son almohadillas apestosas no quiero jugar este juego tú juegas este juego no sé de qué estás hablando ahí pantalones apestosos estás jugando este juego quién juega este juego tú oh papá ¿sabes qué las reglas son no, no, de lo contrario, solo pon el balón en la portería, esto va a ir muy bien, sí, bueno, ahí tienes que poner el put y asegúrate de que sea el gol correcto, sí, no haces un gol en propia meta, lo sé. se llama un gol en propia puerta apestoso si lo pones en tu propia red, así que todos seleccionas tu edad allí, eso no es lo suficientemente viejo, sí, sesenta es lo suficientemente bajo, así que también tenemos una nueva banda sonora , así que vamos a conseguirlo. nosotros sabemos si es demasiado ruidoso volveré enseguida si está desactivado, verá que al final, ¿ qué, qué debo hacer clic en sí o no encendido o apagado? Puse eso, um anuncios de terceros, hago clic en apagado, esto no es el canción de fondo correcta, deberías obtener el tipo de juego aterrador que conoces para este fondo probablemente usaremos la banda sonora de nuevo como siempre lo hacemos y eah, creo que seleccionaré una cuenta, inicie sesión como un centro de juegos, puede hacerlo, sí, guarde sus aplicaciones solo tratando de configurarlo apestoso, de acuerdo, así que háganos saber si esta música es demasiado fuerte, vaya Dios mío, davey gay Blkk está aquí hola, bueno verte acechando ha pasado bastante tiempo oh suave bebé suave bebé ha cambiado el nombre del canal de nuevo pvc lazos aquí arañas aquí tenemos todo el dlg voy a tener que hacer un dlg allí ¿Cómo están todos en estos tiempos difíciles? Vamos a tener un momento de prueba hoy . ¿Qué quieres decir bien porque ninguno de nosotros conoce las reglas de este juego? Lo sabes, todo lo que sé es que no puedes usar tus manos y hay algo. por no conseguir que tengo que usar la mano para jugar a este juego lo que estás hablando no voy a usar mis pies en este juego, si, si vamos a configurarlo para jugar con sus pequeños toesies ¿qué tal que i Estoy diciendo que lo juegues entonces y no te olvides de los sonidos del juego que supongo que estarán en algún lugar si realmente puedes No sé si puedes hacerlo de inmediato o tienes que pasar por un tutorial primero sí, todo es un poco negro oscuro, así que supongo que tengo que pasar por este primer dlg para siempre, dicen dlg tío pedic yay football dice pingüino porque sabes que es inglés o al menos tiene acento inglés, así que debo asumir que es inglés, así que pingüino, quizás tengamos que depender un poco de ti para que nos enseñes las reglas, hay algo en lo que no eres, no estás permitido tener uh qué es lo que no puedes ponerte frente a demasiados jugadores o algo así cuando vas a por un gol, eso es todo lo que sé que puedes dar un cabezazo a la pelota patear a todos en las menudencias patear la menudencia i Estoy tan feliz de que la transmisión en vivo esté aquí. He estado esperando toda la semana. agradable. También lo esperamos con ansias. Nos encanta relacionarnos con el dlg y el pingüino dice que es inglés. Estuvimos viendo un documental anoche sobre el viejo. el príncipe harry y el otro tipo william william ese tipo el otro tipo que conoces el príncipe wil liam, me refiero al príncipe Harry y su hermano, aparentemente hay un poco de hajji bhaji en la familia, con suerte, todo saldrá bien. Tuve un poco de jibaji con mi hermano anoche. Oh, bonita tendencia, piensas que eres príncipe, sí, creo que después de ver eso. quería pelear con él deslizar para abrir un área de la red lo que tienes para deslizar algo y entrar allí y hacerlo ahora oh manchester united de por vida ese es uno de los equipos de fútbol más populares ¿sabías que tengo que decir? Me decantaría por Manchester o Liverpool porque son los únicos dos equipos que conozco . Ni siquiera conozco a los equipos australianos a menos que estés hablando de la selección nacional. He estado esperando la transmisión toda la semana dos, dice. tan suave boba, pero no sé si debería llamarla, ni siquiera puedo recordarlos a todos, el nombre de su canal ha cambiado tantas veces y apesta, ¿cómo estás, descansaste lo suficiente? Creo que sí porque has estado trabajando bastante. Difícilmente, ¿no has estado en el meollo de todo el pand? emic business no es pobre apestoso ella tiene que volver a casa y lavarse todo el tiempo no es así no dejaré que te acerques a mí hasta que lo hagas estamos en el cierre pesado muy severo en el momento que no puede conseguir más estricto de lo que tenemos aquí , podría ser quién lo sepa bien el primer ministro dijo que no hay etapa cinco etapa cuatro y eso es lobo me acaba de llamar boba está bien nena hecho decir cómo están todos lo que han estado haciendo esta semana de lo contrario sólo vamos a escuchar tío poodot despotricar como usualmente lo hace y en esa nota mientras estoy esperando para el chat para ponerse en marcha y empezar a decir cosas he trabajado duro en aa nueva banda sonora de hoy no sé cómo me Voy a hacer esto, pero voy a hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para comenzar a hacer más y más bandas sonoras porque hemos estado usando las mismas una y otra vez, tomará al menos un día de dedicación solo escuchando música. y tratando de elegir las mejores pistas porque todos saben que el tío Pudot tiene un gusto increíble en el silencio de la música El silencio de los pantalones apestosos hay una pausa aquí, pero ¿estás tratando de conseguir un gol allí o qué pasa? Tienes que intentar pasar la pelota o algo que sea posible para tu compañero de equipo ¿Tienes un compañero de equipo allí ? Todavía no sé cómo voy a hacerlo este juego, ¿por qué esto no es como, oh, no, el mío está flojo de nuevo? Sí, estoy muy atrasado en el chat tanto en esto como en algo. Haz algo ahí, espera. Voy a tener que usar tu computadora porque no puedo, no pasa nada aquí, puedes traerlo, oh, skylist está aquí también , puedes traerlo allí si quieres, no, no, con suerte, será muy lento en el momento en que es poniéndome al día ahora espera, estoy deseando ver la transmisión, ¿cómo estás tío purdock? mi cumpleaños fue ayer, feliz cumpleaños para el pingüino , vamos a tener que darle todos los emojis especiales para ese qué está pasando por qué no puedo muévete oh qué vamos haz algo entras ahí y te mueves apestoso no puedo hacer nada por qué mejor solo haz otro grito rápido en caso de que el primero no se muestre ahí uh bueno, ¿dónde estamos? ¿Dónde vamos a cantar feliz cumpleaños al pingüino y apestoso le harás feliz cumpleaños al pingüino feliz cumpleaños al pingüino feliz cumpleaños querido pingüino feliz cumpleaños querido pingüino para ti oh me haces reír pegajoso dónde está kane él estará aquí estoy seguro de que eres todo lo mejor y tengo positividad eso es lo que nos gusta ver que spidey estaba teniendo un pequeño problema en su youtube canal recibiendo uh algunos de los comentarios como los de tipo spam que recibimos todo el tiempo ¿puedes hacerle feliz cumpleaños al pingüino con este tema música feliz cumpleaños estás degenerando en una tontería en este momento me encanta me encanta oh hola al azar i tengo un sofá nuevo hoy, dice softbol, ​​bonito, ¿es uno de esos sofás en forma de L porque eso es lo que quiero lucirme? Me alegro de verte demasiado hola, hola amigo, genial verlos hablar entre ellos, pateadores de menudencias, ¿qué pasa? dice kane Eso está en el título, ¿verdad? ves ese pateador de menudencias de fútbol de la FIFA eso es tu tienes un pateador sí tienes que andar patear a todos en los menudillos para que puedas pasarlos me encanta la música de fondo del tío pudot no has escuchado toda la banda sonora todavía y yo Debo admitir que este lo hice un poco demasiado largo, creo que en el futuro iremos por una hora y luego lo repetiremos para que puedas obtener todas las mejores canciones nuevamente desde el principio, no te preocupes por eso. Lo voy a repetir tantas veces, todos lo recordarán, eso es correcto, ¿no? oh, bueno, hoy no fue una gran semana. Tuve que lidiar con dos hackers. No, eso no es bueno, pero aparte de eso , fue una buena semana. video lindo uh kane con el viejo ícono chico él tiene el viejo ícono de regreso lindo un escuadrón de pingüinos para siempre tenemos a peter vas a ser feliz ya no veo mi identidad en vivo, así que pasaré más tiempo con ustedes son celebraciones alrededor de sofás nuevos cumpleaños de pingüinos kane va a estar aquí skylines tiene sho Cuando aparece acechando estoy emocionado apestoso tal vez sea un buen karma que finalmente cambies tu música de fondo. Hemos estado tocando las mismas bandas sonoras de siempre durante bastante tiempo . Espero que la próxima sea incluso mejor que esta. una Ayer pasé mucho tiempo recolectando canciones, pero ni cerca de haber terminado, así que tendremos que seguir trabajando allí uh me he convertido en uh me he convertido en miembro del canal, pero en las vacaciones ese es un buen papel suave que consideramos a todos en la transmisión de dlgog de todos modos uh espera, ya no tengo mi ícono rosa, eso es bueno kane, nos gusta ver el original, esta es ahora la mejor transmisión a la que he asistido, gracias tía stink pants y tío pewdar, gracias a todos felices cumpleaños para el pingüino no te preocupes pingüino ¿estás deshonrado por eso no puedo encontrar el sonido uh chicos pueden escuchar el sonido uh no hay nada porque todavía puedes seguir desplazándote hacia abajo cuál estás leyendo realmente ahí vas ahí vas ahí tienes audio es apestoso así es como lo haces c enhorabuena por los 3.48 k suscriptores gracias, eh, hemos estado bien, lo que queremos decir es que he estado trabajando como un esclavo tratando de promover y publicitar, lleva un poco de tiempo y siempre perdemos suscriptores cuando transmitimos y luego los recogemos al día siguiente . raro y no me gusta cuando transmites apestoso uh dónde estaba entonces, ¿a qué te refieres con scotilizado ahora soy leal kane siempre es leal excepto por unirse al clan felicidades uh felicitaciones eso fue 80 más que la última vez que recogimos tantos he estado prestando tanta atención mirada apestosa en ti recogiendo los subs, no yo, eso es correcto caballero tú, mi amigo en línea ha estado recibiendo toneladas de comentarios de odio que no son buenos uh solo en esa nota mira no dejes estas cosas te preocupes porque también tuve una conversación privada con Spidey y él estaba preocupado por su sección de comentarios, solo ignora a estas personas que solo buscan atención, así que informas el comentario si es realmente malo o simplemente bloqueas al usuario y luego eso forma en que lo haces No tengo que lidiar con eso de nuevo, es la forma más fácil y efectiva de nuevo . No sé cuántas veces lo mencioné sobre el viejo negocio de los canales falsos de youtube, pero prácticamente se rindieron después de que los ignoré , sabes que no No interactué con ellos en absoluto, no vale la pena perder el tiempo.Me encanta esta transmisión.Es un día encantador y estoy tan feliz.No hay nada.Realmente, no hay nada que realmente me haga feliz.Queremos hacerte feliz hoy, spidey si apesta. los pantalones son payasadas todavía estoy tratando de pasar por el tutorial , tengo que terminar, pero aparentemente no y aparentemente podemos jugar esto con otras personas también, así que si alguien tiene el juego y quieres jugar de nuevo contra nosotros, noobs total, no, no quiero tocarás entonces uh avísame si la música está demasiado alta porque en realidad la he subido un poco más fuerte de lo que normalmente la tenemos solo porque estaba emocionado de tocarla uh es lo que sí sé que lo estaré aún más emocionado con el próximo en el que trabajaré esta semana, uh, puedo oir r la música te escucho y escucho la banda sonora que es buena voy a cocinar con la familia en un par de días agradable ¿qué es exactamente una parrillada porque cocinar fuera de la casa sí es como una barbacoa o vas y cavar un pozo en algún lugar como los maoríes van a tener un pañuelo lo que es bueno es una práctica tradicional con la nueva zelanda de maría y muchos isleños realmente no es solo nueva zelanda cavan un pozo los hawaianos también lo hacen sí, creo que lo llaman un luau pero no me cites sobre eso y qué hacen allí, cavan un hoyo y luego muelen algunas brasas queman un fuego consiguen una buena cama de carbones y luego agarran su carne y cualquier otra cosa que quieran cocinar envuélvala en algunas hojas, tírelo en el pozo y luego entiérrelo, cuelgue para que todavía tenga carbón dentro del pozo o sí, todavía tenga el carbón dentro del pozo para que el fuego no funcione porque no hay oxígeno, pero Todavía hace calor, sí, tienes un buen poco de carbón y luego lo entierras y es como un ove n básicamente un horno al aire libre y es un método de cocción lenta, además, la carne se desprende del hueso cuando lo sacas de nuevo.Me gustaría tener uno de estos algún día si excavamos un agujero en el jardín y lo hacemos apestoso. uh, no creo que sea seguro aquí, hagámoslo cuando vayamos a acampar, estaremos, oh, sí, buen punto, podemos hacerlo cuando vayamos a acampar, agradable, uno ah, ¿está bien si pongo el enlace de mi canal en el chat? Realmente no recomendaría eso, uh kane, supongo, uh, mira porque todos estamos de buen humor si todos quieren hacerlo solo una vez, haremos una excepción, pero ustedes saben que cuando tenemos gente nueva se unen a menudo intentamos anunciar sus propios canales y no nos ocupamos de eso en el sentido de que nos gusta ayudarte, pero hazlo si quieres, eso es lo que digo. Cualquiera puede hacerlo si quiere. Soy bonita. Seguro que todos conocen los canales de los demás de todos modos, uh, y gracias por preguntarle a Kane. Aprecio que eso muestre un nivel decente de respeto, no como los pantalones apestosos que haces. no me muestres ningún respeto ¿ apestes de qué estás hablando? mírame y Kane volvió a nuestro antiguo perfil tú también lo hiciste mi cumpleaños en dos meses tendremos que hacer una celebración para eso también uh-huh alguien literalmente fui al video de mis amigos en línea y comenté, oh, espera, uh, debería leerlo, tal vez no debería leerlo en voz alta porque tratamos de mantener las cosas positivas y felices la mayor parte del tiempo, feliz cumpleaños, querido kane dlg tiene cumpleaños uh en verano, eso es muy cierto, bueno, será nuestro invierno, creo que para muchos de los dlgs, pero eso es cierto, ¿no es tía apestoso pantalones? Compré el cecina la semana pasada y es muy bueno qué marca, sí, qué marca fue lince es que tu casero favorito es tu apestoso favorito no estoy diciendo nada no, se supone que debes decir que el gato pedófilo es el mejor eh ¿por qué el caniche es una broma porque es exclusivo? no el caniche cecina puso ese tipo de hierbas que yo no, sí, no es mi favorito, teníamos cuatro tipos diferentes del que me gusta e es el que hago con la salsa barbacoa china no es tu tailandés hice ese plato choque de clanes pingüino prometiste un lindo uh hace unos días me fui a acampar por uno o dos días y estoy en el uno 1.2 nanosegundos Dejo un amigo en línea me envió un paquete de 24 de Monster Energy No bebas todas las bebidas energéticas a la vez Sabes que vienen con advertencias en las etiquetas Tienes que beber Las bebidas energéticas son muy conservadoras ¿Has visto? el del red bull no sé si he contado esta historia antes, pero la hora del cuento sobre red bull y el trabajo sí, estuve en el trabajo una vez y uno de mis mejores amigos en el trabajo amigo yo Diré que salgo con él socialmente y también que era un trabajo de ventas, así que vino un día con un paquete de 24 de Red Bull y espera cuántos paquetes de 24, sí, una losa, lo llamamos en Australia. es 24, sí, se los bebió todos en un día en un día, oh, Dios mío, al final estaba rebotando en las paredes, quiero decir, en serio loco no es normal en absoluto y no es bueno cuando dijo que se acercó a mi escritorio y dijo que eche un vistazo a la etiqueta aquí y dice que sabe que solo debe beber una cada pocas horas y un máximo de creo que fueron dos o tres un día, sí, y eso es todo, no deberías beber más que eso, así que para tener 24 en uno sentado loco y hablaba más rápido que el que habla rápido, rápido como el hablador más rápido de la tierra, lo venció, oh, como un subastador, sí. como un subastador hablaba más rápido que lo suficiente bien ¿puedes hacerlo ? quieres que hable como un subastador tal vez pueda hablar como un subastador, pero no soy tan bueno, no lo suficientemente rápido, trata de darme algo que te voy a comprar algo de casa sigue con el juego, lo estás haciendo demasiado lento, empieza a jugar, necesitamos algo de acción, hazlo ahora, todavía demasiado al sur, casi sin aliento, tratando de hacer eso, por favor, amigo, espero que pronto lo consiga. clash of clans fair warning spidey es muy adictivo nuestra última transmisión que fue un ocho años Una celebración que es correcta, maldita sea, he estado jugando ese juego durante ocho años y nadie dijo nada sobre el sonido del nivel de la música, así que podríamos tenerlo un poco más fuerte en el futuro, ¿qué tal esa araña de alegría que ganaste? no me arrepiento, oh masacre 407 aquí, míralo, tenemos tantos dlg que voy a tener que hacer otro dlg allí, está ahí mismo, pero también estoy muy atrasado en el chat déjame ponerme al día uh Cheer Spider, sí, no eres una parrillada es como cuando la gente va a la casa de alguien y es como si fueran familiares o amigos y cocinan a la parrilla y comen otras cosas y es una linda reunión con sus seres queridos, así que es como una barbacoa. que no tenemos ninguna posibilidad de que eso suceda en este momento uh, ¿cómo puedo hacer que un abuelo se ponga espasmódico? Mira, apestoso, tenemos un mercado para eso, está bien, nunca podríamos salirse con la nuestra. No creo que sean demasiado estrictos, dirán que no se puede hacer esto sin una desinfección adecuada. y el resto, pero trabajaremos en eso para ti pingüino ¿Qué tal esa matanza? ¿Cómo has sido bienvenido, amigo? Oh, estoy un poco atrasado. Tendrás un ataque al corazón si bebes demasiadas bebidas energéticas. Sorprendente, solo siempre estoy bien , no sé si debería decir esto, si alguna vez he apestoso, puedes decirles honestamente, realmente no bebo alcohol, ¿qué estoy haciendo allí, no sé qué tú? Lo estoy haciendo muy raramente beberé alcohol, pero si alguna vez lo hice en mi juventud y me emborraché un poco antes de ir a la cama, tomar una bebida energética te hace sentir mucho mejor al día siguiente gm crow realmente jim crow ¿está muerto? en me he perdido algo no sé de qué están hablando uh porque tienes tanta energía en tu corazón dejará de bombear mucho más fuerte que no me sorprendería bok choy oh tenemos un bok choy también tendremos que hacer eso y la matanza es bastante buena ahora, es bueno escucharlo, así que tómalo, las cosas van bien en al menos algunas partes de t El mundo, bueno, hablé con un par de personas en privado sobre la discordia y todavía está bastante mal donde están y ha empeorado donde estamos, así que, aunque mejorando en los últimos días, manténgase a salvo, todos, lo ven todo el tiempo en el chatear ¿no está en los en los comentarios la gente sigue diciendo que me mantengas a salvo si puedo sacar las palabras no puedo sacar las palabras algunas cosas me llegan a los ojos no hay nada por un momento estoy enfermo no ni siquiera sé lo que estoy haciendo, qué tengo que hacer apestoso, está bien, muévete y luego con la mano derecha para abordar la pelota. La he desbloqueado o has desbloqueado la primera misión. No tengo idea de lo que eso significa, o eso es un centro de misiones. uh, ven aquí para averiguarlo, bla, bla, bla, solo vamos a entrar en eso, oh, espera amigo, lo siento, el viejo tío buda tiene que sacar la lupa , cada misión tiene una lista de tareas que debes completar, está bien, vamos a abrir un paquete en la tienda bien vamos a hacer que Gee este es un tiempo bastante largo tutorial y lo que es uh las s tore es una buena manera de conseguir mejores jugadores, bueno, necesitamos que tengamos que conseguir un mejor jugador que los pantalones apestosos y el tío budo, para el caso , tenemos un paquete gratis, así que aquí puedes ver el contenido de la retroiluminación, así que abre el Progreso para la misión ¿Qué obtuvimos? Oh, es como abrir un boleto de lotería, no es que nunca los compre, toque para abrir, oh, esto se ve puntos de beneficio especiales uh y puntos de picoteo al completar bien los diez mil frascos que voy a atravesar. todo lo que no me voy a molestar en leer esto es como presentarme a los exámenes en la universidad en la escuela no te molestes no, no estoy diciendo que estudien duro gente oh vaya, todavía estoy reclamando cosas, vayamos a la acción del fútbol y es la gente del fútbol, ​​no el fútbol, ​​oh, podría recibir un montón de odio por ese que hayas completado la primera tarea, convertir una recompensa, ¿ puedo hacer eso también? ¿ Dónde está el juego de fútbol? Bienvenidos a la gira mundial. Bueno, iremos a Inglaterra si podemos. ¿Podemos hacer Inglaterra para derrotar al resto del mundo? Bien, sí, vamos a derrota a Inglaterra porque así es como lo hacen los australianos ¿Puedes tocar cualquiera de las regiones bloqueadas para ver futuros premios? Sí, vamos en las leyendas, sí, bien, es tu equipo definitivo, sea cual sea la Inglaterra apestosa, vas a enfrentarte a Inglaterra no Si usted está vamos a hacer esta cosa de juego parada con el gato creo que te tengo en un juego, finalmente, ¿qué has estado haciendo oh simplemente presionando los botones para entrar en el juego hay que va hecho lo que la hora del cuento que estamos recibiendo una historia de pingüino el otro día fui uh fui a un espectáculo y cantantes y malabaristas y comediantes y ventrílocuos que habría sido un espectáculo emocionante ¿cómo se llama? Iba a hacer una broma allí, pero no sé si puedo combinar Intentaré que esto es solo una broma inventada en el acto, ¿cómo se llama un malabarista cantante que cuenta chistes a través de un punto de caca falso en cada flujo? No se ríe de los pantalones apestosos aaron ray oh , es bueno verlo del clan usted aa, oye, él ha estado aquí por un tiempo, tengo que promocionarlo. Lo ha estado haciendo muy bien solo para que sepas que, por lo general, las promociones ocurren más hacia el final de la temporada solo para poder ver las estadísticas de todos, pero sé que es bueno , en realidad respondió, tal vez lo haga inmediatamente después. la corriente si puedo recordar si puedes recordar así como la mayoría de la gente sabe que tengo otro trabajo además de youtube y eso es uh y es que soy dueño de una empresa de pulido de pisos y encimeras él es dueño de una empresa ya a su edad, Dios mío, pingüino. Voy a llegar muy lejos en la vida, amigo mío , ¿qué empresa? Una empresa de molienda de suelos y encimeras , así que no tenía competencia hace dos semanas. Slaughter dice que he tenido algunos problemas. Tuve que ir a hospitales. Empecé la escuela, pero luego las cosas empezaron a ir bien y te vi como el streaming, así que empecé a pasar por masacre espero que te mejores pronto eh ciertamente la gente en los últimos años han tenido sumamos a la corriente que no han sido en gran salud así que espero que eh lo que estaba mal no voy a pregunta qué te pasa porque puede ser un poco demasiado personal, pero espero que las cosas mejoren e intentaremos animarte durante la transmisión de todos modos, así que buen ánimo para la matanza, te deseamos lo mejor, ¿no apesta ? eres excelente en los comentarios, lo siento tío se puso pero no son pantalones apestosos ir a Inglaterra pingüino no quiere que ganes, por lo general quiere que ganes pero no esta vez uh aaron dice que está bien gracias no te preocupes uh aaron o hey uh peter ¿te gusta mi pfp qué es pfp siempre tienes que ir a las funciones corporales ocupándote de las cosas de la cuneta, ¿no ? Hola chicos, lo siento, me cortaron, tuve que poner todos, lo siento, chicos, tengo que cortar, pero tuve que ponerle alcohol, todos están en las guerras en el momento en que todos están en guerra ¿qué quiere decir así las matanzas no ha estado en buen estado de salud del pingüino de la semana pasada que asaltaron el alcohol dos veces el doble de bien robado sabes como cuando se obtiene una taza ¿qué te pones de yodo yodo decano sea lo que sea, sí inglaterra inglaterra inglaterra dice pingüino no borroso no quiero decirlo aussie aussie aussie i Realmente no me gusta que el azar esté aquí, el azar sale de los arbustos ya que está súper aburrido, intentaremos entretenerlo hoy al azar, todos estamos de buen humor a pesar de que algunas personas tienen algunos problemas, el boom está aquí al azar, ¿cómo estás? amigo, tiene razón, tenemos que preguntarle cómo es que porque random ha estado un poco callado últimamente me ha preocupado el azar , no está haciendo las alertas de spoiler, no dice demasiado en los chats estos días, me temo que he molestado al viejo al azar siempre tengo ese miedo de molestar a la gente, sí, tú siempre vas, excepto tú, no cuentas, entras y golpeas a inglaterra apestosa, no sé cómo me gusta maniobrar en este juego, es un poco difícil. regla de juego presionar todos los botones presionar todo leer que ¿qué dice eso que no puedo leerlo intentarlo de nuevo falló eso es porque inglaterra es demasiado fuerte ahora esto es básicamente solo trata de evitar al jugador de un grupo diferente y luego debería ir pero yo No pude evitarlos, los pateaste en el gibl ets tengo una prohibición falsa de mi servidor favorito oh de nuevo esto no es bueno es esto en discordia que sucedió al azar uh ha habido un poco de locura en todas las redes sociales últimamente ¿ has visto algo de eso en las noticias? que incluso los grandes canales de YouTube están siendo pirateados, las discordias han sido pirateadas, es una locura, quiero decir, probablemente siempre lo han estado haciendo, pero es en una escala mucho más grande que antes, ¿qué vas a hacer una revelación de rostro o una revelación de edad? la promesa que hicimos si superamos a pewdiepie, entonces lo haremos, podríamos hacerlo algún día, pero no hasta que sepas que tendría que ser un evento muy especial cuando no tengamos nada que perder en ese momento, que principalmente significa que sabes si realmente hemos ganado dinero en youtube en lugar de tratar de borrar todas las deudas, eh, no, ¿cómo lo llamas? El dinero que ya se gastó. No puedo acortarlo, puedes, eres bueno, apestoso. 're todo ah seco voy a darle un tiro a dónde voy, sí éste os p está bien, tienes que hacer el comentario y luego apestoso apestoso uh en él uh alguien pase o necesito ver esto es un problema tengo que usar mi uh golpe de lupa en tu compañero de equipo o en el campo para jugar un pasado y luego golpe para disparar y marcar goles por lo que lo tiene tan masacre dijo entonces, ¿cómo ha todos haciendo oh aleatoria dicho no en Minecraft ken dijo que no podría incluso unirse a su clan en el choque de clan puede darle me llamo enseguida lol yo soy tu DLG favorita spider dijo pewdiepie friend penguin dijo que una empresa de alemania y una de texas y la de alemania la semana pasada comenzaron a llevar a mis clientes y de ahí provienen mis ingresos, así que finalmente le pregunté a uno de mis clientes que estaba pensando que ken dijo: ¿abandonó youtube Aaron Royce dijo ¿Juegas Fortnite ? ¿Sabes qué es eso? ¿Sabes lo que es cuando vas? Es un comentario muy famoso como el comentarista europeo ¿Eso muchas gracias por tu saliva? Di que no lo rocíes Deja de rociar Hice un comentarista cuando fue un gol pateó él consiguió muy excitado y fui vaya vaya vaya vaya bien ya es suficiente para que el apestoso por lo qué coño vas a jugar Fortnite Fortnite ah vamos a jugar uno días Fortnite pero si es en el móvil He oído que Oh cuál es por qué hay tan muchos jugadores qué está pasando qué haces apestoso no sé qué se supone que debemos hacer aquí sí, solo sigue jugando él tiene la pelota, oh, hay tantos jugadores, no esperaba esto, sí, juegas como un equipo que hiciste baloncesto antes lo mismo qué no cómo bloqueo al chico sí, haz clic en el botón de la derecha como taco taco algo bien, se están metiendo en esto con demasiada facilidad uh-huh oh sí, le robé la pelota apestoso eso es bien, no te roban la pelota, se supone que no debes patearla bien cerca de él cuelga de la araña dijo que pensé que todos menos yo lo haríamos increíble en youtube, pero pewdiepie eso es imposible, sí, lo sé, ken dijo que la advertencia fortnite ha sido eliminada de google play store y los juegos épicos de la tienda de aplicaciones encontrarán un l Demanda a Google y Apple, está bien, y luego Penguin dijo que me dejaría por el alemán y la única razón por la que se cambiaron fueron los precios, por lo que me hizo pensar cómo pueden tener precios tan bajos sin que finalmente se arruine tan pronto para que Dios hecho para continuar la araña dijo cerdo justo en el agujero de mi oreja ¿puedes decir alguien dijo jinete de cerdo? Estoy comiendo pastel de chocolate, oh producto, me encantaría algo de eso, no me importa el pastel de chocolate, pero realmente no me gusta los demasiado dulces ken dijeron suerte nada de suerte y también ha dicho que quiero pastel de chocolate no me importaría un poco de pastel de chocolate ahora mi Dios no sé lo que dije sí que me dijo anoche que tiene que perder algo de peso y yo sé lo que dije anoche, pero podríamos tener que cambiar lo que sucedió a tiempo completo sí, tal vez ahora mismo fuera de tiempo oye, ganamos, eh, ¿cómo ganamos cómo sucedió eso? ah, Inglaterra, no puedes vencer a los australianos bien apestoso fácil, quieres hacerlo, puedes ganar, pero no pude, así que Ay, está bien, sigue con el comentario, participa en la charla, entonces, ¿qué tipo de pastel de chocolate como el pastel de lava de chocolate? Oh, eso es lo que quieres, ¿no es eso demasiado? ¿No crees que el pastel de lava de chocolate con crema básicamente? lo de la lava es el pastel de chocolate que no ha sido cocinado sabes que realmente no sabía que tu conoces a nuestra ex-compañera de piso ella dijo que ella dijo que fue a un curso de horneado o algo, pero para ser honesto su cocina y horneado no es tan bueno incluso después del curso, pero ella sabe lo básico y dijo que sabes que solo tienes que poner mucho allí y picarlo en el horno y solo apuntar a que el exterior se cocine por dentro, no para cocinar y, por lo tanto, se convierte en un pastel de lava, así que estoy como medio de lava quizás no um no es cocinado no está preparado y que me hace odio duda en comer fea de todos modos que dicen pingüino dijo me hizo pensar bien esperar tres días y luego ir a la sede en ca ei Fui directamente al ceo y pude decir por el ex presión de su rostro que sabía que algo estaba mal, así que me aproveché y ken dijo oye, ponte, creo que apestoso necesita un poco de carne seca y salsa picante. Acabo de hacer eso ayer 10 puedes decir fiesta cecina fiesta hora de fiesta y salsa picante aaron dijo sí, así que tenemos pastel de chocolate, tenemos carne seca y salsa picante, no suena muy bien, pero está bien si podemos hacer eso, ¿te gusta la comida de la selva negra? cuelga de ti sí, la torta de la selva negra es buena, avísame si la charla le resulta molesto que siga ganando oro cuando en realidad anoto no puedo creer que me esté emocionado por un partido de fútbol porque sabes cómo me siento sobre el fútbol en comparación con el único fútbol en el planeta que es el fútbol australiano de las reglas del afl que es el el único juego de fútbol real de los dioses Matt ¿dónde está el dios aquí lo estás mirando dónde dónde estás los dioses a los que les gusta comer mucha comida verdad ken dijo eso ayer benjing dijo de la situación y dijo hola tú tú Eres un buen chico, así que te daré esta oferta. comprará su empresa para 42 mil dólares y que está de acuerdo por lo que oficialmente Ahora tengo mis competidores y lo hice en mi día de b está bien que los medios hoy en día es que se puede decir que comer ahora que su ardor en la boca Guardar y el pingüino, dijo el piloto de halcón final lo sobre el jinete del halcón qué está pasando con el jinete de cerdos y vamos Inglaterra somos mejores que esto oh caramba, acabo de patearlo yo mismo sin competencia vamos aussie dónde está el dios dónde está el dios oh lo estás mirando dónde dónde oh caramba, tienen el no dios no dios ¿ dónde está el dios no no oh bueno guarda el portero que dio un poco de miedo sí puedo preguntarle al pingüino de dónde eres originalmente creo que es de inglaterra lo dijo antes en el chat y las arañas siguen diciendo que yo no do too well with the hog rider in the the uh last clash of clans stream that was the only one where i didn't get a win oh really yeah okay success oh england england just can't compare to the aussies the aussies are going to win the world cup in the game in the game in the game well oh stor y time about us being hard done by in the world cup a few years quite a few years ago there's a penalty given against this uh against italy yeah and they ended up winning the world cup i think or at least being in the grand final but we should have won that it was a very bad decision very bad decision by the umpire or the i'm not even talking i got the hiccups well you are talking by the way but hang on let's wear all my players um it might be some time it's just mixed with the practicing thing so you have to follow the arrows and avoid the obstacle no don't get back in there oh gee i can't walk in a straight line but i can kick goals and then and then shoot nah no ah so actually penguin is from america really he originally from uk but then moved to america that's what they said in the chat all right he must have lived in the uk for quite some time they to have the accent that he's got hmm blonder said how did you and stink learn piano or where so i learned from a very young age just w e had a piano teacher how young like how old i wasn't even in primary school i was preschool whoa three or four years old i started playing piano that was very young i started when maybe i was grade three i think but then i have to give up because swipe the shit and score goals while avoiding it you need to use that magnify glass yep okay yeah it's just financial issue at that time so we kind of have to give up well not win but me he actually gave up because he found another instrument he likes more which is gita we haven't done that yet penguin said i miss england i still have family there oh that's great you know it's good to have family around the world so you can just travel and go visit them well not at this time though but i mean normal peaceful time and you have free accommodation so good hang on what i can't do anything all it does is oh whoop shut up kicked it straight at the goalie yeah that's what god does right here's smart alec but i don't even know how i did that because again it's not letting me do anything you see you have to swipe it i think see yeah go oh so i gotta swipe it straight at the goalie again so penguin moved to america since 2007. straight at the goalie again asked when did you guys meet who like cain and penguin ii don't know they ever met but me and poo that it was like a decade ago i think is it a decade ago like 2008 yeah after penguin moved to america i just met him and then we come we become a stinky pear which is maybe not so good right spice spider said i plan to move to alaska being a writer and doing youtube really ii don't think i want to move there i mean no offense um i don't like the cold snowing is good but uh when it's that cold i don't like it and ii can't imagine how you're gonna live like in a so many months of winter time it's just not me what else penguin said uncle pulled up the objective is to not give it to the goalie yeah it took me a while to figure that out but i actually get it now what happened i'm gonna try again what happened to the god now you become a human you have failed from the paradise i know what i'm doing now though it just took me a few goes what god should know all right oh you saved it ken said i plan to move to canada and become a famous youtuber okay canada is i heard it's a nice place i mean still cold for me but i don't mind go to visit same as alaska like to go to visit one day but not leaving there for sure no not me not leaving success penguins let's find a good for you mate glad you have a plan spider said king go chase your dreams slaughter said i was one in 2008 penguin said i plan to figure out a plan huh okay boba said puddle and stingpan met 10 years ago or something like that okay cool yeah i am 12 years old i met you since you were like two years old are we i don't know if we should tell should we be telling the whole story about how old you were when how old i was why it's not bad but it's you are not like grandpa and i'm a kid not when we met fred you're sti ll not that old by the time i finished my first degree you were young not now though that's the thing no we won't tell that story people might start saying stuff claiming spider said i love cold i am crazy you like a frozen princess okay now change to frozen prince i guess you like coke well i don't i don't like coal but it's not like i like hot either i think twenties you know twenties degree i mean celsius my fahrenheit by the way is the best higher than that like 30s is getting too hot boba said oh remember inmate during a stream the golden ramsay game i still playing it i thought i got hacked but it was an impersonator yeah ken said our friends from up north penguin said kane but why canada why not central europe or the uk oh no i guess it's easier to migrate from us to canada i think so you don't really need visa that much or something something i know many people from us want to migrate to canada and it's not that far away like i mean you are neighbors right so it's easier to jus t maybe drive there or train or something something instead of flying well you can also fly there okay aaron said after you beat pewdiepie will his name be poppy pie that's right i'm struggling to get it past the goalie this time ah it's getting harder isn't it poppy pie hey poopy pie then what's me full time what we somehow won that but i don't understand how oh i don't know but it's a easy spill yeah yeah it just it just says that but it doesn't mean that i'm playing on the most difficult level i'm playing on god level ah god this god is kicking the goal to the goalie right good accurate kicking straight god straight to the goal uh hang on where is it where i am all right what is the age difference between put up and stink pants yo i think it's about 10 years oh look at me doing my dance uh that's not you i want to see the real you doing the dance this isn't that is so pathetic and this is why we don't have a webcam okay what else ken said if i move to the uk i will be controlled by the queen penguin said that's the best part being controlled by her but her majesty the queen i disagree what else ken said i do not want to be controlled by at 90 something years old she's not gonna control you kane who's gonna control you oh kick the white truck sorry your majesty i had to say it penguin said but why her majesty is the best in the world spider said i'm actually creating a book ken said i wonder how long it takes to create a book and penguin said yes man yes hang on i thought i was blue am i white now what penguin said my brother did it once having said about that puddle you wrote a book before right i did how thick is the book how many pages i think is something like two or three hundred pages hang on how how big is the book is it's like uh a four page kind of book or it's like pocket book my four really did you use a lot i mean large font size or something no it took me ah it took me i don't know how long six months to a year to write that thing still needs to be re drafted many times hang on how many years six years no six months to a year oh i see have you ever published no i thought about self-publishing yeah why don't you do it um you probably could one day one day it's kind of too long now what is the name of your book do you want to say it or you don't the women okay one day maybe another decade we you you might see a worm man on the book chair one day i'm not so sure i want to read it another superhero that maybe maybe not my high oh gee i'm doing bad what don't kick it over there ken said go put that gold mega go that did not work at all spider said i will 15 years saying that i am a shy boba said what's the book called oh we just said that we just answered that right okay spider said put out what is the bookko i want to read the book one day maybe he gonna publish it by himself but he has to edit that first oh aaron said i'm going to bed i feel everyone can castle in clash of clans nice one aaron can say i bet creating a book is a hard wo rk yeah oh mr tip okay well have a good night aaron we'll see you when we see you oh you got some uh i can't read this soy l on the pop how can you do this maybe i have to go for the what is it google hola amigo como estas i gave up i gave up man i get up let me just do google google translate please help me is it someone new in this i am the only one who speaks spanish amigo and how can i i can't read it anyway but looks like penguin can say something because he answer hola amigo como estas what why on earth did it do that um all right yeah yeah uncle pulled up new superhero name were man the word man correct red december said hello hello red december spider said that's so much work hey i said thanks okay off you go have a sweet dream slater whitey say bm i don't know what does it mean and spidey said penguin hi friend how are you ken said oh he speaks spanish oh so penguin actually got educated spanish language in high school for two years i put what penguin said keep translating pen guin can't say slaughter said well it's 10 19 for me so i have to go have a great stream no problem slaughter you have a uh 10 10 19 is am opm maybe pm i guess have a good night and sweet dream boba said what does the cover of the book look like well we haven't published it just yet so he doesn't really have the real you know thing yet it's just a draft so far it will take years before he can actually do a self publishing and then we can see how popular the worm man is going at that point we shall see penguin said good night mate spider said oh okay slaughter said good night everyone good night oh it's getting a little late for everyone is it yep and what's red december being up to stinky you should uh have a go at this at some point okay i don't think i'm gonna win that worked but it took me a while to figure out which side i was on i can't actually the sign that you can control yeah well that's what you'd think isn't it okay hang on where was your wrong way why do you keep going the wrong way oh red december said my dog status caught a possum last night in her backyard oh well if if i can remember the right person on the right channel she's got an afghan out you know those majestic tall skinny oh they look like little princesses ah but i'd like to get one just so i can like put braids in its hair huh put little do you know how to do a bread you know how i control yours yeah you thai granny knots don't you no that's not a bread isn't it no i'm gonna try and put granny knots in your hair anyway i thought you watched enough survival joe how come you don't know how to do this thing you need that skill to survive what grammy not so no breading well that's what you're there for ah i might die at that point already i might not survive what are you doing okay penguin also going on about the spanish which i have no idea what it means my amigo cigar ahi i don't even know i'm saying it correctly are you almost done with the book yo well i think he he finish it you you finish your book right you just need to edit that yeah it's got to be if you're going to do that seriously you've got to you write the book and then you re-draft and you re-draft and you do that five six times so that it ends up being really good so i had a few friends read it and a couple of people read it in full like read the whole thing yep and certainly the can i toot my own horn they said the first three or four chapters were really really well written but then it sort of drops off after that how many chapters do you got in total i can't remember there was quite a few there so yeah if you want to take writing or you know creating music or anything like that seriously it's a lot more work than what most people think it's kind of repetitive work yeah repetitive as well you have to just keep doing it and doing it until um it's good you get what yeah until it's good basically all right yeah penguin said i think he left ah yeah i think that spanish guy might left already he just went quiet after that you gotta be quick with the accent red december said the afghan house caught it and penguin asked red december how does one acquire one boba said dude i went to the store and in front of it there was a bunch of cops car and a guy with his hand in the air and they were pointing something a teaser a tesla i think at the guy oh that's something going on let me know what's next what happened next randy simba said penguin i adopted my afghan house for afghan house rescue group oh what i didn't didn't think they're gonna be abandoned like i thought they are kind of what do you call it afghan house is kind of a luxury dog yeah so i didn't think they're gonna be abandoned the yeah well i read december what about it red december me like a comment on one of the videos saying she offered to get us one because i said i'd love to have one and um i don't think our house is big enough yeah our house wouldn't be big enough plus like she's in a different country so yeah i don't think that's likely but yeah you would think that that breed of do you'd never see it in australia i don't think because they're so expensive they'd be really expensive dog to yeah we saw the one in the dog show yeah exactly but not not so much in the like household or our community areas not really um yeah it might be good if you have it in like a cold climate countries i guess because their first pretty long and australia sometimes can get super duper hot okay where was i yep yep penguin said it's up to you not an island penguin said ah very nice thank you boba said well i reck recorded it then i went inside the store and when i left everything was normal oh okay i think he went to jail but honestly have no idea so don't quote me on that lol right i see at least no one injured that's good that's a good thing ah nah that's penguin that's already passed i couldn't do anything because i we are in the restriction but basically what i did is just you know do some housework so he doesn't have to do it do some cooking and that's pretty much it can't really get anything spider have interesting about your one man book what is the word man book about well we can't tell yet because he never been published and we don't want to spoil it this sounds like i have to write this book now but well you already wrote it you just have to read it edit the book and make it viable to read uh-huh i thought it was an alright concept but uh the character one of the big things about writing non-spy too much no no it's about writing techniques that um character development is very difficult to do and it's one of the most important things you need to do when writing a book and i don't think the character development was very strong at all oh i can tell you about the character development because i can tell from harry potter i read the book all of the books including the new ones that is about uh i can't remember what's the name of that already but it's for the play it's the one that is about harry son i thi nk yeah but that's not so much fun to read it's better for washing as a play yeah so i can tell that the character like harry developing is quite good throughout the seven books i think i like the first three the most and then he go through his teenage problem period and then become a good adult at the end that kind of thing so that's that um where is it red december asks who mows your lawn well not a worm man um we actually have a gardener that does i guess the front part yeah we oh why did you do that i have gardeners doing our community area what do you call a common area common area yeah that we share with other units so we share the price as well yeah penguin gardeners i think yes spidey said i thought of three superhero books i want to make oh what are they ken said i will turn everyone here a pickle for 80 years what oh that's a new special power of yours penguin said very nice but i will buy them all not an island i call it do you like eating a pickle cane why you want to turn everyone to a pickle how is your game oh it's a one-all at the moment oh extra time that's the first time we've had a one-all score oh that's why you got extra time i didn't think they had that in soccer they have but why do they get so many oh crap why do they get so many uh like mellow draws and so on what you haven't you seen no all drawers yeah but that might be even after special time then they still got it i guess but i don't watch it that often like you don't watch it at all here in australia back home soccer was kind of popular and it's still popular game so but i still don't really watch it that often my family is not a big fan of sport watching so not really know the rules to be honest can say pulldown is a pro at this game yo no he's not a pro kane he's claimed he's a god penguin said not an island you get uk you shave red december said i want to i went to the farmer's market today i got tomatoes zucchini and peppers ah you call it peppers we call it here capsicums oh boba s aid i have a shirt that say clean seeds plant trees set bees and i love it yeah it sounds good yo enough i want to try and save one ah yeah save so you want to go where you want to set goals i think we won that i don't know what you're doing four or four to two it looks like all right i'm not sure what's happening or more you gotta learn how to do this stinky i can't believe i'm getting into these games so much look at that 5k every sport game it's better for you to play it i don't know about it i have no hope you can do the commentary you've been keeping up with the chat yeah well what about uh red december's farmers markets today she got tomato you been reading i read it all already where were you you expect me to read the live chat while i'm in an intense soccer match i did my job so you go did your job i'm doing oh we're almost finished with the england england what am i going to say about uh penguins england there poo poo to england we've always beaten the entire entire uh season it looks like they can't beat the aussies said we are the champion yeah he's talking about australia you can't deny that red december said it's good to set bees to do what safe bees yeah that that's true you know that there is a problem with the world bee population at the moment oh why i did not know that they're in decline i mean how come don't we farm we do but they're sort of dying for they're not generating fast enough for humankind and when you think about it humans need bees no but we need bees to survive yeah but we don't eat these why it's not because they pollinate a lot of oh why visiting who knows climate change this that the other what's going on here why what what's i don't what do i do now go for another season maybe yeah back on the game i'm not saying that i'm disappointed with the uk but hey look when you've got the master giblet here go ahead you can do another one you want to do another one or you don't no i've learnt the the skills there it's the it's not that hard to play it's just not my time that i enjoy playing oh if you want to keep up your lively chat there i'll do it again i don't mind too much i think it's awesome well you got a goal in didn't you this is just training success you're a successful successful player there stinky we went to a farmer's market not that long ago what a rip-off compared farmers markets are supposed to be cheap yeah but the one we went to was all boutique expensive stuff so expensive nothing was cheap there even more than supermarket i can't believe that yeah more than the because they were going all like organic business everything was they just claim organics yeah we don't even know exactly because unless they've got that certification you don't really know and i've seen similar stuff at other farmers markets in other states that is just as good and a lot cheaper i will say that for sure uncle peter what did you do for your birthday how did you know it was my birthday hmm this is not your birthday what are you talking about i had my birthday recently uh what if we didn't do anything i didn't even get a present from stinky did i always she almost didn't remember to wish me a happy birthday what i gave you a happy birthday don't you like that couple of phone calls a card or two and that was it what phone call we've lived together not from you from friends and family i got a couple of calls and that was it there's a very quiet affair but you know this is in the midst of our very severe lockdown so we couldn't do anything stinky even said you want to get a cake and we couldn't do that either by the time we thought of it it was already past the curfew time why i keep kicking it's taller what was the cheapest thing there the free soap that they gave us remember we got a little hand out of a sliver of soap that was free and did we we didn't actually buy oh no you did what did you buy mushrooms yeah and that it turns out so expensive i know is there anything else we bought or it was just that just some mushrooms because they weren't uh they were unique you couldn't get those kind at the supermarket i thought it's uh well you can get it from like asian grocery but you really can't get from the supermarket some supermarket has it but not everyone like the one near our home doesn't have it and that's why i bought it just to try like we didn't buy anything else so i'm just think we have to buy something it's time to buy something you go all that way to the market you don't buy anything you got to get something don't you so i just you know at least i like eating this mushroom so i know that it's at least it's not wasting but nah well it's kind of wasting true this is so expensive the other good thing about farmer markets though is that you're more often than not supporting the actual farmer that was particularly the case when i was living in queensland that the farmers themselves would go to the market and whatever you're buying is straight from the farm from them to you and it was s o there was one is a farmer's market story time we used to go to this one particular guy and because red december mentioned bees that um he would sell honey and avocado and get this if you brought him a whole lot of empty jars he would just give you honey and avocados so we never actually paid well we did we would pay we'd say because he was a really nice guy and too generous to us so he'd say look we'll pay for the honey but you know if you want to give us a couple of avocados for free free we'll take it so he used to always give us like quite a few like a bag full of avocados and then you know we'd buy a big tub of honey from him it's good when you have that that uh kindness being spread throughout the world isn't it stinky which one is more expensive avocado honey would be more expensive but having said that you know when you're talking uh queensland a lot of the the food products are way cheaper there than they are here you know if you get avocado or mango here is always expensive even when it's in season but up there it's kind of dirt cheap because you can pick them off trees if you go certain places oh trick or i hope i say this correctly trick zeitz is here it's good to see you how are you and we've got a happy birthday oh gee my eyesight's getting poor happy birthday to you uncle poodle he did so i've got a happy birthday too yeah the the honey does really taste good i i would have to admit but it's a different it is a different flavor from store bought it tastes more natural and i gotta say it's an acquired taste as well when you get the real genuine fresh honey unadulterated did have you noticed that stinky i bought that for you from that pharma it got some kind of smell yeah you didn't actually like it that much did you don't like that much but clip with it yeah it does have a very unique smell and taste to it it's not like normal honey i want to just pass the ball to my friends but then it end up go too far you can do it you just uh press in front of the m do you know what i mean like a little bit in front of the guy that you want to pass to and then use your running skill if he needs it uh aren't stink pants do you think that eventually you'll develop an australian accent i don't think so yep i'd have to agree i think once you pass the age of 16 is that right that's what i heard something 15 or 16 if you've lived in well hang on what do you think of my my dad he's he have a ting of like chinese accent and i still think he sounds australian but he's so very australian like 80 90 but you know i still can hear it so he migrated i think when he was 15 or 16 so that might be right on the but certainly when you're an adult it's not gonna i don't think it'll happen will it you'll always have your accent that would be difficult to understand for anyone now when you swipe it swipe it oh goal you didn't even swipe it nice because when you do it like that or like that and this time you got to save the goal so stop him from you didn't even move n ow when you swipe switching a certain yeah like that oh did he save it yeah he did i shouldn't listen to you well you swipe where you want the ball to go and then make that dude move where you want to try and save i can't move i try why it's not moving i don't get it oh another goal nice one ah thanks for advertising the discord server as well if you haven't joined it's a great place to stay in contact with all of the dlg in the live stream uh i'm it's 5am and i'm so tired we we really should pick a different stream time but we did that last week and it didn't seem to make any difference did it good night on morning to random cherry cheery dreams but who's kidding it's only she was kidding it's only am only spidey's back dang it i was hoping that someday i'll have an american accent for some reason people don't understand me sometimes hang on can you say beer beer and what england gonna say beer you won't have a you want to have a glass of beer elsie no that was my english accent how a bout aussie beer i know that there's some kind of difference when you say it you know compared to english people but i'm struggle to find what's different be like this yeah ship sheep ship they can never pronounce those ah but you can always some people are good at putting on accents so even if penguin doesn't lose it for real he could do an american accent if he tries hard enough that's my american accent you want to have a bear sound like an aussie i'm sure if you listen to listen to people long enough you can you can do a little bit of mimicry isn't it really penguin i can understand you fine yeah well that's it i can understand him fine but that's also the thing about and this is not having a go at americans in any way shape or form but if you're from australia or england you get exposed to a lot of what am i doing like i didn't read the tutorial for that one i think you just gotta yeah hit all of the arrows that's what i did the the last time that we get exposed to more cultures t han the americans do so they get very used to hearing their own voice whereas we're very used to hearing lots of different countries speak english i'm getting out of this game you do it again i'll take them a little break here so in australia because it's so multicultural and we get a lot of influence on the tv and on radio from different countries we find it more easy to understand you know a lot of american shows they put on subtitles for australians when they speak they actually have to put subtitles on isn't that crazy i would think would be thinking that half of the dlg struggles to understand me you probably speak more clearly than i do not sure if they left they might be very quiet what are you doing i don't want to play ah then you keep up the commentary there i'll show you how it's done failure well what's there oh geez it's another tutorial did you work it out how are you gonna do it sort of i'm getting there it's just not that easy where am i oh what they're moving they were n't doing oh no uh-huh come on god penguin said ken are you hiding in the bushes i don't think so this is because you've got to stay in the thing and avoid them that's not that easy to do go buddha go go go go go go go what fail i'm not the only one god also fail ha ha come on for that get in there no no ah okay red december said here in the big city we have a lot of diversity with many different accents oh true i do customer service and it took a while to understand what i do now ah there you go see exposure makes all the difference however our tv channels just have american in english penguin said use the power of the force i need the power of the force for this one is so hard this is all about controlling and steering this guy it's true not that easy i find it hard to begin with from the start of the game is there a time limit as well yeah oh that's this is really hard come on put on your strap on your boots bob i said i make cringy content i don't think so everyone makes uh everyon e that's been in the stream today makes awesome content i personally think penguin said no boba said yes penguin said red december it is okay god cheers to you penguin said random no bubba said have you seen my first video uh i believe so spider said i think my video ah corny no again what what's going on spider no random no what what is si see anyway oh you success i hope all about ball control i'm a great ball controller yep you've got a ball i control my balls all the time well that was my gelato oh crap oh what grandpa cram boba say penguin just let me say the facts spider said thanks penguin boba said my videos are cringe oh are you okay hold on you looks kind of painful how come you got the cram when you just sit down there cause i laughed too hard what i didn't know you can get it when you laugh too hard neither did i that's the first time that's happened wow that was quite painful where did you get a cramp yeah one of my fat fat belly part oh so red december can speak spanish a s well it looks like oh all right you're gonna have to try and do both here i've got to do a quick quick peepee okay we'll try uh he got a cramp around his belly and yeah he have to stretch out so it's not cramped and now that he's stretched he need to go toilet hit the box okay oh i hate the humans ah man this is getting hot oh at least i got that one yay oh gee i'm getting old i think stink pants old uncle uh-huh getting too old for them why it's not moving nine fraulein random wait what i didn't say i'm not sure what's going on there i think there's a bit of a misunderstanding in the chat it's all good it's all gravy as they say gravy it's all gravy it's like a you know when we have a roast how much gravy do i put on the meal there's more more gravy than meat and veggies you have that thing swimming in it does anyone else do that here does anyone have strange food habits i've got a number of them like what well the gravy one's one like that's not that strange yeah but it's just quit e too much exactly like people generally don't have their food swimming in gravy like i do oh i thought that's a soup yeah exactly it's like a big brown soup that's one what about you you eat weird things i'll say that yeah but it's normal for me weird and you ate some weird thing yesterday i did but it was delicious you're a good cook there stinky you know that's fish sauce in there putting cream on toast someone thought that was weird putting tomato sauce on a fried egg don't knock it till you try it it's delicious oh you do it anyway yeah i put the silasha sauce even soy sauce oh my goodness i can't believe who just joined the stream oh see you see that person there yeah i don't know if we should say this or not should we keep things private or not but i actually know that person i mean no know them ah he's one of my best friends oh okay freddy how you doing it's good to see you in a stream finally but glad to know he's still alive too i've been uh i actually called quite a while ag o he didn't return the call figured he didn't want to speak to me anymore even though we've known each other since don't be stupid we've known each other since we were kids that's all i'm saying so everyone welcome brett breto to the stream he's got a great little youtube channel as well only a couple of videos on it but very admirable he's got mad editing skills is what i'm gonna say then he's saying that we've got mad skills that stink pants that's playing at the moment ah i don't like playing a game like this it's hard to manual no you're doing great i don't want do you want to play you want me to do it again you're gonna have to entertain the chat oh well unless you want to talk to your friends then you can do it so everyone if you haven't checked out each other's channels please do so because you've got some great ones here red december's is awesome variety of content with the streams and so on freddie does outdoor stuff spidey does a whole heap of stuff too they all do penguins i nto the game and you name it you've got it now you're doing well but if you want me to take over the gaming i can give it a shot there stink pants so hopefully i'll i might give a certain someone a call a little later on after the stream is complete just to see how they are because we don't want to talk about anything too personal you know what i mean so unless it relates to you stinky then i'll talk about all kinds of personal stuff but tell them what you look like in the morning with your morning breath and your rats nest hair can i do that morning breath stinky that's where you go you already said it why you asked me i should have asked first shit so i thought it was common knowledge by now we had a stream that was actually labeled stinky morning breath because of stinky pants because of stinky pants what that is not right it's different kind of thing different location that's megan is sensing uh i had a degenerate into talking about the bodily functions just because it's part of th e the the name of the channel doesn't mean we should be upsetting people with that it's natural guys that is that's true and this is where the dlg comes into it and i'll just do a dlg there as well because let's face it if you're if you're not part of the dlg really you've got pretty poor hygiene everyone should have dirty laundry because if you don't have dirty laundry they might just wash very often yeah but it's got to be dirty at some point do you know if for you to wash it it's going to be in the dirty laundry basket okay so everyone's part of the dirty laundry gang is that not true okay and let's face it who doesn't have stick pants occasionally the person who never wear pants oh yeah you make a point there if you never wear pants you won't have stink pants you might wear skirt or naked oh my goodness i've told too too many story oh hang on i've gotta catch up in the chatty just my uh oh soft babies cat passed away recently i'm sorry to hear that no that's going to be very sad wh en that happens to us isn't it i'm sorry to hear that uh soft baber i hope uh it had a nice burial and fond memories lots of photos that sort of thing so you can fondly remember she used to belong to my gran ah there you go she used to belong to grandma and then i guess they adopted it my dog i loved died three years ago if anyone watched my videos i had a dog as my wallpaper is that the pug i'm guessing stinks stinks skirts naked pants and then the penguin asked breno whether it uh he remembers me flipping the car he wasn't there for that one but one of our other best mates was there so um without sort of you know because they're private people i won't name names but it's the same group of friends but uh he wasn't there on that occasion but everyone now knows that you have this car flipping experience isn't it it did our mutual friend wanted to take photos at the time and then we discussed like uh driving it into a channel and saying it was stolen tried to do all kinds of things to co ver our tracks and i'm like no i can't do it i gotta fess up i gotta go home and take the consequences for that one i tell you what i'll have a private chat with albredo see if he doesn't mind some stories that we could tell from our youth because that's one of the guys you know this group of friends they've got lots of stories to tell and they're much more entertaining than mine i can tell you that right now golden retriever spidey ad that's one of your favorite dogs isn't it yeah yeah golden retriever favorite but i like them what is your favorite dog you mean the one that i really want to have as a pet or the one that i always say kill all the time every time i see it uh the one that you really wanna well both like the one you know the sausage don't always make me say for some reason they think they're cute you do like the sausage dog daichi but the one that i want to have i'm not sure i like the smart dog i want to have like a short hair kind of dog if i can because i'm it's too mu ch painful to look after the hair well then you'd be after the australian breeds the farm dogs kelpie and blue heeler are the two smartest dogs on the planet yeah but aren't they too active yeah well then maybe not because of that unless we're going to live in the farm that's true personally beagle for me that's the the i'm not beagle cocker spaniel oh yeah i was about to say that our golden retriever thanks for the comments can you advise what is the best program to screen record on a pc for making youtube videos uh bretty i can only tell you if you've got um imac because if you're doing imac it's already got quicktime there as your default screen recorder that's what we use so if you have a look at our normal videos they're like the older ones or things that aren't streams all of those will have some footage from uh from our computer and that's just straight from quicktime so again i can sort of talk you through it in private if you like well that was the end of the soundtrack so i'm gonna have to start again oh there we go they managed to get through the new soundtrack nice one so yeah okay but it's getting kind of downhill from there you know your soundtrack you only like to start you didn't like the middle and the end it's kind of like now it's like a scary movie and it turned to like a comedy or romantic movie yes i like to take them on a musical journey take them through all of the emotions you can't just have all of the upbeat stuff all the time you got to put a bit of fear in them put a bit of happy into them hopefully make them laugh with the weird choices that i make says don't believe any bad stories p dot says about me why because they're all true uh yeah it stinks that he passed away and i hope he rests easy it's always sad when you lose a pet we've lost a few over over time haven't we last most recent one well the only one that we had previously was aa uh rabbit good old skippy poor skippy passed away ah nice bread i'm okay don't worry yeah so we use apple uh bret for everything you can um well i know you can use vlc media player i'm not i use it but only to play videos i believe that you can record from that as well but if there's anyone else in the live chat that just uses um windows computer microsoft something like that and they can help breto because i know he wants to create more videos or i'm assuming he does so again we can have a chat later on about that but i'm not i've never tried to record anything unless it's on apple's so i'm not going to be that helpful um there you go spidey uses du recorder that one has a watermark on it though that you can't remove we're using uh for the streaming omelette which doesn't have a watermark but this is for streaming i don't know if it can record a computer screen because we're doing it from the phone so again probably not that helpful uh i'm i'm offended i used ios there you go there's another apple user soft paper spidey and you're welcome spider 3d i just hurt my jawline somehow i w onder what was happening happening there he's maybe having a jaw breaker or check out d recorder yeah try it i've only ever seen that used to record for mobile phones as well uh but again we can discuss it i have a feeling bretty's gonna have a cinematic epic experience on his on his channel he has good he has good musical taste i gotta say that maybe i should get him to do our soundtracks he's got a goal there stinky nice and they got two goals already come on you play all right then you gotta do the chat there i'll show you how it's done stinky master soccer player which team am i what i didn't mean to kick that what extra time what i don't know don't ask me have no idea family i could hold the magnifying glass with oh no what happened win the match we didn't win where were you already oh no that's because you need me uh where was i it's something a random uak roundabout there what has happened et cetera et cetera uh i just heard my jawline somehow huh how did you do that eat too muc h popcorn okay so thanks by the 3d i will check out do you record the shears all right and then boba just give me some alien language i can't read so i'm going to skip looks like spider also keep some alien language you can talk together okay um i'm gonna skip you guys all right what do you mean k go that's how you do it stinky penguin asks what is happen ken said no on one of my reads you commented how do you make a video and then i said search google play store for recording platform spider said i will make a video so you can find the right apps better there is a lot of apps like the one i use boba said i feel like i'm gonna cry why because of the cat oh yeah it's it is very difficult when you lose a pet and see some or i don't say you get more attached uh than to humans but for some reason they have quite an impact don't they we were very sad when skippy died yeah we still think about her every now and again don't we yeah she have the softest fur softest fur that you'd ever come acr oss well you've have you petted bretty's dog that thing is remarkably soft as well okay if we have a chance i was surprised very much like skippy really really soft fur don't worry they will be in your memory and your heart always yeah that's right isn't it brittle said thanks by the 3d cheers and penguin just gives some i don't know zero one one one zero i don't know what it means this is like a matrix i don't know what it means boba said but i don't really know why but i think i'll be okay yeah you will be okay time will help yeah no worries spidey said no problem bretto spider said i had to use ios because i got a new phone raw new phone that's always good isn't it new phone what's your new phone uh another iphone or samsung or what's what oh you know in my country we call it samsung samsung and you call it samsung i'm like what when i first moved here i'm like what are you talking about what is that brand samsung like samsung like hawaii huh who why what hawaii did you win uh i'm n ot sure oh renault is gonna have i'm gonna punch out guys have a great day everyone have a good one ready i'll speak to you soon okay see your breath not too busy today i'll try and call today but you might want to spend family time sure family time over pull down no oh spidey get iphone 8 you and penguin said you will not regret the iphone 8. really you know one thing that i don't like about iphone is it's consumed too much battery like after you use it for a while then your battery is gone so fast and you have to recharge it again and again it's kind of annoying but i guess i hope next one they gonna fix this why don't iphone have like um what we call safe battery mode you know i use nokia before ages ago i mean decades ago and they have a safe battery mode you for iphone you have to wait until it reached like 20 the last 20 and 10 then you can use the same battery mode but for nokia you can just use it whenever you want they should have that for apple i think all right ken said do y ou have the recorder on your phone spider 3d spider asks do you do recorder cane oh my old phone wouldn't stop dying i am so happy with my iphone 8. penguin said i don't know about that the last time i recharged my phone was three days ago and it is at thirty percent oh really okay that's a long battery life yeah but it it always does that when you just purchase brand new thing but after you use it for a while i mean ay mean months not just a few days then it starts to get like i don't know not not last that long but if it doesn't that's fine i think it's a good development improvement for the iphone because that's kind of annoying for me um yeah ken said go to setting and go to control center go press customize control and file screen recording all right cool oh i think i did this sort of thing before training training shooting training blah blah blah hey posting you only have 10 more minutes to go success you're talking about what i have no idea uh so we're already at the two-hour ma rk i suppose already it's been been quite an effort on my part hey i also have used effort on my part to lose and chopping away oh well that's true you got to see the godly player that's how it works the old giblet kicker uh huh right hang on i always get confused who's now there is some kind of request here what's the request am i whiter and my i don't know who i am i'm white penguin said can you say hog rider when poona gets a goal all right if i if i manage to get a goal we'll do this now that i know which team i'm on um why did you do that i didn't want that to happen maybe you are not that team so you know what team you are on i do now white or not white white or blue you don't get to go you're not deserve hope right now no but we got the corner post thing what well that doesn't mean anything well i'm not good at the corner pace that's for darn sure oh yeah okay where was ii mean why has to be hook rider i don't get it i just kicked it right back to the goalie oh great do it like the god do stop falling over guys oh what's orange thing you guys talking about i don't see any orange thing that's weird highlighting it was my username in orange i said your full name oh wow i didn't know that you can do that how come you guys can see it but i don't see any orange here that's weird full-time nil draw did you get any gold goalie not yet oh goalie got it come on get the goal cannot go what i thought i had the ball what are you talking about you're opening got the ball go i mean hog rider we're mixing up the games a little bit there there's your hog right before i was putting myself under pressure for that one ah that's hilarious what was that there is my hog rider goal okay pigs might fly pig fight extra why are we in extra time i beat him one nil don't ask me about this i don't know the rules and it's again just do it anyway well lay battery too boop guess we might end the stream when you finish this go hopefully go where are you now come on doing something stop playi ng around shoot no pig can't fly what happened extra time again they don't want you to win we are winning we're winners chicken dinner success not sure about that just yet is it win that was a win look at that yay all right now how are we doing here do i do one more or i don't that's it we're done all right so it looks like we're at the the two hour mark so we'll call it quits at this point the old uncle pudot's got to get something disgusting in his belly we are the champions what did kane say there wait a minute peter he's been playing since the start of the stream let stinky play um i'm not good at this kind of game who that is better peter is the master oh i thought you want to be a god but okay he's the godly master you bow down to the bow down to how good pewdie is when it comes to gaming yeah you just pick can fly sometimes you're funny so thank you guys so much for staying as long as you did this was an epic stream for me personally i had a lot of fun with this did you because you like this kind of game you're gonna play this kind of game every time from now on interacting with the the uh dlg you know having all of the fun yeah and you got your friend and yeah i can't believe one of my best friends actually showed up in a stream that's incredible didn't think that it ever happened so can't nothing won the strange end that's new all right one more and then that's it because bear in mind uh we also do have the uh battery issue there and old uncle pudot needs to eat some food what do you want to eat yeah we're probably gonna go disgusting again no yesterday you were so determined i'm not gonna eat stupid food anymore no more comfort food and today after someone say chocolate cake that's the end of it no more good healthy after streaming but no i don't really like black forest can we not have the black forest black forest is awesome nah why man penalty shootout that's what it's called i'm awesome at a penalty shootout there's no one better than pdot in the game for sure because your normal shooting is crap i witnessed so many that you try to shoot and it's not end in the rubbish bin let's not talk about that oh hang on this is another tutorial what dribble collector use the virtual stick to collect the coins watch out for the defender what virtual stick i guess we're about to find out what what what's what i don't even understand how this one what virtual stick uh i think uh i can't even get the guy to move so yeah am i supposed to do that hey you want me to try yeah there we go we got stink pants who's the goddess no not for this game doing the thing when can i play my old game we want and restaurant dash no not that one that's new game that i'm a little bit addicted to but oh game geez they do want us to keep going there saying more more five minutes just scream the way are my the champions my friends because we are uh in the description can you put uh brette's channel so spidey if you have a look at um our home page he's actually listed as one of the featured channels on the right hand side you'll see him there so i might uh maybe i can put it in a pin comment just hang on i just love stinky's accent at least someone does kind i can't do it use virtual stick to collect the coin what is the stick yeah exactly i couldn't figure out that what that was either okay now just bear with me i got in this is all the stuff i should have been doing uh ages ago i forgot to do all of that so what did you guys think of the uh soundtrack as well because i was kind of a little bit proud to put that together stinky already gave her feedback saying it was i'll give up rubbishy uh can you have another go though because i'm actually doing something here give it another shot stinky i know i have to collect the coins and avoid that opponent person but ii don't know how i'm using the the stick what is virtual stick yeah i could not figure out what the virtual stick was either but keep at it while i'm doing this background stuff okay almost the re oh somehow i think i'm successful nice one going a little bit more just while i'm doing this stinky come on what are you doing too slow i'm trying got speed come on godspeed you know godspeed is actually a gaming term godspeed that's right pull dot knock off speed i have the speed speed of the turtle i don't know if i should use that one why did why do dwarves laugh when they play soccer because the grass tickles their giblets i don't think love is that short they're pretty short uh should i put no i'm gonna put it in there it's a little bit risque but hey well some every now and again we've got to be a little bit adult like don't we because it actually meant if a joke makes you laugh it's worthy of being put in there isn't it stink done one more stinky no well that's it you're done i'm done no more action all right so do a tiny little bit of the thingy there while i'm there i just give the emoji this is emoji time it's fighting emoji time what are you doing come on we have to fight who's gonna be the last one in the shop what are you doing come on got speed product got speed i'm trying all right and because i said that so many times we'll use that one almost finished done you got any final thoughts there for the dlg stinky no what's yours my final thoughts are i didn't realize that after all of these streams that we've done where i do the commentary and you do the gaming that i'm the master gamer then you should play it all the time yeah and i don't need to do anything all right so thank you all for staying for as long as you did why is that not uploading come on you stupid thing all right i'm gonna have to leave that like that and oh what's going on here uh just let me refresh something first so have a fantastic week and weekend sorry i was getting very distracted there trying to make this thing work exactly yes thank you for making this a very entertaining stream for us everyone we'll see you in the next one yep see ya and have a happy day

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