Digital Marketing Strategies For Beginners | Tips \u0026 Tools for Success

Digital Marketing Strategies For Beginners | Tips \u0026 Tools for Success

- Wait, hold on, hold on, hold up. It's 2022, and you're stillrunning marketing campaigns without having a digitalmarketing strategy? Do you also start driving without putting thedestination into your GPS? What's up? It's Jamal. Welcome back to the channel. In this video, I'm gonnaexplain the importance of creating a digital marketing strategy before you post your first tweet, hit "send" on your first email, or buy your first online app. And I'm gonna give you a full stack of free tools that you can use to build a digitalmarketing strategy today that will help you gain customers and drive sales for the whole year. That's right, a whole yearof driving with your GPS on. Can you imagine? You're welcome. So, get ready to downloadsome excellent free tools from the description below, and while you're down there, be sure to hit the Subscribe button and ring that notification bell. All right. So, the first thing I wannaexplain is the difference between marketing strategyand marketing tactics. HubSpot defines strategy as "long term, broad goals that a business wants to achieve," and tactics are "short-termsteps and actions that should be taken toachieve the goals described in the strategic plan." If you've been watching videoson this and other channels, you've probably picked up a lotof tactics that you can use, but unless you're applying those tactics to a sound strategy, your effortsare likely to go to waste. One example. Well, remember Burger King's creepy king? It had all the making of asuccessful marketing campaign. Almost. The memorable ads wereall over social media, earning likes and driving engagement. What it didn't do was drivecustomers to the drive-through, because while the Kingcampaign was winning awards, Burger King was losingmarket share to Mickey D's. The campaign's tactics were successful but the overall strategyof making customers crave burgers didn't performas well as they'd hoped. If you don't wanna make the same mistake, you have to build adigital marketing strategy, and the best way to get started, and I think you knowwhere I'm going with this, is to download our first free tool, HubSpot's free Marketing Plan Template. You can download it from the description below. The template will help you build an effective digitalmarketing strategy, step by step. (clicking) You know what I'm saying? And now I'm gonna highlight some of the most importantquestions you'll need to answer when building your strategy. The first is creating buyer personas. HubSpot defines a buyerpersona as "a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buyer based on data interviewsand some educated guesses." Had Burger King done betterresearch into buyer personas, it might have realizedtheir ideal demographic wasn't the type of young, ironic hipster their ads was clearly targeted to, but perhaps, rather, families who were looking for quickand satisfying meals. So you have to do your research, either by interviewing current customers, analyzing demographic data in your CRM, or even just talking to your employees, who engage directly with customers. You can also create personas of customers you would like to appeal to in the future, but this is often moredifficult to achieve and should only be attempted once you're hitting goalsfor existing buyer personas. I know what you're thinking to yourself. Jamal, I want to be eager. I wanna get ahead ofthe curve on this one. Well, don't curve yourself out of the game. What? You get what I'm saying. To make the process easier,HubSpot created a free online "Make My Persona" toolthat will help you outline much of the relevant info you need to make buyer personasthat work for any business. It's kind of magical, frankly. You'll find a link inthe description below. Your buyers aren't the only thing you'll want to analyze when building a digitalmarketing strategy. You also, and keep this in mind, wanna look at what yourcompetitors are doing for clues as to what works, but you gotta know what to look for, and don't just blindly follow trends. 'Cause you're gonna be caught looking like a rapscallion,a real scoundrel, a real ne'er-do-well. When Nesquik declaredSeptember 16th, 2013, to be National Bunny Ears Day, funny photo filters were all the rage, but despite a high-profile partnership with the Today Show, the hashtag failed to get any traction on social media. Had Nesquik looked atother bunny-flavored ads, like the Cadbury CremeEggs' clucking rabbit, they might have noticed that the most successfulbig-eared campaigns happen around Easter. Folks just aren't checkingfor rabbits in September, unless it's the Energizer rabbit, and that keeps people going. You know what I'm saying? If you want to conducta competitive analysis, well, good news. I have another free tool you can use. HubSpot has a freeCompetitive Analysis Kit with 10 differenttemplates that you can use depending on your business goals. You can find the download link... You already know. You're now getting close tocreating awesome campaigns that will wow the right buyers. All that's left to do is specify the best platforms andtools you want to use to reach the right customers. But in case you haven't noticed, there are dozens of marketing platforms you can use to spread your message and hundreds of toolsto make your messaging more efficient and effective. To help you sort through the options, HubSpot has a number of blog posts that outline the best tools for each job. We even have a post dedicatedto free tools you can use if you're working with a limited budget. You where those links are. At minimum, all right, the absolutely, theabsolute embarrassed bones, you're probably gonna needa project management tool, a social media marketing tool,an online advertising tool, a lead capturing tool, and a CRM tool to keep trackof all of that goodness. Fortunately, and you arequite fortunate for this, the free version ofHubSpot's Marketing Hub can do all of this and more, but even if you have a CRM tool, check out the links in the description to find plenty of other tools to make your marketing tasks way easier. (upbeat music) - Our software is the worst. - Have you heard of HubSpot? See, most CRMs are acobbled-together mess, but HubSpot is easy to adoptand actually looks gorgeous. - I think I love our new CRM. - Our software is the best. - [Narrator] HubSpot. Grow better. - The truth is, there's no one single way to effectively marketa product or service. Creating an effectivedigital marketing campaign is as much as an art as it is a science. So get out your easel and your test tubes. Do 'em both at the sametime. Maybe combine 'em. Maybe that's what weneed for good strategy. But knowing what it isyou're trying to solve for before you go out and starttesting marketing tactics will save you lots oftime and energy in... ("puffing") the long run. That's why the freeMarketing Plan template we've also been talking about also helps you clarify your business goals so that every ounce ofeffort you put into marketing feeds into your bottom line. You can spend days, weeks, even months mastering your digital marketing strategy before it's ready to be deployed, but eventually, you'll have tostart executing the strategy by building compelling content, putting it out online andanalyzing the results. So even though this isn't technically part of building a digital marketing strategy, there's one more free toolI want to tell you about for when you're readyto take the next steps. HubSpot's free UltimateGuide to Content Creation has over 150 templates, 150, that's madness, for building everything from blog posts and infographics toPowerPoints and press releases. But remember that even thebest content only works if it's supporting a smartdigital marketing strategy. If you're ready to divedeeper into all things online, you can head over to HubSpot Academy and take our digitalmarketing certification course and check out this channel'sdigital marketing playlist for videos that focus on all the platforms you need to successfully execute your digital marketing strategy. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna be taking a few steps myself. I'm gonna be looking like... Theresa May walking down,walking down the aisle. You know what I'm saying? Towards my big digitalstrategy breakthrough. You'll see me out there. And I'll see you as well. See you next time. Heading out. (Jamal making silly mouth noises) Hm. Okay.

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