been even trying to push away. Or those entities that we have. Not been. Considering. How many energies and entities have you kept out of your world because you were looking? Stefan says The Sun is perfect for Halloween special. I agree. How many energies and entities have you even kept away because they don't fit your definition of entity? And it's become completely silent here. How does it get any better? And in this presence in this being with. What is possible? And this being with. What can we step into that entities are inviting us to be? Toxic entities is not a science is not a mental activity like, OK, I do talk to the entities, I'm going to bring my bears down and I do blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. It is not. And in this reality, that scheduling and that rational way is the way. And we all know, I know you guys know this. There is something so much greater available. And so what would you have to be and choose for yourself to choose that space? To choose that space of being. And where indeed, like this idea of there is the world of the living and there is the world of the death, and there is this border and uncertain moments, the gates open and there is something occurring and we have to be careful what if we can let go of this idea and we can truly allow ourselves to in a way? Stop resisting through these borders that we've created and allow ourselves to be that energy. That precedes. And B, that being that perceives and that knows. And the bees and the. What can we create together in the world? If we don't not only do this have we are only on her birthday or on Christmas or New Year's, well, we actually start to. Muscle train ourselves, we have been so freaking muscle trained to be out of this, to stay away from this, and we use all the destructor implants we can think of to validate and justify and maintain this. And what if we don't anymore that I saw Adobe saying everything in India has background music, so do so. So does the version of today. And what it does is talk about why you chose to become and talk to the entity facilitator. Wow. Well, it was the only facilitators class that I went to a few years ago where I said, Oh, I'm only going to go to the talk to the editors facilitators class for myself. It's a gift to myself. I'm just so curious, but I'm not going to be facilitating this class. This was my fantasy. And luckily, the entities had very different ideas about this. And as soon as I went to that class, my world completely changed Shannon. As many of you have experienced many beautiful facilitators that are on and that will be on today has this wicked wicked. I would say this wicked way of being that she just freaking. Still, something in the world where if you're interested in consciousness, you cannot hide it from yourself any longer, and this was the case with me , as I know for many people. And so. You know, talk to entities facilitator being a talk to the entity facilitator has in that way was nearly like something that I desire to do as an idea. And I never knew what I was choosing until I sat there and my my moment, my world just opened up. And when I started facilitating, every time my world opens up and the world, the universe opens up. Yeah. And so, you know, I know that. There are many. Here that will be speaking perhaps about this, too, but like, what can we all be? Where this talking to entities is not anymore, a thing we do is not anymore a manual action, but it is really like all the access tools, a way of being. And sure, it's really like, you know, you have to you learn to walk. So one foot in the other four, then you fall and you get up and you know, and then you don't think about walking anymore if you want to go to the toilet and you have to go. You don't think about right, left, right, left, you just go. And so what if we don't have to think anymore and b and start to first play with the tools and as you play, become the tools, and some of these be really beautifully carried as written. Choose it every day. 24-7. Yeah. And this reality is so, so so into celebrating and your consciousness and unconsciousness. And this reality is so into showing you and luring you with the greatness of thinking and and the proof and justification and fear and distractor implant district to implant. And what would you have to be, where you can be this energy, where those destructor implants, you're like, Oh, I'm not putting my foot in the pooh-pooh of distractor implants and then complaining that it's smelly anymore. So this is my personal surprise, really. I literally did the chosen entities facilitators plus in the summer in London, and then I started to facilitate an end to this class in October. And then I haven't stopped and I've been traveling all over the world, and it is so amazing to see how much we all have entity's awareness. And we've learned that it's only for those are we have to be afraid of that. And what if that what you think you should be afraid of is that which is the key? To all of you and is the key to the greatness of you. What if that that you're supposed to be afraid of is actually what make others afraid of you? And as I love, Shannon says, don't be scared to be scary. What if you're willing to be? Scary, dangerous. Intimidating. Instead of. Appeasing. Instead of bowing down to this reality in the lies. And in that in that bearing down and submitting to this reality, maintaining it and. Continuing it right? What if we can? Be that energy that is required. That opens that all up. So we with these amazing toxic entities tools and being that energy space of consciousness, of that talk to the entities and start to create. We are creating a different reality. I mean, every time I'm seeing what all these amazing facilitators and I also we're all creating, and Shannon is creating with the classes in the world is phenomenal . And as I was saying, I travel as many do in many countries I facilitate in French, English and Dutch, and I've been traveling really from like all over the place. And it's been like, Wow, we have been so misinformed about entities and energies. We have been so misled about our capacities with energies. We are energetic beings. And where have we learned that we are mental constructs? We're like a head on feet or maybe legs if you're like a sassy girl, but we're basically just a head walking. And in a way, it is allows you to become a body again, which is like, I'm seeing it as a cartoon to. Yeah. And so. This page is this top 20 speech that has been created as well, like, you know, people are interacting and are sharing their experiences, and what if we don't have to hide this anymore ? I know that many people vote literally, and it is such a weird title. It's such a can we change the title of the class? And I'm like, I know that Shannon was aware of something. And Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness, that in a way I would say worked with Shannon and the life of Shannon was in a way like this work of creating really opening up all this awareness and tools of the entities. They're there of something with the name Typekit entities. People are like, Oh, oh, I don't know if I can post, you know, talk to the entities. People might think I'm crazy. How fucking crazy is it? That. Acknowledging that we were aware of energies and entities is crazy. And how much have we made that crazy so normal that we think we're crazy? And everything that is less is destroyed and created. Right, well, good, but only BookBook shirts, boys and Beyonce, who? Yeah, I'm I'm actually really. I have to catch up with other messages. Thanks, guys. I head walking. Yeah. Yeah. I know that there is a girl girl coming up in ten minutes. I don't have the schedule by heart, but I will. So just so you know, we have a Croatian. Was Gaga coming up? But after that, Japanese for for an hour actually, and then English and then it goes on. What else, guys? Is there anything else that you would like me to talk about? I saw something somebody saying, Can you speak with Elementals? That's the phone. I mean, the parents yesterday, I will let it go. No energy. And what else? What else? What else? Oh crap. Está bien. So what if this Halloween is not so I'm just going to quickly go back to this whole? We have to be afraid. Let's appease the gods and there and do this Halloween thing. The point of this Halloween is truly and this is why I love what Shannon has created with her team is truly a celebration of the entities of the spirits of the Earth in a way and is a celebration of the beautiful summer, and it's a celebration of our awareness of these entities. And there is no need to go to fear, and there's only possibilities if we're willing to see fear as the lie for what it is. And there you go. What else is possible with that space for us all? Are you having fun with entities in India? Someone is calling you guys. You're hilarious. Yeah, it's so funny because in my mum's house is always so quiet. So I was like, I don't really prefer to use headphones, but I could. And then to down. But I know that it's not a big deal. Yeah. And so. ¿Qué? Energies periods of the Earth entities. Are you aware of now? What if you can acknowledge them and acknowledge your awareness of the. And what is possible? With. Talk to the entities. That you think is not possible? And if you would allow the possibility, would actualize a totally different reality. Right, well, good, bad on my part, but Sean Spicer, Beyonce and I would say, you know, connected to. The question about, you know, becoming a taxidermist is facilitator, it is really the technology and whatever you have to change in you to be that energy that acknowledges being that willingness to be present. And what inspiration and invitation can we all be here to talk to that she's facilitate or not? What if you don't need that excuse? Uh-Huh. I'm not an endless facilitator, so somebody else can do it for me. What if we can all stop hiding? But if you can all stop passing the bucket? What if we can stop pointing fingers at others and be that ourselves? Where we are that invitation inspiration and we are that witness and the moments that we forget, we forget, but then we can stop forgetting by being present again. And it's that willingness to be like, Hey, I put my foot in the boot, but I took it out and I'm going to be president again. And hey, and wear something. What's occurring? Hey, I'm doing fear. Wait a minute. Are you willing to be so tenacious and are you willing to be committed because committed to consciousness, committed to being this president is being committed to you? Being committed to being present. With all that is, does it mean you're sitting there like doing anything, it's literally willingness to be in that space, that energy, space and consciousness. And that choice? That interacts with that is aware of that acknowledges that perceives. That being said, that recedes, and so he will have to be willing to be more potent. Your greatness be stronger. And what if we can at least be that all of us together in the studio for our life and then let that kind of trickle down trickle into leak into our days and our lives more and more and everything that doesn't allow this can be destroyed and created. Right, wrong, good, bad omen, but for sure, it's Biden and Beyonce who wowsers, what a day. What a way to start a day. I know it's not a morning for everybody, but here it's really gorgeous. I'm seeing the Sun slowly coming up. And just before I was in bed line, kind of tapping into this beautiful day and hearing the birds, it's like, Oh, there's some. There's still a few here. And like, Wow, what a beautiful planet. What a beautiful. Earth. And what beauty can we be an RV already? And how more? Color, can we add to this beautiful Earth where all. These energies and entities that are present can be acknowledged and can be seen for who and what they are. Thank you, everybody for joining me. Thank you for joining me for this kick off. I'm really honored and thank you, Shannon O'Hara for inviting me for this kickoff, but also for this, this amazing energy that is available in the world and that we are able to all create and be in the world. So I will leave the lived platform, leave the stage to my. To my next facilitator and go guys going to start in a few minutes, and I really hope you enjoy this extravaganza because this is an extravaganza, I personally will be back in twelve hours or twelve hours in eleven hours and half for a French live with Cindy. So maybe I'll see you there, but otherwise I am so grateful and I wish you a beautiful day night. I hope you'll be on with us as much and as long as you can to enjoy together with all the facilitators and all your facilitators. You guys are awesome. Bye, guys. Thank you. Welcome everybody. Welcome everybody to the talk to the Halloween special. Everyone out there in the world online. Welcome to the smack dab right in the middle of the talk to the industry's facilitators in California. And I thought so. Since we were doing our class right through the Entity Holiday of the year, which is Halloween, that we would for the first time do a special on what is holy and what is this shit and how does this stuff all work? So you guys out there online, I thank you so much for being here and also you're not going to be able to ask questions sort of after thought, but you will be able to one way stream into our world. So sorry, I'm hopefully I'll have enough interesting information for you guys. And I'd love for you guys to be able to ask questions, and I don't know that we would be capable of that. Actually, Meredith, are you on the talk of the Skype account? But if you just give it to all of you guys that are out there with us right now around the world, if you want to go ahead and add talk to the entities on your Skype account, you can you can Skype your questions, comments, feedback into Meredith and she will be your voice in the room. So talk to the entities on Skype. OK. So Halloween is a descendant of Drew ITIC or Pagan Celebration, which was a solstice celebration between the summer and the winter solstice, and it comes from England, so there's a lot of cultures on the planet like India, South America, Asia that Halloween is totally irrelevant for or they have their own celebrations or ceremonies for that time of the year. During the time of the Druids, and we'll call it a Druid a holiday. The Druids were sort of like the super humanoids of the British Isles. There was a huge amount of celestial connection. So their lives were affected a lot by the seasons for obvious reasons. And so the sound was what it was originally called, and it's then been Christianize into Hallows Eve All Holiday Eve Halloween. OK. And so Salan was the saw, and Eve was the night before November first, when all of the cattle or the livestock would be driven out of the upper pastures and down into the lower pastures and slaughtered for the winter to come, which of course, the Christians took as Satan worship. And it was also during this time that the that the rural or pagan people and pagan means rural. The pagan people believed that it was on Silent Eve that the veil between the spirit world and the human world was the thinnest. Now is this so right? I can't really say hello. I can't really say now if we look at the celebration of Halloween, we've got a lot of people dressing up like ghosts and ghouls and stuff that tends to be on the more hidden or darker spectrum of things. So is this the time of year or is this a celestial influence that creates this? Or is it or is there an expression of stuff that people are not usually willing to see or act out or believe in? That gets expressed this one time of year? Right? And it was really interesting. Before we were getting ready to come down here, I was hearing lots of sirens and I could feel the sort of tone getting ready and. So is this a night where the spirits are invited out to play more? Are people aware of it? Do people like to get really drunk and fucked up so they can invite the spirits to come out more in ways that they wouldn't normally feel comfortable with? Without the permission of the costume or the celebration. And so today we have one day here where the creepy the dark, the mysterious is allowed to exist. And what if we were willing to bring the creepy weirdo, the mysterious more into our day to day lives? Would people feel so alienated by what people need to then act out a lot of the stuff that they act out as a repression of the darkness that is in everybody or the resistance to the spirit world? And so for me, I've always been someone who had a lot of connection to the spirit world, no matter what day of the year it was. Derecha. And that's where I talk to the entities came from. So those of you guys that are joining us online and in the room, I've got a couple of people here who I don't know if they've had any exposure to talk to the entities. And so this is a celebration of talk to the entities. Talk to the entities is an access consciousness specialty class designed to create more awareness, more ability around dealing with the spirit world. And this is something that everybody is dealing with and very few people are willing to recognize, and even fewer people have the capability of actually handling. And so we take the conversation into a practical, into a reasonable and into a creative playground where we start making the spirit world the scary, spooky, forbidden thing that only gets to exist once a year. And if we ever have our connection with spirits that that makes us a witch or a bad guy or a scary , disgusting person and starting to recognize that communication with the spirit world is part of our natural being. It's part of our natural way with the Earth, and it was only within the last several hundred years that spirit communication started becoming very taboo, especially among white people. There are still cultures on Earth today that firmly believe in the spirit world and work with them, albeit not necessarily in a very conscious way, but work with them nonetheless and believe in them very strongly. It's really only among white people that we separate ourselves from the spirit world as though it doesn't exist at all. So if the spirit world did exist. Then what? OK. Would it be this terrifying, ghoulish thing that Halloween is turned into? It's really the only. It's really the only day of the year where horror is socially acceptable. And how exactly did the how exactly did the veil between the spirit world and the human world become a horrifying thing? So everywhere that spirit, awareness, spirit, communication and spirit participation was turned into a horrifying, terrible, scary, monstrous affair who are destroying and created all this place right and wrong, going about all nine pod punctured poisoned millions. And what if we did connect with honor, work with and acknowledge the beings who participated in our daily lives, in our cultures, in our within our societies as part of the creation of our lives when we lived closer to the Earth or as more rural people, when we lived more close to the Earth. It was common knowledge that spirits existed. It wasn't. You weren't seen as a freak when you saw entities, right? That's a very recent phenomenon. And so we take Halloween as an exemption from the enforced normality of reality. And as we were sitting here today, and like I said, we're doing talk to the entities facilitators here in California. And as we're all sitting here today, there were several people around the room in full costume. But I was just thinking like, what if we saw everybody as they really are? Would they look like witches and kitties and weird light beings and, you know, sparkles? And what would and or would also a lot of people be demonstrating and exposing the stuff inside them that isn't so beautiful or isn't so pleasant, the stuff that they don't feel comfortable showing the world that they know is a judge able offense to the world and how much that is strong about you. Have you made wrong about you and in so doing turned it into a monster rather than into the powerful being that it truly is so everywhere that everything so everything that is strong about you, that you've made wrong about you in so doing perverted it into a monster. A demon, a creature. Or a kitten when you destroy it and create all this, please. Right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod punk shirts, boys and Beyonce. And if you were, if you were, what if on Halloween you weren't putting on a costume? What if and on Halloween you were taking off your costume? So what's underneath your human costume and everything that doesn't allow that to show up? What's the story and creative right and wrong? Good and bad? All nine pod punk shirts, boys and Beyonce. And what Earth consciousness can we celebrate on? All Hallows Eve now all Holiday Eve Hollow is the St. So they took, they took, they took, they took the worshiping or the celebration of someone which was basically a solstice celebration, a celestial celebration or a celestial awareness time and turned it into the worshiping of saints. And so all the saints that don't have their own celebration days for the rest of the year. Get All Hallows Eve All Saints Eve to be celebrated. So now we celebrate a Christian holiday that's just been smeared over the top of a rural celebration of Earth consciousness and everything that is great Australian and creative. Please right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod park shirts boys Meehan's. And so if you look back at back to what we celebrate now or take for granted as our cultural celebrations or our cultural movements, holidays, for example, Christmas. Halloween, well, we all know, and these are American, excuse me, these are American holidays, and forgive me because there's a lot of non-Americans joining us around the world and there's also a lot of non-Americans Americans in the room with us. So these are the American holidays, right? Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween? Well, Thanksgiving, we know where that came from. We don't recommend sort of set aside, but. Christmas, Halloween. Easter is also a celestial or a solstice holiday. And so they're taken from a time when we were dependent on the Earth for our survival, we saw the Sun as the God, and we worshiped the cosmos as or in unison with the cosmos and the way that they affected the Earth and the seasons. OK. And since we live in a time now where there is less connection to the Earth or less dependency on the seasons for survival, there also just tends to be more of a disconnection from the spirits of the Earth. Or the spirits that our ancestors would have worked with to create a safe harvest season or a safe winter season. And so everything that your guys's ancestors knew about the magic of the Earth and the creation with the spirits for a safe harvest season and the safe winter season, were you guys destroying and create everything that doesn't allow you to gain access to that? No right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod park shirts boys beyond's. And it is those who are capable of being in rhythm with or in connection with, in creation, with the energies of the Earth and the spirits of the Earth that will be able to create with the Earth. If our present technological societies fail. So will we go back to nature like we were? Or will we go forward to a conscious world? Or will we destroy the Earth? These are the questions. And so what if the celebrations of Halloween, the celebrations of Christmas, which is actually the return of the Sun, which was which rural people would have been very dependent on the return of the Sun in the northern hemisphere, talked to an Australian Aboriginal, and they have a very different point of view about it. Está bien. So it is the rural people of Europe that would have been very dependent on the return of the Sun. And that's what we where we now celebrate Christmas. It's actually the return of the Sun, not return of the son of God, Jesus Christ. Return of the actual Sun. The days start to get longer. Life starts to get easier. OK, so a lot of what? So a lot of what we celebrate as Christian traditions or Christian mythological beliefs are taken from celestial, the celestial powers and everything that doesn't allow you guys. So all of the churches, cults, colleges, schools, universities, institutions and academies that any and all of you were ever part of that perverted, distorted and twisted. The connection with nature, as the expression of consciousness embodied into religious ceremony carried a strain and cradle this man right and wrong, good about all nine punctures, boys and beyond cool and everywhere that Earth worship was called. Witchcraft. Can we just try to create all that right and wrong going about all nine shorts, boys? Well, and all other natural ability that was turned into the judge rebel offense of witchcraft? 00. And anywhere in any lifetime that all of you were condemned to suffer forever as witches, as sinners and as a demons. Will you destroy it and create anything and all of that that was ever passed or that you were sentenced to for all eternity? Amen. Right and wrong. Going about all nine shorts, boys and beyond, and what energy, space and consciousness can you and your bodies be to enliven, to access, to invite the spirits of nature, the magic of consciousness and the clarity of spirit creation back into society and everything that doesn't allow us to remember what we left behind. We destroyed and cradle. This place is right and wrong, going about all nine pod shirts. Boys of Beyonce. Yowza, OK, I feel like I want to ask if anyone has any questions. I don't know if we're prepared for questions on this dream. Are we all ready? I have a couple already. So Kim would like to know what is the best way to increase by awareness of entities around me and my ability to communicate with them? Well, have you read my book? That's a really good way. That's like a really, really passive way. So if you want to increase your awareness of entities, no one reads, have to talk to the entities, book it passively makes you aware of entities. That's the report I've gotten that people read that book and then they're more aware of entities, and a lot of people aren't prepared for it. Number one, you just need to ask if you want to be more where you need to ask. Number two, you have to undo right or push down any resistances or rejections that you solidified in this lifetime or other lifetimes in regards to entity awareness. So all of the resistances, the rejections in the walls that you threw up when you perceived entities, were you guys to straighten and create them all, please? Right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts, boys, villains and everything your parents taught you verbally or non-verbally about protecting yourself from spirits rather than creating with and being aware with spirits. Can we restrain and create all that? Thank you. Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod punctured surpoids, me ons and everything that my going too fast. Sorry, everything that you know about entity awareness that you're pretending not to know and denying that you know you guys just and cradle that please right and wrong . Good and bad. All nine pod punk shirts boys me. So I think was the second part of your question about how does she deal with it and my ability to communicate with them? Oh, well, that's a much bigger question. And so I would invite you to go to one of the talk to the entities classes where you can actually practice that and learn that because that's a huge topic, communicating easiest form, trust what you know and recognize that what you're aware of is what you're aware of. If that's not possible, then you need to kind of do some of the practices and some of the exercises and get some of the tools that talk to the entities has so that you can. Start developing yourself in that way. Strengthening the communication muscles because he is communicating with entities verbal and linear. Or is it an energetic experience? Is it a telepathic experience? And so communicating and dealing with entities is a totally different muscle than the one we use to communicate and deal with people. And so if you trust your knowing and start to really trust the energy and don't doubt that what you're perceiving with entities, you know, if you don't doubt it, you'll stand a much better chance at acknowledging the mean communication and developing your own abilities to communicate with entities. Even if it doesn't look like what you thought it was going to. So everything that you think that dealing with entities and talking to entities is supposed to look like. Were you just trying to create all this right and wrong, good and bad? All nine pod punctures, buoys, me ons and everything you've been taught by television and movies about communicating and dealing with entities that actually doesn't work when you guys destroyed a cradle that right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod punctured buoys Beyonce. And everything that you know about being aware with entities and communicating with entities that you're denying that to no denying that you are pretending that, you know, we destroy it and create all this. Thank you. Right and wrong. Good about all nine shorts. Boys minds. OK, cool. She had read your book, but that helped a lot because some of those clearings you gave her and as Zipporah would like to know. I would love to hear about some other cultures holidays that honor or incorporate the spirit world specifically into them. Well, Mexico has the dude de Muertos that's like the Day of the dead. I don't know why it's making me laugh. China has specific weeks that the ancestors come back and that you spend that whole week like worshiping your ancestors gravesites and like putting out like literally the whole city goes on vacation and you worship your ancestors . So that's a very Asian. I don't India. I don't. There is a lot that goes on there, like they've got 30 days where they actually worship. Yeah, then India, they have 30 whole days where they worship their ancestors. Derecha. So those are just the several that I can think of off the top of my head. If you start, if you start looking into it or studying, you'll learn that all cultures around the world have a death celebration day or a death or a dead people celebration day. And in the white people culture, the only day that we have for that is Halloween. And it's not even the worshiping of the ancestors. It's a it's an entertainment or a reenactment of the spirit world that most people think it's a play and all saints of the first. I know. I don't really know about All Saints Day. Sorry. I'm actually not much of a Christian scholar. I just know about this stuff. I just know about the stuff that they did to. Make wrong. Spirit awareness is Scotland. Yeah, first it was Christian. Yeah, or religious or human? Religion was just a convenient way of controlling people. OK, cool. Another one. What can spirit ancestors teach us about creating your life and greater possibilities for the Earth? Well, it's a really interesting question, actually, because as I was talking about it, I number one, are your ancestors smarter than you? You know, in some people's cases, maybe and in other people's cases, really? Maybe not. Do you really need to listen to your dead relatives and this is a really this is a really big thing in Asia, especially because they're taught that their ancestors protect them and that they really need their ancestors permission. And it's like, really, the whole culture is really controlled by ancestors. Are your ancestors capable of creating a better reality for you than you're capable of creating in a lot of cases? Not really. And so all the lifetimes that you guys have done ancestor worship and that just led you to know we're good. We you destroyed our great all that too right and wrong, good and bad online pulled pork shards poison beyond's. And if we were, if this was a conscious world. How would entities be viewed? OK. And so. Is the way that any culture on Earth right now is the way that any culture on Earth dealing with entities conscious . OK. And so if we were going to create a conscious world and create more consciousness around the way people dealt with the spirit world, what would that look like? What would that be and what would that take? And everything that doesn't allow that is is and creative, please. Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine productions points me on. I am nowhere advocating that you need to listen to your ancestors at all. What I am advocating is awareness, entity awareness. And so be aware if you've got relatives or ancestors that are bossing you around and controlling you in negative ways that you're letting them right , wouldn't it be better to be aware of that and to pretend like it's not happening or to make it an OK thing to have happen? Am I just recently did a talk to the entities introduction in Japan for the first time, and it was my first time to Japan and we got into the night and everything was going great. And then we got to the clearing section and I asked them if they'd be willing to clear some of their ancestors. None. I have never, ever, ever, ever felt an entity clearing network, and none of them would live. Their ancestors go and I was like, Oh, this is really a deep thing for you guys. So we just moved on. We just moved on because it was they were interested. They weren't ready. It wasn't of no interest to them to let go of their ancestors. And so it's everyone's choice. Do your ancestors contribute to your life being better, Farrell? Or do your ancestors contribute to your life being more controlled? OK? And that's up for everyone's awareness and question. Cool. Do you have any clearings or processes to create more ease with all of the energies that are up right now and in general , as we become more aware? But energy question, what does that tiny question? Yeah. What energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be to facilitate change and transform all entities and energies with total ease and everything that doesn't allow that be destroyed and create a place right and wrong? Going about all nine pod punctured missions and all of the demons that people are allowing to come out and play because it's Halloween, after all. Let's return them off from whence they came, never to return to anybody or this reality ever again. Let's return them all from whence they came. Never turned anybody or this reality ever again. And return them all from whence they came. Never to return to anybody or this reality ever again and return them all from whence they came, never to return to anybody of this reality ever again. And return them all from whence they came. Never to return to anybody of this reality ever again. Polling tends to be a time when people let the demons come out and play more. And now it might be because celestial or Earth vibrationally, this is a night where. No, never mind bullshit, the spirits always have access to this world. I love that this may be a bigger topic for another class, for sure, but the best way to reclaim original occupants, that is definitely not a question for tonight. Yeah. So those you guys in the stream? This is an introduction. OK, so if you have big questions like about original occupants and other talk, toxic the entity stuff. Not in this class. For now. Cool. So what energy, space and consciousness can everyone in their bodies be to facilitate, transform and change all entities and energies with total ease and everything that doesn't allow that? We could sustain and create a please right and wrong going about all nine pod punk shirts boys minds. What energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be to work with the energies and spirits of nature to create more harmony with total ease and everything that doesn't allow that we destroy it and create a place right and wrong. Good about all nine pod shirts for his means. And what entities are what what entities are available that want to play with all of you in creating a different possibility? And everywhere you've been blocking them, stopping them, pushing them away and not acknowledging them, we used to in and create all this right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts, boys. Millions. And if you are having a lot of entity activity or entity awareness, we're sort of having a twofold conversation tonight. It's about opening up more, but also about handling what you're aware of better. What are some of the methods in which people tend to handle their awareness of entities? Do they handle their awareness of entities, or are they try to shut off or should away from their awareness of entities? Does shutting off and shutting away from your awareness of entities actually work, or does it just hurt you more? OK. So everywhere you go, everywhere you thought that shutting off and shutting away from your awareness of entities would work for you, destroy it and create all this place right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod punctured subways. Millions. And what if there was a hmm, what if there was a way of being that included entities and didn't exclude you and everything that doesn't allow that to show up with you guys? Just writing credit, please? Right and wrong and about all nine shorts, boys millions. And what if Halloween was a celebration of the spirit world, not of the horror world and everything that doesn't allow us to celebrate the spirit world as the clean lightness that can be, rather than the terrifying horror people like to make it into who are destroying and create all this place right and wrong. Good and bad omen pod puncture its poison, Beyonce. 00, cool. So what did you guys are misidentified and misapplied? Entities as they aren't, and this is because strange and creative, please, right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod pictures, boys and. What have you guys been told? Entities are that they aren't. And you guys are stirring and create this place right and wrong, good and bad, all nine pod punctured ways mirrored your joy. Cool. So that is also the same question twice. Different, it was different. What have you been told? Entities are that they aren't and for you, destroy it and create all this, please. Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pug punctures boys. Beyonce. What have you been told entities are that they aren't? Well, this is Houston and create it right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod pictures, boys vans. What have you taught people? Entities are that they aren't. And that is when you destroy a creative police. Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine had punctured boys and Beyonce. Do we have a question in the room? Yes, the witch next to the big penis? I was wondering if there's the other side to that. What have you been told they aren't that they actually are cops everywhere. You've been told that. What have you been told entities aren't that they are. You know that this is to be destroyed and created right and wrong, good and bad on the pod puncture for women. And how many of you guys, those little kids came out and told your parents, there's something in my room. They were like, No, no, no, no, no, you're making it up and you're like a pixel. And you forever then were confused about what you were aware of. So everything that you knew, everything that you know, that entities are, that you've been told that they aren't all your life time. You guys are straight and cruel this place right and wrong, good and bad. All nine shorts, boys and Beyonce, and everything that doesn't allow you to know what to do with all the entities that you're aware of, how to be with all the entities that you're aware of and what will work with all the entities. We destroy it and create all this, please. Thank you. Cool. Right and wrong and about all nine shorts, boys and Beyonce. Can we hand the microphone back? What about like when somebody wants to scare you and it's like they make an imagination or a projection of a scary thing, like even like a movie, you know, when you watch a movie and it is almost like you start to believe that it could exist. So, yeah, so all of the all of the lies that all the lies that you have made true about entities destroyed and create it right and wrong and about all nine punctures, boys, villains and all the lies that were enforced on you about entities destroy an incredible right and wrong, good and bad all nine punctures for the Mayans. The cool thing is, if something's heavy. It's a lie. If it's light, it's true. So that's in truth, the only guiding standard you really require, especially when you're dealing with entities to know what is true, because a lot of people think that when they start dealing with entities and stuff, they think they're making it up and they're crazy, right? If it's light, it's really happening. And everywhere you think this can't really be happening, will you destroy it and create a place? Thank you. Right drug. Good battle, old pun punctured boys is absolutely, really happening. And what if that's just the tip B to B to B to B tip of the iceberg? OK. Yup. Meredith, I'm with you. Mm hmm. Annie Shannon just said that entities always have access to this world when we return demons from to once they came never to return to this reality, can they still come back? They can. I don't really think they want to, though. They're like, Thank you. I'm leaving demons you have to remember. Or I'll tell you for the first time are have jobs. They're slaves, they perform particular jobs. So a lot of them are really ready to go. OK. So when you return them from once they came, they want to leave and they can come back if they want to, and they can come back if you invite them to. Absolutely. OK, you made me move, but now I can't be. Peggy still move over. Beautiful. Perfect. Perfect. Thank you, honey. OK. So Elaine from Toronto, Ontario, Canada Um, can entities prevent you from doing things like getting on calls? And if so, what is that about? She had a hard time logging in. Yeah, no. That's a that's a definitely a global phenomenon. We'll talk to the entities technology. Yeah, if they can prevent you. But a lot of cases they're not actually trying to prevent you. They don't recognize the impact that they're having on the technology that you're trying to use. And so like when I do attach the entities video stream or a telecom call, there's always technical problems. And so you have to ask the entities. Number one, told, Look, you're messing with my ability to get on the stream. Can you stand farther away from my computer, please? Usually that works, OK, unless they're assholes, then you need to clear them. OK, can we go microphone to Mike, please? Mike Mendez. So can you sort of like, I don't know anything. What are entities? What is true about it? But you do know something because you're sitting there nodding following very positive vibes told me towards me this whole time. Yeah, but what does that have to do with my awareness of entities? Are you being serious or, you know, I'm serious? I really because I mean, I hear like this chair is an entity, OK? And it goes. So I really think, what do you mean by entities? Well, an entity by definition, is an energy that's defined. So that is a chair, a person, a company. Right? A trust for the for the intents and purposes of tonight, we're talking about spirits that were people or not, but not chairs or companies. Okay. Is that like a really tiny little police? Yeah, that's really cute. It's so tiny. I'm a cop this much. And I look at guns are here, did the badges like, where do you see my gun? I actually didn't realize you were in a costume until I saw your gun and I was like, Oh, that's a costume. So the other thing is, I was wondering at sort of how would I how do I know what I am aware of about entities? Brilliant question. Developing or re sensitizing to your awareness of entities is sort of like a retraining process, essentially. I mean, were you encouraged as a child to deal with entities or to be aware of entities or taught anything about it? I mean, I never had any personal experiences. The thing is the only thing that did have for me that was like left a mark on me was when I was like ten years old. I went to see The Exorcist. I think that movie left a mark on a lot of people. Yeah. So, you know, ever since then, I was just like, I don't know anything to do anything. Yeah, exactly. So all of the movies and poltergeist didn't help, either. Yeah. So everything that you bought from movies about the spirit world that freaked you right the fuck out could, were you guys destroying and create all those decisions and conclusions right and wrong? Going about all nine shorts, boys? Because I've been dealing with the spirit world all my life and I've never seen anyone's head turn around on their neck. So good news is that's fictionalized, right? And so everything, so everywhere that the spirit world has been fictionalized and sensationalized away from the ease that it can be. But you guys can be destroyed and create all this place right and wrong, good and bad. All nine productions, boys villains. So your question about like, how do you what was what was kind of like, what might be an example of awareness of entities like how would I know if I was aware because I don't even know what absolutely it means to be aware of them or communicate with them? Well, number one, you have to ask, is this an entity right now? Chances are after this little thing tonight, you're going to have some more activity that you're not used to having, right? So that sort of could be a good thing, right? Or a bad thing if you don't want to have it. And so the most important thing with with entity awareness is number one. Do you actually desire to be aware of them? And like based on your, you know, based on your poltergeist experiences, does being aware of entities seem like a positive thing or a horrifying thing? Most people are so in fear about the spirit world, primarily because spirit awareness is a form of power that we have been heavily implanted, explain it and beaten away from. If you're aware of entities, you're a witch, a demon, an evil person, a sick person that you should die. They see the spirits, that evil, which, you know, and then everyone was like, Oh, they're evil, which? Then you're like, Wait a minute, I'm just aware, Oh, awareness isn't safe, OK, well, for me, when I was like 18 , I got involved with a group called Cosmic Consciousness, and it was about getting higher consciousness. But you better be careful because when you do that, you open yourself up to spirits and you could be possessed by them. And I wasn't really happy about that idea, either. I like because I saw polls, guys, when I was ten and that possession things really fucked up. So number one, the all the stuff about needing to protect yourself is bullshit, OK? Awareness is the greatest form of protection and strength. And so everywhere in all lifetimes that you were told to protect yourself from the things that would actually create great shit in your lives. We just try to get all this right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine punctures, boys villains. And do you need to protect yourself or do you need to be more aware? People who get possessed do it deliberately to control others. You do not accidentally get entities will repeat this. People who get possessed do it deliberately to fuck with everybody else and all lifetimes that you got possessed deliberately to fuck with everybody and then lost your footing and gave yourselves over to the spirits. Were you to strain and create all this place right and wrong? Good and bad? All nine pod park shirts, boys ons and everywhere, every way and every how that you made spirits stronger than you more capable than you, and that you allowed them to trick you into allowing them to take over stupids when you destroy it and create all this place right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod park shirts poison beyond the. The interesting thing about getting more conscious is you do become more aware is that you need to protect yourself from awareness or do you just need to be aware of awareness ? That's one of the greatest sort of, I think. Shortcomings of metaphysics is the teachings of protection rather than awareness as a great strength. Where are we taught that awareness is a great strength rather than where we taught that awareness is like unsafe? We're taught mostly that awareness is unsafe. Is it or is it great and all that this is create a strain and create a please right and wrong, good and bad? All nine pod punk shirts, boys and Beyonce. OK, so what might be an activity that I might become aware of or anyone else, such as like, what do you mean by that? You're talking about hearing voices or playing about seeing things? What does that mean? All that, yes. I mean, people who hear voices are absolutely hearing entities. If anyone ever says, I hear voices, what they mean is I'm talking to entity. It's OK. Seeing spirits is not everyone's cup of tea, but some people have a huge aptitude for it. And so it. It's sort of if you do desire to become more aware, the key has to be, OK, so what am I aware of and how am I aware of it? Not if I don't see it this way, like I think I'm supposed to, I'm probably not doing it right. Kind of a thing. So you have to start to ask, what are your entity awareness signs? And everybody has them. A lot of people, like uncontrollable coughing can be a huge entity presence. Some people get headaches, rashes, dizzy. Those are the physiological signs. And then there's psychological signs like paranoid schizophrenia, anxiety, depression. These are all entity awareness symptoms. And so if you start to bring awareness to the fact of, Oh, I'm fucking dealing with entities. Then and only then the people stand a chance of getting on top of it. It is. We live in a time where awareness is medicated, not when we're never educated. And so what if? 97% of the mental disorders on planet Earth are entity awareness. And everything that that is the story that created it right and wrong, going about all nine pod boys villains and everything that doesn't allow entity awareness and entity education to persevere beyond a nest to size Asian A and incredible this place right and wrong, good and bad. All nine pod park boys and beyond. Why would things like depression, anxiety and rashes be activity or awarenesses of entities? In other words, why would entities want to do that to us? They're actually not doing it to you. You're doing it to you. And the reason that that is is because you can't actually shut off awareness. You can only sort of like twist it or push it or like, shove it away or like kind of try and avoid it. You actually can't stop being aware. And so when you try and block off your awareness of entities, the awareness still has to find a way to come through. And so your body can communicate a lot with you about what's going on and the physiological signs or symptoms. Or your awareness of your being is trying to communicate with you in 1,000,000 ways to and be like alert, alert, alert, you're aware, you're aware, you're aware. And if you don't acknowledge that it's entities, it just is a slippery slope. As soon as you acknowledge it's entities, it's like drink lateness and then you handle it. And that's what all of the entities is, is handling it. For me, the cool thing. The intriguing part about the entities is to have the awareness for me would be an evidence that there's more to life than me in this body and that that's really an illusion and that we really don't die. That's the positive cool part for me. And the other one is I heard that you can put them to work and help you make more work. Oh yeah, I heard that rumor going around, too. Yeah. So, you know, and it's like, So for me, it's like, I mean, you're sort of sitting in a room right now of people that are doing like a very advanced training for talk to the entity. So and I thank you so much for showing up because I think your questions are brilliant. And I know a lot of people around the world on the stream have these questions, too. And so you're I mean, you're talking to somebody me who I was dealing with spirits as a baby and all growing up, and it nearly killed me, but I was fortunate enough to have access. And so I was able to use the tools of access and gain myself and in that sort to put together all the awareness that I had tried to make go away as a teenager. And what it turned into was a severe awareness of entities. And so as much as I didn't want to believe it and I definitely didn't want to handle it, I had to. And it's turned out to be this magical possibility that I no one ever fucking talks about and no one ever like uses it to create greater. They usually use it to create significance or like a witch hunt. And so we live in a different time now, and to continue on as though the spirit world doesn't exist is just simply sort of like feigning ignorance to a certain degree. It's like, when is it going to be OK for the spirits to be part of our world? Like, again, kind of a thing. And it's definitely not for everybody, but it's definitely the wave of the future. Whether people like it or not. Yeah. Thank you so much. I just had a question about that when you were talking about demons. He said they want to go, except if you invite them back. How does one invite them back? I miss you. I need you. My demons love me. I don't know how to function without them. Am I going to have power without my demons? Loneliness, loneliness also, demons like a lot of people, can have very like long term truce relationships with their demons. Like really, really dysfunctional relationships with their demons that they think is like, right? And so when those demons go away, the person might feel like they're losing their greatest love or like the love of their life or that one person that understood them, or none of which is really true. But the demons also have a way of giving you information or energies that. Will always activate you into inviting them back in kind of a thing. And so you just it's just like any kind of dysfunctional relationship you kind of have to get rid of, like, does this person care about me or is this actually fucked up ? This is fucked up because I think it is right. So and it's like the other thing people have to remember is you don't accidentally get demons like you invite them in and you create them. And a lot of people, it's like, What is it that the demons told you they would give to you? And a lot of times that's like power. They're like, if we work together, you'll be the most powerful in the world, you know? And then they just like, eat your face off or you get a little bad when you get a little bad or all you get is a little badge. They might give us what they have a big badge. Right? And so people who deal with having suicidal thoughts a lot or hearing like you should kill that person or people a lot of times when people are drug addicts or alcoholics or dealing with a really heavy demon influence, if you ever hear in your head, you should kill yourself or you should kill that person, that's a demon. Right? So let's get your microphone. What's the difference between a demon and an entity? A demon is an entity. We're just putting it under the umbrella of entities. So demons, a bad entity, I would say a demon. OK, a demon. OK, so here's the history of demons. So the word demon is a Latin ized version of the Greek word demonic, which started being coined by, I believe Plato. And he was writing about the spirits of dead warriors and calling them demonic. It was also believed in ancient Greece that all artists, writers, actors, musicians, poets, dancers, singers, etc. all artists had demons, spirits that they worked with to create their art with. And I believe that this is why we have the present day suffering starving batshit crazy artist because they are working with spirits. But not handling it very well. And so demons sort of became very vilified through again religion, especially Christianity. And that being said, there are spirits that will call demons that really want to fuck. You're really going to fuck your shit up, mostly because their job is to make sure that unconsciousness and anti consciousness prevails and that consciousness doesn't prevail. And that's all the demons are there just spirits whose jobs are designed to make sure their consciousness doesn't prevail? Will they win? No. Okay. Kindness, joy is a demon repellant, anger, judgment, sadness is a demon attractor, right? And so what joy are you refusing that you could be choosing that if you chose, it would. Exodus, all demons from planet Earth and everything that doesn't allow that lets the strain and create it. Thank you. Right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod park shirts boys means you can keep them make between you guys. I was just going to add when I first started working with you and we let go of some pretty gnarly demons. What I found was just all of the space that I actually had that I. I guess, what do I want to say? What I noticed most was the places where I didn't really want to deal with my life and create my life. The places that it exactly that, that that's what I was allowing them to do for me was actually create my life for the places I did. So everywhere that you decided you didn't want to handle your life, that you invited spirits, slash demons in to run things for you, whatever area of your life that is sex, love, life, money, family health, life. Who are you destroying? And cradle this place right and wrong and metal nine pod punctured poison Beyonce and all of the demons that you gave the job to take. Take care of your life so you can check out. We just reneged on that and tell them their jobs are done now. Make it go home now. You'll take it from here. Right and wrong. Good about all nine punk shirts poison Beyonce. OK. Yeah. Every worry that you have been demonized as a humanoid or as a being of difference in any lifetime figure is destroying and cradle that please right and wrong, good and bad on iPod puncture its poison Beyonce Oza. It's cool and everything that doesn't allow you to know when you're dealing with a real demon. And when you're dealing with a figurative demon where you destroy and create all this right and wrong, good and bad online had punctured the boys minds. Ready for me. I am. OK. Many, many questions, so lots of people are having trouble with electronics and all kinds of things, so lots of questions about that. Do you want to speak to that a little bit? So if you guys are having trouble with the technology, ask entities to stand farther away from your computer. Like outside, like for the entirety of the stream. Cool. Go, real good, cool. She said 20 minutes into the class, it felt like I was about to drown into the chair, feeling totally drunk or stoned like something heavy pushing over me. Is this awareness of unconscious? That you started shivering and felt like she was being pulled into the Earth. So how aware of entities are you and what energy, space and consciousness can you and your body be to facilitate, transform and change all entities and energies with total ease? Yeah. Svetlana, what would it take to use all of the energies on Halloween to our advantage? Yeah. What would it take? She also wants to know, is there a way to create ease with awareness of entities while sleeping? If you have a lot of night activity, it's because you're not dealing with it in the daytime. People who have night activity tend to. Well, if you're having that activity, the way to handle it is to deal with it in the daytime when you're awake. And so I don't know what talk to the entity stuff you've done or haven't done, but basically, like you need to have some daytime business hours and you need to start processing entities if you do that well in the daytime properly and thoroughly. They won't come to you at night. OK. But you're going to have to deal with it in the daytime because at nighttime you're going to handle it well at all because you'll be sleeping. Georgia asks, how do you clear spirits that have taken residence in a house in a different time but are also here now? Well, in haunted houses. Good topic, by the way, for Halloween, since we need to call spirits living in houses, hunting for some reason in haunted houses. When you have an entity who's like stuck in a time like you'll have especially an older properties and stuff, this is way more in Europe and on the east coast of the US. It's not as common on the west coast of the US or New World. Very new. Not a lot of time for haunting yet. Give it another couple of hundred years. Plenty of haunted houses. That being said. You can have, let's say somebody builds a house in like 18 two and then it's like they their point of view is, this is my house. I own this house. And then their body dies and they stay within that point of view. They keeping that definition of this is my house. I own this house and they just sort of hang out there and they might end. It could. This could occur with somebody that didn't build the house, but just has the point of view. This is my house, right? And so if you've got an entity like that, first and foremost, you've got you've got to be like, Hello, wake up. You don't have a body anymore. Why do you need a house, right? And if they're like my house, then you have to be like, Not your house, my house. Is this enough for you hanging out in this house forever? Usually, the question of Is this enough for you? We'll start to wake them up. And then you have to help them recognize that they have another choice to move on from that identity, and this is my house right to another possibility. So, you know, you can process them like you would a person. So everything that makes you think that this is the this is the greatest choice for you to hang out in this house forever. We you destroy it and create all that. Some of them will be willing. Some of them will be unwilling. I have never met a house that I couldn't clear, all entities are willing if you're willing to do what it takes to move them on. Bigger conversation for another time. Keep going. Yep. Sean, I'm wondering if you could speak to being a contribution to entities. I have been getting regular assistance from entities in my work and I'm wondering if there's something I could be contributing to them to keep that balanced. Well, have you asked? We could ask, Is there anything you guys want from me? I have found a lot myself that receiving them, just purely acknowledging them, which it sounds like you're doing and receiving them is a huge contribution to them. OK. Vin Ricci, my eleven year old daughter, sees entities and she is aware of their presence, but sometimes they just keep appearing and disappearing over and over again. She had tried. She has tried clearing but does not seem. But it doesn't seem to work with these. What is the message? Well, if OK, so what is it? Is there a portal in the house? Because if you keep clearing a clearing and clearing it, it doesn't ever end. There is a portal, either some one to portal or there is a portal. So you just close the portal. I keep a shut. Or she likes fucking with you with her entities. And, Elaine, do we have to deal with entities? I mean, if you don't, what happens? Well, if I don't, I get fucked up. But if you don't, I don't know. And she asked, Can I send them to you guys to deal with that? Not if you don't want them back in double. No, you absolutely don't have to deal with entities. And I mean, it's something this is the streamer's can't see. But the the person behind the second camera is my not my oldest friend because she's not old, but I've been friends with her the longest since I was twelve. Heidi and I remember you came to a class of mine once. You should come out and let people see you. She's a ghost from the Titanic. Yeah. Well, everyone wants to know who I'm talking about. And she looks so beautiful. This is a ghost from the Titanic named Heidi. Heidi came to one of an introduction I did years ago, and we were driving home afterwards, and she goes, I don't know if you remember there she goes, she's like, She's like, Is it OK if I just like, I'm not really that interested in this? And I was like, Totally, I fucking am not that interested in entities, but it's something that I have to do because it makes my life so much better. And I am what's called like an entity sensitive. And there are a lot of people who are de sensitives, and these are mostly the people who are institutionalized or committing suicide because of their severe Insta awareness. And so for some people, it is a life or death thing for you. It might not be like it isn't really for Heidi, for a lot of people they can get away with. I mean, entities just don't really show up in their lives, and that's neither here nor there. It's that some people have to handle entities, otherwise it fucks them up really bad. But if you're not one of those people, how did you get so lucky? And you know what it's like if you want to be more educated about it. We talk to the entities, do the talk to entities classes, check out all of our free products. And if you want someone else to handle it, get in touch with or talk to the entities facilitator and have them do the processes and the clearings for you. And absolutely, you know. She said, does it work to just acknowledge them sometimes? And sometimes there's more that's required. If you do go down this path, you're going to have to look at a lot of stuff. OK. Anybody else in the room have a question hog in the Mike? I yeah. Oh, yeah, I really. Oh, sorry. I am really inspired by what you're putting out about co-creating with the entities for magic and other possibilities, can you support like like my trip as well? I would love that, you know, like how do you call in the entities that you would be wanting to co-create? Yeah. And not so much calling in the other guy. Right, exactly. OK. Creating with entities and receiving from entities is what I would say is like more part of the advanced curriculum of talk to the entities because you have to get to the point where you're comfortable with them. But in addition to being comfortable with them, you're aware of who you're dealing with. Sort of like with people like how many people have you worked with in life or had relationships with in life that you've got down the road and you were like, This person is a fucking asshole? You know, you're like, OK. And then did you make the same mistake again? Right, so you've got to have just sort of you have to really stoke up your awareness of what kind of person, what kind of being that you're dealing with. first and foremost, you can't go on autopilot and you can't just hope for it. You actually have to look at who you're dealing with and that that level of awareness or that level of commitment to what, you know, tends to be a really difficult threshold for a lot of people. And it's not difficult. It's just it asks a lot of you. And if you knew everything that you know about people and entities, what would change in your life and. first and foremost, you've got to get clear in the beings that you're dealing with. OK? To put it simply. Secondly, start receiving more, right? Once you're finally playing with the ones that you know are great, that are supportive, it's up to you now to, like, really push down your barriers. Really take the time and space to actually acknowledge them, to let them be present with you, even to touch you physically, to start, to start, to create more of a connection or an acknowledgment by you and your body of their presence. Take counsel with them. Listen to the energy that they put forward. Don't exclude or ignore them in favor of denser more. Obvious energies talk to the entities is an entity business, and I have grown it with the spirits. I didn't even realize that that's what I was doing at first until I sort of got it more and more as I went along. They have provided and supported and pushed me in fucking incredible, magical ways that are so humbling. I am never alone. Granted, sometimes I want to be alone. I am. I am. No matter where I am in the world, they're there. Just waiting for me to let them. Make this magic, and so I've had to really practice and really like almost sometimes push myself to receiving with them and participating with them, because once you start to receive and participate with some really amazing, powerful beings, your whole fucking shit gets changed around. You become really different in the world. Your whole universe changes. Is that a ride you're willing to take in any lifetime that you did have powerful spirit partners and you were separated or judged for it or made wrong or told that they weren't what they really are, which is our companions and consciousness? Were you destroying and cradle that right and wrong in battle? nine had puncture its poison. That being said, you can also rebel and demons showing up being like, I'm your friend. So you kind of have to know what you're dealing with. The good news is the beings who are worth creating with feel light if they feel weird at all. No, thanks. Yeah, that's really helpful. Thank you, Vernon. Cool. Yeah, that kind of tied in to what you brought up about how you can work with them and stuff. So just something that you all can start playing with. That's really fun. Start asking entities to bring you fucking money. And that's what I wanna do it. Have you have you have you started? I didn't know how. You didn't know how. You just have to ask Mike. Take the Mike. Get Mike. I said, Yeah, that's what I want. But I didn't know how to ask you. Just ask me money. Yeah, so you said you? You are? Yeah, bring me money. Could you guys bring me some money, please? Yeah. Now I guarantee you this is I've said that it's going to show up for me, but I'm like, really, really, really good at it. I'm really practiced at it. When I first started, I was like, Yeah, right, this is going to fucking work. But then I started finding jewelry, and then there was all of a sudden there was more money in my wallet. And then all of a sudden there was like $2,000 more for class than the people that attended. It didn't start at 20 and it started like ten bucks. We don't know where this ten bucks came from. I was like, it was probably introduced because I asked them, but I must be fucking tripping entities. Pay me, Oh, there's 100 extra. Oh, there's 1000. We're the section $2,000 come from my bookkeeper used to make her fucking crazy till I told her I was like, It's entities. She's like, OK. So I created a section in QuickBooks for the money that comes from entities that we have no idea where it came from. Wow. So you have to ask, you just have to ask, but then you also have to be willing to receive. And that's a huge part of it. Barriers down, open, willing. If you started receiving money, jewelry, support, contribution, gifts from entities, how much would that shift your whole world? Are you willing to have that shift? OK? And everything that doesn't allow it, let's just try it and create it right and wrong. Good and bad. All nine pod punctured boys millions. The the the time it really was driven home for me was, Oh, I got it, it's a sword. I get it. You're like a pirate, which I just got it. It's a sword that looks a lot like a penis. Danger soared, right? I mean, it's pink, too. And it's really pink. It's like, right, right? Like, like ballroom live all over the world. Why I told you I'm stepping out. Maybe the first time this really like drove home for me was this is this is a story I tell a lot in my classes. I was in Australia. This was some years ago, about three and a half four years ago, and I was sitting in a big house by myself and the woman who owned the house with some access. And she was familiar with me and she was showing me all around the house and opening all the bedroom doors. And she was like, Look, there's enough room for all the entities to stay. And like, we both laughed and I was like, Yeah, well, only if they pay me. And I said, It totally is a joke, right? Only if they pay me. And you know, and then we finished. She finished showing me around. It was coming out back to the kitchen and there was a gold and diamond and emerald ring right on the kitchen counter. Like literally nothing on the kitchen counter, right in the middle. And I looked and I thought, did Liz leave her ring here? That's weird. So I picked it up and I took it in. The other room was like, Lose, you know, here's a ring. And she looked at you like, this is mine, and she handed it back to me. And when that was passed and I really got that, they were paying me to stay there and I went, OK and I got her. You need to ask and you need to let them deliver it in the ways that they can, OK? And when stuff and also the way to make that work better is when entities do deliver stuff, whether it's cash jewelry support, an upgrade on the airplane, I don't know a door opening easier for you. Like, literally, if I ever get like a stuck dorm, like somebody help me and then it opens right away. Or if I'm lost because I travel a lot, a lot, a lot. And I'm lost a lot. A lot, a lot. I'm like, Can someone just help me if I can get there and then I'll see a cat run around a corner or those light will go over there, I'll just know I need to go. So that's a lot of support, too. Every time they do contribute, you have to acknowledge it. Even if it's like the littlest thing, you're not making it up, OK, you got to thank them for it, and it will get stronger and stronger. Cool. Yeah. three, actually really easy if you're willing to have it kind of a thing, which is the hard part, the entities are the easy part, people are the hard part. What's that all about our resistance to receiving the way I think people like to have hard lives? Oh, okay. Yeah. OK, Meredith, before we get there, I want to do something really quick now, so let's hope your fake walkie talkie fell on the ground. All the entities are like here. Yeah, I I. That's really funny. So all the entities that are present for everyone out on the stream, for everyone here in the room and out all over the world for Halloween. first and foremost, let's ask them to stand the fuck back. Now, let's say, let's ask all the ones that would like to leave that are ready to go that are just looking for a way to leave. Let's just think them all very much and tell them they're all free to go now. Everyone's free to go now. Now, did anybody in this room start feeling the cool breeze as soon as I said that? So you guys around the around the world on your streams? Did any of you guys start noticing a cool breeze instantaneously? OK, so now all the other entities that are a little stucker do. So who are you guys? Who were you all before that? Who were you all before that? Who were you all before that? And who you all be in the future? What are you what were you all before that? What were you all before that? Were you all before that? We were all before that. And what would you be in the future? And what are all your jobs or all your jobs before that, all of your jobs, before that and before that, I prefer that I'm at. And before that. And what were your jobs be in the future? Thank you. And I'll go now. You'll have to go now and destroying and create all the magnetic imprinting right about all nine pod park shirts, boys. Beyonce. OK. And what will it take to keep the clearing going for the rest of the night? Depending on where you are in the world, the rest of Halloween, right? Keep the entity clearing going. Let them keep going. Let them keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep clearing. Keep clearing because they're going to go in like waves. And it takes a bit when we're dealing with this many because we've got like 400 people tuning in with us around the planet, which is an excellent opportunity for huge clearings. OK. So just know we've started the process. Keep staying present with it and keep letting them clear. And if you start feeling weird? Time to clear more. OK, now all the demons that are ready to go and even the ones that aren't ready to go that are still going to go because we're turning them off from whence they came. Never to return to any body or this reality ever again. Return them all from whence they came. Never to return to any body or this reality ever again. Return them all from whence they came. Never to return to any body. Or this reality ever again. We're seeing them all from whence they came to return to anybody or this reality ever again. And finally, the demons were the most grateful. Bye bye. Go kill your own planet. A little cold go. I'll just take it cold now. Gosh, I'm like overheating now. Thank you. OK, Meredith, ready. Ready to go. Yeah, yeah. 00, I'm totally on the go, Peggy Sue. I had a photo taken in my bedroom about a year and a half ago or something, and I'm showing it to somebody recently. And they said, Can you see what's behind you? And I went, Holy shit. There was a man standing there. Yeah. Very, very clear. Is it still there, even though that was a year and a half ago? I know you're going to ask me, is it? I'm sorry. I think so. And is it a demon or an entity? OK, so this is so this is like talk to the entities clarifying who and what you're dealing with. one on one. OK. Number one relative or non relative? Relative related charity stated It's a man, so we don't need to go male or female, right? We got to man. It's a relative. You know who it is now. I think the first person that pops in your head, it's not who it is. Yeah, OK. Yeah. So then the question becomes, OK, so like, what's he still hanging around for? Does he want something from you or do you want to give something to you? That's why entities hang around. They either want something from you or they want to give something to you, and they will hang around until they're able to give that thing to you or to get that thing from you. Scott, handling relationships eventually. So you have the question, so does he want something from you or does he want to give something to you? Cool. So here's like here's a here's a oh, OK. It can be both. This in this case, it's more one than the other. And so this is a little trick I like to use, which my sister taught. Simon Melissa's came up with this, actually. Is that this hand or this hand? He wants to give something to you. OK, I'm emotionally attached, so I can't. It makes it very difficult to get clear. So as a facilitator, once I was emotionally attached, take the words off the table and just be like, this energy or this energy. It makes a lot easier for people to choose someone to give something to cool. Is it support? Is it control? Is it caring? What does it feel most like support? OK. Cool. So now, what's it going to take to actually have it? So what I would suggest to since. Well. For those of you that have entities, the desire to support you, that you're like having a hard time receiving it and it feels really like overwhelming. And it is and it's awesome and you're still going to have to go through it, you know? Take the time on your own. What I would suggest is when you lay down and invite him to come forward and say, I'm so sorry, I have been, I really, I'm sorry, I've been so hard to get through to. Can you please help me now and invite him to touch you or to hold you? And just go for the ride and get through whatever that that needs to be processed because it's something that you haven't processed fully yet. Emotionally, energetically and sometimes even physically. So you're going to go through all that. Thank you. Totally. And tell him also, don't give him permission not to back off on you until you've made it through, like tell him not to give up on you and that you really want to get through it, OK? And that's what you do with the being who is there for you? And that does have your back. And it's not coincidentally he was like standing behind you. Well, I actually. Oh, let's get your microphone. I actually woke up at like 3:00 in the morning, in the morning and I heard. And say something, but I thought it was me, and I just did what he told me to do, which was take the picture and then I went back to sleep. Cool. In the new year and a half later, I, you know, I don't even see it. So interesting. Cool. So a couple of people were wondering, you mentioned figurative and the difference between regular and figurative entities. Cool. So what I meant by figurative demons is the thought forms of the judgments that you create that work against you because sometimes you're just judgmental and you've created this like demons of your own, like making and sometimes you're actually dealing with a spirit. So that's what I mean, the ones we invent and create our mortal or we're our own worst enemy kind of a thing. The judgments that we use to create the spirits that limits us. So those are the ones that we're creating. And then there's actually the spirits. How do we know when to ask entities to? Can I can barely talk anymore? I'm also winding down. How do we know when to ask entities to contribute or to clear them? You have to ask. That's a big press, actually a pretty big question, and that's an awareness developing thing where you need to be aware of. I mean, I would say as a rule of thumb, just clear, first and foremost, just clearances. See how that goes. And then if they don't leave, then you need to talk to them. OK. Do we invite demons to deal with areas in our lives where we are actually potent and powerful and don't want to acknowledge those areas? Si. And or you were given a demon to make sure that you never became that potency? How can cats see entities so clear, and we can't. Most animals can see entities better than we can because they don't have the ability to block out awareness like we do. And so can they see demons too? Yeah. We're caught up on the stream. Cool. OK, well, how does it get better than this? So I think this has been a great conversation and I think everybody for joining us for this, and I hope this was fun for people. I hope this was educational. I hope you guys start to trust yourselves more and start to recognize there's a massive world of possibility with spirits. Some good. Some not so good. Some fun. Some not so fun. Just like people. So what would it take for all of you to embrace your abilities and stop pretending like you aren't capable of the spirit world so that we can evolve into a more conscious way of being with the planet, with the spirits of the Earth, with the spirits that desire our assistance and our participation for change, for creation and for a different world. And how much of a gift could you be to all the spirits who want to get the fuck out of here and no one to listen to them? So it's a different possibility, a different perspective. And. What are you willing to be that could create a different reality? So I thank you all so much for being here. I thank you for joining us and go forth and prosper. Thank you so much. Thanks, everybody out there. You're getting lots of gratitude. We're really grateful for you, so much awesome guys. Will thanks so much for being here. And Mike, and what was your name? Yeah.

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