🔥MISTLANDS🔥Public Test - Day 1! Let's See What's New In Valheim⚔️🏹🪄

🔥MISTLANDS🔥Public Test - Day 1! Let's See What's New In Valheim⚔️🏹🪄

extranjero [Música]extranjero [Música] [Música] [Música]sí sí [Música] [Música] [Música] sí sí [Música]está bien [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] gracias [Música] [Música ] extranjero [Música] [Música] [Música] extranjero [Música]gracias [Música] buenos días hola holaqué tal chicos holaBastian white qué tal está bien, se supone que no debo estar transmitiendohoy pero no puedo no puedo dejar esto pasabien, así que aunque es una transmisión nocturna para nuestros amigos en los EE . UU. y no estoy seguro de qué hora es en el Reino Unido, la mayoría de nuestros espectadores también sonde Alemania y Rusia y de América del Sur. bueno, buenas tardes , solo tengo que asegurarme de que puedocubrir la tarea pública para las tierras perdidas, seacaba de publicar hace solo unas horas, si no me equivoco, y queremos probar lo que hay allí lo antes posible . así que si quierenrelajarse con nosotros, simplemente preparen sus bocadillos favoritos ydisfruten de una transmisión relajante con nosotros,así que voy a usar uno de mis viejos mundos, um si No me equivoco, hicimos unatransmisión completade la serie um para Hearth and Home y creo que concluimos que una endiciembre pasado como el diciembre pasado de 2021, así que vamosa usar el mismo mundo y, por cierto, esta es una prueba pública, asíque Esperaré algunos fallos y errores, espero que no tanto. Confío en ellosporque tuvieron mucho tiempo para prepararse para Missland, así queveamos qué tienen para nosotros. creo que creoque la contraseña sigue siendo la misma , está bien , muéstrame el dinero, veamos si esto es bueno, veamos si vale la pena esperary creo que eso es lo más importante que debemos saber sivale la pena esperar . porque desde la última actualización para el volumen de nieve,las cuevas, esta es la próxima actualización en la hoja de ruta y esa es Misslandy esto es muy esperado. Por cierto, espero que todo esto valga la pena, nuestra base es tan malditamente oscuro , así que si no me equivoco, lo comprobaré dos veces porqueen el final de ese flujo si no me equivocodecidimos no matar a yagleth porque yaglith dejó caerun espíritu como algo que es como un marcador de posición para el próximo volumen¿cuál es el qué es la cosa ahora oh sí, el marcador de posición se llamaba yaglacosa es es como el teseracto , así que es un marcador de posición para el siguienteelemento de Miss Land, así que creo que aún no matamos al aglet, así que tenemos que matar aYaglet, pero, por supuesto, necesitamos encontrar un misslandlo antes posible, como necesitamos encontrar pero tengo una muy buena ideade dónde está porque antes, cuando buscábamos alquitranes, puedo ver como unaisla, si no me equivoco, en el lado norte que tiene unaspecto de misland , así que veamos, esperen, muchachos. acabode salir del trabajo como yo salí del trabajo como hace cincominutos en el momento en que comencé a hablar acabo de concluir mi trabajoy la multitarea es real, así que espera, espera , me transmitirá el culo. Estoy tan emocionado por loque he leído las notas del parche y haybastantes n allí , oh, estoy emocionado y, por cierto, antes de crear supropio servidor de prueba público, eh, asegúrese de guardarsu viejo mundo porque se va a agotar.Hice ese Booboo antes. y si te preguntas cómo crearel servidor público de prueba, solo tienesque ir a tu Steam y luego leer las instrucciones enlas notas delparche . Quierodecir, oh sí, solo ve, solo ve de nuevo, todo está sucediendo ahora, solo tú sabes, mantenme actualizado, lo que necesitas, está bien , aquí vamosy estamos listos. mis auriculares , um, sí, creo que eres la segunda personaque dijo eso y esto me sucedió antesy, si no me equivoco, esto lo costó la actualización de Windows 11, así que si alguna vezpuedes escucharme del otro lado , eso ya es está bien, porquecreo que necesitaría un poco de solución de problemassi alguna vez lo siento mucho y d Olvidé cómo resolví el problema la última vez, así que siempreque puedan escucharme, sí, puedo ver mi ecualizador y muestra queen realidad todavía recibo audio en el otro lado, pero no tanto, escomo la mitad de la mitad del volumen desde el otro lado, espera, ¿conseguiste acceso? ohDiscord Discord cambiando de mono a estéreo Actualmente estoyen estéreo y si cambio a mono nova a sonar tan bien um espera [Música] está bien espera déjame hacer algo muyrápido extranjero está bien esperamuy rápido extranjero está bien Hice lo que pude pero no voya pasar todo mi tiempo de transmisión resolviendo problemas, así quesí, siempre y cuando puedas escucharme está bien por ahoratóxico 6500 ¿qué pasa ? estás haciendo cómo estás estoy en Discord y, oh, entoncesasegúrate de presionar ese botón de Discord sobre nosotros, está bien , ¿cuál es el punto de estar en Discord si no puedo escucharte y ellos no puedenescucharte bien ,sí, aquí vamos, está bien ?Vamos a ponerlo en marcha uh, está bien, al menos somos brillantes. Ahora, déjame comprobarlo. voy a revisar el altar muy rápido, solo necesito verificar dos veces si el aglet fue derribado o no y ni siquieraestoy seguro de si este es el personaje que uso cuando juego este, pero creoque no lo es, pero es un nombre perfecto porque esto eseh creo que hicimos este personaje creo que hicimos este personaje durante laversión modificada es la versión modesta creo creoque uso esto durante la versión modificada come las malditas naranjas no sé a quéte refieres pero te agradeceré por seguir a Brian, ¿cómo se pronuncia eso? ¿Es brillantemente brillante 666 y qué pasa? Mariano, ¿cómo estás? Deacuerdo , vamos a ir a Yoglith,todavía no, lo siento, vamos a ir al Altar y verificar si tu glifoya estaba caído o no y tengo la sensación deque tengo un accidente no tengo un eje maldita seanecesito destruir esta cosa sí este no es el personaje queuso para este mundo así que tengo que destruye las proteccionesy los ojos, siéntete libre de destruir las protecciones si alguna vezusas tu QQ bien, tengo buenas estadísticas en th esun personaje, aunque tenía la sensación de que tenía una buena vidaantes de que dejáramos de jugar , tenía una buena vida antes de que empezáramos, dejamosde jugar ahora, lo bueno de Valheim es querompes lo que construyes y obtienes lo mismo. cantidad exacta demateriales sí, no veo jovenmierda, mira , agregaron una nueva piedra, parecía un local, eh, ¿por qué te escucho solo desde el lado derecho de los auriculares, sí, eres elsegundo que dijo eso ya ? Creo que hay, eh, creo que hay algo mal con mi micrófono. Espera, déjame revisar esto muy rápido porque me estámolestando también muy rápido. No sé Zoe está fuera, ¿transmites a través de OBS? Sí, lo hago . Estoy comprobando las propiedades en OBS ahora, así que es correcto . uh, mi configuración desde queesta ha sido mi configuración y estoy bien Ya estoy recibiendo este tipo dequejas cuando actualicé mi Windows 11. Y esto me sucedió antes . ¿ Está conectado correctamente? La respuesta es sí. Me levanté antes y esa es la razón por la que no estaba hablando por un mientraspienso que cuando te suscribes porque desconecté y conecté el conector USBum , gracias, estábien , hola, hola, sigue siendo lo mismo , sí, porque podríamos estar aburriendo a algunaspersonas solo porque estamos tratando de solucionar el problema del audio, como mencioné anteriormente. No quiero pasar toda mi transmisión resolviendoeste problema. No lo hice, um, lo haré. Asumiré toda laresponsabilidad. En realidad, no tuve la oportunidad de verificar el audio, pero sies demasiado molesto para ustedes, puedo detenerme . la transmisióny reinicie si realmente es algo molesto yustedes realmente quieren escucharme en ambos lados .a voy a intentarlo de nuevo voya desenchufar un y vuelva a enchufar para ustedes, chicos, extranjero , extranjero . Ya lo transfirí a diferentesranuras de mi conector USB. No creo que estesea el conector porque ya tengo seisconectores USB y ya cubrí casi todos y todavía está lo mismo y he estadotransmitiendo durante los últimos días debido aum Frozen Flame y nunca tuve este problema hastaque hice esa actualización de Windows y creo que también OBS hizo una actualizaciónantes, por lo que podría ser uno de ellos pero de todos modos, mientras puedas escucharme, hagámoslo detodos modos, no soy un gran streamer, asíque sabes que es uh, realmente no tenemos muchos espectadores, así que si puedes soportarel audio, no sé si está entrecortado, dígame, pero si está claro, pero es solode un lado, sí, no puedo solucionarlo durante la transmisión , está bien, procedamos, sigamos, estábien , creo que no puedo volver a enchufar mi teclado, está bien, ahora estamos teniendo problemas, esperenchicos extranjerosCreo que pude arreglar que al menos el teclado estaba arreglado ok y hay uh hay una nueva piedra nosotroshay una nueva piedra de sacrificio parece una mantis o algo así uh hombre salvajequé pasa está bien suena bien para ti sí esalgo así como uh no es realmente mono pero uno de los canales es más bajo que elotro y tiene algo que ver con laactualización que hice antes, lo solucionaré más tarde, chicos, lo siento, lo siento mucho, está bien,supongo que mi prioridad ahora es encontrar las tierras de Miss y veamos qué hay de nuevoallí . solo míralocuando tengas tiempo, seguro que puedo ver que en realidad estás jugandoum valheim otra vez, Wildman, así que tengo lasensación de que esto está relacionado con malheim. Lo comprobaré más tarde . porquevalheim desapareció y todo es Conan Exiles y Arcy lo último que jugamos fue frozen Flame . Tengo que desbloquear nuevamente para estepersonaje , está bien, uh, no tiene nada que ver con este juego . voy a poner eso en Discord como bueno, paraque los demás puedan aprovechar, gracias hermano, está bien, yoglith todavía está vivo, peronecesitamos encontrar a la señorita lente, creo que todavía tenemos el bote, sí, tenemos losbotes , creo que tenemos dos,dos votos , tendrás el los sabuesos, um, los ojos agarran comida, armaduras y armas, y luego vamos, señorita lente , necesitas una capa, está bien , así que no hay problema con las estaciones, oh [__] No tuve acceso, lo encontraremosCreo que en el novato la base novata oh no , está bien Puedo pasar por aquí, oh, sí, esos no son míos o esteno es mi mundo, quiero decir , tenemos que destruir esto por ahora. ¿Por qué es extraño ? El íconode la espada se muestra en mi pantalla . como elícono del menú que se muestra en mi pantalla[Música] [Música] sí[Música] está bien , tal vez desaparezca si me teletransporto bien pruebas públicasmira esa espada ¿cómo hago para que desaparezca um ojos uh estás haciendo algo?importante, necesito reiniciar, creo que sabes que la espada parece estar reiniciando , sí, siendo golpeado por mul Problemas tiples, eh, y recién estamos comenzando, espera , solo estoy reiniciando el juego, chicos, extranjero , extranjero [Música] , de lo contrario , creo que no puede hacer su pastel siese es el caso, está bien, necesito comida, oh, necesito destruirel otro umquímico estas salas para que pueda tener acceso total ala casa espero que haya una ventana opuerta abierta allí oh mierda está bienestamos en problemas um tuviste acceso a la casa antes¿verdad cerraste la puerta ¿Puedes abrirlo para mí para que puedadestruir las protecciones ? No tienes Heights bien , así que el alquitrán estaba aquí y luego cuandopasábamos por este lugar y encontramos el alquitrán y, por lo general, mislands están enel eh . si lo miras como borde interior secundario y tercero, generalmente estánen los bordes tercero y cuarto, eh, para aquellos que están familiarizados conla configuración de monstruo rrr, en realidad los etiquetaron como primer segundotercer borde cuanto más vas al exterior los bordes exteriores se volverá cada vezmás difícil , así que eso es lo que basamos Es cuandodecimos el segundo interior, uh, segundo, segundo borde y luego tercer borde, por lo que generalmente están enel tercer borde , por lo que casi llegamos en realidad en estaexploración , por cierto, usamos este mapa para aquellos quesolo están mirando nosotros. use este mapa cuando hicimos nuestraserie Hearth and Home um cuando probamos el nuevo contenido para Hearth and Home y luego ahora volvemosa probar las mislands y este será nuestro primer objetivoaquí, con suerte habrá habrámuchos aviones y mucho pantano, pero realmente quiero ver cómose ven las misslands. No me equivoco . Visteel video antes.Crees quehabrá magia o algo. Vi un bastón. este juego eh está bien buenotal vez bueno tal vez valga la pena la espera y tengoque ser honesto me siento un poco gui lty porque después de 1 600 horas de jugareste juego realmente no he dejado ninguna recomendación o comentario todavíaen Steam, pero finalmente ayer lo hicey después dejé un tipo de comentario no tan bueno ni tanmalo solo siendo objetivo sobre de repente lanzaron laprueba pública, así que me siento un poco culpable. Podría editar la reseña que dejédependiendo de cómo vaya . Este juego es realmente bueno. No hayproblema con el juego. El juego en sí . No hay problema. No es perfecto.el juego tal vez sea 9 de cada diez términos en términos de contenido y mecánica, mobs correctos, jefes saludando a los fanáticos, elaboración de peleas, no tengo ningún problema con eso, el problema es que sabes que elproblema de todos, en realidad, la lenta progresión de la hoja de rutapromete romperse haciéndote esperar. para contenidos queno valen la pena la espera pero esta vez espero que valga la pena la espera ¿todavía tenemos plata? Creo que tenemos muchos de nosotros aquí eh, ve a mi taller, siempre está en mitaller , está bien, destruí todo ellos , um, deberíamos tenerun puesto de avanzada en el volumen de nieve también , pero no puedes TP con eso ,¿qué tal si en Maple están en una vieja base vieja , sabes qué, si realmente necesitas lacapa? Te daré mi capa para que podamos ¿Podemos seguiraquí ?Lo usaré . Usaréotra capa aquí detrás deti detrás de ti . sobre eljuego um, creoque estaba hablando de la reseña que dejéy me siento un poco mal por eso porque realmente no di una muy buena reseña, aún así recomendé el juego, el juego en sí, no hay problema, es solola progresión lenta . de la hoja de ruta para este juegoporque, eh, ha habido muchas promesas incumplidas para este juego, comosaben, al igual que el volumen de nieve, liberar las cuevas , nos hicieron esperarcuántos meses para un contenido muy pésimo. cueva única con armadura eso nisiquiera es útil , así que espero que este no sea el caso [Música] ¿a qué te refieres con Discord us hop ? Con suerte, puedes presionarlocomo una presión fácil, solo yo y tú jugando , probablemente también quieran escucharte, ¿ estás en Discord? Aunque está bien , todavía estoy un pocoaunque ya lo sé, pero es un poco extraño Aúnasí, las reparaciones en este juego son realmente gratuitas. He estado jugando mucho a Conan Exiles y lasreparaciones de los elementos no suelen ser gratuitas, así que me gusta, es unpoco incómodo , pero creo que tiene sus cosas buenas. Megusta. tiene sus ventajasy está bien hecho. También me pregunto si hay algoque podamos comprar nuevo en la puerta del pasillo.No quiero encontrar la lente perdida de inmediato. Oh , ¿no quieres traer buena comida? Hielo comoLux. Suerte. Bien . Tenemos mucho . todavía tenemoscreo que nos preparamos para la pelea de yaglet deberíamos tener uh tenemos el tenemos lacarne de serpiente cocinera, está bien ,ah, esto es suficiente , está bien , entonces vamos a navegar, ¿tenemos como un teletransporte cercano ?No, no tenemos que navegar de verdad para ir allí. para liberar un portal y luego traer un material para elportal ¿lo trajiste? Ya lo tengo en mi inventario, está bien , genial, hay uno aquí que aún no está conectado, en cuálcuatro X estás, estás en la base principal, no enla base principal . la nueva base, sí, ¿qué nombre quieres que le ponga? um, simplemente nómbralocomo cualquier otra cosa .Espera , estoy confundido .vamos, sí , asíque estoy confundido, por qué tengo que ir, venaquí , elbote , ¿hay algo? Unos , sí, tengo Frozen y aguja de hierro, ¿puedes darme la aguja,todo hecho? Gasté toda mi aguja destruyendolas órdenes de arresto el almacenamiento, qué inútil, ya sabes, forma de gastarlos. Hey, veamos si todavía podemos recordar cómo conducir esta cosa . ¿Podemos ? También juguépociones en el almacenamiento . se te olvidó , ¿puedes presionar el botón? ¿ Cuántos años hace queno jugamos esto todavía ? um vainilla, creo, pero han pasado, creo, cuatro meses desde que jugamos la versión modificada , usemos el otro barco, ella esestúpida porque nosotros tengo que empujar el trasero oh él está seco jodiendo el bote está en elbote heyAdam aquí Adam está bien salta espera me aseguraré de acariciarlo primero ahí vamos extranjero aquí vamosoh [ __ ] él te está siguiendo no haz que te siga, está bien, es un viaje rápido,el viento está a nuestro favor , espero, por ahora, ¿leíste las notas del parche si agregaron un nuevomonstruo marino o algo así? No, podríamos patearnos el trasero aquí. capaz de leer todo así que o probablemente ya habíaolvidado lo que he visto en hay nuevos i temsum como nuevos ingredientes No estoy muy seguro de lo que podemos hacer conellos oh, lo haremos, oh, lo sabremos en las tierras extrañas,uh, ¿cuál es tu beneficio? ¿ Es Dragón,la maldita caja gorda mientras todavía es de mañana, al menos puedo practicar mi navegación? Ish , hay muchos cerdos allí, ¿por qué mi mapa está borroso? Porquesolo aprendí esto de la tabla del mapa o la mesa del cartógrafo,así que el personaje que estoy usando en este momento no es el personaje originalque usamos cuando jugué este mapa , este personaje se eligió al azary creo que este fue el personaje que usé cuandojugamos modded , por loque es bastante fácil darse cuenta de que es mi propia exploracióny luego aprendí esto del mapa o la tabla del cartógrafo cuando ¿Cuándo agregaron lamesa del cartógrafo nuevamente durante Hearth and Home? Si no me equivoco, estaba bebiendo muchoen casa . mientrascontinuamos yendo hacia el borde exterior, deberíamos encontrar al menos un misland. Comenzaste este juegohace solo una semana. ya no hay fallasy buena optimización la primera vez la primera vez que jugamoseste juego, oh Dios mío , no estaba tan optimizado, legustará a su GPU será tan jodidamente caliente y cada vez como lo que sucedióantes cada vez que el retrasos en el mundo pueden pasar muchas mierdas me caí del barco muchas veces oh sí, nos caímos del barco tantas veces por eso y todo eso,especialmente cuando viajamos con los lobos porque tenemos quetransportar a los lobos eh a veces, los Wolves se caendebido al retraso , ahora ya no, independientemente de si estásjugando Solo o en un servidor dedicado, ya está bastante optimizado, así queeres bastante, sabes que eres , tienes mucha suerte,tal vez algunas personas diría como ustedes eran l Fue una suerte porque pudistejugarlo durante la primera semana cuando comenzó a explotar, sí, fue unabuena experiencia ser una de las primeras personas en jugarlo, pero la experienciatambién fue horrible, como retrasos y caídas de FPS . sobre el lugar y luego volvimos enoctubre del año pasado para jugar a Hearth and Home. Creo que octubre fue el lanzamiento del mesde lanzamiento y luego dejamos de jugar de nuevo y home hizo algunas transmisiones con mods y luegoabandonó el mundo para asegurarse de que esté guardado. porque sé que esto va a suceder comosi probablemente lanzaran la bomba y dijeran que Miss Lands se liberao Ashland se libera o es el verdadero norte Deep NorthCreo que es Deep North como Deep North se libera así que hay tresvolúmenes más um y digo tres porque enrealidad están planeando hacer que el océano también sea un volumen, así que esperoque ya haya todo lo que habrá como un jefe porque lamecánica del juego es que cada bioma tiene un jefe,pero tú eres en Mea dows tienes el tienes el elfovas al Bosque Oscuro tienes al Anciano vas al pantano de Alberta hayuna bonificación de masa ósea sangrienta y luego vas a los aviones tienesyakul o yagler lo llamo yakult y ahora no lo hago No sé cuál es elnombre de eso, ¿sabes el nombre de la mantis religiosa? ¿Nosotros para la señorita Lance ? No, probablemente, ¿esla reina? tercer mundo desde que comenzamos, así quesi alguna vez planeas jugar a Miss Lands, las nuevas actualizaciones de Misslandsolo se mostrarán si esa parte del mapa aún no se hadescubierto , por ejemplo, como nosotros, aún no hemos descubierto ninguna Mislands, significa que cuando encuentre las tierras de Miss, habrá contenido, pero si alguna vez descubrió completamente oexploró completamente su mapa, no se mostrará más, asíque si ya está explorado, no se mostrará más si no está explorado y luegolo está explorando ahora durante el actualización va a mostrarlos nuevos contenidos se sh No sé si eso tenía sentido, pero así es como loexplicaron, así que si tienes un mundo antiguo que tieneáreas inexploradas, puedes usarlo para no tener que comenzar desde elprincipio , pero a veces tal vez durante ellanzamiento final the misslands podríamos comenzar un nuevo mundo podríamosdepender de la energía que tengo porque a veces el patrocinador realmentecomienza desde el principio estoy en la cara que tengo mi primerbioma de plata oh nieve es divertido nieve el bioma es divertido, solo ten cuidado con los lobos , asegúrate de domesticar a muchos lobos, ellos serán tus aliados, así quela semana pasada estábamos jugando, um, el nuevo juego desupervivencia . solo hay solo haymuy pocos aspectos de um Frozen flame que en realidad lo convierte en un juego de supervivencia. De hecho, diré que es uh crear MMO con sandboxpero el juego es uh prometedor, solo necesitan hacer algunos um como algunosajustes con resistencia y tambiénum el mecanismo de lucha anics, es una mecánica de lucha , es bastante obsoleta, pero es un muy buen juego , especialmente en uh, está en uh, estáusando Unreal Engine . Todavía no he encontrado una o dosestrellas . uh, dos estrellas, los lobos de dos estrellas a menudo seven de nocheporque tienen engendros nocturnos. difícil de manejar, pero no creo que escalan en dañooh, veo pesca en realidad, creo que en realidad ya he estado viendoantes, no ves peces en esto, eh, es esta, la señorita Lance, está bien, no lo haces es selva negra, oh, no sueles ver peces,eh, una vez que el océano ya es tan profundo, pero ahora estoy viendo peces , espero no ver el pez que tiene laboca grande y con las aletas brillantes , bueno, estamos en el avión, oh no, también necesitamosesto, está bien, tráelo en serpiente , está bien, pero nosotros somos los aviones, eh, no no veo aviones creo que estábajo el agua oh no a tu derecha explica espero espero tener razónsolo espero tener razón esta lente dónde estáshay pecesde póquer creo que si es eh si es de un solo tipode peces, solo dices peces, no peces, eh, peces, peces y colas en gramática,peces y cuentos a los que te refieres a diferentes tipos,pero si estás hablando de solo un grupo , dicesun grupo de peces, no, es genial, se llaman bancos de peces .eso es genial, en realidad se llaman escuela si lo son si están en un grupoes una locura, cierto , sospechoso, solo diría sospechoso, lo cual es bueno, lo cual es justo , um , podría estar equivocado,¿por qué ? cuando marcamos esa cosaque dice estrella , sí, es evidente que vi como grandes árbolesal otro lado y Big Trees, ya sabes lo que eso significa,ese era el antiguo derecho, ese era el antiguo misslands ,así que, por supuesto, ¿sigue siendo Big Trees ahora? No lo sé Realmente no he intentadoprotegerme, no estoy seguro de que lo veamos porque antes de que la señorita aterrice como grandes árboles,un y luego telarañas, oh, algo, pesca consalto , ahí es donde estaba el alquitrán, sí, ahí es donde estaba el alquitrán y luego hacia él, así que lo único quepuedo ver a través de él no es esto, está aquí , elmundo ahorra 30 segundos, así que prepárate para el retraso , así que nosotros necesito ir a la derecha oh, puede que me equivoque. Puede que haya estadomirando esos árboles en el pantano y pensé que se perdieron tierras.oh, no , está bien, pero es demasiado pronto para decir, vamos a la aventura .mira ese lag boom boom boom boom que está ahorrando allímismo, uh, realmente no se retrasa tanto si estás en un servidor dedicado, pero nohay diferencia, todavía habrá retrasos ,solo sigue diciendo , está bien, vamos al alquitrán a la derecha. hay un pasaje ahí estáyo no estoy no no lo creo está bienasí que vamos en esta dirección ahí es donde está el alquitrán y luego no ningún camino hay un camino pero creoque va de regreso aquí ya aquí mira los eso creoque creo que tenemos que ir en la otra direcciónvi sanguijuelas pecespeces son t aquí tienes como una caña de pescar a tuizquierda a tu izquierda no, no, porque creo que si los atrapamos, habrá comida nueva o algo así , oh [ __ ] no tenemos, no tenemos,repito, no tenemos ganemos no ganemos está lloviendo y es elocéano uh no no es como si es si hay vientono gana uh en tu dirección llueve y luegoestás en el océano prepárate para un regalo esa es una muy buenacombinación para serpiente especialmente si tienes algovalioso en tu bote, como nodos ,no nodos, lo siento, remos , asegurémonos de estar animadosen caso de que nos salten, deberíamos haber traído el beneficio , ¿de qué sirve matar a la madre dragónsi no lo estamos ? capaz de usar su buff um, solo me pregunto si los peces ylas sanguijuelas pelean si voy por el camino correcto, sí, voy por elcamino correcto, solo tenemos que seguir esto porque existe la posibilidad de quehaya confundido estas calles con la tierra perdida, pero estoy bastante segurode que era más grande que esto , oh, oh, se ven tan increíbles que puedo decir sobre esta tierraum oh [ __ ] banda elástica banda elástica [ __ ]¿qué pasa con congelar ya no se ve tanmal ? misslands ya sonestériles , quitaron losárboles, oh, está bien, no se parecen a los árboles en estepantano porque antes de que haga, ¿qué estás bromeando?,te están cazando aquí. ¿Es esto una bromao esto es real? Estoy asustado en este momento . ¿Recuerdas cuántas veces morídebido al evento perseguido ?Innumerables veces, innumerables . Odio a esos lobos. tanto como sea posibley puede suceder en cualquier lugar es una locura incluso en el agua aunqueestés en el pantano y aunque estés en el agua ¿qué pasa si hay un gran culo, sabes,lobo de agua con aletas? Voy a enloquecer, sí, es realmente un evento real. eslegítimo ,bueno, los eventos vainilla son mucho más fáciles en comparación con los eventos mod, los eventos modson como locos , la temporada de mosquitos, odio latemporada de mosquitos, hay un mod que te permitiráestablecer diferentes eventos y uno de los eventos es la temporada de mosquitos estábásicamente muerta Skittles atacando tu base Creo que hubo una corriente queduró una hora y seguimos muriendo y nos quedamos sinrecursos, así que si yo estuviera aquí ypudiera verlo , podría ser este, pero estamos no nos damos por vencidos todavía tenemos queir al borde exterior de todos modos y aún no estamos en el borde exterior, ni siquieracerca , así que una vez que lleguemos a esta área, esteya es el tercer borde exterior, así que con suerte,solo házmelo saber, miremos el minimapa, ya sabes, y dime sigritas mal, así que estoy bastante seguro de que estaba aquí, era muy fácil detectarlo antes debido a los grandes árboles, pero ahora yo dijoque puede que ya no tenga árboles grandes . Le creo porque estaba viendovideos de la oreja . Mentira, ella hizo trampa , me emocioné, la sanguijuela no puede perseguirnos,sí, ¿ tienes el anillo?Tenemos mucho dinero en este juego, creo , y ya tenemos aHaldor . me gusta explorar porque la forma en que Halder funciona es quehay 10 hay 10 puertas Haldor en el mundo y luego, cuando encuentras una, lasotras nueve desaparecen, por lo que tienes una gran posibilidad de que sepasque no buscas que encuentres Haldor porque hay hay 10 de él, son solo los otros nueve desaparecen una vez que encuentras uno, así es como funcionan realmente los mecanismos de halder. No sé si cambiaron eso, pero así es como funcionabaantes , así que si aún no has encontrado tu halder,tu comerciante no lo hará. siéntete mal hay 10 de él eneste mundo solo tienes planos a la derecha derecha no estoy seguro solo tienesque buscarlo es Plains o Miss oh está jugando está rompiendocraqueando oh lo siento en el lado derecho en el lado izquierdo a tu derecha, sí, se estáagrietando, sí h eso se está agrietando es tan oscuro ohoh no esto es océano abierto vamos al borde del mundoLa teoría de la Tierra Plana de color púrpura profundoes real los terraplanistas tienen razón tienenrazón no hay nadano hay nada más aquí deberíamos regresar o deberíamos avanzar, eh, esperemos hasta la mañana , podemos ir aquí si alguna vez, si es que alguna vez, no hay ninguno aquí así, ¿qué puedes ver? ¿cómo ? oh línea oh espera es esa tierrasí es tierra pero parece que oh es el aviones , vamos rectosy cuando lo hacemos, vamos a la derecha en la mañana, si alguna veztodavía no hay ninguno , ¿crees que no hay serpientes, aunque cállate,no lo pidas, maldito Windows 11 estropeando mimicrófono , por eso? I'm always reluctant everytime I see Windows 11 update [Music]huh I mean straight aheadlet's see I think that's missed lens already likestraight not sure find a what the hell like straightstraight how do you know uh like the big like big pointed rocksoh yeah I see the silhouette hold on silhouette The Shadow oh I you might be right Oz okay speed up yeah thatthat Island rock formation is not maybe it's mountain bike the mountain biome it's gone I don't see the shadow anymoreprobably because there's too much mess and that's why it's called Miss lands yeah it's mislandsfirst second first second third maybe fourthfourth rim actually the rock formation looks likethat's a kraken kind of Kraken the rock formation islike Meadows or black forest oh it's too pointed I don't think that'swe're not in Ashland also right because we're going north freaking two Krakenswhat the hell hahaha please be Miss lands the very first thing you need to do isput down a portal right away if ever this missed lens J demo what's up hold on it's like the Skull Island in King Kongmovie yeah the rock formation is kind of weirdbut I don't think it's Miss lands first time watching on YouTubeuh we're also live in twitch if ever you have twitchuh YouTube is quite delayed for some reaso n yeah I see Pride Rock I think that'sMeadows that's a very weird rock formationthough Oz I don't want to goit's still night time we're gonna get jumped by goblins we'redead okay oh [ __ ] I very like your video about toningExiles oh yeah thank you so much for watching them we're parking oh [ __ ]goblins um we are parking Conan for now becausethere's a lot of [ __ ] going on with Conan yep hold on hold on I'm done I'mwe're on Latin hold on where's this lens on the rightor left okay get up get up get off there's fishwhat the hell pick up the fish it's a pike fish here it's not allowing me to pick it up ahcheater hold on hold on I'm not preparedyeah I need glorified noyou forgot your face ohI did I didn't have the time to pick up but yeah we are in Midlands look comecome come I'll show you here here let's get into the Mistuh [ __ ] why do I hear something scary so I can hear goblins replenish your foodI just did who are they I will make them hurt and we know what I mean portal the risk ofdying and traveling back well just hope there'sjust hope two things we don't die and there's a black forest this is the planes well the Mist isfor real scale hide I can't see anythingis this for real or is this a joke I cannot see anything who's that there's a rogue yeah I know but my my question is is itreally this Misty that you cannot see anything I'm here where I am right now it's not agood idea do you see me in the map I see you on the map but I don't see anythingevery time I go to the Mist come here and just just run towards meI need a torch oh no yeah I think we are officiallythat's officially the missland did you mark our boatuh isn't it supposed to be automatic oh that's a mod righthold on like sticking to the concept that it's amisland is good but making it not visiblelike this hold on I'm looking for the boat I cannot pick it up actuallyI told you I've been trying to pick it up but I can't okay I'm going in oh what is thatit's a rabbit ancien t root of uh pulsating with energywho are you ohit's Hogan again all those ever from the oh this Branchcame from a casino thethe tree world or you can break the bark you needsomething better Passion by more capable handsso we can Farm aggressive now how did equisil get destroyed in thefirst place come here come here do you see this big tree plant shoot ohhold on um I don't have acts with me do you haveax nope I don't have an ax too hard[ __ ] no one brought an ax okay oh mushroom oh the terrain is kind of slippery yep be carefulwell I'm looting the ones that are sparklinghopefully there's nothing that would kill me herehere trophy that's a rabbit rightand then I'm getting scale hide you know what I'm happy that I'm getting thisthing called scale High because it seems like a new armor but I'm also wonderingat the back of my head where is this coming from a scale of whatfrom the hair okay not a snake or something oh it's better hereit's no longer Misty umMage cap what 's a mage cap kinda look likeum magic oh it's a food it's foodhey all rightoh welcome to miss lens guys here we go Chad we found itit's just Misty on the outside don't conclude it yet because it's notmisty here looks beautifulthis is not how Miss lands look before this is a way prettierso we can destroy this if we have like ah [ __ ] okay let me fight this thisbastard let me find them let me find themI want to remember how to Parry idiot so hopefully we will get more blackmetal weapons and tools yeah because if we die hold on there's like lights there nolike a house what is that I can hear something growling orsomething what is that what is that oh [ __ ] no they're not attackingfor some reason what is thatyeah no portal come Heroes[Music] let's go back to the boat for now thisis very Reckless we're gonna waste a lot of time if ever we die here without theportal let's go let's go back to the boat yeah it's a floating mushroom orsomething I will talk to you later again okayuh they're like Hal doors uhuh brothers and sisters there they're friendly [Music] there's like a there's like a creaturefloating that's dropping lava you should not make them angry Appleyeah I know don't attack them they're friendly until attacked I think helloyeah I know I know you're whatever he is or whoever he is to you haldorwe met do not touch anything okay you're gonnatouch their crate or the stones that can be mined Yeahokay or else we are doomed okay so this is Miss Lance this is thisis scary fight them I don't think we're ready tofight them not yet a bunch of them in here oh my God we'regonna die all right let's go back to the boat and get those eyescome here oh [ __ ]okay just just like well the Goblins are the the least ofour worries there's something more deadly here oh crapcareful no no body up money up how many great dwarf eyes do we need I found the boathopefully there's a nearby black forest and here let's go find a black forest no no more oh my G od we're so far did you see any black forests on our wayhere foreign hopefully there's going to be a gear oran item or food that will allow us to see through theMist or else it's gonna be so annoying toplay with that thickness we will check the Artisan table withouttouching any any items from the missland I don't think it's going to showanything new that's why we need that portal and there's none here if it's in the morning yeahso it's not trees anymore so the thing that I saw was not MissLindsey was just one but luckily or should I say unluckilythere's a Miss lens here for some lousy eyeswe need to go back oh no what are you doing it's also shallow hereokay backing up I'm here oh I think the wave is making itdeep there we go can you shoot the dead skaters when theyget near okay oh [Music] no you have to use your Shield and then spear if I were okay let me handle it foreign um I think we can easily kill the ugly Ithink we would need his you know that thing so once we once we create the portalwe go back home and then we resupply hilliaglith I think we already foundyaglet yeah we already found young life wealready have a bunker whatever this is so we kill yaglet we get that thing andthen um oh yeah let's buffis against fire I think bone mass is pretty mucheverything but lesser stats but yaglet is mainly fire resistance I'mnot sure we will we will see once we defeat himoh man you know whatI'll just go where I can see in the map where the black bar is this what did you what material did you bringwhen you said you you've brought material 10 circling courseor is it two foreign foreign how did you know this one yeah you just say ether so how do youknow that that's magic or Mana okay tomatoes foreign this distance from from this one pointit's very rare to find Meadows and black forest foreign [Music] well I think that's the Black Forestwhere we're going hopefully looks like a meadow oh serpentlet's kill it surfing serpent I'm here serpent uh the serpents are not starred yet we used to go crazy before when we seeserpents so this is just on a test server for nowor is it live on full game this is just a public testso it's open for everybody you just have to go to the patch notes it will tellyou how to create the test it's not a full game release yetprobably you know you know how fun comb you know not Quantum sorry you know howIron Gate works uh ever since they usually they usuallylet out or release something that's actually ready for them but they willjust call it as an early release or public test even though it's pretty muchready and then they will just get some feedback and reports and then if everthey think that it's already manageable they put it in full full release so I have a feeling that this is alreadyum this is already ready they just wanna they just want to getfeedback so far there's uh nothing disturbingit's just I really hope that mist is not gonna be like that forever there'ssomething that we can do to make the Mist not so blindingbecause that mist right there it's it's Overkillyou can't even see your own foot but I'm pretty confident that thereshould be food gear or item that will make it better hopefully though because running around that area withdeadly enemies and then that type of mist I don't think it's uh it'sa very good experience so we are on a very long journey just toget gray to our eyes where we are back to basics of themoment well at least we're getting serpent because I think in the in the misslandsyou need a lot of stamina and the serpents too is very good at stamina not at stamina very good for staminaI'm here fight me bite meI cannot see him here we go where's the serpent though yay I will where's the serpent how many meat do we have 13.hmm I hope they will add like one star twostars already for the serpent the no star serpent isquite weak probably in the futurethey might uh the journeyalmost there though okay after this with TPwe TP to the nearest um no we TP homeand then we TP to the nearest um place where we cando we already have the the summoning thingy for riyagles I think we do I think we collected those I think it's in the old base and can you get the the dragon buffwhile you're at it looking for the totems do we need fast travels wellwe spent more time in the Ocean than in the missed lands okay we're almost there though so maybe after they officially releasedthe missed lands um it's gonna take maybe another sixmonths to release Ashland and maybe another six months to releasedeep North or maybe they're gonna focus on theocean biome I think there was uhthere was aa stream when they mentioned that there will be adding features tothe boat or maybe making a like making a biggerboat where you can put workbenches in the boat bed in the boatportal in the boat so maybe I don't know who knowsthey're working at they're working at their own pace which is very very slowso that's why I mentioned earlier this better be wo rth it you know becausea lot of people are actually waiting for the misslands or for the nextcontent actually be quite convinced that I justwant to play the game once it's already fully released but I just couldn't helpmyself when I saw that there was like magic andnew armors and new items I'm not sure with armors but I'm pretty sure thereare new items yeah I just couldn't help myselfI still remember the fun that I had the fun 1000 how many hours 1 600 hoursplaying this game it was uh more than worth you know morethan my money's worth okay thank God we found a black forestand make our portal now it's very small hopefully enough great warmth all right professional parking and it still anchors the moment you jumpthere we go rightlet's find those bastards and get those eyes wanna go back to the Mist okay here wego first IGive Me Your Eyes nope no ice uh if there's a spawner we're in luckwhat's up nope not all the time oh we're not getting eyes from theseguys okay there sho uld be a lot of them inthis structure helloall right who's first are youah booty booty you don't scare me broody whoops mistake mistake have been made [ __ ] stamina I get some eyes here usI don't know it's pretty scarce to reduce the drop I'm not sure I don'tthink they did I get eight and you come to me and bring the blackmetal it's such a waste forgot to leave itwhat is this uh black metalor the ore it's here I know we have a lot of those at homebut you know I just want to bring it yeahjust come to me how many eyes do you needseven okay I just leave the barlet's just go it's just one ore anyways you sure with seven you will see thatwhen you grab your hammer you double check seven okay let's go to the boatlet's make the portal nearby I have eights with me let's go to the boat uh I have all HP food I need onestamina hold on this one is this one is healththis one is health and that one is freaking healthneed stamina food right here I cannot teleport one of them I don'tknow what piercing is it's a new item I got it from the Miss lens oh we have fire resistance already okaylet's try and fight the aglet now let's go home bring more materialsmaterials for um portal well the good thing about this game isuh food don't spoil so that's good can you make this stew real fast oris it slow um no it's in the boatI think you placed it there I didn't bring it oh more needle Arrowthank God um that's also alfood hmm and then you saidwatch the uh what do you call that bench glowingbench Artisan table uh black metal missile what missile are you for real hmmso I should transfer the Arts and table outside hold on umthere we go we'll bring it hereArtisan table let's try thisum feather wood and then black metalcan we still have feather mm-hmm yeah we have a lot of thatfeather though I think we should bring that soft tissueit still faces softly with ancient memorywhat there are a lot of new itemsI'm like playing modded right now 20 and then pen two spring four20. awesomeit's a click that poor stamina isn't it already and then we need 20 gray dwarf eyes wow we have a lotfor the for the love of me I couldn't find or I couldn't rememberwhere I placed the the wood Farm in this game because every time I do aplaythrough I always create a wood farm and aa great dwarf eye Farmum resin also I couldn't find itI couldn't remember I can't remember the name of the portalalso so through it might stumble upon that one someday I will just put the weird food here softtissue something all right I'm gonna find feathers the missile is like can be usedwith bows I think plus what the missileI'm not sure wait I'm still doing something oh nono more feather oh hereoh ohhere you are all rightat least now we know you're just here now let's try making onelet's see what it's for I need black metal and wood PvZ for black metaloh [ __ ] whatI need more wood all right what are you oh you can make five out of one craftokay oh it's an arrow hold the Miss out that's weird hmm okay I'm gonna try this with yoglithlater jagleth is actually weak to blunt mypencil it's pretty much just trying itI'm just gonna make 10. yeah so it will explode but I was I was able to right click it and thenhit equipped look am I wronghold on oh it's not an arrow we could just a missile right hold on so there's a Ballista already oh [ __ ]okay wait three sets for serpents too no that'senough um serpent meat nojust this two four stamina and then we have fire resist there right okayyeah looking for it now there's 10. that's enough where's the serpents too it's here in the kitchen heythen now I have to find the totems do so remember where we place thelike Keys something like that something that we get for bosses yeahyeah let me see we need five rightto summon in my workshop I transferred it trophies and sacrificial tutu yeah just the Ballista oh no for some reason we don't have the totemshere it's impossible that we don't have the totemswe have been collecting those it's not here I'm gonna check the planes form but it's here hold on uh there's none it's impossible that we don't even haveone this this is insaneI couldn't recall where we placed those things also we have been getting a lot of blackmetal soif you look at the map there's a lot of BM bmbm tartar so it means we have beengoing around um Villages so it's impossible that wedon't have the totems this is crazy okay one more time not not herenot here not here ohlet me change this um cert arm is the portal a sensitive it's impossible that it's here but I'mjust taking my chances no it's not here we have misplaced that somewhere or Idon't know because even though even though just onewe can't even find so it should be somewhere in a box whereall of them are there but then again let's justlet's just try to explore in the Midland hmm foreign s hold on we have cleared a lot of planesa lot and we couldn't find our totems foreign there's a village hereyeah let's se e if we can get one oh that's a lot of goblins and mosquito thank you are the mosquitoes still hurt [Music] come here siroh they still hurt okay one by one voice oh crap okay who's first oh I'm gonna die can't Dodge [ __ ] oh the spear Goblin is still such a[ __ ] why uh okay I'm wet okay I'm gonna die [Music] stop can you find me the keyword for thetotem I'm just gonna admin spawn it so that we can proceed to the misslandI don't want to waste time looking for the totems anymore I'm gonna die in here oh my goodness is our content is supposed to bemislands but it's something else now we don't have time for that anymorewe don't have time to look for totems let's just go to miss Lance I need the actual keywordI will just spawn the the totems because I think we need five and we lostall our totems for some reason foreign do you have the name okaylet me know okay uh what was that againI don't know um commands um I have commandsspawn soGoblin told him Goblin totem uh fiveokay the re we go we got five and then we need to go near the nearest portal swamp two orwhere bone mass is swert Farm huh I don't know our Target is this oneI'm looking for the nearest portal you think it's cert Farm you have iron three I don't see itokay I'll go home okay iron three I'm hereuh make sure to bring your let's destroy this one after you gothrough it and then try to make sure you bring your fire resist and then we will bring this to YoungLife in the portal I actually have extraportal so that's okay yeah just across missedall right let's go yeah just destroy it okay foreign ER abominationyeah he cannot Chase it's very slow where's my spear oh no I press something elsethat's why I threw it away right uhwe go to the side we cannot freeze there anymore rightokay let's go I think it's easier to just run aroundit all right so I'm thinking about thestamina it's quite High still with youor two of them I'm here foreign[Music] I forgot how annoying the slope is forthe mount ain lion foreign yeah we're almost there don't you hold me this is a mixture of the swamp and theplanes it's a very bad combination especially if you don't have enoughstamina I already ate my serpents too and oh okay that's why I'm not rested hello siryou miss me I remember you hit pretty hard they're not fighting that's weird oh it's skeletons from the swamp notskeletons from the black forest I think it's this way foreign [Music] [Music] I'm here make a portal first see there's a portal here I remember we'd been here before where it oh no I don't have Frost arrows oh itstill hurts him he died if I'm not mistaken if the totems arehere I will be so mad okay no it's not here good what's the namePizzeria yeah because see remember we preparedthis so that when the next content comes outwe just kill ya gluth and then move on but for some reason we were so poorlyprepared with the labeling and everythingalso reporting to the map remember always remember to report to the mapevery ti me exploration is done okayso we need to rename that yaglith and then go through it remember themechanic hold on let me just go peepee foreign thank you ohthat's the first hold on let me change this okay I'm gonna go Maple and then get restedyou have to follow um he's weak to frostneranything blunt do you have a blunt weaponokay and then we use bone mass that was a lot of run aroundbut we're doing it we forgot where we place you know thethings the portals and for some reasonum before we ended the game before we parked it that is we forgot toreport to the cartography table so I think there's a lot of explorationhere that we need to re-explore because I don't think everything wasreported back to the table all right I got it okay so the perfect armor supposedly againstyaglet is the wolf armor but the thing is that the wolf armor is veryweak to melee oh I would rather use the padded armorfor this fight but again at the end of the day it'spretty much all about preferences on what you really want to use but we're gonna be doing melee sothe better the armor value um the betterhere we go okay we have to clear the village youthink savingsaving again saving again what the hell how manytimes does it say okay I know stamina foodhealth food I'll okay that's cooldid we place the totems here I will be again I will be so mad if ever yeah okay that's good we really placed itsomewhere else okayyeah let's uh let's get the ugly thingy or whatever it's called and we had to we had to spawn thesebecause we lost we lost our totems from the last uhplaythrough is where idiots oh our fire resist sorryand then bony hold onthere ohwhere's the head okay he's so dramatic uh use the middle Mouse thingy I thinkoh I forgot about that [ __ ] there we go owuh use the heavy swing so he's weak against bluntblunt and spirit so using cross near or the silver the silver swordis good against yogliff and as long as you have fire resist youshould be fine we don't have pots r ight foreign well not strong but he's painfulow that was so far oh he has like a natural damage aroundhim yeah I was right okayback your turn[Music] get out get out get outthat's like an AOE wait for it to disappearthere we go oh too soon can you enter too soon that oh geez he's he's a god no bearno laser guns or cannons [Music] oh [ __ ] this is the areadamage get out get outmeteor I think yeah okay he's gonna vomit his laser gunlaser vomit yeah we are pretty geared that's why helooks easy if you come here under prepared you'regonna die especially if you don't have a very goodfire resist enjoy your butts me for some reason I regen really fast uh no stamina are you kidding me oh you're gonna dieyou're gonna die I don't careyou're going down young look we need your thingy it said it has been almost a yearthat we let you live oh I'm feeling him I'm killing him [Music] I got the trophy andthe purple umwhat is this torn spiritthis is what you get from him porn Spirit the remains of young bloodthe Twisted Spirit torn between this world and the nextuh so I think we will be using this in the mislands not I think absolutely 100percent uh I didn't back but I got three how many did you getit didn't oh okay hold on I'll toss everythinggood you go does it unlock anything with fountain hold on where do you craft thatlet's find it here craft thingwisp fountain building hold on this is furniture maybe anythingcrafting with stingyuh attracts with they mostly come at nightmostly uh okay let's uh make this at home andlet's see what it does I hope this will resolve our Darkness issue okay maybe it was a maybe it was a wrongmove to go to the missed land right away without yaglith this is how this game is usuallyprogressed you have to kill the previous boss so that you can get somethinguseful for the next volume we were just so excited to go to themissland earlier you almost get ourselves you know get ourselves killed okaybuild that place I want to see it I know I'll build it what do I need justthe Wisp and stones and stone cutter okayin the maple and once we get to the maple let's go tosleep first is there no soda anymore can you chat angel I need soda in my lifedrop it first before you text thank you Stone putterswhere's my stone cutter here mem not sped I am I'm not I can't sleephold on do I have to destroy this and then putit back missing a crafting station oh [ __ ]hold on uh six word I need word noscarcity uh might as well get wood hereI think there's like a pile of wood outside okay what is this woodokay it's wood the locks destroyed something oh man nocan you make the bed please do I have to be the one to make itcan you make that please it's there herein here is that enough um two okayokay come here I'll make the whisp thingyyou wanna see it uh yeah okay I think there's like a stone cutterhere okay here what about here this one okay can you make the puppy go away okay there we go uh what the hell is that beg in again astrange edifice indeed a wonder what it will attract let us just perch here fora while and see what happens while you're on board besides it's notmy job to babysit like so the likes of you into the night just be vigilant andI'm sure you will be rewarded the Wisps are comingbut we will just wait until the Wisp comesbut for how long because I think this will really help usyou know illuminate the way I'm not sure is it will it hey what the [ __ ] is that uh hi um is it okay to start a new gameon the public test or should I wait for the full release uh it's really up toyou you can use your old map or the public test what you do oh [ __ ] okay let's just make a portal I want to goback to the missland no no we have a portal going missedright let's just go back and then let's come back here once it'snight time the item prevents you from teleportingwhat is it ah I have to diluteoh we need to bring the head that's one yeah let's head we need a new buffby that place uh n eedleI've been bringing material I'll just put this in the boat okay let's go get a dragon buff please I will get theyoung lift buff I'm here new boss guys look at that for those whoare just watching there's a new sacrificial Stoneso there will be two more or three added but for sure for sure there will bethree for sure but I'm not sure if there's still moreafter that um yeah we'll give you hold onwhere will it show again I don't see it but I don't see itI see it for the Dragon ah I will I will not see it anymore if Iactivate it there we go resistant versus fire Frost lightningokay pretty much everything everything thatwe fear welcome back all right cool all right let's goyou get the dragon right so we need to hunt for this uh whatever this is a wormwith pincers or claw uh I haven't played valheim since it'sit first came out uh oh you're missing outyou're missing missing out punchline you have to play it it's it's worth it manit's all worth it the the content progressio n after theinitial release is low but for those for those who are just playing it now it'sworth it it's it's really fun and they added one boss from the initial releaseone boss it means one uh one volume added as wellthe new biome is the one that we're testing right now it's just we have toget materials we need for for that volume because the volume is quite darkand mysterious and we don't actually know what's in theredestroy that yep that's that's it the mislands oh [ __ ] missed it okay I have more materials here for the for your portal rightwe're going back there's someone following youoh there he's stuck brood yes please hold ononce I have already so we found a mistline here we wereabout to we were about to give up earlier but we we figured out that we still needsomething to bring there because the place is freaking darkwell it's mislands right but it was so freaking dark like it's impossible tosee so maybe we canI don't think the torch or circlet is going to help yo u think I think we really need theWisp the one that we got the whisp thing[Laughter] Hollywood wobble thank you so much forthe follow are we bringing something valuable hold on is Ash here oh is that Ashyeah it's Ash hello Ash it's your favorite game I hope your mom is doing well so we're going back to miss Lancehold on Miss lands we're going back uhand there's going to be magic uh us said it's confirmed there's gonna be magicthere's gonna be magic in battle line now necromancy is so Opie oh there'snecromancy damn so this game is pretty awesomethe problem the problem why this game is becoming less and less popular is notbecause of the game itself but because of the slowcontent Edition so when this thing came outum almost two years ago it exploded after two weeksand we were we were one of those few people who actually played it on I thinkwe played it on the second week or the third week when it's starting to becomemore and more popular and then we got addicted to itthat' s why we spent like thousands of hours right away right off thousands ofhours of gameplay without even playing anything else so when the road map when the road mapwas shown that this is going to be the addition this and that and in the monthswe were so excited because the game exploded they got a lot of money thedevs got a lot of money getting a lot of love from the community so we werethinking okay this is not going to be a problemum in terms of being able to deliver and what they have promised in the road maphowever however that was not the case for somereason despite the you know the love and support andthe money for some reason the content is coming inquite slow not very slow but quite slow quite slowin a way that people will already have been moved on to the next game becausethere are no new content added and the roadmap was not actually followednow if you have seen the first roadmap when it came out in 2020it was supposedly it was supposedly like let's say 90 of the the content shouldhave been done by December but that was not the case that was not the case um October last yearit was the first it was the first umwhat do you call this it was the first content of the roadmap so they were onlyable to produce the first content of the roadmap afterafter over a year or after I think heart and home was released when it was theiranniversary or something because in my in my stream it says theirhappy anniversary or something so yeah after almost a year that's the time thatwe got Hearth and Home and hearth and home was supposedly released like threemonths after the Early Access release um people who love the game will alwayscome back yes true people who love the game will always come back but it wouldhave been you know you know the you know the idiomatic expressionum hitting the iron while it's hot right hitting the high uh the iron whileit's hot that's supposedly could have been thething trust me I love the gamebut if you are one of those pe ople who played this while it was still verypopular and it was still hype and waiting what's nextdoesn't feel good being left out like that yeah please mother but of course at the end of the day justlike me I will still come back but it's not thesame as before anymore probably probably I'm going to startfrom the very beginning once the game is already version onelike fully released not Early Access anymoreI will just do this do the same thing again and again so for example now I'mdoing Miss Lance after I'm done with Miss Lance after I'm done with the bossI'll stop and then I'll wait for the next releasemaybe deep North or Ashland or ocean Bayan defeat the boss and then save theworld and then once they announce that hey it's already version one it'scompletely released it's no longer Early Access maybe that's the time that I willstart a new world because for now in my opinion it's notworth it for those who have played this many times over I play this game morethan five tim es over including mods and trust me it was it was still funwhen I did it three times over and over again and then two modded playthroughsas well again and again it was still fun but it reaches to a point that there'snothing much to do but what makes the game more excitingcompared to other games is that the map for this game is procedural so everytime you start a new game it's a different exploration because again themap is different which is a good thingoh [ __ ] all right you warned me too late I couldn't see it because of the salehold on let me back up come onthere we go we're good uh how are so damage okay we're good itcan hold I'm really excited when uh I'm really really excited for the new shipsthey promised us new ships it's a part it's part of the it's part of the roadmap was that c and methat's the name of the road map the sea and me yeah I think I saw thatthe the updated roadmap not the original one not the first one that they promisedthe updated one and I think they will allow us to putsome you know designs already on the boatmaybe uh able to put some Shields at the side of the boat like a realViking you think we can defeat the the boss nowor the missland I think we still need to get the newarmor or New Gear huh if ever there is and maybe magic maybe magic is already arequirement yep ah man we go Pew peel no more one bamI don't know let's see uh you weren't too late what kind of afirst mate are you you are a first mate there's no one elsehere I'm the captain you're the first mate so keep an eye outis I couldn't see it because of the sale maybe just positioned it like that yes sir just like now we are parking oneof the games that we really love bone and Exiles because again something isgoing on and we have to park it wait for the devs to fix it or you knowbreak it more or fix it before we play again and it's always good to start you knowtrying to trying to discover different gamessurvival MMO RPG FPS there's a lot of games out there especially now that uhit's the Black Friday sale oh there's a lot of games on sale in Steamdo you see juicy juicy the only problem is money well we already bought cyberpunkuh I bought God of War and then I bought us also it takes two Idon't know if you guys are familiar with the game it takes twothe game is basically the title itself it takes two it's like there should betwo players and I think uh you need to work together good luck they said it's a good it's agood game for couples but I think it's a bad idea for me and us we're just gonnafight oh what the hell what the hellwhat is that I don't know probably how are we doing how are wedoing how are we doing she's almost halfokay we're good see thatit should be very obvious that it's the missed landbecause of the Mists in the trees look at the maplook at the island it's so beautifully made it's justcrazily dark hello Saya what's up what's up what's uphow are you doing uh you want me to enter here okay okay okay com ing around goingaround going around going around no oh break we're inside too late we're dead yeah I think uh the the whisp is goingto be our pet and then we can make them follow us and make the Mist explorationbetter I hopeare you sure we can only catch those at nightthat's what it says yeah so I think you need tosneak and then catch them were you sneaking when you were going toThe whis Collector kill that kill that I'm gonna lurk mightfall asleep as well hey Ash make sure that you get a lot of rest right nowokay we will be playing this game for quite a while because of the new releaseso don't worry there will be more valheim swamp love contentoh but this time it's not swamp love it's it's attacking me us please kill it ohdon't story The you are given the gift of bow or feel Qoh [ __ ] I'm wasting my arrows no it's like attack me attack methere we go uh where's the needleit fell the the boat is still not physical I think it's safe to park here us yeah swamp Club forever don't worry Ash which one the right do do you see those two guys okay we can put it here this is a safespot okay let's put the portal on top or hereoh [ __ ] there's a locked here we should just put it on top of us herehere there's a flat surface here we just have to worry about mosquito Bunny Hop Bunny Hop don't worrymaybe you forgot I'm the mosquito master the mosquito master it's perfect it's night timecatch some wisp let's go let's go let's go I come from Indonesia welcome we arefrom the Philippines we are just Neighborsenjoyed the show I hope oh [ __ ] no no no snake snake snake snake oh will we know I don't know howthe mechanic for this one oh thank you so much for the sub hold on it says the Wisp are coming you got it you got it you got onedrop it drop it I want to see it hold on why am I why am I walkinghere uh what does it do what did I crapwhat what did he unlock I mean uh where do I craft it hold on in thebench Artisan okay going to The Artisan uh I don't see it in the artisan so workbench hold on work but still here you get another oneokay wisp light oh we need silver oh this isthe light off this is the light this is what we need silver this onebefore hey this is a very important Discoveryus hey you have four you got the four withyou that's tin I got two more oh it's focus focus Idon't I don't see here thank youyeah I don't see silver I don't see it can you just drop it oh [ __ ] it looks like a tin barwhat the hell I'm blind I'm blind I'm old I'm tired so so when we were complaining thatthere should be something that could help us with the with the darkness thisis it how do I flip it oh no it will why why do I have to choose between the beltand this far right second row thank you thank youthank you I was just blind I'm senile okay I'm Gonna Leave This one here so wedon't really have to put it in the likein the woods or I don't even think we need to reallywait at night I'm not sure we have to observewe have to we have to wait okay okay okay oh [ __ ] sorry gotta be honest gotta be honest with youguys this this kind of content where a wisp is actually following you aroundit's one of the mods and I really appreciate that Iron Gate has decided toadapt some of the mods that will make this game greatthat's that's really smart that's really smart right there foreign yeahthey should add backpacks oh I tell you if ever they will start adapting fromthe mods there should be bags that will give you more encumbrance and more youknow more slotwe're actually still waiting for the body armor separate windowbut then again we have to keep in mind that this is an early access that's whyI've been telling you guys earlier my personal takeabout this game and that's after thousands almost 2 000 hours of playtime there's no problem with the game the game is really awesome the game hasa potential you know has the potential of being a juggernaut in the future it'sjust the progress is freaking slow that's the only pro blem but then againthe game is awesome no problem with that let's go let's go to sleep so that wecan go back to the missland it's a bad idea tooyou know to go there at night trust me there will be bags there willbe more additional you know content to this game they have they have the moneythe money is not the problem for this game they have the moneyit's just it so happened that the Early Access wasreleased when kovid was still you know hitting globally that's oneum people were expecting that they're going to to make it likethey're expecting people are expecting for the content to be faster after covidsubsided but maybe you know for some of the reasons and maybe they'reyou know maybe they're able to catch up nowon what they're actually trying to get and what's missingum when people were like including me complaining about the slow progress ofthe content but maybe now they're already okay hopefully hopefully becauseI really like this game I'm actually I'm actually hoping likeI'm having this wishful thinking thatthe play the the gameplay the gameplay of valheim will have the graphics ofFrozen flame can you imagine Frozen flame graphics with valheim gameplaythat would be amazing but I know that's not gonna be easy to to doto transition from one engine to another from Unity toum Unreal Engine maybe valheim 2 something like that who knows right whofreaking knows I'm really excited for this game hey something is trying to destroysomething I'm going to the main pool where are you what the heckyou didn't wait for me son of a gun she's already aheadI did not wait for you[Laughter] crazy lady who kill themwe have no choice kill them kill them gonna kill it or else they're gonnadestroy it well we will not lose anything anyways butI hope there's a new ball I don't really want to use MagicI wanna use regular bows and regular melee weaponand more meat there's another way to actually fightthis guy I'll show you guys hold on us I'm gonna show themdo n't kill it yet there's an easier way to actually fightthis guy oh the wistful point the enemy somethingno yes all donecome here Loxy let me kill you the old-fashioned way oh he's trying to escape go kill it no no period Parry it first hold on waitthere go there because your damage is higher when you parry them okay you takecare of that I'll take care of the other oneare we keeping the head okay then throw it away here uh can we make a campfire so that we canheal faster uh hold on I'll take care of itI'll take care of that campfire no the campfire doesn't need acrafting station oh [ __ ] okay let me justget word no no I'm I have another mission madam oh this is not the same as artin this game if there's no rule for the for thefor the campfire it's there we go there I rememberyeah I forgot what the hell uh change your buff toyeah go go gonna make herI'm gonna make a makeshift choo choo hold onchoo choo so that it wouldn't two two one two two two it wouldn't put off thef ire God I miss uhbuilding in this game okay now it's sunny and brightforeign yes ma'am oh yeahnow we can oh yeah that's awesomethat's a top engineering right there okay let's go yeah what's up so that portal is gonna be thereor Reva okay going goingwe're going into the Miz it's like horror story horror moviewe're going into the Mist somewhatI have the can you bring the can you go home and get the pick I have the hatchetwith me is it called Hatchet in this gameI have black metal Acts there is no black metal pick rememberit's just iron a lot I think the black metal Hatchet or axcan cut the uh you knowthe Fallen Tree of Life branchesI'm going to clear the idiotsthey're just catch up hey idiotsI'm here I have a whisp I'm stronger now pickaxeuh make one just make one wait what are you kidding huh [Music] that's it so this Hatchet is going to beof use okay uh I'm going in oh no I'll wait for you so we were wrong to go here earlierright away without the Wisp so we were alre ady in the rightdirection when we decided to kill the aglet first uh what does the whisp do anyway I thinkit will help us with the Mist so that we can see betterno we're not singing going there we're swimmingokay the lag is real for solo gameplayI'm not sure if it's worth making aa server for this but let's seeI'm actually planning to get a server for this one again once it's fullyreleased that's my plan because we um I want to play it from thevery beginning once it's fully released without a problemand usually there's a lot of problem when you're playing it in Solo modeit's not letting me pick up the things yeah um I think that's uh still a bug Ineed you to take note of that so that we can give it as a feedbacklook at the Mist the Mist is the Mist is movingaway if we have the Wisp no bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunnyyou're the one he killed the bunny yeah it is cool look the Mist is movingguys if you have the the Wisp no problemnavigating do you still have yourfire resist us because that thing that vomits lavathat's a pain oh this one you can mine this it doesn'tshow anything when you hover it doesn't show anything ah you cheated you watched the videosokay hold on uh where do where's egress Hill again odd the shoot not the not the actualBranch where is it the shootwhere whatthis one the shoot oh here oh yeah wait what's up are they sayinguh I need to climb up hold on the physics the physics in this game isactually really cool oh my God I'm loving the new contentafter three hours of grinding we found what we're looking forthese were idiots we did not prepare for this [ __ ]it came as a surprise I wasn't supposedly gonna stream today but whenthey said the public test is out I couldn't resist man I have to do it oh[ __ ] someone is laughing okay should we go home and make the thepick foreignI have five how many do we need for the pick I hope there's a black metal spear isthere a black metal spear or the marble sphere is this for weap onor just for building okay let's find a shoot oh a big shoot[ __ ] that scared me so this whole thing that we're actuallystepping on right now this is the aggressil branchand then we're just getting the shoot that's a bigger shoot by the way what is this oh what's up hey don't fight me sirwe saw one star don't don't mess with himhe looks like haldor though he looks funny I think they're cousins of haldor uh we're just chopping trees sir untilnext time what do you mean we're just here freaking idiotsidiot ohdoor haldor one I don't know halder two and three there's like a one star guy I think he'sgonna mess up mess us up if ever we he tried to fight them uh another shoot please yeah II wanna see that thing that thatwas floating earlier try it for the new content we're gonnadie there's nothing new that's pretty sure if we fight those guys without thenew gear we're gonna die we need to get magic first to bestronger new armor New Gear to be strong such a new volume if they ar e able to create this type ofcontent in the new biomes then I'm expecting a lot more when theyare already doing the the ashlands and deep North I'm about to get encumbered rememberwith overbelt where is it hold all done let's let's get this let'sget this let's get this yeah it's a very small shoot there we go oh it's like asapling or something oh what is thatwhat the [ __ ] hey hey hey uh what they use what do Iuse spear [ __ ] what was thatit's a tick he's a big ass tickis Oz your wife um I think so yeah oh this is my partner oh [ __ ] it's disgusting blood clot it's like the leech when they die holy crap it's the other birdwhat's up mooning he's the he's the good guy right reallyhis eyes are red that's why he's the bad one you know you know who are the Newtonsright the ice guys who gets brother oh yeah oh newberries so it means we're gonna see the theHilton hymers here the yotins the thebrothers and sisters of Loki pick their bones and break their domes[Music] who can is still being an idiot eversince it start you know this game started hugin is always likeidiotic in some ways okay then let's go home make the pickso that we can get those marbles and whatever it gives but I thought I'mgonna get more wood I still I think I can still bring more because when I picked up the materialearlier it unloaded like it unlocked a lot hell heythere's a moo moo mammal yeah when I was complaining about thefog earlier or the Mist earlier and I have been saying that there shouldbe something that we can use to to make navigation better knowing the the devsof this game they have already thought of that above I think I can see bugsdown here oh like bugs that we need to report or bugs bugs huge bugs like uhget the wood here horse come down to me okayhold on should I shoot them they they're not that tanky if you useum needlers um there are some things that you needto pick up but I can't hold on you bring this I need to unlocksomething I know that's just a re gular wood I'm leaving that behind um what did I get I gothow do you pronounce this carapace oh it's uh it's chickenlaughs it's it's chitin it's a different typeof chitin so maybe armor or weapon oh let's go home let's crap this [ __ ] oh my God I am getting excited aboutthis game again it's it's already good for a public testversion so far so good no no deal breaker justthe just the fish that you cannot pickthat's the only problem for example I use my vanilla playthrough mod for more weight how much skills levels you have yeahum we also used that when we played our modded versionum the more skills you have your encumbrance also um automaticallyincreases hold on where was itwe are going further I think we're going the other way they should have added all don't worryI think they have already that in mind uh I'm just going for now but he's afteryou yeah I'm just going for now so that I cannot fight with a Mist even thoughthere's a wisp already it's always smart to fight wh ere you cansee everything mother effersit still hasn't changed that Skittles are so freaking painful unless you arewearing the the root armor if you're wearing the root armor these guys arenothing these guys are likeyou like toothless babies if you are wearing the the root armorthe bad thing about the root armor is that the armor value is not that highand also it's so weak to um fire damage and it seems that thisplace is a lot of fire damage in it so yeah but one sweet Chandelier foreign can you get the needles we need thoseum it's so good againstit's so good against the uh the bug now we don't have to have any problemroaming around the map at night because of this thing with me babywhere are you I don't see you where's the portal I forgot toMark the portal is is it this island oh yes it is I see the boat uh yeah no [ __ ] how can you be rested ifyou're surrounded by a lot of things that could kill you let's bring thatlet's bring everything that's new new materialuh uh uh you bring the rabbit meat I'll bringthis one what the heck this one is the Verger Verger trophy no that's atrophy trophy hair trophy the the scale hide I have a feeling thisis gonna be an armor just a feelingokay let's go let's see what we havelet's see what we can crack going home I'm not going in there there's likesomething giggling in there oh oh no the copper scrap it cannot beteleported oh yes sir what's up you want to fightokay let's do let's do this let me kill this [ __ ] here sirhey hit me there you go how do you like that huhhow do you like them apples hurry up I cannot TP with thatVerger extractor looks like a perfect piece of piercing somethingI hope that's like uh a new spear material piercingall right hiwhat oh no the black metal [ __ ] it oh crap uh I used to I used to remember when wewhen we played this I think the second timethe second time and then we discovered the fastest way toto get iron scrap iron from from the swamp we'vebeen hauling iron sc raps from one Island to another using the boat because wenever we never want to make the tweaks where you can TP with with the oars itwas a lot of fun because the serpents are all over the place andwe used to travel like blue balls we're still with us that timethere were actually three main players of this game it's just he moved onforeign he just finished the story of the gameand he moved on but I bet he's gonna play again oncethis game is complete oh someone's crafting secretlyokay I thought you were crafting already okay let's seewhat's unlocked [Music] okay nothing newI think it's in the Orange where are you where are you black metal pickaxe are you making it oh nothing new with the weapons yet so Ithink we really need to get that marble thingyokay uh can we free up like a container hereokay I think we need more containers hold on oh us we can make a hair rug I think that's gonna look really good um I need two tars and six black metaldo we have that do we still have t ars hmm where oh there's a lot okay yes sir got it we're making a new crate for the newdrop so that we will not be confusedI need what was that again this one making the damn thing did we already collect all the blackMetals in this game every time every time we we're done wekind of like remove the BM right BM black metalokay yes ma'am craft me the pick and you yeswhat do we need to upgrade it just black metal uh there's a lot of Exile wood here Igot 27. I think it's start to it's time to start smeltingoh no there's still a lot but it couldn't turn we have holes rightwhat are the coals oh no I think we need to oh [ __ ] there's heatthere's a lot of goals here I'm so old all right Blast Furnace Blast Me Baby foreign right next to the furnace oh just 10.oh I forgot that this game if you're encumbered you are encumbered like notable to move thank you what's up Anthonyour our wolves have weird names can you still remember why that happened are those our viewers before when we d idthe Stream uh okay that's why those names arefamiliar we got we got Adam[Music] we got Anthony643 days are you kidding me this world has been running for ever it's there 643 days blot and addiction geekirogeekiro is here laughsget out your hero get out who looks cool uh uh I think there's no need to make needle arrows I think there's a lot ofneedle arrows in the noob base you have to hold on I think the maximum level isthree chainsoh my God it's so hard the trace where to find those things that's like a yearago I was just it's just the same story as the totem earlierif we if I can find those totems like in one place I'm gonna be so madinstead of being happy I'm gonna be so madbecause I had to admin spawn those things earlier I hate doing that but Ihad to just to continue with the content because I know you guys were waiting forthe missed length sap extractorthe hell is that why am I here again oh yeah I'm bringing all the arrows I'm just going back there really quickbecause I will get the original extractor cannot be teleportedyeah no how many do you need you need to ship it backor we can just build it there yeah we can just build it there what thehell so we need an outpost near the missland no you said you have to craft somethingout of that where can you where can you craft itno what stage what station are you gonna use to craft it handcrafted thesestations just cracked it there but we need a black metalso we need a blast furnace in there what do we need for a blast furnaceI think we need metal also for we need an outpost in that locationholy [ __ ] hold on last furnacebecause there's a lot of goons in there it should not be a problem uh Blast Furnace Building blast furnacecrafting Glasper here it needs iron[ __ ] yeah what's up let's just go there I'm confused what doyou mean okay so we haveeverything that we need byewhy is this pig here a pig with no namehold on I'mI'm putting back the locksmith the dragon tier can be teleporte d yeah fish wraps we need to be smart with our foodI think we have to really eat Lock's meat and you know serpents to alreadylike the good good food I think it's timeenough with the you know lousy ass sausage maybe that's just you know home food ifyou are building here in the base but I love the silver sword I don't use silverswords for some reason I don't like the swordin this game I'm a spear guy and a bow guyand a maze guy the rabbit right can you check at least more use for the black metal because before once we are done creatingour you know added thing you know padded is not even using black metal it's usingiron I don't have any new recipe yet for nowprobably we still need to grab something more okay all right let's goit's morning it's perfect I'm going I'm leaving youoh uh rested rested remember when I asked you Oz that there's a video thatshows full rested yeahwe have to work on that in our mid hole so I think uh if I encounter a tickagain that freaking tick I'm g oing to use the sledgehammer against the tickit's so hard to hit with uh with the spear the sledgehammer is really cool I the bad thing about the sledgehammeris that you can only make it if you found haldor and also Mew Mew the frostner the locks are oh they're huge the babylockses are already huge usand they going crazy they're destroying the wall uh I feel like a noob again in themissed lens well I think it's always like that everytime there's a new biome and trust me there's a lot of people outthere who's gonna create like a content for the guide again for the misland butit's too soon now hey [ __ ] you pushed me backyou were on my head and you pushed me back where I walked through it I think yeah you were on my head hold on if there's fire in frontI was trying to avoid the fire wait for me um I want to park thethe ship nearby but this is a big spawn area fortalking about big this fish cannot be pickedyeah it's tight it's pretty sad yeah okay we're gonna try and mine th e marbleyou said we can get something that we can make metal out of what was thatoh crap bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunnybunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunny bunnybunny bunny bunny okay let's explore the damn thingit's a very big missland okay you're dead is it dead I'm going the other side you said marble right where's the marble this one foreignoh it is working there should be a promptmortar and thistle black marble I think it's building what was that sound hold on what doesn't sound oh they'refighting the cousins of aldor hold onoh it's these guys oh they're weak they'reweak hold on what am I using I'm using woodArrow what the hell go yes go awaythere we go it exploded uh what the hell is thatew I unlocked a lot but I don't knowif it's a weapon or new building pieces yeah it's nearly piecesmine it mine it [Music] thrown earlier like you can make athrone out of Marvel oh new builds us[Music] oh my God this thing is hard [Music]broke the the first one easily [Music]are we going to be getting better pick the best pick doesn't seem like it there we go uh we're gonna ignore the rabbit for now oh my God it yields so few pieces did you see the HP of that bug afterfinding haldor's cousins it's like it's like 30 percent[Music] oh my God this this thing is hard[Music] thank you[Music] um when I grabbed my hammer earlierit actually show the HP missing required crafting station Ithink we can I think it's a stone cutteroh so I think this is a building piece us that we're trying to destroyah oh my God they died there it's themI got their gold the poor guys aldor's cousins they arenot poor they are rich look at those gold you gotthis one this is where we place I think the sap extractor yeah but I think youneed to create the sap extractor first yeah and in order for you to do that wehave a we need to have like blast furnace in the area if we drive it back homehey what is that it's a bufferokay the hell it looks awfulit looks like it's d angerous oh my Godis it is it weird to say that this Gloomy place looks awesome oh this place is awesome good job devs what the hellwhat the hell is that something'slike a mosquitobut just stuck all the blood out of somethingwhat is that whatimportant we have no it's okaywe're just exploring if we die I don't think there's likepoison or cold or something we can just Sprint going back toour loot can we mine this the water looks scary thoughyeah there should be a prompt if this if it's something that you can mineif it's a node if it's a node for black marblebecause it seems that we were trying to destroy a building piece earlier um I think that's the place where wewent earlier oh no look at the map it's a new placeyeah yeah you really need to have like a verygood jump skill and swimming skill to survive thisokay I'm going going uh uh what do you mean in the water I'm here with themLogan is here Morgan is here you have happened up on an outpost of aforlorn Verger Clans l ong sin separated from their kin andNeda villier nether villier sounds familiartrapped here they still toil expecting reprieve that will never come it's a sadfate ah so they're trapped here to diethey're waiting for a rescue or something sorry dudeswe shouldn't touch their marble right oh [ __ ] I accidentally looted the oneson the ground oh they're they're cool they're okay howabout this one no no II cannot actually loot itI can oh reallyoh no you think we're gonna die if we try and kill them up no guts no glory and then and then I'm gonna run here andyou're gonna run there I am pretty sure they are Elementals okay I'm shooting this guy ow ow sir oh they hurt a lot but they can I canmanage I'm taking care of whatever is left hereOz then don't get hit by the magic teasethem oh my god oh [ __ ]hey I'm alone just come back here and then bring a portal from from theship odor painful ohyes the skill points I have to take care of the skill points oh [ __ ] what was thatwhat skill was that [ __ ] you had a skill or something oh I'm gonna die well at least we triedholy [ __ ] they hurt okay I'm gonna wait until they come downuh let's just wait until they come down is it a good idea to bring the rootarmor [ __ ] what was that okay I hear something big the big one the one that vomited fire what kind of thick floats and vomitsfire alien tick they are fighting makeup make a wish isvery easy there should be another whisk it'snighttime I think they're fighting someoneor something I killed two of them and I want to getwhatever loot they drop I think they have already come down uh they're fighting really hugesomething really huge oh he's still mad at meoh no they're fighting something help us wisp come in thereyou chew I got some marbles and gold oh they're rich I got some copper scrap alsofrom them I don't think they have already comedown yeah they still hate meno no sir no I'm innocent I didn't doanything oh [ __ ] oh I got hit hard and fight hereow I killed one but I'm about to die I'm like fighting themlike doing hide and seek kind of thing who it helps oh they hurt it's like meeting thethe Goblins for the first time us hold onmaybe I could kill them all okay they stagger and that's the timethat you can hit them petrified bone there's like a petrifiedbone in the middle all done all done I'll go back for youafter I kill these guys don't worry okay I think I killed all of themthere's like a petrified bone and I think we can farm this all doneare they all dead because they might get angry when I minethis right yesyes you can mine it this this one gives the marble thePetrified bone and soft tissue oh my God is this thehead of a giant okay I need you here I'll go backum hold on yep it's clear I'll go back where are you I'll go back for you it's like a head of a giantso you get the marble from the skull and then you get the brain it's a softtissue it's a little eel right ancient armor just stay where you are don't t ry again[Music] oh this is what you were talking aboutancient armor yo by wolves is it red oh yesoh [ __ ] I have my own problem hold on all done guys are nothing yeah we need thoseneedle arrows like a lot this is what the needlearrows is for okay I'm going already encumbereduh do you see the Monster attacking you okay yeah let me go[Music] petrified bone[ __ ] oh no I couldn't loot anymore such a waste I'm nearby [Music] my God this TerrainI hate it and love it at the same time I hate it because you need a lot ofstamina navigating I love it also because of how beautifulit was made I'm going in can you see mewhat's this scale High foreign [Music] MaybeI haven't seen or heard of that event beforethey sought you out um I got a lot of stuffput it here uh why the black marble can bewhat you may call this um it can be teleported What's Up Ja but uh what do you meanBots foreign oh no I can bring this home hold on let me just bring this homefirst oh the the girls XYZ somethi ng oh yeahsponsored by YouTube doesn't matter how many times you reportthat thing it still keeps coming back they keep on coming back sponsored well it's a good thing that there's alot to do in the missed lens good to know and then putting more challenge I likeit there new stuff uh uh quite annoying yesthey are you see them in every YouTube live yeah I don't know why they are notable to stop that thing so that's why we are under the impression that it mightbe YouTube gazillion times reported it the same[ __ ] I don't know if they're doing anythingabout it that's the only thing I know I'm just getting buffed tombstones don't despawn in behind itstays there forever if I'm not mistaken yeah [Music] coming I'm coming I'm coming I hear giggling let's go there's a fish why what's up um do you have the materials with youokay I'll just get weird along the way what's the name of the portal unused okay do you have the yaglith buff they hit pretty hard um but the good thing is once youonce you hit them with um the needle Arrow they have thetendency to stagger so you can just shoot them pew pewuh 10 right 10.oh I forgot oh [ __ ] what was that glitch the glitch in The Matrixand regular wood there we goare we defined yeah I forgot I forgot I forgot sorrylet's go when I bring the wood herethere because we need to farm that skullwe're talking talking about skulls okay come here skeletons I have theperfect weapon for you who exploded now [ __ ] you just exploded sir [Music]actually actually they're so weak againstum uh like snow or old damage so if you use frostner against theseguys they're gonna freeze like so slow especially if you have Frost arrows theycannot even get close to you but maybe it's another another plan foranother day no one knows what hold on okay jump jump up like a bunny now that you think about it like we wereidiots hitting on that building building piece that's why it was so hard to farm it was not the source of the main sourceof mar ble come here just come here okay swim there are no sea monsters so you shouldbe good [Music] going back going back going back that'sa that's it swims why what do you mean oh [ __ ] I'm out of stamina I'm gonna diehold on hold on or notI just have to run it's so freaking painful and tanky the weakness is in the butt yeah how amI supposed to kill this one hold on oh the butt I poisoned the buttshow me your butt open your butt heyhe's hiding his butt okay no he's smart he has big brains oh [ __ ] am I obligated to kill this guy I have another problem let's take it oneat a time yeah get your stuff and then help meyes I don't think if they I don't thinkthings respond here just like the you know The Village guy is mean ow okayah there should be a better way to fight this guy uh the ballista if I'm not mistakenballista is like on the ground yeah there should be a weapon that thisthing is weak too but Oz said it's weak in the butt somaybe if I can go around ish y'all gone let me Parry this guy can I Parry thisguy let's see ow okay again sirI can no you're dead oh it's the same as thelocks I am wait they respond I'm goingoh my God that was a good monster wait for me I'm already coming oh [ __ ] the floating thing the floating thing I told you to wait for me I told you to wait for me I don'tunderstand why you couldn't wait I was fighting someone here I'll fetch you just wait for me foreignI have no choice but to fight it but this one I think I have to run fornow okay so the take it's a good idea tohave the hammer you're fighting the tick the small one thoughthe big tick I don't know how to find thatanother day another problem I didn't even observe if it's yellow orgray or white when I was fighting that thing these things are aliens oh it doesn't go out of the Mistokay oh [ __ ] it's here is it still chasing me nopeit's still chasing me um us watch out the the giant tick is chasing methe floating one wait for me though let's go theretogether I'm j ust trying to lose this guy oh you're up you're upyeah yeah and see you can you see the floating thinglet's go let's go let's go come here uh you got out with a T9 Knight uh imperious Knight is not a T9 I think it's a master for Golden raceit looks like the budget yogg I think it's a big tick it's pretty much alienhere this one with your right bone that's what we uh mined for Marvel[ __ ] that sound he's nearby okay um it's quite slow though you can easilylose it but I'm just wondering oh now I understand what the ballista is for usor that dude yeah but we need to lure him somewhere he'squite slow so we need to lure him somewhere webuild a Ballista that's just a theory and then you Pewhim with a Ballista or maybe there's something bigger inthis place that we need to fight what careful carefulcareful careful go away go away go awayI will fight this one I have armor I just need staminaum I think we need to consider making stamina potion hold on come to me cometo me come to me I'm killing it the armor is holdingthe stamina is the problem I'm already arrestedbut he's chasing youokay I got I got him got him can we come here your gear should be here the Mist makes it scary I think itshould be because it's uh it's after it's it's after planes andplanes is already scary as it is it has to be more difficultso that only makes sense that this one will challenge you more which is reallyreally good I like it don't hurry up recover your stamina first there'snothing killing you you're there okay there we go all right soum recover and then we will mine this youknow head right here I still cannot open the box earlier on hold onthe ward I just [ __ ] I destroyed the BoxI got the the extractor can we make this our base if they don't respond right we can make the portal here um am I encumberednope should we break these therewhat are these soft issue can you make uh the simple box are you readyready and then let's make the portalI don't think they will res pond no that's okay that's okaywe're getting used to the key bindings again ohoh so we need to find a big visit here for the next boss rightand we need to collect trophies there's a dungeon here what what the hell is a royal jelly hey no barking no barkingme no moregood boy good boy good boygood boy umplatform for the portal come here more wood hereregular wood that one also gives you a regular wood good boy good boy that's enough foreign no need to bark you're a good boyokay behave uh just tell me if you need more wood Ithink we can destroy the the fence or the wall oh yeah herehere's your light there where's your wisp by the way ah you were using a beltokay foreignbox spinoid right here Box FurnitureI need we can pretty much use this as our baseif they don't respond though if if they don't respond not base but an outpost sorry you have a feeling they will respond okay that's good then that's good find whathere here there I'm trying to make a regular box I just need 10 wood oh metal scraps [ __ ] no more inventory okaywe need that wood foreign there's a lot of fine woodyep I got the box oh yeah I'm just gonna put the box here oh yesfinally oh no uh I'm bringing them later just gonna get those scrapsright there uh I got a lantern us here check it outlook look what you can do with it oh you'reholding it you're holding ithow yeah I know but why are you holding it Iwas not holding it earlier can you give it back to me I it automatically got to your hot barhold on hehe look at me I think we can place thishere oh I'm keeping this I'm keeping that and thenI'm mining this I'm miningsafe mining no one's gonna kill me here I wonder what these things are forespecially the one that says soft tissue I'm really wondering what that onewhat that one is for for more uh for new food I thinkagainst the giant pick oh there's a lot of new content for thisgame foreign [Music] [Music] my mining don't mind meI'm mining don't mind me [Music] oh we're gettin g a lot[Music] [Music]Mark Donovan what's up [Music]um hi for all the new things when it's done being testeduh being tested on test server I'd be played this great game so damnhardcore yeah there's a lot of new additions[Music] so far so far it's going great I lovethe grind I love the new stuff I love how difficult the Miss lens isso yeah now I'm getting more excited for Ashlandand deep North wonder what's you know I'm wonderingwhat's the plan or Ashland and deep North[Music] [Music] you were in twitch earlier and nowyou're in YouTube yeah why not thank you thank you it's a lot of new stuff I'm just mininghere God this this call and this brain isfreaking thick Goldie gold I'm so excited getting you know gettinggold I don't even know if there are new stuff that we can buy from the merchanthopefully there's a you know a bunch of stuff that we can buy from the merchantnot just the belt and uh what you might call thisthe circlet foreign that's what she said I have to clea r thisum there's a lot of new building pieces because of thisso let me let me show you I haven't also checked it thoroughlyso because of the black marble you can create a throne it looks really amazingyou can make a bench amazing a table oh my goodness these are new stuff hmm I'm wondering what the soft tissue isfor you know for food soft tissues like the marrow or thegreen for this one [Music]because this is like petrified it's a petrified boneso the Petrified bone is the source for marbleand then the soft tissue 645 days why notthe soft tissue is like the marrow of the bone disgusting bird you knowit makes you wonder what it's for youcan make new table a new throne in a new bench I'm gonna try making that at home uh I'm gonna show you don't worrythe rabbit is going crazy uh what do you mean no it unlocks whenyou get the Marvel [Music] did you already pick up the marble you need a stone cutter with it andcopper that's a table the bench is again copperand stone cutter s o we will need copper againand for the throne it's the scale High deer High copperyeah yeah yeah crafting bench no no furniture bench um I'm not sure if there's gonna beanother crafting bench I think it will be in the uh Artisan table because that's where the the the missilecame out for the Ballista oh my GodI remember the grind that I had to do in umevery Crypt just to get here and in this gameoh a lot heredid you already figure out what the soft tissue is forI think it's uh something that you can grind in the mortar and PistolI don't know oh no it's just an upgrade right it'snot a separate bench the mortar and Pistol so it means cooking[Music] boom I thought that I will be able to finishthe content for Miss Lance in one stream I'm so freaking wrong I underestimatedum Iron Gate sorry Iron Gate I thought thisis just a lousy addition but I could not be happier to be wrong it's a huge additionwell it's a it's a whole volume it's it's different from the disappointingyou k now cave in the snow volume uh I forgot us can you TP in this gamewhile encumber okay it's yes you can't move anymore onceyou're out of stamina oh no almost there huhthere's a new drug effect okay whya lot of fire resist why the the floating thing uh the floatingthick [ __ ] why am I herethe people actually yeah the the crossbow that theyuse is not really that painful but the fire was painfulthe magic yeah the fireball guy but I kind of felt that actually when Iwas shooting them because I remember haldor but they have to be killed they're sopainful to know if uh we're ready or not they don't actually drop anything goodjust coins ah from the bonethe marble if you mind yes I actually triedand then the attack all right it's time to see the tablethe the benchand the throne it's timenow let's see I'm gonna try and see how it looksoh you're not supposed to be here these are new thingiesit's supposed to be in the other box not yet I'm not even supposed to stream todayrememb er I'm just gonna try and build thesethings first okayum I wish I still have copper pleaseoh no I smelted all the pepper I thinkI only have three oh nooh no we have a lot of iron though hold on wecan dismantle bronze right if I'm not mistakenI think you can if I remember correctly there is a reverse engineering in thisgame let me see oh nowas that in the mud where you can dismantle it all right I have three coppers though soI think I can make hold on we are near the Dark Forest let's have the belt onand then I will make the stone cutter here so thatyou want me to put it inside right away the new piecesI think I can only make I can only make one for nowI will make the black table I'm gonna bring it insidehold on what do I need againum I just need six black marbles okay oh I need sixoh yeah let's do this come here Oz I'll show you yeah let's see if this is oh no it'svery tiny let's just put it here in my stationit's freaking cute look missing requirement whatoh no the re's no stone cutter here hold onidiot okay come on come home baby I think it's a there's athere's a guy here um I don't know what his name is butAnthony here here boom [Music]you can put food in there or it's good for the guest rooms huh all right let me get some copperreal quick uh I think I need eight poppers so thatwe can check what the others uh look likeand I need torun for a bit oh no they destroyed the trees herefreaking loxes man I think it's a bad idea that we broughtthe luxes here oh [ __ ]sorry yeah they broke the fences why is this guy hereAh that's why the Goblins are here you're trying to fight the goblins freaking goblins [Music] I hope we can find some nodes what was it the dogs are going crazy they're fighting it's a burial chamberhello sir I'm just looking for copper just oh here proper note teeny tinybit of the copper node don't mind me oh [ __ ]said don't mind me you bore I think the magic is late gamejust have to wait poison me all you wantyou can 't do anything okay you guys are just gonna be annoyingresponding again and again I'm gonna destroy your home oh yeahthis this is this your home thisokay what what now huh what great works an idiots hey uhthrow that um that and that popper it's so easy to get copper when you havea black not black metal black metal pickaxe here[Music] oh they're really mad you mad boy come here[Music] youare annoying uhlet's make this trip worth it let's get one stack why are you guys here uh goblins they're all over the place already skeletons are also here[Music] the English ow well their damage don't mean anythinganymore so which is good we're pretty strong against uh othervolumes but in Miss lands for [ __ ]gonna eat this alive in there [Music] okay almost there seven more meat okay so copper copper grind again huh andthen late game foreign for copper somehow once you're alreadyin the late game somehownot totally one snack once thattwo more two more here we go one more one moreand we're good question mark we're good all right I'm going home [Music]um I will give you a very tough assignmentus kill themyou have the butcher's knife kill them or we can place them somewheremaybe we can just let them out here in the fieldthey will survive anyways rather than killing them at least theyhave full control of their life rather than just killing themwe will give them a chance we will let them out I will let them out later because if weyeah there we go if we let them staythey're gonna destroy everything the wolves are fine though screw youscrew you hey umthis andwe put hopper in the blast furnace I forgotnow you cannot just black metal kinda crazy right because the blastfurnace is more powerful so they're supposed to be like able tosmelt anything Hey Zoe where are you going oh my GodJoey just jump into the ocean he jumped she jumped I mean he's dead he was running around okay we can get more copperand we can make the throne so the throw needs 20 and then rab bit hide20 and then rabbit I boomcan I just put you here nah I will put you somewhere you too the obliterator I think I forgot and then deer hide and then five poppersdo we have deer hide here oh [ __ ] ah there isbut I don't think that's enough hey the trash here needs to go to theoblate terrato trash crash obliterate hmmsome oh Zoe came back she he was just jumpingand having fun in the ocean yeah he came back here he's all wetthough hey time for the throne he and we will put the throne hereoh Oz it looks awesome the throne look boomoh or a kingall right the next one is the banshee it'sa very cute bed well done uh-huhuh-huh oh yeshahaha I am so excited with the new buildingpieces can you imagine[Music] how your base is gonna look likeif you have marble pieces like this oh OS column round columnoh this is not for small bases or for small builds us this islike for like castles [ __ ] maybe oh there's a small one though thesame size as you have uh what you have herei t's circular already that's nice oh yeahI'm just saying that it's the same sign foreign it's good to have the Wisp you knowfollowing you all the time and all I said you can only see thewhisp come oh yeah there are two ah they just comeat night 100 confirmed you just have to sneakthough right you said is they will fly away grab themum I got one so just Spam right there we goI got three more [Music]I hope we can use something else for this so so far these are the new materialsthat we got from the missed lands so we got well the torn spirit is frommiyagle so the ones that you're looking at thebottom the bottom row and the second to thebottom these are all from the misslands black marblemandible whatever that is Seeker meatblood clot from the tick uh carapace or karapakke whatever it isscale hide from the the rabbits or the hair and then soft tissue that we don'tknow what Orient most of those items we don't know what they're for yetall right I think this is a good stopping point uh I did not actuallyplan for this stream but I think I stream for five hours that's not goodbecause I still have work later on I will continue my progress with thepublic test um tomorrow I will be doing thistomorrow again and see what Miss lens hasto offer what what do you mean there are two againso I'll see you guys tomorrow maybe um I am streaming only after mymy shift because II have a full-time job andum it's not yet my rest day tomorrow so I will be streaming the same time butThursdays and Fridays I will be streaming early 3 PM Eastern Standardtime so that's like six hours in difference but I'll see you guys when Isee you thank you so much for being here for those who are still watchingum I hope that this is a good addition for you guys for the misslands becauseum for me in my opinion so far it is a good addition and it's a good challengeit's a good good addition for the game it's substantial and so far there are nodeal breakers um I don't see any bugs or gl itches sofar aside from the fish I think I don't know if that has been going on Ihaven't played valheim for quite some time almost a year I thinkor probably it's intended that you cannot pick up the fish who knows wellsee you guys bye bye for now say bye bye guys bye byebye bye foreign [Music]foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music]foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign[Music] [Music]foreign [Music] [Music]foreign [Music]

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