Golf Clash - EndBringer School

Golf Clash - EndBringer School

entonces esto es una cuña y esto es una cuña y esto, bueno, sigue siendo una cuña pero estoy aquí para decirte por qué este es el cuña que deberías usar al final de este video vas a tener dos métodos por usar el portador final vas a convertir los de rango medio a largo en trae tus tiros y serás ganando más juegos de gira lanza la introducción [Música] está bien chicos, vayamos directo a ello aquí y hablemos de los dos clubes que probablemente se comparen con la mayoría cuando se trata de cuñas y ese es el final portador contra el estoque de acuerdo, tengo un gráfico aquí que nos muestra el comparación entre los dos y realmente lo que veremos cuando llegue para comparar estos dos son tres categorías potencia precisión y guía de bola bien y por qué elijo el portador como yo lo hago cuando se trata de poder you'll see as soon as we unlock the end bringer we get thirty nine in power it takes us until level five to get that kind of power with the rapier okay and then by the time we get the end bringer maxed out we get 44 in power the rapier has only got forty two in power when it's completely maxed out so no question their accuracy okay we unlock the end bringer with seventy accuracy it takes us until level 6 before we can get that kind of accuracy out of the rapier okay and by then you're probably already looking at at least a level three or four in two bringer and you've got more accuracy there by the time you get the end ringer to level five you're getting that ninety five accuracy that you don't see in the rapier until it is completely maxed out okay the ball guide we unlock then bringer with an amazing ball guide with three point six ball guide we don't get that kind of ball guide out of the rapier until level five okay and it upgrades quickly and we get a four-point-oh ball guide out of the rape out of the end bringer at level 4 and a 4 point 2 ball guide at level five that's the magic number really for the end bringer that if you have an end bringer level 5 and you're not using it you need to get it in your bag right now I'm about to give you two methods for using the end bringer to make your shots more effective and if you practice with these you're gonna become a better chipper around the greens and those mid to long range shots ok so let's talk about the two methods that we're gonna use in the videos today method number one okay this is really one that I want you to use especially if you've got that end bringer level 5 okay you're really gonna need that in bringer level 5 the second method is gonna be for you guys that have all the way from 1 to level 8 and bringer but for this one level 5 in ringer is really the magic number this is a method that you can use you don't have to use any apps that's what makes it so awesome ok you don't have to ever punch in any numbers you just need to memorize this chart take a screenshot of this chart right here I'm gonna explain to you what it means okay so when we look at this chart right here ok what we're looking for is we're gonna stretch the target all the way out we're gonna find where max is of our end bringer ok from there we're looking for 4 points we're looking for max we're looking for where 75% is we're looking for where 50% is we're looking for where 25% is okay from there we want to find where are we going to land our end bringer shot when it comes to getting the ball guide to go to the hole ok you can see here in the picture you can see that that the hole is right there about 50% club or so we don't want to land there what we do want to do is land it about 25% and then we want to spin the ball guide to the hole ok because we know if we land at 25% we're gonna adjust 1/2 of the wind so if the wind is 8 we're gonna just four rings the wind is 5 we're gonna adjust two and a half rings the wind is 12 we're gonna adjust six rings ok so always put it at one of those points 25% 50% 75% 100 and they're gonna use the chart there if you're at 50 percent landing the ball you're gonna adjust one half of the wind plus two rings ok so again if our wind is eight we're gonna just four plus two which would be six rings if we're gonna land at 75% in bringer we're just gonna adjust one to one and if we're at max end bringer landing the ball at max spinning it to the hole we're gonna just one to one wind plus three rings okay so it gets a lot when we get up there - max I'm going to show you a couple of videos here show you exactly what we're talking about all right so here we go first thing you stretch your target out to max find out where max and bringer is go you see it in the picture there then we're gonna find in this case we're gonna find 25% we're gonna spend the ball guide to the hole okay from here what we're looking to do here like the chart says is adjust one half of the winds we got five point three wind we're gonna be adjusting two point one to point two rings somewhere right in there so make your adjustment again we've already spun it to the hole we know it's at 25% we pull back we get the ball centered we take our shot in this case we know even great balls have a really good chance with the end bringer we hit it great here it still gets a really nice roll out goes down gets a good roll still hits the pen goes any we get dropped there okay let's look at another one here again spin the ball to the hole find max fine mat stretch it all the way out here we're still gonna look probably we're gonna be landing it still right around 25% club here so we try to find that 25% Club mark we spin the ball to the hole spin it to the hole again we know it's half the wind three point three so we're looking to pull one point seven ish rings right in there try to get one half of the wind so not that many rings here with three point three win but as the wind gets higher we will start noticing it go up when we make our adjustment there we pull back we try to have perfect and guys I'm telling you even great balls will go in using this mess okay get a nice roll out in the whole hey let's check out another one here from a little bit farther out so here we've got the end bringer and looky there where we're already at max okay so we know this in bringer shot here at max we find max we spin it to the hole get that ball guy going through the hole we adjust 5.9 plus 3 rings here so we're gonna be pulling 8 9 this time using the chart we know we're at max we'll make our adjustment we pull back we try to hit perfect it's gonna be a nice roll out here we already know our charts right the the target of the in bringer is so small it can be off even even centimeters or so and it's still gonna get that drop to see we drop this one right on the edge of the dead center we're good alright again stretch your target out always look up look up stretch your target out find where we're gonna aim see there that pins right around 50% there but we're gonna be aiming at 25% so we set it there at 25% we spin it slightly make sure our ball guide goes through the hole there here we've got three point seven wins we already know it's half of the wind okay so we make our adjustment we pull back we got it well back trying to hit perfect no problem guys I'm telling you memorize that chart option one memorize that chart I'm gonna get a lot of drops out of all right so now we're gonna look at the second option this is the option that I personally use in Tour play this is the option that I've gotten the most used to playing with and I've gotten a lot of drops as soon as I learned to play this way guys I'm telling you I've won so many more tour play games because when I get into n bringer range it's exactly that it's the end most of the time I'm gonna make those shots that a lot of the times my opponent will not make so this is the method that I use and this is a method that I do recommend as soon as you unlock the end bringer you can start using this there's gonna be one difference that we'll talk about in a second but here same concept we're gonna stretch the ball guide out we're gonna get that over the top view here we are looking for the pin okay and this is a no-spin end bringer method okay so we're gonna stretch that ball guide out and we're gonna find what percentage of the club the pin is located at okay and again we're gonna apply no spin okay so we find out where the pin is in this case that's probably right around fifty fifty-five percent Club okay we're gonna pull back and we're gonna have no spin we're gonna put the ball guy directly through the hole from here we're gonna just wear that pin was so the right there that pin is that fifty percent so we're gonna put fifty percent on our slider and we're gonna just plus twenty when the shot is flat okay for you guys that have level one through four end bringer you get a little bit less accuracy so I recommend going 15 percent adjustment until you get to level five so you'll just whatever the slider is plus fifteen instead of plus twenty once you get it to five you're gonna just plus twenty and the slider for where the pin is again no spin set your ball guide through the hole make your adjustment type it into your app find that percentage plus twenty and you're good to go if you get a shot that is significantly downhill okay you can add five percent ten percent till you feel comfortable with it you're still gonna be really close you're gonna get a lot of drops off of but if I know I've got one man that shot is definitely more downhill it's not flat I'm gonna just thirty percent I get a shot where I know I'm adjusting uphill onto onto the top of the green up here I'm gonna pull back and adjust +10 instead of plus 20 okay but that plus 20 number is that magic number for whenever I know it's a really flat shot let's take a look at some video of how to use this method in Tour play all right so here we go again we're gonna we're gonna look up we're gonna see where max is okay we're gonna find the pin right there the pins right around mid so it's right around 50% again no spin I want to set the ball guide through the hole now I'm gonna type in 50% slider plus 20 okay whatever number that gives us with 5.8 rings we're gonna we're gonna make our adjustment we're gonna pull back we're gonna try to hit perfect again lots of great balls can drop because the rings are so small great is not one effective the way other clubs will we get this drop right here yeah let's take a look at another one again stretch your target out find where Max's here we're right around 75 percent or so at the pin so we're gonna type in 75 percent to our slider again no spin we want that ball guy going through the hole no spin applied we type in 75 percent slider plus 20 this is pretty flat make our adjustment we try to hit perfect there's our perfect good nice roll out get the drop there you go I'll get another one again real simple stretch your target out stretch your target out here we're looking that pins right around 60% now okay pretty flat ground again no spin get that ball guide going through the hole I'm going to type in 60% slider Plus 23.4 wind here we'll get our adjustment make your adjustment pull back try to hit perfect its money shot guys it's a money shot this works all the way up into higher higher tours I'm going to show you what tour twelve looks like in just a second but it's all the way up it doesn't matter what the wind is you make that adjustment and you got a really good chance if not 90 percent 90 95 percent you're gonna be making these shot so again stretch out to max find where that is now this one's a little bit shorter rolling about 30 percent okay this one might be a little uphill here so you could even take that into account if you wanted to go down to 15 percent if you wanted to go down to 10 if you think it's uphill but again here I'll go ahead and use 20 a 20 percent it's low wind but you make our adjustment type in 30 percent slider plus 20 we pull back we try to hit perfect I think here we even hit great we still get it to drop okay so get it to drop no problem take a look here stretch your target out go all the way to the top stretch out here we're probably 60 70 percent ish as far as where the pin is again we're looking for the pin placement to find our slider and then we go no spin but the ball got through the hole make our adjustment 70 70 75 percent slider 4.3 plus 20 make our adjustment full ball back get it nice and centered hit it perfect ball is gonna be going in move yeah there we go here's one for 12 okay again you stretch your target up you'll see here well my in ringer is at max I don't even have to worry about it I'm at max at the pin again no spin Max and ringer plus 20 okay this is 11 wind I'm gonna go max and to bring her plus 20 because I was at max at the pin if I'm at max and the pin is 10 yards farther I might go ahead and type in plus 30 I think it's even farther I'm gonna go plus 40 if I can still get it to the pin without applying any spin okay I'll pull back here got to hit perfect this shot right here will get you the win and a lot of Tour games cuz a lot of people will miss that kind of chip right there there you go guys two great methods for usando el portador final quiere que conviértete en un mejor jugador con los Verdes hacer esos tiros de cuña de medio a largo alcance cuando tu oponente no esta bien practica con él, tome capturas de pantalla de esos gráficos que te di si te gustó esto video por favor déjame un comentario a continuación déjame saber lo que piensas y no Olvídate de suscribirte al canal. como botón y quédate por más contenido de choque de golf ven a pasar el rato conmigo en la transmisión nos encantaría que lo tomes chicos fáciles [Música]

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