incluso detener la tensión, ¿no es así cuando hace tanto frío? No está tan mal hoy en comparación con ayer. Está bien, apestan pantalones. ¿Qué tan alto eres? Sí, así es, pigmeo como si fueras tan alto, eh, eh , eres un pigmeo y lo serás porque tienes algo sobre mí que no deberías tener No lo voy a decir en voz alta tienes esa cosa sí, así es, no hay gente aquí ya por azar Yo también humanidad, ¿cómo están ustedes viejos trenes? Ya tengo una pregunta, debería pensar a las porristas les gusta decir que apague la música, sí, pero lo apagué todo antes de que tu loca apesta sexy como estás Seth cómo estás bien dices que el juego suena como si estuvieran apagados crees que él sabe lo que ella está haciendo cuando ella no podría y aquí vamos, eres la misma vieja banda sonora, aguanta conmigo, lo siento, ¿qué tienes que decir? apestoso pantalones cómo puedo hacerlo, puedes mantenerte alejado de la comida solo por un momento, apestan, esa es solo una motivación hoy. de mí sabe que levantarse no en la cama que es donde se ha encontrado no es que lo hizo en la cama No quiero jugar, ¿sabes cuáles son las reglas? Porque debería haber explicado las reglas del billar de 8 bolas. Mira antes. No sé. Me voy a quedar ciego, está bien . Voy a ir si alguien hizo un intento, ¿qué es? night tails también está aquí aquí vamos, digo que no recuerdo quién sugirió este juego, pero se supone que es multijugador, así que si quieres probar tus habilidades contra los pantalones apestosos pigmeos , prueba tus habilidades allí. Yo tampoco sabemos quién. Cualquiera de estos jugadores probablemente lo sea a menos que Michael Jordan esté jugando oh no amigo y Kobe Bryant estos dos Sé que conozco a todos los viejos jugadores como Spud Mackenzie, debería ser tu ídolo porque es bajo ¿Sabías que Spud Mackenzie es cierto ? uno está bien, solo ten paciencia conmigo apestosos vas a tener que hacer un poco de comentario en un momento buen tiro nada más que neto oh espera tengo que hacer los gritos oye tiempo de celebración apestoso ¿sabías que tenemos un nuevo miembro del canal Wow Wow Bob Lincoln también está aquí, déjame hacer rápidamente este grito. Aquí, si puedo hacer que la maldita cosa funcione, tengo que hacer eso al principio. Diga un saludo a los miembros del canal. ASM despierta la 42a generación y un ciclo de pasatiempos. Enya, está bien, también es KB. Soy uno de los realmente Famosos jugadores de baloncesto fallecieron recientemente, sabes, creo que un helicóptero se estrelló, así que supongo que los bebés negros han eliminado sus mensajes, pero creo que fue Kobe ahora que es tan paternal es uno de los mejores jugadores apestoso ¿sabías que arde furioso aquí? ¿Cómo estás? Es bueno verte en las novedades también. Podríamos necesitar algunos consejos sobre cómo jugar. Estoy un poco oxidado. Bueno, un cuento rápido. Fui capitán de un equipo de baloncesto. Lo sabes en la escuela, aunque fue realmente malo y demasiado corto, bueno, dile a mi hermano que vives, ¿puedo dar un grito? Por favor, di un grito a las llamas furiosas para gritar a los pingüinos, lugares aquí, haz G de por vida, si lo damos, no sé en qué dirección estoy. ir cuál es mi objetivo Eres su idea probabilidades pesados no ustedes dicen el nam generales ha cambiado de nuevo No puedo seguir el ritmo del bebé también ha cambiado no desde la última transmisión ¿Quién eres? ¿Sabes bien? Podríamos necesitar algunos consejos. Alguien nos sugirió este juego, así que con suerte aparecerán en la transmisión o si alguien más jugadas háganos saber ahora apestoso sigue con ese comentario allí Regresaré como de costumbre, luego vamos a jugar este juego hoy mismo, este es el loco del que obtenemos el resto de esto en un bebé, veamos mi cinta de acuerdo ahora puedo administrar el auto, lo que significa que los miembros están bien, ahora que tienes una copia más fuerte, puedes colocarlo en tu línea afuera, como lo que toca en el intercambio, así que creo que puedes elegir a tus jugadores en mi lugar, algunos de tus partidos dicen por un manta que sería increíble si lo hicieras ahora si hicieras un video de la misma, haríamos un saludo adicional antes de ti, realmente tenemos que hacer que los animadores creen algunos mapas más para nosotros para cualquier niño que solo tengamos un par de diseños felicitaciones a los pantalones apestosos por hacer que el pingüino nunca cambie o vaya, estoy muy bien nd en el chat KB sí, era kV Brian, eso es una tragedia, ¿no? No leeré todo eso en voz alta, pero sí, es triste que sucedan muchas cosas así. Creo que intentaré provocar el pánico allí. Pyatt, ¿qué compraste ? bueno, ella no ha comprado nada todavía, pero con suerte conseguiremos vender algún fósforo algún día y adivinan quién lo sugirió al azar al azar estaba diciendo que no a la pelota de baloncesto, pero si él realmente lo sugirió, ¿qué diablos, oh, mira al chico apestoso? un campeón ¿alguna vez jugaste baloncesto en la vida real si todos fueran bajos como tú juegas en la NFL? El próximo estrato dice Kane, acabamos de recibir sugerencias de API completas para juegos en discordancia, así que habrá bastantes para pasar y lo hice, creo Descargué el NFL Madden, pero aquí es donde realmente vamos a necesitar la ayuda de nuestros amigos estadounidenses porque ninguno de nosotros sabe eso, aparte de que creo que todavía pueden pasar el balón hacia adelante. Soy como el rugby. Apestoso es un campeón Apestoso ya es un campeón ¿No eres la estrella de la NBA? Debo decir que esto tiene buenos gráficos, pero digo que podría intentar recaudar dinero para comprar tu matrimonio, bueno , no tienes que hacerlo, pero no lo esperamos, como no lo esperábamos en los miembros del canal, en absoluto, no esperamos su el fósforo se venderá pero he estado tratando de conseguir uno mi hermano He sido él es muy buen artista Le he estado pidiendo que haga algunos diseños pero él no lo hará todavía y entonces tenemos que hacerlo Intenta conseguir a los parientes de Stinky y alguien tiene que ser capaz de hacerlo en algún momento.Pueden apestosos, no podemos no ser artistas. ¿Sí, sí? Si alguien tiene alguna broma de baloncesto, avísanos que también habrá ruido. Hablando, lo pondré como una planta temporalmente. Hice algo violación. Eres un infractor. Di que no solo tenías que triplicar. Eso significa que tienes que seguir haciendo rebotar la pelota cuando sabes. ¿Por qué es así de automático? ¿Es un deporte sin contacto supuestamente tienes ese apestoso sin contacto y ahora te gusta ir y hacer frente a la gente todo el tiempo, pero yo k ahora las reglas son para el pobre juego de Hank. Solo lo veo, dice juego, bueno, eso no nos va a ayudar demasiado. ¿Puedes jugar una transmisión de rugby? Entonces miré uno de los juegos de rugby. Está entre los diez primeros en juegos de deportes en la aplicación. Tienda, así que estaría feliz de hacerlo. Conozco a medias las reglas del rugby o tal vez tres cuartas partes de las reglas, no es mi deporte favorito ahora cuando se trata de Australia, pero sí, tal vez le demos una oportunidad al rugby. Habrá algunas transmisiones deportivas próximamente Supongo que pingüino, siempre hablas de campeones, así que es otra broma interna que supongo que los pingüinos crearon los viejos campeones, quieres , quieres explicar por qué, nena Oh apestoso y le expliqué que me refiero a cantar, sí, pero por qué ¿No puedes cantar y tocar al mismo tiempo? No, puedes jugar Choque de clanes y hacerlo bien, mejor que estés bien, sí, tienes razón. Lucho un poco, ¿no? Sería genial si tu El hermano puede venir y darte algunos consejos, cariño, pero mira que está diciendo que su hermano es un profesional en este juego. esto es lo que hicimos 210 pantalones apestosos en nuestro orgullo mi papá me trenzó el cabello hoy es impresionante que tu padre pueda hacer eso apestoso no me deja trenzar el cabello lo ato en nudos parece rastas al final ¿No apesta sin respuesta gta5? Puede que te aburras porque juegas mucho porque juegas tanto Star Wars hmm pero ji-tae, hablé con Kane en privado sobre eso y tienes que pagarlo en el móvil No pude encontrar una versión gratuita que fuera legítima, tenían algunas falsas, pero eso fue todo, los pingüinos recibieron un consejo para ti, apestoso, está bien, ahora mismo envía un mensaje de texto al hermano increíble para que pueda conocer al hermano del bebé en un momento que Sería genial si pudiéramos hacer eso. ¿Estás ganando en este momento? No puedes viajar. Mira, el entrenador se está volviendo loco y Cain dice que es tan vago con el choque de clanes que ni siquiera atacó y dejó que los trofeos cayeran. como pantalones apestosos, para ser honesta , apenas juega Choque de clanes en este momento, pero juega a que Don ro tten el juego de Gordon Ramsay todos los días, ¿no estás apestoso? Gracias, insiste en que no mueras, no puedes morir en el baloncesto. Kenny, mírate chicos, apestoso, eres un maestro. Buen pase, vas por un triple. apenas tienes control sobre tu propia persona, hablemos de los deportes favoritos, ¿tienes algún deporte favorito pensando que no, eso es todo un deporte bien para jugar o para ver ambos, es algo diferente? Creo que no me importa jugar como no Aunque conozco las reglas, al igual que jugar este juego todas las semanas que era similar al baloncesto, simplemente no rebotas la pelota y tienes un pase. Creo que puedes dar tres pasos o algo así y él dijo, excepto yo, dijo que está ocupado. pero él es un juego para mí, oh, puede que no consigamos a su hermano a su hermano. Debo decir que, según mi hermano, él no es un pingüino profesional juega a los bichos. No estoy seguro de qué significan pingüino que flechas espadas pingüino cruzado baloncesto bueno tú puede sufrir lesiones cerebrales, bueno, eso es cierto si la pelota es accidental te golpea la cabeza a propósito Oh, pago hecho por una pelota de baloncesto antes de que me guste nadar en el Maus, sea porque sientes que es antigravedad, eso es cierto, así que relájate chico, quieres escuchar una historia de natación, aquí hay una que no he contado antes. para nadar de manera competitiva tanto en las vacaciones escolares como para la escuela y esto fue lo que sabes cuando fui a agregar cómo lo llamo como un internado más adelante en la vida, se tomaron muy en serio porque sabes que probablemente no debería digo demasiado sobre eso, pero de todos modos mi punto es que tuvieron una ceremonia de afeitado antes de los grandes eventos, ¿ tienes alguna idea de lo que eso significa? La vieja ceremonia de afeitado, te desnudas sin pelo, eso es correcto bang, oye, no tenías que hacerlo. como si no fuera obligatorio, pero los entrenadores alentaron a todos a que se afeitaran el cuerpo antes del gran evento y les digo la primera vez que lo hice en mi vida y es muy suave, se siente como usted cuando se va a la cama. por la noche que no es natural como si no fueras realmente el es porque sabes que no sabrías nada acerca de esto hace aquí te mantienes justa Alice de todos modos de qué estás hablando pero también sabes que son las piernas las que se sienten más diferentes y el beso en el cuerpo mírame soy un joven peludo joven amigo cuando era más joven pecho peludo y bueno, no delante de todo, todos los otros chicos hay un sabes que no haría eso pero no, no lo hice de todos modos porque te pones, sí, es solo que ellos tenían expuesto al agua ve nadar delgado cuando nadas de manera competitiva tal vez usas un gorro de natación para eso y realmente no reduce el juego de palabras pretendía nada fuera de la hora, así que no sabes que realmente no hace más rápido tal vez un milisegundo, pero se siente increíble cuando te sumerges en el agua por primera vez, por lo que no estás avanzando más rápido, sabes unos pocos milisegundos, pero es una ventaja psicológica que obtienes porque cuando te sumerges en el agua por el La primera vez se siente mágico, ahí lo tienes. Me he afeitado oh vaya, estoy un poco atrasado aquí déjame intentar ponerme al día tal vez solo significa que al azar él es increíble mi cabello es morado dice adiós ¿alguna vez has tenido el cabello morado apestoso? Quiero un día no Nunca pensé en la comida morada. No se te cayeron los pantalones en una sola historia. Sí, eso sucedió en una carrera que fue el evento de piscina más vergonzoso que he tenido. Mi pequeña luna se burla de la audiencia, por suerte, no creo que muchos puedan ver o al menos se echaron a reír cuando llegué al final de la piscina, excepto por esa gran sonrisa en la mujer que se estaba tomando mi tiempo, creo que debe haber sabido que tenía una gran sonrisa en su rostro, alguien sumergió mi cabeza en kool- ayuda, sí, hay una marca allí, soy un rincón, sigues jugando demasiado con ellos, eso es un problema, calvo apestoso, tío Pete, tienes razón, se está quedando calvo de nuevo en su vejez, pero con todo el asunto de la pandemia. noté que muchos chicos reciben correos electrónicos largos porque no van a la peluquería, así que si lo hago peina- encima cubre el parche calvo ¿qué piensas sobre ese apestoso a ella le encanta cuando estaba hablando con Pete en discordia? él dijo que quien mencione i-10 alguna vez alguna vez mencione la identidad cinco será prohibido así que debería prohibir a caín ahora mismo prohibirlo el canal sigue hablando de eso si no recibiste el oh sí Jake es porque es una forma genial de hombre siempre dice oh sí, lo obtuve de nuestro episodio de los simpsons ya sabes el hombre de kool-aid no kool-aid don ' t bebo el kool-aid No sé qué es genial es como lo que llamaríamos cordial sabes en cordial es oh tienes una historia cordial hedor pad Ya le dije que no lo sabía oh ellos ya tenían tu historia cordial Jamie, el dlg, obtiene un pase que es cierto o obtuvimos una D o D, así que tendrás que mencionarlo. Tengo un par de miembros nuevos que se unen porque no se han unido a una transmisión en vivo pero podrían jugar. con esos dos más y podemos agregar otro emoji está bien, solo ten paciencia conmigo, voy a estar detrás de nuevo, tengo un color, pero b Creo que no, no, con pitbull aquí, creo que el pelo morado se ve muy bien en una chica, no, lo he visto en chicos antes, no sé si es tan bueno, bueno, bueno, no estoy a la moda, hombre, te apesta a ti KYo culpo a la suciedad y los gusanos, ¿qué quieres decir? Bien, sabes cuánto temes. ¿Es una sartén? Scully, un fracaso. No puedo recordarlo. Ya hiciste algo de jardinería ayer, ¿no estás plantando nuevos alimentos? Simpsons es una buena hora de cuentos, dígalos en la canasta y no le digas a nadie de todos modos, corre en círculos, eres el equipo blanco, verdad, intenta pararte frente al jugador, eso es, supongo que será otomano o te tropezaron. eso debería ser un error para ti, obtienes un regalo de promoción en ese, ¿qué vamos a obtener una historia de pingüino increíble? ¿Puedo llamarlos noobs of identity 5? Bueno, solo porque Kane nos hizo reiniciar el juego, éramos expertos antes que él conseguí que hiciéramos eso. Tengo que ir al dentista la semana que viene. No, con suerte, todo estará bien y es solo un chequeo general y un reclamo y supongo que si vas al dentista, pero hay menos miedo, ¿no es así que algunas personas tienen miedo de ir al dentista? Lo hice cuando fui al baloncesto a menudo Jake cuando un baloncesto se cae de la esperanza ¿Qué es ahora una pelota de baloncesto que está bien? Solo ten paciencia conmigo. Tengo una copia y pega eso. Sí, un poco en silencio mientras hago esto. Solo ten paciencia conmigo. Tengo que hacer un pequeño ajuste aquí. Continuando, ¿qué tienes que decir por ti mismo? Apestoso es tan difícil verlos a todos y tan difícil de controlar bien y no sé las reglas. Sigo haciendo algo mal pero no sé qué hice. ¿Qué estás? paquetes o impulso No sé oh, hay un tiro masivo allí, casi lo tienes, así que es como tú y el baloncesto en la vida real ¿Es un baloncesto de media cancha corriendo porque dirás poco por eso no es así? Demasiado corriendo y tus pequeñas piernas regordetas, de acuerdo, esa es tu intención, buena, gracias por esa broma b aby blanket dónde estás oh tenemos una historia aquí cuando tenía 10 años quería pescar y luego gané una en un baloncesto de juego limpio y estaba jugando con los nuevos compañeros y ha sido bastante arrogante y estaba anotando la mayor parte de las canastas, así que hice una apuesta sobre pingüino y apostar apuestas en tirar dos apuestas en baloncesto bueno, cuántas podemos tu pingüino tenemos para averiguarlo listo, no tienes suerte, eso es correcto, aún no ha terminado su historia, así que tú 'volver a averiguar la anticipación está construyendo apestoso ahora se supone que debes ser capaz de obtener otros jugadores a través de mejores pero para ser honesto, no te conozco sabes a menos que tengas Stefan curry que creo que es un nuevo jugador, pero probablemente no tengan gente como Michael Jordan o Larry Bird Wilt Chamberlain , todos son jugadores. Sé que son todos los viejos. Cain va a tener AB y sigue hablando de Odette 35, hombre . Dije que sí. prohibirle si seguía hablando de eso hablando seguir soltando mis j's no me escucha th aunque tuvimos un acuerdo, lo jugamos para ti oh, aquí vamos, él va a eso es lo que quieres mira un año tres maestro de tiros libres una buena mentira, dice Kane si gano, obtengo $ 30 y tu pescado y si tú ganas obtienes mi pescado y $ 50 y un helado, aceptó los términos del juego e hice mis primeros tres tiros cuando él consiguió cinco. Oh, pero de memoria, los pingüinos son muy altos, mide más de seis pies y todavía es un adolescente, ¿qué significa eso? usted no puede ser peor que eso aún más divertido conocerlo hizo un microscopio para tratar de ver dónde estás una vez que gané tres peces en un festival todos lo rompieron y como una semana que no es buena y el bebé se acurruca con un deseo de gato Podríamos hacer eso con nosotros, bueno, ella sería un poco y sí, técnicamente, soy barato sin apostar, el pingüino nunca parece apostar con el pingüino, siempre hace trampa cuando apuesta, ¿ sabías que hay muchas formas de engañarte y yo necesito? tener una mascota una noche, oh, es un pingüino apestoso, dice que siempre gana incluso cuando pierde s esa es la mejor manera de ser, ¿no es que estás jugando? incluso en este ? No sé qué es esto como un minijuego, sí, es una batalla de media cancha entre ustedes dos, ahora cuatro, debería decir - en tus aros, no puedo recordar cómo se llama bola recta o algo así, mírate chicos apestosos, eres el enmascarado, podría ser capaz de hacer una volcada si hubieras hecho una volcada pero eso es lo que necesitas para aterrizar ahora hoy la volcada ¿por qué tiene que lamentarlo? Oh, voy a poner celosos a los pantalones apestosos, se está congelando, sí, ¿qué tan difícil es ahí? Caín, aunque probablemente lo necesitemos en grados centígrados. Sé de lo que estás hablando. Fahrenheit. parece que estás en el gimnasio de una escuela secundaria, tendría que estar de acuerdo con eso, aunque nuestros gimnasios se ven así, ¿no es probable que ahora sean bastante similares a los estadounidenses cuando se trata de un gimnasio en la escuela ? en la cancha de baloncesto, ¿eres blanco o morado? Soy blanco, no, así que te dejaron apestando bien y cómo son los paquetes versu Los paquetes están más allá de mí, mírate chico, debo decir que me gustan los gráficos, son gráficos muy impresionantes para mi juego de pelota, bebés, el gato es muy pequeño, no como tu gato, es apestoso, el tuyo, es la Bestia, se parece más a un león que Mansu , ahora lo conocemos. seguro que lo escuchaste esta mañana, hay un cordero en nuestra calle, le da a un hombre, es loco, ni siquiera tienes un cordero en el medio de la ciudad, esto es increíble, pug, oye, estás genial, en realidad se unió al arroyo antes incluso empezaste estos en tu spoiler sigues falsificando hasta que ganes porque eres un ganador bostezando ya no es apestoso no conozco las reglas sobre estos así que puedes pasar té a cada jugador cuando te muevas así has tengo que seguir rebotando la pelota no salgas de la cancha diciendo y pasan fuera de la cancha oh muy buen tiro que fue un triple apestoso ¿qué dices que no puedes jugar lo que sea que hiciste entonces fue increíble seguro como el perdón, acabas de recibir otro sí, pero no puedo defender una mirada, no sé cómo hacer que intentas ponerte frente al jugador, pero en este momento estás a cero y has disparado grandes tiros desde afuera, finalmente fue cabeza a cabeza y yo estaba a dos puntos fue su turno de dispararme falla y luego lo miro y le dije que me moje en mate y luego disparé y obtuve tres puntos y gané el juego, así que ganó el dinero y se quedó con el pescado sin helado hizo ruido Saludos y un gran año viejo eres tú dame diferente de todavía, ya sabes, porque alguien me dijo en los comentarios y todavía para estar seguro de lo que significa cualquiera de los términos, no, simplemente te sumergiste en ellos, pero estás muy por delante, apestoso, no lo haces y lo haces bien, te quedas al frente de ese jugador, pero tu otro jugador no tiene remedio, sé que eras tú, pero no puedo controlar solo a uno, tienes a un hombre en lo que acabas de pasar, así que cuando estás defendiéndote , tienes que seguir el comentario. apestoso ah está bien aqua pagó 700 un chico mm-hmm mis dedos gordos no son buenos ¿cuál es la foto ? no sé como un reequilibrio o algo así, tienes que darte la vuelta, ¿por qué no me preguntas por qué no tengo idea de las reglas? oh, ¿es eso? creo que no estamos buscando un giro ahora que estoy jugando, eso no es bueno No sé mejor de lo que sigues haciéndote sumergiéndote bastante mal, estás 8-0 por delante y luego lo perdí para ti. Me di cuenta de que perdí antes de cambiarte. ¿Qué se supone que debo estar preguntando? Creo que él va a haz la batalla de nuevo esto es 2-1 para DJ para el juego principal vas para el juego principal allí, ¿qué quieres decir con el juego principal? Bueno, déjalo ser cinco sobre cinco en la cancha completa frente a una multitud, esa es la temporada, sí, creo que porque no lo hice t progresar a otro rayo detente ahí apestoso Te voy a dar para jugar aunque estos juegos de deportes que no te gustan aunque los pugs increíbles ofrecen alguno te agradecerán por pasar por aquí, en realidad está charlando conmigo antes de que comience la transmisión oh, lo estaba tratando de descargar estos juegos para que puedas jugar con nosotros Estoy masticando la tapa de un bote de helado ¿por qué no estás comiendo? g el helado real, pero eso es lo que se vuelve más hábil con el tiempo, apestan tal vez su día la lluvia paró ¿cuál es la diferencia entre una pelota de baloncesto y una pelota de fútbol? Ambos rebotan y ambos una pelota ¿te gusta esa? debería llamarse bolas de rebote, bueno, eso es cierto, ¿no es así? No es gracioso si sabes quédate con el baloncesto para que juegues Lantau, sé el fútbol, ​​¿no sabías? No soy fútbol, ​​estás hablando, quiero decir fútbol real AFL juego de los dioses Reglas australianas ese es el verdadero año de los juguetes de fútbol para rebotar patearlo nunca lo has hecho antes no puedes hacer eso, pero una pelota de fútbol está bien, digamos que depende de qué fútbol estén hablando todos llaman al fútbol un otra cosa, le va a gustar el fútbol de Kane, lo llamaríamos pingüino de parrilla. No, él está hablando de una pelota redonda, así que parecía estar bien, pero solo hay un fútbol, ​​seguro, fútbol americano y luego fútbol europeo, ninguno de los dos es tan bueno como el fútbol australiano mírame comenzando la barra de probabilidades G con el oso de chat te estás metiendo en una discusión de fútbol sí, en realidad también descargaste equipo, probablemente conozcas mejor las reglas, pero es tremendamente popular, pero no me lavo y no me lavo jugar, ¿cómo puedo entender que no, es todo, juego al baloncesto más que al fútbol, ​​incluso lo es e incluso que todavía sigo jugando al fútbol también en algún momento no, en absoluto, no está bien Cain dice que hace 90 grados Fahrenheit donde él es extraño, te encantaría ese apestoso actor de doblaje de una de mis series favoritas en YouTube respondió a mi comentario y llamó al mío y llamó a mi reina y-quieres decir que me llamó reina agradable siempre es un poco emocionante cuando obtienes un respuesta de un gran youtuber He tenido algunos ¿Alguna vez has intentado hacer eso apestoso? Nunca me sorprendiste un poco manchester united dice pingüino porque no esperas que te respondan. Dejas un comentario en uno de sus videos. Realmente espero que vean cuando recibas una respuesta más difícil que sea correcta y ¿Quieres que todos hablen con quién crees que eres? Dice gracias al gran año. G bar no soy yo, envías spam a la sección de comentarios diciendo: he dejado una docena de comentarios, respondeme, ¿quién crees que eres? no eres especial y, francamente, estoy cansado de que no respondas, pero de nuevo estás probando tu propia medicina apestosa. ¿Cuál es mi medicina? No me respondes cuando hablo mucho contigo a menos que diga a menos que yo te pregunto qué quieres comer y luego recibo una respuesta rápida que te gustaría ir de compras para tu respuesta a eso - te pones No soy tan bueno en este tipo de juegos después de irme lo estás haciendo bien un lindo niño apestoso preguntando si no nos gusta nuestro diciembre porque no es lento y frío Me encanta, sí, haces HS Lo que no le gusta el frío en el trineo, prefiere el compañero más cálido, si yo sé esquiar snowboard tal vez soy más bien como si no tuviera habilidad para hacerlo en cualquier tipo de nieve, ya sabes, deporte de invierno , tenemos un juego de snowboard o esquí para que y Puedes practicar un poco , pero tienes que ir a una de las pistas que es como una pista para niños , no quieres seguir, sabes, negro, ¿cómo lo llaman la pista negra o algo así? Tengo un compañero que es bastante pesado en el esquí y él hace la carrera negra, lo que daría mucho miedo, pero si vas por la pendiente suave y agradable, él puede aprender y no importa si te caes y así sucesivamente, no vas a caer por la colina. eso es lo que necesitas el día que estén pegajosos tendremos que ponernos pegajosos para jugar al fútbol Manchester United ella no era una gran youtuber solo un actor de doblaje en mi cara ¿cuál es la serie favorita nena oh puedes hacer un poco de actuación de voz ? si apestoso, sé gay, hay uno ahí mismo, oh, Dios, el hipo ya ha comenzado, oh, sí, Black Diamond, creo que así se llama, dice que la pista de esquí de Black Diamond significa que es muy rápida y muy empinada, sí, yo también estaría asustado. pendiente pronunciada una o dos veces cuando era más joven y no es muy divertido a menos que tengas esa confianza para apuntar los esquís hacia adelante y hacerlo bien.Todavía quiero probar, sabes que suena como el snowboard o el esquí , si te chocas, no vas con fuerza porque tienes nieve, mira si te gusta servir bien, te caes, te caes en el agua, no estás cayendo al suelo caliente, di esto es lo que hace Moo cuando se trata de casi todas las experiencias que he tenido en la nieve porque es muy popular a menos que llegues justo después de un pez recién caído nieve , vamos durante Corbett, ¿cómo es que no creo que te lo permitan y no nos dejan ir a ningún lado en este momento, pero cuando lo haces, la nieve ya está empaquetada porque otras personas ya han esquiado en ella, así que es muy Es difícil conseguir nieve en polvo, sí, a diferencia de si vas por Canadá o algunas de las pistas europeas, es mucho más fácil obtener nieve en polvo, por lo que puede ser bastante doloroso, no doloroso, pero sabes que es como caer sobre algo que no es tan difícil como molido pero no suave como en polvo cosas que creo que vas a la nieve y luego grábate a ti mismo lanzando bolas de nieve que el tío preparó en diferentes lugares sin saber que lo estás haciendo o esa mirada en nuestro rostro un día si alguna vez hacemos la revelación de la cara, tendrás que hacerlo mostrarte gruñón tu cara esa linda mirada que obtienes donde puedo ver que la ira está hirviendo debajo de la superficie allí, pero aún es un poco divertido de ver, eso es lo que necesitas hacer al azar apestoso, deberías ver jugar según mi hermana mayor Te gusta jugar, ¿no sabes? ¿No viste la película la otra noche en la televisión? ¿No era ese Glee? Oh, tienes razón, la paz perfecta es una teoría que no está interesada en la serie de televisión, espero que lo estés haciendo. para obtener consejos de lecciones de canto, sí, lo que sea que estés luchando, deberíamos, o principalmente, él puede cambiar al fútbol, pero iba a hacer que eso sea diferente, su apestoso fútbol, ​​no vamos a ayudar, lo encontrarás incluso mas dificil bueno puedes contar un baston yd ick identidad cinco, pero realmente el juego solo deberíamos hacer esto cuando estás luchando para que el juego funcione el juego funciona bien, es posible que tengamos que tener una transmisión mucho más corta hoy, muchachos, lamento decir que está tratando de motivar a stinky en el trasfondo aquí para continuar bien a menos que puedas hacerlo tú mismo bien. Estaría luchando tanto como tú sabes que tal vez aún más, además tienes que estar haciendo el comentario cuando eso suceda, tienes que cambiar de roles, muestra el hombre al que entretengo se puede ver cuando me llamó aburrido has estado tú durante la semana dijiste que no te hablo demasiado aburrido para mí lo que fui a la ubicación como casi todos los días cómo tenía que decirte eso oh y yo Te pregunté qué es lo que hace que tú mismo Dije que no me hablas durante este juego de sueños Yankees , eres aburrido, ¿no es nada entretenido decir algo? Realmente deberíamos prepararnos con anticipación y tener algunos buenos temas. chat en vivo muy fuerte para eso se les ocurrió más Las cosas interesantes que hago, ¿ no es así? Y además, sigo volviendo a lo que está sucediendo en la vida real en este momento porque ya sabes y se vuelve un poco monótono después de un tiempo si seguimos hablando de lo mismo. ¿Dónde estamos? el chico, ¿cuánto tiempo ha estado pasando porque mi cosa no ha cambiado siempre? oh Dios mío, creo que no puedes dar por un poquito más, puedes dar por un poquito más, ¿ves qué es lo que quieres para ti? sí, almuerzo II hoy porque será un si llegas a la marca de un correo electrónico, lo recibiré de todos modos o te daré porciones dobles, entonces la porción no ayuda, no alimenta mi estómago, ¿qué es tu idioma favorito? pregunta al francés del pingüino mío qué porque suena tan romántico qué y eso en realidad no es diferente, los tres vietnamitas también están ahí porque es una canción muy pronto pero no es tan dura como decir chino o japonés oh Dios mío, sí, si no lo sabías la necesidad de la tierra que eres yo estaría diciendo que mi amor A menos que otras personas lo escuchen, sabes que no lo estoy tomando como una forma ofensiva. Solo quiero conocer a otras personas cuando escuchen mi idioma, ¿cómo escuchan mi idioma en tu idioma o puedes en tu acento? Hay dos cosas diferentes cualquier cosa que mi el lenguaje también en mi acento, por supuesto, no, si SPECT si está hablando inglés, así que está hablando de juguete, sí, no me gusta cuando digo bien, en ese caso, ¿qué fue tan bueno? Oh, el YYo digo que suena un poco duro para tu lenguaje, tal vez no sea tan duro, diría que oh, espera, estoy un poco atrasado en la charla, tío puto, ¿puedes contarnos una historia de baloncesto? Tengo una, pero no es solo acortar no es tan interesante como mencioné al comienzo de la transmisión, en realidad era el capitán del equipo de baloncesto y solo lo jugué durante uno o dos años, estoy realmente seguro de que te eligieron porque nadie más quiere estar ¿Dónde está el maestro que eligió tal vez? Solo soy un profesor, pero no habríamos sido ni siquiera un juego, estuviéramos practicando baloncesto y Si uno de los muchachos también era bastante alto, Stuckey metió el pie y me hizo tropezar con los ligamentos altos de mi tobillo, lo hizo y hasta el día de hoy todavía tengo ese problema en el tobillo, ¿no has visto esta hinchazón? si la hinchazón nunca se fue, sabes que nunca lo hizo y él era amigo de amigos míos tan obsceno que él después de la escuela, pero nunca dijo nada realmente y fue deliberado contigo, como dije, nunca podría volver a practicar deporte tan bien después de eso, parecía demasiado dolor, no, pero dijiste que es amigo de tu amigo y ahora no voy a mencionarlo 10 20 años después, boda de termitas, no, pero soy como si lo hiciera así, sí, bueno, eso es todo y luego los Audis. the basketball coach took me into the school hospital and he when before he took me there he had a look at the ankle he said I've never seen anything like that it was so you swollen up and I ended up spending awake in the hospital because it just it was terrible did a bit of physio didn't really help on crutches for a week how do you know it's deliberate because he deliberately tripped me like he stuck his foot out to to trip me over I'm just surprised so surprised that you didn't do anything to him he didn't apologize there's no like parents come to say just you know report to their parents or your parents no our Tea Party between you and him no achieve achieve it you know between the parents your g-body I'm like what have you done to my kids you know I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you compensation you know he can't be anymore because of you see dlg this is what Stinky's really fucking well you got a stink pants rent nice one that's what I like here here for me stinky get on the game you play another game yeah no I mean play another basketball game get in there you've been sitting on the same screen for ages get on it yeah keep trying you'll get there sorry to say to y'all my boy I'm in the chat sorry let me just catch up their pants down I read that already just bear with me sorry to say but is owni ng one all the nightly chatting to themselves I'm stink one I read that already oh sorry guys I was just standing on the couch and found two TV remotes on top of the clock what are they doing there emergency get out stinkier Jackie this is Code Red get it now before the stream ends do it now to try and calm me down and to keep you playing this game stink every now and again for all the Gordon Ramsay you've been playing these sacrifice with a little bit of this it's got amazing graphics something that's fine too bacon does that count bacon jerky you gonna make oh you made me wet maggot anyway hey Boyd babe a baby blanket I don't know whether to call it baby blanket guts or waffles random she's all the same this is the most I've ever heard stinky talk all at once when you do your aunt we need to hear another end stinky dude while you're playing by the way congratulate you oh thank you for noticing as well penguin it's been a little bit slow picking up subs the last week cuz my goodness w e've had to deal with a lot of comments I only just managed to finish them before the stream late last night but having said that they're all there again Kane's calling his big fat boomers and randoms not here it looks like I'm gonna comment first and say Kane could be right randoms been very quiet lately in the streams that place belongs to me aren't Stinky's the best he sounds 27 stinking probably sounds about 27 I ate a whole can of green beans today in one sitting why you eat beans when baked beans I could understand great and yeah made it with something else rather than just one it's a rebel and stink pants one spike and I think you have to do more live stream rad stinky they love the live stream rent my favorite language is Antarctic and says penguin because he's a penguin well you got a laugh out of stinky no such thing I've got some Jackie mr. Spock energize no one can leave you in Antarctic your bid penguin does he's a penguin Wow polar bids what else do you want to rant about stinky what we like hearing your aunt's they got them all excited because they don't hear your voice enough that rather hear your voice than mine silence stinky yeah yeah you tell us how aggravated you are about the guy in me about that go on a game aggravation rant no I better not I might say something that I shouldn't you thanks where you didn't edit the stuff well before the livestream started if you remember that I'll listen to it again just to make sure that there was no capture of that baby's dad has a riding mower you know I've never ridden a riding mower I'd like to what is that so you know you've got the push mallet to push to my grass if you've got a okay if you got a big enough patch of grass you'd probably want to ride on mower instead it's like a little four wheeled track though you'd have fun doing that wouldn't you you wouldn't be too a ccurate cutting the grass he'd be all over the place doing donuts no response yeah my dad told me to let go of the wheel and I did that copy good thing we'll see how this story ends out art sting fence can you rant about basketball Caleb's have you ever eaten Lucky Charms I mean I've had a lot I believe it's a breakfast cereal I've never eaten them myself but I've heard a lot about them good mythical morning they have the occasional Lucky Charms when they're doing strange things with food and healed the gas pedal while I was steering I don't know you're Irish mate I'm cuckoo for cocoa puffs I've had cocoa puffs before yeah those what is that it's like little brown rice coconut okay take him out what chocolate rice balls sort of cocoa what is it again they're like little rice puffs I believe it's rice and but infused with chocolate cocoa puffs no you know I don't like chocolate that much what about snap snap crackle and pop where is that cocoa pass that it's like another breakfast cerea l what's your favorite breakfast cereal mostly what about when you were younger no but it's kind of sweet as well I remember what's the brand name and it might be different here it just looks like a spa the yellow one sweet yeah but I don't like cereal that much wrong my parents kind of train us to ate muesli fair enough measly boozy so did baby bird did you end up mowing the neighbor's lawn because I'd be happy if he did that and I ran and ran safe far away I just I ran all my time today is that a song that he's doing their old stink pants rant that's what we like to hear well hang on is my knot is yours not updating your minds not updating I'm so far behind I'm looking at a screen that's not updating well see that's the result let me think that's right stick to the game well then stick to LA and upload it no update game yours is the only one that's updating it's a good thing that we've got you it's not but it's doing it more than mine well then doesn't help hang on I'm gonna have to switch screens here you only started going sideways because there was a small bump that's not good Lucky Charms is an American breakfast cereal produced by the general mood Mills food company since 1964 that would be some stale cereal produce when I saw it dad what are you doing we got under the sidewalk mowing the sidewalk grass that's what's happening there and then we drive around the block a few times boy here we go it's finally yet the Refresh is what you have today stinky driving stories that's what you want to hear you got a driving story there stinking maybe such as whoa were you a speed demon way when name was younger really I did not know this about you I knew you break the road rules all the time went to university where I live yep all right in the regional area yes you think what is the speed limit around it maybe 20 kilometers an hour at the most 80 what were you doing that fast around Manny running the students don't have speed limit in there but he's not supposed to do t hat speedy dry but I did it because I was like it doesn't sounds like every day in your life doesn't it stink bye hang on cereal consists of small orbs of corn oats and rice flavored with cocoa there you go it is the one I was thinking of I've had cocoa puffs look at you go your little speed diamond he's running late he's gonna toddy you're very tardy do you know what that means no light my response from the stinky understandable have a great day whoa I must have missed something for that one aha I believe is any speed limits in that country is there that is but not many people follow because there's no well unless you are on the hallway this doesn't really have any system to detect it all right gee I'm a bit worried about all the stories that I tell cos penguin remembers them penguin just set out stink why your speed you'll flip the car like I've called Bhutan you know I've flipped a motorbike to four wheeler into a dam a flipped one car one four-wheel motorbike you're always saying y ou are better driver than me it will tow cars no one car is what he young and stupid not a farm don't do these things and all I was doing was trying to ride you know and if you've ever seen a dam usually there's a hill on one side where they've dug up all of the dirt and has dumped it next to the dam saying that we haven't seen that very common in Australia they don't remove the dirt and take it somewhere else ladies big a hole and dump it next to where the dam is so you got like a hill next to it and I was trying to ride this up and down this hill and then I thought I'd go sideways on it that was a big mistake I made a bike rolled into the dam and my father was there with a couple of friends having a chat to the farmer and when I came back I had the motorbike didn't work anymore I can't believe my dad didn't design me I made of like wouldn't work anymore so I had to push it back and the lady that was there said I saw what you did what I saw what you did last summer that's all right yo u've seen that may be a be stinky scary I figured you wouldn't get it I just quoted a main well I miss that nyah Dame and I old Uncle Peter doesn't know anything about memes he's hopeless when it comes to the me-me-me's all right it's one hour really really you want to change games when this one's actually much I have to say yes I mean some people really like this body type but I'm not because that's a pity because there's a lot of sports games that have been suggested lately why don't you play then I get you to play granny again yeah Matt that not what you did uncle put it on someone just come in to say look I'm gonna do it again how do I do these things sting don't want start a game I think you go to season and you blind favor season and then what play yeah that one alright you better day that commentary stay which side am I on high more away yet the one that used you see the blue circle that's you I think you can change the player as well by just click on that person but now you are having the ball so you have to pass it or something first you can choose you can pick whatever you see you the buttons on the right right why do you keep passing okay so then I had a sheep oh I got stripped of the ball coach is unhappy you do your commentary they're stinky Wow you don't want me to say tank just changed he's chained from you know I didn't be five to clash of Clan so he's like play the clash of Clan instead I don't nice I think I've used all of the attacks already and penguin said I actually have been playing the game for a bit now I will have tower level six by tonight that's good oh just get Ally up stinky look at me guy cool maybe these type of game you should play and I'm not gonna touch it oh and no G well that didn't work cuz I couldn't even I couldn't even get the dude you know and pass it give it to me what I'm just gonna go for a while penguin sure ah nice one now I've still got the ball what turnover what's with the turnover you tell me I don't know when it do es that ah intense a are you rushing I'm just getting everything no I think penguins Oh penguin said not much back again you to find where the ball is he's got the ball oh and this play it doesn't move that fast oh we got another turnover these three mean our way to our advantage stinky I don't know what happened but I'll take it and keep saying clash all plan - all clan clash all clan and kids sake don't upgrade Town Hall yet the tempo can't be upgrading Kenneth Oh three-second violation what happened there all right look just for you guys I'll see what's happening with the old clash of clans but I have a feeling I can't do much oh well my blanket so can we do you still like the gift I made for you penguin said yes it is awesome thanks again random what's the gift what is the gift you guys make us curious what am I supposed to do here steam just press empty empty whatever you only have one see you got zero now so you can't do anything it's like a random gift or something so then conti nue that's what you got from picking the cars I'm a great card pickup okay Rhys thought you've lost the second conference game you cannot advance to the finals that's why I keep staying in the season one for ages and I'm like I'm tired all right hang on let me have one more shot at this you sure you won oh hang on stinky I don't have a choice try it I've got a restart yeah season one yeah you have knowledge eyes and then where do I go from you just you did it that's right you know Peter doesn't have a yeah yes good memories I bliss with this sort of thing oh yeah yes and then we'll say yes might buy me a little bit more time to see if anything's actually finished with o'clock o'clock okay so he made the video for penguin I see nice I'm really I get what you mean it's hard to get that player to defend yeah right slowly I can get onto the basket all right Ben pass it should pass it well the banquettes say is 11:52 pm here Oh so almost midnight hey what whoa it's what is he saying great y eah but I press the button here on the right that I have no I mean no pass and shoot I don't know what any of the other buttons mean or defend there's a defend button yes well hang on look I'm gonna be an expert now Oh penguin said Uncle stink can you use Yeti and miner I can and I have actually been deleting a lot of my videos then Quinn said sorry answering why you have to say sorry I don't get that anyway okay can I ever again apologies accepted even though I know what's false oh how did you go well I reckon you Reagan yeah cuz I didn't didn't realize that's how you get him back like that you gotta press these buttons see I didn't know that ah right but I don't know what the one is that makes everything gay green what is great oh yeah well I don't know here we go hey what turn over again what for a backcourt violation well you're not allowed to go backward says who yeah you you're not allowed to go backward it's the row food it's the row I'm just gonna hit all of those buttons like crazy yeah we got another turnover oh it gets bit faster when you do that okay ah okay so you say I'm coasting when you mean it's an stink okay Bhama said I'm sucked to someone who always dreamed when is super early in the morning is that that sausage no they just say it's almost midnight they're so not that early and when I had to get up at 3:00 am to go to the airport when I went on vacation and that's when it's notified that she was like okay I don't know how you guys doing that I'm 3:00 am 4:00 am I'm still asleep I'm not getting up so housing nothing you know I'm struggling to get a shot oh yeah a case a shot clock violation right so you got like 30 seconds to make a shot and I'm obviously taking too long to do that yep hold about hold about you can't get past the halfway mark once you've gone over the halfway mark so you got that right the defense's bit better because I didn't realize you gotta press these blue buttons which is what's happening it looks like you'll press everybod y yes she's really looking what you are pressing nah but it seems to work all right zip someone just got a three-pointer on a switch isn't good and we haven't scored yet so I guess that's not like good and sting what is your favorite number well oh why did you take a shot from safe far away maybe number two I guess when they was younger and I had to draw something like that sworn I'll keep thinking I draw number two and that's a good start to draw that bird I don't know why it's just - why how do you make the shot actually work it's not formally manicured yeah you have to hoe and there will be a scale when you release where we were is the scale I didn't know about that either well did you okay press should pull you press and see see the scale ah well I was hopeless I you have to press and hold not just press and you're not gonna see the scale ever and then what are you supposed to get the scale as high up as it can go I think so but it's go up and down so when it's up then you have to release it quick enough do it now don't do that yep okay Oh again okay anyway Bob a blanket said it sells so we are getting a notification that he was slapping it was 580 and I was wide awake and it felt like midday okay mm-hmm I'm doing it again I want to at least get one school penguin said but I'm staying you are number one number one it's a good thing thank you he's number one May I haven't gotten a shot off yet it's gonna happen stinky this is where you say our old Uncle poodle's competitiveness come to the the four here or at least get one basket oh how about you go there is a sort of minigames that you can practice shooting Oh actually that might not be a bad idea is or say my defense is actually not great but I thought you about to say my event is great but my shooting is crap something like that which is parasite you just said yourself that you're shooting is need to be practice and your defense it's not great yeah my god it's not great but it's better than the shooting put it that way see look at the did I steal I stole no I didn't yes I did well I was a rebound so I guess it doesn't count as a steal do you know did I score what happened there I didn't score traveling violation you kidding me what are the blind umpire you don't know what a traveling violation is going on here hmm penguin said minecraft kid said boo Mike Ross do you get bored playing that all the time then Queen and penguin said totally believe about co-op Oh what is this oh yes language I scored stinky where in front for how long where's Chelsea I'm desperate almost to win a game at this point I stolen a didn't I get a little bit too celebratory to Ellie did I just try and do it I just tried to take a shot from the other end of the court that's stupid ken said don't tell me I'm the only mots here where's my crew act yeah where is the crew add random showed up earlier on I mean spent all quiet ever since get in there and defend stinky that's how we do this the way you do this is just press every button and it works and you didn't get a shot in I need scores again penguin said I wish was marked by my swag the og Oh penguin will have to promote soon one day he can do it now if you want he shows up every stream he's gonna be our strongest supporters old penguin flaps in the wind he does a birdie flies they just choose not to he's in that bright penguin oh but this way they can fly and swim they just choose not to with their flabby arms reaching foul who me what are you do what did you do that knew he might get some free throws I gonna get some free throws oh I failed him Wow because we were talking about birds and I'm thinking chicken fowl get it yeah not too sure what happens here it's gotta wait do i what is manual mean press that no there are no he scored it of course here we go again stinky get up there in the commentary you're making me play this game ball bass said I show up every stream right yeah that's true too he said we just choose not to fly and Ken said now you have two comments cause I must commend it penguin said we'll get treat sued or travel beginni kidding me what are you doing better than you already winning at the moment okay okay it's a low-scoring game knows that bean I'm trying oh he's taking a three-pointer shot but he missed what happened penguin said anchor pulled up just hustle at the game we're gonna hustle away there Bob I said King just commented on my video I'm a little baby where is board ray said yeah because you we get all of the cards already so it has to be reset so I can't get any more oh I can't get a whole lot more no more you can see from the top here how many more you have how many left and sow is zero say continue yep yep did I hang on they said are we still playing the same game or two door ween what I pray we know not you still have to play again because it's thick enough yeah do it do it do it expansion team actually oh okay you are the white one all right to know something go ah three point I think a good yea h look at the stink guy why do we get stink pants on I celebrated too heavily I was too busy celebrating they gotta they got a box oh you okay ah penguin user in emoji coming in the elbow three six what another boy when is one correct methods where's the ball with that guy now my mum mum Baba every button goes June June June June I'll keep going don't go back with go well how much backwards stop going back what jawed already know I just tried ah geez nice rebound from a teammate there Oh Bob I said my captors car we got another way to a bowl and keep her facing her paws ah that's cute it make me think what's our cat doing not sleep looking you back at me yeah you're not going out tonight today whatever and then she just like hook Pole right penguin say anthing can you build on a fake laugh at anchor products a penguin do not read out loud whoa horse sort of concentrating kids wearing front stinky could wind aren't I celebrate too early no no score this is what we want don't stay too lo ng at the back there what happened it's time out I guess oh I get to choose more cards yeah well my said they actually have five cats bring water cats Oh are they kind of like normal domestic Oh what color are they do lungs ugh I said hello from Singapore hello how do you say hello in Singapore depends what language they might speak because what everyone speaks English but you could sail a home ah if they speak Cantonese well niihama if they speak chinese mandarin mandarin i don't know about Hokkien or any of the languages how things in Singapore at the moment because we do get some reports that you having a few issues there you also have two dogs hey stinky we want that game yeah keep winning because you have to win for the whole season hey how many games are there in a season I don't know hello to you from Antarctica penguin say and hang on I'm kind of confused Antarctica is from the south right South Pole what is Scott ik traveling why do I keep doing the old trouble things tink me cos you keep going backwards and do this do that I don't know P effing you know I actually scored that basket to turn over look at me doing my own commentary here yep ah nice one score good nothing but net there stinky so I think you've decided whatever your traits are yours the fourth uncle Poor Dad penguin say that sauce your sauce what ten over again not real good you're doing this I'm winning cuz I'm a winner eternal turnover turnover yeah it's like pancakes you get a day to tan Ava isn't that a you play this game oh I don't know how to help you baba I never have slang you like min ship that's put on nothing like that I don't mind point on it's not my favorite one actually put out what is your favorite ice cream flavor Shh rum and raisins quite nice well slam dunk stinky I did a slam well I'm getting excited for these guys can play these game better than in real life that's for sure my short little legs wouldn't let me slam you can't even shorten your rubbish in the men I can't bel ieve you will make as a captain one point in your lifetime hey I'm a great shot at getting stuff in the bin what are you talking about great shot out of the bed that's right look at me Gary and try to you know pick it up next time the other you don't know rum and raisin it's the flavor of the ice cream I like that too when I was younger but not anymore I changed my mind maybe because of the I don't think Australian have a lot of rum and raisin flavor for some reason Oh American fireworks what is that what what color or maybe what kind of tears is American fireworks three-pointer do you mean is it the one that go it's Lord in your mouth you know what what kind of candy you know when you put in your mouth and it's exploded pop rocks yeah why did I take a shot from there that was stupid it's that kind of fireworks you're talking about pop rocks conference I think that's what they called but I don't think it's American fireworks Bob I mentioned but it might be who knows we try a new flavor well it's not very new but um let's say it's uncommon flavor ice cream on the Baskin Robbins rubbing basket whoa what's the name of the brand Anton it's on the tip of my tongue now my skin rubbing Baskin and dropping something sounds like that and we try caramel popcorn or something test pretty cool that's good too oh so American fireworks it's sweet and sour vanilla ice cream sour cherry swirl blue popping candy oh that's a lot of mixture I think there's another one called cotton candy in that ice cream shop - which is not too bad it's just sweet I don't mind but poodle doesn't like it he likes the popcorn one yeah the popcorn one's good too and we have in Thailand we have time milky flavor which it's now become more popular here in Melbourne now so you can find it in like shopping supermarket but I never try it really I just saw it but it's too expensive I can just make it myself at home I guess you're doing well less stinky rocket robing tweet-tweet rocket for winters what rocket R afi you know rockin Robin down what what do you mean this song rockin Robin no I don't know that rock and Robin tweet tweet can you see blank in my face yeah what yeah can't wait blank face what are you talking about but I want to have cats and dog too yeah I'm so angry both in Scotts two dogs and five cats that's a lot of animals you got a zoo there and menagerie hang on what's with this court oh here I don't know are you going for next season or something are you are going to get them some kind of trophy special trophy here hang on I don't even know which team I am which black one black one black were always wrong try to see the circle day the blue circle is underneath the person you control him and that's your tea oh say ah G here I was thinking I was playing awesome there huh I'm parently not an sting would you like a pet snake my sister want a pet snake but I don't think I would like one I mean I don't my touching snake which I handle snake before but the problem is right you have to feed them a mouse or life whatever animals which I don't like it I don't want to fade life anymore it's kind of cruel I don't know mmm so no I might not want a pet snake because of that and I also have a friend she's from Japan she also likes Nate she even have a snake snake tattoo on her but she's like she doesn't want to feed her snake with the light anymore as well she's vegetarian by the way so she's not gonna have pips neg because of that but you really like snake all right penguin said uncle poodle you are a champion in capital letters I'm telling you look at me I believe we're in the second season if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong about that I don't know what's going on okay next time you give me this crappy spot whatever you do it you just gotta leave me you gotta learn from the mouse top all except the mouse - didn't offend anything then mama asked what if I put slime in the freezer I don't know about that it might become solidify and it might lost their slime - so you can try but yeah make sure that you don't miss out your freezer or you have to clean it up mmm oh you got a lot you know yelling from your parents Oh steel penguin said and sting would you like a pet penguin yes I come free shipping and handling well I don't think here is that Co enough maybe we kind of hang on let me think we have the smaller penguin in the world living here around sent to the beach or Tasmania Melbourne kind of region I have seen one too and they kind of not you know creators where you can flash the light when you take the picture of it otherwise it might go blind so it's very very small very cute though but I just think I don't know how can I do that I never have that so I don't know oh you have to have this in order to play a game so you ran out of it and you can't play a game and then what's that timer up there timer up there is seven second six second say then I can play after that it depends on how many of this energy you need so have a look here play do you nee d four of that thunders and you only have two at the moment you can buy it or you can wait for another I don't know this this about three minutes will only give you one so you have to wait like five minutes I guess and how much do you need to boy so I don't have enough to borrow I do have enough to buy I can try do i I don't know you don't really want to waste you Queenie John that's why you have to cancel mash you're not gonna play this game again where's Troy me I am Annie I'm still in season one what made the night what's going on here should I just buy it well back to the penguin story I don't mind because penguin is cute but I don't know they're gonna make a big mess so I might not have enough space for the quaint penguin here we just live in a small eunuchs and small backyard not really a big gardening space for the Penguins to running around so sorry penguin I just picked up something free oh what's that oh so you did your discovery you put slime in freezer for two minutes and i t's already Isaac Oh mm-hmm since it's hot here I put a fruit snack in the Sun to see how long it takes to melt what fruit snack what is fruit snack and staying what opinion on Kiwi are you talk well there are two types of Kiwi actually no tree so far before I live in Australia I only know that there's only one type of Kiwi which is the green one that's the most well known Kiwi but actually they also have golden ones golden means just yellow it's not it's just you know just for marketing and that one people say and I have taste nuts but which is let's say it's kind of sweeter than normal green Kiwis but it's a big plane as well more plane but people who loves them some people who loves them and the type tree is they call it buries so the Kiwi buries I never tried yet I saw it on supermarket it seems a note oh so you can't always get that never try it so have no idea what it tastes like I think it's Kiwi is pretty good like it gives vitamin C and whatnot so if you can get a hold of it d uring this time it could for your healthy you know immune system and whatnot it's a bit hot or I like it sometime don't really like it too too much of the time it's too sour but when you get sweet and sour tangy flavor it's pretty good but when it's and right and super sour hahaha no thanks yeah and I don't know why when I got it from supermarket it's always like that like unripe super sour I had to wait for like many days before it's ripe and I can eat and you know when you ate too much of it you kind of get sore tongue or something it kind of hurts your tongue a bit same as pineapple have you tried it too much pineapple maybe put up your luck do you like pineapples all Kiwi yeah I'm not gonna say that they're like a favorite or anything well in my country that's a lot of pineapples we one of it's one of our export product popular export products so we have many types and even with the sweetest type if you eat too much of it you get kind of sore tongue like it's just too sour it's kin d of bite your tongue or something yeah I'm not spending anything during this bit gummies but fruit flavor they are delicious okay great I have two couches uncle put up say we are the champions in charge we are the champions alike I'm just I'm in a store now where look I can put things on the player at all cost money the lightbulb is hot yep it's hard either that say penguins say hi oh Pee Wee's eat I say hello shall I be crap someone eat ha sabaidee my sabaidee yeah yeah you doing fine pumping couldn't I no no that's even worse yo can I get some air jordans what am I doing here I'm just waiting for the me to be able to play again but checking out everything that's in this thought you know is in global chat before yeah how do I get back to where our walls ah just go back I guess where's the back button well now you are in the main menu what why do you want to go play oh honey can I play it do you have four yet well we're back in finals second we're in the finals thinking remember I'm a t the other end of the um um the dark-colored stops with a banger stinky I am well I don't know why you call a basketball champion but that's my ha ok well that's it I just realized how mundi functional slam is put it in the freezer you get an ice pack oh boy please anyone watching me play on a 3 3 3 pointer champion saying uncle pulled up said wamba champion say Dina Japanese go exit can you chew on I am the champion not a knife that he's I can't do it jack exact same that's weird thank you oh one two where is he row it around the keyboard inside of a car floor you can see it's a crime and that's gathered ketchup yeah but then you might have to wash it and you're gonna lose the speaker's of the slide probably can set my identity France dream stop but I wanted to hang out with you guys until the stream and won't came you gotta stay long enough to see me win at least see him win that's the point he wants to make cuz I'm telling it looks think y'all should have been playing this game fro m the start yeah you should penguins can de man the myth the legend at Baba's still going with the slime experiment mix it with soap you get us does she soap you can play with and clean with whoa really okay can set win are you winning I am well what happened there I did not follow yeah I don't get why it's like I'm in the middle of playing and then it makes me do stuff well what's going on with the network here ah no don't look at me we didn't use Wi-Fi alright it's alright I got a ring hmm I have no idea what that means champions ring I'm not sure what happens here I just have to wait I don't know you tell me what's going on with the screen yeah maybe it's your and then your clash of clans popping up 10 said he's a champion I think well I have no idea what happened then but I believe if that was the end of the game then we actually did win win reward well cool we are the champions hey we did win we can be season 2 you do you have enough energy to go let's find out here now penguin as king what's our favorite movie or that's too hard I have many favorite movies and some of them am I allowed to talk about I don't mean adult movies but I mean movies that are ma or higher more mature art type audience well this movie not Siri right so don't mess it up it's movie let me think if I have any I haven't watched movie for a long time but I'm getting to the point where I'm watching this boy won on the YouTube what I got a white for ages again yeah see unless you pay for it well I suppose I could you can you happy now coins that are we gonna do it a lot of time here you only have like 15 minutes to two hours really we're doing it well I'm getting excited with this game stinky hopefully with when people watch on the replay they'll stick around long enough to see the winner we got the season - mmm I don't know hey that guy is well for the action movie I like the matrix the only the first episode I don't like the second and the third I don't know that's nothing else come up in my mind no I'm just not as good with dice you have to hold your bread when you're doing that actually a little bit and then darn I are this these guys are way better than the other guys because there's one thing that I'm okay at doing here and that's to do that quick shot like that but that didn't work so I'm not that good but I was working in the last game penguin just post some of the lyrics from that we are - ambient ni bar that quick shot flying around you got a cat toy up I'm trying to imagine what cat toy with my cat with the slimey toy what she's gonna do she might not do anything she could be kind of weird with the toys very picky though she's smart though you tell him about the cat box toy box yeah we got the cat toy box and he always go there and pick her on toy and you know what is her favorite toys she likes she likes the mint mint toy she likes something with the mint um flavor can you say that or maybe it's just the smell oh she always got that minty thing and just play wit h it by herself sometime it you can get the mint slime maybe it can be a great toy for your cat for some reason they like the mint maybe it's just similar like same family as the catnip thing or what do you call that cat grass whatever she likes to play around with three pointer wise he's going in slow motion now TDK asks what phone do you have oh we use iPhone if you ask me what is what kind of iPhone why I'm not sure this is product phones not mine anyway and he's too busy playing game at the moment he can't even remember what is their version what is this big one remember that's all you remember what happened yeah she says Hobbes gave very quickly it's getting harder though I have a feeling I might not have an energy to finish the half man the game outside I know if I'm winning or losing at this point I don't know from dispatch really yeah if the cat's eating and choke on it then that's not a good idea to make it a cat toy yes so you still playing yeah he's still doing hahaha nice o ne layup not really I was right under the basket there but again I don't need is the peple means like I know people's the other side but I can't tell who's who like up here you know what I mean no that's so not fair I was trying to trying to move but nothing was moving coach sorry coach is champions here will always win in my eyes no he's so kind old penguin young penguin I should say everyone's younger than you at least he's a mate no I just got slam-dunked these guys are way better than of course season 3 makes it tough doesn't that take them something we're in front but I'm like just oh well you only have less than one minute to go come on poor dog and my defense is not as good as before but yeah you should know what you're doing yeah press all the buttons oh yes somehow it works yes well I'm getting all excited stinking sorry the live chat might not like me shouting like that if never it means so animated you know in a live stream before I got another steal stolen oi they've got st olen right back I am the three-pointer not stinky it's a one-point game you still got some time Mon quick come on quick yes how's that for a layup how long have I got what do you mean oh yeah I don't know you the clock King you were saying you only have like a minute left nah it's why he's done another three-pointer we won I think did you win I'm not sure did we win I don't know how do you know if you've won or not well if you can pick tree then maybe you win usually if you lost you can really pick a lot now so can I go again do I just press play again yeah you have a lot of energy I think game 2 first off I'd still the same game all right well let's get to the because I'm still in the middle of one of these but at the end of that we'll have a look at clash of clans what I said I remember the first time I came to one of your life streams what happened was it that happens so fast was that me or not no that wasn't me oh now you the black one the Black team what come on rebus yeah we got the do you got the two points but I need to figure out who I am like yet as I'm in the top there top say these the actual okay let me keep watching did you make any what 3-second wasn't even in there for half a second what are you blind umpire you need a new stopwatch right Ken said I'm a little baby penguin said Yeti and minor and sting do buildable I don't we're gonna have time to do clash of Clan today this is almost two hours mind all right hang on we'll have a look in a second mid god I'm still playing Cain said when I get to Tahoe ten I will use all - penguin said and weeks dreams question mark mama said March 28th 2020 all of us when you first came I say what is short she told me okay oh my Dale who failed mmm I try to use all minus ones but it doesn't work for me like it's just go underneath and I can't see them I don't know where they going and I'm keep putting the wrong spell in the I mean right spell but wrong location because I don't know where they going and I couldn't see them so um I gave up after maybe a couple of times trying with all - my favorite troops at the moment I'm still using a dragon with loons but since port mentioned he's using Yeti and I can't remember what else like killers and stuff it's pretty cool combination so I'm I'm still trying to upgrade my troop first before I try his method because my it's not that max yet what is he's using hmm you like balloons okay can I say my favorite heroes which one is your favorite heroes before I like Queen the most now I'm kind of undecided I also like the new champion the Royal champion - yes yes ken yes she is pretty good right grant wardens not too bad but I find royal shamba nice more effective yeah Queens all right but sometimes you just go to the wrong target I don't get that but I have to say since they redo the what we call animation or cartoon they look better the female characters looks more feminine and yeah looks kind of beautiful more than before I should say hmm wanna know a life hack ah life hack me I don't think my life has any hack you're a hack no winning I'm scoffs crate I don't have any hack there's no shortcut for my life whatsoever if you do have then congratulations but my life is no hacks here retching feel like a pally ah there you go try to get a shot tripod on stinky can export on do you miss the pixelize heroes pixelized heroes you mean the clash of Clan right I'm sorry but I don't know what the pixelized heroes are like the old version when it looks kind of pixel not cartoonish or three days you don't pick so in 3d is dear friend right in clash of clans when it's more like square-ish not 3ds I don't think he understand it or maybe he's just too busy concentrating now you know why I don't want you to talk to me when I'm paying game right don't know what she's talking about quiet playing see now you know yes yeah I don't think he cares really because he doesn't know what you're talking about and he's playing with his iPhone so he can't see much differe nce but for myself I'm impressed the new look I think it's good I don't mind 3ds and Bob our blanket said oh this is a life hack I guess use mouthwash brush your teeth and use mouthwash again your mouth will feel so clean and if you use minty kinds of both that's how your mouth feels extra clean and your breath will be nice I think that's a good one to get rid of the bad smell but to use the mouthwash to brush your teeth I'm not so sure that have enough fluorides that you know help with the animals in your teeth for the long runs I'm not sure I'm not a dentist I'm just not sure yeah yeah how about you can do you like the pixel or 3ds and then penguin said is anyone going to do clan games so our waiter clan games how's your going thing kids I can't tell when a game actually ends that's the first one is is when you're not in this game anymore slam dunk yep it stops you from doing that like it stops at halftime you know what I mean and I can't figure out when the halftime is and when they 're not halftime is sure and I also can't figure out if I'm winning or not but I believe I'm winning well as long as you put that thing in the net you'll be fine let's plays that's a golden rule there isn't it stinky yep penguin said I don't like the new treaty my mate has the Queen on his base Ken said you passed the two hour Mac hello you pass oh all right this one is almost finished if I'm not mistaken you can just finish this one and if you want you can go to clash of clans and show this that I have awesome your clan troops combination is that's if I can do an actual attack top three two one it's done times so did we win I have no idea see I have no idea whether I believe I keep winning but I just want to say that because I'm all we know where's my chicken where's my chicken and probably caramel sundae say that's it right yes I did the first half whatever I mean the second half and I passed the 3al mark is it to our manual battery is low so you better show them whatever they want O h God where is it off the game sounds vice is getting smashed let's day night some treatment rapes make sure that guy's not too much of a drain on the old clan mm-hmm give him some of that and I'm heavies siege machine that he's after hang on and they want to see the Yeti thing and minions are the trick combination I'm down a I'm down a hero at the moment so I'm actually using these ones baba say play temple run yeah well I've actually downloaded that but it's a vertical game as well it's not a horizontal game yeah and then yeah see I can't do any attacks for well ten minutes but you know ten minutes of doing nothing nothing stop dropping your G's stinky just threw a builder base rate for the heck of it you got to build a base raid that Yeti in minor but here's the problem penguin you're gonna have to wait quite a bit for that you gotta wait ten minutes before I can even attack again and then you gotta wait for at least another raid before I do that ah the Yeti thing line up and it's a lso not effective without the King as a hero because he made the the Kingdom the Queen to be able to funnel the troops and I don't have the King at the moment say we might just do the Builder base rate and call it quits does stink pants is hungry she won state she hasn't told me what we're eating yet and thank you for staying as long as he did guys hopefully stink pants entertained you there I was pretty much ignoring I get now why you don't want to talk when you're playing but come on I did a fair bit of commentary there while I was playing if you count me saying winner all the time who are it like we have dem off flip dunk I don't know flip dunk alright we'll write that one down as well oh dear I think unless it's clash of clans that's the longest I've ever played a new game now you know how I feel like well I found that quite enjoyable yeah when is one you like to play at first night but you get that competitive spirit in you and you just want to win but you don't that stinky that's right penguin we are the champions all of us all of dlg I better try out another day orgy there just because and unfortunately we didn't have any other channel members join its I know it must be an odd time for at least two of them because I've never seen them in a live stream that was thinking yeah alright so I guess we'll call it quits we're past the two-hour mark yep thank you so much for staying as long as you did guys much appreciated as per usual competition to see whose the last commenter and first comment because they do they do mean every live chat and for once stinky pants can sit there and type just to be different see real words please or sentences because when I stop the stream the live chat keeps going for a bit and they like to see who the last one is real word yeah cuz random gets in there and just gives numbers and so on like that real word you want capital yep like that real world alright so have a fantastic win word books you're gonna have some real competition from stink pads here alright totally

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