mencioné antes que es un poco ruidoso eres ruidoso buenos días pantalones apestosos buenos días pantalones apestosos soy azul marino ¿puedo oírte oler tu aliento por favor vamos déjame oler tu aliento ah apestas aliento matutino tienes más cepillo mi dientes ah bueno todavía tienes aliento matutino apestoso ¿qué tal si lo visitas no cambies el tema te cepillaste los dientes todavía no oh dios mío oye hola al azar hola pingüino hola pvc lo siento club bien apestoso pantalones haz lo tuyo seré de vuelta eso no tiene ningún sentido 10. conseguir un dragón está bien por qué tengo que conseguir este oh bueno, es el único que tengo suficiente dinero eclosión creo que esto se ve tan familiar con otro juego por qué no quiero barrer acelera , no me digas que el dragón no soy yo el devorador eres un gerente este dragón es frutas y parece tomate o algo así qué diablos está bien, así que puedo decirle a todos que eres un paria porque dijiste que lo era bien durante la semana ahora no sabes cuál es la prioridad de leopardo con la máscara de gas, ¿estoy permitido? Quiero decir que no, está bien, solo ten paciencia conmigo, Dios mío, hay aún más gente aquí hola seth hola increíble hola manta sí, empezamos uh tarde hoy lo siento por haber estado luchando, he estado luchando con la computadora toda la semana, así que ha sido uh un un poco una pesadilla cargar las cosas por alguna razón por qué no te dejaré hacer eso de nuevo todavía en el entrenamiento uh lo siento, puede ser un poco ruidoso con los sonidos del juego en este momento, pero con suerte ella tiene que superar cómo estás haciendo allí apestoso rasgar ese tutorial tutorial ¿qué estás haciendo simplemente presionando ese lío con mi? arruinaré tu computadora uh sí, por favor, uh bienvenido de nuevo a roblox, diviértete y diré agua agradable i uso ya hice eso dijo que está bien oh mack toallas aquí también hola cómo estás uh solo ten paciencia con nosotros lo que está pasando lo que no es lo suficientemente mayor para ti quieres jugar malhumorado stinkpets esta mañana ahora se supone que es un juego multijugador así que si alguien lo juega uh deberías poder luchar con nosotros, pero de nuevo parece que vamos a necesitar consejos sobre cómo jugar a este apestoso, aunque yay, el juego suena como un dingo, bueno, eres un campeón apestoso arquero, eso es lo que yo creo que eres campeón, no puedo comprar todavía lo que estoy haciendo sigue jugando para desbloquear el chat y compartir con otros maestros de dragones, así que todavía no puedo jugar con otra persona y tienes que seguir entrando y construyendo tu base de dragones, sí, la forma en que pudot hay vanoss en dragon city no es tan cierto eh ¿qué sabes de venos? escucho mucho sobre vannos pero no tengo idea de quién es lo siento, no soy lo suficientemente famoso, pensé que era parte de tu superliga de superhéroes, sea lo que sea. No sé dónde está lo suficiente, bueno, el pingüino está controlando a nuestros suscriptores, uh, gracias por ese, uh, pingüino, hemos sido muy lentos en recogerlos últimamente nuevamente. Acabo de tener pesadillas con la computadora, si alguien me puede explicar. por qué youtube no funciona correctamente en la m una computadora que uso, pero perfectamente bien en todos los demás dispositivos, pero solo este es horrible, por lo que últimamente ha estado haciendo que ponerse al día con los comentarios y hacer el trabajo sea muy difícil de todos modos, eso es suficiente de eso, oh, el gato está llamando a la puerta de nuevo uh chico y el otro sopló uno como se llamaba otra vez no, no entiendas ese tendrás que explicar que un poco más seth solo ten paciencia conmigo volveré enseguida gatito apestoso gato perro no más con el mayordomo en el puerta para dejar entrar al gato voy a pasar la noche en la casa de los abuelos agradable es bueno poder pasar tiempo con la familia ¿no apesta um qué tienes que decir sobre eso oh vaya me olvidé de hacer el Grita algo ah, ten paciencia conmigo, olvidaste todo ahora otra vez, buenos chistes de dragones , obtendremos un pin uh, también tendré que hacer esto, sí, no puedes hacerlo, ¿puedes apestoso? Llegué un poco tarde haciendo esto, pero de todos modos vamos a entrar en todo, llegué tarde hoy, solo pon eso allí porque tiene que hacerse feliz cumpleaños a tu tía bobber blanket lo que ha sido el pingüino bobber blankets les ha estado contando a los abuelos todo sobre uh pingüino parece que podría haber amor en el aire no, estoy bromeando sobre eso chicos ¿qué es esto qué estás haciendo ahí tío apestoso peter dale a la computadora este consejo si no trabajas morirás, sí, bueno, podría tener que hacer una copia de seguridad en algún momento porque es frustrante en este momento apestoso no puede ayudar con nada de eso, ¿puede él no estoy ayudando? sí, eso es correcto, no ayuda por lo apestoso, nos encanta cuando celebramos los cumpleaños de la gente, bueno, tío budo, ah querido, así que necesito un poco de estimulante de los pantalones apestosos hoy, oh, estás en una batalla, ya no tienes que hablar. mí son usted es que apestoso derecha, así que necesito que me recogiese en el DLG llegar llegar motivados todos emocionados porque hemos tenido algunos problemas en nuestro país en este momento es bastante eh ¿Cómo puedo poner que fui a la El supermercado ayer no podía creer que prácticamente todos llevaran máscaras en el momento en que es un en realidad es obligatorio para nosotros hacerlo, excepto por un tipo que podría meterse en problemas, ¿ganamos dinero con youtube? Hay un sí, nada, así que es un sí y un no, sí, generamos dinero, pero para ser honesto, el costo de correr. youtube sería mayor que eso en el momento en que está subiendo cada mes, pero luego se corrige solo, uh, tienen un, así que si no, supongo que nadie en los chats en vivo monetizará, así que cuando eso suceda , obtendrás análisis para en su panel de control y los ingresos dicen que son ingresos estimados para todo el mes y luego se establecen después de eso, así que durante los primeros tres meses fue 100 exacto y ahora sigue bajando al final de cada mes um como en los ingresos esperados, pero ha estado aumentando cada mes en términos de nuestros ingresos netos , mírame hablando como un contador, pero no, tendría que decir que no cubre los costos de ejecutar el canal. además de lo que ya hemos gastado en ello , podría tomó mucho tiempo para reclutar esos costos uh, así que ahí lo tienes, uh, sí, recuerda que el bebé dijo que iba al dentista, alguien dejó un comentario en la sección de comentarios diciendo que odiaban al dentista después de escuchar la repetición de la transmisión en vivo. a las personas que se unieron a las repeticiones, un saludo extra especial para todos los que están en el chat en vivo ahora eso es lo que digo apestoso, mírate Gary, estás golpeando a todos, estás ganando algo, quiero decir hija, niño, gané primero, pero esta es mi segunda ronda. así que ahora llegarás allí eres un dragón campeón, ¿qué es esto que parece? Oh, eso iba a ser algo que iba a preguntar a todos en el chat de hoy e incluiste pantalones apestosos ¿tienes una criatura mítica favorita y el La segunda parte de esa pregunta es , ¿crees que realmente existió una criatura mítica? Por ejemplo, unicornio, oh, bueno, mítico como ese, um, unicornio, no, pero hay algo que se parece más al narval, sí , estás volviendo al narval del que hablamos. que antes de que ames al narval, parece un unicornio, pero está durmiendo, la derrota al azar probablemente podría contarnos sobre los narvales, vive en Canadá ahora, aquí hay una broma, una persona va al mercado a comprar un paquete de huevos y el undécimo huevo es más grande que el resto así que esa noche hace huevos y luego agarra el undécimo huevo y lo rompe y sale un dragón, ¿te gustó ese pegajoso? Yo tampoco lo conseguí pero no está mal, debo decir que me hizo reír de todos modos , ¿crees que los dragones? ¿Alguna vez existió por qué esta criatura mística ha existido durante tanto tiempo? No sé y sabes que el dragón en diferentes partes del mundo se ve diferente ¿Estás hablando como un dragón tipo lagarto como un dragón de Komodo? ¿Por qué estás hablando del mítico? dragones sí míticos sí como occidentales y orientales, ¿no? así que de nuevo la pregunta es si tienes dragones orientales y occidentales, ¿ existieron realmente en algún momento? La cosa es como un dragón mítico chino que no tienen. ellos no tienen wi ngs pero pueden volar, ¿cómo vuelan sin alas? sí, esa es una buena pregunta, espera, hay más en la broma, por cierto, oh, por eso no está completa, por eso lo puse, no lo leíste, entonces el hombre dice bien. qué tipo de pollo es esto tan bien que supongo que estoy teniendo el pollo y los huevos de esta noche con un lado de dragón sabes lo que un pozo sí libélulas que conocen el insecto del Vuelo poco se parece a un dragón tal vez ahí es donde todo el asunto vino de eso es, pero sabes que las cosas se salen de proporción a medida que avanza la historia, está bien, ¿ qué pasa con algunas de tus otras criaturas míticas que conoces sobre um quimera? oh, ¿cómo es eso que tiene um la cabeza del león o algo o el cuerpo del león? y la cola como una serpiente oh esto es ai no puedo recordar son tres cosas pero no puedo recordar que esto es oriental también ¿no? no esto es occidental oh occidental sí quimera bastante justa y tenemos la común como sirena bien Espera, tenemos una persona que habla vietnamita xin chao creo que así es como dices hola pero voy a ponerlo en uh si puedo hacer el vietnamita también ahí vamos y podría tener que hacer un poco de traducción allí, solo ten paciencia conmigo chica bonita así que si no es una chica, podrían sentirse ofendidos por eso y feliz año nuevo, ya sabes, qué truco tan genial dijeron, sobra conmigo.Quiero actualizar tu actualización allí, no puedes por qué no ir lo suficiente o algo que comes demasiado, sí, dragón. eso estaría bien tu pingüino devorador de dragones dice tío peter uh yo sé cómo vuelan ellos usan la fuerza y ​​bebieron red bull red bull qué porque no red bull tiene un dragón en él una bola roja roja es bola roja oh es Tengo un toro en eso ¿qué estoy diciendo Dios mío, habla inglés? Estoy tratando de hablar un poco de vietnamita en este momento o escribirlo, debería decirlo y luego, ¿qué pasa con otras cosas como Bigfoot? ¿No es tan bueno? solo américa, mira, esto es lo que pasa con bigfoot, también tenemos técnicamente un bigfoot en australia, sí. ike you, sí, porque tengo pies grandes, sabes lo que dicen acerca de los pies grandes, eso es de ese viejo pero más apestoso que puedo adivinar, ¿estás hablando de mis pies apestosos o los tuyos? ¿De qué estás hablando? -Inglés consistente mira eso es español eso es italiano agradable uno mia bella la prueba un poco de italiano habla allí puedes puedes hacer un acento italiano no eres el experto no entonces estás diciendo que mi acento italiano no es tan malo, entonces apestoso no está mal decir que en australia bigfoot lo llaman el yowie si no me equivoco tenemos un yowie todavía similar a bigfoot y luego se llama ai creo que yeti en el Himalaya así que de nuevo tengo que preguntar con estas criaturas míticas si aparecen por todas partes el mundo existieron en algún momento es un poco como si crees en fantasmas ¿crees en bigfoot qué tal sirena sí bien sirena hay muchos videos en youtube que alegan que encontraron sirenas reales la mayoría, si no todas, han resultado ser engaños aunque pingüino b elieves en el pingüino reina una criatura misteriosa que dio a luz primero a los primeros pingüinos en el sur estamos hablando del sur como en oh no me voy a hacer un tonto aquí está en el sur ¿no es así y el polo norte es el polo norte ártico ahí vas antártico y ártico estás bien informado ¿no estás muerto? es que la primera derrota, sí, que no es muy larga, el destino es apestoso ¿conseguiste ese no? derrota al apestoso no huele bien tengo un buen olor ahora me estoy riendo oh espera creo que la manta de bebé realmente puede hablar italiano quindy puso creo que dicen que ella dijo uh que casi parece inglés algo sobre el lenguaje impresión consiste en algo sobre oh Soy genial haciendo el acento italiano, ¿crees que eso es lo que dice ? Haces el traductor de Google, entonces eso funcionará, ¿no les irá bien a los vecinos haciendo un poco de ruido allí? ¿Qué han estado haciendo todos esta semana? con algunas historias interesantes he abeja n alineando los juegos de acuerdo con las historias que podemos contar, ¿sabías que apestoso para ti aparentemente disfrutaron tus historias la semana pasada eh? No dije mucho, ni siquiera puedes recordar que te hiciste cargo del comentario, eras tan bueno, no. No recuerdo uh, no puedo recordar pero no sé lo que dije, me obligaste a jugar el juego es lo que de todos modos, volviendo al dragón, sabes que en mi país todavía creen en como si una especie de dragón todavía existe de verdad. realmente en el río un dragón de río un dragón de río en el pasado ellos creen que el río está hecho por un dragón sabes cuando ellos oh ahora eso es similar a cómo llamo a nuestros pueblos indígenas ¿ puedo decir indígenas australianos sí sus historias de sueños que dicen que los ríos en australia fueron hechos por serpientes ¿has oído hablar del tiempo de los sueños? sí, así que ahí tienes, ahora el pingüino me pregunta si creo en criaturas míticas, así que me recuerda si tienes estas cosas en la historia durante cientos y cientos de años a través de culturas th por lo que creo que es la clave Así que digamos que usted sabe que no creo que ninguno de ellos um así que tipo de creer en como una quimera mixta sabes quimera es la mezcla de la raza de los animales como mezclado con leones águilas y serpientes también no podemos hacerlo ahora como con la biotecnología oh eso es un estiramiento como un ligamento tal vez sí, si están en el mismo género burro burro o no va a ser uno de estos juegos es realmente tendremos que cambiar de juego a mitad de camino de nuevo si se tarda tanto en hacer las cosas uh, sí, bueno, tienes razón, pero es lo mismo en tu género, tú eres el científico, así que si tienes un león y un tigre, esto siempre y cuando tengan suficientes cromosomas como número de cromosomas coincidentes sí, déjame hacerlo tener una serpiente cruzada con un león que dijiste antes tal vez no bien, ¿alguna vez has visto Jurassic Park? Esa es una película antigua y de hecho consiguieron que nuestros científicos se inspiraran en ella y es por eso que encontraron la especie que ya conoces. llámalo um el cómo llamas a ese crom osoma y genes adn después de que existe y en el que hacen um cromosoma o gen entre el dinosaurio y la rana, así que eso es chemera oh bueno, ahí lo tienes, aunque la apariencia no es del todo, sabes mezcla con dinosaurio y rana, pero hay una parte del gen que se mezcla y muestra en el primer parque jurásico que la rana que usan tiene la capacidad de cambiar de sexo cuando es raro que no puedas encontrar ninguna hembra, el macho cambiará a hembra y viceversa y, por lo tanto, el dinosaurio lo hizo demasiado bien, supongo, pero ¿sigues diciendo criatura mítica si los científicos están teniendo una mano que sabes en contraposición a las criaturas tradicionales? No creo que la auténtica tradicional realmente exista a menos que sepas que en el pasado podría tener como um, ¿cómo se llama el dinosaurio sobrevivir? Bueno, aquí es donde estoy diciendo que creo que los dragones podrían haber existido como un lago o algo en lo que piensas piensa en los dinosaurios, mencionaste esto, sabes, dinosaurio con alas que es más o menos un tiranosaurio con alas sí, ¿qué pasa con eso? Bueno, entonces eso es como un dragón porque los dinosaurios desenmascarados son reptiles o todos los dinosaurios reptiles, así que si tienes un reptil con alas, creo que no es que suene como un dragón. y sería como el monstruo del lago ness , ¿crees en nessie para ser honesto? no, porque es un lago muy profundo, podrías tener un dinosaurio que sobreviviera a todos, bien sabes, el pez sila puede, es muy parecido a un pez antiguo que vive en el mar muy profundo y pensaron que ya se extinguieron lo volvieron a encontrar en alguna parte del mar para que pueda existir pero tú hablando de silicio que normalmente vive en el mar profundo y un día solo quieren subir y respirar el aire Eso no va a suceder ¿Por qué no? Porque la estructura del pulmón es diferente. Las criaturas de aguas profundas no pueden sobrevivir en la presión normal aquí. Tal vez evolucionó y se adaptó bien, entonces está bien. Entonces, ¿ por qué las ballenas pueden bucear bastante profundo? Sospecho que las ballenas. pueden bucear bastante profundo, ¿no ? No sé qué tan profundo, pero no es tan profundo como tú sabes, cómo lo llamas, la criatura de las profundidades marinas que no tiene ojos o tiene una cola especial de ese tipo diferente de lo profundo estamos hablando de lo suficientemente justo, así que soy el único loco que cree en criaturas míticas, nadie en la corriente dijo que cree en criaturas míticas todavía y luego, quién sabe sobre el yeti, sabes que aún podría ser gente de las propiedades bigfoot dicen que han visto bigfoot bien Pues aquí lo tienes te puedo saber que estoy empezando a pensar que es italiano un poco como francés cuando cuando la asignación de manta de bebé que se me ocurre que puedo entender que ella dice que sí pingüinos mi familia es parte italiano ¿qué tal eso hice bien la mia famiglia en apate italiano no fugazi oh no spidey está aquí hey spidey cómo estás eso fue un error lo que sucedió me vuelvo a crecer algo desde el principio no, vuelvo a crecer la comida que tarda demasiado en espera oh apestoso ah no importa, pensé que serías un cultivador de alimentos experto a estas alturas no, no soy, ¿qué debo hacer? Vamos a tomar dragón, ¿con qué debería criarlo? Hagamos lo que una araña en llamas solía tener Dragon City. Él puede darte algunos consejos tal vez y al azar dijo al comienzo de la transmisión. que su hermano lo jugó, ¿qué es esto? ¿la alimentaste? qué es que no, él está llamando al poderoso dragón que es su apestoso y simplemente lo asustan, así que supongo que el poder de este dragón azteca da miedo, eso es todo, eso es perfecto, eso es un Combinación perfecta para ti porque tienes miedo, ¿no estás apestoso? Sin comentarios oh, oh, tu base, ¿cómo lo llamarías tu pequeño ? No es mi base. Te hace saber más grande, pero todavía no he comprado más tierras. No tengo suficiente dinero, quiero decir, ir allí. También necesito un poco de oro para comprar este dragón y ese órgano, lo que sea que quieras decir, no tengo suficiente, haces más incursiones, puedo ver que hay gente fuera de allí, pero todavía tienes que llegar a un nivel más alto para llegar allí el dragón de Spidey ya dibujó gr ew up, así que supongo que si él te desafiara te golpearía ¿no? No tendrías ninguna posibilidad contra la araña realmente tienes muy pocas posibilidades contra cualquiera que haya jugado algún juego antes cuando lo estás haciendo desde cero, hay una dragón de plátano que no dejaría de reírme del dragón de plátano que te gustaría que te gusten los plátanos me voy a comer este dragón sí en un batido qué es sanderson en un buñuelo a ti también te gustan los buñuelos de plátano bien advertencias de la hora del cuento esta historia se pone intensa he sido advertido pingüino tiene las historias intensas como lo que estamos a punto de descubrir la araña de satanás, aunque ambos tienen algunas, oh, las arañas han eliminado el juego ya dan fe de lo rápido que eres un dragón de aspecto gracioso ahí estás a la izquierda, derecha, sí, oh, Dios, destruiste a tu enemigo muy rápido esa vez, oh, él te destruyó muy rápido, esa vez, exactamente cuando puedes intercambiar dragones, ¿crees que sí, pero parece que no voy a ser capaz de hacerlo? eso y derrota por segunda vez tienes que encender de alguna manera, sí, puedo encender con la comida, pero la cosa es que me tomará una eternidad, oh, las mantas de bobber ya están bien y quería preguntarle a kane antes de cómo es que está en una habitación de hotel, ¿lo han desterrado de la casa? él tuvo que irse y quedarse en un hotel allí por su cuenta , oh, estamos perdiendo otro, también se ha ido el spidey, oh, hoy no los entretendré, apestoso, falto del humor, falto de frivolidad, hablan lo suficiente, es extraño, mira hacia arriba, ¿te lo dije? sobre la pelea que tuve con alguien en la sección de comentarios, cuál, cuál los tengo continuamente, ¿no es así? Sí, hay una pelea sobre la terminología legal flexionando mis músculos legales. Está bien mostrarle al latín que sabemos que es apestoso, eso es lo que estábamos haciendo. su bebé estaba mostrando algo de italiano antes de agregar un poco de latín a cualquiera que creas que no conozco oh spidey no spidey le estaba diciendo adiós a baba no diciendo que se iba yay spidey te sigue gustando cuando spidey se quedan todos ellos realmente no es que um sí supongo que la tipificación del pingüino cabo su historia también, porque se ha ido bastante tranquilo, pero que tiende a hacer largos párrafos de manera Spidey qué consejos tienes para los pantalones fétidas que ha perdido el corte último par de batallas dragón Oh necesito que el hábitat de llama, creo ¿Qué significa eso, llamas un hábitat para tu aliento apestoso llameante para que pueda poner mi día del dragón y todavía podemos darnos el gusto hoy diciendo que tengo que cocinar mucho en casa? Guau, buena pregunta porque voy a cocinar tú solo quieres la pizza, así que primero juega sí, hago la primera parte de la historia del pingüino, así que es mi jueves por la tarde y estaba en un trabajo uh para uno de mis amigos y ten en cuenta que tiene problemas con las serpientes. tenga en cuenta que tiene una serpiente problemas con las víboras de todos modos yo trabajo y luego me doy cuenta de que tengo que pasar por debajo de la encimera para terminar oh esto ya no suena bien no es que le tengas miedo a las serpientes ¿ crees que estás perfectamente bien? Estoy bien, pero si tienen un veneno que puede matarme, estaré di ¿Contamos la historia de la serpiente de cuando estábamos en el extranjero que contamos antes? No, cuando me echaste la llave de la casa, tal vez no, puedes decirles que estábamos en otro país y apestaban pantalones de repente. Gritó serpiente y corrí tan rápido a la casa y cerró y echó la puerta a mí hey hey hey extrañas un corazón ni siquiera lo ves tú delante de mí ya te vas, de hecho tengo que decir serpiente de lo contrario tú no estás nervioso, bueno, eso es cierto y estás saltando de la casa, por lo tanto, y mientras lo hiciste, esa serpiente en realidad vino hacia mí dentro de la casa, así que tengo que cerrarla, venir hacia ti, se fue entre mis piernas, sí, cuando estás saltando no puedo creer que no puedas saltar tan alto si no tan alto en mi vejez mírame soy como un saltador alto en los juegos olímpicos cuando se trata de un gran esa serpiente era enorme no tiene que haber nada si pero todavía era una gran serpiente cuando la miras hacia abajo y va entre tus pies , es una gran serpiente ke y yo aterrizamos en el concreto duro en mi bot, pero lo hice fue bastante doloroso como pantalones apestosos no puedo creer que me encerraste no cerré la puerta acabo de cerrar la puerta todavía puedes entrar si estás sobreviví bien, estaré sobreviviendo bien, ¿cómo es que este no se enciende? ah, mi computadora no es buena, por supuesto, no es buena. Hay una serpiente que estaba enojada en la puerta de mi casa ayer. Spidey acaba de tener una experiencia con la serpiente ayer, ¿verdad? sé qué tipo de serpiente era spidey bueno, tenemos más para el oh, espera, así que spidey te está dando un consejo por cierto uh pantalones apestosos creo que los pantalones apestosos deberían plantar tomates para que el dragón se fortalezca si no funciona entonces creo que necesitas comprar algún tipo de casa usando monedas tienes esa casa usando monedas no entiendo eso o plantar tomates primero no sabía que los dragones comían tomates el trabajo está bien está bien por qué terminar el trabajo y entonces hay un apretón para meterse debajo de la cosa porque estaba rodeada de hormigón excitado Hice un pequeño agujero por el que me arrastré y me volteé de espaldas para llegar a la cima y luego escuché que me encanta el hecho de que tienes que sentarte allí y escribir, así que hay suspenso que se construye en las historias que obtenemos de Spider y pingüino todavía estoy esperando a ver si Spidey puede decirme qué tipo de serpiente era porque tienen peligrosas en otros países también el tuyo es peligroso de donde eres tenemos cobra real oh esa es la vieja cobra rey escupidora la historia no es mía, de mi padre, él tenía una historia de cobra real escupiendo, sí, me dijiste que no sé si era verdad o no porque cuando le preguntamos, dijo: bueno , tienes que embellecer, hacer que la historia sea interesante, eso es lo que significa si tal vez tenga algún elemento de verdad, pero no todo eso es cierto, podría contar un montón de historias de serpientes de australia.Me he encontrado con muchas muchas en mi tiempo aquí y Spidey dice que no, no sabía qué era la serpiente, pero era delgado y más pequeño que el del que hablabas, ¿cuál es el más grande? alguna vez has visto he visto en el alma como la pitón oh sí he tenido fotos con una de esas ventosas son pesadas ¿se envolvieron alrededor de tu cuello ahí no en eso así que no podemos tocarlo es solo en tu conoces la jaula oh ya veo oye tienes fotografías con ¿has visto que he visto una anaconda son enormes sí, hay la más grande más grande que asustada pero la pitón es más agresiva así que no la arruines oh aquí vamos pingüinos es una historia de serpientes sí, mira hacia arriba y al ruido y justo al lado de su oreja se pone tenso y luego mueve lentamente la cabeza para ver una víbora negra y amarilla mirándolo directamente y luego ve la raya amarilla por su cuerpo para que sepa que son venenos, ¿ realmente puedes decir que sí y esto? No puedo decir que ciertas razas de serpientes, dependiendo de los colores que tengan, te permitirán saber lo peligrosas que son, quiero decir, si la serpiente se pone roja. probablemente no querrás acercarte a él si está amarillo , probablemente no quiero ir a cualquier lugar cerca de él rojo, amarillo y naranja, todos esos colores, ¿qué tal el que vive en el desierto y tiene el anillo de la cola que es una serpiente de cascabel y es peligroso y la gente morirá por eso, pero no es como nuestras serpientes donde Creo que todavía tienes un poco de tiempo una vez que te muerde una de esas cosas, sabes que pasará un tiempo antes de que el veneno te afecte, está bien, pero las serpientes aquí pueden matarte bastante rápido si no lo haces. 't si no ir a ver a un médico pronto sabes que es que me han enseñado tipo de forma diferente sobre cómo hacer frente a las mordeduras de serpientes como en mi país cuando yo era joven me dijeron que sabes tratar de atrapar a la serpiente y nos envía para el médico, sí, y ya sabes, trata de detener el sangrado, como poner un torniquete, sí, 20k o algo parecido por encima de la herida, así que evita que pase por el torrente sanguíneo hasta el corazón, ese tipo de cosas, pero cuando estoy aquí, estoy como no mates a la serpiente, no querrías meterte con las huelgas aquí no mata a la serpiente mordida, así que esa es la razón por la que nunca obtuviste el uh chupa la cosa del veneno que era muy viejo Solía ​​decir que en los viejos tiempos, incluso cuando era un niño, ya no hacemos eso, sí, no Haz eso para que lo de tratar de traer al animal venenoso de nuevo es algo del pasado porque cuando crecí solían decir eso sobre arañas y serpientes y arañas si puedes traer el cadáver, entonces el médico sabe cuánto antídoto darte, pero luego le pregunté a mi querido papá y me dijo que no, ya no haces eso. Ellos pueden medir bastante si les dices aproximadamente cuál es el tamaño. También conseguí un cuento de Spidey, la serpiente más grande que viste fue una serpiente amarilla y blanca con ojos rojos en un safari de seis banderas safari de seis banderas como uno de esos parques de safari a los que puedes ir y conducir y ver todos los animales o esperar para la respuesta a eso, así como la historia y los pingüinos aún continúan, ¿te gusta mi historia? mi voz porque lo haré si a ti si te gusta continuaré con eso apestoso lo haré de todos modos y lo haré con la voz de pingüino comencé a moverme y el agujero aguanto comencé para salir del agujero y lo hice o pensé que luego me cortó el brazo y luego lo envolvió mientras sacaba mi brazo y tan pronto como lo hice, bajó la cabeza para morder y agarré su cabeza, Dios mío, es valiente. te gusta ese acento que fue un muy pobre intento de acento inglés, tendremos que ver si a pingüino le gustó . Intentaré hacer una imitación de la apariencia de pingüino. Tenemos dos historias al mismo tiempo . No recuerdo cómo suena Spidey, así que lo haré con una voz de Spidey, que es mi voz, sorprendentemente, un día estaba montando mi bicicleta y luego iba muy rápido y quiero decir, realmente traté de presionar los frenos y se rompió. y estaba tan asustado y luego choqué contra el auto, el auto no se dañó, pero él sí, estoy seguro de que eso también pasaría historias de bicicletas. tengo una historia de bicicletas apestosa mi historia de bicicletas del motociclista no realmente empiezo a andar en bicicleta un poco tarde porque vivo en la ciudad capital y realmente no tienen espacio para que lo haga nuestra casa es como un casa adosada, así que no hay espacio, no hay jardín en absoluto, así que creo que aprendí a andar en bicicleta durante el tiempo que estudié la universidad, pero realmente no andaste en bicicleta cuando eras niño, bueno, si realmente cuentas eso, los reales extra lo hacen. se cuenten Son las ruedas de entrenamiento YEP que todavía se utilicen y cuando era más joven, sí he usado que tenemos la moto, pero en realidad no es demasiado bicicleta es como ¿cómo se llama tetra co lo ah bien que llame por es dos sí derecha probar son tres triciclos y lo que son cuatro quads, bueno, ese es mi punto, tu punto dice exactamente que es apestoso uh, ten paciencia conmigo, estoy haciendo un poco de trabajo de fondo allí y también preparándome para las historias, debo aprender a hablar y escribir al mismo tiempo, ¿no apesta pero sabes cómo andar en moto? bicicleta a otro cancelar me pregunto por qué apareció eso ¿ por qué apareció eso? oh no, es de tu teléfono no, todavía tiene tiempo de espera en este juego, tengo que esperar a que crezca la comida, de lo contrario no puedo alimentar a mi dragón y no puede hacerse más grande y solo mantiene el desvanecimiento en la batalla, es posible que tengamos que cambiar a otro juego en algún momento si toma tanto tiempo, elijo el tipo incorrecto de alimento para cultivar también, este toma como 20 minutos para creciendo Spidey hizo tomates dice sí, pero que fue demasiado tarde ya lo presionó yo ya había presionado que he aprendido a andar en bicicleta en cuatro días dice Spidey estoy bastante seguro de que me llevó mucho más tiempo que lo que Spidey es bastante talento hizo comienzas con las ruedas de entrenamiento como los pantalones apestosos que todavía tienen en una bicicleta y fue entonces cuando comencé a luchar con la serpiente acento agradable tío caniche bien, prueba mi pop si lo hago de nuevo con un acento más elegante, veamos si podemos hacer el de la reina. uno así dice pingüino y fue entonces cuando comencé a luchar con la serpiente mi po p me dijo hace dos años cuando vi a la cobra que se aflojará si le cortas la punta de la cola oh sandra arts and craft está aquí hola ¿cómo estás? recuerdo haber visto tu en realidad acabo de ver su comentario uh en uno de nuestros otros videos, así que no he logrado responder a todos hoy, pero le gritaré a Sandra Arts and Crafts que no has ido y sí, si no has mirado nuestro canal, échale un vistazo a los pingüinos y arañas y todos los demás, me escuchaste en medio de un acento allí también , no sé si fue bueno, tengo que esperar y ver si pingüino dice que tu acento inglés elegante es mucho mejor que el otro, eso es todo lo que puedes do well i did did uh penguins other i thought the other one sounded a bit like penguin yeah okay that was bad nah nah i don't give you a pass for this no pass for that one what no pass for the poshman no didn't i sound like the queen of england not quite oh well prince charles then try harry william so i'd do it ag ain saying he's typing more so i grabbed my pocket knife and pushed my arm on the table and begin cutting it off and once i got it off i did loosen up but also got more aggressive too so i got it off my hand i got it off and my hand was very blue this is not good i mean the accent's great i was about to agree i'm gonna have to give up close but not quite it's still not right you can't even pick the difference between someone from england scotland and ireland scotland is when i don't understand anything you can understand the irish better than the scottish i never have experienced about irish accent but scotland yet you struggled when you were there that's why you ended up eating haggis you wanted something else but they gave you haggis no i asked for it and i even asked for a whiskey good old well hang on it's meant to be irish whiskey not scottish whiskey what's got whiskey irish whiskey's the good stuff scotch whiskey is it wooden scottish have scotch i don't know if that's where sco tch comes from like what what are you talking about well wouldn't the scottish's beverage be scotch i don't know what are you talking about but whiskey is famous for irish whiskey not scottish whiskey they don't like doesn't matter do you like my scottish accent i can do that one no i still can't understand you so you are not like that sorry for that spidey said no training wheels he rides the scooter and he knows a thing or two about skateboards and after that maybe roller skates so my question to spider is do you hang around the skate park if you have one and penguin says i think he's just trying to be polite here accent is um decent uh stink pants please help all right i can't do no more english accents then can't do the scottish one either i'll try your accent how about that stinky we'll give you an aussie oka one i won't do that that's a terrible accent oh come on i like it you like the aussie r cracks in why it's so feral it has a gown see it's funny better than your scottish bet ter than your porsche all right that's enough for the accents well you did some funny ones last week that sounded a little bit racist what but it wasn't because you're allowed to because you're one of them that's how that works isn't it i don't know what works what not that's right get in there and defeat the dragon stinky no i'm gonna be defeat again yeah i told you i need to upgrade them otherwise it's gonna keep dying but do you get points for playing like maybe yeah you might get experience i suppose but so what level happened then you can buy more stuff but then you don't have enough goals it's just go back to the same loophole was at the end of the soundtrack already that was quick you didn't start from the start uh hang on not too sure what's going on here all right we're gonna have to maybe i'll start it from the start again that was short wasn't it stink like you i told you that was also mentioned in the comments section someone said to you hey i'm short too yeah and i said gi rl power to the shorties it's not like you that tall why would you be i suppose if i went to a skate park i'd be embarrassed just because i'd fall off all the time have you ever been to a skate park no i don't play i walk around if you count that and watch other people skate they like to you know the push bite yeah they do it on a bikes they do it on scooters skateboards roller skates all of them push bikes quite popular these days yeah ii think you're very brave to want to use such a big piece of mechanics as opposed to a skateboard because it got the slopes and the this and that yeah but it's easier to maneuver like left right because you got handle here well that's true but you imagine like going up those ramps and things on a bike they even have the electric one so you can actually not walk into work but do that should i tell a story about a friend of mine that stole one of those from work you see you had to buy one because they were saying you need you need one of these electric b ikes to get around the city but no one ever used it so he took it took it home with him never brought it back so well i could say a few things about that work place but i won't uh then oh penguin story is still going so that and i won't do it in the accents anymore saying is no one's impressed then it lunged at me and it missed when i tried again and it uh and i grabbed it and threw it across the field and threw a rock at it after taking off the rocket was looking at me so i put it down and i it's still going did i tell you about the cat story with the snake yeah your cat right hmm deadly brown snake it was poisonous could kill you even if it was only a little baby and i said to my dad well look at the cat playing with that cord there and he took one look and he ran out of the room as fast as he could came back with a hammer and a block of wood and smacked it and i thought it was hilarious dad what are you doing he said that's not a cord son that's brown snake did i tell you what every one was loving loving the cat that night so she knew it too she knew that we were very very happy with what she she had done saved our lives basically good on you cat flame dragon yeah i see penguin's such a kind-hearted guy because after he took care of the snake he went home and buried it in an open field and left an apology note and then when coming back to finish the job i realized the snake was just defending their eggs i'll never forget that day in the end see there you go and then what happened to the snake eggs they i'm hoping that they were removed as well put somewhere or taken care of so to speak you wouldn't want more snakes coming out but i get it sometimes you have to take care of business when it comes to animals either put them out of their misery if they're in pain and suffering and no chance to live or we actually have laws when it comes to say fishing for example if you end up catching aa um exotic no hang on what do you call it like a pest basically by law you're no t allowed to release it again you have to kind of take care of business isn't it and then dangerous things see stinky doesn't like uh hurting anything even spiders and i'm the same i won't hurt spiders unless they're the dangerous ones so you know if we ever see a red back here i'm not gonna let that live just because i don't want stink pants or the kitty cat to get hurt cheers to the cat defender and yes i brought the eggs home and put them on the grave nice one penguin there you go say mama gets to stay with the the babies after all i wonder if you could you eat a snake egg before it's fully developed like when it's first when you first have a snake or is it not like a chicken what do you mean like if you get a snake egg before it's you know you get a chicken egg before it becomes a chicken it's just a normal egg that you can eat yeah but the egg that we eat is never been fertilized but you can can you still do it with a fertilized egg if you get it early enough yeah yep i think so b ut you have to get very early can you do the same thing with the snake egg yeah you can i guess we even eat the ant eggs so what else that's true did i add cement eggs didn't ii don't know didn't we do that no we didn't but uh my sister wanted oh that's right she wanted but we like i'm not sure i can finish that i don't know i'm gonna like it your sister she just ordered anything as long as she doesn't have to pay that's how that works isn't it so you're gonna pay for it oh never mind then that's how it works with your sister i know i hope she hopefully she never listens to this stream she won't talk to me again after that no she will talk to you all right she knows it anyway doesn't she i might have to this thing is not lighting up at all just let me do a bit of a refresh there i'm gonna have to rely on your computer my dog ate a spider once and i never saw it again the end are you talking about the dog or the spider hopefully it was oh the hiccups hopefully was the spider and not the dog what do you say about that stinky hail to the yes oh this is maybe not what it okay where is she i'm going to plant this one a little bit louder there stinky have you got a soft girly voice no except i don't want you to hear except for when you're not in the stream then it's loud and proud isn't it oh spidey's about to fall asleep that's it i've bought him to to sleep already well this game doesn't do much you have to wait for too long so it can be a bit boring yeah that's it it's funnier some of these games you have to wait uh i can't remember who recommended this one but somebody did and it is quite popular so i was struggling to pick a game this morning that's another reason why the streams sound started kind of late so we say good night to the spidey night spidey you have sweet dreams there sunshine aunt stink what is your favorite food it's hard to pick it's so hard to pick you have a bottomless it's too hard to pick because the other thing is like you'll try pretty much anyt hing why don't you like you have no problem trying you kind of have to narrow down a bit okay yeah well you know like i like pizza you talking about junk food i'm saying unless it's something really exotic like maybe some some kind of insect or something no i don't like insect yeah like you won't you won't be that experimental with that sort of thing oh but there is one kind that i don't like eating but pretty much everything else goes right yeah pretty much well kane's still there hang on he's done a water i've got to do a custom emoji there just for cane oh we got a bok choy and a dlg i better do those too we lost one of our channel members though so uh it's gonna take a little bit longer to to uh get another emoji up not surprisingly they they picked a higher tier and cost a lot more money for them each month than the lower tiers than for what we have bad boy says day kane day i say when i was young i like steak a lot i like western steak really mushroom sauce really yeah i'm kind o f meat eater when i was younger that has not changed no no the no you don't know me enough that like real meat eater now it's like half half because it's better because i force you to not true you gotta eat vegetables with your mate stink pants no not true true i ate a lot more veggies because uh when i grow up like during university time my friend introduced me to a vietnamese restaurant where we can get veggies the fresh veggies unlimited and did you eat a lot of the unlimited fresh veggies or you just said where's the mate no i eat a lot i can eat a lot because vietnamese means they got so much so many things that you don't have in english words so i don't know what to call them but that's it so i ate a lot more since then still i want to be like um kind of what do you call it flexitarian where you eat more veggies these new words yeah that come out these days flexitarian doesn't isn't that just omnivore oh yeah i eat anything omnivore oh well they try to eat more veggies but they s till eat meat and pestitarian i want that eat seafood oh yes yep yep but you don't like seafood that's the problem some seafood's okay um like yay what about the live chat's favorite foods what is ca well i'm suspect kane with all of his spamming he's always into the junk food yeah and tapatio how about you tapatio on junk food so you like dang food and tap teal yep i drink a bottle of tapatio right now and what about penguin see penguins the i think the the english are hard done by when they have this reputation you know our english foods nothing special which i don't think is true at all there's good food in england you were in england you had some good food no what no i wasn't in england or no i didn't have good i didn't have good food really no penguin's never going to join a live stream again after that no but i have to clarify that i was stingy when i travel so i don't eat that much i do eat some good food or with friends like when we went to york do you know york yep it's famous for the uh what we call the muffin right is it muffin no not perfect scone scone and tea yep english very famous tea house there in york christmas yorkshire pudding if i'm not mistaken the english invented fish and chips and roasts they're all good i had that too like they got chips and some kind of special sauce whatever i don't know what it's called but i went one to one the of the market and i bought it looks like it's a very popular shop and yeah it's okay but um it's nothing really special unfortunately right penguin says his favorite food is cornbread which i thought was an american thing what is cornbread um like bread made from cornmeal i guess if i'm and i'm not even sure i've ever had it but just based on what i've seen the survivalists do on youtube you mean the corn puff no it's more like you know cornmeal so instead of using flour they use cornmeal so it's like a heavier bread if i'm not mistaken but i could be wrong about that uh and yeah penguin says if you had fish and chips there you go all right yeah i did you love your fish and chips kane says fish is disgusting you he's like me hey i don't know kane you've got to try different kinds of fish you go for the pink meat like salmon and trout salmon and trout delicious and what is another one well i want to say flake but that's a shark not a fish but flake is delicious okay chad is not a fish shark's a shark chuck it's a fish is shark a feature shark's a shark doesn't that look like fish it looks like a fish i don't know in my country we even count whales and dolphins as fish the whales are whale the dolphins are dolphins why is not fitch so penguin says yes his favorite food is american sorry queen there you you have to be more specific what do you like in america he said cornbread that that scene we asked what the favor it was yeah but he said oh she said uh what is it where is it i can't see it anymore yeah favorite food is american no but he didn't actually say like what except that cornbread and cain says yield to the fish head you like fish head soup don't you but i don't eat the head i just eat the soup what about the cheek part well someone can eat it it's not big meat anyway eyeball no it's just good just like when you got uh when you boil this bone boney soup yep it's just the same thing head is got a lot of bones and therefore if they use it for soup it's not like we're eating the hate the gay uh penguins right see he says cod as well cod's a good fish state he also says salmon cotton salmon i'm up with that do not eat canned tuna there might be a parasite in it is that true john west i thought were fairly careful with whatever they they can i'd be a bit worried about generic type products but generally we get the canned salmon not the tuna right gin is not bad mackerel is a good fish we got bought actually if you haven't had mackerel cane try that you got to go for the non-fishy fish yeah you can actually yeah ask me i'm the expert expert of the stink because your stink y fish are stinky red emperor is good blue grenadier is good they're all very light flavored fish they don't have a strong taste to them look for a creature with two little eyes what are you talking about ice well that could be a lot of that's many things including fish that's right including fish including prawn shrimp because you know if we went to america we would have to plan a 12-month holiday so that you can try all of them the wonderful food that they have for those you know amazing sort of junky type food concoctions they come up with but they're not also one is that the reputation of american food yeah that sounds you know not so good something like man versus food and you go and see what he eats you know like a garbage plate or something like this and hot dogs and things because they take it to the next level there you know what i mean what do you mean by next level bigger or taste better well we had good hot dogs here once but when do you ever go and order a hot dog in austr alia where do you even find one if it's not the 7-eleven or the supermarket oh just in front of bunnings or in front of the market that's the you're talking about the charity stuff though the sausage sausage sizzle sausages are different from hot dogs yeah you know the difference between the two same thing no not same thing hot dog is with the buns yeah with the bun and it's all say what do you want to call it pink red looking red or pink but it's sausages yeah frankfurts they're the same as frankfurt is still sausage it's hot dog looking it's just german and it's not even american if you talk about frankfurt i give up without talking oh random's back hello random hey what's happened with the spoiling i keep getting asked to do spoilers and i don't know how to do it i get private messages what's the stream random's retired from being mr spoiler kane's gonna make some coffee sure do a delgana one what's your favorite mini market mine is oh hang on mini mud oh do we have any here mine ju st like many supermarkets mini market say what we would call a convenience store is what i call 7-11 yeah say 7-eleven or convenience i like it in asian because they got so much more function and so much stuff that offer in australia that's not much except the coffee that is so true and they pack so much in into the asian 7-elevens compared to here like we have big 7-elevens that really don't have much in them whereas if you go to the you can go to a small 7-eleven in singapore or thailand or wherever and you'll see that it's jam-packed with products one of the stream mods can be the new spoiler but i'm not saying how that's not not a helpful lay random because no one knows how to do it i asked brighton he said he didn't know how to do it you're the only one that does he hasn't been doing the spoilers for us for the past few weeks which by the way is one of the perks that we offer for channel membership so we should be supplying that so random please you got to educate someone yeah the y teach penguin how to do it his poor doctor teach pedot to do it teach kane he'll learn uh like oh i see he says like 7-eleven my personal is like the mom and dad one that he's in a chain so if you can find a little soup mini mart as as penguin calls it where it's they're the owners and it's not a chain they're the ones i like just because you know it's not like 7-eleven which is everywhere yes i'd appreciate that penguin or get random to teach you because it's like he wants uh power over us doesn't want to teach us anything and randomly if you could teach me why youtube is not working very well on one computer when it's fine on all the rest i'd love to know i want to know how to clean uh an apple computer i know how to do it on a windows one but just not the old apple oh so i'm guessing that england and america probably have quite a few convenience stores we have night owl but that's more of a queensland thing i don't think there's a night owl here no there might be i'd appreciate th at penguin awesome stuff we've covered a wide range of topics at the moment haven't you stink random when why mine's taking so long to update compared to yours that's the problem that i'm having random you are random not put up stink pants that's true there's only one poo dot stink pants or one stink pants and one p dot unless you get impersonation channels in which case there's a good dozen of them at last count some people like the name some people don't they do like oh here come the hiccups again oh my goodness they do like to copy it you're liking this song are you stinky pants no because i'm bored oh ready it's it just takes too long for stuff to update is it a little bit i mean if you play without no audience like with no audience is fine so you can just switch off for a bit and do some other things and come back to it i guess but when you're doing it live you don't have much of a choice do you i might uh i don't know if the clash of clans has finished yet i used all the tax alre ady so oh no penguin's got an impersonation channel that's no good did they copy the everything say penguin plays games as well as the icon because you don't want that we've had poor boba got very freaked out when that happened to her i must admit we were a little bit upset when that happened to us i didn't know what what was going on i equal all of the audience i know that's not good but that'd be fairly typical it's hard this is the thing that i find very very difficult about live streams unless you prepare in advance and have a whole range of topics personally i rely heavily on penguin he keeps the conversation going for me and then the others as well when they actually talk but really penguins pretty much it should be poo dot stink pants and penguin plays games should be the name of the channel isn't it we love the old penguin we missed the old penguin penguin's a flyer not the icon but the name and oh don't tell me you stole your con he or she stole your content or in our case lin ked it to their channel because it's just ridiculous when people do that but we did find ignoring them works very well and they're just looking for attention don't give it to them if you need it reported let me know penguin i'll go and report the the channel because i think it's a silly thing to do and yet i thought might only be children that do it but clearly that didn't happen in our case did it when we had that old lady from england doing our business penguin knows how to fly would you like to do that obviously since that speed suit what do they call it the wing suit i'd love to try that what the one where they spread the they jump off the side of a cliff spread their wings yeah and off they go there's no parachute yeah are they probably that i'd love to i'm not going to but because you'd have to be first of all you'd have to be very experienced parachute at first and then you've got to work your way up to something like that i mean maybe people take it on as a new sport but i can' t see how because you can't um like when you go i don't know what it's like in other countries back in the day you used to be able to parachute on your own for the first time they won't let you do that now okay you go through your little training session on the ground but then when you parachute for the first time in australia you're going to have someone strapped to your back and you're going to do that a few times before you're even allowed to go parachuting on your own right okay and say a wing suit i don't believe you can strap on to somebody else ii would suspect that that would be very difficult to do because it's not like a parachute you know what i mean that's a big balloon thing that you have that you can use well the wing suits just flappy things under the arms they're crazy to watch oh fury saber's here hello how are you it's good to see you how's your week and weekend been so far we've been uh talking on various topics lately haven't we but you you got nothing new there i h ave a close mate named furious i have a partner named furious stink pants furious that's you you're furious most of the time i'm a dragon queen you are a dragon queen we're not talking about the game we're talking about dragon lady that's an insult isn't it oh really i thought that's what they i thought everyone wants to be why would you want to be a dragon ladies you know the game of thrones i've forgotten her name already the blondie do you know the blondie dragon queen oh furious is off to sleep already well thank you for saying hi i'm uh glad that you came and visited if possible just drop a comment somewhere so i can remember to to visit your channel later on because we can't really do it from the live streams now uh and we did start this stream very late so it's probably the worst time for everyone i was thinking because stink pants really shouldn't be streaming at the moment but she's because i harassed there but yeah i was exactly harassed i was thinking of switching to the 11 pm time tonight to do it instead but it would have been a clash of clan stream that's the the go-to one when i've got to do it on my own because it's the only game that i wouldn't have to concentrate on except when you're doing the raids like you you keep winning there are you stinky no keep louie you win in there son that's not me oh another question from penguin stink what did you think of the game of thrones ii haven't watched until the end it's okay have you watched many of the seasons or not really i'm kind of jumping because you yeah you watch a little bit here and you didn't wait for me that's the thing sometimes we we don't wait for each other when we're watching stuff you start binge watching isn't it uh i liked it i don't know why people thought that season seven or whatever it was the last season they were saying it was so bad but you know i haven't read the books either so oh it's just because dragon queen date what's wrong with that unexpected that's it's a twist you gotta have twisties in your life one of my friends said if the dragon queen die i'm gonna quit watching this and yes she died at the end anyway really hang on are you saying that if that that was you or other people my friend oh my god listen what did you say see how much i have to cope up with every day the penguin loves your builder base raids by the way why taking over my phone and doing the builder base raids that's what you do your master builder oh there he is again you better better let me out from a pizza this afternoon looks like they got the cake this is more wait time you have to do stinky um look at his spying on the neighbors here and then there's someone else walking up the driveway that's the other neighbor um maybe you talk too loud i think they already know he's he got to get some binoculars one day and he's a survival item that's my excuse they say if you can use binoculars what is that like this you have one ninja so you can see i've got a magnifying glass that's not real ly a binoculars no i thought you have one and never mind do we um i might mix up with my uncle he has one what does he use them for to spy on the neighbors uh decoration decoration that's an unusual decoration if i do say so what did you oh see i can't rely on my computer what did you think of these starbucks coffee cup in the shot during the episode uh in season seven did you i never saw it in the actual what are you talking about so this was a big huge debacle this was another thing that you know did the rounds on youtube and social media saying see season seven was so bad that they even had a shot in one of the scenes where there was a starbucks coffee cup in the background there's no starbucks in game of thrones it's set in the days of medieval swords and arrows where are you gonna get a starbucks from i thought it was quite quite funny it's like an easter egg if you can spot those things isn't it did you actually see it penguin like in whatever episode it was were you watching it and go hang on there's a starbucks coffee cup sitting right there it'd be like if we had a normal video and did what had the cat in the background say you were doing a music your comparison is just that was pretty bad what what the heck i'm running out of things to say that's what it boils down to just give me a good comparison a good comparison i give up but on the crown members left it out and yeah i saw it so he did say it so that makes me think that penguin's really good observationally some people are some people aren't do you know what i mean like that means that advertisement is not going to be effective because some people tend to even it wasn't product placement they didn't mean for the starbucks coffee cup to be in the shop like when you watch a movie and they go oh drink your coke and then you've got you know coke there is a product placement it wasn't like that some one of the actors what is it like they accidentally left a coffee cup on the set and then filmed it oh just l ike the what is it uh that was one brad pitt movie troy that they accidentally filmed the jet or the airplane on the sky really yeah i didn't know about that one gonna have to watch troy again no i don't want to watch that again see penguin saw it out in the corner of his eye i've got a little baby bird story for that driving along at 100 kilometers an hour with a mate uh no it wasn't a mate of mine but he didn't tell me about it sorry stinky you was an ex and i pulled over and she's like what are you stopping for and i said there's a bird on the road so i didn't see anything and i gave back a little bit and this tiny little bird didn't even have feathers on it it was a bald bird i'm like well you better take it home and dad said that's not going to survive but then he called some friends and they gave us some bird feeding stuff and it did it survived i wish i'd kept that thing i still feel bad to this day it bonded with me and the the ex at the time said no we gotta give it to animal welfare shelter whatever you're not supposed to keep these things he was so upset when i put him in the box or she you don't even know and penguin has heard of that too with the troy i didn't know that one hmm just google image it will come up i gotta see the film see if i can be as observant as as penguin see what have you seen in the background there no way you don't think that's possible i don't think that's not possible for you not possible for you well i've got to say glasses these days probably going to be necessary soon do you find it hard seeing things without the old magnifying glass yay we're getting another story from penguin in a minute i heard about that too we'll have to pick a more action-packed game next time hopefully a popular one but this one is popular and i have noticed some of the ones that um i like this do you get a lot of views okay i don't know if it's because of your entertainment your game play or your commentary it might be that but we might also cut this o ne a bit shorter today because i don't even know how long this stream is going for yours hasn't updated and mine's not updating either what are you talking about it's update it's not this is three minutes if you've been streaming for three minutes yeah but this one me oh that's where you look that's what you're telling me of course look at you observing yourself aren't you stinky that's what we're saying you got any jokes for me or you don't i'm no joke i'm serious person you're a serious person aren't you oh dear afternoon nap it's getting to the point where old grandpa's gotta take it it's not gonna be uncle stink pants anymore it's grandpa stink pants marks yeah that's it know your name ah it's like the early days of the channel isn't it getting the names wrong what's your name what's your name peter so it's my first basketball basketball story again we like those first basketball game and it was 10 at night and we saw a bunch of geese flying low on that night so we laugh it off and then a bunch fly right in front of the car so we have a look i'm guessing penguin's probably not bad at basketball he's like six foot something he's a tall guy for a young fella i wish he could you know trade trade bodies for bodies i say i'll give you some of my fat if you give me some of your heart who gonna deal with that or in skinny people skinny people who want to bulk up a bit want the muscle not the fat yeah well i'll give you my fat and then you convert it to muscle how can you convert fat to muscle no it's different molecules structure if you do the fat let's say you do the uh like a plastic surgery thing you inject the fat where the muscle should be so at least it looks kind of muscly what well you got a guy with no you got a guy with no pecs and you inject a bit of a bit of flab there then it'll look like oh it's going to look like girl balls man boobs can i look like my chest you know what you're saying if you uh maybe nah but i don't think they want others you know i hav e heard from my nursing friend who work in like um what do you call it like cosmetic kind of surgery i think so they can actually pull the fat from maybe your your fat belly or your booties and then they gone through some process and then you inject it back to your own body but different parts like boobs if you want bigger boobs yeah but the the thing with breasts is that that is fat yeah that's why i'm saying you inject fat in the way you want fat where you want fat not where you want muscle it's different thing yes so there you go i'll trade i just gotta find like a female basketball player that wants big booty you'll miss one point they actually got it from themselves and put in themselves they don't got donation from you if it's a skinny tall skinny female basketball player that wants more booty then they've got to get fat from me and i'll trade it for their height how about that if they're a basketball they're not going to trade with the height that's what they need it's just a ta ll skinny girl that wishes they're a little bit shorter i've met women like that before huh a lot of women that are over six foot don't like the fact that they're over six foot really yeah they can be a mordell yeah well that's true too no denying that and these days men are getting taller anyway or everyone's getting taller except me but uh no i've met a few girls that they're very self-conscious at the fact that i think once you get over about five foot nine they start to get a little bit self-conscious okay but it really does depend on on the individual i mean if you're comfortable in your own skin you don't care but i was out one night in a bar and this girl who was tall as my mate you know who i'm talking about yeah she i think she was his height oh okay and she started complaining to me that some guy was insulting her like how's the weather up there those kind of jokes yeah just ignore that garbage no i'm not gonna ignore if i were her i'm gonna say it better than yours shorty th at's what you say you throw it right back where you got small man's complex got smc have you anyway one of these days someone listens to our streams and be like what are these guys on about uh so karen we look at each other and then i look right back at the moment and then we hit a goose and it broke my windshield so me and my mate furious get out of the car and go and check on the goose and it's i'm guessing probably didn't survive that but we'll find out and then that's a bit like fresh raid kill really you could eat it i'd do that you might in the survival i will but if you don't know what it dies yeah it hit your windshield so i'm not saying something that's bit rotten on the side of the road that's you know probably clearly being hit by a car but you don't necessarily know i'm talking about something that actually hit your car okay and then you know well it's you know just died then and there um i wouldn't mind trying a bit of raid kill uh i'm not going to read that out loud last logical thing we put it in the car went to the game and it was a good game too but there's still more to go there would you eat road killed yeah depends i would wouldn't yeah yeah so i've always know oh gaming gaming plus is here as well hello how are you thank you for dropping a like uh if at all possible just leave a comment somewhere so i can remember to get back to your channel on uh on another video i don't say that much these days it's getting much much harder to support other channels but we try don't we and creativos is here as well great live look at it we've got some of the the loyal supporters uh are in the stream for i believe the first time well they the old uncle pudot's memory is not great these days he struggles to remember anything not like you stinky look are you gay a winner no i'm sure i just very quickly dropped by i'm getting nothing else from them how have your weeks been we'll see if they respond to that you look like you almost destroyed that enemy dragon there stink you did winner ah there you go so yeah this uh i can't remember who recommended this game gaming plus tv but it's a fun little game to play apparently very popular uh free to download so i don't know if you know that about our channel but just about every game you see on it is free to play and download so if you like any of the ones you see go for it we also like playing with people live and this is a multiplayer game but i don't know if stink pants have you reached the level where you can do multiplayer yet i don't think so and we still haven't found someone that actually uh still has the game they played it previously but i haven't played it since isn't it no response from the stinky with that one so shout out the gaming plus tv and shout out to create devos well we've still got more story from penguin we forgot about the goose and then we smelled some oh gee smelled something weird and we decided to pull over and put a towel over it oh i'm struggling to read that on your scre en because it's safe far away put it in the car and they're ready for the game i don't know that's not what uploading either yeah with a victory for the king's end and bowen shield gaming plus tv i haven't seen that emoji before and for the life of me i don't know why this won't update and will it do it on your computer there you go it did work on your computer sort of and put an extra two there nice one it doesn't show up on mine at all it's crazy what games do you like playing gaming plus tv although i'm sure i've seen a few on their channel as well oh there you go we've got the water water from penguin we got the dlg from penguin there we go you get the water in the dlg put water all over you stinky you need a shower hey what are you talking about stink breath that's what i say about that oh look at you guys stinky are you women no still not it looked like you destroyed that dragon there is they're about to do it to you are you looking at the wrong side probably you're on the left h and side aren't you yeah see you're fine when you die already oh and he's still got one left after that one uh-huh oh dear stinky's at it again you're gonna struggle aren't you mostly pc xbox and ps4 games says gaming plus see we don't we don't even have an xbox i don't know how to uh install or play pc games yet and the ps4 don't tell me that you play diablo 2 that's pc game even on this computer we don't have any games on these computers you don't want it to be even more lagging right yeah don't want it any more lagging than it already is and what kind of games do you like on the pc xbox and ps4 halo and cod and diablo that'd be my favorites are you in instinct no but i have an ipad so i play some free to play games there you go and is there a particular genre that's your favorite like uh so i'm slowly learning fps do you know what that means stinky no first person shooter so that's like the the cod call of duty my number one favorite yeah yours are what cooking games is that your fa vorite stinky cooking yeah that's one of it i think i don't know what else and they've got adventure games they've got strategy games which is clash of clans i like farming game like the farmweek farming games we are the champions again from the penguin you're gonna sing sing the line there stinky uh i keep losing i don't have more daughter she doesn't feel like she can sing where are the champions when she keeps losing rp ak say fps there you go adventure games role playing games rpgs there you go i know rpg as well oh yeah frames per second that's right it does mean that too because that's important in in a lot of these modern competitive games did you know that huh in fortnite they're always talking about fps frames per second which also happens to be a first person shooter game okay so it's like fps squared and what are the favorites of those type of games because you know you got genres within genres there although i have noticed with the at least the mobile versions they all tend to be the same when it comes to first person shooter after a while they've got the the same sort of feel to them don't they unless it's real weapons as opposed to made up weapons penguin i reckon he likes the anime games japanese story games he does a good japanese girl accent did you know that no i tried to get him to do one he wouldn't yeah then how do you know that he's good you're a liar i pretend i pretend i can hear his accents in in my head hey you you never try to do an accent do you stinky see that's a japanese girl's accent nice one you did well i'm better with the harsh one yes you are because your voice is normally harsh isn't it dragon lady again it looks like a bit of time waiting there is it and how long well the food that i can grow is every five minutes and then i can feed the dragon just once and i need to feed maybe more than four to make it upgrade so so you still have to wait how long before you can do anything now well it's like i can't always play battle but it' s just not when you need to play battle lair stinky how about you do it well i'm not the dragon lady though shouldn't the dragon play the dragon as opposed to someone like me he can't no dragons here i'm like a cute little fluffy puppy all right well i say maybe give it one or two more you're gonna be sandburner say yeah well that's true isn't it i wouldn't mind the saint bernard do you reckon we could have one it'll be bigger than you i don't want sunburn because they drooling a lot they do draw a bit but you could put a little uh rum canister under its neck so you've always got your drinks your little apteriffs at the end of the night that you like having your little cocktails huh what are you talking about oh we're getting asked again how did we get the pedot stink pants uh this is you delay the answer for aj i have because i want the animators to do the cartoon for us so we can have it in story form or that other thing that i've been keeping as a surprise for the dlg which is the a nimator even worked on it since i last met with her probably not because we were going to do the whole story in that thing isn't it she said she was going to have it done by my birthday so she doesn't have much longer to go is that you might have to remind her that we do we will tell the story one day penguin but we actually have plans on how to do it it was either going to be a cartoon or this other special surprise that i can't say anything about because it hasn't been finished yet still waiting on that one i say use adobe flash to make it could you do that i can't i don't know how to do it yeah i don't think i'd be any good at adobe flash either really i think our animator can do that and we don't have the program anyway so why hasn't our animator done that that's what i'd be asking where's the old animator oh did you just hiccup yourself for the first time yeah you've been doing too much talking in this stream stinky i don't think so but anyway i don't think so either more commenta ry from the stinky we might even end this is not that much longer to go but you know if you if you've got no action i don't know what to do you had enough i can do one more here but i don't think i'm gonna pass this line they're getting harder i have faith in your gaming abilities yeah you're a gaming queen stinky it's true you know play these games for the first time you don't even know what the game is you do quite well couldn't say i could do that and i just died here i was giving you these great compliments trying to boost your confidence there trying to let everyone know how good you are and then what happens it ends she is getting tired aren't you stinky i say it's pizza time pizza with some of the favorite stuff that's been mentioned uh uncle peter midweek stream penguin unless i can fix this stuff with a computer i'll tell you it seems we're gonna wind up exactly what's been happening for for whatever reason uh youtube on the computer that i work on has been ridiculously slow a nd constantly has to refresh and reload for things to happen and so when i try to do the the whole comment stuff what would normally take a day takes two days or three days even and the other thing is we've been getting so much traffic or or people that are looking for support i guess that basically once i've once we complete this stream there's work that i've got to do before the stream then we do the stream then there's work i've got to do after the stream and then that's when i try to catch up on comments as well and it takes the whole week to do it like i stayed up pretty late last night again just to clear everything up until yesterday so the midweek streams are harder if you have twitch uh what i can do is do a twitch stream midweek because that's not that big of a deal and there's no really there's no work that i do for that i think we've only ever streamed one game there once maybe twice so help me yeah you weren't there it was a friend of mine wasn't it so again i'm not sure o h and the other thing i'll say penguin and i guess it doesn't matter that i'm telling the the live chat this at this late stage we were planning on putting up a couple of members only uh videos just as another way to say thank you and i've been meaning to do that for what a month now is it stinky and i never have the time to do it like i just don't have the time to do anything it's just all about comments lately that's pretty much all it's been just to try and clear all of that so yeah apologies i know i do keep saying it but it's just getting the the workload is just getting more and more and it's not the stuff that i really want to do but i guess that's part of growing your channel isn't it what do you say stink you're gonna help out no you're just all about the game and congratulations aunt stink says the penguin for what we love the penguin we might have to do something now and also keep it quiet say that because i don't think baby's here now anymore but i wanted to do this last st ream say because he's been so good and he's turned up every single stream and he stays for the whole thing keeps me entertained at the end i'm just going to do that so it's been done but he's got to keep it quiet let's see if he says anything else after this because he's not going to know until he types something or he'll have to type something on your computer what what's going on you'll see we'll see if he says anything else there you go he deserves it i don't know what you did he's a motor rider oh anybody good one i'm i was waiting i was actually waiting the last stream to do it in the hope that uh because there's there's some other people that turn up as well but they don't stay for the whole thing like penguin does you know yep true so he kind of deserves it more isn't it sure but then others will be like hey how did you get it but because it's just penguin it's kind of intimate at the moment is what i feel okay i feel like it's an intimate stream towards the end here should we l ight some candles huh they're not gonna see it let's pretend though ah you're funny well i say that's close enough isn't it well we'll uh finish this one just before the two hour mark there's only 10 minutes to go all right so penguin no thank you like without you they wouldn't be as entertaining let's face it because i think uh unless we change the time we might have to start even earlier or something you know because it gets very late now that there's no daylight savings it's even later for the americans and i guess it's pretty late for penguin as well so even that make worse like with daylight serving it's gonna make even worse no because it's one more hour different yeah but that's for our side of the world so in a way it's better for them i think anyway i don't quote me on that called you on that but the honor is ours uh penguin i should have really done it ages ago but like i said i've got to be balance it out a little bit really isn't it but i'm kind of relying on penguin at thi s point to assist us more because some of the other guys don't show up as often as as they did before which is fine we get it people have busy lives they may just like you stinky all right so thank you for joining us you're done there stink are you going for one more round i don't think i can i don't have dragon to put in in this slot uh checking dragon book what can i do nothing nothing no that's it alright so have a fantastic weekend sorry this one uh may not have been as entertaining as other streams it certainly had a little bit of delay in between being able to do things during the game penguin's a champion you are the champion oh my goodness you did it penguin the champion good stuff stinky pizza time all right thank you everyone i'll see you next week all right take care bye

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